A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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My thoughts on vitamin D
1. A fully functional immune system is essential for human health, and vitamin D is its moderator.
2. Vitamin D becomes available to the immune system when it enters the bloodstream.
3. There are two potential sources of vitamin D to those seeking to help themselves: sunshine, and vitamin D 3 capsules.
3.1 The vitamin D produced in the skin by sunshine is immediately available in the blood stream.
3.2 D 3 taken orally is processed by the liver and kidneys and takes about 2 weeks to become available.
4. Vitamin D has two cofactors (that I know about) iron, and vitamin C.
Neither works adequately without the other.
5. Zinc has some beneficial effect with vitamin D according one report, and is itself able to stop (at least) the Covid virus from replicating within a cell.
6. In spite of some very early reports, vitamin D has been been found safe and effective at quite high blood levels of 80 ng/ml (200 nmol/litre), and above.
7. Daily intakes of 10,000 IU of D 3 per day, and higher, have been demonstrated to be safe.
7.1 Check need for vitamin K2.
7.2 Vitamin A is used when the immune system is active.
Take care with these 2 as overdose is possible.
(Some formulations come as “1000 IU D3 and K2”. Taking multiples of those could result in adverse reactions to an excess of K2.)
Although I think everything I’ve said above is true, I suggest you take Dr John Campbell’s advice and check everything for your self.
Note: I’m not a doctor. These are my words based on information from several sources for which I have previously provided links. The new part is in the numbered sequencing I’ve used to produce my layman’s assessment of the significance of the connections.
Dave B
You can tell the word on Vitamin D is getting out, by the number of pharmacy ads highlighting both Vitamin D and Zinc in any number of tablets, nasal sprays etc. They never say ” works vs COVID”, its always “boosts your immune system”. Shame they weren’t advertising in a similar fashion 3 years ago.
The above statement should have been qualified.
Vitamin D3 is generally safe at that daily intake level but there are exceptions, eg for pregnant or breast-feeding women, people taking medications that have interactions with vitamin D3, and young children.
Moreover, people taking supplementary D3, even at safe levels, can experience side effects.
With most things there is a J shaped mortality curve. It is possible to overdo nearly anything. The Lancet published a review in 2021 of Vitamin D all cause mortality curves. The sweet spot is probably 60 – 80nmol/L. (Pay close attention to the units, sometimes D is reported in ng/ml which is 24-32).
See Figure 1
The curves are not all the same for cardiovascular / Stroke / cancer. But fortunately for us, there is no big conflict. If you feel you are at major stroke risk and not so much of cancer risk you might want to aim for the high side. But cancer rates may rise (though we don’t know if that is a causal association) above 100nmol.
Sometimes the problem with large doses of a single vitamin is that it can exhaust other biochemical pathways — meaning you run out of something like Vitamin K. So best practice is probably to aim for a great diet and exercise with a top up of supplements.
…and a more intense exercise regime maximises the vit. D benefits.
“If you’re not soaked in sweat, you haven’t trained” 😉
…and fat burning releases more CO2!
Ban gyms! 😄
But…get more sunshine first (try to expose as much skin as possible, not just the face and forearms), rather than just pop a pill or 6.
Quite right. The app ‘DFinder’ is a good one for working out how many minutes of sunshine you need where you live to make the Vit D you need. The basic app is free.
I have been giving my sparrow weight wife 5,000 iu/d for many years. She is half the weight of most middle aged men.
To say there are exceptions: DOH!
There was an Australian study just published testing Vitamin D and its effect on major cardiovascular events.
According to authors they conclude “Vitamin D supplementation might reduce the incidence of major cardiovascular events, although the absolute risk difference was small and the confidence interval was consistent with a null finding.”.
I think that paper needs further analysis because a lot of these studies seem designed to fail as simple correction of Vitamin D or other deficiencies for significant health outcomes doesn’t fit the Official Narrative, especially when their are expensive patented drugs to be sold.
In any case, I’m not sure that proponents of Vitamin D have promoted possible cardiovascular benefits but rather other benefits.
I’ve been taking both D3 and Zinc since I first found out about the benefits almost 2 years ago. I did not get vaccinated and so far, no Covid. Everyone I know who has been vaccinated has had Covid. Of course I could still catch it, but I could also catch a cold or the flu…it’s a bit of an unlucky dip, but I also avoid crowds in inside venues.
I would backup your comment. I went on D3 + Vitamin K2 + regular Zinc (avoiding too much) over 2 years ago. No Covid, ‘Flu or colds in that time (although I got yearly Fluvax**) but I have been amazed by the number of vaccinated who have had Covid (in many occasions several times). And they all think that the vaccine has saved them!!
Yet others I know have gone the last 3 years (with D3 etc) without Covid.
**I won’t take the Fluvax in future if adulterad with RNA.
Likewise Graeme, I also had the fluvax ( I’ve had my flu shots for 20 plus years and never had the flu…luck or maybe it works ? ) but there was no way I was having the clot shots. All of my friends who have had the vaccine have all had Covid…several have had it twice.
And yes…once they start to try mRNA flu vaccines , that’s it for me…no more.
According to Naomi Wolf the third most common side effect of the jab is covid. Go figure.
One of the ways to ascertain your Vitamin D levels is by testing. You can go see a doc and if co-operative they might organise a test. But dont count on it, there’s been a big disinformation program run with the general medical community for decades on Vitamin D. Earlier this year I noted there are self tests for Vitamin D. Blood prick/ RAT test type kit. Not sure how accurate. For example, on ebay
Might be better than overdosing?
How does it work? how do I use it?
STOP IT! present any reliable evidence you have that one can overdose “accidentally” while being “thoughtful”, even if those thoughts are a little extreme.
Note: Some can’t eat peanuts, doesn’t mean that I will overdose if I eat a kilo.
Cholesterol near the skin surface makes vitamin D after fifteen minutes – your daily dose.
Two hours for it to enter the bloodstream. Do not wash for two hours before and after.
Do you have a citation for that?
It is a common enough opinion that it doesn’t need citation but it is not universally held.
The amount of sun exposure needed is esoteric. I, for example, get more good UV exposure in winter than summer because it is too damn hot to garden in summer.
And Vitamin D testing causes “global warming”, don’t you know….
6mths into Covid my vit D tested to 17, very low, and my doctor put me on 50,000 units a day for a few days.
Currently on Calcium + D3 to help with peripheral nerve problems.
Once you HAVE wuflu your vit D should be IV. Orally, vit D seems to load up your avoirdupois before serum levels rise dramatically.
Haven’t caught the Wuflu
“… 50,000 units a day for a few days.”
Way back in March 2020, when the topic of V. D3 came up on this very site [ Thanks, Jo ] I followed up with lots of reading, and talking to my “doctor” – actually she is a Physican Assistant (PA-C). The big doses are for special circumstances, and the “few days” may be many. Consultation with professionals is important.
Anyway, I (white, 47°N Lat., always cover-up) was told it is fine to supplement up to 5,000 units. More than that, consider getting a test.
For the record: I also get Zinc and foods with Quercetin. I’ve had 3 Covid shots and no Covid. 🤔
I have had no Covid shots, and no Covid, I don’t take any suppliments or any drug.
I turned off my TV.
They are up to number five in the firing line now, please keep up to date, you are a danger to humanity.
Evening all,
I thought my item #4 might initiate some comment, but none has appeared so far, so I thought I should expand a bit.
Again, my ideas, and certainly not peer reviewed.
Re #4 and cofactors:
Without adequate iron, vitamin D will not perform adequately; and
Without adequate vitamin C, vitamin D will not perform adequately.
Without adequate vitamin D, iron will not perform adequately; and
Without adequate vitamin D, vitamin C will not perform adequately.
So what?
Research: Every research paper about vitamin D which does not also consider, and report on the patients iron and C status, is flawed by its incompleteness.
Individuals: No use of D, iron or C can provide the desired result without ensuring balancing all three.
Dave B
One of the most telling things about the fake pandemic narrative is that we never once saw a government advertisement or campaign to tell us how to best look after our immune system. Instead we were shown how to wear our masks properly, told how how far to stand away from people in the airport queue (cringingly laughable when you think about it), how to cough into our elbows and how many jabs we need to have in order to keep our jobs.
Thanks David for reminding us of the importance of looking after our vitamin and mineral intake, with or without the rebranded flu trying to kill us!
Achievement level unlocked????
Dear fellow bloggers … 2 day ago I made comment on a Youtube video over the indictment of Donald Trump.
There are 3 ‘technicalities’ I can name right now…
1. 8 of the charges relate to files handed over by Trump to the FBI before the expiry of their subpoena.
2. 1 of the charges relate to a personal letter between Obama and Trump – that was not classified or subject to their subpoena.
3. 22 of the charges relate to documents the FBI directed in writing (June 8th) that Trump keep under ‘lock and key’.
This comment was immediately queried by a fellow commentator, who demanded to know the source of my comment.
I responded and linked to a different source point for each bullet-point – PBS, CNBC and the New York Times.
This response (linking to the sources of my claim) HAS TOTALLY DISAPPEARED.
Late last night I had cause to comment on another video – in which I called out speculation by an ‘ex-conservative icon’ as inaccurate and calling him a ‘Dumbass’ – to which Youtube had pre-flagged “Dumbass’ in my comment as ‘against community guidelines’ and offered me a chance to reword.
Instead, I decided to call him ‘a silly person’, which was allowed.
My question is … Is this happening to you (having your comment pre-flagged) or have I entered some type of dystopian ‘double secret probation’?
I imagine your comments are being reported as “misinformation” or similar.
I know they also have a “shadow ban” system where you can see your comments but no one else can.
Today, unexpectedly, I can’t go to my usual Twitter pages I read, without signing in to Twitter.. Some change in company rules I suppose. They are generally Ukraine war related, a couple were just allowed back after being banned from before Musk bought the company.
The net is getting very dystopian.
if you use links, even if they are from utube or what they call “mis or dis” information your comments can go but also the owner of the site can shadow ban you or remove your comment
the person you are replying to will see the comment as it is sent to them
l have had a few comments go missing because it is not what the narrative wants put out there
its no big deal, just give that utuber a wide berth, its not worth the trouble and they do not want to know
Are the Pet Census questions anything like the Human Census?
Dogs’ highest education level attained: checks to see if the ball throw was faked.
I expect most cats to nominate their religion as Laserpointerism.
And how many humans do they own?
I wonder what the ulterior motive is?
Tax your pets?
Restrict your pets?
Ban your pets?
Confiscate and eat your pets?
If I was a pet owner, I would decline. Nothing about the Andrews Regime can be trusted.
It could be – as is almost always the case – there is no ulterior motive.
Maybe so GA.
However, why does government need the data?
What possible policy, that benefits mankind, would you suggest the Andrews’ Government might implement following the analysis of the collection?
To my mind it’s typical control freak green left socialist intervention for no apparent reason.
Marxists always want to control, tax and corrupt.
GA – Au Contraire !
Yes, ask yourself why would they need to know and why would they need to spend half a mil, which they don’t have.
True story, recently a client presented two cats at a veterinary hospital, one alive with three legs and one dead with four legs. The client asked the veterinary surgeon to remove a dead cat leg and transplant it onto the three legged cat.
I gather he’s back from China. Again!. Trip number 7.
“I wonder what the ulterior motive is?”
Generally Govts register something as a prelude to confiscating it. Every country with gun confiscations has, and these days its very difficult to find a country that doesn’t register ownership.
Its quite clear there is to be a war on cats, the official push is for them to be indoors permanently and a limited number per household. The propaganda has been on how they kill millions of native animals, based on surveys as watertight as those proving IVM bad for you!
Cats and wind turbines.
The Marxists’ paradox.
Dogs and doggy doo-doo bags.
The green/left’s dilemma.
Question everything. Why does the state need to know how many pets you have – and which you support out of your own funds, at no cost to said state. Tell them nothing.
All local councils require pet registration. All the government has to do is ask them for the lists. Would save a lot of money.
Got one of those sickly conniving emails from one of my electricity suppliers today. It read
Never mind the actual typo, but these clowns are still blaming Ukraine for our higher electricity prices. Interesting to hear what other people are receiving.
I can feel the power rising within. Same ludicrous excuse, along with post-covid adjustments. The whole show is political and it flows like water off a duck’s back for the Albanese government. How long will the sheep handle it remains uncertain.
Some peoples power costs have doubled or so we’re told, why is this when we are told wholesale prices are going down.
They will decide its double plus ungood when extensive and lengthy blackouts occur . Price isn’t important when you are powerless.
9m 54s video has two parts. The first part is on VW scaling back production of electric vehicles at one of its plants, and the second part is on the economics of diesel car ownership vs an EV.
The above statement should have been qualified.
Vitamin D3 is generally safe at that daily intake level but there are exceptions, eg for pregnant or breast-feeding women, people taking medications that have interactions with vitamin D3, and young children.
Moreover, people taking supplementary D3, even at safe levels, can experience side effects.
Ultra Right Wing conspiracy theories like that have been debunked and are tagged as disinformation./sarc.
Covid IS manufactured, only not in the way you are alluding to. The false/fake test regimes were used to create the allusion of a pandemic. In reality deaths were only slightly higher than would be expected for seasonal flu and that was down to the appalling mistreatment of the elderly and sick, and not to mention deaths from the jab. Illegal GOF work was carried out at Wuhan for the USA as was other illegal bio weapon work in Ukraine – all to get around the USA laws.
If covid was a bio weapon it was a massive failure. It was only the MSM hype, government lies and medical malfeasance that caused problems, not the rebadged flu.
“COVID Was Engineered As A ‘Bioweapon’”
Of course it was, look at the players involved.
Guess who they made Vicdanistani of the Year?
Brett Sutton!
Remember his sister in law is (Sarah) Jane Halton, participant in the Pandemic Exercise 201 in New York in 2019. Member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Yep, down here in Victoria we all refer to him as “Sluggo”.
Jane was also in charge of Australia’s quarantine hotels in which Crown Casino’s was one of the selected groups. Jane sits on the board of directors for Crown.
Crown was the hotel involved in the much feared “leak”. Jane was put in charge of the investigation into the leak and Jane found Jane had no case to answer.
They do these things in front of our faces and nothing is done, nobody questions.
Everything is a coincidence, according to the coincidence theorists.
Apparently the Premier is nominated for a Darwin Award.
Expect sales of doona’s and flannelette pyjamas emblazoned with his metrosexual smarminess to skyrocket. No wonder we have many Victorians up here in FNQ acting like political refugees.
Out of the pot and into the fire.
And telling everybody what to do, and how they do it in Victoria.
A family “branch twister” of long standing –
“You can tell a Victorian but you can’t tell them very much”
Doktor BS
Climate Alarmists Claim Ground Water Depletion And Melting Ice Caps Are Shifting The Earth’s Axis
Well, they’re at it again with another bizarre claim that the human population is consuming too much ground water, and along with global warming melting the polar ice caps, this is causing the Earth’s axis to shift. The theory is based on a study by South Korean scientists with the support of the Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion (KIMST). The group is at least partially funded by NASA and KIMST is directly tied to the the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and Marine S&T International R&D Programme.
In other words, the study’s funding is dependent on findings that support the UN’s carbon policy goals (it is likely biased). The conclusions of the paper are based on correlation, not proof of causation, concerning the depletion of ground water in certain regions along with a shift in the Earth’s axis from 1993-2010.
In reality, numerous scientific studies show that the Earth naturally “shifts” its axis every 40,000 years. Then there are the Milankovitch cycles, which describe how relatively slight changes in Earth’s movement every 26,000 years affect the planet’s climate.
At the peak of the axis tilt more extreme climate changes can result. The last seven ice ages, for instance, took place at the end of a natural shift in the Earth’s axis, causing longer periods of cold. The Earth does not have a perfect orbit, nor a constant tilt, nor does it behave in a readily predictable manner at all times.
Even NASA has admitted in the past (before all Earth science was hijacked by climate cultism) that this ancient process leads to extreme weather. Generally, the wobble of the axis takes thousands of years to play out, though there is evidence to suggest it has changed quickly during massive earthquakes, tectonic clashes and even the eruption of volcanoes. There’s zero evidence that the Earth’s axis is currently shifting any faster today than it normally would every 40,000 years. There is zero concrete evidence that human beings can cause the axis to move.
CLimatus Activus Commonus Airheadus (CLACA for short) strikes again! 😆
In 1996 it was the building of dams and change in mass distribution of water that was said to alter the position of the rotational axis of the earth. I think by around 10cm or so.
And then the Indonesian earthquake.
And then the Three Gorges Dam.
So none of these types of scary stories are new.
But in the overall scheme of things, not relevant.
There was the ridiculous story going around at one stage, that if you timed everyone in China to jump up in the air at the same time, the earth would move off its axis, or trajectory. It’s like these stories get recycled around in some 5 or 10 year cycle. For instance, I can recall the methane gas threat to climate being debunked back in the 1990’s. But, over the last 5 years it’s grown again- like some zombie.
Plus angular momentum would cease and Terra would spin off track like a GoKart at the local show.
I did my own FACTCHECK and it came up: FALSE!!
Oh, and not forgetting that newly discovered inner Earth “ocean” sloshing around.😁
Like a flea on an elephants back, leaning into corners to help the elephant.
When people fart the earth rotation accelerates 😀
‘ … naturally “shifts” its axis every 40,000 years.’
We are due for an excursion, the last one was 42,000 years ago.
el gordo:
Are you referring to pole reversals?
The last reversal occurred about 780,000 years ago, and there is no evidence to show that there were mass species extinctions at that time.
And these people want to use water (9 tons) to produce ‘Green hydrogen’ (1 ton).
Two videos on copying techniques for school or office, late 1950’s and 1960’s. US videos but we had these copiers here in Australia too.
Remember those sheets with letters that one transferred onto the master for making figures? You were always running out of one or two letters and had to buy another sheet. I cannot remember what they were called. Then the figure was sent to a photographer and prints were sent to the journal.
I remember mimiographs for student handouts – god what a pain to do – on a good day a good natured secretary would help.
YouTube could be testing a three-strikes policy for ad blocking
YouTube requires users to pay for YouTube Premium if they’d like an ad-free experience, but some users have bypassed ads by using third-party apps or ad blockers instead. Now, it looks like the video platform is testing a way to fight back.
The popup menu in the screenshot suggests users will be barred from YouTube viewing after watching three videos with an ad blocker enabled.
“It looks like you may be using an ad blocker. Video playback will be blocked unless YouTube is allowlisted or the ad blocker is disabled,” reads an excerpt of the screenshot. The service presents users with two buttons, prompting them to either allow ads in their ad blocker or letting them buy YouTube Premium.
Youtube is like eBay – had its day and sinking, as other platforms offer more without the grief.
Rumble is improving every week.
No way in hell will I disable my ad blocker or pay for premium service. If that happens I will get my ar$e into gear and move to another service.
What I get at the moment is disregard for most of the sites I have subscribed to and the strangest “suggestions” including religion and US TV weather stations. I click the “Do not recommend channel” button constantly. How many channels are there, a million?
They finally debated RFK Jr. on vaccines and it did NOT go well for “the science”
RFK Jr. made a powerful appearance at a News Nation town hall recently where he went head-to-head with the so-called vaccine “science.” By the time he was done, the “science” was in pieces. And the real kicker was his approach — RFK Jr. was both smart and persuasive, likely hitting home with more everyday people than the media would dare to admit. The 13-minute video is a must watch.
RFK Jr. explains that there has never been a double-blind, pre-licensing, placebo-controlled safety test for any of the 70+ vaccines in the childhood vaccine schedule, a fact that was begrudgingly admitted by the HHS after RFK Jr. sued them after a conversation with Dr. Fauci in which he said he would provide RFK with the data. Furthermore, RFK reveals that the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine increased the death rate of African girls by a factor of ten compared to the unvaccinated control group. While the vaccinated girls did not contract diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis, their immune systems were compromised and they died at elevated rates of other diseases or illnesses like malaria. Finally, RFK Jr. explained that the UK government does not recommend any of its citizens get the chickenpox vaccine. Why? Because while it may prevent chickenpox, it causes shingles in the longer term, which is a twenty times more deadly disease than chickenpox.
“Finally, RFK Jr. explained that the UK government does not recommend any of its citizens get the chickenpox vaccine. Why? Because while it may prevent chickenpox, it causes shingles in the longer term, which is a twenty times more deadly disease than chickenpox.”
Dont worry, second coming, according to the adverts on local T.V. “They have a vaccine for that”. Apparently shingles will affect 2 in five adults, duck into your G.P. for your shots.
I had shingles earlier this year. It was uncomfortable but nothing more. Note that I maintain high D3 levels, take quercetin, Zn and other supplements.
Please tell me you took the shingles vaccine after you caught shingles, because, because, well just because.
Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving.
Also a well-known side effect of the Covid Prophylactic.
First it was a day, then a month, now transgender Biden appointee Rachel Levine declares LGBT “Summer of Pride” lasting three full months
The month of June, which LGBT cultists have stolen and redesignated as “Pride Month,” is no longer enough: now they want the entire summer to be declared the “Summer of Pride” as a three-month-long celebration of LGBT perversion.
Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Admiral Rachel Levine, a biological male who pretends he is a woman, officially declared the entire summer as the Summer of Pride in an address from the Biden regime to Americans.
“Happy Pride!” Levine states in the below video. “Happy Pride Month – and actually, let’s declare it a summer of Pride. Happy Summer of Pride!”
Gawd, I’m sick of this pride garbage, and most unafflicted people are too.
NIWA released their 3-month ‘outlook’ for NZ today, and it looks like they’ve been spying/copying your lot’s mumbo-jumbo gambling trick, as everything has a 50:50 chance of being averagely normal, give-or-take, here-and-there, absolutely.
All on the same day our first proper ‘winter’ snowstorm arrived, bang-on the beginning of school holidays, with tomorrow being the 1st of July – a good reason to avoid roads and mountains as the chaos ensues.
BTW it’s not very ‘warm’.
affiliated to/with the Commonwealth? What’s Charlie-boy got to say on Canada’s politics this now ?
we hear very little about all this Rude ova the people and the media. Sliding towards the Cliff.
More “Us Firsting” by “ephemeral energy”
“Massive Desert Solar Projects Are Sucking Up Groundwater, Angering Locals”
A blog I frequent has a farmer from California who is suffering an influx of big money wine grape growers taking over the area and also sucking up the water. So he is battling declining aquifer levels.
Just fallen over this – and on my (Wet) Doorstep:
Really? I watch / use Flight Radar, marinetraffic, Skyline & Other webcams, + Seeing is believing: NOT!
SO! from all this , who is telling the truth. Och, ( as in Avoch – the fisher village O.U.A.T.) Munnn! We’re just an audience for a Game of CHESS!
It’s in Braille
Good time to learn and use it then, eh? Spread the word!
Food for thought.
‘During the Holocene, African tropical and subtropical areas experienced extreme climatic variations.’
‘From ~10,000 to 5000 years ago the modern hyperarid central Sahara was green and teeming with an abundance of lakes, tropical trees, grasslands, and animal species.
‘The central Sahara’s lake depths were in some cases (the Trou at Natron) “at least 300 m” high.’ (Notrickszone)
At that time the Sphinx got it’s rain erosion traces.
The depth was 300m high?
Good catch, lost in the German translation.
Hmmm..just noticed that clicking on any Twitter link takes me to the homepage, then to a login page.
A bug their end or clamping down on users?
Yeah, same John… Join to see by the look of it. I’ll survive without it.
Looks like clamping down
“Willis, Twitter has banned non-twittees from reading, so I couldn’t see your tweets even if you were reinstated.”
In comments at
The Tucker Carlson of Britain gets shocking news: ‘If they can do it to me, they can do it to you’
is a big-time political commentator and former leader of the Brexit movement. The best way to describe Farage for those who don’t know him is that he’s sort of like the Tucker Carlson of Britain. We all know what happened to Tucker here in the U.S., but what’s happened to Farage is even worse.
Farage delivered a “scary” warning to his GB News viewers Thursday. This dire warning is not based on conjecture or any sort of fear mongering. It’s based on actual first-hand experience.
Here’s what’s going on.
Farage revealed an establishment plot to force him out of the country after seven banks refused to let him have an account.
Later on Thursday, June 29, he warned that others who share the same worldview as him face being treated in the same “stressful” way, according to The Express.
Speaking on his GB News show, Farage said: “It seems to be all one way. It seems to be all against people who have traditionalist or conservative views. There is something totally outrageous going on here.”
This is something myself and others have been warning about for years.
This is why I often refer to the U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe and Australia, New Zealand as “the formerly free world.” They are budding dictatorships cleverly disguised as “democracies” and most of the citizens of these countries still aren’t aware of the fact that they are living in a closed society run by a handful of very wealthy, very powerful oligarchs. While they are few in number, they control everything through money and a 100 percent captured mainstream media.
Farage is a bit more than Tucker Carlson. The guy brought about Brexit. Pretty major achievement – though subsequently ignored, as we all know.
But yes, shocking that they are cancelling his right to bank. It’s depraved. Be very interesting to see the outcome of this.
You thought blocking banking was just for young radicals on the internet who probably deserve it. But no, you provide decent opposition to them and they’ll put you in gaol – yes that is how you spell gaol – or cancel you financially.
It should be just straight up illegal to deny banking to anyone.
As an American citizen (or US person in IRS speak) try to get an overseas deposit account at a local bank in the country where you actually reside (ie not the USA). Most banks outside the USA do not like the FATCA legislation….
Monash – A fresh clown in the climate circus. Including Climate Change Poetry!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines
Christine Stabell Benn has been doing vaccine research in Africa. In general, whole-organism (killed or attenuated) reduce all cause mortality, while subunit vaccines increase it. These general effects are important, and ignored by RFK jr.
As long as we are talking health (#1 above), sleep apnea is a good one to address. Ive been using a CPAP machine for a month and it really does work. You feel heaps brighter. Its amazing what air to the brains and blood does. I finally went to a sleep apnea clinic and I was having 56 “events” per hour – thats the language they talk in. 34 of these events is no air reaching the lungs for 10 seconds.
And I was really starting to feel it. I’ve had it for a long time and was getting to the point of waking with a headache and feeling very groggy. way more than regular lethargy
And funnily enough, it’s actually about managing those co2 levels, that pesky co2 at it again. IIRC you get too much of it in your blood when you stop breathing in your sleep. Something like that. Makes sense.
So if someone tells you that you snore and stop breathing in your sleep, go and get a sleep study done. IT really is worth it. I avoided it for years. But now I am firing on all cylinders, keeping that co2 under control.
I agree CPAP machines will help people with obstructive apnea.
Don’t let them sell you one if diagnosed with central apnea….
I wasted a some money in the CPAP industry. I do not deny that some absolutely need them but the need is over diagnosed.
The bearings failed in mine so I retested and hired a test machine but walked away. Losing weight via keto has done the trick.
My husband went through the sleep tests and was prescribed CPAP. He gave it a really good try but found it interfered with his sleep something awful. Then in a phone consultation with the sleep expert, the guy let slip that he had much fewer “episodes” when sleeping on his side.
I sewed a pocket to hold a ball on the back of his singlet, and Bob’s your uncle. Also, listening to him, he has mild central apnea exacerbated by obstruction when on his back.
Same experience here, CPAP really made a difference to me, still use mine seven years on, but can travel without it. I urge anyone putting it off to at least have a trial, good sleep is really important and helps the immune system.
A very interesting comment Jo. Well laid out.
A lesson in the interpretation of regulations –
“BBC: China is Firming Wind and Solar Power with Coal Plants”
“An excellent analysis of how much “emergency money” you need”
He posts on other prepping at times too