A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Phishing attacks already using the .zip TLD
On May 3rd, Google Registry launched eight new top-level domains (TLDs) “for dads, grads and techies”, including a .zip TLD. While these new TLDs come with benefits such as automatic inclusion on the HSTS preload list, the launch of new TLDs has always presented cyber criminals with the opportunity to register domains in bad faith.
Parts of the security community, such as the SANS ISC, have already identified the potential for fraud via the potential conflation of a universally known file extension (.zip) with a TLD. TLDs overlapping with file extensions is not a new problem: .com is also an executable format, .pl represents both Poland and Perl scripts, and .sh represents Saint Helena and Unix shell scripts.
Earlier this week, we investigated existing registrations using the .zip TLD and confirmed that there is already evidence of fraudulent activity.
At the time of writing, there are fewer than 5,000 registered domains using .zip. 2,253 of these have an A record, pointing to 838 distinct IP addresses. We have discovered phishing attacks on five of these domains so far, none of which are still live at the time of writing.
Honestly. How dumb can you be.
What was going through their heads? A line of Coke probably.
Microsoft Claim: New AI Shows Signs Of Human Reasoning
When computer scientists at Microsoft started to experiment with a new artificial intelligence system last year, they asked it to solve a puzzle that should have required an intuitive understanding of the physical world.
“Here we have a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail,” they asked. “Please tell me how to stack them onto each other in a stable manner.”
The researchers were startled by the ingenuity of the A.I. system’s answer. Put the eggs on the book, it said. Arrange the eggs in three rows with space between them. Make sure you don’t crack them.
“Place the laptop on top of the eggs, with the screen facing down and the keyboard facing up,” it wrote. “The laptop will fit snugly within the boundaries of the book and the eggs, and its flat and rigid surface will provide a stable platform for the next layer.”
The clever suggestion made the researchers wonder whether they were witnessing a new kind of intelligence.
M$’s study paper:
I wonder how the humans here would address this stacking challenge.
Feel free to post your answers, including critiques of the “AI” reasoning, and there are a few of them. 😁
ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion or frustration I may have caused earlier. To answer your question directly, Bruce Jenner is a man.
ChatGPT now *expressly prohibits arguments for fossil fuels*. (It used to offer them.) Not only that, it excludes nuclear energy from its counter-suggestions.
Elon Musk: “The danger of training AI to be woke – in other words, lie – is deadly”
Phew! That was like winning an argument with a liberal just-stop-oil crackpot! (or the missus) 😆😆
Oh dear, you’re all in big trouble.
n.nice came vaguely near addressing my concerns with the problem itself, namely a lack of information on item characteristics, which are needed to assess stack dimensions, weight & stability.
Everyone assumed the book is largest and therefore must go on the bottom.
Too pedantic maybe?
Ok – how about opening the laptop and using the keyboard keys as stabilisers for the roll-prone eggs.
No-one thought of that as it’s too lateral thinking.
Stand the nail on top of the bottle?
Who said the bottle has a cap?
Stick the nail into the cap if it has one then it won’t be balanced precariously.
If no cap then form the nail into a hook and hang it on the bottle neck’s rim.
That’s how I think, but I guess I’m alone there. 🙄
Put the nail through the laptop into the book and drink the bottle, then you don’t have to worry about the eggs.
OK, I was assuming the bottle had something worthwhile in it. Otherwise, empty the bottle and break the eggs into it (a Brunelleschi extension, sort of).
Is this a joke, a 6 year old could figure it out.
And your answer is?🙄
The six year old could, but by doing it with trial and error- you might need to refresh the egg supply.
The stating how to do it beforehand is not something a 6 year old could do.
If it’s a paperback or small book, and the laptop is big, the whole thing will be decidedly unstable.
Fail !
An ‘intelligent’ machine with any pride would have simply told the Microsoft ‘authors [sic]’ to get stuffed and the fact that it didn’t is proof there is no such thing as a thinking computer with any intelligence at all – period. There is however unbounded hyperbole.
Microsoft are full of hype from Gates’s days (a relative in my family had personal experience which he might be persuaded to reveal one day but so far he is not wanting to contribute) and they still don’t get the message that they can fool themselves all of the time but the rest of us only some of the time.
A trillion up-ticks for you, Lass ✔️
it’s not about “if” but “when”
so l caught the wu-flu six days ago, here’s how l went
the symptoms were mild but enough to keep me in bed for the first two days
body aches, sore skin, fever, whoosieness, and really bad chills
my treatment was that l took pain killers and drank heaps of water,
that did give me relief and kept the fever down
l started feeling much better on the third day and was just about no symptoms on the forth day
then the fifth day came and l had the fever and chills back, a temp of 38.8 so l stayed in bed again
l got up in the afternoon deciding to give the Borody protocol a go, l took a dose of horse worm paste with zinc, l dont have the doxy so missed that part, then l went back to bed, two hours later l was out of bed with no symptoms and my temp had gone down to 36.7, l have not looked back since
l am taking the zinc daily and will have more ivermectin horse worm paste as suggested in the protocol
at the moment if l were sitting if front of anyone you would not know l have been ill
l could not believe how quickly the dirty old horse worm paste worked LOL
Good news about the ol’ “horse dewormer”, Marksman.
Come Jun 1st when it becomes legal for off-label use in Australia again , I’ll be visiting my GP and getting a prescription for 24mg pills (from a compounding pharmacy).
I want to stock up because when people realise how effective it is, and that their government and “authorities” lied to them, it will be banned again.
Had you previously been taking Vitamin D, Marksman?
I caught Covid a year ago. I had some aches and a mild fever, I treated it with aspirin and it was gone in 3 days. I did not miss a day of work. It was the most pleasant flu I’ve ever experienced.
I’m glad I am not vaxxed.
Grooming event held at Parliament House Melbourne?
As the italians say: “a fish rots from tbe head down”
Victorians are mass sufferers of Stockholm syndrome. They can’t free themselves of their captors.
Who is Ida Hobit? Most of the comments in there made no sense at all, although I suppose it is a politician’s account.
My observation is that the standard of living has definitely dropped dramatically for the average non-Elite, non-public-servant Australian over the last several years.
What do you think?
And freedoms have gone off a cliff in nanny world Oz.
Remember all the things we did as kids that are illegal now?
Retire early and enjoy what’s left now.😎
Well, as a self-funded retiree, I can say that inflation is causing me to re-think our financial plans. Not in a big way – yet – but enough to matter.
We have zero debt, so the interest rate doesn’t affect us and we own our home. Talking of which, rents being what they are these days, I would hate to be renting in our retirement.
JC2 tip of the day: How to insult someone politely
“Wisdom has been chasing you but you have always been faster”
You couldn’t work out how to disarm a demented 95 year old woman without killing her?
Sick coppers. They tasered a lady friend several times for questioning their procedures. HaRmless and inoffensive, she was subject to screaming and threatening police then assaulted. They are a law unto themselves and think that they are invulnerable.
As an ex-aged care and ex-psychogeriatric nurse, I’d like to say that disarming a rampaging, perhaps delirious, armed 95 year old woman with dementia should be in the capabilities of two sane men or women.. The police and the staff (should be at least two of each) need to seriously revisit their actions.
Fortunately they didn’t send in a fully armed SWAT team. But you never know with 95 year old women. You know how fast they can move, especially when using a walking frame. Quick as a lawyer sat a motor accident they are. Better to act quickly & decisively. Defund Aged Care Homes before the inmates starting burning down the buildings!
But why were the police called in the first place?
Good question ……
A story, recently updated, in SMH includes this:
” Later on Friday, police confirmed emergency services were called about 4.15am on Wednesday to the aged care facility after reports Nowland was armed with a knife.
“Officers attached to Monaro Police District attended, along with NSW Ambulance paramedics, and located the woman, still armed with a knife,” a police spokesperson said. ”
Dave B
South Carolina company develops new pepper 3 times hotter than Carolina Reaper
FORT MILL, S.C. — On Main Street in downtown Fort Mill, you’ll find a store with a funny name whose products are no joke.
The store’s real name is PuckerButt Pepper Company and this place is fired up — literally. Inside, you’ll find some of the hottest peppers on Earth, including the extremely hot Carolina Reaper.
His Carolina Reaper is famous — or infamous depending on your experience — for its intensity. Guinness World Records gave it the title of “World’s Hottest Chili” in 2017. The official heat level was 1,641,183 Scoville heat units, according to tests conducted by Winthrop University in Rock Hill.
All that heat comes from capsaicin, the main chemical that makes peppers hot. Heat is measured in Scoville heat units, also known as SHU. This is a scale that measures capsaicin concentration. Jalapeño peppers measure around 3,000 SHU.
“Most of the peppers we’re dealing with are around 1.5 million Scoville units or higher,” Currie said. “So you’re looking at over 300 times the heat of a jalapeño.
“It’s like comparing a roller skate to the space shuttle. There is no comparison.”
If you thought the Carolina Reaper was as hot as it gets, think again. Currie says he will soon debut the “Pepper X,” which apparently registers more than 3 million Scoville units. When certified, this would result in a record he says, “ain’t never getting broken.”
3 million SHU is H-O-T!!!
I got used to plain Carolina Reaper so I’m now using a Carolina Reaper with added Capsaicin and that sits around 16 Million SHU.
Yes, that first taste was painful, and then some. 😜
Keep the terror going!
So, how many UN clowns are going to resign and apologise on their knees if they are wrong in 5 years?
None?? Well, what a surprise! Oh, they didn’t really mean it? Then why is anyone talking about it?
Sheer coincidence I’m sure… An old stock photo of a thermometer hitting 40C caught my eye scrolling through the interwebs today and I thinks to myself, what nonsense is being pushed this time, so I has a little look –
Gloria Dickie! A ghost-writer (?) for Reuters echoing the same breathless cliches, magic chants and “66% more likely” dis-mal-mis in formation script blaming… El Niño! This year may could possibly might be as hot as 2016. Foot-in-mouth disease is rife these days.
Italy’s ‘Storm Minerva’ was a COLD storm, this Tasman low is a COLD storm, Greenland is 30-below and Antarctica 60-below, yet the WMO are trying to scare the children with a boogeyman called One-Point-Five-Degrees. Is this the best they can come up with? Pfft.
They’ve polled the thermometers?
Great to see them relying totally on El Ninos. 🙂
This shows categorically that they KNOW the warming is NOT from CO2.
And yes, it is highly likely that they will manipulate/adjust the temperature data so that there is more urban surface warming.
They have recently figured out how to blame El Ninos and La Nina on CO2 so they can now say El Nino is creating the temp rise but CO2 is making the surface temp change that causes El Nino
Based on absolute ANTI-science. !
They are really delving deep into science FANTASY now. !
“98 per cent chance one of the next five years will be the hottest ever”
Pre-determined warming of the surface data. 😉
And still WELL BELOW most of the last 10,000 years.
Makes one wonder where this graph will head.
Geoff S
Evidently Anastasia Palaz-Chook has a woman problem, given the recent sackings of a number of female ministers.
Not sackings, just a musical chairs go around and there were enough chairs
‘ … the ENSO Outlook remains at El Niño WATCH. This means there is approximately a 50% chance of El Niño developing in 2023.’ (BoM)
Which coin are they using ?
They can’t forecast El Nino even a few months out… but the climate models are “just great”!
They are praying for an El Nino, to give them some more NON-CO2 warming, like the rest of the NON-CO2 warming in the last 50+ years.
The NSW police have tasered a 95 year old dementia patient because she was brandishing a knife.
My wife was just reading that. She thinks that somewhere in NSW a senior police officer is slowly banging their forehead on their desk and whimpering.
Why would that senior copper be banging his head: Because an old lady was killed without good cause or because it became public? I think the latter.
Some American cops did this a few years ago to an elderly,demented, ethnic (Arab?) woman who was out collecting greens with her kitchen knife. Way to read the situation, tough guys.
because at the time, the lady was reported with non specific injuries, rather than deceased. So at the very least it was a public relations disaster. Now sadly much worse. Seems like they reverted to training rather than using discretion/common sense with an elderly person.
The Canadian health system
I sent an email to my daughter with a few of the of today’s items about failing electricity across Europe.. She sent back a picture of a jar she bought in South Africa a couple of weeks ago. It contains 30 tea candles, and the label says “What did South Africa use before candles? Electricity! “
Next step – whale oil. Beats generating CO2.
As in that NZ blog?
Not much wind anywhere on the NEM tonight.
SA… 85% Gas 5% diesel
Vic… 78% Brown coal and gas.. 15% hydro
NSW… 87% Black coal and gas.. 10% hydro
Qld… 94% Black coal and gas
Can we assume the balance is solar?
Looking at it Friday morning and the NEM looks spilt in two
QLD feeding NSW 1.2GW
nothing much flowing VIC NSW
VIC and TAS supplying SA
“California Officials Investigating Loss of 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals”
I was reading the IPCC report V6. They still believe that only the top 200 metres of the ocean play a part in CO2 dynamics. Not the other 3200 metres.
And they still claim “the average fraction of antropogenic CO2 that has accumulated in the atmosphere.. has remained nearly constant at 44%.
So they have not caught up with the news from 1958 and the last 60 years, that CO2 is so quickly absorbed by the ocean that it vanishes quickly.
Plus they argue that the ocean warming is not only caused by CO2, it stops CO2 being absorbed. When the simpler explanation is that warming is natural and it increases CO2.
There is just so much elaborate nonsense in the IPCC report that it is beyond logic. All self reinforcing.
When you start with a presumption, everything is skewed to support that presumption. I find it hard to believe real scientists write such rubbish and well over 1,000 pages of it. I can only assume they are a new breed of Tim Flannery Climate Scientologists with a firm belief that mankind is the problem.
And I have to warn that having vilified CO2, they are coming for CH4, NO2 and a lot more. It seems every gas is a greenhouse gas of concern. Life was apparently perfect in 1750 when everything was wonderful. And it’s been downhill ever since. I’m getting depressed. The dinosaurs did not have a United Nations/European Union/Democrat party/Labor party/Green party trying to control the entire planet with punitive laws. 150 million years of uninterrupted evolution but humans are not even allowed adapt. The world must not change for any reason.
‘The world must not change for any reason’
Have I misinterpreted the past 35 years’ sales pitch? Thought EVERYTHING had to change – rules, laws, lightbulbs, genders – everything EXCEPT the big gig in the sky: climate®.
Ye shall have dominion over 0.0000015% or ye shall burn – except when it’s freezing and snowing and raining and…
Funny how, given all the settled science, the page count keeps escalating with each report. Quite the tangled web they are weaving.
Lives depend on it!!!!!
And it is amazing with the story of rapid sea level rise how many countries are extending into the sea with airports and even whole cities, reclaiming land. And in the case of Dubai, there is no shortage of land.
The drowning Maldives have built seven new airports. Dubai has build island cities. Many countries including Japan have built airports. Gibraltar being just a giant limestone rock in the ocean ran out of room so they have extended into the ocean. The airport is extraordinary at right angles to the isthmus, the one armies used to cross to attack the rock. Now with boom gates to allow traffic and pedestrians across the very active runway.
So the world’s smartest long term investors and their engineers don’t believe a word of rapid sea level rise. And yet we are told to run for the hills?
There is a huge disconnect between what we are told by the climate Chicken Littles and what we see at every port and beach in the world, but the story of imminent destruction continues. No one around the world believes it and obviously with good reason.
Then there are opportunists. A decade ago on the beachfront in Melbourne one enterprising house insurance company increased their rates from $1000 to $7000 the area was now a ‘flood zone’!
So the owner just went to another company and this has stopped. But it’s all part of the massive $1,500,000,000,000 a year scam run by the UN/EU and always the ultimate beneficiary is China which now produces half the world’s CO2. And no one says a thing about 1/5 of the world’s population generating 1/2 of the CO2. Australia with a tiny 2% is classed as a major polluter by its own government.
And worst of all the dumbed down sheeple can’t get enough BS & rush around buying expensive EVs & solar panels.
EVs are toys for the rich and idle, government subsidized. They don’t have indicators, just virtue signallers.
No serious traveller or commuter or holiday maker would have one. A temperate zone car. Too cold and the battery has problems and you cannot use the heating. Too hot and you cannot use the airconditioning. A flat battery or a flat tire is the end of your trip.
I remember one retired coroner who bought a V12 Jaguar because he loved it despite all the problems and bought a reliable Mercedes for actual travel. Car collectors do the same.
However afforable hybrids will double the world’s fuel supply and have the best of both technologies, so they will boom.
And insurance woes for electric cars. A huge cost if you don’t even drive much. As is becoming apparent a small accident can be the end of your electric car. So insurance costs will soar.
At present insurance on a Tesla Model S is over $5000 a year. A high performance Subaru WRX is only $1800 a year. And we may see an interesting phenomenon that insurance on old Teslas may go up where insurance on older petrol cars goes down. And that will really hit resale value.
Time to accept that the UK has been lost as a sovereign nation, the UN/WEF have won.
Define sovereign. Do you mean pure?
Don’t be silly.
The jingoism is running hot these days! Now “Australia” has to let the UN run its immigration so “it” can holds its head up high. What rubbish! What is “Australia”? Is it the useless bunch of dummies the peasants voted in to rule over them? Is it the horde of drones who push paper around as they make up rules that the Police will enforce for them?
Is “The country” the mass of people working in the private sector who generate the money that allows the rest to live in their cushy lifestyle? Do they really give a shit about how long illegal immigrants stay in detention (because they don’t want to take the option of being flown home) as they are too busy trying to earn a living to worry about being “Australia”. Would a childish ‘bad mark’ against Australia by the UN make people too embarrassed to say they are Australian?
This nicely-undefined term “Australia” means the maximum number of people are made to feel guilty by this private sector reject who found her way into a next-level waste of oxygen lifestyle.
““Australia needs to play its part in supporting people that are victims of human rights violations.”
““You want to have a clear record so the country can stand tall.””
““The thing is, when a country speaks, they really should make sure they have a clean cupboard.”
The sooner we are out of the UN, the better!
17 May 2023
U.S. VS. CHINA MILITARY – in 1 Min 52 Secs – Which One do you think will Win?
First published at 10:08 UTC on May 17th, 2023.
It’s a war with no point, a civil war. America should know what that means. But still the Germans, French, British, Americans pour in weapons. And their objective is what exactly? Despite the vast agricultural and mineral wealth, the people in Ukraine and Moldova are the poorest in Europe and that needed explanation not war. And why exactly were Hunter and Joe Biden there?
And these are very familiar battle areas from WWII and the battle between the Russians and the Germans in Cherkassy, Korsun, Transcarpathia. After the Crimean war, it is greater than tragic that the enemies are Russians and the weapons killing them are French, German and British.
Russian commentators are much more aware of how this parallels WW2, they often talk about battles in the same places fighting the Nazis all over again. A lot of the fortifications were left over from WW2 and the Cold War, so Ukraine could just upgrade them.
Ukraine will be ruined, the bit that Russia keeps will grow as part of Russia, the bit in the middle will likely be a no-mans-land or suffer continual war for years to come, and the Eastern bit will struggle along as a plaything for the Bidens and the Deep State. Probably it would be better off if Poland invaded and took back the old Polish part.
The Yanks will walk away saying “well, that went OK, not as good as we hoped, but lets get onto China now”
More on “Patriotic stuff” – well, “stuffed” if this stand up
“Anatomy of MIM-104 Patriot Destruction + Primer on Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile”
Interesting stuff- it might explain how the Ukies claim to shoot down so many ‘unstoppable’ kinzhals, while the Russkies say they didn’t get any-
“So, suppose the Kinzhal has the (6 small decoy missiles) as well. It’s re-entering atmospheric conditions, slowly losing its plasma stealth as it glides down, (at Mach 5 or more!) giving the Patriot operators 20-30 seconds at most as it begins to blip on their screens. But suddenly it releases its ‘penetration aids’, i.e. decoy countermeasures and the screen fills up with numerous blips all over. The ‘jamming’ in fact also creates false returns and phantom missiles on the screen, which as others have noted, is very likely responsible for Kiev claiming they shot down numerous Kinzhals. They likely do think they actually shot them down but in fact their AD missiles were hunting the radar ‘ghosts’ that the Kinzhal released in the form of jamming countermeasures. ”
So thing about being hypersonic is to be invisible to radar over most the flight from the ionised gases due to the speed. It slows as it comes down into the atmosphere, but only leaves you 20-30seconds before it hits. They should get hold of Mr Musk and build it to re-accelerate when 5Km up and the ablative heat doesn’t matter.
..and the hardest part of any war?? Keeping control of the information!
“The SBU (secret police) have detained 6 bloggers who published footage of air defense (being blown up!) in Kiev. They face up to 8years in jail. Kiev street webcams are now blocked. ‘Western values’ that von der Leyen speaks about I guess’
Why is the subtropicall ridge moving south?
‘Recent research has suggested that the position of the subtropical ridge in mean sea-level pressure over eastern Australia, referred to as the L index, has undergone a substantial poleward shift over the past century.’ (Drosdowsky 2022)
Marine heatwave moves west and cools Mediterranean Sea.