A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Since the election of the Albanese Govt the BoM map of Twelve-monthly mean temperature anomaly for Australia (thats an average of daytine & night-time temperatures) looks to me to be saying that the wide brown land has cooled slightly over the 12 months to 31May23
Go to my last comment
Or here is my link to a screensave of the BoM map
wazz >”The BoM clearly has a bias towards announcing ‘warm’ events”
Been noticed elsewhere too:
It’s been a professionally torrid time for Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology of late. Tasked with pushing a warming catastrophe upon an frustratingly-awake (not woke) public, Mother Nature is flat-out refusing to play ball.
May 2023 was exceptionally cold across the Aussie continent.
So cold, in fact, that well-over 100 weather stations registered their coldest May temperatures ever recorded.
Continues >>>>
Every state mean temp (max and mim) were below average except max mean in WA.
They might be right about the looming dry, the southern part of the continent is being impacted by a positive SAM.
‘Autumn was 10.1% drier than usual across Australia, but the rain taps really turned off towards the end of the season, with the second-driest May in 124 years of records.’ (Weatherzone)
Just ignore the floods.
Trends are all that matter.
Floods are negative feedback loop of drought caused by intensification of forcing.*
Er, or positive?
Which is it now?
I know there’s an atmospheric river somewhere.
Probably next to a dome or a vortex.
*(forcing is anthropogenic, in pre-science times there were ‘forces of nature’, but now thanks to science we now know that humans are supernatural destroyers and saviors of life on the planet … good times… Can’t wait for that 6th booster … think I’ll go watch another episode of Star Trek or The Big Bang Theory … if I can get my wi-fi to work.)
I hope my cholesterol is down.
I think I might be gluten intolerant.
I’m exposed to too many dangerous violent words.
The pixels keep invading my space.
I’m also feeling pretty.
(I’m told I resemble the fellow sitting on the log on the right.)
If it’s lost you will probably find it somewhere between a cloud burst and a rain bomb.
“fellow sitting on the log “
Would that make you a .. lumberjack ?
Southern SA was wetter than average; you’d imagine +’ve SAM would be hugely significant here given our almost total reliance on cold fronts for autumn rain.
SAM can change on shorter time scales than the Indian and Pacific ” drivers”. Signs of significant polar incursion affecting the continent later this week. Seems that rain will be deficient for the foreseeable future.
‘SAM can change on shorter time scales …’
True, but we need to focus on trends.
Trends or cycles, el+gordo?
The trends help to clarify the cycles.
The AGW script doesn’t mention cycles, so we first have to prove that the PDO and AMO are the main drivers.
That reminds me, I must drain of the top 20% of my tanks (again) to allow some head room for the days of rain predicted this week. Less overflow , less boggy ground for me. One way or another it goes to the river.
To my untrained eye I notice that the half degree of warming on the East Coast encompasses the Newcastle, Sydney, Woolongong corridor, the Brisgane, Gold coast, Sunshine Coast corridor and the industrialised area of Victoria. Is that a co-incidence or due to siting thermometers in the middle of concrete car parks?
Its all part of the mix which we have to contend with, nevertheless, unseasonal temperature excursions are being picked up across the whole country.
The seasonality of solar power.
As we head into winter, it is interesting to see the month by month decline in solar power generation.
From Jan to May, here is the average solar output from rooftop and utility in MW, and solar as a % of the total NEM grid output:
Rooftop Utility % Total
3,694 1,962 21.1
3,622 2,054 20.5
3,011 1,647 17.6
2,674 1,524 16.6
2,168 1,319 13.2
That’s a pretty serious 40% decline in output, and we are still a month away from the winter solstice.
Of course every night there is a 100% reduction in output.
Fortunately we still have just enough reliable generators to keep the lights on.
Been working on the following to tease out previous errors and over complexity (apologies). Spent years immersed in thermo calcs where Kelvin is King. Hopefully this is final readable error free version for the Celsius-centric.
Applying the IPCC’s 1.5 C limit to absolute GMST
Assumptions using NOAA’s WRIT default dataset
01-06-2023 NZ time, dataset updated since
Means are 2013 – 2023.42 unless stated
IPCC human attribution begins 1951
1948 – 1958 Global Mean: 14 C (287.095 K)
IPCC “limit” pre-industrial year base: 1880
2013 – 2023.42 Global Mean: 14.4 C (287.549 K)
1.1 C (K) rise since 1880 (NASA GISS)
1880 Global Mean: 14.4 – 1.1 = 13.3 C (286.449 K)
IPCC 1.5 C (K) “limit”: 13.3 + 1.5 = 14.8 C (287.949 K)
Some rounding to simplify, monthly dataset
Northern Mid 35 39 Mean: 14.4 C (287.534 K) 0.4 C under
Global Mean: 14.4 C (287.549 K) 0.4 C under
Southern Mid -35 -43 Mean: 14.5 C (287.701 K) 0.3 C under
Northern Polar 60 90 Mean: -8.8 C (264.317 K) 24 C under
Tropics -20 20 Mean: 25.7 C (298.843 K) 11 C over
Southern Polar -60 -90 Mean: -18.7 (254.419 K) 34 C under
See next for notes.
Notes re application of IPCC’s 1.5 C limit to absolute GMST
35N – 39N and 35S – 43S and thereabouts are the only 2 bands where the Global Mean and global “limit” actually means anything and can be applied. It makes no sense at the high latitudes or tropics (Phil Jones knew that from the outset – see below).
NOAA says the mid 20th Century Global Mean was 14 C which matches the 1948 – 1958 Mean previous.
The 2000 – 2023.42 21st Century Global Mean trend is 0.134 C/decade. At that rate (assuming continuance) it will take 30 years (0.4/0.134 = 2.99) for the Global Mean to reach the IPCC “limit” – in 2053.
The WMO is pushing a “temporary” breach in the next 5 years due to a predicted super El Nino (natural variation – not anthropogenic).
Climategate 2.0: Jones says 2-degree C limit ‘plucked out of thin air’
Jones – “If it is 2 deg C globally, this could be more in Europe – especially the northern part”.
>”The 2000 – 2023.42 21st Century Global Mean trend is 0.134 C/decade. At that rate (assuming continuance) it will take 30 years (0.4/0.134 = 2.99) for the Global Mean to reach the IPCC “limit” – in 2053.”
35N – 39N and 35S – 43S latest decadal means are effectively the Global Mean but the trends differ from the global mean trend.
2000 – 2023.42 trends 35N – 39N and 35S – 43S: 0.1 C/decade.
40 years to reach “limit” – in 2063.
10 years longer than the global mean.
Southern Mid -35 -43 Mean 14.5 C is actually 14.4 C somewhere in that band but the resolution of dataset grid centre spacing is not such that the exact match can be made. WRIT provides this note “Closest lat/lon centers for dataset 1 bounds are: Lat: -35.2375 to -42.8564 Lon: 0 to 358.125”.
Dataset 1 is NCEP/NCAR R1.
Ice Around Antarctica’s Thwaites ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Was Eight Times Thinner Around 8,000 Years Ago
Sensational new scientific findings at a site on the West Antarctica ice sheet near the Thwaites ’Doomsday’ Glacier indicate that current ice levels are up to eight times thicker than they were around 8,000 years ago. A group of 13 scientists led by Greg Balco of the Berkeley Geochronology Centre carried out extensive field work in the Amundsen Sea Embayment between the Thwaites and Pope glaciers and found current thickness levels of 40 metres compared with measurements in the recent past ranging from 2-7m. The work is of major importance since it casts new light on the cycles of ice production and loss that have always occurred in an area riddled with buried volcanoes.
The scientists noted that “subglacial bedrock exposure” analysis gives “direct, unambiguous evidence for ice thinning and subsequent thickening of at least 35m during the past several thousand years”. Furthermore, the work shows that ice thinning is a natural process that is reversible. It is noted that this is an important finding given the concerns that ice sheet thinning at the nearby glaciers including Thwaites may lead to significant deglaciation across the West Antarctica ice sheet, and subsequent sea level rise.
No climate reparations then…
Its nice to know that the Holocene Climate Optimum had an impact on Antarctica.
Researchers Warn Fake Sugar ‘Irreversibly Alters Human DNA’
A new study on Sucralose – the toxic but popular sugar-free sweetener – has found that one of the main ingredients ‘irreversibly alters human DNA.’
New health and safety findings revealed in the study show sucralose, also known as Splenda, is “genotoxic,” meaning it breaks up human DNA.
That’s on top of other damning evidence revealed in the study published May 29 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health.
Schiffman, who is an adjunct professor in the joint department of biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said many of the studies were flawed because of how they were performed, such as not checking fat tissue for bioaccumulation and checking blood glucose levels in distant intervals from exposure.
“If you design your studies in such a way to have no effect, you’ll have no effect,” she said.
“We also found that trace amounts of sucralose-6-acetate can be found in off-the-shelf sucralose, even before it is consumed and metabolized,” she said in the news release.
“To put this in context, the European Food Safety Authority has a threshold of toxicological concern for all genotoxic substances of 0.15 micrograms per person per day. Our work suggests that the trace amounts of sucralose-6-acetate in a single, daily sucralose-sweetened drink exceed that threshold. And that’s not even accounting for the amount of sucralose-6-acetate produced as metabolites after people consume sucralose.”
Gut health is key. Yet again…
If it is so genotoxic then it should be banned, but they won’t ban it because the next study will find no evidence of any genotoxicity. Because science.
Honey and/or raw sugar hasn’t killed me yet. Avoid that faux sweetener like a shot in the arm.
Saturday funny: the corporate grim reaper
Saturday poser: would someone explain?
Since real women aren’t even “real women”, but merely a social construct (gender), how is it then possible for trans-women to be real women?
Bye bye Oxford too…😆
JC ….you are confounding reality with having some sort of dimensions that can be seen or heard or touched or smelt or tasted….
Nowadays, what doesn’t exist, eg thoughts, feelings, posturings and attitudes, is now able to be called “real”. Because they can have an impact on behaviour they are considered “real”. It’s not important that they are creations of a mind which has no dimensions or structure, creations that are often fleeting, ephemeral and amorphous.
Consequently, if you feel like what you imagine a woman feels (and, of course they all feel the same) etc you have the blessing of woke society to be a “real women”.
Man completes 100-day McDonald’s-only diet, surpasses weight loss goal
When Kevin Maginnis said he was going to eat nothing but McDonald’s for 100 days to try and lose weight, most people thought he’d never make his 50-pound goal. But on day 100, Maginnis stood proud — and 58.5 pounds lighter.
Maginnis, a Nashville, Tenn. native, has been sharing his journey on TikTok, where he’s documented his fast-food order each day: a half portion of McDonald’s menu items for every meal.
He started the diet challenge at 238 pounds; when Maginnis stepped on the scale on day 100, he weighed 179.5 pounds.
Those with a lump of water, fat & protein above the c1 vertebrae know how this works.😁
Please excuse this repetition if you have read Jo’s Friday open thread.
UAH satellite temperatures up to the end of May 2023 are just released.
Australian sector of the globe showed further cooling of its lower troposphere air.
This makes 11 years and 1 month of a cooling trend up to now.
When is someone in an official capacity, like BOM, going to recognise this and talk about it?
I have no idea about how long this cooling trend will continue.
Much of the rest of the globe warmed a little last month by these UAH numbers. Australia cooled.
By what mechanism can Australia cool, while the rest of the world warms, if CO2 is the control knob?
How does CO2 know to act this way?
Next month we might be into the start of an El Nino, which history shows might lift Australia a little warmer.
Time will tell, CO2 and chicken entrails will not.
Geoff S
Geoff, we’re living in a world where humans’ mental gymnastic abilities mean that men can menstruate; trusting in the unbounded, omnipotent abilities of CO2 is easy-peasy by comparison.
My guesstimate is that El Nino will be muted for the rest of the decade because of a negative PDO.
Just be-LIE-ve…
How come that k!ller karbon, that blanket of toxic pollution, that glasshouse effect, doesn’t operate when the sun goes down: yesterday was 18C then overnight dropped to 9C, a 100% failure rate in keeping ‘heat’ trapped – whoosh! – vanished.
Maybe CO2 is a fully paid-up member of the Trace Gas Union and only works 12-hour shifts; night-time duties are strictly forbidden. Post-post-modern SC!ENCE®.
The very fact that alarmists are praying for a strong El Nino, shows that they KNOW that El Ninos are the main source of the slight warming we have been fortunate enough to have had.
They KNOW it is NOT because of increased atmospheric CO2.
“Negative phases
It is thought that negative phases could be linked to times of slower warming. This is because cold phases of the PDO tend to increase mixing of colder, deep ocean waters with warmer surface waters. This temporarily reduces the rate of global warming caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Positive phases have the opposite effect.”
Well viewers, in the Glorious Socialist Republic of Western Australia (Just ask Dan and Comrade Mike), 10 months after the passing of my Father with Nosocomial COVID at RPH, the Coroner has given his verdict. Actually, I would have written a similar finding- Complications of a head injury in an elderly man with several severe comorbidities and given palliative care. Notice though how the Virus was not mentioned! I wonder if RPH stats added dear old Dad to the Covid fatality list anyway? And is it a little unusual to shift from 9 days ICU to a palliative care setting where Dad’s medical condition was improving? I guess I will never know- my older brother who was with Dad when he passed has himself succumbed to two turbo cancers (NHL and SCC) within 4 months of diagnosis at the age of 60. Ain’t mRNA efficient!!!
When I was with my 83 year old father in ICU, intubated, hands restrained, but fully conscious, a young lung specialist MD, escorted by a grizzled platoon sergeant nurse, examined Dad (a twice wounded WWII infantry platoon sergeant), turned to me and said, “he has little sign of emphysema for being a life long smoker.”
I just said to her, “why are you telling me … tell him”.
I saw the platoon sergeant rolling her eyes.
Anyway, Dad didn’t make it out of ICU.
The official death certificate said COD ’emphysema’.
Dad’s last coherent words to me … “I haven’t been right since that damn flu shot”.
Sorry for your loss.
Honk R, I feel deeply for your experience and appreciate you recounting your story. When my Dad was in ICU I ALWAYS assumed that he would hear every word said and kept things light and reassuring. Initially the Nurses were guarded as they did not have much sedation dialed in whilst ventilated- it all changed when one Nurse commanded Dad to give a thumbs up- which he did straight away. Turns out cerebral atrophy allows a fair sized subdural and subarachnoid haemorrhage to share the brain box without neurologic deficit! The death certificate is usually conjecture, and an outlet for creative writing and deductive reasoning.
Safeway pharmacist resigns over the intercom and slams the vaxx
One for Doctor T. 🙂
Update: IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.
“[Injection] could explain a plethora of autoimmune conditions, such as cancers, re-infections, and deaths temporally associated with both. It is conceivable that the excess deaths reported in several highly COVID-19-vaccinated countries may be explained, in part, by this combined immunosuppressive effect.”
“Indeed, several investigations have found that COVID-19 immunization is associated with the development of autoimmune responses.”
“[It] is plausible to suggest that excessive vaccination could be associated with the occurrence of an increased number of myocarditis cases and sudden cardiac deaths.”
“Paradox: if people who are the most affected by the COVID-19 disease (the elderly, diabetics, hypertensive, and immunocompromised people like those with HIV) are also more susceptible to suffering the negative effects of repeated mRNA vaccination, is it then justified to booster them?”
“This research also showed that immunity acquired through natural disease provides better protection against infection and disease symptoms caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 than the immunity provided by two injections with the BNT162b2 vaccine.”
“Locally elevated levels of IgG4 in cancer tissue hindered antibody-mediated anticancer responses, assisted cancer in blocking the local immune response and indirectly aided in cancer progression.”
“Lethal COVID-19 cases have been linked to higher levels of IgG4 antibodies, and it has also been documented that mRNA vaccines trigger their synthesis.
Integrity sneaking into the mainstream science?
But the vaxxed can’t unpush the button…
The Light Australia – Being Paid for and Distributed By Volunteers – A Grass Roots Movement With Mass Impacts
I discovered The Light Australia today. The site is accessible and all issues are downloadable from this link (below). Some articles are Australia-specific, others are applicable everywhere! What a brilliant movement! Businesses are distributing it; volunteers are door dropping it; people are sharing it.
The Oz version of The Light Paper uk I’ve posted links for previously by the looks of it.
I wonder how many people would be interested in meteorology, ocean currents, solar activity, carbon dioxide if not for the idea that man made CO2 from old wood, not ordinary CO2 from new wood is heating the planet into a crisis without actually explaining what that crisis is? Really, an extra 50% over 250 years? That cannot be an existential crisis. Surely we would have noticed say in the last hundred years?
Sea level rise. Considering man made Global Warming has been going on for a hundred years, since WW1, where is it? Is it coming soon? You would have to be psychic to notice any change in the sea level in Sydney harbour or Port Philip bay or any port in the world.
Warming. You would have to be kidding. Where is it warmer? Siberia? Greenland? Macchu Picchu? Antarctica? Why was Hitler stopped at the gates of Moscow in 1941 and in Stalingrad in 1942. He blamed the cold weather despite all his CO2.
And the idea that one of the two gases which give all life, H2O and CO2 is now deadly pollution, toxic emissions and that all living things are polluters is a fantasy you could not have imagined. They people claiming this should have been laughed out of the room by every biologist, ecologist, chemist in the place.
As for “The Science”, presumably of tipping point rapid Armageddon, it is transparently rubbish 35 years after it was made up by Al Gore, Maurice Strong and James Hansen, each with their own motives. And if you just use the idea of lived experience in your lifetime, where on the world is this warming, climate change, sea level rise. And why has the Polar Bear population doubled?
Or as the apologists, the fact checkers say, it is all down to the inability to measure numbers of polar bears in the first place. Where were they when the claim was made? Now no one told bald face lies, they were just incompetent.
So what about the claim of a RAPID increase in temperatures, or an increase at all? Man made Rapid Global Warming started 250 years ago, not in 1988. So where is it?
As the Victoria government acconces a completely mad $3.2Bn new transmission line to access more solar and windmills instead of building a new coal power station or allowing the use of Gippsland gas, you have to say that they are deliberately wrecking energy in Victoria. And you have to wonder if this is on instruction from President Xi and friends because they are the only ones who benefit.
Well said Tdef.
You forgot to add to your list, their new targeted climate pariah.
It is:
The unprecedented, unrivalled, preternatural, unimaginal, unheard-of, without parallel, second to none, catastrophic, climate warming danger to our planet… The minute trace gas that is.. Methane….
(which is just 1.92 parts per million). (0.00000192%) of the atmosphere.
That scary level is why they want to get rid of cows (ruminants) and eat insects.
Yes, methane. 1/30th of concentration of CO2. And invisible CO2 is tiny at 0.04%.
But the one gas they should include for the hothouse effect is water which is 1% of most of the atmosphere even in Australian desert conditions and up to 4% in the tropics. So 25x the raw concentration of CO2. And much more absorption of Infra Red. Water vapour/gas is perhaps 100x the effect of CO2 even without clouds.
I remember Lord Monckton had a theory about lack of cloud cover in the 1990s. However people focus on clouds because they can see them. But humidity is water as an invisible gas and not clouds which are water as a quasi solid liquid as droplets which really blocks everything.
And warmer oceans means more H2O in the air as well as more CO2. So in the early days when it was accepted that the increase in CO2 could not possibly cause a significant temperature change, the idea was floated a little CO2 warming produced warmer seas and more water vapour which did the job. This has been busted as the predicted hot spot of water vapour has not been found,
However it also means that no one seriously expected a 50% increase in tiny CO2 to make any difference, let alone methane. But while the proponents of this CO2 have the world scared, there is no telling how many scares like methane will be invented. Especially one which fits the vegetarian agenda.
And now the UN/WHO are seriously pushing Global Warming as a health problem for the WHO who can then use their new proposed pandemic powers to close down countries legally. John Kerry loves the idea. And it’s getting out of control. The UN is becoming malignant.
Methane is hilarious. Several years ago the climate loons claimed that each methane molecule was 23 times more warming than CO2, but that gained no traction with the public so they bumped it to 25 and then later to 30 times. Today it is claimed to be 80 times more warming than CO2, but it’s still getting no traction. Hahaha!
They just make up stuff.
Indeed they do. And we are about to cop a barrage on methane. Get the Patriots ready.
How much methane does an acre of land generate if it never sees a cow?
My call is that the only way to eliminate methane is to stop the grass from growing.
It’s worse than we thought – the best grassland farmers induce increased biological activity in their topsoil, thus causing higher CO2 emissions from respiration.
We’re doomed.
IIRC insects, especially termites give off more methane than cows.
Again IIRC cattle fed on grass are net sequesters of carbon.
So if we transfer to growing insects to replace meat, what would be the effect on methane production?
” cattle fed on grass are net sequesters of carbon.”
Milk, meat , manure -it’s all sequestered carbon. All measurable too.
60 % of what the cow ingests is excreted as organic fertiliser.
What’s not to like?
Carbon credits for grassland farmers?
Now there’s an incentive to get grass farmers looking to improve the EROEI of their business.
Tony Heller of looks at past predictions and past statistics:
(6m 2s video)
The attack in Victoria is the worst in Australia. Here we not only shut down coal power working at 98% of design but dismantled it all. Wood is banned. Gas exploration is banned. Exploiting gas reserves we have is banned. Fracking is banned. Picking up sticks in the forest for a fire is banned. And I assume rubbing two sticks together will soon be a capital offence.
It would have been sensible to mothball the perfectly functional plant but it had to be destroyed. As with so many power stations. Clearly to remove the possibilty that they would ever be used again and forcing us to endlessly buy Chinese windmills. Because when the wind doesn’t blow, there is no power at all. The solution is more windmills. How does that work? Especially given that they only last 20 years at best and the blades are not disposable. And the don’t work if the wind is too light or too strong. Goldilocks power.
The CSIRO says the coming power shortage and skyrocketing costs will be solved by ’emerging technologies’. I think that pretty much confirms windmills as a climate cargo cult. And while many people are making fortunes it will take years to rebuild what we had.
And brown coal, as I read last week in the Spectator no less, the ‘filthiest’ source of power could be our greatest export. We are not allowed use it but as briquettes it could bring in billions a year, except export was banned by the Labor Brumby government when there was a $400million order from India. Which is odd as India runs on windmills to which we aspire.
Of course the Indians must think we are quite mad. Certifiable. Infinite zero cost coal and we refuse to use it or even export it and buy thousands of intermittent Chinese replaceable windmills we don’t need and billions in distribution lines we don’t need? If it was an iQ test, Victoria fails. It makes no sense. Or perhaps Victoria has its own private Climate?
Don’t forget that it’s OK to burn brown coal to generate Hydrogen for export.
And they don’t specify what these “emerging technologies” are or their likely cost.
Here’s an idea….Why not use coal, gas and nuclear to produce the power we require? That will solve all the deficiencies of solar and wind and is proven reliable, low cost and doable right now (if there is a will to do it, bearing in mind this is Australia and even a decision like a second Sydney Airport took 50 years).
With 5,000 staff the CSIRO should do far better than talk about ’emerging technologies’. Such as? Bigger windmills?
I think there is a great argument to shut down the CSIRO, BOM, ABC, SBS and save the country $3Billion a year. They do nothing. And Peppa the Pig is a British production. 50 years on the cloud seeding investigation. And the SBS was the brainchild of Al Grassby before the internet and has no value at all now. Like the UN, they are all past their use by date. And fast asleep while woke.
And the the Common Market for trade was a great idea. The European Council and Schengen zones for travel.
But the European Union is appalling. Demanding woke, green policies and windmills, a single currency when one is not needed today with credit cards, controls economies by extortion, destroys borders with unwanted mass migration and now demands a French/German army to fight Russia.
We have been there three times with Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler. Not again.
Man Made Global Warming, methane, meat, insects and the Tri State City and viruses out of China. There is a War on the West.
George Christensen has let people know that a petition has been submitted to the House of Representatives to reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations, with a deadline for the rejection of November 2023 to do so under Article 61 of the IHR. You can sign the petition at
To learn more about the Australia Exits The WHO campaign, access resources, and stay updated on their progress, visit the website.
Closing date for the petition is 8th June. Be quick. ToM
A direct email of your post cont3ents got flagged as a spam site when I tried to spread the word. Trial and error showed it was the second link there.
Got around it by linking to your post here
Thanks Tides,
When I signed yesterday the signature count was 45,337. I’ve just checked and the count is now 46,951. Good, but not fast enough to reach 100,000 by Thursday when it closes.
I’ve heard that 100,000 are required before Parliament is required to look at it. True?
This link takes you to a list of all open petitions. EN5048 is, or was, on page 7:
Everyone in Oz, please sign, and pass on.
Dave B
When I lodged my signature there had been 47,309 others and after lodging the number was 47,316 so me+6. There is also a petition for investigation of excess deaths which people can sign while in there. Cheers
Some reading – FWIW
“An Unapologetic Defense Of The Crusades”
More reading
“Saturday Snippet: What led to the Russian Revolution
Historian Antony Beevor is renowned for his in-depth investigation of events in the light of modern research and information that often supersedes earlier efforts. His monumental work, “Russia: Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1921″ is extraordinary in the amount of detail it provides, and the depth of its coverage of that period.”
More at
Video: Dr Suneel Dhand talks about plans for future mRNA products, including replacement of traditional vaccines.
It’s what Big Pharma wants and so you can be certain that TGA and the Australian Government will approve them without question or adequate testing. And even make them compulsory like they did with covid vaccines if you wanted to keep your job or freedom.
Propaganda terminology used by the legacy media. Someone else posted this on Farcebook:
“Liberation struggles”
“What’s the root cause of Robert Mugabe’s destruction of Zimbabwe, and the fact that it went on for as long as it did without anyone making a serious effort to stop it? It has a lot to do with ideas originating in the West and an academic and political culture that actively promoted the worst of them.
Smith’s fears were not based on century-old horror stories about Reconstruction. If he believed that white minorities would be run out by the new regime in spite of all prior reassurances to the contrary, it was because that’s exactly what had happened in Algeria. If he worried that the country’s economy would be knocked back to subsistence, with famine following, it was because post-colonial Africa (with the exception of oil-boom Nigeria) had seen negative per capita economic growth in the 1970s. By the time of UDI, the world already had before it the examples of Ghana (Afro-fascism), Tanzania (police state), and the Congo (civil war). Instead of asking why Smith thought Zimbabwe would go the same way, we should ask why anyone thought it would be the exception.”.
“Where Zimbabwe went wrong”
There is a cartoon doing the rounds of a woman in the empty bakery section of a supermarket saying (IIRC)
“You know those farmers that have been killed? They used to grow the stuff that ended up here”
But don’t worry;
Australia won’t end up like that after we have the new “voice” installed and working from 2024.
Not a chance.
Reported on local radio that the National Farmers Federation want to raise the value of agriculture to $100 billion dollars by 2030.
They plan to utilise traditional aboriginal agricultral practises to increase yields and sustainability. They also need to understand traditional peoples knowledge of drought and floods to improve the knowledge of how these events occur and the impact on the environment.
If this wasn’t so serious it would be absolutely laughable.
So, 1778, a varied population of peoples covering approx 700 language groups. Estimates vary on the total population of Austraila at the time but lets say 600 to 800 thousand people.
No written language
No understanding of cause and effect. i.e. sickness of any type was just something that happened to individuals.
No recorded observations of agriculture
Recorded constant warfare between tribal groups.
Recorded instances of infanticide for various reasons
Recorded instances of canabalism.
Recorded beliefs in mystic events. i.e. a bad thing that happened was caused by someone else, often a long way away from the event.
Recorded women were often treated with great brutality for relatively minor transgressions.
The list goes on and on. So if this is the way forward, yes it will follow the Rhodesian / Zimbabwe model to the letter.
And it’s frightening to think that the Australian Original Inhabitants left Africa some hundred thousand years ago so the Africans have a good head start on our original inhabitants.
What can we expect when they gain side access to controlling a significant cash flow from our economy.
I don’t think that they would start/continue fighting for the position of “top dog”.
Another first for Southern Rhodesia?
There is “The Natural Resources Act, Southern Rhodesia, 1941”
Enacted at a time when I doubt anywhere else had ever used that phrasing in a single sentenc
““Where Zimbabwe went wrong””
..exactly the same place that South Africa went wrong! If any African country would be the exception to ‘Blacks in control = disaster’ it would be RSA, but no, its going down the same drain.
In Africa we see the raw politicians, ones without the mealy-mouth false face that our ones in the West use.
The BoM long range forecasts for winter issued June 1:
For June to August, below median rainfall is likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) for almost all of Australia.
June to August maximum temperatures are likely to very likely warmer than median (60% to greater than 80% chance) for almost all of Australia.
Above median June to August minimum temperatures likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) for much of Australia, with below median minimum temperatures likely (60 to 80% chance) for southern parts of the NT and Queensland as well as western NSW and eastern SA.
This forecast is being influenced by several factors, including likely warming in the tropical Pacific Ocean towards El Niño thresholds, potential development of a positive Indian Ocean Dipole, and record warm oceans globally.
Record warm oceans globally?
What does el Gordo have to say about that?
I will have a guess.
It would be caused by a blocking high and SAM. The only solution is to prove that a problem that does not exist, does not exist.
Its for the good of the collective, comrade.
Get vaccinated x 6
** chuckle **
Cool nights and warm dry days seem about right, because of the blocking.
The meandering jet stream is strengthening high pressure in both hemispheres and the high priests don’t know why. We have to enlighten them.
Marine heatwaves are global.
“and record warm oceans globally.”
Really !!!
They have only been able to even roughly measure ocean temperature since the ARGO deployment starting in 2003.
Anything else is pure guesswork, especially in the southern hemisphere..
If it is from proxies, then they should look at longer term proxies..
See that little red squiggle at the end.. that is supposedly human caused ocean warming…
Disney Could Be Getting a Transgender Princess
Posted by: Eva Miller April 13, 2023
Australia’s covid “vaccine” mandates, you know, the ones the Government said we never had, and which caused so many deaths, injuries, destruction of businesses and general misery, are now no longer justified said Australia’s Chief Medical Officer.
found some interesting history of Nuclear power
This is not New look up Galen Winsor
Add this one the value of waste and other stuff
Does the White House resident have a body double?
Different eyes, ear position and teeth in side by side pictures. And sometime he seems demented, at other times lucid.
SEE picture at (which I had to find with DuckDuckGo as Goolag doesn’t show this picture.
The fact that the picture is censored on Goolag and the “fact checkers” (sic) are obsessive about saying Biden doesn’t have a body double, suggests it might be true.
(Remember, these professional propagandists also told you the Hunter laptop story was also fake.)
Why not, Hillary definitely had one.
DM This is something I’ve long suspected and have looked at many many photos of Joe (not a particularly pleasant task). The earlobes are a common telltale, whether the bottom of the ears join directly to the head or have a distinct loop or lobe. From what I can tell, and your photo certainly shows differences in other areas, but the lobes in the photos I’ve seen differ too. And I agree, he seems to go from a bumbling mumbling man to being quite lucid. Isn’t it wonderful to live in such honest, upfront, transparent times? Obviously sarc. ToM
“Emails Reveal: Bureaucrats censor radiation risk science fraud by cancelling whistleblowers; Huge implications for nuclear power and more”
And read the comments
Aha- a lot of arguments promoting lack of risk in radiation in the last 6months. Seems a ‘small’ nuclear war in Ukraine won’t be the problem people thought..
Just watched a segment of Outsiders, with a stood down, unvaxed, firie (?), and no one bought up the obvious. The word ‘punitive’ popped up once, but they went on and on and on with all the rational arguments, which totally miss the point. This is just Bureaucratic Revenge. You don’t do what you are told, you will be made to pay. Welcome to our world.
Also mentioned was a new law in WA, requiring every farmer or miner, to get a permit to scratch the earth’s surface deeper than 50mm!!!!!!! Don’t bother rationally arguing. The drive for total mad bureaucracy has to be highlighted, and challenged.
Dam levels are mostly near full in California thus defying ‘the experts’ and MSM which predicted a ‘forever drought’ last year. Because of ‘climate change’ they said.
Our Dr. Tim Flannery must of taken his holidays over there during their winter.
“Study Falsely Linking Hydroxychloroquine To Increased Deaths Frequently Cited Even After Retraction”