By Jo Nova
Those who own and control the “public town square” control the conversation
You may have seen the spooky opening video compilation before (where all the newsreading clones read the same script) but this is a neat compilation of speeches and even snippets from “Network” a movie from 1976.
The clones warn that fake news on social media is a threat to democracy. The truth, of course, is that real news on social media threatens the mind control of the corporate media cartels.
h/t Raven.
Sharyl Attkisson talks about Astroturfing and the creation of the illusion of a grassroots movement that barely exists. Her Ted talk: Astroturf, Propaganda, and Media Manipulation.
Udo Ulfkotte wrote a book ‘Bought Journalists’ about the way journalists are being controlled by government agencies.
The big questions:
What if the media was just the lobbying agency for bigger profit making ventures? The media’s true goal is not subscription or advertising income, it’s the power to control governments and the narrative to make money for all their other parasitic operations, like unreliable energy generators, useless pharmaceuticals and carbon markets that won’t solve problems that don’t exist.
What looks, acts and smells like a Global News Cartel and just got hit by an Antitrust lawsuit…
Imagine if the media and tech giants of the world banded together behind-the-scenes to rule certain stories were “misinformation” and all their agencies thus reported the same “news”?
The real free press are the bloggers now
The big threat to the legacy media and corruptocrats everywhere was the rise of the independent bloggers and influencers who could easily outscore the boring media bloc that repeated the same tedious lies. Ten years ago an army of blogs like this were growing every year and getting front page in many searches..
Can anyone still pretend the Media are not a wing of the Democrats?
Polls show as many as two out of three Democrats voters still trust the media, while barely 1 in 6 Republicans do. If the media were not so nakedly biased, those statistics wouldn’t be so skewed.
Teach the children.
Operation Mockingbird
Look at what happens when you search for a media subject.
A dozen, two dozen, three dozen different tabloids… and they all report the same.. It is the exact wording.
It’s just cut and paste on an industrial level.
I know that when my employers’ “media section”, sends out a “media release”, it will be quoted in full and published by the msm as a fact, with no questions asked by any reporting journalist.
Three dozen tabloids and you may get 36 different “reporters” putting their name to the same exact prose.
Sadly too many don’t investigate. They just parrot the narrative.
…and that is despite not knowing if what they are told is true, factual or not.
“not knowing if what they are told is true, factual or not.”
Which is exactly why modern day journalists and presenters could easily be replaced by A-non-I like chatgpt.
Mindless regurgitation that even a Norwegian Blue parrot could do.
There is plenty of this kind of article dispersed thru the media that does not parrot the official storyline:
There aren’t “plenty.” There are some, and perhaps a lot fewer than there were, at least judging by internet search standards. And THAT’s important, because even if they exist, if they don’t turn up in your search results, their messages are muted. It’s as if they don’t exist.
In my experience, if I didn’t know about those outlets already, I would not likely find them now. New internet users will be unaware, because a search engine filter excludes them, and remain ignorant through no fault of their own.
So, yes, there are some good ones out there, but good luck to first time users finding them.
Need a great example of precisely how corrupt the media (and the politicians) are, Tommy Robinson’s ‘Silenced’ is out on Rumble. He will probably get jailed for this being out. I’m half way through, and it’s stunning.
When we talk about media corruption it surely is biased against governments or political parties that are promoting individual freedoms and small government. Russia doesn’t want to play the game and is a prime example of manipulation in the western media sold to its largely ignorant population. The notion of world government may appeal to many but it frightens me.
It’s shocking how they’ve persecuted and prosecuted Tommy Robinson. It’s caused a break up of his marriage, threats to his wife and children, him being bankrupt and jailed, and now he has left Once Great Britain, probably never to return. All because of his opinions on certain subjects such as the UK “grooming gangs” which authorities refused to prosecute for many years and still do to a significant extent.
Excellent video.
Thanks, Janet.
It is highly likely that most folks do not want “information” … they’d far rather “entertainment”.
Which is exactly what “mass media” has become – advertising wrapped with a little story as bait.
The real sad part in Oz is that we have mostly folks who vote for a living and the media business model has locked on to that.
And that because the ABC is free (no cost to consume), it’s the only “source” for poorer folks.
All good except for the bit about the ABC,
ABC: Not free. Not the only media which cost nothing to consume and not the main entertainment for “poorer folks”.
THEIR ABC costs WE the PEOPLE 1.4 BILLION dollars a year.It is NOT FREE.
Yes, it costs nothing if you don’t have a job.
And, the goto source of state sanctioned propaganda in the UK is the BBC, which is funded by a mandatory tax. How perverse is that ? We have to pay to be lied to.
And, BBC staff are embedded in most local media outlets so that all media sings from the same hymn sheet. And, the BBC is active internationally with the MI6, CIA and others spreading their BS to ‘enemy’ states.
“Teach the children”
Their parents hell.
Indeed, I’ve said this manys a time before: goes back, maybe to the Iraq War, even. Not just the headlines, but the Gestures…. do ppl really like being pointed at ? and so on… just watch those hands “air of authority” if I remember form some course I attended. Huh, not my style, prefer the innocent vernacular: Can’t help it that I come from Nigg in Er Ross and that is what they called us. we laughed – in our innocence. Still bugs me, even on this hosted site ( obeying the rules!
In UK we got introduced by those who played with TVs to learn to search for more channels – RT: what a great breath of fresh air that was. Look at the world stage, watch & listen , my mother always said: no need to join in the conversation ( of intellectuals) and what was the Chinese Phrase / proverb about opening your mouth to confirm something… Just confirms my thoughts on many of those who do.
Here’s something we fell over this morning on the sidebar, whilst researching a student project on Tractor transmissions, of all things ( you think U-toob is innocent ? ) Sound or look familiar ?
Mainstream media is now the backwater. We are the news.
Perhaps my local experience says it all about the dying media. I live in a rural area, “in the middle of no where”. However I am surrounded by 7 towns from a few thousand to 50 thousand ranging from 18 to 28 kilometers away.
A couple of years ago there were 8 news agents in these towns, today only 3 are still open.
Is anyone still buying papers or magazines?
Search engines like Goolag also show a strong Leftist bias in search results. The results are carefully altered to suit the required Official Narrative that is to be satisfied, whether it be about suppposed anthropogenic global warming, covid, the Hunter Biden laptop or anything else.
Unfortunately a vast majority of people think the results they get from Goolag are honest and impartial.
I think maybe it’s post or ‘trans’
ideological Capitalism.
The eternal battle for stuff.
‘Woke’ is the post-ideological ideology.
No more Stars and Stripes, no more Hammer and Sickle.
Unite beneath the Rainbow.
To save “Our Democracy” … harr, gag.
The Eagle and the Dragon made a deal, and the Bear is mad.
(Funny, the Bear stopped being ideological, but still the didn’t get accepted to the country club.)
It is a bit weird how the Davos brunch clutch kinda pretends that Africa, the Levant, and Transoxiana aren’t there.
Except useful as vax and ordinance testing grounds.
My guess is that the Silk Road peoples aren’t gonna warm up to the Rainbow coalition.
NYC, London, Paris, are rapidly dissipating … Dubai not, at least from what I can see.
Route 66 is perhaps being paved across a different desert.
With different kicks.
This is the way Capitalism ends.
Not with a Gipper but with a Joe don’t kid the kidder.
It’s also a global cartel. Just look at how our own ABC falls into line and parrots the same propaganda as their Democrat aligned masters, especially with the big ticket fake news items, such as the HB laptop, COVID origins, vaccine efficacy and Trump’s Russian collusion hoax. This is more than just about the money, it’s about an Orwellian agenda to grad absolute power and control. Just look at Paul Bongiorno’s latest tweet “Without elites in every walk of life this nation would be nothing more than a pathetic underperforming trash heap”. And the unavoidable irony is that the elites are the ones shutting down our energy systems, shutting down agriculture and industry and trying to send us back to the stone age. Even the constitution is under attack with their attempt to transfer power to an unelected group of radical elites. What people like Paul Bongiorno fail to comprehend is that people living in a democracy want to have their say as an individual and they don’t want a small group of unelected radicalised people with useless Arts Degrees telling us what we can say, do and think.
A Spoonerist agenda perhaps- main-stream media became strain-meme.
At least everyone’s on the same page.
Thanks, I’m in the Poconos all next week.
Remember to tip your hostess.
Thanks for the reminder.
“Our Democracy” = The Swamp.
Fortunately your Founding Fathers gave you the right, the means, and as John Locke saw it, the duty, to overthrow a corrupt government no longer following your Constitution or other laws.
The question is, will America get that bad that it’s necessary and will another 3% (perhaps more) of the population be motivated to do something about it as in the First American Revolution?
David? “will America get that bad”
Isn’t it there already?
Seems and additional 141 million followers saw this same type of post yesterday too.
It would be a perfect fit, but the group name Nsync has already been taken.
How about ‘Borg’?
Too ‘fictional’?
In today’s world, nothing is too bizarre to be considered “too fictional”.
Borg is already taken too!>
Just sayin>
Do not forget the Banksters and Military Industrial Complex BOUGHT the news media in 1915 just two years after the USA was saddled with the Federal Reserve Act.
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors
What is interesting is the history of Samuel Prescott Bush, founder of the Bush Dynasty during this time period. Sam, after graduating from the Stevens Institute of Technology in 1884 landed a job in the railroad industry. From there he moved to Buckeye Steel Castings Company as General manager. It was controlled by Frank Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller. Frank Rockefeller was president of Buckeye Steel from 1905-1908, followed by Sam from 1908-1927.
Sam also served on the Board of Directors for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and helped found the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (the Chamber of Commerce targeted the Tea Party for destruction BTW.)
During World War I, Buckeye Steel produced gun barrels and shell casings, and Sam Bush became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board.
There is a lot more history that I have written about dealing with banks and war but I will leave it at that.
Here is a slightly different aspect of media control:
On a cell phone, if you type the word “cake” an emoji of a cute cake appears as a suggestion. About 7 years ago a simple representation of a hand gun was removed and replaced with a lime-green water shooter-thing on the iPhone.
Kids had “cap guns” in the 1950s, in the USA. An image search for ‘cap gun 1950s’ will show the thing I mean and some of the images show the mechanism and rolls of caps.
I don’t think anyone was ever the worse off for being shot with one of these. Now consider spray cans.
Folks inhale fumes from deodorant cans and similar propellants – the activity once called huffing or sniffing is now called chroming. Search for Esra Haynes for an event from AU.
Spray can emojis are next to go.
Maybe media don’t exist anymore, just chatbots. That explains why newspapers are so poorly written lately.
(An observation by my friend Dr. Rohlena)
In earlier times, a serious newspaper had a editorial office looking for quality of articles and that these were error free.
It dawned on me a few years ago that the media were simply left wing activists posing as journalists.
Anyone else notice the plethora of ” opinion pieces ” where we are told what to think?
Max Headroom.
It’s nothing new, as recognised by Motorhead!
FWIW the Greek and German language media run the same rubbish. No doubt many other languages, too. Presumably they just pick up their stories from AP, Reuters etc and just spread that around. Bring on the artificial intelligence to destroy the MSM journalists. They are nothing but parrots.
BBC now has its own misinformation group, called BBC Verify
Run by low-intellect arts/journalist wokesters, they will verify that everything the BBC puts out is misinformation.
A true sceptic would not trust anything, and that would include this post, and this comment.
What logical filter could be used?
It could be that there is no answer to this problem
The answer is not to censor opinions that you disagree with.
Free societies thrive on a plurality of opinions, right or wrong, objectionable or not. You can always counter bad opinions with good opinions.
Leftists are terrified of alternative opinions, hence extensive censorship on all their platforms and search engines.
Jo allows Leftists to speak on this site but conservatives and fellow rational thinkers are banned on your sites. Nothing bad happens as a result of Jo allowing free speech on this site.
What are the Left so scared of?
Leftist censorship is what has destroyed truth.
Leftists see Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four as an instruction manual. It isn’t. It was a warning!
” What logical filter could be used? “
Facts, data, knowledge, being able think rationally for yourself.
Not just regurgitating leftist non-science nonsense.
One day you may get there… but not any time soon.
“What logical filter could be used?”
‘Who benefits from that action’ is the best one. People don’t do things that make them worse off, so events happen to make someone better off. When you think some news item is a bit suspicious, the answer is to find out who had the incentive to do it. Noorde Stream Pipeline would be a classic.
Then as you get older, keep looking back as to how each story turned out. Eventually you realise the mainstream media is full of propaganda, and those ‘conspiracy’ sites were quite correct.
American troops going into Peru right now, obviously the peasants there don’t know their place under the new ‘Pentagon-approved’ President.. Now, is this to help the democracy and security in Peru, or is this to help America get their hands on Peru’s lithium and block China from it?
PF you are playing a word game. Your True Skeptic would be insane. The term skeptic has a specific meaning here and your crazy one is not even close.
With only a handful of exceptions, being a contemporary journalist is one of the most shameful and destructive of professions. They, along with lying politicians and the slave army of useful idiots of the Left, as well as those Elites who tell them what to tbink and do, are responsible for the wilful destruction of Western Civilisation.
They are called ‘The Fourth Estate’, more like fifth columnists.
You may have seen the following video of a US Congresswoman Nancy Mace interrogating pre-Musk Twitter executive Vijaya Garde about her or her staff’s medical expertise about censoring medical experts on Twitter with regard to the covid vaccine disaster.
The fact that it has so (relatively) few views suggests that YouTube/Goolag censors are also shadow banning it.
The Left are terrified of alternative opinions and the plurality of opinions we should have in a supposedly free society. It’s dangerous. How many people unnecessarily died of covid or the vaccines because evidence-based information was censored?
And how many people beyond this blog even heard that a simple measure such as correcting very common vitamin D deficiencies would greatly reduce covid severity and death? Almost no one outside this blog. It wasn’t part of the Official Narrative.
Under 4 mins
Now the clueless loonies are telling us that CC is making headaches worse + more stress, strokes, dementia, Parkinsons etc and I bet most of the loony left will BELIEVE their junk.
But here’s the facts….. in 1950 the life expectancy of Humans was just 45.5 years, yet today it’s 73 + years.
OH and the population in 1950 was under 3 billion and today is over 8 billion, but everyone today has a much increased calorie intake as well, even in poor Africa.
Africa in 1950 had a life expectancy of just 36 years but today 64 yrs.
And the population of Africa in 1950 was just 227 million and today about 1450 million.
When will these left wing loonies start to THINK and stop believing in delusional fantasies?
I’m just waiting for Leftist loonies to blame last night’s earth tremor in Melbourne on “climate change”.
Yes, they really are that stupid.
‘Global warming may not only be causing”
The Grauniad, as per usual, heading off in the complete opposite direction. Maybe that ‘bump’ was Mao Tze Dan falling down some slippery steps again…
There were some very funny comments in response to The Australian’s article re. the earth tremor/earthquake; paywalled I suppose. I jumped out of my skin when it happened; it was as if a vehicle had struck the house, followed by rattling. It was short-lived. We are in Nth Central Vic btw.
My husband slept through it, as he also did when a faulty fire alarm went off right by the open bedroom door! I had to get ear defenders on before I could sort it.
Being a Climate Change Cultist seems to go hand in hand with the lack of the ability for rational thought.
Any attempt could cause them bad headaches and seems to lead to incoherent gibbering.
This could easily be mistaken as a stoke, dementia or Parkinsons.
Here’s OWI Data info on deaths from fires and burns for every country and continent.
Even with the huge increase in population since 1990 the death rates have dropped.
Aussie death rate is at an all time low of about 0.31 per 100,000 people and even lower than NZ or Canada or USA or UK or cold Scandinavian countries.
Our very bad 2009 bushfire year is shown but still just 1 per 100 K.
So how is this possible with their so called dangerous CC and many more BILLIONs of people at risk around the world?
The countries maps are active and you can show a better graph since 1990 by clicking.
Here’s OWI Data global deaths from natural disasters since 1900.
And note the huge drop since 1960 and another 5 billion people in danger around the world today.
Here’s the global deaths from floods per capita since 1900 and very few after 1960 and drought deaths are similar.
This is the most accurate data or deaths per 100,000 people.
AGAIN how is this possible if we have such a dangerous climate?
Will they ever WAKE UP?
Got a transcript somewhere?
Everything has to be looked at through the lens of total world conquering and domination by the feudalists. All the military, economic and cultural wars. This is supra any individual country and the individual countries are being used as tools so what happens to them doesn’t matter as far as the feudalists are concerned.
Udo Ulfkotte wrote a book ‘Bought Journalists’ Published in English as”Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA”ISBN 1-61577-017-8, English translation from the original German.
See also commentary regarding his demise.
Today we’re living in the safest world for about 200 K years, so why do our leftie loonies want to waste endless TRILLIONs $ on their delusional CC fantasy and happily wreck our electricity network as well?
Any ideas from Simon or Leafy or…..?
See my earlier links this morning to OWI Data.
Because destruction is their intention. Moral instinct is being hijacked in that effort as it has extensively been done over the last century wrt the Socialists killing over 140M of their own people in the name of ‘doing the morally right thing’ and massively destroying their own countries in the process.
It is extraordinary to know that we live in high propaganda times. As a kid we used to hear of the Soviets and the Third Reich propaganda, and thought we were free from that. But now, we are actually right in the middle of it. Just extraordinary. But important to remember because it can be easy to forget.
Musk just tweeted the same thing.
“…useless pharmaceuticals and carbon markets that won’t solve problems that don’t exist.”
Yes! And I would just add, “…and couldn’t solve any problem even if it did exist.” …as well as, in addition to “useless,” we should add “extremely harmful,” because I don’t think “useless” conveys the appropriate urgency to bringing a halt to that destructive nonsense.