A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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In the last thread RickWill explained how the electricity subsidy worked for subsidy harvesters in Australia:
Because a new thread started, Rick may not have had a chance to see my question:
The Victorian Essential Services Commission sets the default offer and reports the following components of retail electricity costs for an assumed 4,000 kWh usage for 2022-23 and 2023-24:
Wholesale $340; $636
Network $526; $549
Retail $187; $176
Environmental $138; $132
Retail margin $73; $85
GST $127; $160
Other $10; $18
Total $1403; $1755
For the United Energy Distribution Zone in eastern Melbourne, that translates for 2023-24 to maximum rates of $1.0814/day, and $0.3174/kWh.
Unclear how they calculate environmental costs, all they say is: “taken from public information on the costs of environmental initiatives”
That “other” stuff is getting expensive , up 80% in a year
Thanks Robber,
Well found.
Do you know if LGC component is in the “Wholesale” or “Environmental” item?
Dave B
Wholesale price going from $85 to $159/MWh sounds like AEMO numbers, so suspect LGCs are in the Environment numbers of $33/MWh, but they could be in the retail numbers, because what do Retailers do that costs $21/MWh?
The additional costs to enable the theft have been initially borne by the bankers of the monopoly owners of the transmission and distribution assets. Those investments are locked in and get a guaranteed return.
So the $55/MWh theft could be stopped tomorrow and would only penalise the intermittent generators. The owners of poles and wires acted in good faith with guaranteed returns at the request of regulator. You may be able to pare down their return and there is opportunity for that when they submit their 5 year plan for approval.
This is just the project list for Transgrid – The expenditure plan is approved by AER
None of these expenditures lower energy bills. It is all about hopium and geographic diversity for intermiitents but they just implement the program orchestrated by AEMO.
Snowy 2 will is another massive hit to electricity bills. Consumers will ultimately pay for this fiasco. But Clough have already gone bust. Paul Broad and Bowen had a parting of ways. But the mess is still going to hit consumers.
The theft is relatively small change now compared with the cost recovery for transmission investment but would stop further investment in intermittents if it is cut off.
I doubt there is any political will to stop the theft. A new party with that single objective would probably garner a lot of votes if they were given a platform.
perhaps charge the renewables for the necessary (for them) expenditure to connect them?
If they did that then the level of theft would need to be increased to make them profitable. They are not “renewable”. The circus only happens while Chine is willing to supply the stuff manufactured with coal.
The transition in the western world is entirely dependent on China burning more coal. But coal burnt in China is virtuous not like the coal burnt in the west.
In Queensland they have the recycle container levy of 10 cents a container. Very similar, a green levy that is in fact a tax on every drink produced. You drink and then take in 100 containers feeding them into a sorting machine and removing lids for your $10 dollars. The government in the meantime received a thousand dollars for the containers that were produced and not claimed.
It is another stealth tax to enrich a growing Temple at Thebes / of Thieves.
Most states have an idiotic system where the price of transmission and distribution is now set based on how much they spend on infrastructure. So naturally there is run away infrastructure spending and gold plating everywhere.
Yes the RET id only costing about 5c/kwhour, the rest of the absurd price is gold plating, you can more than double the price to get 99.5% uptime to 99.9% for example. I know this is happening in QLD where there is a big focus on making everything survive 1 in 50 year storms, even at colossal expense.
The activists pushing the divisive Voice tell you it’s all about unity and reconciliation.
What rubbish!
If that’s what it was really about, they wouldn’t want an all-powerful new part of government enshrined in the Constitution forever.
Reconciliation means coming together as ONE, as Australians who are different but EQUAL before the law and the Constitution.
Instead they want their thumbs on the scales, tilting our democracy forever in their favour.
A special part of the Constitution that gives them an extra say if their skin is the right colour.
And you’ll be left holding the bill.
Senator Jacinta Price
See Jacinta Price’s public email about this:
Now, AAP “fact checkers” (sic) are trying to discredit it and Senator Price, so that’s a fair indication that Jacinta Price is correct.
“gives them an extra say if their skin is the right colour.”
And even if it isn’t, and they just SAY it is….. or use lots of brown (s)tan.
Daily Telegraph, 09/01/2023, Andrew Bolt
“Suzanne Ingram, a board member of the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office, complained on SBS last year that 300,000 of the 810,000 Australians now claiming to be Aboriginal were fakes. In fact, just the past two census – 2016 and 2021 – had more than 130,000 people calling themselves Aborigines who hadn’t been in the census before.
How can we create an Aboriginal-only advisory parliament when up to one third of the people it represents are actually white pretenders?”
And …
“Aboriginal Australians already have many voices to Parliament:
* Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council
* More than 30 Aboriginal Land Councils – controlling more than 50 per cent of Australia via Native Title claims.
* More than 2,700 Aboriginal corporations.
* The Council of Peaks, representing 70 top Aboriginal organisations.
* Most importantly, 11 Federal politicians now identify as Aboriginal, That’s nearly 5 per cent of all MPs, when Aborigines make up no more than 3.7 per cent of our population.”
Aboriginal Affairs is the primary responsibility of State Governments.
Federal for Commonwealth Territories – ACT and NT – however decades ago ACT Aboriginal Affairs responsibility was handed over to the State of New South Wales.
The voice is not a new part of government. Nor does it have powers to compel parliament to act. It merely has access to proposed legislation and a pathway for comment to be heard by parliament – like a small government department (which also have no powers on the floor).
The legislators and the parliament can ignore all advice if they wish. The whole interaction is open to FOI as with government depts so the advice of the voice will be on public record.
Albo has repeatedly refused to explain how this system would work, so unless I have missed a big announcement, then where is the evidence to support your claims?
It’s still by definition, a racist concept, which any sane individual should abhor. I do not see why any particular race should have the privilege of direct access to the government, and I do not see the value of putting it in the constitution.
The information is not hard to find except it’s not in this blog. Try elsewhere Not sure there was any announcement to support the spurious claims others are making here.
Strange that we need to tweak Australia’s constitution for such a minor body.
Every bit as open as the BoM, for example.
It sits alongside constitutional recognition. The constitution is full of requirements for minor bodies and trivial things.
So, Gee Aye, how about you, given your apparent expertise in this area,
do us the courtesy and tell us where exactly it might be found.
Paul Miskelly
Where what?
This is the rub.
‘The legislators and the parliament can ignore all advice if they wish.’
That would be political suicide with the woke MSM urging them on to do the right thing.
The Voice is racially divisive and has no place in our democracy.
just words mate
Gee Aye, does the voice divide our nation into two different groups of people based on race?
Yes or No.
The only way you could answer no to Jo’s question is if you believe we are already divided by race. In which case adding a “voice” can’t divide us because we already are. On that basis the voice at least condemns us to always being divided by race even if whatever other cause of division exists is removed. Enshrining division into our constitution under the pretense of recognition and reconciliation is irony.
Or Strop, perhaps Gee Aye recognises that this is not about race since anyone can identify as whatever race they want.
So which is it Gee Aye?
1. The Voice has nothing to do with Race because white European heritage or any heritage people can claim to be Aboriginal too.
2. Australia is already divided by race.
3. The Voice has nothing to do with Aboriginal people except as symbolic mascots, but is merely a power-grab by bureaucrats of all colors.
4. Some other words…. please explain.
Don’t we already have a myriad of government departments dealing with aboriginal issues? Why do we need another? Unless, of course, all the others are totally inefficient and unfit for purpose.
Fancy that.
And primary responsibility and powers are held by State Governments, the former Colonial Governments before 1901.
None with significant direct input from those they purport to serve.
So essentially pretty much what each and every citizen is capable of doing now?
If EVERYBODY doesn’t already have this sort of “access”, why should a selected RACIAL group have special access?
Why is there a need to set up a new department BASED ON ONE PARTICULAR RACE..
That is extreme RACISM.
Is that really what you want to see in our Constitution?
How do you know when the legislation hasn’t been finalised?
So it is not part of government but is is like it.
No, they can’t ignore it. It will have to be considered. Parliament may ultimately opt to not implement any recommendation or advice but if the advice is ignored there will certainly be a legal challenge to things govt does that appears to ignore the voice. As for opting to not adopt the advice from the voice, Albanese himself said it would be a brave government to do that.
The “floor” of parliament is one part of govt. The “voice” is also to make representation to the executive. This is where things can get really messy and put a handbrake on govt operation in that a lot of policy and decisions are not done on the floor like legislation.
If you want to get technical about whether it is part of govt or only like part of govt to be critical of Jacinta’s comment then consider that being like part of government and being able to interfere in govt function opens govt to activist disruption even if the voice is started with noble intentions.
So it’s that most racist of all types of racism – a tokenistic, meaningless gesture that pretends that indigenous people have a say. Tell them it’s important, pat them on the head and hope that’ll shut them up eh, GeeAye?
Anyone who supports such a patronising farce should be ashamed.
PM Albanese said that no government would dare to ignore Voice.
The purpose of putting the voice in the constitution is to make the country ungovernable with no way to reverse the situation after all you would be labeled a racist to even propose a referendum that took away indigenous rights. When the riots inevitably start we will have UN peace keepers here before you can blink thanks to laws already passed allowing them to operate in Australia. Then before we can blink again the UN takeover will be complete and we will be part of the one world government with a NEW one world constitution. We will own nothing and be happy is only one referendum away.
See #22
They could pass the Voice as a law. Anytime.
But it could be undone.
So it is not about the idea but they expect no one will like it. Which is also why no one explains what good will come from it. Blind man’s bluff.
The greatest blank cheque in Australian history. Reverse Apartheit.
Isn’t blowing up our power stations enough? Clearly not.
I guess they’ll make a “spectacular media event” of blowing up Liddell Power Station, particularly the chimneys. That sort of thing seems to thrill the ignorant classes. There is already a CGI simulation to whet their appetite:
how can there be a vote on a constitutional amendment when the actual amendment to be inserted into the constitution is not being produced?
It is. SO there is that to think about.
No, the details are not being released despite many requests from the Opposition, Labor offers Uluru Statement and other diversions, so what is in the hidden details?
Labor also refused to release the legal advice from the Solicitor General, but after many weeks for debate in Parliament the PM decided to release a later dated abridged version. So what is he not willing to let us read?
Very clearly the Aboriginal Activists and Albanese Labor want to establish a new Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Commission, ATSIC, not legislated this time, locked into the Constitution forever more, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Voice.
And I find the conflation of Torres Strait islanders and aborigines is just racist and at the very least plays on ignorance. They have nothing in common except skin colour. Aborigines were prehistoric, not even neolithic. No flint, no stone weapons, no cloth, no clothes, no metal, no houses and no concept of agriculture. They only survived because they were the apex predator without lions, wolves, bears and food was plentiful if boring.
Eddie Mabo was a Torres Strait islander and a far more advanced race and won his case against Terra Nullius because he and his ancestors really were farmers on the tiny volcanic island of Mer two kilometers across at most with a population today of 450 divided into 8 different tribes. Aborigines were not represented and won no case. They were not farmers who lived for generations in the one place.
It was the Australian parliament which conflated the two quite different people based solely on skin colour. At no time did the High Court make such a decision as parliament proceeded to make. Settlement is not invasion. And they didn’t even have animals in common and fences mean nothing to kangaroos. Nor by and large did the settlers have a meat diet. They were farmers who grew potatoes and sheep and chickens and cows. While not vegetarians, meat was uncommon and kangaroos difficult to herd.
The ongoing painting of Christian settlers as violent invaders is wrong. And the painting of aborigines as peaceful happy people is also terribly wrong. Killing parties set on neighbours were regular events. And nothing like the endless violent mass invasions and slaughter of most European countries ever happened in Australia at any time. And there was no theft because there was absolutely nothing to steal, no wealth and no slavery because it was no only illegal but utterly pointless. The endless destructive battles across Europe in the 1860s drove millions overseas plus religious persecution. Nothing like that ever happened in Australia. If it was an invasion, it was the most benign in human history.
And we are told to say sorry? For what? Now the story is that we are guests? What part of Australia was developed or built by aborigines? Anywhere? It’s all make believe. Australians came from everywhere and we are one people regardless of history or colour. But our political betters have decided otherwise. Some are more worthy, the elites, the politicians, those who would divide us by race.
And as for Stan Grant, how could you be more privileged? Short of billionaire Oprah Winfrey. I cannot believe Stan grant is now a quick tanned victim of racism. Or opportunist Bruce Pascoe despite raking in the cash has yet to complain that he has suffered racism. Or Ernie Dingo who came up with the Welcome to Country. I would love it if only once aborigines thanked everyone else. That’s long overdue.
Quite correct TdeF.
It was utterly absurd that the parliament, and various activist judges since then, extended the Mabo decision to the mainland.
The basis of the Mabo claim was that the Torres Strait Islanders were settled farmers and had a system of property rights and inheritance and property boundaries delineated by stone markers.
You can see the map that Mabo submitted in evidence here:
(Disregard the propaganda on the page.)
This is a system of property rights quite consistent with the European definition of such things.
You can see the complete collection of maps submitted by the plaintiff here:
NO. The constitutional wording is what you will be voting on. A vote cannot be held without it.
Remember there is no one to convince here with disinformation so you are free to stop it
Ok. Please show the text. There is no information let alone disinformation.
And as we endure full page government advertisements for a YES vote as in the Australian this morning, how can that be without showing the text?
Is it a secret, known only to the few?
How can people, even governments be so enthusiastic about voting for something they have not read?
You know that it has not gone through parliament yet? The referendum is yet to be approved and it cannot proceed without the exact constitutional change being stated.
Ok, you say it exists… then post the wording, or a link, of what will be written into the Constitution.
Or admit that you are wrong, and it doesn’t exist.
This is the wording.
got if from here.
Sorry, posting a link never works on my iPad.
So it says absolutely NOTHING of any detail.
And changes nothing that doesn’t already exist.
Except to write RACISM into the Constitution.
Wide open slather….
Proposed wording.
It has not passed parliament yet. This is something everyone should know.
Where? Don’t be shy. Text please.
Assuming that more than half the Australian public is racist or deluded enough to vote “yes”, then how will they classify someone as “aboriginal”?
Right now there is no requirement for anyone to prove this, they just have to say they are, keep a straight face, and pocket the cash.
I’m pretty sure at one point in the not so distant past, someone ticking “yes” to the “are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait descent?” question on a federal government form, had to provide some evidence for it – but perhaps I am mistaken?
And the chances of the Government bringing in a DNA test requirement, where you need a 51% result to be declared aboriginal….assuming they ever did, we would then probably see 2% of the population, if that, reigning over the rest of us instead of the presently claimed 4%.
If you dont get 51% will they start looking at preferences?
I have heard of people who routinely tick the box asking “are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander” when applying for Government or related jobs because they know the Australian Government practices racist employment policies and preference is given to people who identify as those particular races over others.
And considering that most, if not all of the Aboriginal Activists identify as Aborigines but also have ancestors who were not.
The proposed amendment to the constitution has been announced. The legislation hasn’t been announced.
The legislation only matters if you support racial prejudice. If you don’t support racial prejudice you can just say no to the referendum question. If you do support racial prejudice and wish to consider voting yes then it would be good to know what the legislation is before you commit. But legislation can be altered so even if you do like it is can be changed to something you don’t like or vice versa. One thing that can’t be changed if you do vote yes is that a “voice” will always have to exist in some form or another and any attempt to water down it’s ability to make representation or consider legislation and policy would probably be blocked in the high court.
So for all you who support racial prejudice and want to support the “voice” it’s best to say no and have it only as legislation that parliament can introduce at any time rather than lock it in practically forever. Yes, another referendum could be called to remove it but we know that’s not going to happen even if it’s a disaster. Because according to our PM that means we are not of good will and are not fair minded.
1. How is “matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples” defined? Education, defence, Climate Change, Health, the price of fish?
3. :The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.”
Which say the Voice is completely undefined, as to its “composition, functions, powers and procedures”.
So the people of Australia are to approve a “Voice” which is whatever the parliament may decide it is at some future date without limitation?
Really? That’s appalling. The people of Australia are supposed to vote for a change to the Constitution which is whatever the parliament decides it is on the day?
That’s not a referendum. That’s an insult to intelligence and the Australian people.
That’s not a resolution. That’s a blank cheque for anarchy.
As strop wrote. Stop bleating to me (or Strop) to provide information. Anyone with a glancing interest in this would know that the referendum is not yet legislated.
Correct TdeF. The Voice, while notionally defined in the proposed constitution amendment, is in reality undefined given the lack of proposed legislation and lacking a definition of what is a matter relating to Aboriginal people.
The govt is proposing we pass a vibe and let them tell us later what we actually voted for.
The common claim by those supporting the voice is that those who oppose it are racists. The opposite is true because to support the voice is to believe that all aboriginal people have the same problems and needs and that they think similarly. Supporting the voice is rooted in racial prejudice even for those who are doing so with good but naive intentions.
Objecting to the voice means you support the idea of treating people as individuals and treating communities as having unique needs whether they be to solve unique problems or their need is a different approach to solving the same problem.
Putting race aside. There is the obvious legal problems, potential (and likely) road blocks and delays to govt functioning, and the implications for democracy.
The idea of the voice being the way to give recognition in the constitution to aboriginals is a trojan horse and the matter of recognition and a voice should never have been conflated. Labor and Greens know they only have one shot at getting it in the constitution and that means having the referendum before we see the voice in operation.
The real referendum change should be to remove any reference to race.
There are today I read in Daily Telegraph 300-plus First Nations countries (that description published).
The writer, identifies as Aborigine, wrote: my mob can’t speak for your mob. Your mob can’t speak for my mob. And he recommended that all the mobs need to be consulted before Australians are asked to vote in a referendum.
He wrote that consent is an internationally agreed minimum standard of engagement in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – UNDRIP.
That if you support the Ultra Statement then you should support a consent process.
My question is, of many questions, how could fellow Australians sign a treaty with fellow Australians (Voice + Treaty + Truth) today for real and/or imagined events that took place between long deceased people from 1788? How could “we” be liable to pay compensation to “them”? And who are the Australians among them who are not also us?
I saw an item the other day that the US Constitution limits the paying of reparations to within the lifetimes of the actual persons involved. I’ll see if I can locate the link
“Reality is that none of these left-leaning Democrats actually thought they’d have to cash the checks they were writing with their mouths. They were buying votes not with actual policy but with mere words that they never thought would be redeemed!
Now, unfortunately, the demands to “make good” are coming from all sides. What can reasonably be expected in response? “Bite me” isn’t likely to go over very well but it will be quite interesting, specifically in the context of “reparations”, which were unserious at all levels never mind unconstitutional as not even Treason can work corruption of blood nor may attainder extend beyond the lifetime of the offending party.
You’d have to amend the Constitution to change this and every left-leaning politician who ran this garbage knows it. No attempt to invoke “reparations” would survive a challenge otherwise; that is, they knew damn well they were making a promise that could not be kept as it is directly unconstitutional to assess anyone — whether directly or otherwise — for a crime beyond the offender’s death including the only crime explicitly noted on the Constitution itself. Treason, by the way, is a specific exemption, valid only during the offender’s lifetime, to what is otherwise an absolute in the Constitution.
You see Article 1 Section 9 explicitly forbids a federal Bill of Attainder in all other circumstances which is what reparations are; they are a declaration that a person or group of people is guilty of some offense and thereby punishing them since the funds for any such payments would have come from somewhere. Section 10 forbids the same act by a state.
In other words this always was a dead letter promise and everyone who made it knew it.
Now let’s see all those so-called “officials” deal with that fact and the backlash when every black American realizes that they were not only lied to but that the politicians who did so knew they were lying, knew what they were claiming and “studying” was per-se unconstitutional and would not survive ten seconds in a courtroom and made the promise to buy black votes anyway.
This is a preview only. You have to subscribe at Epoch Times to see the full video.
Full length doco is being deleted everywhere as fast as it’s posted.
They don’t want you to see this!
They didn’t allow for the JC2 factor though.😁
Click the 3 dots and choose download to save it.
Be quick!!!
I just traveled on Sydney Trains.
You’ll be pleased to know Sydney Trains have three sets of toilets to suit the multitude of genders.
OK…I’ll bite. I imagine ” Male ” on one door, ” Female ” on the next…but what have they got on the third door ?
The choice is yours?
Check equipment before choosing.
Male, Female and Unisex.
Male, Female, Confused
Can they send their spare third toilet down to Melbourne? We don’t even have toilets at every station, let alone having three on our trains.
I always use the trans toilet whenever I have the opportunity in the hopes of enraging any purple-haired Leftists that might be around. The results are always comedy gold.
Bizarre, but in a similar vein, I went to a local post office today and purchased an express post envelope. When you fill in the destination or sender’s address details, there is now an extra placename line designated – ‘traditional name, if known’. I don’t know the traditional name for my particular neck of the woods and I doubt whether there is a single living aboriginal person who does. So I did the sensible thing and just wrote ‘WOKE’. That should suffice.
I like the space you sign on APost envelopes (totally anonymously) certifying that the contents are safe for air transport. An effective, high value process if ever I saw one.
Apparently you are meant to work out traditional place names from the map here:
But Aboriginals did not have precise maps (or writing) in the European sense so exact boundaries might be a bit vague, and traditionally prone to shift in any case dependent upon the outcome of who won various inter-tribal battles.
I saw Goreng (near Katanning, WA) but I couldn’t find Nasi.
They are names of tribal groups, not specific localities. The whole idea is a nonsense.
Someone here may have already posted this. It is an interesting read
DNA contamination of mRNA vaccines.
Link below, dated May 27, 2023.
Quotes from article:
“The story begins with Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA. He has worked on the Human Genome Project and more recently in medicinal genomics involving DNA sequencing.
In the process of trying to sort out a sequencing problem, McKernan used anonymously sent, Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines to act as mRNA controls.
‘Somebody sent me these thinking, this is the perfect control… It should be pure. So, if you get this to work, you’ll sort out your mRNA sequencing problems,’ McKernan explains in a recent interview. ‘They were right about that. It did sort out our problems. But what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.’”
“So, the Pfizer and Moderna vials of bivalent vaccine that McKernan tested were contaminated with DNA. DNA encoding the spike gene and potentially capable of inserting into the genome of an organism.”
This is McKernin’s paper, published 10th April 2023.
Title: Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose
Link here:
A lot of “fact checkers” (sic) claim that’s impossible, thus suggesting that it is probably true.
Tuesday movie freebie: Colossus, The Forbin Project
Thinking this will prevent war, the US government gives an impenetrable supercomputer total control over launching nuclear missiles. But what the computer does with the power is unimaginable to its creators.
Forbin is the designer of an incredibly sophisticated computer that will run all of America’s nuclear defenses. Shortly after being turned on, it detects the existence of Guardian, the Soviet counterpart, previously unknown to US Planners. Both computers insist that they be linked, and after taking safeguards to preserve confidential material, each side agrees to allow it. As soon as the link is established the two become a new Super computer and threaten the world with the immediate launch of nuclear weapons if they are detached. Colossus begins to give its plans for the management of the world under its guidance. Forbin and the other scientists form a technological resistance to Colossus which must operate underground.
1970 classic. Colour, English, MP4
Archive direct link:
One for DM. 😁
Thank JC II.
It’s an excellent movie.
There were two sequels in book form but no movie was ever made.
The Fall of Colossus (1974)
Colossus and the Crab (1977)
The original book was Colossus (1966).
The movie was made in 1970.
Just Stop Oil’s Hollywood Patron Has Holiday Home in Ireland That he Jets Off to “When the Going Gets Tough”
A multi-millionaire Hollywood director who funds Just Stop Oil has a holiday home in Ireland – 5,000 miles from Los Angels – that he jets off to when he needs a break. The Daily Mail has more.
A Hollywood director helping to bankroll Just Stop Oil has been accused of hypocrisy over his lavish holiday home in Ireland – 5,000 miles from his Los Angeles base.
Oscar winner Adam McKay, whose films include The Big Short and Don’t Look Up, is one of a group of multi-millionaires behind the Climate Emergency Fund.
The Beverly Hills-based fund raises cash from its mega rich supporters and distributes it to ‘disruptive’ activists, including handing almost £1million to help Just Stop Oil wreak havoc in the U.K.
Mr. McKay is a director of the fund and has donated over £3.2 million to it to support “recruitment and training” for groups including the British activists.
When the going gets tough, the blatant hypocrites get going.
I remember, back in the day, going to some of the more upmarket clubs, such as the Commonwealth Club in Sydney (I don’t think it exists now), and there was typically a sign in the men’s convenience saying something like “Gentlemen, please adjust your dress before exiting into the lounge area.”. Many “establishment” clubs had such signs in those days.
“Adjust your dress” thesedays however…😆😆
‘Boycott Target’ Song By Pro-Trump Rap Group Hits #2 on iTunes Rap and Hip-Hop Chart
“Boycott Target” by Forgiato Blow and Jimmy Levy, featuring Nick Nittoli and Stoney Dudebro, has reached number two on iTunes Rap and Hip Hop Top 100 chart.
The hit song urges listeners to continue to boycott the retail giant, which has already lost $10 billion in ten days amid outrage over Pride-themed clothing items for children.
“There’s a cleanup on every aisle/Target is targetin’ your kids,” the song begins. “This agenda’s gotta stop, they know we gonna win.”
They want us to accept them for what they are, but they can’t accept themselves for what they are…
Now that ‘antiracism’ is being proclaimed loud and proud for white folk, I was wondering how to define it? How about:- a steaming crockpot of guilt, self hatred, and emotional masturbation? Other ingredients?
8% of Australia’s children are now disabled! The sickest generation of children ever.
An article was published in the Sydney Morning Herald a few days ago entitled, Sharp rise: More than 8 per cent of young school children now on NDIS.
According to this article, this isn’t a real epidemic of disability, requiring children to be getting support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Instead, it’s just greedy parents trying to rort the system to get support from the government they really don’t need!
Let’s be clear here. Forty years ago, autism rates were approximately 1:10,000 children. Today, with our burgeoning childhood vaccination schedule and the overprescription of antibiotics plus their overuse in food animals, autism is now 1:36. This is not an ‘overdiagnosis’ problem. It is a problem caused by the government and the medical community and glossed over by the bought and ignorant media.
Autism, neurological and other illnesses are going through the roof…
Damn you climate change.🙄
Second most obese country for young kids too.
That can’t be true Mr Grim- CDC is planning to remove the idea of obesity as being fat, and you now suffer from a curable disease.. which their close friends the pharma industry has pills for!
“The CDC wants the term obesity erased from existence instead of trying to help obese people get healthy or making an attempt to prevent the obesity plandemic in the first place. Today, in the “woke” world, there is not much effort to live a healthy, moral life based on respect for the body, for the nuclear family, or for our great country and all it has to offer.
Any person can choose to eat healthy food that is organic and/or local, free from pesticides, processed ingredients, added sugars, toxic gluten, and chemical-laden oils. Any person can choose to exercise regularly and take supplements to maintain optimal health, but the CDC wants to avoid all of this as advice, thinking that if they just erase and censor “labels” for obesity, immediate-gratification consumers who often do not exercise, then the problems will magically disappear and nobody will feel “shame” or “self-doubt” anymore. There is zero chance this will work.”
Where I live the autism bogeyman was in the news everywhere about 12 years ago. Every few months the experts told us it was becoming more prevelent, parents were terrified. Finally they claimed it was affecting 1:2 kids, that’s when people just laughed and realized that it was some kind of joke and nobody talked about autism anymore. It ended right there.
Heard of RSI lately?
Autism is a real thing.
My son was born with it. He is 17.
I have just put him on the NDIS because I was unable to access things like employment services. Due to the NDIS, Employment services for the disabled costs money. He must be funded to use those services.
He has had various therapies over the years which we used our private health cover for. Some have been accessed via Medicare. But now, as a young adult, to get him into any programmes, I must join him to the NDIS.
When I pay for my son’s psych sessions, it is $165, And I am out of pocket about $40. Through the NDIS, it is $200 a session, no out of pocket . For no reason, as there is additional funding for processing the payments etc.
Bowen’s targets for net zero:
22,000 new solar panels every day,
40 large wind turbines every month,
28,000 km of new transmission lines.
How much has he actually achieved since the election after 1 year?
We Australians deserve to get a progress report don’t we?
Evening all,
I thought I’d read some time back that Callide was fixed!?
Wrong again.
Maybe sometime…
Dave B
Gender study
and Climate Change
The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct
A deeper explanation.
On a related, but different front:
Today’s Telegraph (hard copy) has a story by James Morrow on page 14, entitled ” Keep the coal fires burning”, with a subheading of “Need backup before closures: report”.
The report itself is by the Institute of Public Affairs.
Sounds good.
Paywalled, sorry.
Dave B
Dr John Campbell discusses a possible link between multiple sclerosis and Covid 19 “vaccination”.
“Fact checkers” (sic) deny the link, so it’s probably true.
And apparently the paper referenced has been removed from some search engines but John found it with DuckDuckGo.
In “Once Great Britain”
“Three Cheers for Tommy Robinson”
I wonder if the Defender of the Faith will defend the faith?
That is a very worrying article.
Reconstructed face of Neanderthal woman.
“Reaping what they sown”
“I’m not much of a sports guy, but I think the term might be scoring an “own goal.”
Jim Warren writes about the environmentalists reaping what they’ve sown: how the anti-development approval processes demanded by environmentalists are now blocking green energy projects”
Re “Their Voice”?
“Rights? Yeah, right!”
The WEF project getting a push from the parasites in Sydney-
“Sydney’s richest suburbs need to be higher, denser to solve housing crisis: productivity commissioner-
Achterstraat wants Sydneysiders to get used to living in apartments and is calling for a more realistic approach to housing to allow young people to enter the market. Increasing average building heights by three storeys could provide 45,000 new homes over five years, he said.”
Any allowance that “higher, denser housing” needs concrete and concrete pumps?
Imagine a scene on that –
You have a big batch of concrete for your latest pour. Your new solar powered concrete pump has just started. And you look up and see a big cloud appearing from behind the nearby buildings.
“Have any of these people apologised for being 100% wrong on covid – – ”
Via Instapundit
Adds to that (IMO)
I get financial news item via a mailing list. Todays item was about the US debt ceiling. It opened with this slightly stinging comment.
“Over the weekend he US Government tentatively agreed to a Debt Ceiling deal in principle (to be voted on in Congress later this week), though financial markets continue to remain skeptical of both the agreement and the economic fallout of the continued open display US political incompetence.”
Things have reached a low ebb when an Australian organisation enjoying living under the political leadership of the likes of Albanese and Bowen starts pointing the finger