Electric cars are not enough, they want no cars (for you)
Will taking a billion cars off the road change the climate or just make parking easier for WEF billionaires?
The conference-and-ski club for the uber rich has issued another white paper no one asked for. In it, the World Economic Forum that no one elected, says the world should redesign cities and reduce the number of cars to 500 million by 2050. Given that there are 1.5 billion cars around today and we’re headed for 2 billion cars by then, this means thwarting the desires of 1.5 billion people. It won’t be rich people who miss out.
It’s not clear why anyone should anyone care about the pronouncements of the Ski Club for the Stars of Money — but their strange catch-phrases have a spooky way of being parroted by our elected politician-minions. The galaxy of money that orbits the Planet WEF presumably waves their $100 Trillion dollar weight around and tells politicians “nice career you have there”. Who could argue with that?
The WEF world always looks disturbingly like a preschool cartoon.

WEF, World Economic Forum,
The WEF White paper is titled: “The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility“
The benefits of adopting their plan are, seriously, that there will be a lot less cars. They say this like that is a good thing in and of itself, rather than a deprivation. Imagine saying it would be a benefit to have 75% less houses? The assumed car-vilification is part of the packaging.
The second reason is, naturally, that it will reduce plant fertilizer (CO2), presumably stopping storms, saving whales, and calming anxious jellyfish. It will also “free up” 75% of urban public space and “save” $5 trillion a year. Sure.
WEF billionaires can give up their cars and private jets any day and show us the way, but they don’t.
The Scorecard tool is not a tool to create a future the voters voted for or voluntarily want, but it will help to bully bureaucrats into doing what the WEF want. This is the protoplasmic One World Government coalescing — issuing their policy prescription.
Look out for the keywords “SEAM Strategy” — it stands for Shared Electric Connected and Automated Transport Modes which means buses and trains and automated tracking. Any politician that starts to mouth the WEF lines should be reported to your local talk-back radio show.
Did I mention “cartoon-like”?
It’s like the wolf turned up wearing a teenage girlie magazine cover:
Presumably with all the bad press EV’s have been getting lately someone at the WEF realized they need to revive the old “public transport” canard. It’s not enough to force us out of our fossil fuel cars and into EVs, they need us to catch the bus.
Other posts on the WEF
- Evil or just Greedy? It’s time to talk about the WEF.
- Climate lockdowns coming with 15 Minute Cities? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about it.
- It’s a cult: The WEF are the “select few” touched as saviors of the world to master the future
- UN NetZero cartel wants to make Insurance Firms into “Climate Police” but giants are fleeing
- “We own the Science” brags UN chief who works with Google to suppress climate skeptics
h/t LifeSiteNews
Pull my finger?
Is the thumb a finger?
If not, my bad.
inner city pupblic transit here in the US will never be safe as long as crime on it does not get punished more than a slap on the wrist.
Mr. todd: Agreed, I was thinking this- if the rich in NYC or San Fran or LA built a “public” transport system, would it be “inclusive” of violent homeless (or even just the non-violent who smell bad??)? Beggars would not ride on the rich mans’ monorail.
They want you to take public transport and not prosecute offenders but, instead, any vigilante who would come to your aid.
Pretty sure that all this BS is about making 75% of the population to accept that they are parasites on the world of the descendants of the elites.
That graphic (comic?) looks like an Utopia for healthy people. The sick and the infirm will not exist. Euthanasia will be like abortion, on demand by others.
Isn’t it becoming UNWEF? as I seem to recall recognition from the UN and some ‘official’ integration into the UN fold, just a few months ago.
Can’t see it happening as the peasants will chase them with pitchforks then hang them en mass in the nearest grove. I mean, this is a green/socialist dream metropolis but, alas they won’t have the energy generating capacity to fulfill their hopes. As Zachary Smith once exclaimed,” The cost, oh the cost”.
Or a “cabal”? It’s really so hard trying not to be a conspiracy theorist ( now a cooker ) these days. But seriously, the world geopolitical scene is getting so much more like a James Bond movie all the time. Or is it Star Wars? You could cast Klaus Swab as either Darth Vader or Blofeld or Goldfinger at the moment.
Society in the Kingdom of France in the period of the Ancien Regime was broken up into three separate estates, or social classes:
the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.
Let them ride bikes! The view of the Second Estate.
It’s surprising that we are even allowed bicycles. In fact the Second Estate believes we should be kept in small holding pens and working from homes and not have children. Consumers in cages.
The age of the dominance of Western democracies is over. China has enough factories and energy for everyone.
Old and disabled people won’t be able to walk or ride bikes. I guess that’s another reason the Left are also simultaneously pushing euthanasia with little or no reason needing to be provided. Or they might just “conveniently” die of starvation. That’s what the National Socialists did.
The people will decide to get tid of the WEF, totally, not just 75% & very soon!
Add various things from here –
and maybe it would be better “if the world was going to the dogs”
My car identifies as a bike.
My dog is dyslexic and identifies as a god.
Very clever. Are you claiming that as your own.
Original in a Led Zeppelin kind of way.
I first heared “did you hear of the dyslexic dog who asked whether there really is a Dog?” maybe 55 years ago
Ah yes, sitting in traffic, finding parking, lugging groceries- this is what life is all about.
Enjoy eating your weekly insect ration and being confined to your 15 min city, Peter.
Curfew is 7pm.
Or you could do your shopping online, drive to local Woolies, park in reserved parking, sit in car while employee loads shopping into boot, then drive home via Makkas and pick up a Mighty McMuffin and cappuccino for breakfast.
Works or me.
you are still sitting in traffic, finding parking? remember the article is about cities, it is not about suburbs.
City centres and inner suburbs already have quite good public transport.
Suburbs; not so much.
Rural areas? Yeah, nah.
lol, so the suburbs are not part of the city. ??
Good to realise it only applies to the city CBDs and not to any of the surrounding suburban areas. 😉
You do realise that WEF/UN wants to cram everyone into these “cities” don’t you, which means it is very much about suburban areas.
It is the suburban areas that are actually being targeted for this nonsense.
Creating “15 min” suburban enclaves/prisons.
Oh dearie me… You truly do have a “victim’s” life, don’t you ! 😉
Just imagine what it will be like when we are all forced back to hunter/gatherer status. 😉
No food to collect from stores, because fertilisers banned,
no heat because gas and electricity are banned…
no transport on that wet cold winter day… you will have to walk to that store which stocks only cricket-meal…
won’t that be grand 😉
Population back to 300,000 where it was when Captain Cook called by.
Please confirm that you have no car, and walk, pedal or use public transport (no aircraft) at all times.
Do you carry all of your groceries home, or are they delivered by a diesel van?
Actually, it’s good that you mentioned that PF. Because when state governments and the like start proposing 15 min cities and “SEAM strategy” in Australia. that will likely be the selling point in the slick taxpayer funded ads on TV and radio.
10 Minute Neighbourhoods Map of Bendigo
It’s already starting.
Local governments are already signing on to the WEF/UN “sustainability goals”, despite those same goals intending to cripple industry and agriculture in the regions they administer.
Get to your local council meetings, and just sit there in the public gallery/audience area and watch and listen. Just your presence there will upset and worry them. They’re not accustomed to being watched, after all – it’s the other way round these days.
Talk to your local council members about this stuff, some of them are probably actually ignorant of just what those “sustainability goals” really entail.
” redesign cities ”
Designing cities (colored chalk!) has been a favorite of urban planning departments since long before the climate apocalypse became a thing. I think Brasilia (concept 1956) might be the only one that got built.
However, we should tear down Budapest, Rome, Paris, London, Sydney, and Sidney, Nebraska too. Move all residents, businesses, and such into temporary trailers while the demolition and rebuilding proceeds.
Yah, that’ll work.
Don’t forget Canberra, which shares a lot in common with Brasilia.
I visited Brasilia around 2004. Didn’t like it at all. Bit of a monstrosity, TNH, but that’s the trademark of unrestrained central planning. Like Canberra, there are lots of concrete government buildings, but the climate over there means that the white concrete quickly turns streaky, green/brown and grey landscape, requiring frequent cleaning
Also like Canberra is an overwhelming lack of soul and joy, which was a surprise given the other places I visited in Brazil were lively. I couldn’t wait to leave.
I have a Russian friend who visited Canberra and went to the Russian embassy. No one was home. The housekeeper said of course the ambassador lives in Sydney. And she said the streets were completely deserted and villages in Siberia have more life at night. Whatever the intention of designing Canberra, it is a soul less dormitory city. Town planning at its best.
We weren’t even smart enough to find our own clown to design the Canberra gulag, we had to conscript a Yank to do it for us, how sad.
Many years ago a Japanese diplomat in Canberra commented that he could not understand why Canberra is so far from the financial hubs.
Not so many years ago I met the Greek Ambassador to the Congo while in South Africa, he had been a diplomatic staffer in Canberra and described it as a very nice city but too far from the real world.
You will live in a village, and stay there.
“Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The Left keep saying this is a “right wing conspiracy theory” blah blah blah…
And the fake “fact checkers” (sic) of the Left say so. E.g.:
First rule of Leftist fact checkers. The truth is usually the opposite of what they say.
The Leftist sources themselves say it’s so.
And I don’t think this additional reference was cited above:
the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.
I think the WEF are a power mad bunch of spoiled brats. Unelected, authoritarian, arrogant and unrealistic bunch of elites without empathy or regard for anyone except fellow elites. Why do we allow such people to attempt to lord it over us? They have no real power unless it is given to them, but by whom?
Yes they’re saving the planet, it’s true,
For themselves, not from CO2,
For half a billion a home,
A rich club pleasure dome,
All elites, without me and you.
Video 2.5mins.
WEF to reduce private car ownership.
I can’t find it now as Goolag/YouTube makes it hard to find, but during Davos one of the pro-freedom reporters there (not invited to proceedings), I think it was either Avi Yemeni, Rukshan or a Japanese lady, interviewed a WEF chauffeur and he said that the delegates all had to be carried in petrol/gasoline cars, not EVs.
I have posted the link here before but I can’t find it now.
I found the interview.
Thanks for the interview David and great to see a Japanese girl doing her best to expose the Davos loonies.
I cannot imagine China or Russia taking any notice of this ..
Davos is also highly attended by prostitutes of all persuasions.What a gluttonous bunch of elite wierdos.All cheering for a world where they have it all and the proles have nothing.
Their delusional idiocy has had too free a ride since Hansen’s nonsense speech in Washington DC in 1988, but how to stop it is another question?
I’m sure this will take as long as it starts to really hurt the average voter in the OECD countries and that could be years or post 2030 at least.
I sincerely hope I’m wrong but can anyone realistically see a faster way out of their lunacy?
Jo Nova and other bloggers have done a sterling job for years but most people are blissfully unaware of the real data of Human flourishing since 1950. Just one year of many to choose from, but who cares?
I’m sure the USA, Canada, the EU + UK, Australia + NZ etc are the real generators of the delusional CC alarmism, but this will still take some time ( or too long) before a majority of voters wake up.
I’ve explained it so often it’s become tedious.
The WEF have no direct power over us, they work through our bought and paid for “elected” politicians.
In all future elections, state and federal, number the sitting member last regardless of party affiliation, if they are Liberal, Labor, National, Greens or PHON.
I think you can include the UN bureaucracy there. Apart from that I cannot think that other countries are at all interested, and as they continue to emit 75% of CO2 (human not natural) there will be no interest, unless the “believer countries” give them lots of money – which they are unable to do as they are in recession because of previous, and futile, efforts to flower the script.
The German vice-chancellor (a Green) has announced that industry in Germany may be gone by the end of next year, because they cannot get enough natural gas. Germany is in recession anyway and as the major source of EU funds disappears the enthusiasm for the EU by other countries will disappear also – Finland, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Italy are all less than enthusiastic about being members. Czechia, Slovakia are getting fractious, and if France decides to dump Macron then that will be the end. I wonder how many of the thousands of EU employees ever think that their employment is threatened?
Graeme I thought of including the UN or IPCC but included the etc to fill the gap.
You could be right that things may speed up because of recession and ongoing hardships for voters in a number of countries.
Alas we’ll just have to wait and see and hope for a new enlightenment to wake us up. Who knows?
Dr Capell Aris tries to warn the USA of the dangers and extreme cost of so called offshore wind energy.
He is an energy expert and his article in the Telegraph should also be a clear warning to Aussies, before we start down Albo and Bowen’s east coast unreliable, offshore wind disaster.
But will we take any notice and only build reliable BASE-LOAD power stations for our future energy requirements? I doubt anything will change and a lot of future suffering will be because of Labor’s ignorance and stupidity.
What the hell does ‘Demand Gender Equity’have to do with Sustained Urban Mobility? (bottom left of the truck in the second picture)
That was the first thing which grabbed my eye as well: Demand G.E.
Then ‘Work Skills’ – driving a bus! Not knocking it as one of my many skills is as a professional driver, 30+ years accident-free.
SEAM? Nah, it’s a SCAM. Davos can sod-off.
For us all to celebrate the emperors new clothes we have to be able to see them . That delusion is being assaulted by reality . Reality will hopefully stop the rational lemmings from jumping off . There are some you just cannot help – but we must try for those who we can .
It’s marvelous that this will be all powered by Solar, wind, Hydro and unicorn farts. sarc/
Yeh right.
Delusional much.
Naah Philc,
Vic’s Dan has it all under control – look, he ‘s got a big battery to fix it!
(And for ABC-averse readers, the article has some real numbers! 150 MW! and one hour!)
Dave B
So, does this mean I won’t get my flying car? I loved the Jetsons so much as a kid.
Jo says… “The WEF world always looks disturbingly like a preschool cartoon.”
Well, it is designed for consumption by leftists… how else would they get their message across but by preschool cartoon..
Well, remember our world climate and energy policies are now determined by an autistic Swedish teenager. One of the hallmarks of the anti COVID policies was social distancing. Social distancing was the brainfart of a high school student in the US, whose dad happened to be some big wig in public health. During COVID, almost the whole world thought standing 1.5m/ 6 feet apart was a good thing without question.
When shopping at local stores during that period, I always made a point of standing directly on “the spots”, even making sure I jumped from one “spot” to the next..
.. and roundly chastising, by pointing and staring, anyone who didn’t do the same.
Fortunately, my winning personality meant that they always realised I was doing it to mock the whole situation! 😉
It seems to me when the Plandemic covid hit, it was the ideal testbed for the future, ‘lockdowns’ to avoid the virus spread, ‘digital currency’ to avoid the virus spread by contact with cash and ‘work from home’ for the govt elites, too bad if you were a truckdriver or a barmaid or barista, where you actually have to physically turn up to do your job.
The Sustainable Urban Mobility bus carries a message that its chartmaker need a better education.
Note the “EMISSION REDUX” exhaust. “Redux” means resurgent, not reduction- a return to the era of emissions.
Conga line of mobility scooters… all EVs
Is this what we want as the future?
David Wojick tries to educate us about the horrific sums to build an UNRELIABLE offshore wind farm off the US coast.
Then he also asks whether we are saving any co2 emissions to build these TOXIC disasters at all?
But will these so called wind farms last more than 15 years and will the so called capacity factor even reach 30% over 15 years?
I should add that the capacity factors of Nuclear or Coal power stns etc are over 90% and properly maintained these new power stns would last for 50 years at least.
Of course their onsite footprints are tiny compared to TOXIC wind or solar and all of the ongoing ENVIRONMENTAL damage involved.
And these TOXIC disasters would have to be cleaned up many times over a period of 50 years.
David’s skills in publicising the global warming myth are incredible.
Do you think that anyone outside of the skeptic bubble has seen anything he has written?
Oh, they’ve seen it alright.
really? Evidence for this?
If you crunch numbers on lithium ion battery emissions, it is very surprising. Per KW/h of capacity, they generate up to 200Kg of CO2 in the build cycle. Using these for grid storage works out at more CO2 emissions than a natural gas or HELE coal generation plant just from the batteries alone, when you exceed 12 hours of storage for each kw/h of RE generation. In a solar and wind only energy grid, you would need at least a week of storage in order to survive seasonal and random variability, such as wind droughts.
To calculate lithium ion battery emissions per KW/h is not difficult. Assume 3000 cycles of lifespan for the battery and use 200(kg)/3000(cycles) * 12 (hrs of storage) = 0.8 Kg / KW/h. A standard coal fired power station emits 1Kg / KW/h and the best HELE or gas plant is around 0.5Kg / KW/h. If you assume a lower level of emissions in the battery manufacture stage of 100Kg, it’s still more CO2 efficient to use gas backup if you want more than 12 hours of storage.
Where is the ABC fact checker on this battery storage absurdity ???
The World part of World Economic Forum is bunkum because the WEF is a small squad of elite megalomaniacs who don’t represent, and don’t care for, the people of the world at all. Rather, in reality, the WEF is plotting the greedy control of humanity and the usurpation of their rightful property and freedoms.
The reach of the WEF is worrying, a few years ago the Australia-New Zealand Chartered Accountants organisation announced a build back better seminar would be held and invited members to register.
Apparently there were complaints from members opposed to the seminar and basis for holding it.
Brussels is their ‘world’.
It’s been obvious for some time that the goal of the WEF is to convert the free world patrons back into serfdom. If you look at the complete plan, we all live in 15 minute cities in tiny government-owned share accommodation, all transport is public and travel outside your 15 minute enclave must be approved, with no private owned vehicles allowed except for the ruling elites. Work is for the same serf salary as all other workers, we all eat processed bugs, own no assets, and the weekly pay of a digital currency expires at the end of the month, making savings impossible. And, we get monitored 24/7 where actions and activities are tracked and used to mark our social credit scores which are used to determine if we receive our 2 week holiday at home each year. In this new WEF world, traditional religions are banned and only worship to the climate Gaia is allowed and is compulsory. State run ABC media makes sure to eliminate all misinformation so our lives are lead in a world of pristine truth telling.
I can’t wait 🙁
We always knew this was what this was all about
I saw the video of this Klaus interview .
This is a link to the podcast.
He talks about stakeholder capitalism, are those the ones who hold the stake while it is driven through hearts of vampires so that it cannot rise again?
Methinks he actually wants to kill off capitalism.
One man that wields so much power and is not elected by the people is dangerous.
The interview is about two and a half years ago.
I found the interview somewhat scary.
Was listening to the State run propaganda station this AM, must be question time or something, they were all giving it to each other about the state of the power grid, laba-greens saying the libs didn’t move to unreliables soon enough, One Nation calling S&W ‘Disposable’ power, noting that there is nothing already in place for generation in 2050, everything will have been replaced several times before then…. at our cost.
If modern HELE power stations were to be built by the end of this decade, they would just be nicely run-in by 2050, with lives extending for another THREE decades, unlike the ‘Disposables’ being thrown up at great environmental and financial cost now.
How many have seen what they teach (indoctrinate) preschool children these days? 😎
WEF and others like them recommend free pre-school and later to enable trained teachers to mould the children into the adults of compliance the socialist left prefer.
Free enterprise, free markets, the left call “capitalism”, relies on consumers.
How would globalism survive if the reduced by them populations of captive countries were limited to basics and growing their own food supplies again when standards of living everywhere were what we now call developing?
I read recently that Mr George Soros has handed over management of his empire to his son.
These elites have a complete lack of self-awareness of their actual status in the world. A guy, his wife and three kids with a tricked up Chevy Silverado with a lift kit, with two dirt bikes on the back and towing a trailer with a side-by side and his and her jet skis and an AR15 in the truck locker are not going to let snow bunnies take this away from them. Its just not going to happen.
We are closing in on French Revolution territory very rapidly. These snow bunny billionaires should make a small investment in reading some history books.
As weak as she is in many ways, America represents a unique challenge for the WEF and the globalist elites. It is the only western nation with an armed population so, if it really did come down to force, all hell would break out.
This of course explains the Democrats’ obsession with gun control. If they can just disarm the citizens, the rest will be easy.
A White Paper, eh. So without any discussion or consent, they are now adopting the attributes of government. In the same way the EU added ‘competencies’ (ironic word indeed) year after year gradually denuding national governments of power out of sight of the people. The World Government parasite growing within us by stealth, like the egg deposited by an Ichneumon wasp that will eventually eat us alive.
White papers are what governments issue, telling you what they are going to do; pretending consultation by conjuring a problem (often of their own making) and telling you what the solution is. And lo, that solution is exactly their agenda.
I particularly like “Embracing new solutions for deliveries and last-mile logistics.” Walk to the depot, you peasants!
The economy grinds to a halt, tax revenue crashes…..
Good to see Joanne Nova has caught up with the real agenda even if she still lags awareness that SARS-Cov-2 was just a ruse to roll out the vaccine bioweapon.
Is that 75% of the workers and/or the cars?
In my experience, a “girlie magazine” had lots of pictures of naked women in them that teenaged boys could use to fap over. (Of course, today you just log on to the internet and get it for free.)
You are reading it wrong. It is 500 million cars for 500 million people. One car per person in the future world.