A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Another replication –
“Wind fails Alberta, again, on Tuesday morning”
“Just when you thought wind might be just fine to power our economy, on Tuesday, wind power generation in Alberta failed, again. Eight hours saw less than 100 megawatts, and it bottomed out at 13 megawatts. That’s out of 3,618 megawatts of wind turbines installed.”
So wind power generation fails again, I am not surprised…. It is reliable in doing that….
I just don’t know why people believe that wind, solar and a big battery can meet the energy needs of any advanced economy.
The thousands of politicians and bureaucrats, world wide, can’t be that ignorant.
A fool like me can see that what they preach is not possible…
Imho, net zero is not possible.
Renewables are only renewable in name, because we have to replace them within 15-25 years.
Renewables cannot change the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Renewables will never give us lower energy prices.
Renewables will never make a country a “Super Energy Powerhouse”.
I find it disturbing that so many of my work associates, friends and family believe the Govt’s renewables mantra without question.
It reminds me of Jim Jones, and the people that should have thought for themselves, yet didn’t.
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
― Albert Einstein
The intermittency problem has been known since the invention of windmills. In the 1970-90 era, we built several new mines in remote places where we had the options of new “rewables” for electrical source. They failed both engineering and common sense hurdles early in the planning. That said, in some remote places, detailed analysis might find value in supplementary use of renewables that can be cheaper when diesel prices rise.
IMO, it is time for electrical engineers, through organised professional associations, to recommend against building more renewables, because of intermittency. Geoff S
Spring “the season” can be said to have sprung in Washington State when highway crews get the snow off and repairs made to State Route 20 – the North Cascades Highway.
This happens Wednesday.
mmmmm sounds like EV country
The backlash is increasing “Get Woke, Go Broke” in the US as men try to take over all women’s spaces. Maybeline for womens’ makeup for men. And women’s underwear with male models.
But it is really only an extension of the attack on the West. Heroes, history, culture, sexuality, fossil fuels and merit is to be ignored. The attack on sexuality is so reminiscent of Mao Tse Tung and his unisex clothes for communists. What you do is destroy their memories, their identify, their standards and the remold people as cogs in the communist machine.
And Climate Change is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated. Not a shred of truth. And after 35 years of failed predictions that should be obvious enough, but governments around the world are doubling down on carbon taxes, carbon credits, windmills, electric cars, solar panels, ‘clean’ energy and mass destruction of pristine wilderness both on land and in the ocean. Insanity without a cause. And they admit that it is all utterly useless, but want to show the world how to go broke.
Meanwhile China controls all the rare earths and is making trillions, having increased the prices x 30 thanks to their Green allies who have shut down all the mines around the world because of ecological concerns. And no one sees the contradiction.
As the Chinese drones circle Taiwan and Taiwanese women are training to defend their homes, the rest of the world is busy attacking their traditional enemy, Russia. Even German tanks in Kyiv to fight the Russians, which is madness given the last time the German tanks were in Kyiv.
So keep buying those electric cars. Because you will not have a car in a wind drought. Nor any money as the government while awash in coal and iron ore taxes is doing its best to shut down mining and agriculture and shipping and transport.
I don’t know how politicians sleep nights. But perhaps they are really the dills they appear to be. I knew Albanese was a Trot and Adam Bandt is a communist, but these people are betraying their own country.
And in case you missed it in the budget “Monash Energy Institute director Professor Ariel Liebman says the budget’s $2bn investment in clean hydrogen is “a great first step” toward a net zero economy.
Did you know your country is spending $2Billion of your money on one gas over another because one gas has the atom carbon in it?
And hydrogen gas does not exist. We have to extract it, usually by throwing away most of the energy in natural gas.
It’s a form of madness. And it’s certainly not based on anything more than UN science fiction, Climate Scientology. Supported by millions of Climatebaggers.
Yes, and no doubt most of that $2 billion will go to Twiggy Forest for his madcap projects, as I knew it eventually would. He has been pushing Blackout Bowen for months to fund his hydrogen projects, rather than risking his own dough. Bowen is absolutely fixated on hydrogen despite all the costs, difficulties and total inefficiency of this impossible fuel.
““a great first step” toward a net zero economy”
That being an economy without money so right on track
Well said TdeF.
But may I please make a minor correction?
It’s “get woke, go broke”, not “go woke, go broke”.
The expression comes from sci-fi author John Ringo but seems to have been popularised by Milo Yiannopolous who first used it on April 17th, 2018 and then it was used by other free thinkers. Milo is mostly invisible now as he was cancelled by the Left, as we all know the Left are intolerant of alternative opinions.
Yes and “we are on a highway to climate hell” as pronounced by the UN President Gutteres without a shred of evidence because the latest IPCC report says no such thing.
What he means though is that we will freeze in winter, boil in summer and starve if we follow his lead. He is right, we are in the fight of our lives. Against communism, socialism and fascism, all pretty much the same thing, the essence of the UN world government. Slavery and poverty and just a number await us. And the 40,000 employees of the UN and as many again in the EU will be our masters. In many ways they already are.
And Julie Gillard, Helen Clarke, Jacinta Ahern, Julie Bishop will be there to guide us to the cells. And while she failed to get Helen CLarke’s job at the UN, Gillard is President of another Qango, The Global Partnership for Education. And that’s not hyperbowl. Julie Bishop’s latest gig is as a luxury lifestyle influencer as well as Chancellor of the ANU.
I wont permit you to goad David like that. You know he is going to jump in with – Guterres, Julia, Jacinda, Clark, QANGO, hyperbole. Did I miss something? I better check the 40,000 claim.
You missed Ardern.
“You missed Ardern.”
I’ll keep practicing, my aim is getting better…
That’s permanent staff. Add another 40,000 for seconded staff, peacekeepers etc.
Remember when Gillard made a $100 million “gift” of taxpayer money to the University of Adelaide?
That purchased for her an honorary doctorate of nothing in particular plus an “honorary visiting professorship” of the University.
If Gillard wanted an honorary doctorate so badly, the taxpayer would have been far better off with her buying a dodgy fake certificate from an online site to hang on her wall.
And don’t forget her $83 million dollar donation of our money to the Clinton Foundation. Clearly, funding dossiers about Clinton’s political opponents was a a higher priority than Australian poverty and indigenous health.
We were so generous! She got a job with the Clinton Foundation after that.
I noticed the other day that Helen Clark is the President of Chatham House aka the Royal Institue of International Affairs in London
It’s changed but I have to say that I didn’t know memes had tradition. I usually hate to tell anyone to get.
Just came on the BBC’s web site:
Delayed health checks among people with diabetes may have contributed to 7,000 more deaths than usual in England last year, a charity report suggests.
Oh, so that’s the Official Narrative now is it?
I don’t suppose there was any evidence provided.
You’d think there’d be some physical evidence and medical reports if that were the case…
No evidence required – but we just KNOW nothing to do with the Clot Shotz…..
Is there really such a thing as Earths Magnetic Field or the Sun’s magnetic field? These ideas appear to be carelessly scaled up from little magnets and iron filings.
I think electricity is flowing down from all sides. Since the earth rotates you just apply the right hand rule and it’s not surprising that your magnet points north.
Hey Birdo – and I think that the world is a kumquat. We can’t both be right!
Don’t encourage him GI.
Or the next thing you know we will be neck deep in “the joos dun it”.
He might have learned to disguise that one by blaming Soros. Everyone else does.
you dont even know what the right hand rule is!
You are not a real scientist and I am not a real soothsayer. Yet I can magically predict something with total certainty; None of you three clowns will be able to say anything useful about this subject. So perhaps someone else could step in and try and justify the magnetic field idea. How it is generated, where the energy is coming from, and so forth.
I was agreeing with you IDIOT, so who is the clown now?
It may have something to do with our dynamo.
Did you know that 42,000 years ago there was a geomagnetic excursion and it killed off the Australian megafauna?
Okay but what is meant by a geomagnetic excursion? We might find it’s something to do with changes to electrical flows leading to natural disasters, terrible wind storms, and perhaps bombardment of cosmic rays. The CONCEPT of the magnetic field may be useful for predicting cyclical disasters. But no big animal gets zapped by magnetism. If indeed such magnetism is to be found.
We have this magnetic field.
‘A geomagnetic excursion, like a geomagnetic reversal, is a significant change in the Earth’s magnetic field. Unlike reversals, an excursion is not a “permanent” re-orientation of the large-scale field, but rather represents a dramatic, typically a (geologically) short-lived change in field intensity, with a variation in pole orientation of up to 45° from the previous position.
‘Excursion events typically only last a few thousand to a few tens of thousands of years, and often involve declines in field strength to between 0 and 20% of normal. Unlike full reversals, excursions are generally not recorded around the entire globe. This is certainly due in part to them not registering well in the sedimentary record, but it also seems likely that excursions may not typically extend through the entire global geomagnetic field. There are significant exceptions, however.’ (wiki)
So how you reckon this zapped the big animals? We are used to hearing all this talk. But how do they measure field strength and how is this seperate from the flow of electrical energy?
See magnetism is the flip side to electricity. So they talked about a magnetic field which was really the flip side to an electrical field. And an electrical field is just an electrical flow. So it comes down to electrical flows. If you can get non-electrical magnetic snap crackle or pop in the laboratory let me know
The megafauna became extinct because of climate change, which happened abruptly and many species failed to adapt.
They don’t mention the excursion, but its fingerprints have been found at Lake Mungo.
On second thoughts it now appears on further reading that I may have my dates wrong.
Megafauna was killed off by climate change and is unrelated to the excursion.
‘So how you reckon this zapped the big animals?’
Talk to me about this dynamo? How does it work? I think there is electrical energy generation at earths centre through charge separation. But I would not characterise ithis as a dynamo. How does your dynamo work?
‘In this dynamo mechanism, fluid motion in Earth’s outer core moves conducting material (liquid iron) across an already existing weak magnetic field and generates an electric current. (Heat from radioactive decay in the core is thought to induce the convective motion.)’ (Brittanica)
Yeah the Brittanica guy knows he is lying. And we know he is lying. And he knows we know he is lying. But still he lies and we pretend to believe him.
Not only is this a turtles all the way down story. Not only does he have no explanation for the first magnetic field. And not only does he have zero evidence for the molten iron. It’s far worse than that:
Mr Brittanica knew when he wrote this that iron loses its magnetic and electricity conversion privileges as soon as iron becomes molten. So it’s worse than a mistake. Much much worse than a mere oversight.
Mr. island group: With a name like “Google”, you might try to look up the answers to your many questions. Or, you could wait a year, as much of this is covered in 6th grade.
Another sour outlook?
Google Archipelago, I assume you are referring to the Electric Universe theory of Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott?
Science is not about consensus but regardless of that, there is little evidence for that hypothesis, as attractive as the videos might seem.
It should not be confused with the plasma cosmology hypothesis of Alfvén–Klein developed by Hannes Alfvén and Oskar Klein to explain baryon asymmetry in the universe.
My understanding is the current solar model is wrong and we are waiting for its major proponents to die so we can move on to the more plausible hypothesis
And my understanding, and GI’s, born from experience, is that Google Archipelago is the latest onscreen name for a perennial pest who, given an ounce of encouragement, will very quickly bury this site in anti-jooish hate-speech, and leave Jo exposed to banning and even prosecution.
Yes you have it cracker. And sorry about my rudeness before. The problem is they keep on teaching PHD candidates these stupid ideas. I know because one of them just blocked me at Tik Tok
I am not referring to anyone. I am saying that though the idea of a magnetic field can be useful for some things, like correlating various changes in conditions to natural disasters ….. strictly speaking it doesn’t exist. There is a fellow called Davidson whose narrowed down the next big disaster to fairly soon. And in his system he is characterising things in terms of cyclical changes to the earths magnetic field. In this case his thinking is well reasoned and there is no mileage in me being a nuisance and claiming that it’s not really a thing. Since he is pointing to real cyclical changes.
Where it’s harmful is where these dropkicks tell you that a coronal mass ejection is caused by magnetism. Since when do people in the lab get an explosion from a magnet? So these ideas are being misused, even if this Davidson gentleman uses the concept to good effect.
Have you heard of flux rope?
‘Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are huge bubbles of coronal plasma threaded by intense magnetic field lines that are ejected from the Sun over the course of several hours. CMEs often look like huge, twisted rope, which scientists call “flux rope.” (NASA)
Yeah total nonsense right? Where is the energy coming from?
“Ampère’s law, one of the basic relations between electricity and magnetism, stating quantitatively the relation of a magnetic field to the electric current or changing electric field that produces it.“
“…a flux rope involved a twisted magnetic field line that contains (from Ampere’s law) a flowing current…..”
So you see for some reason they all pull a swiftly. They always try to talk as though we have magnetic phenomenon without electrical flow. They always pull a swiftly. Don Talbot ho ho look 👀 over there. No-one wants to say electrical flow. Everyone wants to say magnetic field. Like a smile without a face. But science should not be like that.
magnetic fields are carried by the plasma or the “mass” part of the CME. the energy comes from where the fields were created in the mass, and then continues with it, much like a rare earth magnet can carry a strong magnetic field without electrical interaction. the rare earth material gets it energy/field when it is being made. the material itself does not ‘create’ the energy, but the material has a structure that forms a one way field unlike most materials that are mixed.
fun experiment, get your hands on an old mechanical pc hard drive and take it apart, you will find a rare earth magnet. remove it and grab a standard metal screw driver and rub it along it, the field will magnetise the screwdriver. handy for holding screws etc, but it will lose its magnetic property after a while. for a better transfer of the field- bash the screwdriver against the magnetic field (the structure of the metal will align a bit better), to remove it bash against anything non magnetic.
That’s all nonsense. Magnetic fields come from electrical flow, like your shadow comes from you. They have no seperate power nor any explosive ability.
Coronal mass ejections come from big-planet-sized water phase change added to electrical interaction. It’s not possible to contradict me here since the energy requirements are too massive. Stop guessing and bluffing and try something that can work.
genuinely interested in how you think a fridge magnet works?
note: matter is energy. atoms have electron shells ie a magnetic field given the correct configuration.
water phase changes? hmm well plasma is charged fluid (mainly gas), water/steam would not hold at those temperatures, anyway the plasma in the corona is for the most part just charged particles moving rapidly around (hot, hot, hot) and when ejected from the sun due to random field line breakdowns etc it is pushed away, still a charged particle moving, but obviously cooling. a charged particle moving creates what? and the field lines will guide how that will flow. ie the CME picks up its energy and moves with it. i dont know what the explosive ability thing is about, but the real issue with the earths magnetic field changing will be nothing more than the flow underground lava etc.
Any apparent energy from magnetism is from electrical flow. You are asking for magic here. Magnetism is never disembodied from electricity.
How do you think a fridge magic works? Through magnetic magic that you just scaled up to coronal mass ejection with zero explanation for where the energy comes from right? So the zero understanding of a fridge magic can be extrapolated to star size as an explanation. Zero to infinity in one easy step. The Big Bang explanation?
The magnet is using its structure to draft energy from the earths electric field. Which is why the molten iron fantasy explanation of the earths magnetic field is a ridiculous lie since molten iron loses that structure.
There is no big fridge magnet in the earth bro. Nor any on the sun. But even if there were we still have to account for any energy produced and where magnetism or plasma is concerned it’s electrical energy we are talking about. And it follows the laws of electrical energy.
Now if you thing that the sun is a big ball of plasma you would know that plasma, being ionised gasses, conduct well. So they cannot be a venue for explosive electrical energy leaving to a CME, since that would require a massive voltage buildup.
The hydrogen plasma model for the sun died all over again.
your description of electrical energy needs to be clearer here. current is the flow of electrons. electrons are, as mentioned before, around each atom. the structure of a material defines how many free ‘holes’ there are for electrons to flow through, that does not mean there are none there to begin with, it means eg a highly conductive metal will have many free spots to pick up and pass on electrons. you claim that you need electrical flow to create a magnetic field, but the truth is that each atom already has one.
consider a path where the electrons are and moving inside that ionised gas at high velocity, does it mean there will be no magnetic field?
an individual particle moving through space on its own will have a minuscule field and will not mean anything, but a CME has millions of tons of ionised gas that are already formed into a shape by the magnetic field in the corona.
This interests me Maddison. Are you using these two rather eccentric fellows to deny that what we call the weather is electrical energy fighting its way down through our atmosphere? That would be some heavy duty denialism right there. By way of a shifty two-step.
Mr. Island group: What Mr. Maddison was doing, he was making the mistake of taking you seriously, but you showed him he was wasting his time. Thanks.
Paul wokeness has been going longer in science than anywhere else. With wokeness you don’t have to be a girl, you can merely identify as one. So if you identify as someone who knows about these subjects stop sniping from your safe space and let’s hear what it is you think you know.
Mikhail, your combatitive, namecalling style “denialist”, with no evidence, just nihilist questions, isn’t working for me. You wind people up, waste their time, use righteous indignation to assert you win. It’s not fostering discussion and open friendly repartee. It’s simplistic and arrogant. Good manners is a prerequisite here.
So thanks but no thanks. We’ve given you too many chances. I don’t want to moderate discussions like this. Too much heat for too little actual scientific value. You are the one sniping from your safe space. Unless someone can explain “where the energy comes from” apparently all of magnetism is wrong. And yet the fridge magnet sticks, eh?
Restrictions to wind power production in Finland.
During the winter’s calm days the grid has 5GW more demand than production resulting in the wholesale price to go over 100 €/MWh.
SO that’s the problem of renewables lack of robustness for synchrony. A cloud comes over or a gust of wind and they can’t maintain a constant voltage, so you need a higher ratio of real generators to renewables for a stable power supply.
“synchrony” involves frequency, not voltage. The latter is maintained by transformer taps at substations.
When a generator is loaded it slows, ie the freq. drops.
Looks like Tucker Carlson is back- as Jo N and others forecast, his relationship with Elon Musk is producing good outcomes for free speech. Last night he posted a Tweet basically saying ” I’m back” and would appear to be doing some sort of extended telecast on the Twitter platform. Talked briefly about truth telling and the narrative pushed by the legacy and tech media. This is going to get interesting. Millions of views in no time at all.
As far as I can tell he is still under contract to Fox until 2025.
Their aim is to shut him up, not fire him.
A few tweets don’t count.
Tucker isn’t taking that lying down, Peter.
He is all lawyered up and ready for a courtroom stoush.
Excitable Michael has the details.
I am a bit more up to date now.
Apparently the Twitter appearances ar a thing.
The ABC has published this story which includes some info about his legal status and actions:
Dave B
I love how their ABC report news on someone most of their viewers/listeners would never had heard of.
Despite the climate alarmists predicting doom for the agricultural industry, because of climate change (remember Flannery), it seems to have had a record season.
National winter crop production revised higher to reach a record 67.3 million tonnes.
Lots of wind in Canbrrrrrrr right now. Hot air and methane from the Feral Guv’ment Building as well. Wot’ a generator of energy the place is. sarc.
The Budget is back in the black but only in black and white. Please do not adjust your TV sets. Normal service will be resumed asap.
Budget only back in the black as they have moved major infrastructure spending (eg Wiring the Nation $20bn) ‘off budget’. Smoke and mirrors, still Labor signature’Tax and Spend’……..
Tucker Starting on Twitter – Yes He Was Fired Probably for Jan 6th Clips
The REAL history of “climate change” in four minutes.
Free beer experiment doesn’t go well for Bud Light
Clay Travis, founder of OutKick, conducted a briliant social experiment at a concert recently. He offered free beer cans to the concertgoers to see if the rumors are true that drinking Bud Light has become socially unacceptable in public.
The experiment allowed people to choose any beer they wanted from the cooler and the results were fascinating: no one picked the Bud Light throughout the night.
The (ex) customers have spoken…
Get woke, go broke.
In Vicdanistan, all Covid vaxx records must be destroyed by 11th August 2023.
Pleb: “I was damaged by the vaxx!”
Gubermint: “We have no record of you being vaxxed”
Destroy all records but make backups first…
The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is operated by the Commonwealth, not by the states and I would presume does not need to follow Victorian law.
Difficult question when the Australian Constitution never extended any powers over health to the Commonwealth … but here we are. Not my fight really … I’m never going to be worried about any personal mRNA injury … although I do feel bad about those small but not insignificant number who were injured.
Lunatic world, continued
U.S. House Representative Seth Moulton stated:
We must make it clear to the Chinese that if they invade Taiwan, we will blow up the chip manufacturer TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductors).
The USSA wants to protect Taiwan doesn’t it? 😎
John – if all they did was to open the doors to the clean rooms, it would take a year or so before they could be in production again. If you took away the people who know how to make the systems work, it would be much longer before the site would produce anything useful. It’s actually pretty fragile anyway, and that’s a lot of eggs in one basket. You don’t need to do anything so dramatic as an explosion. The USA and Europe should have noticed this risk a long time ago and encouraged local fabs to achieve the same results, given the dependence on TSMC and the political risk there.
China says ‘Fk you too’ and a mysterious explosion blows up the chip plant anyway! Who has more to lose, China or America?
There are two ways to protect:
1/ Make the cost so high militarily that the potential gains are not worth the cost, but China has a proven track record of having no concern for their own people. One or two million dead would be considered “worth it”.
2/ Devalue the prize so that one million dead may no longer be worth it. China desperately need high end chip manufacturing capability.
If the US wants to protect anything, it should protect its southern border. But it doesnt. So whats the interest in “protecting” Taiwan, when you dont even defend your own border? The USA even recognizes that Taiwan is a part of China. The truth is that it has no real interest in protecting Taiwan, it is only gearing up to use Taiwan as a proxy to attack China, Ukraine style.
Look! Over there! A squirrel.
on the USA southern border that would more likely be a gila monster.
Except they are reported to be “slow moving” (though poisonous).
Makes one wonder what happened to the plan for Australia to join the semiconductor manufacturing competition. A chunk of $$$ was given to CSIRO some years ago, then little more was heard. Do we have to add this type of manufacture to the already large list of those fleeing from Australia or planning to, such as aircraft, train and automobile manufacture, metals smelting and refining, pharmaceuticals, shoes, personal clothing, weapons of war, coal mining, white goods – to name just a few.
Australia’s employment growth has a big part for people paid to tell others what they can and cannot do, while producing nothing of tangible value, plus servant industries like baristas and cleaners and environmental monitoring and mental health invention/treatment.
How dismal. How lacking in exciting and rewarding future development. Geoff S
Don’t wait with bated breath for the Coalition to save us. That will be a wait in vain. Put them back in office and see their novel approach. They just don’t talk about it. They keep quiet & just get on with imposing the exact policies without bragging about what they’re not doing. Unlike the moron that identifies as an energy minister that’s shouts his clueless policies from the rooftops!
The coalition should be talking about consulting with the modular nuclear reactor designers & manufacturers, in fact, get them out here for advice on sizing , location for the immediate installation & future expansion, maintenance requirements, training requirements. Advertise their actions & probable action plans for ongoing requirements, research etc.
Give the electorate some hope that they are serious. Silence & reluctance to publicise intentions is implied refusal to do anything differently resulting in the electorate loosing confidence in their abilities to save the country from the impending economic collapse!!
The Federal Opposition appears to be following the Victorian opposition’s example of how not to be the opposition to the Labor / Green coalition,!
So, we will have leftist governments forever.
Ever heard of a labor voter saying he will vote liberal because he doesn’t like a labor policy? Nor have I.
How much proof is needed beyond San Fran, a city which is no place for a civilised person but the left are always voted back in.
Don’t throw out the good searching for the perfect.
ASX 200 stock Technology One halted following cyber attack
TechnologyOne Ltd (ASX: TNE) shares have been halted after the S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO) tech stock revealed that it is responding to a cyber attack.
There have been a number of cyber attacks on Australian businesses in recent times, including Medibank Private Limited (ASX: MPL), Optus, Latitude Group Holdings Ltd (ASX: LFS), and IPH Ltd (ASX: IPH).
For readers who don’t know, TechnologyOne is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software business for organisations. Among its customers are the University of Melbourne, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Noosa Council, and Brookfield.
“Among its customers are the University of Melbourne, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Noosa Council, and Brookfield.”
Luckily no one important..
Anyone experiencing DNS resolution issues for Jo’s blog?
I’ve had a few of late.
Just a comment on people making a career from outwoking the competent.
Police and political conspiracy over Bruce Lehrmann case ‘possible, if not probable’, inquiry told
Who made this guy a prosecutor?
Any chance that they had doubts about the allegation because of sympathy with how it feels to be harassed for a false allegation?
Heard this prosecutor trying to smooth it all over OR sweep it all under the carpet. Very, very poor effort.
I do believe he is the one that taught USA VP Kamala Harris the recipe for “ the WORD SALAD “
I love Word Salads.
They are necessary to help us stop Climate Change.
Meatless conversations are good for the planet.
Unintelligible content reduces Disinformation.
And contrary to the conspiratorial beliefs of many participants on this blog, do NOT contain methane.
After all, drought induced Atmospheric Rivers will often be redirected by upwelling, resulting in intensification of anthropogenic forcing caused by negative positive feedback loops created when a non-binary Heat Dome, produced by a stronger than normal ENSO, collides with a Polar Vortex thinning the air by a dangerous 0.01 %, resulting in an unprecedented increase in the number of Home Runs in Major League Baseball.
Cricket, a weak derivative of American Baseball, is not affected.
Mr Smith,
You’d make the perfect “ word salad “ consultant. I think you would do very well as a consultant to people who really haven’t a clue!
Your sample word salad with many trimmings is excellent!
Thank you.
But all the credit should go to Climate Science.
🙂 🙂
I heard parts of that on our Australian ABCCC radio.
But am not 100% sure because the inverse is often true, at least to 97% certainty.
There are only two possibilities. Lehrman is guilty. Or he is innocent.
And given that Higgins often had sex on that couch in that room with others, I would expect it was a setup. How is rape even possible in these circumstances?
Lehrman could have so easily argued it was consensual if it happened, which would have been impossible to deny.
However the fact that he absolutely denied it means he was sure that it didn’t happen, that there was no evidence and there were no cameras, witnesses. Higgins thought she would get $360,000 for the book rights from Wilkinson and Fitzgerald but walked away with $3Million in cash.
Why the prosecutor assumed guilt is really hard to explain given the facts, unless it was his chance in the spotlight, his big opportunity to get on National news. And he did. For all the wrong reasons. One of the two people was a victim. And it increasingly looks like the accused.
We have just seen this with Trump in New York and a $5Million jury verdict. Usually a tall billionaire does not have to chase women, quite the reverse. He was also the head of Miss America for 20 years, but was somehow fatally attracted to a 50+ writer in a clothing store? The allegation makes Trump out to be a madman. And juries decide payouts in the US, so it’s $5Million on a maybe?
Supreme Court Judge Kavanagh accused on National Television with no evidence at all. But RU48 was worth $4Billion a year and it was feared that Kavanagh would overturn the Federal law as inappropriate under the Constitution. Which was true.
And in each case the accuser had many good commercial reasons to make up a story. Kavanagh’s accuser made her living at Stanford, home of the extreme left. And from RU48 Abortion papers and she had written or coauthored about 26 of them.
The “me too” movement has exposed crooked justice. This is Australia’s high profile example.
In every one of these historic cases the payouts, the million dollar rewards, the presumption of guilt is amazing.
Australia is a country where a Catholic Cardinal was convicted of an impossible, unbelievable and ridiculously unlikely crime without any evidence at all and spent almost the last year of his life in solitary confinement thanks largely to the ABC. And no one even apologized while the journalists won prestigious awards for jailing an innocent man. An assassin’s dagger would have been more appropriate than a golden quill.
In the modern world, the role of the press in public condemnation without evidence is becoming commonplace, if it suits their politics.
Sounds as though there is/was a parliamentary bicycle!!😛😛😛
Looks like a classic case of Left deflection. I suspect the theory of political interference is probably correct, just not how Drumlead intimates. The whole ‘LNP Problem With Woman’ meme just before the federal election was to the benefit of Labor. The fact the the LNP ministers had their legal funding pulled so that they couldn’t give evidence at the compensation enquiry for ‘Iggins, (not ‘Enry, in this case), which resulted in a $3m payout with no real enquiry reinforces the theory of Labor fingerprints all over the sordid affair.
Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset
Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset
Elite plans for digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and a “Green” post-war economy proliferate in Ukraine as conflict rages, manifesting in Ukraine’s Diia app, the e-hryvnia, a corporate takeover of Ukraine’s war efforts and prospective reconstruction, and other efforts that signal a Fourth Industrial Revolution roll-out. Outlining these efforts and who’s behind them, Stavroula Pabst argues that Ukraine’s cannon-fodder status before and during NATO’s proxy war makes it an ideal testing ground for the Great Reset.
Ukraine 2030 — the freest and most digital country in the world. Without bureaucracy, but with strong tech industry. Cashless & paperless. This is the future we are building.”
Oh please!
I thought this was a BabylonBee job.
This is laughable beyond words (and contradictory propaganda for those paying careful attention to the claims) from tbe most corrupt evil country on the planet.
It’ll be a smouldering levelled wasteland well before then.
I have a five times jabbed friend who just got ‘rona, very badly. He could do with a tested and safe anti-viral like Ivermectin now, but it is illegal to get in Australia until Jun 1st. If it’s OK then, why not now? Why does the TGA make these absurd rules?
Of course, the more jabbed you are, the more likely you are to get it and the more severe you get it, at least beyond about two jabs, I think.
If jabbed five times, unlikely to take a horse dewormer, that would be an admission.
The simple ones, Vit C & D, preferably IV [too late for oral D3] and natto kinase are likely the best you can advise.
I continue to see the multijabbed having severe Covid infections.
I have never seen any unjabbed (and there are plenty out there, in spite of government figures) have anything more than an average URTI from Covid, and no infections in any unjabbed for months.
Anecdotal but aligns with “The Science”.
I warned my friend, who is actually a specialist medical doctor, not to get more jabs, but he kept on getting more. His employer required maybe two or three but he went beyond that.
I am the only unjabbed person left at work (after the others were sacked or retired early) and the only to have not caught coofid. Ive lost count how many times some of the multijabbed have caught it and they still line up for more shots – staggering.
I was starting to think I was a super human but then again, every single unjabbed person I know has not had any problems after catching the virus (some 80 years old). For my kids, it was the least worst cold they have ever had – It blows my mind that people injected their children with an experimental substance (with well known serious side effects) for that…
If you cant lay your hands on some IVM, you could suggest Quercetin + Zinc + Vitamin D3 + Vitamin C. There’s an Australian product by IMUNI with all those ingredients.
A worrying time for your friend and you. This is just my personal approach based on reading about “it” early on. I refused the shot back then and still do and, like many, went the daily vitamin D route. I did follow the mask and social distancing demands but also ahead of going out in general or to social get togethers (with those of our family and friends who did take the shot) I would take a lysine tablet. These are the cold sore tablets which work well against the herpes simplex virus with a readily available supply from Chemist Warehouse.
As usual the jury is being kept out on just what the power/effect of lysine might be but amongst the negatives this promising extract comes from wiki:
Because herpes simplex virus (HSV) proteins are richer in arginine and poorer in lysine than the cells they infect, lysine supplements have been tried as a treatment. Since the two amino acids are taken up in the intestine, reclaimed in the kidney, and moved into cells by the same amino acid transporters, an abundance of lysine would, in theory, limit the amount of arginine available for viral replication
All I know is I have not had rona and at different times when I did start to feel “fuzzy” I would take a single lysine tablet for 2-3 days and came back to “normal”. My wife and more particularly daughter who, both also unjabbed, did have events of more pronounced “illness” – daughter had 3 days of constant headache, light sensitivity etc – but they went the Ivan route. That was a bad time because 90yr old m-i-l was also ill and I was nursing 3 at the same time yet didn’t sucumb to anything myself. So again not a recommendation just an anecdote. Hope your friend is back on their feet soon. Cheers
Currently we also have some jabbed friends struggling to get over their “flu”.
I’ve seen homeopathic doses of of influenza vaccine, diluted in glycerine or normal saline, work on cold sores. From Dr Mackarness’s work at Pleasant View Centre, Preston, Victoria (years ago). I surmised the doses stimulated the immune system which then went to work.
“stimulated the immune system which then went to work”
That was part of my thinking too sort of like being the get away driver at a bank robbery you stay in the car with engine running. Take a lysine and the good stuff is up ready and waiting for the bad stuff. Cheers.
You have sincerity and purpose and willingness to experiment which is all good, but I for one get really worried when non-qualified people go public about their informal experiments. You might be qualified to promote cures, I do not know, but if you are not, can I suggest that harm can be caused when formality is low.
The whole global warming scare is strong because many of its promoters are not qualified to be influencers.
Geoff S
Greetings. Totally agree which is why I commented “This is just my personal approach…” and “So again not a recommendation just an anecdote.”
Meantime we have CDC and ATAGI who are supposed to be the “experts” dismissing potential alternatives and (ATAGI) actually banning them despite widespread discenting comment from other “experts”. You may already know that pre-vid CDC actually recommended Ivermectin to be given to new immigrants, particularly from Africa, as normal practice…
Perhaps if the experts were more forthcoming, honest and willing to debate the issues things would be so different.
Last point I would make would be to name drop Barry Marshall from Perth. Cheers
My thought on the homeopathic oral doses of flu vaccine is that the body’s immune system recognised the attenuated flu virus in the vaccine.
Record cold across US over the Northern Hemisphere winter.
‘Starting with the cold – and according to data from the warmth-addicted NOAA – the US has set 7 all-time low temperature records so far this year (through April 24) compared to just one heat record, while 321 monthly lows have fallen in April alone (also through April 24) compared to 66 heat records.’ (Notrickszone)
NOAA should take some lessons from the Australian BoM.
Clearly NOAA’s measured data is wrong and needs to be brought into conformity with the “model” predictions by the mysterious and secret process of “homogenisation”, nothing to do with your morning glass of milk…
Interesting calm evening peak demand ahead with 1033hPa high sitting over Adelaide . Prices across the mainland States in the NEM running over $600/MWh.
South Australia is running on 70% gas and was actually exporting gas output to the Eastern States through early afternoon.
If the NEM get through winter without load shedding it will be a fantastic juggling act. I expect there will be vacant positions in AEMO after winter as the staff throw in the towel.
Would that be a prediction of “down skilling”?
Qld currently selling a qtr mill $s/hr power to NSW.
Please Plikka, don’t stuff it up by shutting down a coal burner here.
Just checked – King Island 100% diesel.
Saved yet again by wonderful fossil fuels.
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they start faking the generation records to show more wind and solar and less diesel, just like they fake climate records via “homogenisation”.
Aren’t they dumping solar power to earth because they can’t use it all in the daytime peak? Do they count that as being generated?? That would be the first fake.
I have a nice supply of Microsoft Express Encoder 4 screen capture mp3 recordings for just such a development. I particularly like the ones that show diesel 100% and some of the power generation flow going into the battery to recharge it. Since microsoft stopped supporting/developing the encoder the 10minute recording time limit on the free version has been lifted so talk about 15minutes+ of fame any such shenanigans and it will be 15minutes of infamy.
And as I type this it’s STILL 100% diesel.
King Island 2:07pm-2:27pm and perhaps they are doing maintenance on the diesel generators because breakdown was
The battery stayed on the whole 20mins. Better hope for decent wind overnight so they can recharge the batteries particularly if it is not maintenance that has kept the diesel from contributing more than 87% toward demand during this small window.
Just to close off this little episode. At 2:52pm King Island cranked up the diesel to contributing 1552kW/93% with Wind 92kW/6% and Solar 17kW/1%. Customer demand was shown to be 1505kW and the excess was flowing into the battery which was showing -156kW and continued to recharge for the whole 20mins recording.
NB These figures of course are a 1second snapshot quote but for the whole 20mins remained very constant within 2-3% +/-. At least the lights wont go out of their own accord on King Island tonight but ONLY thanks to diesel. Sleep tight everyone.
We enjoyed a sunny, clear day in NW Tasmania…not much wind!
No Evidence Of A ‘Climate Crisis’ Found In Greece
The accumulation of over two centuries of precipitation records across Greece indicates there have been overall slightly declining trends in precipitation extremes across the region and “negligible climate variability.”
This supports a new study’s tongue-in-cheek title referencing a “404 Not Found” climate crisis.
Eight scientists have published a new study examining the popularized conceptualization of an anthropogenically-induced ‘climate change’ that has increasingly become “the post-modern scapegoat for which every disaster is blamed.”
The authors point out, for example, that even the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic has been blamed on a human-caused warming climate.
The study utilizes detailed precipitation data available for Greece, as these climate records often extend to the early 1800s.
The scientists tendentiously searched for climate-related (i.e., 30+ years) trends that might confirm there is a “climate emergency, climate crisis, etc.” in the works linked to an anthropogenic [human-caused] influence.
However, no trend consistent with any anthropogenic climate influence could be found in the records.
The scientists tendentiously searched for climate-related (i.e., 30+ years) trends that might confirm there is a “climate emergency, climate crisis, etc.” in the works linked to an anthropogenic [human-caused] influence.
However, no trend consistent with any anthropogenic climate influence could be found in the records.
“climate records often extend to the early 1800s”
Of course we in Australia have excellent State temperature and weather records prior to 1909 over a huge area in the uninhabited bottom third of the planet to the early 1800s. And the BOM refuses to examine them! They are too busy adjusting the data since 1909. Global Warming has made them famous and a hit at dinner parties, if you want to be bored to death.
Really, how much work would it be to enter all the data and make it public? But you cannot let such an exciting discovery as the imminent end of the world be destroyed and trillions of dollars in unaccountable cash by discovering the truth. History will show that the failure of the BOM to even attempt to discover the truth will damn them. I am only surprised there has not been a big fire in the records office. I feel sorriest for all those headmasters, postmasters, station masters keeping such meticulous records only to have them eaten by silverfish in a dusty government store.
History will do no such thing. Winston Smith 101.
Another lesson in “un-history”
“King Hochschild’s Hoax”
It’s comparable in fantasy to that reported by Keith Windshuttle in his “The Fabrication of Aboriginal History” a superbly researched history. Post Modern historians just reversed the statements of the time to create the impression of culpability. It was the start of sensationalist and utterly dishonest reporting of events to suit the modern narrative of colonialization by slaughter and slavery. Which was not true.
Descended from six generations of Australians, I have to say that Australia was settled, not conquered.
Of all the world’s migrations , the ones leaving Europe were religious, fiercely Christian peoples often seeking religious freedom.
British Christians were the ones who ended world slavery and it cost the lives of 3,000 British seamen to do it.
Australian settlers too were Christians imbued with the Rousseaux idea of the ‘noble savage’ and were if anything naive and apostolic in their Christianity. The British did not believe in violent conquest. Even India was a business venture, sails not swords. The East India company for a century was a building full of accountants in London, not a government. And they united the many princedoms of India regardless of religion. Where the French and Spanish were a divisive force, the British united. I make an exception only for the two year Boer War which was the creation of a British General who acted against the wishes of Queen Victoria in her last year.
So the way history of the Commonwealth has been rewritten into stories of war and violent conquest is pure fantasy, opportunism. There was never slavery in Australia. The native people had nothing in a way that only pre stone age people had nothing. Infinite food, no winter, no dominant predators, they were barely at family level with no housing. There was no wealth whatsoever, however you measure it. And no government, no villages, no building, no clothes, no metal at all. Not even flint or arrows. And no need to work. Only the power of fire and the damage done by the fire wiped out all the mega marsupials and non pyrophytic trees. Even Tim Flannery agrees and it is his real field.
So what is being written into our non racist Constitution is a cunning plan by lawyers and bureaucrats to create a river of money based entirely on race against the very spirit of equality on which this country was founded. Pushing the idea of a violent conquest which never happened. Stan Grant’s behaviour is just an embarassment.
As with the entire Global Warming fraud, we are beset by our rulers in Canberra, Washington, Brussels and Beijing and the Universities. Supported by the media. They spend their days creating these Marxist plans for power and wealth for themselves. And at no time does the lot of aborigines or Australians generally improve. There are major long term problems in the Aboriginal communities and the Voice is not about solving them. It is about creating another lawyer’s picnic, like ATSIC.
And the legislated, appalling “Safeguard Mechanism” is a devastating new law designed to shut down Australia by 45% in just seven years to reduce carbon dioxide. To a Chinese vassal state. Forget nuclear submarines. We can’t afford them and won’t need them.
Thanks TdeF; a must read.
Very well said TdeF.
The thinking community must not be silent about the Left’s rewriting of history which they are doing all the time now.
Agree with David: very well said TdeF.
I’d like to add that that extraordinary man, Arthur Phillip, specifically banned slavery in the colony. It is said that his strong anti-slavery stance was a result of the injustice he observed while in the employ of the Portuguese in their colonies.
Paul Miskelly
FWIW – talks juvenile crime from the viewpoint of a prison chaplain
“”Special Snowflakes” aren’t so special anymore. They’re common as dirt.”
“Pauline Hanson with the shocking cost of Albanese’s Vanity Voice”
Close to half a billion dollars, four times the last referendum! Someone is pulling the strings, and it ain’t the clowns in the Labor Party.
What’s another half billion, billion or indeed $1,600 billion as per federal, state and local government debt? No one, present company excepted, seems to understand or care. When was the last time you heard a LibLabGreen Uniparty politician care about the debt?
BBC 15 minute city propaganda.
Blood pressure warning.
Guess who gets to live in the nicest neighbourhoods?
You know this is exactly what the Left are planning for us because their lying “fact checkers” (sic) are devoting so much effort to calling it a “conspiracy theory” of the right.
Goolag “fact check 15 minute city” without quotes.
Geomagnetic storm.
Logically, the “renewables” madness would never have happened if:
1) Random generators had not been allowed to connect to the grid unless they were rendered dispatchable with their own storage at their own cost.
2) Absolutely no subsidies or forced purchase arrangements were given to the random generators.
But it was never about logic. It was about destroying Western Civilisation.
“Royal Dilemma: The People who Most Support Ditching the Monarchy are Climate Alarmists”
It doesn’t surprise me because the whole AGW scam is about destroying Western Civilisation, including its institutions.
“Guard Your Mind, Pt 5”
“Today’s guest Ticker is another postmortem on the Coof Wars. Technically, since people are still dying suddenly, we’re in the bonus round. Some decisions echo through decades, lockdowns and Operation Warp speed are two of them.
Studying the past is a tool to predict how the next battle will be fought. I make no predictions on what it will be. It could be another riot season that turns into urban warfare, RussiaRussiaRussia, or even aliens. At this point, I almost welcome our outer space overlords.
Clown world attempts to supplant reality by first changing people’s thoughts. Our minds are potent weapons so they must be neutralized. One tactic is disinformation.”
“H. Michael Sweeney wrote the seven traits of disinformation practitioners in 1997, and updated it in 2000. They describe the characteristics of an attack on truth and provide a good analysis framework. When these characteristics appear centered around an event, we may have found the next battlefront.”
More at
Here’s another update to the Clintel groups checks about the latest IPCC report and just proves what a load of BS and FRAUD it is.
Their use of RCP 8.5 scenarios is a joke and of course they ignore Dr Roger Pielke’s careful analysis and Dr McKitrick’s work as well.
These are serious errors and yet they are still ignored by these ignorant con merchants.
There is no climate CRISIS or EMERGENCY and definitely no EXISTENTIAL THREAT to Humans at all.
So why are the OECD countries still WASTING TRILLIONS of $ on TOXIC W & S + EVs lunacy?
Hatchet job on Musk continues-
“Elon Musk spreads misleading claims about Texas mall gunman”
I agree with Musk and other thinking and honest commentators. There is a huge amount of the things about the case that don’t add up.
It’s amazing isn’t it?
Elon Musk was a darling of the Left until such time as he came out in support of Free Speech.
Now they hate him and demonise him.
I hope he can expand his free speech platforms to include something to replace the Left-oriented and censored, Farcebook and YouTube.
Note that everyone is free to join and speak freely on his free speech Twitter now, Left, Right and Centre, not just the Left as was the case before.
He paid a lot for Twitter, perhaps too much given how the former Leftist owners lied about the figures, but in the long run, I think his support of Free Speech will be profitable for him.
The principal evidence cited by the Sydney Morning Herald article that the Texas mall gunman was a white supremacist was a clothing patch:
There is a problem with that evidence. “RWDS” is a rap music producer specialising in techno and freestyle rap. The producers are a duo, Ron Wells and Dan Silk, are based in the UK, have been involved in promoting the genre for about 15 years and have channels on YouTube, Instagram, Discogs etx.
Most of the promotional cites show the RWDS logo along with the meme “Running Wid Da Streets”. Associated rap artists use variations of the meme to promote their own music under the RWDS banner.
I think Musk makes a good point. The Sydney Morning Herald runs a hit story on Musk using false evidence. What else about the story is false?
Remember the UK Scientist warning about the end of snow and how the poor kiddies wouldn’t know what snow was?
Well the western USA has had record snowfall this winter and yet stupid Biden + DEMs still BELIEVE we have to fight Global warming?
So how will TOXIC, UNRELIABLE W & S deliver a nicer climate and at a cost of tens of TRILLIONs of dollars? And they really BELIEVE their delusional BS and FRAUD.
“Burger lovers rejoice! Lab-grown meat is up to 25 times WORSE for the climate than beef, study claims
One Dutch scientist says lab-grown meat will knock plant burgers off the shelves
But a study says the industry could have a huge carbon footprint once it takes off”
Dr Naomi Wolf talks about latest revelations from Pfizer documents.
David thanks for your link to Steve and Naomi and I’m amazed how the MSM are trying to shut her down.
She certainly heads a very large qualified group of researchers at the moment and the Republicans should be demanding that she appears before Congress and tells them the TRUTH about the scum at PFizer.
I thinker we’re lucky that Noami married the right bloke who has now helped her question some of the left’s cherished beliefs.
But the MSM lockout should collapse if she appears before Congress. And the sooner the better.
You should see how they describe her on Wikipedia,
That’s one of the reasons I no longer donate to them. And I was going to leave them a substantial amount in my will as well.
The Left destroy everything that’s good.
“That’s one of the reasons I no longer donate to them. And I was going to leave them a substantial amount in my will as well.”
One might say about that –
“Where there’s a will there’s a won’t”
I don’t think Ms Wolf should be called before congress. She’s only the messenger and will be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist by anyone not liking what she says or not wanting to listen to it. The “experts” she references should be appearing and advising congress.
As the toxicity of the Clot Shots is becoming more widely known, here in Oz we are being encouraged to front up for the latest booster. It would be nice to see the promoters held accountable, however I won’t hold my breath……
W & S are ZIP so far this morning and the Diesel generator is providing all the energy to King Islanders AGAIN.
And on Flinders Island, 77% as I type this.
Thanks David and King island wind just fell to ZERO after sitting on 19% for a short time.
And solar still about 2%.
Something is very wrong when no scientist or engineer in a position of authority in Australia is prepared to speak out against this insanity.
I wonder if one of their windmills has tipped over or broken, very poor showing by breezes.
Anyone else have a problem accessing this site for a period this morning?
Was getting a mostly blank screen with the message:
“Error establishing a database connection”
Happened while trying on two separate devices, different browsers, and different internet access sources. So I assume not peculiar to me.
This is just great, the spike protein gets into your blood, then into your bone marrow then into your brain.
The Covid vaccine, the gift that keeps on giving
I guess that now nobody would be able to distinguish spike protein damage from the actual disease or the “vaccine”, unless you haven’t had the “vaccine”!
Spike protein from vacc is different from natural, it is longer active by design. From that point of view it was distinguishable in former studies of post-vac.