A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“Landmark Case in Germany: BioNTech Faces Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects”
Yesterday (Monday), I took a ride out to Wollombi with some friends for a cold brew and a feed. Across the road from the pub was a truck with posters of peoples faces all over it. Curiosity got the better of me so I went over to check it out. It was a monument to those hurt and killed by the covid shots.
A random couple walks over to see what’s it all about and when hubby asks “what is it?”, wifey, standing beside me, responds “anti vaccers”.
Well, I saw red.
“How the hell”, I say to her “are they anti vaccers when they took the shots? These are people who were injured or killed trying to do the (supposedly) right thing”.
She responds “Well they would have died if they didn’t have the vaccine and got covid”.
I respond “That’s complete bullshit”
“How do you know that??!!
I take a step closer, look her in the eye “because I’m not vaccinated and when I caught covid it wasn’t a problem.
Lady pauses, I turn away as she responds “well we’ll just have to agree to disagree”.
Some things you just can’t fix.
well done Graeme,
its good to hear people speaking the truth but it must have been so frustrating being confronted by such ignorance that she could not see her incomprehension
maybe she may have a think later, maybe
I’d like to think so but my experience is that they make new excuses and assumptions to fill gaps and logical inconsistencies of their beliefs.
Agreed its right there in your comment, pics of people injured from covid vaccination for some does not translate into covid vaccine can/may cause injury ergo anyone who is injured by the vaccine must be anti vaxxers.
The cognitive gymnastics required for such a statement to be uttered is mind blowing (pardon the pun)
The cognitive dissonance that they experience when confronted with vaccine injuries is ignored because if recognised, it leads to a more critical cognitive dissonance they refuse to countenance ….. the authorities are good, they have good intentions, and they do good things.
How can they dare acknowledge COVID disasters and vaccine disasters without confronting the wholesomeness of authority ??
So, if I’ve got it right, the vax only kills and harms anti-vaxers.
Isn’t this the exact same logic of the witches’ ducking stool ?
If you float you’re a witch, if you drown you’re innocent.
No. We are anti ‘not really tested drug takers’. The Jabs are not Vaccines. Experimental, developed at Warp Speed, Emergency Approved, not tested properly AND they don’t/didn’t work. Except to hurt some people.
I have had many, many Vaccines in my 70 year old life. All good. But not this Virus Crisis rubbish. And, I haven’t had the Virus. I last had the Flu in 1972. Never had the Flu Jab either. I do get a Winter Cold, but BIG DEAL as Benny Hill used to say.
Rant over for now.
There’s another display with photographs and personal stories of people who died, almost certainly, as a result of taking the VaXXine.
These are on metal spikes driven into the ground and when thirty or so are laid out the effect is dramatic.
Did the truck give the personal details of the victims?
Yes, I think it was related or of the same group. There were many faces on sticks as well as the truck. I think they may be a part of the Silent Forest movement.
My 25 yr old niece got her “top up” the other day, she can no longer play sport, will probably need a pace maker to stay alive and a pregnancy will probably kill her.
The people pushing this carp right down to the dodgy actors on the ads need to go to prison for what they have done.
I would suggest life in prison as the minimum response.
For months our local health officials have reported that 90% of our Covid deaths have been people with two or more shots, and they continue to encourage us to get the shots. Incredibly, people are still getting them.
It’s beyond belief.
There is a subset/clique of our local car club (maybe 20% of membership) that boasts about their vax levels, many are up to 6 doses and firmly believe it is “keeping them safe” One couple in particular have had severely declining health over the last two years, two others with existing conditions have had them accelerate away. Probably just a coincidence
Radio New Zealand (govt-sponsored media, twin-sister of Their ABC) is in a tizz as they’ve *discovered* somebody has been editing their online Reuters articles for the past five years, giving a pro-Put!n slant to otherwise anti-Put!n stories… shock horror!
Then again, it’s most likely a “Look – squirrel!” moment, as one-by-one, various ministers shoot themselves in the foot with amateurish faux pas even Blind Freddy could step around. ‘Kakistocracy’, as someone here previously noted.
Meanwhile BoM’s Alpine page has 7 days’ worth of snow on the way for Victoria’s Falls Creek and Mt Hotham ski areas, while we’ve got nought in the forecast: just calm, clear, sunny weather. Carbon® can be soooo exclusive.
Along the same lines but very much more disappointing are reports appearing on The Age (June 13, 2023 — 11.17am) and The Sydney Morning Herald (June 13, 2023 — 11.17am – same date/time) websites under the same heading:
Ten wedding bus passengers unaccounted for after Hunter Valley horror.
The ten named as unaccounted for are the same as listed as dead by (for example) news dot com
I believe both papers fall under the ownership of Nine/Fairfax media hence the one error is immediately duplicated but this doesn’t excuse the very bad quality/accuracy control failure. If you can not open the respective links it should be because the error has been identified and corrected with the stories deleted.
Until about noon only 3 names had been released.
Yes , I read that this afternoon, I thought where the hell are they.
Honest reporting, PFFFFFT.
Cheers. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist what if this is a successful newspaper reporting hack? Having seen the “unaccounted for” report I went in to the main paper sites and did a search for the reporters name. Used Olivia Ireland and a list of her stories came up but not the “unaccounted for” one. I then changed the default parameter which was automatically set to “most relevant” to the other option “latest” and the “unaccounted for” article came up. Curious and curiouser.
Don’t depend on getting much snow. I’m seeing things that back up the forecast of an El Nino.
1. We had a couple of wet years,
2. For this year so far we are at less than 50% rainfall, though they didn’t record any at all for March, which surely can’t be right. But there wasn’t much.
3. Two nights ago we had a scud, not enough to register
4. Just on dark last night we registered 2.6 mm of rain with lots of lightning and thunder in a flimsy band of cloud.
Which in my intuition all adds up to impending drought.
Do you want to know how MONEY is ‘created’ and ‘destroyed’?
The short answer is: Commercial Banks ‘create’ money by making loans. Then it’s ‘destroyed’ when you pay it back.
Your country’s CENTRAL BANK (BoE, Federal Reserve, Reserve Bank etc.) ‘creates’ money to buy Govt Bonds/Treasury Securities.
Of course, the serfs and proles aren’t allowed to create money by making a bookkeeping entry in their pretend ledger. . . Nope, not allowed.
But as long as the Davos boys can call up their banker friends to get all the new money they need to buy up everything so they can rent it to the serfs — then that’s all that matters, isn’t it? 😐
Here’s how the Bank of England describes it:
Money creation in the modern economy – (pdf file 0.2MB) – 14 pages
Ukrainian hackers take down service provider for Russian banks
A group of Ukrainian hackers known as the Cyber.Anarchy.Squad claimed an attack that took down Russian telecom provider Infotel JSC on Thursday evening.
Among other things, Moscow-based Infotel provides connectivity services between the Russian Central Bank and other Russian banks, online stores, and credit institutions.
Following yesterday’s attack, multiple major banks across Russia had their access cut off from the country’s banking systems so that they can no longer make online payments, as Ukrainian news site Economichna Pravda first reported.
Infotel has confirmed the incident on its website, saying that it’s currently working on restoring systems that were damaged following what it described as a “massive” attack.
Got cash? 🙄
Russian hackers claim responsibility for theft of data from Australian bond broker FIIG
Russian cybercriminals say they have stolen sensitive data from FIIG Securities.
The AlphV group has posted what appear to be screenshots of stolen documents, including passports, on the dark web
FIIG said it responded as soon as it could, but some clients are worried their data is at risk
FIIG Securities, which has 6,000 Australian investors and $5 billion under advice, confirmed over the weekend that an “unauthorised third party” had hacked its systems.
Russian cybercriminal group AlphV, also known as BlackCat, has claimed responsibility for the attack, posting to the dark web what appears to be evidence of drivers licences, passports and reports stolen from the broker.
The group claims to have 385 gigabytes of material in its possession, including commercially confidential data, according to the cyber threat intelligence platform @FalconFeedsio on Twitter.
Conservatives Call for Kellogg’s Boycott After Dylan Mulvaney Poses with Tony the Tiger at the Tony Awards
Conservatives are now calling for a Kellogg’s boycott after transgender pervert Dylan Mulvaney posed with Tony the Tiger at the Tony Awards on Sunday.
Dylan Mulvaney may now take down Kellogg’s after destroying Bud Light.
Mulvaney attended the 76th Tony Awards in New York City where he posed on the pink carpet with Tony the Tiger.
I’d blacklist them but I don’t buy their sugary crapola anyway.
At least we now know why weak men want to trans:
Awww…it’s tough being a guy so the weak ones and having to compete against your own sex isn’t it.
MAl Adjusted Male or ma’am for short.
Not forgetting transjester Biden:
If the cap fits! 😆😆😆
The flag hanging in front of the WH yesterday was not the gay flag, it was the pedo flag. I know lots of gay people and they resent this new flag, they want nothing to do with it. It is also a racist flag since only brown skinned people are represented, all other skin colors are intentionally omitted.
The more people look into the origins of this flag, the more they will learn what it really means. Just saying.
Where do you live that you know “lots” of gay people? I’ve only met a few in my life.
Tony the Tiger did the Sugar Frosties Ad in the UK (he was on the cardboard box as well). And Shell in the UK had a Tony the Tiger ‘look alike’ with their 1960s advert of – ‘Put a Tiger in your Tank’ when you went to fill up at the Garage. Let alone poor old Winnie the Pooh and ‘Tigger’…………..It’s a tough life being a Tiger………..
“It’s a tough life being a Tiger………..”
..all those terrifying rides on sleds! Only the ‘Snoopy goggles’ keep the disasters at bay!
As we used to say, better than a tiger in the tank is a female lion on the back seat.
Geoff S
Global cooling from January 2015 thru May 2023.
Minute by minute average global temp indicates a -0.296°C trend… despite a 17% increase in industrial era CO2.
I was trying to figure out the 17% increase in CO2 because it seemed like an odd figure given CO2 in the atmosphere has increased from pre-industrial 280 to present approx 420ppm (50%) and from approx 400ppm 2015 to 420 present (5%).
In case the 17% claim is confusing anyone else it must be based on:
from pre-industrial 280ppm to 2015 400ppm (increase 120ppm) vs 2015 400ppm to present 420ppm (20ppm) it must be the increase as a percentage of the previous increase. 20/120=17%
Maybe that’s not what the 17% is based on but it seems to fit.
If not, what is it based on?
If no one else was confused by the 17% increase in industrial era CO2 then well done. 🙂
I’m not sure the since 2015 increase should be expressed as a percentage of the pre-2015 CO2 increase instead of just a percentage increase of total CO2. But I guess it makes sense given our global temp is based on temperature records that are post industrial.
I don’t believe EM radiation does us any harm. I see no evidence of it, and the benefits are immense.
40 years ago our phone bill was $4,000 a year. We had less than 100 “local” numbers. Even one neighbour 4 miles away was a “trunk” call. (…and the operator said forty cents more for the next…three…minutes”.)
Today we pay about $3,000 a year for unlimited phone, and text and more besides, plus entertainment. That could be reduced further if I shopped around.
The benefits are huge. I’ll give 5G a try soon,
Wound-healing ink from high-tech pen could soon replace bandages
NANJING, China — The body has an incredible ability to heal itself, but sometimes wounds require a little extra help. Now, scientists say they have developed a revolutionary ink that can actively boost the body’s healing processes. Using a 3D-printing pen, this wound-healing ink, known as PAINT (portable bioactive ink for tissue healing), delivers immune system vesicles to the cut, promoting faster and more efficient healing.
Using the 3D-printing pen, the PAINT ink is applied directly to the wound. The ink, composed of EVs secreted from macrophages and sodium alginate, quickly forms a sturdy gel at the site of the injury. In human epithelial cells, the EVs in PAINT were shown to promote blood vessel formation and reduce inflammatory markers, facilitating the growth phase of healing. According to a media release, the PAINT ink significantly accelerated the formation of collagen fibers, a crucial component of wound healing. Mice treated with PAINT showed remarkable progress, with large wounds nearly healed after just 12 days.
Buy shares in this one!
where can I do that?
Crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space and time,’ leaving one investigator ‘nauseous and disoriented’ when he went in and discovered it was much larger inside than out.
A crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space-time’ and was ‘bigger on the inside’, claims a top attorney involved in bringing UFO whistleblowers to Congress.
Daniel Sheehan says he was told the mind-boggling tale by a whistleblower who allegedly took part in an illegally-undisclosed program retrieving crashed non-human spacecraft – and who has now briefed Senate Intelligence Committee staff.
The lawyer’s story is the latest in a series of stunning claims this week of UFOs in the government’s hands, which began on Monday with an on-camera interview of former senior Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch alleging that the US government possesses multiple crashed ‘non-human’ craft.
‘They tried to hook a bulldozer to it to pull it out. And it pulled out a shape like a pie slice, almost like it was part of the way it was constructed,’ Sheehan said.
‘When it came loose a couple feet, they stopped immediately. They didn’t want to destroy the integrity of the machine.
‘They had a guy go into it. He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside.
‘It was the size of a football stadium, while the outside was only about 30 feet in diameter.’
Ooohh…a real TARDIS?😁
The universal feelings of nausea and dizziness are typical of these torsional space-time constructs and the effects can be felt throughout local populations as documented cases show, so it suggests a radiant field.
The CIA’s studies are still classified despite numerous FOI’s but Russian and other sources are readily available, where these torsional ST devices have been built (and quite easily and cheaply too!).
The spatial distortions like this are new though.
“We are just apes gazing up at the black monolith of knowledge…”
So they found the Tardis. I didn’t know it crashed.
Should just about be big enough to bury the Ukraine story for the media, never to be acknowledged again!
We all live in a yellow submarine…..
Yellow submarine
Yellow submarine!
It’s very strange that the US Government is releasing these bizarre fabricated UFO stories.
They are obviously trying to draw attention away from other matters.
Also, those absurd claims of US Navy pilots chasing UFOs (with the claim that the objects were from alien worlds) have been easily debunked. See YouTuber Thunderf00t videos, for example.
On many occasions small UFO merge into one and takes off at fantastic speed.
So I’m thinking quantum mechanics.
Amazon Alexa smart home shut down over false allegation.
If I wanted to set up a smart home I’d want it operated from my own servers.
Never trust a woke corporation.
“Own servers” getting harder and harder for smart home, David.
Most new IoT devices now moved to ensure you “register” and use with their App.
And esp8266 almost dead after moving to esp32 with its security “fuses”.
You have to replace whole WiFi sub-board now.
Thanks Russell.
So if you want your own home to be under your own control, plus not have it spy in you, what are your options?
I still like Tasmota re-flashed devices and Node-Red controllers on Raspberry-Pi … open source (can compile yourself).
But it’s harder to find latest IoT devices without firmware “restrictions”.
Having to remove WiFi sub-boards and replace them with Tasmota is not for a novice.
But it’s much more fun than just handing over cash to Retailers.
Forget “retail” home automation. Investigate commercial process control technology. You know the stuff that runs industrial plants. Eschew WIFI altogether and use only wired ethernet ON A SEPERATE physical network to your internet modem. In fact DO NOT connect the home control network to the internet.
mmmm old school black network, red network stuff. Yep, but for the home consumer its convenience above all.
I’ve got Apple gear. But I do not want iCloud. I just want an iFog or iMist. I need to find out how. It might be simple.
Far easier to just get up off your a— and draw the blinds or turn the kettle on.
Jo I don’t know if you have done a recent feature on 5G?
There is a major conference coming up in London about the possible harmful side effects
Its easy to get into conspiracy theory here but my interest was piqued a year ago when an application for a mast was made at a local beauty spot. As the signals need a lot of boosting many more masts will be required and even the EU commission has expressed concern although as yet, nothing is proven either way.
Its not just having a 5G smartphone permanently welded to your hand as seems common amongst the young that is a concern, but it is the masts themselves that we need to investigate more.
5G is a bit like the covid vaccine in as much it has been rolled out before proof has been provided that it is safe
Try here for starters:
Loads more out there…
Brainwashing youngsters to save the planet.
“Infertility Virus” to Sterilize Stray Cats: New Gene Therapy Approach Could Work on Humans, Too
A fascinating scientific discovery could finally help us solve the problem of stray cats reproducing out of control.
The custom adenovirus AAV9-fcMISv2 is designed to prevent stray cats from reproducing. The virus causes few symptoms and feels “just like a cold.”
In the new study, Pépin, Swanson, and colleagues inserted the cat version of the AMH gene into a harmless virus widely used in gene therapy to ferry replacement genes into cells.
Scientists designed “gene therapy” transfects novel genes into female cats. (thus “gene therapy”.) They discovered that making feline bodies produce a so-called “antimüllerian hormone” would stop reproductive processes.
That changed when an unusual pair of scientists came together. David Pépin, a reproductive biologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, spent his early career researching antimüllerian hormone (AMH), which is produced by follicles in the ovary that give rise to eggs. When, in one experiment, he amped up the expression of the hormone in female mice, their ovaries stopped forming follicles, sterilizing the animals.
A nicely designed human infertility virus could appear to be “just a cold” that no one would worry about or notice. Humans also are affected by a similar anti-mullerian hormone, as this study explains.
It’s so easy to do, which begs the question doesn’t it.
Gosh, how could that possibly be misused…?
Well, we could neuter liberals, pollies, health experts and climate loons for starters.
Or was your question rhetorical? 😆😆
Is that your idea of “misused”.
“Barnes on the federal Trump indictments”
Is Barnes as good a lawyer as he thinks he is? He is certainly confident.
I do trust one of his opinions: Trump hires awful lawyers.
Sundance on that –
“Robert Barnes on Trump Indictment – Deep State vs A Constitutional Republic
June 13, 2023 | Sundance | 146 Comments
Attorney Robert Barnes appeared on a podcast yesterday to give his analysis of the political indictment of President Trump. It’s a long deconstruction of the Lawfare effort, and contains numerous defenses therein; however, it is a very good encapsulation of the ridiculous issues created by the Biden administration’s efforts to target their political opposition on behalf of the Deep State.”
More at
⅘Tuesday idiocracy: how to empty a kids wading pool
1. Drain plug underneath.
2. Siphon the water with a hose.
3. Deflate the pool.
4. Use an electric pump.
5. Inflate something similar inside the pool to displace the water.
They’re not going to make it…😉
6. Bucket out the water
Focus on no justification for offshore wind.
Green industrialization greatly increases CO2 emissions
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Despite calling for rapid reduction in CO2 emissions, the left is rushing green industrialization which will dramatically increase emissions for the foreseeable future. This obvious absurdity has yet to be admitted.
On the one hand, there is growing literature on the enormous material requirements required for building huge numbers of wind and solar power generating systems. Then the growing realization that gas-fired backup will keep renewable power generation CO2 emissions high. See my
Combining these two factors means CO2 emissions should rise, not fall, as green industrialization proceeds. Both factors are ignored, but both are big. The energy transition increases emissions. It is that simple.
On the material side, we are talking about what I call “supply chain emissions.” It should be obvious that rebuilding the electric power system is hugely emission intensive. We are talking about a tremendous amount of mining, processing, and construction, with lots of transportation at each step.”
Lots more in the article including specific examples. Please share it.
“The Bomb Myth
The overpopulation song has been playing for too long.”
In 1790 we had a global population of less than a billion. Today it is around 8 billion. Many parts of the world are overcrowded, congestion increases, more sewage needs to be treated, more fresh water for humans, animals and crops need to be found. Our urban area grows every day and it is quite uncomfortable jostling all the time for space as more houses, shops and roads shrink the countryside.
I think this is becoming a problem even in spacious Oz as your population grows and rentals become ever more expensive.
So whilst growing sufficient food may or not be a factor, then there are other disadvantages in a continually growing population.
Are you suggesting that the population is increasing faster than we can build windmills?
Which raises an interesting question as to how many windmills and solar panels per thousand people the elite believe we need to reach net zero and are there enough materials and space in the world to achieve it?
We have built some enormous solar farms here in the UK which take up valuable farmland, thereby removing our capacity to grow food, so perhaps Malthus is right after all!
The Dutch are being more direct, as they tend to be. They are just closing the farms and skipping the solar rationale.
“Opinion: The Carbon Dioxide ‘problem’ will be gone in ten years”
Replaced by the next best fund raiser I’ll guess
Just saw an interesting blog post about Tucker and Fox. The claim is partly what has been bought up as a possibility – Tucker’s firing was part of the Dominion settlement. The new part is that a White House insider left the White House, and started a PR company, that immediately had Dominion as it’s client. The case came off the back burner, and the settlement was reached, with the objective:- the destruction of Fox.
31 logical fallacies in 8 minutes
An interesting long blog on ESG being an up and running social credit score for business’. But there are other scores business, medical facilities, and local govt have to deal with, and basically what we are looking at is a mob protection racket that threatens finances, unless the right practices are followed. And as is explained, if a city block is controlled by the mob, who is going to stand up to them, especially when some are on the mob’s side, and there are big incentive bonus’ dished out to others.
He does a sort of summary from 48 mins
Also the thought that these activists are happy to see capitalist corporations destroyed, and maybe the insertion of the whole woke thing, is just a tool to achieve that end. They dont give a dam about Lgb…..,the object is the destruction of the West.
Try Douglas Murray’s new book “The War on the West”. It’s extremely obvious stuff but he means on the West by the West. Especially in Australia which has most of the bottom 1/3rd of the planet to itself, is carbon negative like the vast southern Oceans and is still trying desperately to reduce CO2 output at any expense and pay carbon taxes overseas. When 98% of all CO2 is from overseas, largely China. We are going to save everybody by imporverishing ourselves by National flagellation.
There are things I just never understood about the Global Warming scare.
If all the ice sheet at the North Pole melted in summer, there would be no change in sea level. Melting floating ice does not raise sea levels.
Plus all the ice across Siberia and Canada and Europe and Japan and North America melts every year and the sea levels do not rise. Why would +2C in an average make any difference? Consider the supposed +1C hasn’t made a difference any more than melting ice each year.
How would warmer air heat the oceans? Pressure in the oceans is 1 atmosphere per 10 metres, so the oceans at 3.4Km deep on average have 340x the weight of the air. And with a specific heat 4x that of air, 1400x the heat capacity. +4C would only heat the ocean by 4/1400C or 0.001C, so I wouldn’t run for the hills.
So how would even +4C make any difference and where? Heating actually means more evaporation and that means much more rain, so actually the world would be greener and better and we would have to wear fewer clothes. And we would spend much less on heating and use much less fuel. We are now describing the climate of India with the monsoons each year. And there are 1.4Billion Indians.
Consider a +4C in Antarctica means the giant iceblock which is 10,000′ tall the size of South America and -50C in winter and -25C in summer would be much warmer at -46C in winter and -21C in summer. How is it going to melt? Antarctica is really still growing and the excess on the edges only is calving into the ocean, a sign of growth not melting.
Plus winter deaths would be greatly reduced.
In the North of Europe, if you talk about Glasgow, the summer daily range is 8.7C to 17.3C and I can see them celebrating at 12.7C to 21.3C. Although some may expire from the extreme heat.
And across the world people are actually taking their money and retiring to much hotter places, like Texas, Nevada, Spain, Greece but they would generally love winter to be warmer.
I just have never understood the popular fears of climate catastrophists. Where in the world after 35 years since it was announced and 270 years after it started is there a problem with Global Warming? Which is supposed to kill us all in a few years?
And how irresponsible are Dubai and Qatar which import all their food, desalinate all their water and have 7.6million people in totally airconditioned comfort 24/7? Qatar even run sustainibility conferences in one of the least sustainable places on earth, but no one notices. They are too busy talking about the end of the world. Saudi is now talking about a gigantic city in the middle of the hottest desert. And no one calls it madness. Why?
That’s a great piece TdeF.
Succinct & brilliant common sense!
German Leopard tanks are taking such a drubbing from the Russians that Germany’s Foreign Minister is trying to disown them! She has asked the media to stop referring to them as ‘Germany’s tanks’… Another part of German manufacturing that may not last for long now!
“German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock asked the media to change their editorial policy:
“Understand, it doesn’t matter where it’s made. You don’t say about your iPhone that it’s American or Tim Cook. You say that it’s yours. It’s the same story with tanks … German in Germany, and this is Ukrainian. And what they do with them does not apply to us. Thank you!” Burbock said. ”
Russians are blowing up farm equipment and claiming Leopard kills, who to believe the least/most…….
A new development in the pelt market –
Simplicius is very thoughtful, he always has some interesting points in the articles. It seems that artillery/rocket laid mines are going to be a problem for both sides in trying to advance. You move forward behind mine-sweepers and the enemy drop hundreds of mines around and behind you from 25km behind their front lines.
The Ukies are now learning how effective their mines were at Ugledar.
He also had an older article showing how the Ukies are disguising their machinery as civilian or farming vehicles to get them to the front as the Russians use drones on anything recognisable. They move diesel in 1000L pods on the back of a covered ute for machines near the front line.
‘ … disguising their machinery as civilian or farming vehicles …’
Maybe, sounds like propaganda, too much collateral damage.
Competence has never really been the norm but incompetence is rapidly accelerating as merit dissappears in education and hiring choices. As the writer points out its not just the USA although they are probably further down the rabbit hole than other countries.
I wonder if this aspect is one of the reasons that professional bodies are absent in presenting the reality of things like the so called energy transition.
Jeffrey Epstein island partial client list revealed.
It’s interesting how the Left blame European nations for the massive dysfunction in Africa by saying the borders of African nations were arbitrarily drawn by European colonists without regard to tribal groupings. However, when it comes to placing non-indigenous people into European nations or other former European colonies with European-origin majorities such as the Anglo democracies, the borders are expected to be open and the “diversity” celebrated. So diversity is OK in the Anglo democracies, but not OK in Africa? Just another massive double standard and hypocrisy of the Left.
Media blames ‘climate change’ for Canadian wildfires despite arrest of multiple arsonists
the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.
In case you want one –
“Smart Homes are Dumb”
More at
More examples for “Elbow” et al to paper over with more “w & s” –
“The Potential Pitfalls of an Overly Ambitious Energy Transition: Lessons from Britain’s Green Energy Endeavors”
“Green Industrialization Greatly Increases CO2 Emissions”
Green Industrialization Greatly Increases CO2 Emissions
For the “Don’t give them ideas” file
“Dubious Solar Project: Michigan Township to Launch Costly Floating Solar Farm”
“More on the collapse of competence in the USA”