A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The pause continues.
The current Energy Minister would be very interested…
Haven’t seen a chart like that one before.
Must have been drawn by a qualified nerd.
It does seem to finish up near where it started.
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley.
If you shift the start point back six months to Jan 2014 the UAHv6.0 TLT trend changes to
Start 2014 Trend: 0.056 ±0.435 °C/decade (2σ)
Start 2013 Trend: 0.147 ±0.380 °C/decade (2σ)
Start 2012 Trend: 0.232 ±0.340 °C/decade (2σ)
Start 2011 Trend: 0.285 ±0.299 °C/decade (2σ)
That’s the problem with cherry-picking short time periods, tiny time shifts result in huge changes in trend. For the record, the complete UAHv6.0 TLT trend is: 0.133 ±0.047 °C/decade (2σ)
Thanks for showing that the warming has almost disappeared. Trend is gradually getting less and less !
(Any monkey can play with a trend calculator, but that doesn’t mean they understand what they are doing) 😉
No warming for 8 years 11 months.
And no warming at all except for El Ninos,
Haven’t you figured out yet, that relying on those El Ninos to get a trend, means that you are saying that you KNOW it is not CO2. !
What the Heck is an El Nino and why is it excluded?
They alway looked to me like a “too hard” basket”.
Its excluded because its a natural phenomenon and we are looking for an unnatural CO2 signal.
Accolades will fall to the character who forecasts ENSO behaviour and the mechanisms involved.
So a step increase. Not what you would expect if driven by CO2 levels.
Isn’t that what you have just done?
Its not cherry picked but a very specific calculation based on todays temperature and how far back a negative trend can be discerned. The method you have chosen has no meaning except to create false start and end points. It is the ultimate in cherry picking.
Oh dear. Let’s once again review the escalator:
Once again we have the gross ignorance and denial that El Ninos exist and are the only source of the warming.!
And the child-like images from the anti-scientists at SkS.
At least you didn’t try to pretend that El Ninos are caused by CO2 😉
You obviously didn’t read the accompanying text. It said:
Basically, if you just do a plot of La Nina or of just ElNino years you get a steady increase over time showing that the El Ninos are not the only source of warming.
For example
Except they are using “adjusted” URBAN temperatures, not real global temperatures.
It is so homogenised and averaged and in-filled, all they have left is a faked linear trend…
… so of course they can’t tell the difference.
UAH clear shows the non- major El Nino years (1980-1997, 2001-2015, having basically zero trends… and 2016-now, actually cooling.
Your comment shows just how ignorant the writers are of the real data, and just how scientifically naive you are, to accept their graph.
They failed to mention the PDO, which is a major player.
You obviously didn’t realise the SkS cartoon is pure fiction.
That’s the problem when you get all your information from a cartoonist site..
You end up being incapable of telling the difference.
” unlike the continuing upward trend caused by global warming from human greenhouse gas emissions.”
There is no continuing upward trend from human greenhouse gases.
That is a manufactured LIE, just for the gullible AGW apostles.
Atmospheric warming has happened ONLY at El Ninos… real atmospheric data shows that to be the reality that the alarmists have to ignore and slither around.
There was no warming from 1980-1997, from 2001-2015 and since the last El Nino, its been cooling… 39 years out of 45 years with NO WARMING.
As Winston Churchill said “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
Please pardon the momentary pause, or hiatus, of ‘Science’ broadcasting while we scramble to contort ad hoc theories to explain how our ‘settled’ science is still settled.
Send money.
Well, more money.
Lots more.
As a matter of fact, just print it.
(We need to see further into the past and blow up even tinier stuff.)
What, you don’t believe in Science?
Plus, we need to create new deadly viruses to be ready to make vaccines to prevent hospitalization caused by deadly viruses.
Did mention, I live right next to a huge Ivory Tower?
It grows ever taller.
I can see the construction cranes from my window.
It’s nice.
The inhabitants behave like frightened kittens.
The village surrounding it contains huge swaths of abandoned houses.
The Tower has guards at 100 yard intervals to protect the kittens from the villagers.
(The guards are minimum wage peasants from the village.)
I can hear their regular testing of their Danger Warning System, which I’m sure makes the kittens feel safe.
Latest temps.
Surely King Charlie Whatshisname, Saviour of the Realm and Inheritor of All Op!um Wars, will cancel his Big Day Out to, I don’t know, ‘lower emissions’, due to that almost 1/5th of a degree Celsius anomaly… I mean, think of the grandchildren! Pfft.
For those who missed it earlier, UAH for Australia’s “pause”.
Geoff S
From 2016 we have been cooling.
Hot? Cold?
Just the usual cyclic blips one should expect when still coming out of an Ice Age.
just wait till the electronic thermometer warming trend is included.
All they need to do is to add more inland measuring stations and remove coastal sites from the Acorn group. Lo and behold, the average Aust temp will increase.
NSW closes coal generators, SA pays the price, they have been burning diesel today. I have no sympathy, they are a mendicant state.
It’s to be expected I guess. When the wind drops SA is the end of the line.
Overall NEM demand is also very low at the moment.
Will be interesting once winter starts to bite, and people want to have some warmth.
Actually South Australia doesn’t import any power from NSW, just from Victoria, so the Victorians are shipping power to NSW and SA hasn’t got any (or much) from renewables due to the last week being overcast (mostly raining) and not a lot of wind either.
You have probably thinking about those ACT people who get Certificates from SA Wind Turbines so they can claim to be Renewable. I have not sure if the Certificates get to Canberra by diesel or aeroplane which might add extra costs as Tesla cars are suppose for transport.
Electricity is fungible. NSW may reexport power generated in Qld. Vic may reexport it to SA. Electrons do not recognise state borders.
Your conflating economic concepts with engineering concepts. Even the term fungible means replacement not transfer.
To be honest their wine is very good. Nice oysters. Can’t think of anything else.
Unlike Perth they have kept their old pubs. And Coopers is a nice drop.
There is a pup on every corner. Perfect if you like to drink!
That’s either disgusting or gruesome.
There is a pub on every corner. Perfect if you like to drink!
I must admit I don’t particularly want your sympathy, nor your haughty put-downs.
You need a safe space.
We are nothing if not parochial around here
The problem with electricity grid communism is that you eventually run out of other people’s power supply.
Never thought of it that way. Apt.
SA is 89% gas at the moment.
NSW 88% Coal and Gas (10% hydro)
QLD 95% Coal and Gas
Vic 79% Coal and Gas (14% hydro)
NEM has only 4% wind, and zero solar…
Thank goodness for FOSSIL FUELS. !
I wonder what it would take to get Sky News to publish the AEMO Fuel Mixi from the dashboar for whatever the time of broadcast.
Going to be some big changes by 2030 eh? exciting times
Your Snowy Mountains look beautiful today, what with all that SNOW burying the slopes of Perisher and Thredbo… even spotted a few keen skiers & boarders getting their first turns of the (very early) season, via webcams. Huzzah!
Wonder how the Climate Cargo Cult experts are going to explain THAT away: it’s ‘complex’? The heat is ‘hiding in the oceans’? Maybe Put!n stole it? Meanwhile our ‘blocking High’, which has been stationary for 2 weeks, is funnelling humid, warm, wet air over us… beauty. You can keep your freezing snow, we don’t want it (just yet). Thanks.
And speaking of Snowy Mountain:
Aussie Green Energy Shock: Snowy Hydro Cost and Completion Time Blowout
Essay by Eric Worrall
Its an annual event Greg. We traditionally get a fair snow fall in May, year in ,year out. The media then tout it as a prelude to the best ski season ever, then, not to much follow up until mid June
But “in a warming world” – oh right, 0.18 Celsius: The Pause continues.
Pre-season dustings always get me excited: heck, it even snowed on my birthday back in February, high summer. And in March, and in April… Thankfully La Niña’s last fling has us bathing in muggy northerlies, while east coast Aus gets the southerlies – I’m happy, it’s only weather after all. Good luck for June.
‘Paul Broad, who was the CEO of Snowy 2.0 for a decade, believes that Minister for Energy Chris Bowen needs to face some “hard truths”.
“The notion that we can have 80 per cent renewables by 2030 is bulls***” Broad told Ben Fordham.
“Eraring CANNOT close…If the lights don’t go out I’ll be awfully surprised,” he said. (2GB)
I think he was being optimistic about eraring.
I think the reality is that if eraring closes the lights will definitely go out.
No worries, Origin is going to install big batteries to replace Eraring. Presumably the batteries will be recharged from solar power?
Would those be Chinese-made, self-immolating Lithium Ion batteries, charged by the Chinese aolar arrays?
Who is going to build the HUGE inverters to make all that DC pixie-dust into something that is compatible with the “Grid”; like 50Hz PURE sine-wave, “shipped as Delta-configured three-phase juice??
Not sure on the technical detail, but it supposedly has the capacity to run for two hours.
Keep in mind its only meant to be a backup, probably on a freezing cold windless night.
Yeah El+Gordo, I heard the 2gb radio interview.
Former “Snowy 2” CEO, Paul Broad, absolutely shreds renewable energy, the transition, Chris Bowen, the fallacy of cheaper energy prices etc etc.
The interview (May 4) is published online as a podcast, approx 12 mins in duration:
Look for the audio Titled:
“It’s Bull****. Former Snowy 2 boss sprays Chris Bowen'”
To all, have a listen, It’s an absolute gem.
Ahh, Strop has already posted the above link at #13.
My bad, sorry to all for the duplication.
No sorry – that is called reinforcement (IMO)
Oh, just say it el+gordo – it’s bullshit. It’s a direct quote on public radio and extremely accurate. Hopefully, soon someone in authority will call also Bowen a nincompoop.
I’m confused.
I know the idea has been around since forever, but wasn’t it Malcolm Turbull, a LIBERAL PM, who gave Snowy 2 the actual financial go-ahead?
Turnbull a liberal PM? Interesting concept.
Haha…good one.
Yes, a P.M. installed by the Liberal Party can be a very different thing to a liberal P.M.
Dr Suneel Dhand recently commented about Dr John Campbell’s temporary banning by YouTube for having interviewed a sitting elected member of UK Parliament.
In turn YouTube warned Dr Dhand about that video and he had to take it down.
In the following just-released video, Suneel comments about both of the removals and refers to uncensored content on free speech platforms.
Just what is it “they” don’t want us to know?
They don’t want us to know what they have done … and are doing.
David, what’s interesting to me is the the ability if the elite to construct a fantasy world for themselves.
These interviews are easy to see on other platforms.
I guess the political function is to keep anti-narrative info from the non-politically informed demographics, producing just enough ignorance to maintain the power status quo.
Then again, I’m having trouble seeing how the likes of Macron or Trudeau aren’t forced to resign from embarrassment.
If they are able to drag the empty personage of POTUS Brandon across the finish line a second time, I will consider it the definitive end of nation state representative government.
Silence of the Grid Experts
“The days of utility-based grid experts who’ve had skin in the game are over. Utility experts are charged with complying with reliability standards rather than maintaining reliability. Where utilities once had a variety of tools at their disposal to better foresee and forestall reliability problems, utilities now follow compliance standards and hope for the best.”
(we are so very screwed)
(we are so very screwed)
And would you believe by a left hand thread!
Are you sure it doesn’t just “identify” as a left-hand thread ?
Something cheerful.
Here is a classic science fiction movie from 1957 “Twenty Million Miles to Earth”.
It’s directed by Nathan Juran and stars William Hopper, Joan Taylor and Frank Puglia.
It features stop-motion animation by Ray Harryhausen.
All the latest scifi shows have finished their seasons or been canned.😟
Starting to suffer scifi deprivation symptoms so it’s out with the classics!
Maybe early horror like 1931 Frankenstein or more obscure like Peter Benchley’s 2 part “Creature” for the weekend…
The 1953 “Wages of fear” (drama, b&w, english subs) is a GREAT film to watch, even by today’s standard.
IMDB score is 8.2
In a decrepit South American village, four men are hired to transport an urgent nitroglycerine shipment without the equipment that would make it safe.
Full movie:
Its been a long time since I’ve watched “Twenty Million Miles to Earth”. Another interesting movie from that era (1954) is “Target Earth”. They have alien(s) from Venus attacking earth in common.
There’s also a colourised version of 20 MMTE here:
CV19 Bioweapon Caused a Pandemic of the Vaccinated – Ed Dowd
Everyone is reporting coworkers that are chronically ill and sick. The worktime data is really the smoking gun. It went 13 standard deviations above the 20-year trendline in 2022. . . . It went up in 2020, and then it went up again in 2021, but it exploded in 2022 well after the virus and well into the CV19 vaccine program. It is a stunning a 13 standard deviation event. It is a ‘Black Swan’ event. This affects 10 percent of the total population, but 30% of the labor force. There is about 100 million to 110 million in the labor force. With the injured, disabled and the dead, it’s about 28.9 million. That’s about 30% of the labor force that has died, been disabled or is chronically sick. This is going to have huge implications on productivity going forward.”
On the ongoing banking crisis, Dowd says, “The regional bank stocks are getting slaughtered. When you raise interest rates 500 basis points or 5% in a little over 12 months after a 14-year 0% interest rate regime, you are going to leave tremendous skid marks, and the skid marks are the regional banks, unfortunately, because they have a lot of commercial real estate. This is not the end of the crisis, it is the beginning.”
The Banking Collapse Of 2023 Is Now Officially Bigger Than The Banking Collapse Of 2008
Collectively, the three big banks that have collapsed in 2023 had more assets than all 25 banks that collapsed in 2008 did.
2008 saw the peak in terms of asset-size for bank failures ($373.6 billion with ‘only’ 25 failures), while 2010 saw the peak in number of banks failing (157 vs 25 in 2008).
More data coming in on US banks. It’s starting to snowball.
Let me guess – everyone should put their money into “safe” CBDC’s.😉
I don’t know enough about banking to comment but if you accept Dowd, it is not too late for gold or cryptos.
I am definitely not recommending cryptos.
The masses fell into the trap that crypto is somehow magically outside “the system” and beyond the government’s reach.
A LOT of people are now finding out the very hard way that’s totally untrue. EVERYTHING is traceable, and taxable.
And jailable.
Everyone’s best course of action is to clear your debts asap and be as self-sufficient as you can.
Things are hotting up REAL fast, but that’s “inside intel” 😎
For woke “green” Leftists they now have “reusable toilet paper” (cloth).
Not a joke. Goolag “reusable toilet paper” without quote marks.
It gets washed in the washing machine, see link for washing instructions…
It sort of reminds me of my trekking in the Himalayas where toilet facilities are so primitive they can’t handle paper and each squat “toilet” has a bucket next to it full of used toilet paper. It’s indescribably disgusting.
We used reusable nappies for our babes.
I just don’t see a modern mum doing so today.
youd be surprised.
Oh for the 3 sea shells…😁
OK, you got me, I’m no movie buff.
From Demolition Man:
One moment that’s stuck with fans for years: after exiting a bathroom Stallone asks why there’s no toilet paper, and only three seashells on a shelf. “He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!” says fellow cop Rob Schneider. And then they all laugh, and laugh… But we never found out how the three seashells are used. Until now!
This video purports to explain the three seashells.
Hosing down cloth nappies before putting them into the washing machine.
Not for the soft-of-stomach or nose !:-)
We had a special line for the purpose, just up-slope from the grape vines and fruit trees.
Hung on the Hills hoist of course.
Only once they had been through the washing machine !
They have the same thing in the Hilton Hotel in Athens, the land before sewage. Like Marvellous Smelbourne and London in the 1880s.
Or even Niddrie, Airport West in the 1960s. Night carts opposite what was Melbourne’s airport for the 56 Olympic games. Or as they used to be called, 32 piston saloons.
Reminds me of porta Loos on a hot day at construction sites. I tried to hold my breath but eventually the huge gasp of air when you ran out of breath was a big mistake, small breaths the preferred technique.
“Not a joke. Goolag “reusable toilet paper” without quote marks.”
Hoprfully without skid marks?
Portable bidet’s ?
“Top 10: Best Portable Travel Bidets of 2022 / Personal Handheld Bidet Sprayer, Handy De Toilette”
Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial To The Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’
Dozens of experts were asked to look into the science behind claims that meat eating causes disease and is harmful for the planet in a special issue of a journal called Animal Frontiers. They have warned against a widespread societal push towards plant-based diets, arguing that poorer communities with low meat intake often suffer from stunting, wasting and anemia driven by a lack of vital nutrients and protein.
Thousands of scientists across the globe have also joined The Dublin Declaration, a group stating that livestock farming is too important to society to “become the victim of zealotry.” They say that many of the negative claims about meat in our diet are simply not true.
The Dublin Declaration group has published a statement allowing global signatories to join them in defending meat supported diets and contradicting common claims made by establishment institutions against livestock in agriculture. In particular, the scientists stress that meats provide vitamin B12 intake in human diets, play a major role in supplying retinol, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals such as iron and zinc, as well as important compounds for metabolism, such as taurine and creatine. There is no vegan equivalent that fills these nutritional needs and a number of supplements are often required to keep them healthy.
“The peer-reviewed evidence published reaffirms that [the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Risk Factors Report] which claimed that consumption of even tiny amounts of red meat harms health is fatally scientifically flawed…In fact, removing fresh meat and dairy from diets would harm human health. Women, children, the elderly and low income would be particularly negatively impacted.”
Update: The societal role of meat—what the science says
This Special Issue of Animal Frontiers aims to provide a synopsis of answers which represent the currently available best scientific evidence. The answers are given on major considerations pertaining to eating meat, including its impact on human nutrition and health, environmental sustainability, economic affordability, and ethical justification. To this end, we invited a broad group of leading international scientists to interpret the scientific evidence for the benefit of making it accessible to the communities of policy makers, industry practitioners, journalists, common consumers, and fellow scientists alike.
Link to Animal Frontiers article in PDF:
In short, the WEF eating plan is unhealthy, injurious and anti-nutrition, which is their plan.
Fancy a big fat juicy bug?:
Our dentition tells you that in the same way a birds beak tells how they feed.
It must be an amazing coincidence that people who want everyone to stop farming and especially eating meat have found that Climate Change justifies their extreme stance. They should check in the mirror for those canine teeth and incisors and wonder why a herbivore would have those? You know cows are much worse for methane than kangaroos or buffalo or wilderbeest. And who invented sheep and goats anyway?
I suspect that cattle can thrive on harsher grazing than said herbivores.
I have this picture of cattle going out on the veldt at midday when nothing else is moving, munching down voluminous grass into their rumen and retiring to the shade of the trees to regurgitate their cud and slowly grind it before swallowing. The fermentation in the rumen helps break down the cellulose. I just don’t see how non-ruminants can match that performance with poor grazing.
We want to eliminate cattle BECAUSE their rumen allows them to survive harsh conditions. Hardly logical.
Former Snowy Hydro CEO Paul Broad says Labor’s target of 80% renewable by 2030 is “bullsh1t”.
Interview at 2GB.
That has been said in The Australian (on line) saying that Bowen would need more like 80 years rather than 8 years to get to 80% renewables.
The paper also has an article critisize the Snowy Mountain Authority.
It looks like more of the first to follow. I think that the problems may well be the end of Bowen, and likely shipping him off to overseas before the next election.
Yes, and now it’s here for those who don’t have pay access to The Australian or listen to 2GB.
Not sure that Bowen will get singled out here by the party and moved along. Not just because they wouldn’t want a by-election. This renewables push is what the party wants.
Thanks for the link. I just finished listening to the interview.
Broad certainly doesn’t hold back about what he thinks about Snowy 2.0 or Chris Bowen.
He appears to be a no BS sort of bloke.
Well worth a listen.
The spotlight is now shining on Remdesivir. With it’s 3000% higher risk of death than other medications and seeming discriminatory use as 99% of the Remdesivir deaths were in unvaccinated people.
“Attorneys bringing other Remdesivir death lawsuits in California noted that Remdesivir “received Emergency Use Authorization in or around May of 2020, after being recommended by [a National Institutes of Health] panel that contained nine individuals with financial ties to its creator, Gilead Sciences.”. ToM
This could get interesting.
At least people weren’t taking that horse dewormer stuff! /sarc
What an absolute disgrace this has turned out to be.
Most governments and their bureaucrats should be embarrassed at least, but I would prefer prosecutions.
The prosecutions will never happen of course.
Massive model failure.
‘Global SSTA models all failed to forecast the April cooling in the Gulf of Mexico and their current very warm SSTA predictions for summertime in the Gulf may be overstated. The SSTA pattern in the Gulf contributes to the potential strength of a tropical cyclone passing through this region.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Frigid stationary highs in the South Pacific are causing a rapid drop in surface temperatures.
Not sure about that Irene, can you see the possibility of a Modoki?,-0.81,265
The two heat maps of the Pacific are just about diametrically opposed. It typifies a lot of information we can access concerning the weather.
‘Frigid stationary highs …’
They say that blocking high pressure causes marine heatwaves, what do you make of it?
Blocking causes heat waves in summer and severe temperature drops in winter in the mid-latitudes.
In the north, however, the oceans hold more heat in winter because the Earth is closest to the sun in orbit in January.
At the same time, it is important to remember that in the tropics, the surface temperature of the open ocean cannot exceed 31 C, because strong convection is immediately activated (the reason is the limitation of atmospheric pressure).
Yep, that’s the one, 2-3 weeks of going nowhere, while anti-carbon [sic] zealots in government sponsored media shriek it’s all our fault. Weather Den!ers!
So they say that a warming GLOBE gives us fresh snow outside the Artic circles at the same time at this time of year ( almost Summer ). I see yur second(?) dose on Thredbo, + there was more snow on fresh field and on the melting Loch
Died suddenly – the A.I. version
Pfizer. Incredibly fit young athletes have the same response.
Searchable database of who in Australia got money from Pfizer
Select a member company : Pfizer
Click search
It will return all individuals that received money from pfizer Note the number of pages…
Thank you. I can’t find anything for John Skerritt. Or Geoff McColl.
But some turn up for Ingrid Hopper.
Can people search for other members please?
There are a lot of committees and a lot of members.
All TGA committees:
Hopefully Bowen will defect to The Peoples Democratic Republic of China. He’ll fit in well with their dictatorial ways………or else!
Why wait for the next elections!
Blocking circulation is occurring in both hemispheres, and this is no coincidence.
A powerful Arctic high in the coming days will cause frosts at night in Central Europe, and air from the north may reach Italy.
And if all the ice at the North Pole melted tomorrow, the sea would not rise 1mm.
The blocking is caused by meandering jet streams in both hemispheres. Its a global cooling signal.
A must read from Tony Thomas re the parlous corruption of Australian education/propaganda. First we had the prophets Plato and his Republic, next, Mao’s Little Red School book and now this – for profit, an evil ploy.
Tony Thomas is one of a rare breed, a journalist who is scrupulous about checking sources he quotes and who is unafraid to speak the truth that his research finds.
He also has the mental freedom of the retiree, which in these days of the cancel culture allows a window on the world being censored for those who might lose their employment.
In similar vein and topical today, search for the UK Conservative Party sacking of MP Bridgin (a scientist MP trained in virus epidemics) for daring to speak out about vaccine injuries. Search for the interview with Mark Steyn. This is in turn related to Dr John Campbell getting a week of YouTube ban for interviewing Bridgin. A festering, horrid attack on free speech in the UK.
The heavy hand brigade are getting nervous about backlash as downsides of experimental vaccines are being publicised.
(I am away from my PC just now, so I do not have exact links for you). Geoff S
Just an update and reminder to all,
Chris Kenny’s interview with Jo Nova on Sky News, has now been published (4th May) and is available online as a podcast.
Last night, Jo was interviewed by Chris Kenny at 20:10 AEST, 3rd May 2023. (Program: Chris Kenny Tonight)
Subject title: “BOM accused of hiding temperature data”.
For those that did not get to watch the program live,
This is the podcast audio link:
Look for “Chris Kenny Tonight, Wednesday 3 May“.
Jen Marohasy and Jo will feature approximately 10 minutes after the start of the podcast.
You can now enjoy it as I did.
Thanks William. It would be good if anyone can find the video too.
Just now, I have looked on YouTube on the Sky News Australia channel and it appears not to be there (yet).
You have to think that Global Warming was the best thing that every happened to boring meteorology. And they don’t want it to end. 1988 was a bonzer year. To join the UN required a story that governments really control climates, so the same year the WMO could join the UN gravy train. And that year on 30 June Al Gore and James Hansen presented rapid, man made, tipping point disastrous global warming to Congress and climbed into the roof to defeat the airconditioning by opening the windows. Really. And it’s made people very rich and famous and infamous, people who often would have been struggling to find a job.
The neo Climate Scientists include Geographers, Hydrologists, failed Physicists like Michael Mann, Industrial Chemists, sundry engineers, innumerable science free ecologists, marine scientists, enthusiasts (Tim Flannery with no actual science), reporters. But amazingly not a single Australian government appointed Climate Commissioner was an actual meteorologist, which is by definition a real scientist in the weather business.
Now anyone can identify as a Climate Scientist, even Al Gore. The inconvenient truth though is that like Tim Flannery is that he is innumerate. The scion of a tobacco family who entered Harvard on a football ticket to study English. His thesis was about the impact of television on Richard Nixon’s election, which gave him a few ideas which worked.
Now no one wants the gravy train to end, especially as Australian data underpins 1/3 of the globe’s historic data. The pressure on the BOM must be immense.
So it’s a world wide scam, the biggest ever. What else could it be? And how many millions of people have a vested interest in man made Global Warming. There must be dozens of government departments in Australia alone, quite outside the BOM. Billions of dollars a year in wages alone in Australia alone. The CSIRO? Fraud? Yep. Does the BOM know it? Yep.
‘trust us, we’re from the BOM!’
the antithesis of democracy.
Thursday fun: secret look at the WEF’s new currency,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
You can’t answer the question 🙂
Last night I watched an old episode of The Goodies called Pollution in which Graham uses his computer to calculate that we’d all be wiped out by Monday because of pollution. Hilarious, given what a computer was in the 1970s.
I’d take Graham Garden just as seriously as any modern climate modeller.
It’s available on Daily Motion. Beware younger viewers: comedy in the 70s was politically incorrect to the extreme, and it causes a thing called “laughter” which you may have never experienced watching modern comedy.
For Jo’s “Little Me * ” file
“Jo Nova Speaks to Mark Steyn about Undersea Volcanoes”
( * term borrowed from a friend)
404 error (page not found) as of 1300 AEST
though there is a mention on wuwt for the weekly review of 29 April.
More around Gordon Lightfoot in comments at WUWT –
Great post to a great man. A weather site I follow wrote an interesting article several years ago about the storm that sunk the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Tom Kennedy” ”
“A sharp-eyed reader suggested covering this new paper with the clever title:
“In Search of Climate Crisis in Greece Using Hydrological Data: 404 Not Found”,
published 27 April 2023 in the hydrology journal Water. [ .pdf copy available at that link ].”
“Top Officials Who Pushed Aggressive COVID-19 Policies Try To Rewrite History”
Dr Patrick Moore
“A Dearth of Carbon (w/ Dr. Patrick Moore, environmentalist)”