Some overpaid academics think the rich nations owe $192,000,000,000,000 to poorer nations because of the “carbon pollution” they emitted.
Jo Nova says that fossil fuels built a civilization that invented cars, trains, planes, penicillin, the Haber-Bosch process, and clean water — making seven billion more lives possible. Fossil Fueled nations added free fertilizer to the atmosphere, increased crops and forests, greened the world and fed more people than ever.
The uncosted benefits owed to the West far outweigh the imaginary losses, so call off the parasites and let’s consider it all a free gift from the West to the world. What are seven billion lives worth?

The global population was resolutely stuck under 1 billion people for a hundred thousand years, then we discovered fossil fuels. | Source: OWID
It’s just another jumped up claim, not to feed the poor, but to enrich the bureaucrat class:
Rich Nations Owe $192 Trillion for Causing Climate Change, New Analysis Finds
By Chelsea Harvey, E&E News on , Scientific American
High carbon countries owe at least $192 trillion to low-emitting nations in compensation for their greenhouse gas pollution. That’s the conclusion of a new paper published Monday in the journal Nature Sustainability by researchers Andrew Fanning and Jason Hickel.
…they divided the carbon budgets into fair shares for every country. Each nation gets a slice of the budget according to its size and population.
And that’s retrospective back to 1960 because the science was settled then.
Next, they examined each country’s cumulative emissions since the year 1960. The world had been emitting large quantities of greenhouse gases for decades beforehand — but by 1960, they said, researchers clearly understood the science of global warming and were beginning to communicate it to the public, as well.
And in 1978 Spock did not tell you an ice age was coming. The only thing constant about history is that it’s being rewritten all the time.
Fossil fuels freed humans from the slavery of collecting food and fuel all day everyday for a living.
The countries that burn the most fossil fuels are also the ones with the cleanest air. If people are serious about clean air, they need more fossil fuels, not less.
Really want truth?
Fossil fuels are poison which we did the Pandora Box and eagerly ingested…
Really doing a number on our extinction and health.
Did you forget the /sarc ?
I think that can be assumed.
Surprising to see 54 red thumbs.
Fossil fuels released people from the daily grind of sourcing fuel to cook food and keep warm since most lived in cold climates. Those released had time to make useful things that released more people from manual labour. Those people who were released from manual labour went on to infest places like universities and government offices where they created a new class of citizen known as parasites. The parasites invent nothing, make nothing and achieve nothing. They call this progress.
Do they want their $192 trillion in paper or plastic?
I suggest in Robert Mugabie’s Zimbabwean dollars.
It would only need one paper note, where the paper is worth more than the value printed upon it.
Care to explain how environmental heroes such as you manage to live your life without using fossil fuels, or anything derived from them? There aren’t enough caves to go round, so please include detailed plans for the mud hut you live in, so we can all build one.
I would actually charge all those emerging nations at least 100 Trillion US Dollars for benefitting from the the West and what the West has done for them. More CO2, more Health, more Wealth, more, more, more………..
Always look on the Bright Side of Life.
So how come we (Humans) are not extinct yet?
It was the Ice Ages that nearly wiped out Humans. Not Hydrocarbons that have kept us warm and able to develop to around 8 Billion People you Plonker.
Really want truth?
Then the truth is that without knowing it at the time, the ‘Climate Change’ problem was solved in 1871 by James Clerk Maxwell when he mentioned the Poisson curve for gravity in ‘Theory of Heat (1871)’. The same curve used by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller in the ‘Unified Theory of Climate (2011)’ for the ‘Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia Greenhouse Effect’ on the surface of Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan and Triton. As is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus, which is also located on the Poisson curve for gravity. Gravity causes the Pressure.
This truth also confirms that ‘Radiative Forcing’, ‘Carbon Dioxide warming’ and therefore ‘Man-made warming’ is a very big silly “hoax”. But then in 1871, James Clerk Maxwell only had data for the Earth from Scottish mountains and possibly from balloons, while in 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller got their data from NASA. Data available at no cost.
But now for a progressive modern day dogmatic assessment of the ‘Scientology Method’ for acquiring knowledge. Greta Thunberg opened ‘Gretas Box’ releasing curses upon mankind, shouting angrily at jojo the dog faced boy, swearing that ‘Fossil Fuels’ not mRNA jabs are poison, eagerly ingested, and causing bad health and extinction.
The rich developed nations have helped increase the longevity, health, well being and ability pf humanity to live in a manner that even the greatest kings and emperors of the past could not have dreamt of.
Those countries wanting reparations are perfectly entitled to get rid of their industry, cars, medicines, civil rights and sources of nutritious food, better sanitation and drinking water but surely they should be paying those who raised humanity to its highest ever point of civilisation, not the other way round?
As a citizen of the country that started the industrial revolution I will be sorry to see you leave the modern world, and hope not too many of your population die of disease, malnutrition, or foul drinking water.
🙂 🙂
If you actually “BELIEVE” that humans have changed the global climate, then you have to consider what it would be like still being in the Little Ice Age.
They should be thanking us for providing a climate which is highly conducive to human existence!
I have still yet to see any real evidence at all that humans have changed the global climate, rather than the highly beneficial warming since the LIA being anything but totally natural.
Sure, we have made little pockets of urban warming, where we place thermometers next to air-conditions and steel sheds, and have changed small pockets of the micro climate through land use….
… but “global” climate.. .. ??
I have not seen any evidence.
Isn’t it strange that all these 3rd world heapholes – all want to emulate the fuel policies of our past, rather than our present and planned future.
And yet … we have ‘experts’ that want them to be compensated for our past fuel policies.
I see a number of previously 3rd world countries that have grabbed the chance to modernise and industrialise and lept ahead. Places like South Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam that have populations of well educated and industrious people and in most cases good leadership. I should also include India and China in that group. Then we have Africa and the Middle East that were the birthplace of humans and then civilization but have stagnated. They did not have an industrial revolution and are now poor, badly governed, poorly educated and doomed to some level of slavery by the new colonising power of China. The perfect example of poor governance would be South Africa, a potentially rich country that once had a flourishing manufacturing and agricultural economy but now has reverted to tribal control that will soon see SA a failed state. Did I mention that they hunted the Whites and replaced them with Blacks?
I was in Gabarone Botswana near 18 years ago. Asked my driver what he thought Democracy meant.
He said: “My tribe on top”. So, I asked him “What about the rule of Law”.
He said: “My tribe will make the law. Everyone but us will be criminals”.
And I shut up.
These types of countries dominate, by numbers, the UN. Their goal is vote themselves money. Not to improve themselves.
It is a grifter game. Best to dismiss the article, its authors, and the general concept proposed.
The UN is a democracy of dictatorships. It is a despicable organisation. Its Commission on Human Rights (1946-2005) and its successor, the UN Human Rights Council, have regularly been chaired by bloodsome regimes.
Not all parts of the Middle East; places like the UAE have made astonishing progress over the last 50 years.
They rely on foreign labour and the money from selling their oil to the West. They themselves have not invented nor made anything but have paid others to do it.
“to get rid of their industry, cars, medicines, civil rights and sources of nutritious food, better sanitation and drinking water”
Nah, that is what they want to happen to the civilised world, so they can feel they are part of it.
That is the whole aim of the UN, to bring everyone down onto a lower level of existence, rather than to somehow raise the standard of living of corrupt third world dictatorships (who have a large say in the UN), through energy and democracy.
Ottmar Edenhofer. UN Economist.
“Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated. ”
Well, 13 years later, it is apparent where this issue is moving. Time to leave the UN and let them fund themselves.
It is a mystery why this quote is not better known. Trumpet it! Edenhofer was at the time the co-chairman of one of the IPCC’s working groups, and he made this candid statement in an interview with a Swiss newspaper, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14th Nov 2010. I have personally verified the accuracy of the translation from the original German.
The poor countries owe the rich countries $194 trillion for all the investments and advancements they have brought to increase their standards of living and bring them out of the stone age.
$192 Trillion is an academic exercise. When it reaches the UN General Assembly, it will be rounded to $351.742 Trillion.
There’s so much to say about this topic that it’s hard to know where to start.
Comment No 1 might be a good place to start.
“Really want truth?”; yes we do, and this is a small part of the “truth”.
Seventy five years ago our cooking and home heating came from a cast iron, coal fired stove in our home. The chimney worked but the house still stank.
Town gas was also available to run a small pot boiler and larger unit to supply bath water.
Outside there was occasionally a rain of soot from the town’s embedded electricity source and from BHP a bit further away.
I could go on, but things are so much better now, that’s so, but for two things;
1. Government Corruption
2. Government Corruption.
The science, the engineering are there and ready to give us clean, safe, cheap coal fired and nuclear power but through the weirdness of politics that doesn’t happen and we sit by as our nation’s hard won progress is smashed and wrongly shamed.
This needs looking into JoJoDFB; any ideas?
p.s. Fully agree with tonyb
Belief in this insanity is a direct result of the dumbing-down of the education system that started in the 1960’s. Children are no longer educated, they are indoctrinated. With few exceptions, the children of this dumbing down are now decision-making adults in government and “academia” propagating these absurdities.
Despite the lies told by purveyors of the Official Narrative dramatically fewer people die from natural disasters now than previously, despite much greater populations, greater reporting and surveillance and more area of land being lived on and more and more people living in inappropriate areas such as flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane/cyclone, landslide etc. zones.
Third World i.e. poor countries are dysfunctional. And they have been ever since they kicked out colonial administrators from mostly the mid 1940’s to 1960’s and frequently taken over by Marxists. And it’s nothing bad (by and large) the colonists did, these countries have just returned more or less to their pre-colonial status with the difference being that colonial authorities left infrastructure and a legal system which even though not maintained properly in post-colonial times, still beneficially works to a certain extent.
It won’t end well:
“Academics” prove that climate “science” is, in fact, a scheme to redistribute rich nations’ wealth to the developing world and little else.
Climate “science” appears to be an ideology which seeks to destroy the benefits from developing the world. It’s a death cult using other people’s money and other people’s lives.
It is communism pure and simple. The communists could not win with bullets and bombs so they used the environment and bought and paid for scientists.
My thoughts exactly!
The best way to help poor countries is to give them access to inexpensive, reliable energy from coal, gas and hydro power stations.
Polluting those countries with solar and wind installations is only going to prolong their poverty and political instability.
I would not recommend nuclear for such countries unless it was managed by contractors from Western countries and it was a stable country.
As I have commented several times before David, as soon as these populations are raised from poverty and subsistence living the first thing that happens is birth rates decline. i.e. populations decrease, which appears to be the aim of so many world “leaders” and billionaires. I guess the problem with this natural decline it takes several generations to have an impact, and there is also an aged population. None of this is acceptable to the aforementioned elites who envisage a world that is forever populated by hard working drones up to say 50 when productivity drops off. The drones of course are required to maintain the “old” elites and billionaires in the manner that they are acustomed to.
What is the plan for the older unproductive former workers?
Soylent green?
Play them at their own game: destroy their IVORY Towers. what a waste of Ivory
Confiscate all universities’ endowments, reduce their budgets by 50 percent, pay it off on ten years.
If universioties were made responsible for collecting student debt as are TAFES and other tertiary institutions they would soon drop all those unproductive degrees and the Marxist teachers with them. It is crazy having people with low IQ gaining a degree just so they can say they have been to “uni” and then have working taxpayers pay the debt. Stopping government grants would be useful and easily done; just a line item in the budget.
You are so right there! and the arrogance factor: people with low IQ gaining a degree just so they can say they have been to “uni” Maybe they should include some schools and types of Ties.
I rather feel you are over thinking this.
University should provide you with a language, a passion for your discipline and the tools for lifelong learning.
Then out you go into the world and the best situation are fortunate to find an employer and mentor, formally or not to facilitate that transition.
University- professional ethics and representative orgs and industry are very poor facilitators of this which is the single thing they should be doing.
Perhaps this is relevant?
(That link is just one of a number of optional extensions linked from this ‘introduction to an introduction’: – from page 20 – and the link is embedded in a most-appropriate picture!)
“decline of the universities has accelerated over the past couple of decades” …. I wonder why? ( rhetorical question ) Whilst I don’t say that LATIN should be a Uni prerequisite, having done Practical / Applied Science + Engineering, some Latin would have been useful – but can one find useful time to do a 1 year @ 1 hour per week course?
The Leonard Nimoy series “In Search of…” documentary on the coming Ice Age, made 1978 and mentioned above, is available on free speech platform Rumble. There are several copies. Here is one:–leonard-nimoy-1978-show-in-search-of-the-coming-ice-age.html
It is also currently on YouTube, but that platform is of a Leftist orientation and anything that doesn’t follow the Official Narrative is at risk of censorship.
Why do academics make it so easy to dismiss their ideas? Up to 20% of US GDP? Right. They should work on some plausible solutions. This is Gretaeasque goofy.
We could save more by getting rid of the academics.
Western civilization moved away from burning dung and wood and as a result their populations had less health impacts than poorer civilizations.
So successful have been the policies of western countries to reduce that early death that even the most primitive cultures all want to emulate the strategies implemented by western countries.
Compensating the less successful for wanting to implement your positive health outcomes is a less fancy way of saying we should all just die…
Strangely – few of these numpties ever voluntarily euthanize themselves to save the planet, because they would prefer it if others carry that burden.
Mr Fanning and Mr Hickel are both idiots with zero scientific credibilty.
..and they give a bad name to ‘academics’, tarring the good ones with their own stupidity.
It would be best if researchers Andrew Fanning and Jason Hickel joined Extinction Rebellion and stopped wasting the world’s oxygen. However I figure the push for wealth distribution means everyone involved expects the wealth to be redistributed to them personally.
How about they start by donating 1005 of their income and all assets to those 3rd world corrupt countries and leave us alone.
sorry meant to say 100%
I think I agree with nearly all the comments so far and Tony b is correct about the UK’s gift to the world over 200 years ago.
But it didn’t happen overnight and global life expectancy by 1950 was still about 45.5 years ( 73 yrs today) and poor Africa about 36 yrs in 1950 ( 64 yrs today).
Infant mortality has seen a very large decline since 1950 and still continues to improve today.
Alex Epstein is correct that fossil fuels have underpinned our rapid Human flourishing and we shouldn’t spend one $ more on their TOXIC W & S disasters.
Never forget that fully evolved Humans have existed for at least 200 K years and life expectancy was under 40 yrs for 99.9 % of that time and now 73 years in the last 0.1 % of that long 200 K journey.
I’ve posted this above at #6, but it’s relevant to your comment too:
There’s some excellent presentations on this by the late Professor Hans Rosling. You might like to check this:
(‘Population Explosion’ is one of the logical extensions from It might not surprise you too much to find quite a bit of Joanne’s excellent work linked into this and that!)
The Great Global Warming Swindle was made in 2007 and I think that the scientists and most of the video holds up well today.
I wouldn’t disagree with too many of their opinions and overall they’ve stood the test of time over the last 16 years.
The authors are Andrew L. Fanning of the Doughnut Economics Action Lab, Oxford, and the Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. And Jason Hickel of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the International Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, London. The link here is to the so-called Scientific American which links to a journal inappropriately named Nature Sustainability (here). Scientism rules. This is yet another of those now innumerable ideas that, as George Orwell remarked, are ‘so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them’. How many taxpayers have had their living standards reduced to pay for such nonsense?
I like that quote! I wasn’t aware of it before – but it is most appropriate!
There’s an old saying: “If you can, you do; if you can’t, you teach'” (With apologies to many excellent REAL teachers!)
However, there’s a logical extension that seems relevant here: “If you can’t teach, then you teach teachers. But if you can’t do that, then you become an academic/bureaucrat/politician!”
Various famous dystopian novels have taken up this theme already. I have some of these highlighted on page 26 (and page 27 is relevant too!) of this:
“The only thing constant about history is that it’s being rewritten all the time.”
Those academics can start their sanctimonious ball rolling and lead by example. They can sell their houses, cars and acoutrements and give the money to those poor nations. Then maybe the rest of us will take notice.
Noteworthy in the Our World in Data graph is the thin red line of Oceania on top of the peak, at the summit of humanity where we live (ironic for being ‘downunder’) yet that tiny population, a ‘trace’ amount if you will, is being guilted into believing we must be world leaders in reducing our something or other. It’s as if we are now being colon-ised by a foreign, alien, tribe of un-people.
Well, we western nations are all flat broke, because we are foolishly wrecking our once productive economies. So, fat chance of that.
So why have the first Earth day predictions proven to be so spectacularly wrong over the last 53 years?
And why are the crazy left wing Malthusians so committed to their barking mad cult today?
Have a look at some of their idiocy over half a century ago.
All part of the great theft, all fighting for the government teat, which includes Ukraine, renewable energy, electric cars, biomass (RIP), military, etc. Monopoly corporations and government working together to create fascism/communism – same thing, different activists.
It is worth remembering that aboriginal peoples all over the world use fire to manage their environments. How much CO2 was released by burning half of the Australian continent every year, as was done for millennia?
Gosh, that was in the Garden of Eden, by – I assume – angelic natives.
That’s the same CO2 as comes from the Algore-ithm’s private jets, cars, etc; none of our business.
Has anyone told China?
Most fuels *per capita* — I’ll add that to the post. The link explained.
What is this?
“… by 1960, they said, researchers clearly understood the science of global warming ”
They just made this schist up. Smart folks have been trying to figure out the Little Ice Age and why it ended. They are still trying.
And, which countries are rich?
Someone calculated my share of the USA national debt is about $95,000. These “academics” are welcome to pay my share of that and then I will put $25 on a credit card for a poor person in another country.
70% of CO2 is emitted from non-OECD countries and 100% of the increase in emissions since 1980 is from non-OECD countries. These academics need to go back to kindergarten and start their education from scratch, but this time in a non-woke catholic or independent school.
Definitely need a birth tax similar to Higher Education Contribution Scheme for university courses, birth tax on future life experiences, and emissions of course.
I’m old enough to remember, some 60 years ago as a young man, how Scientific American was held in high esteem. How things have changed . .
You can be sure of one thing: whatever happens that’s nasty is due to “climate change”, except of course the unmentionable elephant in the greenhouse, human population growth.
“Amitav Ghosh’s new book – “Parables for a planet in crisis” – traces our contemporary planetary crisis back to the discovery of the New World and the sea route to the Indian Ocean. The Nutmeg’s Curse argues that the dynamics of climate change today are rooted in a centuries-old geopolitical order constructed by Western colonialism.”
His other book: “The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable”.
It’s always been about redistribution of wealth from US , Europe, Australia and Canada to everywhere else including China. Another exercise in started with the answer they want and working the assumptions back from that.