A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Friends of Science newsletter #387
Topics include:
Giant Underwater Waves Increases the Ocean’s Ability to Store CO2
No Climate Crisis Found in Greece Rainfall Data
Rapid Ocean Temperature Rise Puzzles Scientists
Irish Climate Science Forum Critique of the IPCC AR6 Report
Urbanization Effects on Tmax and Tmin
Plus a couple of others taken from Jo’s blog.
Wow, 0.9 million Australians are on JobSeeker and Youth Allowance (Other) payments despite so many businesses being short of staff. No need to work, Albo will be handing out even more goodies, so sit back and relax, 13.8 million people in the workforce will pay more taxes to support you plus the 2.6 million receiving the age pension and the 0.5 million on the NDIS.
So for every 3 people in the workforce, they are paying for 1 person on support.
But it’s worse than that because there are 2.2 million public sector employees included in the workforce number who must also be funded from our taxes.
When will Grim Jim follow in the footsteps of his mentor Keating who 22 years ago said that “this is a recession that Australia had to have”?
The nasty recession of the early 1990s cleansed the economy of inflation, high interest rates, stagnant real wages and asset price bubbles. It is unlikely that this would have happened without the recession.
Again with the APS bashing, your complete and utter lack of knowledge on this subject is staggering.
Pease explain.
Robber states the Australian public service are “funded” by the tax payer and intimates they are part of the non productive sector of the population along side job seekers/NDIS recipients etc.
Truth be told if a small number of my work colleagues decided not to turn up for work tomorrow then you wont be able to arrive or depart from Darwin, Tindal, Townsville or Newcastle airport on any commercial jet because there would be no one to conduct maintenance on the equipment.
The point is a number of APS do provide a service to the Australian public, a service which generates a revenue stream for the Australian government and private commercial industries. Air Services Australia cover the remaining commercial airports around the country and they are a government organisation as well, should we shut down all civilian airports so Robber does not have to “fund” the public service?.
Another example is the BOM, they provide a daily weather service which is vital for many private commercial companies and the list goes on, as i said the lack of knowledge is staggering.
I dont see where he said anything about shutting anything down.
I took him to be pointing out the sources vs sinks of wealth creation.
That’s my point robber is stating certain sectors of the community that are funded through tax dollars do not produce a revenue stream eg NDIS all money spent on NDIS provides a service with no return on investment. robber then includes the public service in that category.
I am merely stating there are many sectors within the public service that provide a return on your investment, the airport example I gave is but one.
There are some sectors that don’t provide a direct return for example many people work for DSTG, they may develop a hypersonic missile system to defend the country but unless you sell it to the Chinese there is no real return on investment.
If you really want to save money you would not do it through wages (aps are probably paid lower than most people) you would do it through stopping the waste.
I could tell you stories about waste that would keep you awake at night lol
You are misrepresenting things.
I’m sure that the main point is that the APS, as you call it, is supposed to provide service and expert guidance for our society.
The making of money from that should be a small side issue.
Corruption and greed and ugliness must be faced down in a reasonable society.
States and the Feds do fund public serviice. Many PS do collect other hidden taxes or indirect payments from taxpayers. Aviation is a classic. Who pays? LAME to work on planes for passenger and frieght in the air. The airlines?
Where do the airlines get the money? Etc etc.
Most of us here would acknowledge that there are many decent and useful people working in government areas.
Those good people are being abused by the powers that misdirect the public service: i.e. Political actors.
If you really want to know where a lot of public money goes, lots of bottomless pits here
You can make various distinctions of classes.
For example, some work classes like farming and mining, if stopped, lead to widespread, unavoidable death. Not knocking aircraft maintenance or controller types – but if they were stopped, then aircraft would be grounded but widespread deaths would not happen.
One could argue forever about essential functions, but it turns into word salad before long.
I try to appreciate sincere, productive hard work no matter what the class. Not all of us were born smart enough to be green politicians, for example.
Geoff S
But! and I say wait for the steak knives!
But there is so much more as the so-called private sector employees are likely to be in public private partnerships. Quite possibly doing Crakar24’s members work.
You know the people putting out and maintainng the electronic Koala sighted here signs, the flashing ‘slow down sign’, the huge number of cameras to monitor mobile phone use/ seat belt compliance /social credit score, the contractors cleaning the empty administration buildings, Chairman Dan’s entire office when they wear their Red Shirts; Howard, Rudds, Keating’s, Morrison’s printer maintenance etc
Where are these people in the figure Crakar24?
Broadie you have described state public servants i assumed we were talking about Australian public servants. I did leave a link up thread showing there is also “commonwealth employees” which is where the real money is
We need more reps like you. Willing to stand and fight for your workers. I was there as a young blue collar labourer when the old shop stewards were mysteriously voted out for the Arts Law trash. The same trash that now run our country and produce your figures.
Commonwealth? State? Local? just the same. If they are workers they will be experiencing the same issues as those in private industry. As Jo has said, time to unite against the real enemy and do not mug the Robber.
If as you say, these APS jobs are creating wealth, then the people making the money ie airlines should be paying for the services, not the taxpayer. Why are such jobs not privatised?
Everyone knows the BOM is APS. No one else could underperform so regularly without getting sacked.
Note – every decent public servant I know are first to admit that most of their colleagues are oxygen thieves.
there are lots of them Harves
If the APS was abandoned would the average Australian be any worse off. I doubt it. Any necessary function would be taken over by private enterprise and thrive or fail based on the value delivered. The APS cost a lot and deliver very little or no value. And the perks the APS get well don’t get me started.
I should also add that the APS is the employer of last resort.
No warming in Tokyo.
The Japanese Meteorological Service is clearly nowhere near as creative as BoM. Get some local experts to Japan and there’ll be significant warming in no time.
They tend to favour mercury thermometers.
‘There are three types of thermometers that are used for temperature readings in Japan: mercury thermometer, ear thermometer, and electronic thermometer. Mercury thermometer that have been used for a long time is the most accurate ‘ (National Institute of Health)
That’s for measuring body temperature which is totally different to air temp. In itself where to measure the body temperature is debatable because the body’s core temperature is the important one.
My bad, they are totally digital.
‘The Japan Meteorological Agency’s AMeDAS (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System) automatically sends measurement data about rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and other details from about 1,300 stations.’
BoM’s readings appear to have been plucked from a dark bodily space
And your proof Is?
As Jo has stated numerous times:
A) Raw temperature data is altered by the scientifically invalid process of “homogenisation”.
B) They won’t disclose homogenisation methodology. No outsider can reproduce analysis or results. Therefore not science.
C) The temperature measurement system has not been validated properly.
D) BoM refuse to release all datasets of side-by-side comparisons of mercury thermometry and electronic thermometer. Electronic results are biased toward a warmist narrative as they record temperature “noise” from passing vehicles gusts off hot structures etc. which mercury thermome9did not do.
Add that a large proportion of sites BoM uses are totally unfit for gauging changes in climate.
They are far too corrupted by many other factors to give anything but a corrupted version of any real change in climate.
Show us where the warming in Australia is, in the last 23 years…
UAH has been strong validated against USCRN… so if BoM shows any warming in the last 23 years… IT IS NOT REAL..
… but is either fabricated via the homogenisation black-box, and/or from bad data.!
Do they have a Tokyo chart for other months or combined months into one chart?
Obviously the JMA has it.
I think that chart of temperatures 1907-2015 showing each of urban Tokyo and rural Hachijō-jima is a more significant piece of info than singling out April in Tokyo.
It appears YouTube are having yet another purge of conservatives and other free thinkers.
Most recently both Matt Walsh and “Odin’s Men” channels have been demonetised. The latter responded by removing most of his content and encouraging people to move to his channel on Rumble and his other sites.
YT never gives reasons for its arbitrary decisions but both of them seem to have been critical of “celebrity” transgender Dylan Mulvaney and especially his following by and influence toward children.
Also, Dr John Campbell has a one week ban and a vidso pulled plus a “strike” for interviewing a sitting member of UK Parliament.
Well there’s festivities in the UK, and US POTUS election circus season has started.
Two old men are in the process of coronation.
Neither is named David or Honk.
Long Live the King.
Stop Climate Change.
Get vaccinated.
Oh, and Stop Racism and Hate.*
*Greed (for a select few) and Lust (also for select iterations) are OK, as long as you comply with the preceding.
R is encouraged, as long as you are not of the R that created R.
Blasphemy is restricted to one particular religion.
‘Thou shall not steal’ does not apply to the historically marginalized perpetual victims of R.
(Actually, the whole list may be optional.)
As far as the US, it is only after political opposition is neutralized, that OUR DEMOCRACY can be realized.
This has already been achieved in Canada, where vaccines where never mandatory.
Also note, the You in YouTube does not include you.
I refuse to be included in any tube that would allow me in the tube.
Christopher Joliffe is an old Rhodesian and he offers a warning.
‘I am astonished, but less and less so, by the enthusiasm with which many Australians greet their own impending deconstruction. I suppose nobody wants to be on the wrong side of history, and history for the past two centuries has swung decidedly in one direction. Yet I suspect that if we continue to deconstruct whiteness at the intellectual level, eventually we’ll do it at the physical level, too. Human beings seem to enjoy that sort of thing rather a lot, especially in the name of progress.’ (Quadrant)
Ohh the irony!
And to think fellow Rhodesian Senator Pocock will deliver the coup d’grace to the people who live in communities here when he cements them onto the welfare teat in Australia by supporting an amendment to the constitution. The Pococks may have had it easy, not so others.
The Climate Change story told by ice cores…
(4m 9s video)
Make Australian history great again. Captain Cook did nothing wrong. And neither did the other Europeans who came and explored. The Left are trying to cancel these great men.
1606 Willem Janszoon
1606 Luis Vaez de Torres
1616 Dirk Hartog
1619 Frederick de Houtman
1642 and 1644 Abel Tasman
1696 Willem de Vlamingh
1699 William Dampier
1770 James Cook
1797–99 George Bass
1801–03 Matthew Flinders
George Bass was a keen amateur sailor. He strapped his small sailing skiff to the back of HMS Reliance when he first came to Oz in 1795. He was ‘ships surgeon’, and Matthew Flinders was a Midshipman on that same voyage to the new Colony, and the two became firm friends whilst aboard on that voyage.
Once in ‘Sydney’, the pair would ‘tool around’ the Harbour in that little skiff, with its small sail.
They then got permission from the Governor (now John Hunter) to go and, umm, have a look around somewhat further.
They rowed and sailed out of Sydney Heads into the open Ocean, and turned right, the first time such a thing had been done when not part of the return journey back to England in an ‘actual’ SHIP.
Into the open Ocean.
The year was 1795.
That skiff was eight feet long.
George Bass was 24, and Matthew Flinders was 21.
Where have MEN like that gone eh!
They were fearless. Its sobering to think how timid we have become with centuries of rules and regulations.
Do some research on your own family, just a couple of generations, and you will most likely find some unheralded pioneer spirit.
My MIL was the first white baby born in the Quilpie hospital. She married young and FIL did the mail run out of Boulia in a Blitz truck. He had lost a leg in a horse riding accident and was using a home made prosthesis. My mother, a nurse in Townsville, remembers nursing this “handsome young man”.
This history isn’t written, you need to talk to the oldies or you will never know.
My mothers father lost his right arm when the wagon he drove to deliver goods from the Barraba general store overturned and trapped him. He was rescued by the passengers in a Cobb and Co coach, taking him to Barraba hospital and had his arm amputated just below the shoulder. He was 20 and the father of 2 at the time and went on to father 10 more, built his family home, owned a grocery store in Cronulla and later a market garden in East Hills. There was no social security then so he either worked or his family starved. They did not starve. He painted my mother’s house when he was 75. He also made fabulous pancakes.
They had a safe space in the stern of the dinghy.
Geoff S
Well, no, that space was probably for the 14 year old William Martin, George Bass’ Surgeon’s Assistant, and all the provisions they needed going places no one had ever been before.
That’s a tight fit for three people plus provisions in an eight foot boat.
Surgeon’s Assistant ….. 14 years old ….. what the!
Bernard Bolun,
Louis de Freycinet published the first full map of Australia in 1811, he was part of Nicolas Baudin’s expedition.
François Péron also wandered around the Australian coast with Nicolas Baudin while Flinders was locked up on Mauritius. He very much wanted the French to take over Port Jackson.
They were all very young as well. I’m sure there are people with this mentality and fortitude around today, but the challenges they face are arguably not comparable to those of 200 years ago.
Surely they weren’t all young white men. I know my history and no white man has ever done anything good for the world.
Just ask any LGBTQIAXYZ supporter.
Its been Australia’s wettest April in 17 years, coolest in eight.
In the tropics we probably haven’t had our wettest summer but I’d bet we’ve had most wet days.
We don’t have the dangerous bush fires you have in the south but there will be some big grass fires. The scrub over my back fence is head high in parts. Our councils will be busy with controlled burns, starting as soon as it dries a little.
Yes and here in the Adelaide hills May has begun the same way despite BoM’s VERY dark brown map for late Autumn/Winter rainfall projections. April was dark brown too…and of course temperature projection is very red.
Humungous amounts of rainfall.
‘ … most of the anomalously high rainfall in last month occurred over WA, the NT and SA. This broad area of unseasonable rain was caused by injections of tropical moisture associated with Tropical Cyclones Herman and Ilsa.’ (Weatherzone)
Hang on EG, you missed the bit in that headline where they managed to find a couple of places in Qld that had record high temperatures! (For a moment.. one day.. maybe.. if the equipment didn’t hiccup..)
Otherwise.. dismally cold and wet!
JC2 suffers the dreaded dvd disc rot!
Due to the chronic lack of worthwhile tv entertainment, I pulled a rare scifi dvd boxset last night and settled back to rewatch a few episodes.
Hmm..player won’t read the disc!
Pulled the disc and checked it and found a light “coffee stain” mark at the rim. Never seen that before and definitely not on the surface.
Some searching revealed the horrible truth – disc rot!
Turns out that early production DVDs had manufacturing adhesive quality issues. So much for lasting forever.
Of course Murphy’s Law said it will happen to the one you value the most.
I have around 800 DVDs but with digital backups of virtually everything, but it’s a very annoying prospect of having your collection go bad.
Just a warning to others…
How old was the DVD that got disc rot?
I have something that sounds similar and I’m 71
Probably 10 years or so, which apparently is about all you can expect for a lifespan.
That’s all that was expected from CDs and DVDs in the first place.
I didn’t know about ‘disc rot. I knew DVDs didn’t last forever, but the archive quality I use for our old family videos are supposed to outlive me, if I recall.
Maybe I should digitise them all. Some of it is around 40 years old, from when our oldest was a toddler, so they’re priceless to Mrs Wife and me.
Digitise them onto what medium? Magnetic disks and MOSFET-based capacitive storage, such as flash memory, also won’t hold data forever. If you somehow use an automated backup-refresh method, that might work.
I used to laugh when folks were talked into putting their photos onto CDs and DVDs, when it was obvious that the photos would always last a lot longer than the disk mediums.
And just what Sci Fi classic were you about to watch? Geeks want to know
Attempting to correct their transgender disaster, Bud Light made another disastrous ad and sales are down 26%.
Get woke, go broke.
Tim Pool discusses.
Is it just me or does everyone else grate their teeth at that bubblebath Dylan pic? How long before HE wakes up?
De-Transitioned Girl Testifies In Support Of Child Mutilation Ban In Louisiana: “I Exist”
Louisiana is currently considering a bill that aims to prohibit certain procedures that alter the sex of a minor child in the state, including the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.
After the bill was introduced, Chloe Cole, a de-transitioner, spoke out against the medical abuse she endured as a child. Chloe, who transitioned medically at the age of 13 and later de-transitioned, testified in front of the Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee on Tuesday.
Chloe’s testimony was powerful and emotional. “Doctors medicalized me starting pubic blockers and testosterone at 13 years old,” she said. “I was given a double mastectomy and my breasts, an important part of my sexuality and future motherhood, were removed in the name of political ideology at only 15 years old.”
Another de-transitioner named Prisha (@detransaqua) testifies in favor of HB463 by talking about how adults groomed her into transitioning as a teenager:
“I now live in a painful body that no longer belongs to me.”
Another de-transitioner, Prisha, shared her personal experience of being a mentally ill teenager who was convinced by adults to undergo so-called gender-affirming care.
“Testosterone had severe and irreversible impacts that I will live with for the rest of my life,” she said. “My large painful shoulders matched my overgrown heart and increased risk for heart attack and stroke. My back and joints ache constantly. Even as I sit before you, it hurts to speak.”
Prisha continued, “My surgeon didn’t care about the scars and fresh wounds all over my body when he looked at them when he made me take off my shirt. He was ready to cut me up more. Now I live in a painful body that no longer belongs to me. The trans community tells you to kill your old self with a dead name and everything and I did. The girl I was was gone and has been replaced by a medical experiment. I support any bill that prevents someone else from suffering the harms of gender affirming care.”
The medical crimes are on par with the worst in history.
Very important.
I’m glad they didn’t transition every tom-boy in my day. I’m sure they turned into attractive ladies and sometimes even good at sports.
They made great mothers.
Twitter trueisms
○ Back in my grandfather’s era you were required to pay a carnival admission fee before viewing bearded ladies, clowns with green hair and heavily-pierced circus sideshows.
Nowadays you just have to attend a parent-teacher conference.
○ I followed the science for 1000 days but I only found 99.9% survivability, myocarditis, communism, small business eradication, 574 new billionaires, grandma saying goodbye over FaceTime, penetrated world cabinets, bug-diet advocation, men getting pregnant, 162 genders and 8 mice.
○ Any teacher caught using the term “minor-attracted person” should have to run their fingerprints through the sex offender registry as a precautionary measure.
It’s happenstance, not planning, but I grow happier every day about living a couple of thousand Ks north of Brisbane and much more than that from Syd & Mlb. Things are pretty normal here.
Have you noticed how western modernity has influenced the whole world? Do you imagine that is going to stop at flushing toilets, internal combustion motors and electricity wherever you are?
You really only have to go 100-200klms out of those places and things start to get get more sensible very quickly
Australian Public Health Propaganda in 7 Simple Steps
Is your government…
Unsure of how to convince the public to keep taking unsafe, ineffective jabs?
Keen to make the public forget about your coercive control tactics of recent times?
Needing to get the public on board in preparation for your next round of unpopular policies and spending?
Let the Queensland Government show you how, with this simple 7-step Public Health Propaganda System™️ .
Can’t wait for the next Shamdemic. 😁
“Potential risks to society”.
Now, where did I hear that?
“We have some ideas, and our ability to understand this gets better over time.”
Lol! Such hubris! When his Bard takes over the world he’ll get such a surprise! “Oh, we didn’t think it could do that..”
Senator Diane Feinstein (D), a life long Senator from California, just sold her Aspen Vacation home for $25 Million
This comes just 2 years after selling her Lake Tahoe Vacation home for $36 Million
She’s been a politician for over 32 years, making ~$130K in annual salary
In my opinion, this is the sort of thing that should be investigated and publicised, not the pointless Republican vs Democrat fighting (or Labor/Green/Teal vs Liberal for that matter).
I’m sure Australian politicians of all persuasions are benefiting nicely from deals they should not be party to, but why would any journalist in close proximity to the culprits investigate when their livelihood depends on it?
The vast majority of media including the ABC actively support the Labor/Green/Teal parties, and is waging war on anything they deem to be “right wing”. The fact that they do not really delve into the murky depths of kickbacks for politicians, not even the Liberals, shows just how co-dependent and culpable they all are.
Okay, toe gently back into the water, he thinks.
That ancient old clunker Liddell is now just awaiting the explosive experts to move in, but hey, look at this.
We recently had a three day wind drought, (and I like that phrase, thanks Rafe) when wind generation crashed mightily, across the whole of the three days. A total Nameplate of 10,277MW generated a total of just 65.4GWH at a three day Capacity Factor (CF) of just 8.84%, pitiful really. The worst of those three days was the Sunday, (30April) when wind only generated 19.1GWH of delivered power at a CF of 7.7%, and while there have been half a dozen times when it was lower than that over the last four and a half years, the Nameplate for those previous occasions was lower.
So then, let’s look at ancient Liddell, breathing its last after ….. 52 long years.
The operators squeezed all they could out of ‘old faithful’ in those last days as they progressively shut down the Units one by one.
The last day when those remaining three Units were all still running, (Sunday 23 April) they delivered a virtual constant power across the day of 940MW for a total generated and delivered power of 22.56GWH.
So, here we have wind with a total Nameplate of 10,277MW delivering a lot less power across that full Sunday a week later than Liddell delivered on its last day of ‘full’ operation. That’s a Nameplate for wind generation just slightly under ELEVEN times larger than Liddell’s last three Units, and all that wind delivered was 16% LOWER than the dying Liddell.
Okay, here’s something extra to think about. Liddell’s last day at its last gasp ‘full whack’ was the Sunday, and the average price for power across that whole day was $76 per MWH, so the operators earned, umm, $1.7 MILLION for the day from just those three Units at Liddell.
Now the average cost of power is always a lot cheaper on weekend days than it is on week days, and while Liddell was also operating those same three Units in the days leading up to that last day, the cost for power on the Friday two days prior to that Sunday last day was $132.74/MWH, for a total income across the day, just from Liddell, at the average price was just on $3 million.
Okay, last thing to ponder here.
I was just, umm, wondering ….. What Company can afford o lose $3 million dollars ….. A DAY.
Incidentally, I was leaving occasional comments at the RenewEconomy site, and I won’t be doing that again. (no point really!) I politely wrote that wind is poor at what it is supposed to do ….. deliver power! and that the CF for wind is low at a 30% CF over the long term, but the ‘consensus’ at that site is, wait for this, Capacity Factor is totally unimportant.
Unimportant because they have no idea what it is Tony
Check the entry at: ‘Australia’s Renewable Energy Boom – The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly‘ on the WattClarity website.
Renewables are one big dirty game.
We have a solar drought here in the UK which varies through the year. In the winter solar power barely registers during the day but from around 4pm to 8Am solar power completely disappears. Has anyone got a rational explanation for this as our politicians seem unaware of the cause and think more solar arrays should solve the problem.
It’s like installing more wind turbines to make up for the wind drought that’s stopped the other turbines making electricity. Adding more turbines will make up for that missing power. You know capacity factors mean zilch.
Meanwhile, in the land where facts and science don’t matter, AEMO says everything is really good, and the wholesale electricity price is dropping like a stone.
My father was our local council’s rep on the Upper Hunter County Council based in Muswellbrook when Liddell was built. He took me as his driver when the council did a tour of the site. I remember there steel columns about two feet square with about four inch flanges. Methinks they’ll be harder to take down than they were to put up.
I wondered at the time where they were manufactured. I wouldn’t have imagined a sufficient local demand for steel that size to warrant having the ability to do it. Unless, perhaps capacity was installed during the war.
The Turnbull turbine travesty has now blown out to about 6 billion and delayed another 3 years
The long term data will be interesting now Liddell is off-line.
Pleased to see you back Tony.. 🙂
It won’t happen, but I think if people were made aware of the health benefits of correcting common Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 deficiencies, there would be a dramatic improvement in public health.
As it is, the Australian Government is trying to discourage Vitamin D tests and very few people have heard of K2, including a GP I spoke to the other day.
Some woke marketing
Very funny. Bill Maher is an old style Leftist who represents the Left before they went totally insane and still had a sense of humour and were not woke.
My ISP is trying to encourage me to cancel NBN and go to their wireless broadband service for 2/3rds of the price and the same or better performance.
I guess they realise what an expensive politician-designed failure NBN is.
The problem is that the Government introduced a wireless broadband tax to discourage this sort of thing. They want people to be forced to stay on NBN. The tax is on the books but hasn’t been enacted yet.
The NBN disaster is yet another reason why politicians shouldn’t be allowed to make scientific or engineering decisions.
Gotta save 5G bandwidth for the mind-control graphene injections system.😆
Now they’re coming after the Coffee drinkers
A growing contingent of people says caffeine is just as potentially addictive and dangerous as other psychoactive chemicals, and that it’s time we start thinking about and regulating it as such.
Stupid self-appointed do-gooders…
FWIW – for the covid record
“NIH Director Wanted Reversal of Trump’s Ban of Wuhan-Tied EcoHealth Funding”
Has a list
“Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial To The Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’ ”
So fire up and sizzle
15 Minute Cities: Where are All the New Shops, Restaurants, Cafes, and Cinemas We Were Promised?
With only a matter of months before 15-minute city cameras are switched on, there’s a conspicuous lack of any new facilities.
Time is rapidly running out for those local councils creating 15 minute neighbourhoods. In fact, it’s looking very likely that there won’t be a single new facility built before the cameras are switched on. The only thing that is being built is the infrastructure to confine residents to their own neighbourhoods.
The shops, cafes, restaurants, parks, health centres, theatres, cinemas and gyms that you might use are conspicuous by their absence in the utopian’s plan. The cameras to log your movements are not. They are everywhere, increasing every day.
Another brick in the wall:
One only has to look at new housing developments, crammed full of expensive real-estate, but lacking amenities and improvements to public transport, etc.
One stretch of road I travel along regularly, is about 5km long, just on the outer edge of the Paris city centre. It is rapidly having a mix of businesses and residential buildings replaced with sprawling apartment blocks. I would estimate it to be at least a few thousand apartments, given the kilometre after kilometre of building work.
In some cases the ground floors are dedicated to retail space (but a lot are still empty). What was previously a 4 lane (2 each way) road was transformed (some years ago) into a 2 lane road with the other lanes now a dedicated tram line, which runs every 10-15 minutes and is already pretty crowed most of the time, even before these thousands of apartments are completed.
The only way for governments to save face and save national destruction being the price of saving their political egos would be to set AI free to examine the entire Global Warming affair and have it declared a nonsense. The excuse would be ‘We didn’t know. We simply followed the science as presented by our scientific advisers!’ Wouldn’t want to be in the boots of those ‘advisers’.
On the same note, Janet Yelsin’s call out of the failure of the Global Trade system of the last 30years, as reported in today’s Australian and written by Paul Kelly, could also spell the end of this disastrous AGW theory. Basically China has thrived at the expense of the idealistic West and the USA in particular. Tariffs should be back in, and Defence and reindustrialisation of the USA must proceed asap. Globalisation is dead.
I would add, reindustrialisation and energy requirements are not going to be met by lunatic energy policies. To catch up to China the idea that fossil fuel systems are to be extinct itself becomes extinct, or the USA does. This, from the heart of Biden’s socialist government, really paints the picture for the West. Whither the USA goes so do we and the rest of the West with its Asian adherents.
Trump said it with a lot less ink.
And he did make a good start on it.
It’s telling that as soon as O’Biden got in he/they/them/it began tearing all the good work down.
What took these incompetent bozos so long?
Why did they let so many people die because of their prohibitions?
People need to be prosecuted for their deadly decisions but it’s good news Ivermectin is now unbanned.
There was never evidence that Ivermectin was unsafe.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Why June 1st? Why not “effective immediately”? It’s no extra typing.
“use of ivermectin by some individuals is unlikely to now compromise public health.”
As if it ever could. The sheer hypocrisy.
Rob, c’mon man, it’s 2023.
The host was just on Chris Kenny on SkyNews .
As expected. 100% performance.
I’ll help those that couldn’t see it,
Jo was on Sky news being interviewed by Chris Kenny at 20:10 AEST, 3rd May 2023. (Program: Chris Kenny Tonight)
Subject title (displayed Sky News): “BOM accused of hiding temperature data”.
I have recorded the actual interview, yet sadly I can’t supply the video due to DRM.
Yet if one wants to hear the official audio of the interview, this is what you do.
Sky News generally publishes the program audio as a podcast, the next day after the program was aired.
This is the link:
Tomorrow at some stage (Thursday 4th May), the podcast will be uploaded by Sky News. Look for “Chris Kenny Tonight, Wednesday 3 May“.
Jen Marohasy and Jo will feature approximately 10 minutes after the start of the podcast.
Enjoy it as I did.
Great to see – hear JoNova global superwoman on Sky news with Chris Kenny –
Here’s an odd one- Blame the ‘foreign mercenaries’ for stealing all the aid and arms and selling them, while up until now everyone knew it was Ukraine’s armed forces doing that. Ah, wait- the ‘foreign mercenaries’ are just arms dealers, buying arms off the Colonels in the Ukrainian Army, an extra step in the chain.
“The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), meanwhile, outlawed foreign mercenaries near Bakhmut and warned the public to provide up-to-date information on foreign arms smuggling. Allegedly, the West only demonstrates the latest combat systems, which are transferred to the Ukrainian troops. In reality, Kiev only receives obsolete weapons. But even these weapons do not reach the line of contact. On the way they are sold to Iraq, African countries and Syria by foreign mercenaries. That is why all units of “soldiers of fortune” that are currently in Bakhmut and the outskirts of the city, the SBU declared illegal. It also called on the civilian population and the military on a mandatory basis to report facts of sale of weapons by mercenary fighters to a specially created telegram bot.
Such a circumstance may affect the situation on the front negatively for the Ukrainians, since one of the reasons for the arrival of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine is precisely the prospect of participation in machinations that the whole world knows about.”
Thank god only dissenting voices like mine are censored
lol… You’re dreaming PF, wait until you wake up!
I read often enough your dissenting posts, even to often, no idea why you feel censored or silenced….
Is moderation censoring?
Stop pretending to be a victim.
I might disagree with a lot of what you have to say, but I appreciate that you keep coming back here and saying it.
I don’t see the need to censor you, and I doubt I am alone with this way of thinking, though I am only another commenter here, so my views are just as worthless as yours.
Peter, you are free to talk on this “right wing” blog.
We are not free to speak on your Left wing blogs and other social(ist) media.
Conservatives and other free thinkers are not terrified of alterntive opinions like the Left, and don’t mind people like you posting. In fact, it is encouraged.
Have you ever noticed that certain commenters newly appear before other comments with old time stamps when they were not there earlier?
This blog needs more people like you, to avoid becoming an echo chamber. Do you have any zealot friends who could lend a hand?
Yes, we all need to see the irrationality of the below-average AGW apostle…
Keeps the mirth levels high 🙂
PF.. Do you really think you are the only one that gets their posts “moderated”.
You poor little victimisation-seeker. !
A follow-up to yesterday’s post and my comment about volcanoes and weather:
2021-2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Record Rainfall in Eastern Australia and New Zealand
By Alvin Wong and Wyss Yim. Volcanoes Study Group, Hong Kong.
During late 2021, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai submarine volcano erupted creating a new island which erupted sub-aerially on 15th January, 2022 sending a plume 58 km above sea level penetrating the mesosphere. The study of observation records including satellite data has revealed warming of the ocean-surface layer followed by atmospheric cooling caused by the release of geothermal heat and volcanic materials entering the atmosphere respectively. Environmental factors influencing weather include the development of a relatively ‘short’ life-span South Pacific Blob; the transfer of large quantities of water vapour from the ocean into the atmosphere; the low-pressure condition on the ocean surface; the formation of clouds; the reduction of solar radiation caused by volcanic materials in the atmosphere; the strengthening of trade winds; the meandering of jet streams; the development of atmospheric rivers, the additional cooling effect of torrential rainfall, and, the switch to La Niña conditions. The record rainfall in eastern Australia and New Zealand and Tropical Cyclone Dovi occurring in February 2022 were both outcomes of atmospheric cooling following the sub-aerial eruption. …
Video with Jordan Peterson and Peter Schiff:
“Economic Storms are Gathering”.
Me: Does hot weather kill more people than cold weather?
C:Studies have shown that hot weather tends to result in more deaths than cold weather. Heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration can be life-threatening, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and people with underlying health conditions.
A study published in The Lancet Planetary Health in 2018 estimated that globally, around 15,000 excess deaths per year are caused by heat exposure. In contrast, cold weather-related deaths tend to be more associated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and the numbers are generally lower than heat-related deaths.
It’s worth noting, however, that the impacts of extreme weather events can vary depending on location and other factors. In some regions, extreme cold temperatures can pose a significant risk to human health, while in other areas, extreme heat may be the primary concern.
Please give the references to these studies
Here are some references to studies and articles related to the impacts of extreme weather events on human health:
1. Gasparrini, A., Guo, Y., Hashizume, M., Lavigne, E., Tobias, A., Zanobetti, A., … & Armstrong, B. (2017). Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multicountry observational study. The Lancet, 386(9991), 369-375.
2. Gasparrini, A., Guo, Y., Sera, F., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Huber, V., Tong, S., … & Scovronick, N. (2018). Projections of temperature-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios. The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(9), e360-e367.
3. Li, T., Horton, R. M., Bader, D. A., & Kinney, P. L. (2019). Heat-related mortality projections for cardiovascular and respiratory disease under the changing climate in New York City. Environment international, 126, 492-501.
4. Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Nitschke, M. (2011). The effect of heat waves on mental health in a temperate Australian city. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(10), 1419-1425.
5. Kinney, P. L., O’Neill, M. S., Bell, M. L., Schwartz, J., (2008). Approaches for estimating effects of climate change on heat-related deaths: challenges and opportunities. Environmental Science & Policy, 11(1), 87-96.
6. Fouillet, A., Rey, G., Laurent, F., Pavillon, G., Bellec, S., Guihenneuc-Jouyaux, C., … & Jougla, E. (2006). Excess mortality related to the August 2003 heat wave in France. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 80(1), 16-24.
I hope these references are helpful!
Stay tuned, Chat GPT is not very honest or thorough about articles!
Some apt wordsmithing!
“Yesterday, the UK Telegraph ran a “comment,” which I think is similar to an op-ed, spicily titled “Trans Ideology Will Let Mediocre Men Destroy Women’s Sport.” The sub-headline was even better: “In my book, [trans] athletes like Austin Killips are thieves – yet those whose prizes they take are being forced to maintain this mortifying charade.” ”
Via today’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
And Vitamin I is now promoted beyond horsepaste in Oz
Cartoon of the morning
“The best way to screw up Black Lives Matter graffiti –
Black Olives Matter”
“With Sales Crushed, Anheuser Bush Tells Wholesalers to Give Bud Light Beer Away Free to Employees Before Expiration Date
May 3, 2023 | Sundance | 402 Comments”
Excellent article by Ted O’Brien, shadow minister for Climate and Energy, in The Australian this morning, “How the US rediscovered its mojo for nuclear energy”.
Ted has just returned from leading a delegation to the U.S. and Canada to look at nuclear energy, particularly SMRs and even smaller Microreactors, and points out that “The U.S. now recognises that it can’t keep its economy healthy and hit net zero by 2050 without zero-emmissions nuclear energy”.
The proposed microreactor development sounds interesting, which can be delivered on a truck and be operational within a month. Would power 1000 to 20,000 homes for 5-20 years without refuelling, then hauled away.
The folks in the U.S. couldn’t believe that Australia was destroying our coal plants without having replacements up and running – as one of them said: “Stop blowing up your coal plants – you’re not ready to live without them yet.”
Also folks in the U.S. are correctly comparing energy source costs using the Total System Costing” method (Also known as FCOE), instead of the faulty LCOE costing method used by CSIRO and AEMO, whjo advises our federal govt. The Canadian Minister for Energy referred to datya that showed that nuclear energy was the cheapest energy source, surpassed only by hydro.