A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I know you like info on Blackrock
And here’s the latest Tucker Carlson
I think it would be interesting to compile a list of how the unreliables scams work in each country.
-In Australia, the subsidy harvesters get to skim off the top of consumer electricity bills.
-In the US they harvest tax credits.
Spare a thought for those poor souls in that lost minisub in the North Atlantic.
Sure, they are undoubtedly cashed up million+ airs ($250k USD per ticket? )..who put themselves into this situation…. but they do not deserve to suffer this .
Apart from the ultimate lack of oxygen, CO2 will be building up and If on the sea floor, the ocean around them will be near zero C , and other than personal clothing, its unlikely they have heat or light (power loss ?)
.even if they somehow have reached the surface, they cannot open the sealed hatch from inside), and they will be tossed around like in a washing machine since there is bad weather there.
If they are not rescued in the next few hours , they face a slow , cold, suffocating end .
Hope for a miracle .
Yes, it was a high risk adventure but I hope they get found. But the rescue options are extremely limited. I think a likely scenario is that they got entangled in some debris, likely swept into it by the strong currents known to exist around the wreck.
No GPS, possibly no communication, perhaps zero visibility and 4.2km down?
In WWII they were limited to 100 metres, 300 feet, crush depth. Nuclear submarines can make triple that at 300m which is amazing. 30 atmospheres.
But I have real concerns that the hull is not tested. If only because that is not possible in a laboratory. From what I read it was tested only to 1200 metres but they need 4200!
Each ten metres is an atmosphere. And the implosion would be instantaneous. Even a tiny leak would be a disaster. It’s a long way to the surface, 4km up.
And 420 atmospheres! 10 tons/square metre x 420 or 4,200 tonnes per square metre? Maybe 100,000 tons total compressive force on the sub. In old measure 14 pound per square inch x 420 or 3 ton per square inch!
I hope for the best but this will likely be misadventure. And the owner knew it. The design engineer who pointed out the faults was instantly dismissed. It should not have gone down without testing and demonstrated total reliability.
Here is the warning letter written to the CEO of the company.
Also see:
Has the fifth person been named yet?
I doubt that they suffered for more than a milli- second.
Fairly intense pressure down there.
Yes, it’s my bet it imploded when contact was lost.
Pity the billionaires didn’t do their homework.
The Canadian air crew say that they are hearing banging every 30 minutes through sonar buoys that the dropped over the titanic site. Could be anything I suppose. Terrible, just awful.
The msm coverage was curious. It seemed like the gaming sub controller was the most important thing. The whole expedition was almost a game to them:
Missing ‘Titan’ Sub Carrying Tourists to ‘Titanic’ Faced Lawsuit in 2018 After Employee Voiced Alleged Safety Concerns
The safety of the tourist submersible that went missing on its way to the site of the Titanic has allegedly been a matter of concern before.
The Titan, carrying five passengers to the wreckage site 900 miles east of Cape Cod in the North Atlantic, went missing on June 18, according to the First Coast Guard District’s official Twitter account.
The excursion was part of OceanGate Expeditions — a company that hosts a “Titanic Expedition” to the historic site — and according to court documents obtained by The New Republic, a former employee had reportedly expressed concern several years ago about the sub’s capabilities.
Absolutely speechless that David Pogue, the CBS journalist who went on the missing Titanic sub last year, WITNESSED IT GET LOST FOR HOURS WITH NO LOCATOR BEACON AND DECIDED NOT TO MENTION THAT IN HIS REPORT
British rescue mission for Titan ‘blocked by US officials
A remotely operated vehicle capable of winching the stricken submersible Titan out of the Atlantic has been blocked from joining the rescue mission by the US government, The Telegraph understands.
A team from deepwater specialists Magellan Limited has been waiting to leave an airport in the Channel Islands since 7pm on Monday, but approval for take-off has yet to be received.
Given the nature of their disappearance, the odds of survival are virtually zero.
What is the Coastguard going to do, just troll around looking to see if it had surfaced or look for debris, either way no help at all.
Turns out that the company sacked their engineer in 2018 when he raised many significant issues about the craft.
One of my WW2 books talked of the squadron chief engineer who flew on every test flight of a repaired aircraft.. Including the one where someone fitted the elevator wires backwards so pulling the stick back sent the nose down!
Maybe a test dive of the engineers & the owners would have been good.
Maybe youshould understand that the owner is one of those on board !.
……and that this sub has done this dive manytimes before, without major incident.
…however i amstunned that there is no safety system on board to locate the sub if something like this happens
Just in that sonar has detected knocking sounds. Could be hope or who knows. Unfortunately it might be a long time before their fate is revealed.
Long time = tomorrow…
Shane Warne’s Death Precipitated by Covid mRNA Vaccine Say Leading Doctors
Leading doctors have concluded that the death of legendary Australian cricketer Shane Warne was likely precipitated by the Covid mRNA vaccine that he had taken approximately nine months prior to his sudden cardiac death. His post mortem findings revealed coronary atherosclerosis.
Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Dr. Chris Neil, who is President of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, have concluded that the Covid vaccine can cause a rapid acceleration of coronary disease especially in those that may already have undetected mild disease. Dr. Malhotra has further concerns that the Covid mRNA vaccines may be masking angina by damaging heart nerves, resulting in patients not experiencing the chest pain that typically precedes a diagnosis of severe blockages in the heart arteries, leading to detection not occurring until it’s too late, with the first symptoms often presenting as a cardiac arrest.
AMPS being a known anti-vacc society
Gee Aye being an anonymous commenter who reasons with namecalling…
You would like to think that our n Canberra can do better than that.
academics in Canberra
That’s very academic.
Yes, a large body of medical professionals are concerned enough to say what they believe, contrary to the “official” line being trotted out to the public.
They are not “anti-vacc” in general but are against medical and scientific censorship about covid vaccine safety and efficacy issues, compulsory vaccination as we had in Australia and restrictions on treatment options for covid.
‘If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.’ – George Washington.
We all really hope you are keeping your vaxx status up to date… Latest booster etc…
Are you ??
Or have you taken a more rational, informed approach… and are thus calling yourself an “anti-vaxxer”.
Indeed. I trust Gee Aye is up to her scheduled 7th or 8th “safe and effective” jab.
Gee Aye.
Given we’ve seen doctors lose their right to practice or face disciplinary boards for not reading from the approved Govt covid script; do you think it’s more likely these doctors would speak the truth against the narrative or lie and risk losing their ability to practice simply to further an alleged anti-vaccination cause?
If you wish to condemn on the basis of a perceived motive rather than use medical evidence you have to at least weigh-up the incentive to tell the truth and not just a motive to lie.
As oer the Babylon Bee, many experts can be assembled to be puzzled by the cause of this sudden death, but one thing they will be certain of is that it wasnt the Covid vaccines.
There were many sudden deaths of very fit young people. And he was in a health resort trying to lose weight rapidly. Not a great combination.
Afternoon all,
A pretty cool morning in Mudgee this morning, -6.9 recorded at the airport. Not a record, but not common. But two of my devices stopped charging this morning several hours after the minimum:
My iPad stopped giving a message along the lines of “Charging has been suspended and will be resumed when temperature returns to normal”. It didn’t, although I’ve not chased their defintion of normal yet. It was probably more than an hour before I noticed. For want of something better to do, I turned power off and on again and charging continued with no further problem;
The other was my (older) Android phone, which also stopped charging , but without any message. In fact it lost some power even with power turned on to it. For this one, the power off and on again trick didn’t work, so I put it into the sun for 10 minutes, reconnected it and away she went!
I didn’t do a control experiment with CO2, and I don’t have a measure of my inside temperature.
Dave B
Visiting Shepparton today; maximum 5.5 degrees, coldest ever.
It’s gerbil warming I tells ya!
Schools allowing children to ‘identify as horses, dinosaurs and cats’ as pupils ‘communicate with animal noises’
Need to go to the toilet?
No, you can use the cat litter box in the corner.😁
And then they somehow graduate and enter the workforce making t-rex and meowing sounds…
“Clown world” doesn’t begin to cover it.
Parent/Teacher meetings discussing the child’s progress must be a hoot
That’s just the teacher, who identifies as an owl.
Looks like the kids are much smarter than the teachers – what a hoot (sorry!)
Education should include proper diets for animals. I don’t think the kids will “identify” as animals for much longer when their diet is made appropriate for their chosen animal identity.
Louisiana Is Pushing Digital ID. The Personal Data Of All Drivers License Holders Have Just Been Breached.
The State of Louisiana has experienced an extensive data breach, with six million public records being exposed. The breach was a part of a global attack on the third-party file transfer application, MOVEit. The breach is likely to raise further concerns as the state recently introduced a new law that is increasing the uptake of digital ID – a law that forces adult websites to check the age of all users, with many wanting it rolled out to all social media platforms.
The personal details of every license holder in the state has now been exposed in the breach.
Over the past few years, Louisiana officials and their vendor, Envoc, have been working on the development and implementation of digital driver’s licenses and wallet programs. These programs have included the storage of biometric information related to various licenses, including driver’s and fishing licenses.
According to reports, the Clop ransomware group is behind the Louisiana breach. Although not specifically targeted at mobile driver’s licenses, one can’t ignore the gravity of stealing such sensitive data, especially in a state pushing digital ID.
Oklahoma and Louisiana have been steadfast in rolling out mobile ID programs for close to two years, where these digital documents play nicely with Apple’s and Google’s wallets. Louisiana’s zeal, which led to the issuance of 2.5 million digital IDs, outpaced even California. This breach will hopefully fan the flames of concerns regarding the safety and confidentiality of personal information, which are cornerstones for public buy-in for digital ID programs.
Yes, let’s all go to digital money and worldwide digital passports with vax status. Terrific idea. Let’s give all our information to governments, because we know they will have tip top security systems and no-one would ever breach them. Don’t worry, the WHO will oversee the world digital health passports and there’s no way they could be dominated by any one person or any one country. (extremely heavy sarcasm button).
Our cat had a vaccination passport in the early 2000s. The documentation of pets has lead humans by a long way. I think she is a WHO operative and not to be trusted.
Pussy galore?
Here is an excellent 21 min video showing various useless and incompetently made building structures in China.
Warning – it also shows some disgusting Chinese toilets so don’t watch if you are sensitive or have a full stomach.
Imagine you were visiting China and wearing your brand-new, super-expensive sunglasses, a birthday gift from your wife, which slipped off your head and into the, erm … ‘contents’ of one such convenience.
Well what would YOU do?
Strangely, that trip was one of few I made where I DIDN’T get sick in some way. Weird.
Gee! I think I recognise some of those old toilets from my 24 weeks working in China back in 2005-6. Seriously, very few toilets in offices or public places would flush and buckets were provided for the purpose, an additional bucket was provided for the toilet paper as the sewerage system could not cope with human waste and paper. And these people can launch satellites and send a rocket around the moon!
I was shocked to find, on my first trip to China in 2001, that the toilets in the Beijing university admin buildings and research institutes didn’t provide toilet paper. We had to take our own. I wasn’t warned of this in advance, which was challenging …
Joe is on the hustings and his minders were slack.
‘Joe Biden has called Xi Jinping a dictator in off-the-cuff remarks during a campaign stop – just a day after Antony Blinken visited the Chinese premier to try to ease tensions.’ (Daily Mail)
Slow Joe is just a distraction and a placeholder; ditto Kameltoe Harris.
As they say in the classic (Ray Bradbury): “Something Wicked This Way Comes”..
Could you imagine old Joe beating RFK Jnr for the democrat nomination and then old Joe beats Trump? I think most Murkin’s would simply shrug their shoulders and say “yeah that seems legit”
Bear with me …
this is Fauci telling us “there is no question … there will be” a surprise viral outbreak during The Orange Menace administration.
‘They’ tell us what that are going to do.
Usually talking among themselves when the peasants aren’t around. Any peasants that happen to hear and put two and two together will be labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’.
(And you thought that 2+2=5 was just an eccentric notion promoted by pink haired non-binary college faculty.)
So … I Honk, being an observant peasant, see the clear messages in the frog entrails.
‘They’ will not allow Trump or RFK Jr any where near the fantasy prom Queen throne of POTUS.
If you disagree, I’ve got a railroad bridge across the Pacific to sell you.
Just look at the incredible construction of ‘Russian Collusion’* and the certainty of Nostradamus Fauci.
The historically unprecedented, international, centrally controlled political propaganda hysteria campaign known as ‘Pandemic’.
The Wizard will deliver magical batches of votes for the correct candidates after Midnight when the polls are closed and the peasants are in bed.
*(Already shown, by the corrupt Justice Department’s own hand picked Mandarin, to have been knowingly false to those carrying out the charade. Just enough disclosure to maintain the suspension of reality and keep the Kabuki theater patrons from walking out.)
BTW, the hand picked Mandarin is testifying before Congress this very day.
Should be a hoot.
Alas, I lack the supernatural predictive abilities, (bestowed by the select Mystery Schools of Academia), of Nostradamus Fauci.
Sorry, but this important … explosive.
The Mandarin testifies under oath that the chief FBI investigator for Trump Russian ‘collusion’ was not informed of exculpatory intelligence about the false charges originating from the Clinton campaign.
Proving my assertion above.
The bomb bigger than Watergate explodes in the fist two minutes.
More … incredible!
This is happening right now.
Someone … YouTube or Forbes appears to mute the line where the chairman of the committee says “Hillary Clinton paid for it” referencing the infamous Steele Dossier.
Honk, here is the video on Rumble. All 4hrs of it.
It may or may not have the censored magic words there.
We have been watching Black Mirror lately. For those not familiar its a modern version of Twilight Zone or Outer Limits. A selection of short standalone stories with a science fiction, fantasy or just plain weird bent, by an assortment of today’s creative generation.
We have noticed that technology is not viewed kindly or positively in these productions. It is nearly always the bringer of problems/evil/disaster. Maybe just my perception i guess, for many younger people their window on the world is through technology , so yes good and bad comes that way. Maybe there will be some happy episodes further in.
Banging noises heard underwater, does anyone know how to bang out an SOS in Morse these days, at least it would signify a human source rather than debris tumbling in the current.
Gee whizz I wonder how far sound travels under water, these noises could come from a thousand miles away 🙂
Potentially thousands of km but they were directly overhead, so it is a sign that they are alive and trapped.
They did not say what sort of banging noises. I did not get the impression that a signal had not been detected. More likely something banging against another submerged object.
Blocking high pressure over water causes marine heatwave, but not over land in the Austral winter.
‘Wednesday morning was an icy affair across southeastern Australia as a slow-moving high pressure system caused clear skies and light winds to combine with a lingering cold and dry air mass. This wintry weather pattern resulted in widespread frost from Tasmania up to Queensland.’ (Weatherzone)
Canberra has coldest June morning for 36 years
Minus 7.2 is the coldest daily min for June at Canberra Airport since 1986
There has been much misleading reporting around Canberra Airport min record this morning.
Imagine the media if had been the hottest June day at Canberra Airport for 36 years.
“SOS” is pretty basic:
Dit dit dit, Dah dah dah, Dit dit dit; ad infinitum. The specific “in danger” code was contrived for utter simplicity, a LONG time ago.
I have not used Morse for decades, and in the rare events I used it, I was NOT operating at “professional” speed”. Real speed demons used “keys” that used a finger and thumb in “dual” mode, rather than the traditional “vertical” key.
Morse may be a “lost art”, but it is possible to work Morse (via a carrier wave or crude “spark-gap” transmitter), through hideous interference and deliberate jamming, unlike voice and data transmissions. SLOW but sure. Another lost art that just might save lives.
As for “Voice” comms: Every man and his dog knows about “Mayday” calls for “immediate danger”, but how many know about “Pan, Pan, Pan” for lower-level “issues”?
The high-speed Morse keys were generally called “bugs”, due to the shape of one popular version. Don’t know how they managed to count the number of dots when sending or receiving at high rates – I can’t even count the four dots in “h” at 6 words/min.
I was told by some matelots (sailors) that their morse code people would talk to each other in morse code
How do you bang dit and dah?
JC2 tip for the day – Youtube quality for tv’s
I’ve noticed of late that video quality is crap even for 1080p or 4k/8k videos.
Apparently Youtube have configured “auto” mode resolution to 360p. ie videos now default to the lowest resolution.
That’s no doubt their way of pushing people into the paid premium service.
It can’t be changed to select the highest resolution by default.
To fix:
When playing a youtube video, hit the up button on your remote and go to the settings gear symbol far right, select it, then select the “quality” option.
You’ll probably see auto set to 360p.
I changed mine to 1080p. Exit and the setting is saved for all videos but you may wish to change it for 4k/8k videos.
Note too that video quality may be dropped in cases of ISP load.
ie bandwidth throttling.
IMF Announces Single Global Digital Currency in Push To Eliminate Cash
The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has announced that the global body is “working hard” on the development of a single “global” digital currency.
During a presentation at a conference in Morocco, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgievahe announced the plan to introduce a universal Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
The announcement comes as governments around the world seek to shift toward a cashless society and eliminate physical cash altogether.
According to Georgievahe, the IMF plans to roll out one single digital currency that will be accepted globally in an effort to “connect countries” and make transactions “fairer.”
She continued by declaring that CBDCs need to be interoperable between countries because “If we are to be successful, CBDCs could not be fragmented national propositions.”
“To have transactions more efficient and fairer, we need systems that connect countries,” Georgieva continued.
“In other words, we need interoperability.”
Last year, Biden signed an executive order to seize control of cryptocurrencies and lay the groundwork to turn America into a cashless society
The Klauscoin cometh.
The present Australian globalist government will be very keen to oblige.
The RBA have been trialing it here in Aus for many months.
Trying to assuage the fears of the Non-West about the American Dollar ruling the world as the BRICS grow.
Who would control it? America? The UN by voting? or do we end up with a BRICS currency, a digital $US and an IMF digital?
D-Glucosamine: Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Infection
A Letter to the Editor was published on Tuesday which showed that a very common, safe and readily available supplement was very powerful in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 replication. It does this by increasing the expression of the ever-important Interferon. As readers may be aware, it has readily been proven that defects in Interferon response are a critical factor in the development of severe COVID.
As far as safety is concerned, the authors noticed no cytotoxicity regardless of dose of D-Glucosamine given. At the same time, it was observed that D-Glucosamine also inhibits INFECTION.
However, a finding the authors gave but one sentence to, I believe could be an indication that D-Glucosamine may help those with Long COVID and Spike Protein induced afflictions.
Glucosamine is a readily available OTC supplement which aids in maintaining healthy joints and has benefits for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Available in sulfate or HCL forms or combined with Chondroitin for extra punch.
There’s only one way to prove that it’s safe and effective. If the MSM completely ignore it or present experts to debunk its supposed efficacy. When you know the stuff is really efficacious is when big pharma decide to fund some sabotage trials. Give the trials fancy names and run them in South American countries. Then you know, for sure, D-Glucosamine is probably active vs COVID as a treatment. Well, that’s if the last 3 years has taught me anything.
The Real Movement of Earth Through the Galaxy
Clucking hell – Dire warning of ‘huge egg shortage’ for Aussie supermarkets
Aussie shoppers are being warned egg prices will likely double in coming weeks and supermarkets could see shelves emptied again.
The Smoked Egg Company founder and CEO, Julie Kos, told Today there was an oversupply of eggs during the pandemic and farmers were forced to cull a lot of their chickens.
And after a recent salmonella outbreak on breeder farms, new chicks are hard to come by.
With more Aussies wanting to make the ethical move to free range instead of caged eggs, Julie warned this will likely lead to there being no eggs on the shelves at all.
“I’m a free range egg farmer but I really believe that Australia won’t be able to feed the masses if we get rid of the caged system,” she said.
“The production rate is not with the cage system and if we look at what happened in January this year – New Zealand went to cage free and had absolutely no eggs on the shelf at all.”
Better stock up!
How to preserve your eggs for up to a year:
So the expert states we had an oversupply during COVID, we discussed it on this blog as a shortage of eggs.
Me thinks it’s a bit of an advertising ploy, never heard of their product but they know how to get free advertising.
Mineral oil? Assuming that doesn’t mean engine oil I can only think of vaseline.
This doesn’t help much, I know nothing of “water glass”.
“I know nothing of “water glass”.”
Not uncommon still, although less used than in the old days. The basis of muffler cements that expand then set hard under heat, its a thick, clear liquid that slowly dries out to a hard glass. It will very slowly re-dissolve in water.
An industrial product, $16/L for ceramic work, I’m sure no-one preserves eggs with it now.
My neibour used to preserve eggs in a bucket of waterglass…many years back !
We have a few chooks in the back yard, and the local chook expert (eggspert ?) advises not to wash or clean the eggs as the notural coating from the hens acts as a sealant and prevents the oxegen ingress ….extending storage life.
At exactly 12:57am on Thursday the 22nd of June, 2023, the Southern Hemisphere will be the farthest from the sun.
Michael Shellenberger, Twitter Files journalist, talks about the censorship industrial complex.
Leftists that support this ought to be ashamed of themselves.
FWIW – looking at USA
“Living in a crime-ridden society”
The earliest sunrises and latest sunsets do not necessarily coincide with the longest day, June 21st in N. Hemisphere and long ago I read that this was because the planet is not an exact sphere. But I think there has to be more astronomy involved in this
Though it might seem like the summer solstice would also be when the sun rises earliest and sets latest, it is not. As you will see, the exact dates of the earliest sunrises and latest sunsets vary by location.
Los Angeles, California
Earliest Sunrise: 5:41 a.m. from June 6 to 17
Latest Sunset: 8:08 p.m. from June 20 to July 6
Longest Days: June 19 to 21
Hours of Daylight on Longest Day: 14 hours and 26 minutes
I believe that, it’s not so much that the Earth is not an exact sphere, it’s more that the Earths orbit around the Sun is elliptical.
Happy to be put right.
4 Die in Fire That Began at E-Bike Shop Near Chinatown
“Missing Sub CEO Explains Why It Was Important for Him Not to Hire “50-Year-Old White Guys From Military” as Submariners for His Tourist Sub Business
June 21, 2023 | Sundance | 144 Comments”
another ian
June 21, 2023 5:56 pm
The controller –
Watch NOW before they get to me
BRICS member becomes failed state.
Like SF, Baltimore, Chicago…?
Don’t miss the daddy of them all – Detroit
Chiefio looks at various things –
“W.O.O.D. – 21 June 2023 – The Thin Line Between Comfort & Disaster”
and the wider world –