It’s a cult. Believers in the climate religion can’t persuade the rest of the population through polite conversation, so a few are resorting to vandalism-for-the-planet because they know more than you do about atmospheric physics, right? After a spate last year, the call has gone out for activists to sneak around again after dark, being the deceptive cowards they are, and let down the tyres of SUVs to punish owners for not joining their pagan religion. Judging by their twitter thread, it doesn’t seem like a mass movement.
Philosophically, it’s just bully-badger-and-harass people for the climate kind of thing. According to “Tyre Extinguishers“you too can change the weather 100 years from now by dressing like a bank robber, and prancing around in the dark making other people’s lives more difficult. “Bravo” eh?
The same evangelists don’t seem to be concerned with even heavier EV’s made with child labor, the solar panels made by slaves, or the landfill toxic waste, destruction of forest, birds and bats by renewables. It’s just a tribal performance art to impress their friends and fill the spiritual vacuum in their lives.
When will the grown-ups in the environmental movement condemn vandalism? It’s time the Greens were asked if they support this.
Radical climate activists pushing to ‘inconvenience SUV owners’ by deflating 4×4 tyres in major cities
By Alex Blair,
A radical movement purporting to save the world from climate change has declared war on SUV owners, encouraging the public to actively sabotage cars in the street.
The Tyre Extinguishers is a guarded organisation that has built a global following in recent months, attracting what some have described as “extremist” activists who want to rid the roads of these “massive and unnecessary” vehicles.
Presumably, if this becomes common (which seems unlikely. How many people really get a thrill from this?) then SUV owners will respond by buying tyre valve locking caps, security cameras, and consuming more resources buying air compressors.
The group’s manifesto says activists should “inconvenience and expense SUV owners” by deflating their tyres wherever possible.
“SUVs are bigger and heavier than other cars, they are more polluting and use more fuel,” the group’s website reads.
“This makes them a disaster for our climate. International Energy Agency researchers were shocked in 2019 to find that SUVs are the second-largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade – more than shipping, aviation, heavy industry and even trucks.”
It’s a great way to make the average punter resent all forms of climate impost and see it for the fake religion it is.
Wealthy SUV owners have lockable garages, so this will hurt the workers more than the rich. It will also hurt EV owners when daft minions can’t tell the difference between a gas powered and battery fueled car (the group have a page that looks like it was written by a 14 year old, to help activists figure out what an SUV is). But the truth is there are only a sporadic few incidents of this around the world in the last month, 30 cars in Paris, 30 in Brussels, 38 in southern France, 18 in one German town and 46 in Czechia. There were some incidents in the UK and France in April. Most of the news stories on it date from last year.
What will they say when workers who own SUV’s miss medical appointments, can’t pick up children, get to hospitals, or care for aged or disabled people? How will they feel when they get charged with trespass? One Doctor has had her tyres slashed twice and leaves a note in her car saying she needs the car for on-call medical work and home visits.
Few heroes in history saved the world with vandalism.
They are also painting cars — like true vandals
This surely would be illegal if it was done with permanent paint (which apparently it was, and would cost £200 to have it removed). “Avon and Somerset Police said the incidents were being treated as criminal damage.”

Climate vandals paint slogans on cars.
Here’s the narcissistic, childish note they want to leave on your car
One day the slashers will run into the wrong persons and be slashed themselves.
We used to call these people anarchists.
They are still anarchists.
To be fair to anarchists they come in many forms. You can’t get smaller government than being an anarchist. This anti human ( anti carbon) mob are a bunch of deluded idiots. To put it nicely.
A couple of sets of foam filled tyres and some cameras to record?
I lived on an Island in Morton bay for a while about 50 years ago. A number of low lives took to steeling fuel from the vehicles parked in the ferry car park.
I came back from Brisbane one night, started my little truck, which cut out right in the car park entrance. They had removed the bung from the fuel tank drain & drained the lot, I was running on just that in the carby.
Others helped get me out of the entrance, I found the bung, & someone gave me enough fuel to get home. It was quite annoying.
Thus I was quietly pleased when the local paper reported 3 young men had been transported to hospital by ambulance, after being found badly beaten by the ferry terminal. Not being a christian I don’t have to turn the other cheek.
Fuel steeling stopped right then. Hopefully the same treatment will stop these clowns. Which would be best, baseball bats, or Cat-n-nine tails. Perhaps some of each would do the trick.
Someone is going to be very seriously injured , hopefully nothing terminal, in practicing their
idiotic calling to damage other people’s property.
Waiting for the authorities to label these activities as acts of terrorism.
Yeah !! And pigs knitting socks will fly!!
They will only declare it terrorism when you and I start doing it.
Ok, in the note that they kindly leave on your car, they state:
“Psychological studies show that SUV drivers take more risks on the road.”
Umm… I’m confused. Isn’t this about saving the planet?… from CO2 emmissions?
That’s their core belief isn’t it?
So when did the people botherers decide, that they are also the authority on driver safety?
Get caught touching my car…wear the consequences.
I don’t drive an SUV, but I do drive a very large diesel 4X4 that boosts plant life along any road I travel. If the loony left vegan army want to try and vandalise my vehicle, please make sure you can run very fast 😉
What would you do if you saw a group of young girls walking past your car, one dragging a key on the paintwork?
Roll coal, baby.
My wife would sort that out 😉
Just a friendly reminder that citizen’s arrest is legal in NSW … where necessary to protect persons or property from criminals.
Please use “reasonable force” as per the book … I mean reasonable in the same sense as the force NSW Police are known to use on demented and confused pensioners. We know that must be reasonable … because if it had been unreasonable, then someone would have been punished, right?!?
For the painters I would suggest that should they be caught in the act that the contents of their spray cans be emptied into their hair. They would be immediately recognisable and would need to be shorn to rid themselves of the clotted hair. Justice without injury.
Idiot stenciled on their forehead.
SUVs only exist because the same clowns were involved in setting pollution limits on cars back in the 1980s. When the legislation was passed car performance became abysmal but it didn’t apply to utilities. So manufacturers made more comfortable utes and they morphed into sports utility vehicles.
I figure if someone sprays my car I’ll be tempted to extend it all over and really advertise what I feel. Its 40years old and I’m passed worrying about the paint job or what other people think…
They need to check their facts after all most electric cars are heavier because of the massive battery pack they need to run – but then children have no sense, maybe daddy won’t buy them an ev.
SUVs come in all sizes. Having more ground clearance and mostly wagon type rather than sedan bodies are more practical.
It’s a joke to see EVs boasting about their acceleration. If they accelerate from 0 to 100 in 10 seconds or less their battery will soon be flat.
And, who noticed that the sedans the SUVs are replacing were designed with a race track in mind, but never see a race track?
Also think you get a large dose of electromagnetic radiation sitting in them.
Does anyone know where I can arrange to have one of the “climate criminal” decals painted on the side of my SUV? I think it looks quite artistic. Maybe put some burning trees around it or something.
You’re a wicked man Eric. You might start a trend… 🙂
They don’t use paint any more. A lot of it is computer cut outs of sticky film. Judging by what you see on the road they can paint any picture that you want. I assumed that those complicated signs were done with a computer and printer.
I have heard that if you buy a vehicle with modern signage on it it is not easy to remove all sign of it.
You could put Biden, BLM stickers, Ukraine and Rainbow flags on your SUV.
It would work like garlic or a crucifix.
Of course, here in America, especially the Democratic cities with large African American populations, the most common response will be the zombie defense tactic.
If the Police are available, they will arrive 20 minutes later, write a report, and notify the zombie parents.
Even after paying for college, there will likely be enough money left for services.
Honk, love the rainbow-garlic plan, but we need magnetic decals that we can leave off most of the time and only use in high risk areas. No one wants to wear that full time…
Might have to get run flat wheels. My brother had a Honda Civic with the standard low profile tyres. On a winter’s night he broke two wheels on a bad pothole. He was able to drive 30km home on the flats.
I have had to replace two low profile tyres (not run flats) because of potholes – the fellow at Bridgestone told me I was lucky that the alloys were undamaged. He said that low profile run flats had a greater chance of cracking the alloys.
Years ago, thieves were stealing radios from peoples cars. Some car owners would put signs on their cars ” No radio installed” or ” Have removed radio” to prevent window smashing etc. One owner with one of those signs found his car window smashed one morning anyway, with a note from the thief …”get one”. So, I don’t think a rainbow flag is going to provide much protection.
Funniest thing I ever seen – it’s made my evening and I’m still laughing:
Two XR delinquent youth stage-jumped a televised dancing show in Sweden: the shouty girl threw yellow powder while the boy raised a flag with writing on it, just as one of the camera-operators swung his overhead boom-crane (with large camera attached) head-on into him, sending him flying, then swung it round and knocked the girl sideways. Security dragged the dazed and confused twinlings off-stage while the dancers continued without missing a step.
That camera-operator deserves an Oscar for such outstanding work… hilarious. Heard about it on the radio so searched for ‘Sweden protesters + camera boom’ and voila! The video and stills are priceless. Nobody expects the Camera Inquisition – BOOM! Tipping point karma.
It’s kind of funny … but what’s actually happening here is that you have grown ups, backed by reasonable financial resources, who are systematically tracking down weak-minded children and sending them out to do their dirty work.
The kids are mostly stupid and gullible, but many young people are … the people controlling these kids are just nasty power hungry grubs. There’s the real problem.
XR should be subject to civil suit to pay damages for everything they sent their minions to achieve … and the people running the show must be held personally liable.
You can the start of this child ‘grooming’ with the rise of Greta Thunberg, enabled and funded by adults, her parents.
You can track the start.
I saw it as well Tel, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
That said, I saw comments from camera operators who said that the cameras were probably programmed to follow the dance routine and that no camera operator would risk damaging a camera that expensive.
I just watched that footage and I can say it was a deliberate targetting by the boom operator, no regard as to the camera.
Hasn’t everyone seen that yet?
Climate loon gets clobbered
They don’t seem to even be able to be consistent with the spelling of ‘tyre’.
Cut and pasted from multiple sources.
And then I could deflate their argument (tyres) with – Attention!!!! – My Gas Guzzler gives me and others FREEDOM.
And does not harm the Planet as CO2 gives life……………………
Ironic, the grass along the edge of country roads grows more sweet & lush than any other, fertilised by the CO2 of passing vehicles, mulched by tyre rubber & cigarette buts, & watered by the run off of rain from the hard surface.
This then attracts kangaroos to the sweet grass, leading to them being hit by cars. Pity those things labeled poisons by the greens grow the grass, rather than suppress it, as they claim.
We used to live in a land of careless pedestrians…wombats, roos, foxes and the odd pig. Especially in drought they came to that little bit of greenery on the edge of the road. I used to only repair the damage when it affected roadworthiness.
If the objective is sympathy, I cannot see how that is going to work. Victims will just be very angry. It’s vandalism and criminal and idi*tic.
If the objective is publicity, then it will certainly work but will the publicity engender sympathy and understanding? No.
What is the point other than thoughtless self indulgence? I remember when activists broke into a farm for minks and released the vermin which promptly devastated all the local wildlife.
I can safely predict this idea will die out. Or produce such a violent reaction that the idea it was just a prank will be completely lost. Could I recommend supergluing themselves to the freeway at night dressed in black. It is quite insane, will damage a lot of vehicle and will get a lot of sympathy. Job done. Darwin wins.
Back in the 80s the Wellington (NZ) harbor foreshore road from the city to Miramar suburb was often used by police for Friday night breath testing. With no side streets patrons of the popular watering hole that sat midway along the road could leave in one of only two directions and being a winding road the RBT units could be set up out of sight of the pub and drivers were on them before they saw them.
Slight issue for police was that the high traffic levels of non-pub patrons meant there was still a chance some drunks would not be stopped and the return/effectiveness of their work minimised.
Not sure whether it was leaked to the press or that patrons became suspicious at how the police seemed to be able to pick ex-pub drivers with 100% success and did their own detective work but it was claimed that about 30 minutes before closing time certain persons would go around the pub car park drawing circles on the headlights of cars still there. This subsequently proven claim was raised at one of the drink drive court cases and the judge ruled that the police action of marking the headlights amounted to interfering with the safe operation of a motor vehicle and rendered their act unlawful and potentially subject to criminal action if one of the vehicles was later involved in an accident.
While the act of letting down tyres is surely unlawful perhaps a claim of attempted murder could also apply. What if the car owner returns before the tyre is noticeably deflated and drives off down a motorway and has an accident? A murder charge along the lines of interfering with the safe operation of a motor vehicle would certainly take the wind out of the vandals sails.
“If the objective is sympathy … “
But it isn’t, at least not the REAL objective, which is to make themselves feel powerful and virtuous, two characteristics they don’t actually possess. My observations tell me that the typical angry, leftist protester is an otherwise weak being, probably friendless and bullied at school. Joining something like XR makes them feel important for the first time in their lives and being part of a ‘gang’ means they have backup.
It goes to their heads.
The point is NOT to gain “sympathy”.
The ENTIRE point of such actions is PROVOCATION, Make the victims of their malice “get up and bark”, then pull a “Dennis the Peasant’ moment, for the cameras.
It is a “set-up”
It is also a perpetual source of encouragement/ justification for the usual suspects to continue to expand their “legislative power”, whilst SPECIFICALLY not addressing the initial criminal behaviour. Oz is replete with examples.
Ayn Rand explains it all neatly in “Atlas Shrugged”.
On the other hand, if you buy a tiny and light car, there’s a chance of finding that someone has turned it upside down. A year or three ago there was a spate of such attacks on Smart cars, mainly in the USA but with some copycats elsewhere. Used to happen to Reliant Robins, too.
Some people may not notice that their tyre pressure is down, if it’s not completely flat, and fully-flattening a tyre by pressing on the valve-end takes quite a while so might not be complete when the deflator gets disturbed. Thus could cause a failure whilst driving, and risks injury – possibly to the driver, maybe someone else. It’s thus not just an annoyance for the SUV driver, but an illegal (and immoral) act.
The justification is that they think that (a) CO2 is warming the world and will make it uninhabitable and (b) we can change the amount of CO2 in the air by emitting less. Both statements are wrong, based on the actual evidence. TdeF has frequently noted that around 98% of the free CO2 is in the ocean, and that there is a rapid exchange between the ocean and atmosphere depending on water temperature, and thus the ppm level of CO2 in the atmosphere cannot be controlled by us anyway. Also, looking at the temperature estimates over the last few thousand years, there is no correlation between CO2 and global (or even local) temperatures. It’s only a fair correlation from around 1980 onwards, which is thus often used as a start-date, but even that correlation has failed over the last decade or so as the rate of world CO2 emissions (OK, mainly China) has accelerated.
Good point about the danger of driving with a half flat tyre…
Hopefully, most intelligent drivers would immediately notice the sound and steering difference and stop to check.
A lot of new cars have tyre pressure sensors as standard but they’re inside the tyre.
I use an aftermarket kit – just replace the valve caps with small bluetooth sensors/senders and a nice lcd display plugs into a 12v socket. Visual and audible warnings for (configurable) under and over pressure and temperature.
Around $90.
I, by habit, always quick check my tyres before getting into the car…
A Canadian lady has a problem with EVs, too.
That silly girl should look up the data and WAKE UP. And she shouldn’t ever buy a TOXIC clueless EV again.
Love the bit about looking for second hand battery cars – ‘voila……there were plenty on the market.’ I wonder why?
Even the ABC can identify some problems with EVs:
But they’re sure some future technology will profitably recycle them…!!!
Dave B
Do the “Tyre Extinguishers“ move about after dark in camouflage clothing and black-painted roller skates?
Perhaps (horror!) they travel in a rubber tyre vehicle.
Rubber soled shoes. Makes for silent, fast escape.
If some tyre extinguishing chump,
Leaves your S.U.V. in a slump,
Though feeling frustrated,
To get quickly inflated,
Buy a car-plug-in handy small pump.
Keep a canister of CO2 to reinflate your tyre, same way that many cyclists do.
Actually we are missing something.
Increasingly about 15% of modern SUV cars and electric cars do not have a spare tyre but as compensation have ‘run flats’ with reinforced sidewalls which means they can drive at 80km/hr for 80km even when the tyre is deflated. And they have tyre pressure warning on the dash. The vandals may be a little late for many modern cars, especially BMWs.
And more generally, with a 1,500,000,000 cars on the planet, six billion tyres. The protestor is destroying private property with no real expectation that there is any benefit to anyone. The idea that this was done in good faith of a community benefit is rubbish and they know it. It is random gratuitous self indulgent vandalism.
You can yell, wave placards, congregate but you cannot damage property, public or private. And there is no excuse. So the sooner such people are arrested, charged, fined and punished the better. Just like any other destructive anti social behaviour.
But then I think the same of useless windmills which are only called renewables because they don’t last long and we have to pay for them.
“and punished”
Made to pump up the tyres using a bicycle hand pump.
In the unlikely event these criminals get caught and prosecuted, they will probably stand before an activist “judge” who will let them off without penalty anyway.
It’s not activism. It is gratuitous vandalism, destruction of private property. There is no law which supports this. And judges own 4WDs as well.
The following is one such example. Whether or not the claim about the ambulance is true, they still blocked traffic on the Sydney Harbor Bridge during peak hour. I personally regard that as unacceptable.
Suppose a conservative protested about “drag queen story hour” in a similar manner? I doubt whether a conservative protestor would get off so lightly.
Few years ago in west Gippsland an animal activist broke into a property and stole a goat that the owner was milking. Caught and charged with theft the penalty was a $1.00.
The judge describing the “act” although against the law, was for a “noble cause”
Didn’t you know that judges were once uni students and most have sympathy for these juvenile protesters.
Wow. You’d have to be a black belt ninja to steal a goat while it’s being milked.
Yes, judges tend to be very lenient, even on criminals. Unless judges are directly affected. Then they can be brutal. Steal $100K from a private property and you will likely be asked politely not to do it again. Steal from a judge and you will get years in jail. That happened in Melbourne with a judge’s secretary.
Most activism, marches, disruption are part of history, especially in Britain. They tend to be dismissed. Judges all want to play Solomon, especially in their dinner party set. The French police and judges are far more reactive.
However a direct attack on the SUVs of rich judges in exclusive suburbs will threaten judges directly. They will take a dim view of that and getting to their hobby farms or holiday houses. And also here we are talking about real damage, not arbitrary civil unrest. I would advise the vandals that it is advisable always to target poor people and their cars. No one cares about them, despite the rhetoric of Labor. That’ what the energy laws do. It is the poor who are very badly affected by high energy costs.
And if the culprits are identified say by police action, my experience is that they are then open to civil reparations and will be chased mercilessly by the insurance companies. Which lets the judges off the hook in some ways as a civil dispute.
I only hope some of these delusional imbeciles are caught and heavily prosecuted.
But why don’t they go to China and try their stunts over there? I’d love to see them try.
And our SH is already a co2 SINK, just ask the CSIRO, so shouldn’t Aussies be exempt from their vandalism?
Don’t forget, the Left are not only damaging cars, they are vandalising artworks in galleries, destroying statues, and the big prize for them, destroying Western civilisation itself.
Leftists tend to be incapable of arguing their case which is why they resort to global censorship, vandalism, destruction and violence.
They don’t even care when they block roads and block ambulances or other emergency vehicles or make people late for work.
A sure way to get sympathy for your point of view.
And I am not sure whether Australian police were instructed to lie about the following story by retracting their initial statement that an ambulance was blocked.
Perhaps they’ll target Green and Teal seats.
High proportion of urban usage SUVs there !
“It’s time the Greens were asked if they support this. “
What?? Many of them own SUVs, the most hypocritical virtue-seekers have much heavier EVs. !
Electricity prices are soaring in New England USA and nearly as high as California.
Of course the Biden DEMs have banned new gas pipelines into the area and now their gas has to be trucked in.
Yet the stupid voters still vote for these delusional loonies and want to see even more TOXIC W & S to add to their misery.
The map of USA states and the price they pay for their electricity tells us the true story. See the link.
The map says the average price for USA electricity is US15.12c per kWh which is 23.25c Australian which I think is still cheaper than most Australian domestic consumers pay.
You can see some Australian electricity prices in c per kWh at:
Incidentally, in regard to run flat tyres, after they have been used in a run flat situation and done their job to get you to a garage, the usual recommendation is to discard and replace them at substantial expense. However, some run flats can be repaired depending on the nature of the damage and the manufacturer’s recommendation, but generally, they will need to be replaced.
I have a friend with run flats on an Alfa Romeo and he was shocked that he had to replace his tyre that only had a minor puncture.
Even worse, if you have an AWD SUV, you are advised to replace both tyres on the same axle, never just one. This doesn’t apply to all such vehicles, but some electronically-controlled AWD systems get twisted knickers if the circumference differs one side from the other, tricking the computer into thinking the smaller wheel is slipping.
I drive a car with a six litre V8, so I suppose it’s subject to climate vandal action. Just don’t let me catch them touching my car.
DM also sells “Climate criminal” decals on the side. 😆
Steve Milloy tries to school CC activists on Israeli TV, but these loonies couldn’t care less about the real DATA and evidence and just tell more lies and insist on their delusional so called crisis.
The Dutch loony is from Ex Reb and they even allow a UK idiot on to insist that he supports Ex Reb all the way.
But China and other soaring co2 emitters will be very pleased with their useful idiots.
>”It’s a cult”
A very lucrative one too. Tire deflaters are just the useful idiots.
MUST READ… German Lawmaker Beatrix Von Storch: How BlackRock, the WEF and the Global Climate Cabal are Fleecing the Taxpayers
“The reason Big Finance is all in on “climate change” is the enormous profits it offers: BlackRock Investment Institute estimates the total investment needed to achieve “world climate goals” at $50 to 100 trillion – that’s as much as of the entire global economy. The “Green New Deal”, which BlackRock Investment Institute describes as a “once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity”, will thus be the largest redistribution of wealth in history.”
BlackRock expanded into the field of climate policy …….BlackRock was thus in charge of both “climate policy” and “sustainable investments”.
It was a perfect hustle – except for one unpredictable variable: democracy. The market for “sustainability” and “Green infrastructure” depends virtually 100% on politics. The production of wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps and electric cars is not driven by market demand, but by subsidies, bans, regulations and other government red tape.”
# # #
Follow the money. The article gives examples of the plethora of “climate foundations” – the source of funding for tire deflaters, among other things, like government manipulation on a global scale.
Von Storch article:
Klaus Schwab and the Unholy Alliance of Big Finance and Big Climate
In his infamous book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” June 2020, Klaus Schwab described his vision of Big Finance working hand in hand with left-wing activists: “Let’s imagine the following situation to illustrate the point: a group of green activists could demonstrate in front of a coal-fired power plant to demand greater enforcement of pollution regulations, while a group of investors does the same in the boardroom by depriving the plant access to capital.”
The unholy alliance of Big Finance and Big Climate that Schwab invoked has now become a reality. German industrial giant Siemens experienced this painfully when it was attacked by both Greenpeace and BlackRock over a deal with an Australian coal producer.
# # #
Article continues, documenting the connections of Greenpeace and head Jennifer Morgan to BlackRock partners and Climate Works Foundation kingpin Hal Harvey, the Hewlett Foundation and the Packard Foundation, Vanguard and State Street. Morgan worked as Germany’s ”Climate State Secretary” (Morgan is a US citizen). She is also an Agenda Contributor at Schwab’s World Economic Forum.
It’s not about the environment.
Related, today Victorians hear a proposal for car lights to be lit at all times during driving, to reduce crashes. Compulsory. Comes from a Lib State pollie!
Another blatant example of people telling others what they must do.
Greens should reject this. It takers electricity to keep those lights on and most electricity comes from non-renewables that put CO2 into the air. I have not worked the figures, but I would guess at order of magnitude that a couple of full-sized power stations would be needed to have car lights on in the day as opposed to off, on a world-wide basis. Could all be saved by a flick of a switch in every car, plus a policy recommendation to drivers to keep lights off.
When I used to visit China, a nice moonlight night saw many drivers without headlights. Geoff S
Most new cars have running lights anyway- what’s the point? Most accidents these days are from inattention- people on electric devices in their car. The fact this comes from a Lib State politician is no great surprise in Victoria. They are about as clueless as the other mob.
If you are driving a gray, dark brown, dark green or black car at 100 (or more) kph on a country road, you are an idiot if your headlights (not running lights) are not on.
Admittedly a nuisance in towns at 50 kph.
I have been driving now for 67 years, never with lights on during the day unless, in my experienced judgement, I saw a need because of mainly low light at the time.
I commonly drove distances on several hundred km a day sitting on 160-180 kph a lot of the time, before meanies with radar guns appeared.
Never had a car accident while I was moving, though as a youngster was hit by another car when I was nearly stopped.
My accident chances were reduced by being on the road for less time each trip through arriving sooner and less sleepy.
God bless the 308 V8 !! Thank you GMH !! Geoff S
Re “When I used to visit China, a nice moonlight night saw many drivers without headlights. Geoff S”
The bits I saw didn’t use low beam – they alternated high beam and off
Yep, saw that as well. Especially from trucks.
Geoff S
>”Radical climate activists”
An Extinction Rebellion offshoot is Fireproof Australia.
From Von Storch article upthread:
“Along with BlackRock, one of the most aggressive spokesmen for this movement is British hedge fund manager Christopher Hohn, who manages assets of $22 billion. Hohn sponsors Harvey’s European Climate Foundation, which also finances Graichen’s Agora think tank.
[Agora is center of the current nepotism and kickback scandal which forced “Green economics” deputy secretary Patrick Graichen to resign]
Hohn’s Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) pledged $7,000,000 to the Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) and is the largest sponsor of radical climate sect Extinction Rebellion, which doesn’t stop at violence and sabotage.”
[ER‘s other source of funding is the Climate Emergency Fund which was founded by Trevor Neilson, the former head of communications at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]
# # #
Radical climate activists are simply bottom-of-the-pile workers paid to do a job – a bit like mercenaries.
Portugese – agora = now
>”It’s a cult”
The High Priests coming from “World” organizations like the vastly underestimated UN WMO headed by secretary-general Prof Petteri Taalas.
The High Priests are super desperate for the predicted impending super El Nino – without which their cult is flailing somewhat. So the decree went out to the media proselytes, leading to headlines like these:
‘El Niño to Worsen Climate Change Impact, One of Next Five Years to be Warmest on Record: WMO’
‘Global warming of 1.5C ‘more likely than not’ [WMO]
‘The likelihood that Earth briefly hits key warming threshold grows bigger and closer, UN forecasts’ [WMO]
‘Climate Crisis Likely to Intensify El Niño, Pushing Global Temps Past 1.5°C Threshold’ [WMO]
# # #
The Tire Extinguishers let down your tires while the High Priests pump up your alarm.
The threshold has created a dilemma for the church.
I cannot see any circumstances that will alter the steady warming trend of the NH that began a few hundred years ago. And the SH is mostly water or a giant ice block so it is not going to cool dramatically. That means the 1.5C “limit” is going to pass in a few years and there will be no indication of catastrophic warming. The warming trend will just continue until there is more snowfall than snow melt and that is about a century away.
It is a bit like going to hell if you have sex before marriage. I think most religions have let that one go now. And the new church did not learn that lesson from history.
I doubt the El Nino that is forming will produce higher temps than 2016 so maybe we will have to wait till 2032 to watch the 1.5C go by.
They will then have to pick a new limit. Or maybe realise they are watching the end of the current interglacial and slow descent into glaciation.
Rick >”the 1.5C “limit” is going to pass in a few years and there will be no indication of catastrophic warming”
Absolute data has the limit exceeded by 10 K in the tropics already. Would have been exceeded when the limit was invented. See ‘That’s a big climate surprise’ post comment #
Tropics -20 20 Mean: 298.843 K (10 K over)
There’s only 2 latitudinal bands where the limit – an AVERAGE of Tropics to Poles – is applicable:
Global Mean: 288.155 K or 15 C (0.485 K under)
Northern Mid 30 40 Mean: 288.421 K (0.219 K under)
Southern Mid -36 -40 Mean: 288.26 K (0.38 K under)
>”the SH is mostly water or a giant ice block so it is not going to cool dramatically”
Same water modulation had the SH warming a lot less than NH. The high latitudes will never exceed the limit:
Northern Polar 60 90 Mean: 264.317 K (24 K under)
Southern Polar -60 -90 Mean: 254.419 K (34 K under)
See next for assumptions.
I’ve refined the assumptions since ‘That’s a big climate surprise’ post.
Applying the IPCC’s 1.5 C limit to absolute GMST
Assumptions using NOAA’s WRIT
IPCC human attribution begins 1951
1948 – 1958 Global Mean: 287.656 K or 14.5 C
IPCC “limit” pre-industrial year base: 1880
2013 – 2023.33 Global Mean: 288.244 K or 15.09 C
1.1 K/C rise since 1880 (NASA GISS)
1880 Global Mean: 15.09 – 1.1 = 13.99 C or 287.14K
IPCC 1.5 K/C “limit”: 13.99 + 1.5 = 15.49 C or 288.64 K
2000 – 2023 latitudinal band monthly data (21st century).
>”The high latitudes will never exceed the limit”
Even Phil Jones had a problem with the (old) limit in respect to the north – “If it is 2 deg C globally, this could be more in Europe – especially the northern part”.
Northern Polar 60 90 Mean: 264.317 K (24 K under)
So “more” in the order of about 24.5 C – not 1.5.
Unless the 1.5 limit is applied at each and every latitudinal band – which we’ve never been told about.
I suppose Phil Jones might have been referring to the Arctic warming more than everywhere else in the quote.
In which case, in respect to the Northern Polar 60 90 Mean, maybe he thought the 2 C limit should 3 C or something i.e. “more”.
Doesn’t make sense though. I would have thought the limit (if there must be a limit) should be LESS in the north – not more i.e. a 1 C Northern Polar limit say.
What a stupid concept.
There was rush of Tik Tok videos highlighted on social media quite recently. Mostly pranks, but just really stupid, annoying. The classic was randomly walking into someone’s house and then just filming it. Another version was a person (they’re usually POC so as to confuse people) with one of those 10L petrol containers who walked around a carpark tipping liquid onto peoples cars as they either left or approached their car. The liquid was only water, but the drivers would think it was petrol. Filmed on TikTok to get their reaction. Except they tried it on a Pickup (ute in Australia) and the owner pulled out his gun and nearly shot the bloke. It was filmed in a US state where “carry” is legal. You are just seeing this type of reaction with the JSO protestors as well. It’s not long- someone will be killed or badly injured very soon, because police seem reluctant to act. Well not unless you’re a peaceful granny sitting on a parkbench in Victoria, then apparently it’s ok.
More laughable lunacy about their so called melting Arctic ice.
The latest big specialist Russian ice breakers couldn’t get through and had to go around the latest ice barrier.
Then we have to consider the major problems to come when the AMO changes to the COOL PHASE?
According to Dr Curry this should change very soon, or has it started to change already?
It seems the Sth African govt is also fighting the CC extremists while trying to keep the lights on.
The extremists don’t like the use of Turkish energy ships providing power to the country.
They should be sent to prison for the misery they inflict on ordinary poor Sth Africans and the sooner the better.
In South Africa, the enviroloons already have a nation on its knees power wise, the rest of us will just take a bit longer, SA is our future.
09:45, wholesale power prices, QLD.. -$2.01 c, SA $230.00
QLD Coal, SA S&W.
How long until some innocent person hops into their car without noticing one or more flat tires and promptly rolls it due to the flat tires.
This could result in injury or death, is that the point when action will be taken to stop this infantile behaviour.
Cool! I hope they come and do this to all the Greens living up the valleys here, all driving their 20 year old gas guzzlers with their green activism stickers all over them. None of them have electric cars, none of them.
Worst “Green” vehicle I have ever seen was an old VW Kombi, spewing heaps of black noxious exhaust.
Lots of “save the climate” and “ban drilling” stickers, of course.
They really do leave themselves open to ridicule !
We have had a spate of pagan cultist activity in sunny Radalaide. One even tea bagged themselves off a bridge. The opposition (libs) produced legislation raising the fines from approx 700 bucks to 50k to stop them from blocking emergency services etc.
Not to be outdone labor produced the exact same legislation within 24 hours which has now passed into law much to the gnarling and gnashing of leftist teeth.
Their ABC journalists were seething and actually went after the labor spokesman on radio.
Their ABC journalist lost the plot as at one point questioned whether we could trust the police to implement this new law.
Funniest thing I had heard for quite some time but it is clear the ramanaskus gov is now living on borrowed time.
This bunch of clowns should read a bit more and drink a bit less cool-aid. Recent studies have shown that EVs come with a massive carbon deficit due to the manufacturing process of the car, its components and the battery, and how it source its power – eg. you need to drive the Hyundai Ionic about 70-80K kms before you break even with the new V6 Ranger, and then you have not included the replacement of the battery pack. And then we have not even started speaking about the manufacturing location, labour law etc in those locations.
Again, if the climate zealots were really serious about saving the planet they would not buy anything coming out of some of those countries.
Rupert it’s not about the climate it’s about control, they want to control every aspect of your life the climate angle is just a ruse to get the majority of more on’s on board
Now that is a mighty nice notice these children leave behind..
But surely good manners and common courtesy require the notifier to leave their name and phone number..
So any affected SUV owner can “Learn more” about how to resolve their despicable behaviour…
Yah thats it,”educating the public”..
While “Learning more,at the activists home,be sure to abscond with their electrical meter,all loose change and consumer goods produced from fossil fuels or transported by “SUV like” vehicles.
Beating them “Senseful” being an optional extra..
The bonus round?
“When will the grown-ups in the environmental movement condemn vandalism?”
That’s like asking why the grownups in the environmental movement aren’t acting like grownups.
And, by extension, why aren’t the grownups outside the environmental movement not pushing back harder.
Why do I get the feeling that I followed a thief into a dark alley in order to report his location to police, only to discover they are there with him dividing the loot?
Interfering with someone’s property legally is called willful destruction. That is why wheel locking on illegally parked cars was banned in Australia as it was considered as a form of destruction of property. Painting slogans on a car is destruction of property. You may have to pay for the damages and if not a custodial sentence then performing community service under a court order for 6 months on their weekends generally tempers the urge to do it. In this day of high tech digital cameras are everywhere as well as sensor alarms on cars. The offenders luck generally runs out and they get caught. I remember the car clamping companies were pissed that when car owner ground of the wheel clamps destroying them the car owners could not be charged for removing the object someone else had attached to their vehicle illegally.