A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Got a power bill notice in SE QLD Alinta today.
The peak price has gone from 22.889c/kwhour to 35.220c/kwhour – a 53% increase.
These are the price increases claimed under the DMO:
-Network costs up 9.6%
-Whole sale energy costs up 51%
-Environmental costs -10.5%
Yes folks, must be those evil fossil fuel generators again… charging extra for power, almost as if there are not enough of them around anymore…
Well it seems all of America’s woes are the fault of Donald Trump, who served just one term of four years ending three years ago. Even worse, I still hear people blame today’s problems in Australia on John Howard, who hasn’t been PM for SIXTEEN YEARS. Of course you can’t blame Howard for everything that’s wrong today; some of it is Tony Abbott’s fault.
This suggests that, applying Lefty Logic, any problem with our energy supply for the next several decades can be blamed on coal-powered stations, even when they don’t exist.
Mine went to 31.724 cents per kWh
From 25.559 cents per kWh
That’s from Origin.
But Daily rate up to 132.649 cents per day
It’s going to get very bad shortly.
Mine went to 40.12 cents per kWh and the Supply Charge went to 177.79 cents per day.
That’s a 24% increase on the kWh rate and 10% on the Supply Charge.
NSW. Origin.
Marxist Labor and its green left hatred of humanity.
So 53 dollars per month to be hooked to the grid! My electric bill for the last month was only $60 for supply and connection (USD).
That, James, is why the USA is, and will continue to be, an amazing powerhouse of economic growth when you (all) manage to get rid of the rats that are sabotaging the greatest economy in the world.
Nobody under the age of 30 quite understands what happens when the American economy is unleashed. It will never be unleashed under the corrupt administration of the so called “Democrat Party”. They’re Marxists, through and through. Corrupt to the core. Even its name is a fraud.
No change here in the ACT
The average electricity bill in Canberra is $2,004 per year, which is 22% higher than the national average.
New video from Sharri Markson.
What really happened in Wuhan.
Woke Alert: track the woke companies, so you can boycott them!
Say no to child predation and grooming.
Hackers promise to destroy Europe’s banking system in the next 48 hours.
They announce the strongest cyberattack in history
Several hacker groups are planning to carry out a large-scale attack on the European banking system. As it became known to the “Tape.”, the hacktivists of Killnet, representatives of Revil, which was considered defeated, as well as members of Anonymous Sudan joined their efforts to achieve this goal.
Russian hackers have declared war on European banks
At the disposal of the publication was also a filmed, but not yet published promo video dedicated to this attack. In the video itself, an unnamed representative of Killnet called on all active groups to engage in destructive activities against the European banking system.
“This is not a DDoS attack, the games are over. “No money — no weapons — no Kiev regime” — this formula will work,” the masked man promised.”
The leader of Killnet, hiding under the nickname Killmilk, confirmed “The” that preparations for the attack are already underway. It is expected to begin in the next 48 hours.
Cyberattack could be the largest in history
The representative of Revil, in turn, stated that “the world has gone crazy”, and the reason for this, in his opinion, was money. He also stated that it is the European banking system that governs the EU.
“No money, no problem. Revil is sufficiently familiar with the European financial infrastructure,” the representative of the group threatened.
A member of Anonymous Sudan also noted that European financial institutions will witness “the strongest cyberattack in the recent history of the world.” He urged them to be ready for the coming blow, and also stated that when it is struck, “it will be too late to fix anything.”
“Many European banks will be targeted, and we will strike without mercy,” concluded the representative of Anonymous Sudan.
Topor live/vx-underground
No more script-kiddies running DDOS attacks against websites from their bedrooms.
—> Got cash? <—
Now you see why I've been advising it.🙄
Whether they manage it is another matter.
Meanwhile, Dmitry Medvedev threatens to cut off the West’s internet.
Putin’s ally claims Moscow has ‘moral’ right to destroy critical undersea infrastructure after the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up.
One of President Putin’s closest allies has warned that Russia could destroy underwater cables that are vital for internet and other global communications in Europe and the United States.
Dmitry Medvedev, the hard-line former Russian president, said that Moscow had the “moral” right to target its enemies’ communications infrastructure because of what he claimed was western complicity in the blasts that ruptured the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines last year.
“If we proceed from the proven complicity of western countries in blowing up the Nord Streams, then we have no constraints — even moral — left to prevent us from destroying the ocean-floor cable communications of our enemies,” said Medvedev, who has been the deputy head of Russia’s powerful security council since stepping.
Even when we look at Russia v Ukraine, that too shifted in 2022. The war is likely to escalate globally by April 2024. The Neocons are desperate and intend to create war involving US troops before the 2024 election. They are counting on the fact that no president has ever lost during time of war. They need their puppet Biden in office and no other.
The Neocons have ZERO concern for the US economy or its people. We are secondary to their objectives if we even rank in second place or anywhere in their minds. They could care less about the budget and will print money recklessly to achieve their end goal which is to dominate the world no different than they have claimed China and Russia seek to do. Fools who think inflation will subside make the assumption that we have a normal viable economy. We are living in a midst of a coup that has seized full control of the United States and they have whipped Congress into a war frenzy that is against the people and our own interests.
I’ve seen info backing that but I resisted posting it.
Everyone would do well to do some serious forward planning. Now.
I can go along with “Fools who think inflation will subside make the assumption that we have a normal viable economy.” but I’ll reserve judgement on the rest.
‘The war is likely to escalate globally by April 2024.’
Strongly Disagree
Based on?
Intuitive intellect, not economic cycles.
How do NonCons think Russian and Chinese aggression should be handled if not by pushing back?
You might want to consider who has started the most conflicts. You treat the rest of the world as vassals of your foreign policy – my way or the highway you make enemies. Pax Americana. What a joke.
That would be Russia with China being the leader of the rest when it comes to Wolf Warrior Diplomacy.
No one has attacked Russia since Hitler.
The list for America would be considerably longer…
The civilian death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan is far worse than the Ukraine conflict for sure. Hardly any recriminations whatsoever – just the usual apologists saying that it’s all for the greater good. Send in the A-10 Thunderbolts to level a hospital here a school over here. We’re a rich nation and will pay you compo and build back better. Trying to be balance here as I know the US of A has done some good things,but don’t stand in the way of their foreign policy decisions.
Where’s the list?
Nth. Korea attacked The South. Nth. Vietnam attacked the south.
Your hatred clouds your judgement.
‘ … Russian and Chinese aggression …’
Just because they are BRICS members doesn’t mean they are both aggressors, one is fascist with a human face.
Dr. Peter McCullough: Sick with Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy
I recently had a parent tell me her teenage son was starting his “gender journey” to achieve his fantasy of becoming a girl. This almost certainly means taking feminizing hormones in the post-pubertal state where endogenous testosterone is naturally high as he is developing into a normal man. I wondered what the side effects he would be experiencing as he and his doctors attempt to go against mother nature.
Santos and colleagues published a detailed analysis of the impact of hormonal therapy when initiated mainly during the teenage years. Participants (n = 114; ages 18-62 years; median age 24.0 (21.0 – 33.0) years) included transgender adults residing in Portugal who were undergoing or had undergone hormonal therapy for at least one uninterrupted year. Participants completed an original questionnaire. A total of 89% had side effects.
It should come at no surprise that the “gender journey” for young persons results in the human body becoming physically sick in 89%. Other studies have shown an increase in the burden of psychiatric disease and elevated risks for death from suicide, homicide, and other causes. Many states are passing legislation to shut down harmful transgender medicine programs so our kids can return to normal life and not be threatened by this dark time in medicine.
No surprises there. Dark days of “medicine” indeed.
If you want to see some of the surgical aspects, he did a post on his substack a few days ago.
“Failed surgical creation…”
*** Surgical content warning***
“mother nature“??? I think you have just committed a crime. The correct term is “non-father nature”. Well, it was yesterday.
These procedures are heavily promoted by the Left and yet I find the extreme gender stereotypes held by the Left remarkable.
At the slightest sign that a boy or girl displays (or is encouraged to display) what Leftists regard as atypical behaviour for that biological gender, there is an urgency to sterilise and mutilate the child with hormones and surgery as well as render it permanently sexually non-functional.
It is the most incredibly depraved and cruel thing to do a child or any mentally confused person.
It’s about time that doctors and others involved in these assaults are prosecuted.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
I would argue that mental illness among the transitioned pre-existed their treatment, in most cases. In fact, I believe that most young people confused about their gender, even those who are utterly convinced they were born with the wrong genitalia, and in fact mentally ill. I think I recall reading somewhere that there is a high prevalence of autism in that cohort.
And therein lies another tragic aspect of this evil, manipulative ‘trans movement’. Not only is it completely destroying the lives of young people who would have simply been gayhad they been left to find their own way, or passing through the all-too-common years of teenage angst and rebellion, but it’s also preventing mentally ill people from getting proper help.
WEF-Linked Scientists Announce Creation of Lab-Grown Human Embryos Without Eggs or Sperm
World Economic Forum-linked researchers have announced a breakthrough in creating human embryos using stem cells, without the need for eggs or sperm, raising serious ethical and legal questions about the future of human reproduction.
The lab-grown human embryos were produced in a joint project between Cambridge University and the California Institute of Technology and replicate natural embryos in the earliest stages of human development.
Last week the World Economic Forum promised a future in which lab-grown humans will be controlled for compliant traits. That future appears to have arrived sooner than many people expected.
According to the researchers, the do not have the beginnings of a brain or a beating heart, but do include cells which will go on to form the placenta and yolk sac, leading to fears the embryos could be used for organ harvesting.
Borg maturation chambers on standby.
Meanwhile, the WEF announces they have no more need of politicians.
The WEF has declared that “non-organic entities” and “emotionless algorithms” will replace world leaders and politicians by the year 2030.
According to Klaus Schwab’s right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari, within the next few years governments will be replaced by entities that are not organic. “They don’t breathe; they don’t have emotions,” Harari boasted in a new interview.
“The potential of AI is much, much bigger than any historical revolution – it’s really a biological revolution,” Harari said, claiming that up until now, all life is organic – but soon that will no longer be the case.
Well, the pollies who SOLD OUT their people will soon no longer be needed and they’ll be unceremoniously dumped.
After all, would YOU want sycophantic minions working for you who would betray you just as they betrayed the masses.
Nope. Useful idiots.
Considering Klaus Schwab’s excellent impression of a Hitler youth born in 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, the site of the largest concentration camp for women, we have a uncanny rerun of “The Boys from Brazil”.
Ezra Lieberman, an aging Nazi hunter, learns of a secret organization of Third Reich war criminals and neo-Nazis holding clandestine meetings in Paraguay. Dr. Josef Mengele, the infamous Auschwitz doctor, is part of the organization. He leads a mysterious project to assassinate ninety-four aging, low-level, male civil servants in different countries throughout the world.
Upon investigating several suspicious deaths of civil servants, Lieberman is amazed to find that the adopted sons of the dead men, now teenagers, share an uncanny resemblance, including blue eyes and black hair. It transpires that, using samples of Adolf Hitler’s DNA, Mengele has sent ninety-four cloned babies to different parts of the world for adoption, in the hopes that one or more will turn out like the original Hitler and initiate a Fourth Reich. With each baby, Mengele has attempted to recreate Hitler’s personality by choosing adoptive parents similar to Hitler’s own abusive father and doting mother. The deaths of the fathers were engineered to mimic Hitler’s childhood.
But why bother cloning Hitler? Just give an AI engine his personality and who needs elections? Or even a clone of Klaus himself, who has done a fine job reeducating the world on the enormous profits to be made under a National Socialist Arbeiter Partei. Fill all the top positions with Klaus. There should be no shortage of white cats for Spectre.
Klaus and Yuval- the Goldfinger and Blofeld of the WEF. If you had a list……
“Limits to Wind and Solar on the Grid: A Discussion”
And another limit
“Germany’s Costly Energy Conundrum: Poor Planning and Bad Choices, 1 Trillion Dollars Needed.”
“England ‘4,700 years from building enough onshore windfarms’ ”
Via Michael Smith News
I know it’s the Daily Mail, but it’s interesting to see what our leaders have in store for us.
This is for Scotland – and there you will be expected, by law, to recycle properly.
Will that come for us?
I’m in London, where our watermelon Mayor, Mr Khan, [ostensibly green externally, bright red inside] is up for re-election soon; I guess this will be on his radar if he is re-elected.
I am in favour of recycling – where sensible.
If, say, plastic waste is merely bundled, exported, and dumped – that’s wrong.
But if there is a need to compel people – mature adults – to recycle, when the bins are provided, and collections made regularly, then their concern for the enviroment is, perhaps, not overwhelming.
Wait until they’re told to eat bugs …..
I worked for a company who recycled plastic waste for many years (by multiple tons), until the worse and worse quality of the incoming waste made them stop (due to the expense of removing crap from the reactors).
Are you going to advocate for multiple bins which “mature adults” (who cannot differentiate plastics from each sorts) can recycle? And where will the (at least) 14 bins be stored?
Your [former?] company’s experience is interesting [and, I fear, more likely to spread, as folks don’t care as much, on average, as they used to do, so waste will be dirtier].
Were I live – South London, inside the M25 [London Orbital Motorway] – we get five bins;
Paper and cardboard;
Glass and [hard] plastic;
and – optional – garden waste [this incurs an extra charge of about £75 p.a. (per bin)
– plus [other] Waste.
We have room for these bins here – but other houses [let alone flats] within half a mile [~800 metres] certainly do not.
Nearby local authorities [other London Boroughs, and District Councils in Surrey] have different ‘bins’ – so different waste streams, I assume.
That seems to be true elsewhere in the country ….
Present arrangements work okay for me [and I think, for my neighbours].
A third or so of my ‘other waste’ is soiled cat litter; were there to be one or two more bins [possibly, say one for soft plastics like crisp packets and toilet roll plastic wrap], I could cope – though others would not.
Recycling [at the household level] needs buy-in from the householders.
The proposed 14-bin system [possibly another of the nice Mr. Michael Gove’s Ideas] will not get that buy in, and would fail.
And, as I noted, if the ‘recycled’ material is simply dumped [very possibly in the Third World] that is neither helpful nor profitable for most …
Better, surely, to incinerate locally, and recover the energy?
“Recycling [at the household level] needs buy-in from the householders.”
Recycling, particularly soft plastics, needs “buy in” from the producers and primary demand. Read SUPERMARKETS. Remember when supermarkets had deli sections, butchers, fruit and veg where you select what you want and put it in a single polymer bag. All gone or going. A single chop on an absorbent pad, placed in a styrene tray that is alternatively vacuum packed or nitrogen flushed. All of these “high tech” packages need multiple combinations of polymer types to prevent gas flow and by their very design are extremely difficult to recycle. These multi layer combinations allow meat or fish to look like its newly prepared but in fact is designed to give extended shelf life to products that normally only lasted a few days but now can stay on the shelf for up to four weeks and even further. Who was the genius that required cucumbers (in Australia) to be shrink wrapped in polyethylene, for what purpose. Buy your evening meal veggies sliced and diced in multi type packaging so you dont have to do anything, except correctly recycle the packaging which probably takes longer than chopping your mushrooms. Tomato sauce used to be in glass bottles, you know, 100% recyclable for ever. ( glass is probably the ultimate in recycling capability with kilo in kilo out endlessly, furnace losses are tiny compared to other packaging) Now tomato sauce comes in multi layer bottles, up to 7 layers of materials that are not compatible when it comes to re use. Soft plastics, hard plastics, adhesives to hold it all together. Then blame the consumer for not getting it right..
Just one final little whinge. In many of these packaging scenarios THE PACKAGING COSTS MORE THAN THE BLOODY PRODUCT THAT YOU ARE GOING TO EAT.
The bit that gets thrown away is where so much of the cost of your convenience meal is!
Its called HYGENE!
Can’t imagine buying something other people have handled a zillion times.
And yet open markets flourish world wide. Wouldn’t a quick wash solve that problem? The complex plastic packaging is demanded only by large corporates, little suppliers dont need it.
King Island 6:50PM 92% Diesel
It’s a good thing that the King Island and Flinders Island “renewables” experiments are failures because it will stop politicians wanting to install them on the mainland. …/sarc
Did they ever say the diesel would never supply majority power at any point in time? I dont know what the objectives where, dont know how the system is measured against objectives or what success or failure would look like.
My guess given the lack of transparency on costs and the lack of triumphant virtue signalling is that the system, while interesting , isnt cost effective.
The Spectator.
Australia fast tracking mRNA vaccines for livestock.
“In one example that mRNA is on its way Down Under, on May 2, 2023, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) announced funding for a project to ‘test mRNA vaccines that can be rapidly mass-produced in Australia in the event of a lumpy skin disease or other exotic disease outbreak’.”
You could see the scenario such as when NZ farmers came to Aussie and illegally took back the calicivirus disease-
“Hey Boss, we’ve got 14million vials of this mRNA vaccine for Lumpy Skin Disease and there’s none in the country. What shall we do??”
“Just wait until I come back from overseas mate, we’ll soon get rid of them..”
or you could see the Wuhan scenario-
“Hey Boss, seems that Lumpy Skin Virus we were using to test our mRNA vaccine with has escaped from the lab…”
Now Mineral Water Has Also Become a “Climate Killer”
In the joint large-scale undertaking of an informal ideological Stasi made up of scientists, NGOs and state-related institutions to scour the entire everyday life of Germans for climate-damaging consumption habits and behavior in order to feed the results of the political decision-making process for the gradual implementation of a totalitarian climate dictatorship, no area of life and no detail is spared: The “non-profit” association “a tip:tap” recently commissioned a remarkable study on the climate damage caused by sparkling water. Somebody must have noticed that sparkling water equals carbon dioxide equals CO2 — which is essential for life (on Earth), but deemed a “climate killer” and thus as a trace gas, an alleged “environmental toxin”, for whose symbolic “reduction” Germany is wildly prepared to sacrifice its civilizational prosperity.
The result of the study followed as expected: it now also declares drinking mineral water to be a climate sin. Because: Its consumption in Germany consumes around 1.5 times as much CO2 as the entire domestic German air traffic, calculate the green flunky scientists. Even during its production, mineral water requires many more process steps than tap water because it has to be cleaned after treatment and bottled under higher standards. In addition, the production of the bottles, the transport to the supermarket and the way home from there drive emissions even further up. Overall, according to the study, mineral water produces 202.74 g of CO2 equivalents per liter — tap water, on the other hand, only 0.35 g. This means that still water performs around 586 times better than bottled mineral water.
Bottled waters, soft drinks, soda water, BEER!
Do I see a revolt brewing? 😁
They love their water with lots of CO2 added. The Italians like a mild fizz, while the French mostly still water. When working in Germany,, on arrival it was always a quick trip to the Getrankemarkt for a few bottles of fizz – loved the stuff.
Re those Russian sanctions
Russian diss-information?
Does the Bee have a Moscow studio?
Well there is this sequence –
Posted by Ukraine,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Then the reply signalling a change in the pelt market,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
With some real faith in the product then the German Foreign Minister adds her bit –
69% of Americans think athletes should only be able to play on teams ‘that match their birth gender’.
7% more Democrats agree than in 2021.
Yet …
the Biden ‘campaign’ seem to pushing this agenda as the 2024 clown car parade ramps up.
Then again, I thought ‘Defund the Police’* would result in disaster at the polls.
*(Excepting of course, the law enforcement component that jails your political opponents.)
Hmm …
the Biden campaign strategists appear confident that the opinions of the American public don’t matter.
Wonder why?
Asking that question will have you in the naughty corner anywhere else. Thank Jo.
To take your analysis a step further: Can you name a Biden policy that has received broad support?
Thank you Jo, though I have had similar comments disallowed.
Guess ‘wondering’ is not yet verboten.
Possibly ‘cause I’m an American criticizing American voting politics on an Australian forum.
Proving my case.
Really, can it all get much more obvious?
And I am a very naughty boy … I mean person.
Oh, and no.
If one does not support Biden, one is a far right enemy of “Our Democracy”.
Covid stimulus payments
It’s only the opinions of the live Americans that don’t matter.
Now this would cause consternation!
“The Idea That Terrifies Democrats, the Deep State and the DC Swamp”
If the Democrats can rig the vote then rigging the lie detector test is child’s play.
This is an excellent 1962 science fiction movie, “Creation of the Humanoids”, said to be Andy Warhol’s favourite movie. Most people have never heard of it. Very relevant to the rise of artificial intelligence and the future of human society. (Wikipedia dates the movie to 1960.)
Randall Carlson: We Live on a Vulnerable Planet
“The Road To Hel? No Longer Route 666”
“Judge Amy Berman Jackson in the Bill Clinton ‘sock drawer’ records retention judgement”
Dr John Campbell
“Myocardial disease clip”
On vaccine mandates
“Let me start with a basic principle: Among the general population there is never an argument for a prophylactic mandate irrespective of the circumstances.
Never, period, full-stop and anyone attempting to enforce one should be destroyed in a sufficiently-thorough and public fashion that nobody will ever attempt it again.
More at
IIRC – this being a start
to this?
“Biden Wants to Build an 8,000-Mile Ocean Train, and I Say Let’s Do This!”
Hey Joe,
where you goin’
with that ‘thing’
in your hand…
Is he tripping (again)?
Time for The Boring Company to step up!
China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars – Letting them Rot!