A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I have to confess that I had no idea things were this bad!
There’s no room left in the atmosphere for greenhouse gases.
(48-second video clip)
Well, things are not that bad at all. They could just be a heck of a lot better if Guv’ment and others just got out of the way and let people live their own lives within the rules of proper Law and Order.
Governments care about the climate because they care about people. They don’t want people to die, bless them.
Unless of course those people are immigrants drowning in in the English Channel. Or children being abused to death in remote Aboriginal communities. Or innocent civilians in Iraq or Afghanistan. Or drug addicts in Portland. Or …
So Governments are responsible for all those then, Steve.? I don’t think so. Are you sure that Governments care about climate change because they care about people?
Seems to me like the leaders care about getting votes at the next election and collecting funds for services rendered.
Ands things are swell in Ukraine.
Here in the UK, our Government cares about people [as much as the Blob permits it to], but only as economic units.
‘Useless Eaters’ seems to be the nickname of the month, possibly from the squillionaires at Davos and the WEF.
But as people, with ambitions, and fears, families, and expectations, [and no desire to eat bugs] less so – to judge by the insane increase in Government debt [so, taxes, later].
And this with a ‘Conservative’ Government.
CINO – Conservative in Name Only.
The Socialists – under the Charisma Bypass Zone, & Yoomin-Rites Lawyer, Kier Starmer – will most likely get in at the next election.
[Mind-boggling, of itself, that statement!]
And are they likely to be careful with our [grandchildren’s] money?
The odds are against it – even though one Rachel Reeves [‘Shadow Chancellor’, so presumably a shoo-in for Minister for Agriculture in a ‘Real Cabinet’, given the Blob’s influence] is to slow the build up of spending borrowed billions [every pound of it borrowed] over the parliament – so c.£70 billion, not £112 billion, on green boondoggles, heaved out to cronies of the Blob.
No suggestion, yet, that there is a vaguely right of centre party to vote for, with more than three ‘leaders’ out of jail, and possibly sane.
So, the choice [outside the Celtic Darkness] is three varieties of the UNiparty.
All left of centre.
All channelling Greta.
All in thrall to the Blob.
Some of their candidates are probably sane; many – perhaps not most – will turn out to be interested in feathering their own nests – and getting their legs over.
Talk about learning Chinese?
The French are thousands of miles closer – and we’ve been at war with them for most of the last thousand years …
At least they will have nuclear energy for their electric tanks – if they remember to order very loooong leads from – uh – China!
Quelle Choix!
Viva la difference!
All good where I am located, no problem breathing while walking near the ocean this morning after a cold night, in the very welcome warming sunshine today.
If this video clip is genuine, it provides a glimpse into our very near future. (3m 21s video)
… police robots with facial recognition cameras roaming the streets detecting people with low social credit scores and then, if they’re in an unauthorized area, sending an alarm to alert the authorities.
The usual suspects in Western society would be hugging themselves in delight at the thought of having that much power to bully and punish people they disagree with. And you can bet that it will happen one day, because in countries where true conservatives are few and far between, such as Australia, there is no one to stop it from happening.
‘ … such as Australia, there is no one to stop it from happening.’
Labor and the Greens would never allow it.
I imagine some fun with fishing line could be had.
Saturday Biden funnies
God save the queen:
A brace turns a pistol into a multi calibre gun:
Putin vs Biden: no grope and sniff!
We are the most unique country in America:
The right to make your own health decisions:
There is a mangled technicality there in the pistol brace item –
IIRC the AR platform does allow interchangeable calibre mechanisms on the one receiver. But it is definitely does not have “Just flip a lever and it is there” capability.
That would also necessitate a beer drinker’s idea of heaven – an expanding barrel and contents at a touch.
Edit had it as “an expanding barrel and contents” at a touch
Biden turning a pistol into a heavier calibre rifle just by adding a brace. The reply
Roadhouse Pundit
Jun 17
I have a “AR-15” pistol, shoots .223 and it doesn’t need a brace. I guess he’s never heard of a Desert Eagle 50 caliber, no brace either.
A traditional winter in Oz.
‘Numerous locations across WA, QLD, NSW, and the NT have witnessed their minimum temperatures for the month of June plummet, marking the coldest readings in years for this time of year.’ (Weatherzone)
What warming? It’s all a lie. For cash.
A fair bit of southern Australia has been quite warm this month (after a very cold May) but also very wet. Constant cold fronts and westerly/NW’ly flow.
Winter has arrived and the subtropical ridge seems to have weakened.
” the coldest readings in years ”
In contrast to ‘the hottest reading of all time’, or ‘forever’, or ‘ever recorded’, or ‘unprecedented’, or ‘since records began’, or all the other expressions the warmist media find to make it sound a new record.
Not wrong about WA. A cold winter compared to recent winters here in Perth.
Just a quick review of the massive Carbon tax we are all paying under the illegal RET scheme in the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 and modified may times. The good news is that it has dropped from $6Billion a year and $1000 per household.
LGCs. Large scale certificates on illegal carbon electricity. 1 metawatt hour of carbon electricity. 1.6Million at $50 each of $800million
STC Small scale certificates largely from home solar. 42 Million @ $37 each, so $1.55Billion
So the total paid as cash to owners of solar and windmills and their friends for absolutely nothing is currently about $2.4Billion.
If you read this Act, it is not a tax because the government does not get the money. But you are fined if you do not pay.
And it is not a carbon tax because the word carbon is mentioned nowhere. They list all the non carbon sources and if you are not approved, you have to pay.
More explicitly, the electricity retailer has to pay on your behalf and collect the money from you, so it is a carbon tax buried in your electricity bill and owners of windmills just receive cash for the fact of generation, above and beyond what they get, if anything for their electrons. Plus they get to depreciate the windmills and solar panels so they do not pay tax on what is your money.
How sweet it is. You get paid regardless just for existing. No wonder AGL desperately wanted to close Liddell and make record profits with windmills. Getting paid twice is just wonderful.
And the city of Canberra which has its own windmills does not know what to do with the tens of millions for nothing. I suppose they could compulsorily buy a private Hospital like Calgary? It’s amazing what the public servants and politicians of Canberra can do with your money.
You see when you can write a law, why not legislate that you can forcibly acquire private property? It works. Just forget that it’s communism.
And the reason it is illegal is that governments cannot use their powers to steal your money for their friends. They can tax, but this is not a tax. They can charge for services, but there is no service. They can fine for crimes, but there is no crime. But we are all having to pay. And the Clean Energy Authority supervises the robbery. This has been illegal in the Westminster tradition since Magna Carta, when the King could not use how power to extract money for himself and his friends.
And we should be grateful. The robbery has dropped from $6Billion a year, $1000 a household. You have to love the way pollies promise they will drop electricity prices when they are the robbers.
This scheme was so successful it was copied in the UK. Governments do not pay for windmills, you do! By edict.
Tdef, how are you determining the $6bn a year figure from the REC info that you have indicated above? I’ve often heard $7bn annually being quoted as the cost renewables subsidies, but have never seen any calculations as to how this figure is determined.
“how power”?
Government is the use of power, police power, court power, military power, legislative power backed by those.
Ultimately it is the judicial use of force sanctioned by the people through their elected government which employs the public servants, the judges, the police and the army. And your taxes pay for it all. A government is a collective with pooled resources. And it has a lot of power.
So if the legislation says you have to pay and you don’t, you get fined heavily. It’s always in the Act at the end under penalities. And if you don’t pay the statutory fines, you go to jail. Is that enough power for public servants?
But you rely on British governments to play by a set of rules starting with Magna Carta in 1215. Certainly no use of this power to enrich themselves or their friends and without delivering something of value, because that’s called theft. And the last time they mentioned it, the City of Canberra had $36Million in cash from windmills, a tax on their own people and everyone else. For nothing at all. No one’s money. From my perspective, the proceeds of crime.
I call it what it is…a carbon tax.
It’s similar to the old argument that a tariff is not a tax.
It is a tax. And the really sad part is that I think a large percentage of the population have no idea that they are paying it…thanks to the meejia and their skillful lack of coverage around the cost of the unreliables.
And when is this free energy going to be free? Daniel Andrews is just spending another $3.2Billion to access more ‘free’ energy with a new power line we never needed before. There’s one born every minute in Victoria. And I remember when he promised prices would only rise 10% when he closed Hazelwood by tripling the price of coal.
When we all get fusion power there will be unlimited, free power for all …
And it is amazing that Queensland also hiked the price of coal and now is rolling in our cash. But it’s not taxation, of course. Except it comes out of our pockets. I am sure they like to think of it as entrepreneurial development, not theft. And of course it’s for a good cause, saving the planet!
And also from the time of Magna Carta and Robin Hood, these fake certificates are stealing, but for a good cause. The barons like AGC and their shareholders like Cannon-Brooks who is saving the world and getting richer doing it. And his rival Twiggy Forrest and the provision of $1Billion of our money to help with his hydrogen scheme. You can even make climate billions when failing.
Fail both bigly and richly!
I have plenty of time for Gina Rinehart though. Perhaps she can see the Canberra mob coming for her vast cattle empire though. All it takes is a tax on cow farts. To save the planet of course.
Gina gave a talk to a Perth girls school, about the truth about the BS that surrounds discussion of Climate Change. Now she has been banned from ever talking to students at that school again.
Gina also quietly contributes to many worthwhile charity causes without any fuss, including supplying every woman undergoing breast cancer operations in our hospitals with a huge basket of useful items.
If you wonder why all this cash, and incredible estimated $1.5Trillion a year to save the planet has not done a thing for world CO2, the only problem, think of Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull’s self gifted $444 million. No reason. Not even an application. Never to be heard of again. I read recently that the interest on our money was another $11million per year which we are still paying. And no one knows where the money is? But at least the Great Barrier Reef is saved, which means this was a scam in the first place. And UNESCO has backed off. Plus Barack Obama can bring his grandchildren after all, after criticizing the Federal government on behalf of his friends.
And so like the man made CO2 driven tipping point rapid Global Warming, sea rise, glaciers melting, polar bears drowning, cities drowning scam. The biggest fraud in history and based on fantasy science by now billionaire Al Gore and friends, the 40,000 full time employees of the mighty UN. And the International Police for Pushing Carbon fantasy.
“Escobar: Putin And What Really Matters On The Chessboard”
A handy by-product of the US military establishment.. Make sure you have influence in high places and you can become the hyenas of the empire.
“While no one was paying attention, last month the Kiev gang sold Ukraine to $8.5 trillion-worth BlackRock. Just like that. The deal was sealed between the Government of Ukraine and BlackRock’s VP Philipp Hildebrand.
They are setting up a Ukrainian Development Fund (UDF) for “reconstruction”, focused on energy, infrastructure, agriculture, industry and IT. All remaining valuable assets in what will be a rump Ukraine will be gobbled up by BlackRock: from Metinvest, DTEK (energy) and MJP (agriculture) to Naftogaz, Ukrainian Railways, Ukravtodor and Ukrenergo.”
“HPV Ignites Unexpected Cancer Surge In Middle-Aged Adults”
Another opening for “an mRNA vaccine”?
Higher risk of covid-19 infection in those who are “up to date” with covid vax compared to those who aren’t.
Applies to both younger people and 65+.
Dr Been discusses.
He discusses a pre-print of a peer-reviewed paper.
Watch it before it gets censored as it doesn’t follow the Official Narrative.
Reminder to covid vax pushers: Time for your eight “jab”.
In the “fine print” on that via today’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter –
“A new Cleveland Clinic preprint study published this week, titled “Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among Those Up-to-Date and Not Up-to-Date on COVID-19 Vaccination.”
That title seems oddly-worded, but according to the study, the CDC defines people as being “up to date” on their vaccines if they have had at least one dose of the new “bivalent” vaccines, which are the ones the so-called “health agency” has been pushing lately. These are the new and improved jabs including both the original Wuhan-style spike protein as well as the new Omicron flavor.
It’s double the fun. Two spikes in one! And it’s worth every penny you pay for it, too.
Anyway, the hardworking Cleveland Clinic researchers, bless them, looked at 50,000 of the hospital systems’ own employees and compared bivalent jab uptake with covid positive status. Here’s what they found:
Among 48,344 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, those not “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination had a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date”.
Huh. To be clear: People who take the bivalent shot get MORE covid. “
(My bold)
Greenland ice melt stalls because of low pressure.
More Greenland ice
“Graphic Lying”
Beware of the scale of the “Y” axis
Tim Poole discusses the creation of embryos without eggs or sperm by using human embryonic stem cells.