A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Meteorological “summer” started in the USA on June 1st.
However, few care and will claim Wed. June 21, at 10:58 AM EDT to be start of summer.
The local university has graduation ceremonies this Saturday, June 10th. Parties begin in the afternoon.
I’ll drink to that.
Mel Gibson is about to make BIG waves about child sex trafficking.
If it’s true then he will be another victim of an accident.
Dark MOFO 2023 – the ABC et pals suggest everyone just chill and not get offended by the huge upside down crucifix etc. Oh the intolerance of Christians!
I didn’t notice any brave mockery of Muslim iconography at all. I wonder when they are going to get around to that?
He’s just a naughty boy.
Research paper:
Reminder to covid vaccine pushers: Time for your eighth dose.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Oops – fat finger hit the red tick by mistake. Definitely a green tick intention.
An urgent reminder to all that you have 14 days left
Adds prediction to 100 year list of similar.
Puts tomato plants out again. 😆
Alan Jones
“Carbon dioxide is .04% of a percent of the atmosphere. That is over the whole world. Human beings create only 3% of that .04% over the whole world. In Australia human beings, manufacturers, factories, cows breaking wind, bush fires, are responsible for 1.3% of the 3% of the .04%. Is anyone seriously suggesting that we should stand the economy on its head, force up energy prices, damage businesses, jeopardize employment because .04% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide?”
Finally the 3% is mainstream! Thank goodness.
And it goes on to debunk the later attempts to confuse the truth with nonsense about C13 isotopes. This was created to make out what was true in 1958 was no longer true. That later ‘research’ is complete rubbish. Fossil fuel CO2 has NO C14. It means direct measurement is very simple. And any debate is impossible. Man made CO2 was 2.0% in 1958 and 3.0% today with vastly greater ’emissions’. Even the 3% is in rapid transit and would vanish quickly. It’s validated many ways.
There is NO problem with fossil fuel, even if there was a problem with CO2, there is nothing we can do about it. And there is no problem. More CO2 is great news for humans. Even more warming after the last ice age. A few cm in a hundred years is nothing, not even a wave.
The whole Al Gore/Maurice Strong/James Hansen lie is clear enough. As Jones say, where is there a politician brave enough to take this on? Apart from Tony Abbott who was removed by his own side through the plotting of the treacherous Green Malcolm Turnbull.
The total of all the world emissions of CO2 for 250 years is only 3% of CO2, why are we blowing up power stations and demonising coal and gas and even cows? It’s not madness. It’s war on the West. No one else believes this rubbish of man made CO2.
Well it must be that 3% of 400ppm is enough to wield the destruction we should so fear.
Powerful stuff is CO2 it’s amazing.
Please, CO2 is a simple, stable molecule of 3 atoms, Oxygen, Carbon, Oxygen all in a straight line. It cannot generate any heat so it cannot raise the temperature of anything. It passes on heat energy already present via conduction, convection or radiation from hotter sources to colder in an effort to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium as does all other stable molecules.
To claim that it causes global warming is absolutely ridiculous but is a great way to bring about poverty and famine for those plotting to take over the world via ‘One World Government’, by the promoters of course. Stop worrying and go and get your fifth jab.
PS: I certainly have not had any.
Unfortunately, a lot of people do believe this rubbish.
Has he posted/printed a new article somewhere ?
He made a very similar statement many times on his 2GB breakfast radio program, several years ago !
He used to get very agressive with various politicians and scientists (Flannery etc) when engauged in the CO2 /RE debates.
Agreed. Flannery is not a scientist.
I’m glad I’ve not been worrying about her prediction since then. Don’t plan to start now.
It’s a gift of true foresight. The predicted end of the world has been postponed due to unforseen circumstances.
Honda API flaws exposed customer data, dealer panels, internal docs
Honda’s e-commerce platform for power equipment, marine, lawn & garden, was vulnerable to unauthorized access by anyone due to API flaws that allow password reset for any account.
Honda is a Japanese manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles, and power equipment. In this case, only the latter division is impacted, so owners of Honda cars or motorcycles aren’t affected.
21,393 customer orders across all dealers from August 2016 to March 2023 – this includes customer name, address, phone number, and items ordered.
1,570 dealer websites (1,091 of those are active). It was possible to modify any of these sites.
3,588 dealer users/accounts (includes first & last name, email address). It was possible to change the password of any of these users.
1,090 dealer emails (includes first & last name).
11,034 customer emails (includes first & last name).
Potentially: Stripe, PayPal, and private keys for dealers who provided them.
Internal financial reports.
Doesn’t affect autos, but the way Honda Australia automotive is going it’d pay to buy another brand anyway…
It’s a pity about Honda. I had an Integra and loved it. The V6 was excellent but I wouldn’t go Honda today.
Great quiet household generators. Expensive but quality. We will need them in Victoria when the wind stops at night. You will be able to spot our house. The lights will be on. Now if I could just get some briquettes for heating?
EV News and it’s not good, scroll down after reading;
They don’t mention one of the major reasons that second-hand EV prices are so small: the cost of replacing the battery. If an EV is approaching the end of its battery life, and if the price of a similar age/size petrol or diesel car is about the same as the price of a replacement EV battery, then the value of the EV is about zero. Even if the battery is not near end-of-life, calculate how soon that zero-value time will come, and you still get a very low value for a 2nd-hand EV.
Even if the capital outlay was zero, they still cost more to own. Insurance is the killer. Then you need to set up a charging station. Renters have little hope of doing that so long wait at charging queues unless you are a night owl.
My son’s wife in the UK got one as part of a salary package and it offers amenity over walking and train particularly when there is snow cover but it is not easy to own. Getting it charged is half a day hopefully filling in time in a fruitful fashion.
How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
Once. The next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90.
How would they do that in Aboriginal mathematics?
Its all in the course notes David
Hadn’t thought of that. Can you send me a link please? I’d love to see their approach to long division.
Dave B
How about 2^0.5?
That’s restrictive mathematics and very misleading.
The fact is you can subtract 10 from 100 over and over again, limited only by the number of 100’s you’ve got.
Relax. It’s also partly humour.
He seems to be acknowledging that. 🙂
Ok, hands up if you have ever heard of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL)? Me neither. It is an all-natural and non-toxic oxidant that kills 99.999% of the toughest pathogens, including viruses like COVID. (SARS 2 coronavirus) HOCL naturally occurs in our immune system, created by white blood cells /neutrophils, that fight against infection and disease. The neutrophils detect and attack infections by releasing a cocktail of biocidal chemicals, including their secret weapon, hypochlorous acid. A group of Engineers in Tampa Bay, Florida USA developed a way to produce a stabilized version of this natural product and formulated it in a dilute solution way back in 2020/21. Found it was active vs COVID. Put into a nasal spray and approached the US FDA, who then rejected it. The group then approached the EPA, who then approved it as a disinfectant, but it was difficult to compete with alcohol based hand sterilisers etc. But, like IVM/HCQ (and the dozen other cheap re-purposed drugs) if initially approved by the FDA, probably could have treated a lot of COVID infections etc. So, a bit like Flo Travel nasal spray which Jo highlighted so long ago. Because if you want to really control or treat a COVID infection it’s in the nasal passages (mucous membranes) in addition to oral and ocular routes. So, feel a tickle or suspect you’re crook, nasal spray/ gargle and job is half done. But no, we had to lather ourselves in alcohol and get injected with unsafe and minimally effective vaccines.
Hmmm, I seem to remember a certain President getting ridiculed by the mainstream bleaters when he suggested that people were working on the use of disinfectant spray into the lungs… funny, isn’t it?
Just don’t do it.
He was correct , yet again. He also predicted the merger of LIV and PGA golf. If not a golf fan, look it up.
“All of those golfers that remain ‘loyal’ to the very disloyal PGA, in all of its different forms, will pay a big price when the inevitable MERGER with LIV comes, and you get nothing but a big ‘thank you’ from PGA officials who are making Millions of Dollars a year,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “If you don’t take the money now, you will get nothing after the merger takes place, and only say how smart the original signees were.”
I watched this last night. Just a short video of Anderson/Kisin discussing a Thomas Sowell quote about the delusion that you can actually “fix” things. I thought it was interesting in light of climate alarm and grid “transitions” and people fixing the global climate.
Was he talking about bulldozers?
As a neighbour says “You never actually fix one. You just get mobile enough to get to the next breakdown”.
Quality of the repair has a lot to do with the hours to that next one though.
You’re right!
“Most people don’t really want the truth.”
GA immediately looks in the mirror !
I fully support your efforts to reassure David
Thanks for reassuring me by confirming what I believe.
What is not being said about man made CO2 driven tipping point rapid Global Warming is that it is most unlikely. No one ever thought CO2 could do this. And the change in CO2 has been very slow over a very long time, so we would have seen some signs of warming and sea level rise in the last 250 years.
But what convinces me that it is all a lie isn’t just the fact that it’s demostrably not true, it’s the language used from the start.
Daniel Andrews, Victorian Premier, forced the shut down of a perfectly good coal power plant in Hazelwood. And told us that power prices would not rise more than 10%. He lied. And he’s just announced a $3.2Bn power line we didn’t need before.
We were told that wind and solar were FREE. Renewable. They lied. And they omitted the billions in distribution and the billions in windmills, the RET tax stealing about $6Bn a year from Australians so the government did not have to pay a cent.
We are told wind and solar could do the job as a baseload. They lied. Wind droughts are common, up to a month with no power. Random power at best.
And solar is near useless, obviously because it is at most half a day and often a lot less. And the area required is half that of Victoria to provide enough power for Victoria and that information from “Climate Commissioner” the late Will Steffen, industrial chemist. And someone who knew about the vapour pressure of a dissolved gas and Henry’s Law. He refused to talk about it.
Chief Climate Commissioner Professor Tim Flannery said of his personal endorsement of the Hotrocks scheme which costs $93Million of taxpayer money alone and much more ‘the technology is straightforward’. As an innumerate non scientist, how would he know? He lied. And the directors were on $400K per year.
We are told we all are heading to Nett Zero in Australia, which is impossible. So all our big companies will have to close or buy UN administered Carbon Credits, a 33% tax on our GDP all heading overseas. For nothing. No one controls CO2.
And we are told in very emotional language that Carbon Dioxide is ‘toxic pollution‘, that brown coal is ‘the filthiest’ form of energy, that natural gas is killing the planet and must be stopped. It’s not true. And further people must not use gas hot water, gas stoves, or even make ammonia for fertilizer to grow food. And the government will prohibit the sale and use of gas appliances.
At no point are we told the truth. And the CSIRO, BOM, ANSTO, ABC/SBS all say it is all true and good for us. They are all lying.
Green Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told use he could fix the Great Barrier Reef for $444Million in cash to his wife and friends. The money has vanished. But we just paid $11Million in interest on the debt. And the Reef fixed itself, which means it never needed fixing.
And he also told us that pumping water uphill in Snowy II would cost $2Bn and be finished by 2023. Now after 2030, no guarantee it can be completed, and now more than $20Bn for something which never made commercial sense!
We are still paying interest on the five giant desalination plants, three of which were never used and therefore never needed.
And no one can explain how Australians will be better off when we stop using gas and oil and coal and having cattle and sheep and driving our cars and operating our tractors and trains and ships.
So why are our politicians legislating the destruction of all Australian farming, transport, mining and manufacturing.
The “Safeguard Mechanism” Act is due to start on 1 July 2023! It’s not fantasy.
How much will that cost every Australian? And how do we benefit from stealing all our income for people overseas?
Why aren’t our politicians prosecuted and in jail as criminals? Tony Abbott remains the only politician to say Climate Change is Crap. And that’s understatement. It’s the greatest attack on Australia and America and Europe since WWII. That includes the UN/WHO protected Chinese made and released Wuhan Flu.
And who has a clue what Prime Minister Albanese and friends are up to with changing the Australian Constitution while they have wall to wall State Labor governments?
If they want a “Voice”, they can legislate it tomorrow like ATSIC. But they want something else, a blank cheque to govern with a committee and bypass parliament and one man one vote. That sounds awfully like the Politburo. Once you vote to replace parliament with a committee in our very Constitution, there is no going back short of armed revolution.
“The “Safeguard Mechanism” Act is due to start on 1 July 2023! It’s not fantasy.”
A suggested clarification –
“The Act starts on 1 July 2023” True.
“It’s not fantasy” False
This was published a few months ago but I didn’t see it then.
It is extraordinary in that it is a Lamestream media publication reproducing an article from the free-speech-oriented New York Post that actually admits covid “experts” (sic) were lying to us.
Of course, it is no surprise to the conservatives and other rational thinkers on this blog.
It obviously hasn’t got much circulation.
10 myths told by Covid experts — now debunked
Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity
Misinformation #2: Masks prevent Covid transmission
Misinformation #3: School closures reduce Covid transmission
Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection
Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster
Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates
Misinformation #7: Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory
Misinformation #8: It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose 3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose
Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal clear”
Misinformation #10: One in five people get long Covid
And from! I assume they were at the fore pushing the propaganda. I might have to call up John Laws and see what he thinks. His message was “trust the experts” and if you doubt them “you’re an idiot”.
Southern Hemisphere in winter mode, not in AGW script?
That might be why the Weather Girl claimed yesterday that the Start of Winter (in Adelaide) was the warmest since 1957.
Shortly after that the cold change arrived with hail and heavy rain, and a drop in temperature predicted for the next 7 days. I wonder if they average the 2 weeks and claim that the weather was just average.
Since 2019 Aus has been extremely mild. You get 2 warm weeks and that’s all forgotten, even following the coldest may on record. It’s all just pure propaganda at this point.
Indeed it is propaganda, but the people aren’t stupid and recognise unseasonal weather.
The zealots are praying for a strong El Nino to boost temperatures, however this seems unlikely.
Back to the good old days of rationing.
‘Germany moves to roll out a “vegan surveillance state”
‘The German government’s SRU Council on the Environment recommends all citizens be limited to a meat equivalent of just 2 sausages a month in an all-encompassing totalitarian behavior control plan.’ (Notrickszone)
It says “equivalent” so I wonder how many crickets or mealworms that equates to?
As for more me, I’m looking forward to a nice juicy steak tonight harvested from a domestic bovine. And I will never eat insects.
You vill eat ze insects or ve vill crush your v8 .
You vill obey your masters!
Tuesday I had Carolina Reaper Chilli beef mince and noodles with my special seasoning combo.
Wednesday I had Stirfry beef and onion with Carolina Reaper powder added. (Malabar’s sizzling steak recipe)
Tomorrow – seafood night.
Sat – chicken night.
Sun – who knows. 😎
I am aiming to go full carnivore.
Meat and 3 veg. That is all you need. An excellent diet.
Surf and turf. Beef and Reef. Two meat and two vegetables. Turducken. Three meat and no veg.
And humans like aborigines were all meat eaters. A few plants here and there but in the main, meat eaters. You can tell from the teeth. But insects? No. Unless the Lion King and Madagascar and Disney have it right and cockroaches are slimy but satisfying. This idea that lions can live on grubs is just part of the misinformation story out of Hollywood.
….Pork ribs ?
…slow cooked /.smoked Brisket ?
…Roo ?
Or… Shark steak ! 😳😲
Is that the equivalent of 2 X 20Kg sausages.
For heavens sake don’t let our “ minister for energy “ hear about this idea.
Wonder how many witchety grubs that would equate to??
Corn beef and cabbage, bangers and mash.
I can see a lot of border meat runs if it ever happens.
Were we lived in Europe meat was very expensive, it was pretty common for people to take an Esky to a Carrefour supermarket or similar and load up with half priced meat. Supposedly illegal but never saw it policed. In any case the already loose border controls werent staffed at lunchtime anyway.
Dr John Campbell on the “WHO Grab”
I love how the page for the EU-WHO launch of their digital ID shows a picture of seven Muslim woman all in hijabs… So very EU!
‘Who the f*** are you’
The Who
‘We gonna f*** you’
They haven’t got me yet.
The real WHO.
“We won’t get fooled again” – (But a lot will).
I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again
No, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
The Who
“A Diversion”
Re the big move to eliminate cheque books
A long time ago in a book whose title I don’t remember
It was a cold war scenario of flooding an opposing country with high quality counterfeit currency notes and the reason the east couldn’t do that successfully was the west’s ability to declare cash transactions illegal and resort to cheque transactions.
In “The Voice” one of the foundation problems is who is an aborigine? And in a post modernist world where facts don’t matter, science is by consensus, Who is a Woman is unanswerable on the left of politics. And asking who is an aborigine is an offensive question.
So the only way to counter this blatant racism in our new Constitution is that we are ALL aborigines. If Bruce Pascoe can be an aboriginal, holding a university position which is exclusive to aborigines, so can we all.
More Ukraine
“May you live in interesting times”
Having a bad day on a good sunny day: waiting for return calls/ callbacks from the Queue.
Then reading between the lines: 1. John Deere appoints new president of ag business. 2.Volvo CE’s EC230, thought to be the largest market-ready battery electric excavator in the world, 3.
CNH Industrial demonstrating exactly how its latest, alternatively fuelled, connected and autonomous vehicles will transform all off-highway vehicles – starting down on the farm.
Does anyone know where to find the report on Aboriginal Sovereignty/Apology done back during the Rudd/Gillard era? I remember it having some very useful references that I want in my campaign against the voice.
There was an import section about 3 pages long, about why the government cannot and should not given Sovereignty.
However the bigger stand out to me was how most of Australia has been gas-lit about Mabo. The Mabo decision has been essentially openly mocked by judges ever since, and everyone who tried to use it to get land failed. Mabo never gave any aboriginal classic liberal home-steader rights (such as a land title, or a register lot). In Mabo case this is particularly egregious considering that his land was a undisputed marked farming plot. All the Mabo decision did open the door to regulators – and regulators took all the land and have regulated it ever since under local regulatory authorities.
Another example of wid-spread gas lighting are cliams such as Uluru being handed back ‘to the traditional owners’. This is a straight-up 100% lie. Uluru is run by a trust operating under a regulation. It is owned by a government created entity. There are no traditional owners and they don’t get any say in deciding lots or land use or anything – as the land use is defined in the regulation.
I suspect the voice will just be another episode of mass gas-lighting: What eventually appears in the regulations will bear absolutely no resemblance to any claim of liberty or representation.
The real purpose of the voice, should be nothing more than to get remote communities (aboriginal or not) protection against tyranny of the majority. This should ideally done by having state senates having seats allocated based on geographic region, rather than on population proportion. This would match how the federal colonies have protection against tyranny of the more populous colonies. Remote communities need protection against the more populous cities. Such an arrangement would give better representation to remote communities who have completely different priorities and needs.
Unfortunately, I fear what we will end up with the voice will be more gas lighting. It will end up being claimed that the remote communities have a say in regulation, but it will really be just another government regulatory body doing its own thing, and worse – it will divide the country along racial lines – as the voice should be about socioeconomic conditions and opportinities – not skin color – and not what peice of land your forbares lived on more than 242 years ago.
If you get a chance to visit the tent embassy, check out the huge vote no banner. I don’t know any one who shares aboriginal origin who will be voting yes.
The Australian Constitution has properly been described as ‘the birth certificate of a nation’. It also provides the basic rules for the government of Australia.
Indeed, the Constitution is the fundamental law of Australia binding everybody including the Commonwealth Parliament and the Parliament of each State.
Accordingly, even an Act passed by a Parliament is invalid if it is contrary to the Constitution.
I will vote NO to Voice+Treaty+Truth telling
Seemed to be fairly easily set aside during the Covid panic.
State Constitutions as well don’t forget.
However lockdowns and other restrictions were also legislated in State parliaments.
Toyota study shows electric vehicles may be unnecessary to lower CO2 emissions
Using Eco mode in a non-hybrid model sees the most significant benefits, with a reduction in tailpipe CO2 of 26%. In a hybrid model, the reduction is 4% since the vehicle already operates more efficiently in general driving.
Remapped throttle inputs in Eco mode and more efficient operation of the HVAC system are the main changes that bring about these reduced emissions.
In a country such as Japan that gets most of its electricity from burning coal and natural gas, EVs don’t help the environment, Mr. Toyoda said. “The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets,” he said.
Bjorn Lomborg pointed out that the IEA estimated that if all vehicles were converted to EVs by 2030, the reduction in global temperature would be 0.0002F by 2100.
Competition for South Australia from Alberta –
“How could you possibly drive Alberta into the rhubarb like this?”
“Only sheer and utter incompetence at the top could result in Alberta again issuing electrical grid alerts. It did so again Wednesday afternoon. In November-December, it issued five alerts in three weeks.”
Links there
“Y2Kyoto: Crying Fire In A Crowded News Cycle”
Ryan Maue on US fire history
“Just Money…..”
“I’ve often opined that anyone raising the premise of “evil” when it comes to various government — and commercial — agencies has it wrong.
The issue is simply money.
The latest to hit the wire is here:”
More at
Something to contemplate re beef cattle and methane production –
““targeting beef will have a meaningful impact on the climate”
People will starve, no actual benefit to the climate
Just for fun:”
Via a comment at The Air Vent
And remember for North America the pre-European bison population estimate of about 60 million
Confirmation electric cars are virtue-signalling toys for the rich-
“The price of high-end electric vehicles could be dramatically reduced for Australian drivers as a result of trade negotiations with the European Union as the federal government mulls slashing the controversial luxury car tax or potentially scrapping it entirely for low-emissions vehicles. The 33 per cent tax, which is applied based on the vehicle price…”
As good as tax cuts for their mates in the top incomes.
Australia To Get One New Build Virginia Class Submarine, Two From U.S. Navy
“In reality, the Australian government’s policy is to raise a total fleet of eight nuclear-powered conventionally armed submarines to be operational by the mid-2050s. This fleet will be comprised of both the three transferred and new-build Virginia class attack submarines with the balance of the fleet made up of Australian-built next-generation AUKUS class SSNs.”
“Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening”