A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Friday everyone. As for me, I will be trying to read the Robo Debt Royal Commission Report as fast as Tennis Elbow and ‘Short on Brains’ both have.
As to the Robo Debt Royal Commission and Report, this is exactly why we need a Royal Commission into the Australian Feral, State and Territory Guv’ments handling of the Covid-19 ‘Scamdemic’.
Same government too!
Wrong. The State Guv’ments were mainly Laybore and with SickToria they are still Marxist under Chairman Dan.
For those oldies who remember Perry Mason: If EV’s were put on trial, how would would Perry sum up the prosecution: “The push to introduce EV’s speaks to motive”. If this article, taken from The Burning Platform, was available at the time, no doubt the intrepid lawyer would have made use of its factual approach:
Speaking of Perry Mason, I remember the old B&W TV Series from the dawn of Oz TV back in the 50s and 60s, and just how good it was, the forerunner of TV Legal/Courtroom Dramas and the standard setter for its time, and all TV legal dramas stem from this.
On the off chance, I watched the ‘new‘ Perry mason TV Series on Binge, one of the streaming services.
On first glance, from remembering the original, (set in real time for the era it was filmed in, the 50s/60s) this new series is absolutely, totally, and completely unrecognisable, set back when Raymond Chandler wrote the novels, in the Depression 30s. (Hey, wait a minute, this is not Perry Mason!! I kept thinking to myself)
However, persevering with it, this new series was in fact so well done as a ‘Period Drama’ set in the Depression 30s. The attention to 1930s detail is such a wonderful thing to see.
It’s a ‘gritty’ new take, and one I suspect probably much closer to Chandler’s novels than the 1950s/60s TV show was.
I recommend watching it. It took a couple of episodes to ‘get into it’, but I suspect that was because I kept thinking of the earlier TV show.
As usual with the streaming services, you never get to see the credits at the end, as ten seconds into those end titles, they scroll up the latest episode, and there are eight episodes in the new series, renewed for a second series as well, and I haven’t started that one yet.
However, having said that, at the end of that eighth episode, they actually do roll the full end credits, and harking back to the original TV series from the 50s/60/s they use an updated version of the original theme song while they roll the credits, the only ‘hat tip’ to that original TV series.
Very enjoyable.
The writer was Earl Stanley Gardner, not Raymond Chandler.
Thanks red.
Yes, I should have checked.
Basic error.
Yes Tony, my wife and I have watched all the episodes to date. The detail is magnificent and the subdued lighting, which I found difficult at first, really provides an atmosphere that sucks one in. As the grandfather to a family of photographers and film makers I do marvel at the skill of the lighting engineers who can light a scene that is dark, but with just enough side lighting to make the actors recognisable. It certainly adds to the drama.
I agree, a must watch series with superb acting, especially from the two leads.
Let me make it a trifecta on robodebt. Just been watching the ABC reports and the PM’s delivery and you know what….. take out the word RoboDebt and put in Covid and it STILL applies word for word letter for letter. A travesty that made criminals out of people who were trying to speak up with their concerns and instead got ignored, criticised and bullied to the point where the outbreak was effectively THEIR FAULT – Joe Biden – “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.
If the robodebt commissioner needs another job tell her to slide over to the next required royal commission – covid.
Robodebt and covid, years apart yet clear and concise proof of just how our supposed servant, the government, has become our vengeful master. Whether acting alone (robodebt) or in passive acquiescence of the country’s corporate minions who denied employment to their staff (covid mandates) this unholy alliance has but one message which is that together “they” are the only true conscience, arbiter and authority on what is best for all citizens. And, for the trifecta, just add in the latest starter – the Voice.
If a Prime Minister’s response to one particular outrage can be 100% equally applied to another outrage by removing one single solitary word (highlighted) then the problem is certainly entrenched:
“I particularly want to acknowledge the many thousands of individuals who were harmed by the robodebt scheme and thank those who bravely shared their stories with the commission. You ensured the voices of those affected and their families were heard.
We have arrived at the truth because of the courage of some of the most vulnerable Australians. People who have shown bravery in the face of injustice, hardship and sometimes terrible grief. The courage stands in stark contrast to those who sought to shift the blame, bury the truth and carry on justifying this shocking harm.
This tragedy caused stress, anxiety, financial destitution and sadly had a very real human toll. For more than 4 years liberal ministers dismissed or ignored the significant concerns that were raised over and over again including in the parliament but also by victims, by public servants, by community organisations.”
I just came back from travelling so had the radio on.
One of the ALP spruikers on robodebt ended his harangue with “The government is supposed to look after their voters not penalise them”. That was about 5:00 pm.
That would be worth finding the exact quote and author and saving for repeating on ALP c/f’s (Nutt Zero came immediately to mind) IMO
Please sign Senator Babet’s petition against the Australian Government’s proposed laws against free speech:
David. I signed it yesterday when you first posted it and I have forwarded the link onto as many people as I could. Thanks for that as I would never have known about it..
Thanks Johnny.
I signed it as Klaus Schwab.
Is that ok?😆
Unfortunately that will reduce the credibility of the petition.
No, it will be used to do so. That’s very different. There will always be a Mickey Mouse or Ben Dover.There are always silly registrations.
The Oregon petition had such entries and it was used to deny the legitimacy of 35,000 graduate scientist signatures despite 9,000 with PhDs and fully verifiable people who gave their address and more. So it’s a ridiculous excuse not a reason.
Perhaps the most egregious survey was Peter Cook’s mailing to 10,000 meteorologists and his culling of 99% of the responses to just 100 people of whom an amazing 97% fitted his story. So 97% of (climate) scientists agree was born. Surely 35,000 verifiable scientists win over 97 people? No.
But the modern media don’t care about the truth. They only want to please their readers and their few remaining advertisers like Anheuser Busch. And the Age and Guardian and New York Times readers are overwhelmingly left. Everyone else has moved on.
The only reason politicians could care is because these protesters are real voters. And all politicians are poll driven.
Knowing that is how it will be used makes it not very smart.
Peter Cook was a noted comedian, often with Dudley Moore, well worth a listen.
John Cook published a pseudo science survey of climate change authors, not worth reading by serious scientists.
Geoff S
Agreed. Too many Cooks spoil the blog.
And Captain James Cook, a hero who unfortunately met his end in the Sandwiches.
While I would support the intention, it would be nice to see the text of the petition BEFORE I sign it?
Please make a submission to the Australian Government about their proposed laws against free speech. There are fewer than 30 days remaining:
Who defines ‘misinformation’. We saw during the pandemic where the governments censored many correct statements by many experts and they themselves put out many incorrect statements. People died because of that censorship and associated political pressure.
Free speech is a vital part of evolution which is a fundamental principle of The Enlightenment. It is used to develop ideas and principles. It is how we made the massive progress that we did over the last few hundred years.
Censorship is the powers-that-be putting their heads in the sand and ultimately ignoring problems until they become massive problems that take them down. Censorship produces dark ages.
Done. Just waiting for the knock on the door or getting my accounts closed . I think its time to identify as an non-binary aboriginal .
Why was the Australian Government so terrified of Donald Trump Jr visiting here?
If as the Minister claimed, there were poor ticket sales and DJ Jr lacked popularity, there would be nothing to be afraid of, would there? There shouldn’t have been anything for them to be afraid of in any case if the think conservative views lack merit.
It’s extraordinary that the son of the most recent President of our closest ally would be denied entry here.
Yes, a visa was eventually granted but only less than 24 hrs before he was to get on the plane. This had the effect of the organisers cancelling or postponing the event which was the original purpose of the Australian Labor Government.
The Minister Clare O’Neil who was responsible for Trump’s censorship Tweeted:
..Hmmm? , i dont think his political connections should allow any advantage.
..what if Hunter Biden wanted to do a speaking tour ?
HB would be welcomed with tax-payer funded baggies.
And a game of’ “What’s My Line”.
Yes, I agree David,
To all, that first tweet was made at 9:54 am, Thusday 6th July.
And two minutes later the Minister tweeted:
We know that both tweets have since been deleted by Senator Clare O’Neil.
Yet.. The opposition home affairs spokesman, Senator James Paterson has reposted the deleted tweets, link below:
Also, (Reported by the SMH), A spokesperson for the organiser TPA has since stated :
“Turning Point Australia is not going to dignify the minister’s tweets with a comment.
Suffice to say she is entitled to her opinion and freedom of speech no matter how idiotic.”
I’m guessing there were several layers of spitting the dummy and passing it up hence the delay.
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours
A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.
The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.
However, less than 24 hours later, the study was removed and a note appeared stating: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” While the study had not undergone any part of the peer-review process, the note implies it fell foul of “screening criteria”.
Our impartial, government recruited fact checkers have flagged this as true information that we don’t want the masses to know about, so we have removed it to keep ourselves in office longer.
Interesting author list- Wellness company!
Anyhoo – they looked at 40 odd publications and found 325 deaths already attributed to a vaccine and found (ta dah) that 3/4 were indeed indisputably caused by a vaccine.
Ground breaking meta analysis.
Dr. Peter McCullough not credible enough?
Maybe Anthony Fauci instead?
Peer review these days means exactly what we expect to happen will happen.
I ascribe far more credibility to McCullough than peer-reviewing sycophants signing their own demise warrants via censorship.
Maybe by 2025 the reality will have dawned on the denialists, for all the good it will do them then.
and emphasising what JCII wrote – it was not an early release it was pre review and came with this before it was removed
Basically an editor gave it a once over and said no.
Oh no , you can’t go around finding negative things about Pharma can you.Since replication and testing are shoddy and poor one wouldn’t put too much credence on the Lancet these days. Captured.
Did you read what I wrote?
The Lancet never repents?
…and Steve Kirsch weighs in:
Pew poll finds 59% of Americans OPPOSE Biden admin’s plan to phaseout gas-powered cars in favor of EVs
The results of a new poll released on June 28 found that almost three-fifths of Americans – 59 percent – oppose the Biden administration’s plan to phase out gas-powered cars in favor of electric vehicles (EVs).
The Pew Research Center polled more than 10,000 Americans from May 30 to June 4 of this year. It stated that overall, 59 percent of those surveyed do not want gas-powered cars to be eliminated by 2035. In contrast, 40 percent said they favor a phaseout of gas-powered vehicles in favor of EVs.
Only 21 percent of respondents say they would be excited by the prospect of gas-powered vehicles. Forty-five percent – more than twice the number of those excited – say they would be upset, while 33 percent said their feelings would be neutral.
The opposition to the phaseout of gasoline-powered vehicles was more pronounced along party lines. An overwhelming 84 percent of conservative respondents oppose the move, compared to the 16 percent who favored a phaseout. Sixty-four percent of liberal respondents favor a phaseout, while only 35 percent are against it.
There was also a clear divide among respondents based on age. Fifty-six percent of respondents aged between 18 and 29 support ending the production of new gas-powered cars. However, respondents aged 30 and up are against banning new gas-powered cars in favor of EVs.
These uppity plebs need to know their place!
But it’s the 59% who don’t matter, mostly ‘deplorables’, so no problem.
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Produce Five Times More Greenhouse Gases Than Claimed By Manufacturers
A new report has revealed that plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) produce much more greenhouse gases than their manufacturers claim.
A progress report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC), an independent public body in the United Kingdom, said that PHEVs produce up to five times more greenhouse gases than expected. PHEVs combine a traditional combustion engine with a battery and electric motors.
Real-world performance of PHEVs exceeds advertised emissions
In a similar study, the think tank Transport & Environment organization, in collaboration with the Graz University of Technology in Austria, conducted tests proving that the latest PHEV models, including the BMW 3 Series 330e xDrive, Peugeot 308 Hybrid 225 and Renault Megane E-TECH Plug-in Hybrid 160, emit at least three times more carbon dioxide than advertised when batteries are fully charged.
The same tests revealed that these vehicles could emit up to seven times their advertised carbon dioxide outputs when running solely on combustion engines during typical city commutes.
This is not the first time concerns about PHEVs’ emissions have been raised. Two years ago, Transport & Environment found that these vehicles emitted more CO2 than advertised on longer routes. The recent review has exposed their failure to meet emissions targets even on shorter commuter routes.
What about ships?
Carnival Cruise Ship Emits More Toxic Fumes Than All Of Europe’s Cars
A new study commissioned by the European Federation for Transport and Environment revealed that toxic emissions of sulfur oxides from 63 cruise ships belonging to Carnival Corporation were 43% higher than all the combustion engine vehicles in Europe. This stunning statistic comes as EU leaders have decided to ban small combustion engines for cars by 2035. But what about ‘green’ cruise ships? Only crickets…
“The most polluting cruise ship operator was MSC Cruises, whose vessels emitted nearly as much sulphur as all the 291 million cars in Europe. When looking at parent companies, as in our original 2019 report, the Carnival Corporation comes on top with the 63 ships under its control emitting 43% more sulfur oxides than all of Europe’s cars in 2022,” the study said.
75% of cruise ships gone by 2050?
15 minute cruise ships? 😁
Australian Banks Refusing To Honor Cash Withdrawals As WEF Declares War on Cash
Australian mainstream media has announced “we have taken a major step towards a cashless society” as major Australian banks refuse to honor cash withdrawals by customers.
“There are stories abounding today that you can’t get cash from banks anymore,” said Sky News Australia host Peta Credlin who reported that bank branches near her home in central Melbourne are not allowing cash withdrawals to customers.
Sky News Australia senior reporter Caroline Marcus said that the banks are treating people with “absolute disdain” following the reports customers are being refused access to cash.
“They’ve got to remember it isn’t their money,” Said Marcus. “It belongs to the customers. It kind of leaves you feeling that you might be better off stashing your cash under the bed.”
I’m not going to say it…😎
This is terrible news.
But what is one meant to do?
If you take cash out, it will be devalued by inflation. Plus not safe being kept under the bed.
And if it is converted to shares, they might be devalued in the coming economic collapse.
Invest in land, it’s not very liquid.
Precious metals is not practical.
I don’t trust crypto either.
Have you tried panicking?
Red wine?
Kick back with some good scifi films and gourmet pizza?
I recommend #2 and #3.😁
I just finished watching something that scared me as I know just how real it is, and how it’s going to play out. I might have to revise a prediction timeframe, factoring in sheer bl@@dy human stupidity and critical mistakes. No link and no description. People are scared enough already.
Answering DM’s concerns:
1. Move funds to a small (NOT owned by a big bank) credit union, building society, town bank etc.
2. Actually, real estate is a good idea- a country farm enabling self sufficiency is ideal. Buying property now is a bad idea, unless one is sufficiently liquid to not require a mortgage.
3. Bullion – yes to small bars, coins etc and no to large bars and expensive items. The average person won’t have the money or understanding of metals to make large items worthwhile.
4. Crypto is intangible and highly variable.
The power goes off and no crypto access, just like CBDC’s.
5. Pay off all debts, credit cards etc.
6. Have a solid food, water, power and necessities stockpile to last a year.
7. Other things beyond the scope and publicity of this blog.
The more things in your life you have control over, the better off you will be, the less stress you’ll suffer, and the less susceptible to external forces you’ll be..
We are being plunged headlong into both denial of freedom of speech and denial of freedom of our own money. It is marxism on steroids.
We need a change to the constitution preventing the government, or any other organisation such as a bank, from denying people access to their own money. Not just in terms of withdrawing cash, but to do with all uses of our own money. There would be exceptions under proper controls involving the courts for money reasonably associated with crime or terrorism (tricky, given how such notions are abused re free speech, but nevertheless necessary).
The disgusting abuse of power by Justin Trudeau during the Canadian truckers’ protests shows how necessary this change is, and why it should be in the constitution not just in legislation.
The window of opportunity has, for all practical purposes, closed.
Our time left is now measured in months, not years or the next election/referendum, Royal Commission or new political party or system.
Before 2025 it will be crystal clear to all, posted here and now for all to refer back to. 😎
Precious metals usually retain value in bad situations . Knowing how to fix things with basic tools will be the most valuable skill . Being good at camouflage will be necessary too . Being smart will save you , but being wise will save many . Do the right thing………
Will the CBDC work offline? What makes it any different than a debit card? Can you pay buskers with it? donate to charities with it? Can you give your kids lunch money with it? There are ways around it such as Stored Value Systems used with vending machines and bartering systems. You overload and bog down the system. If the CBDC declines a purchase – “it’s not working” – you complain. You will get Catch 22 situations: “My unemployment benefit will be stopped if I don’t take this job. The job is 500 miles away. I can’t drive there as my CBDC will not allow me to fill up the car after 100 miles.”.
I was a vending machine operator in a previous life. I assume this means I would now need to have a CC reader in every machine. Without the ability to cream a little* I would vacate the market and leave it to Coke.
* A lot of this went into Au and Ag as an alternative to super so ATO shouldn’t feel too bad about it. 🙂
Dr John Campbell discusses the publication of a paper demonstrating strong batch number dependence on adverse effects due to covid-19 vaccinations.
Jo has reported such a finding before but I think this is the first time it’s made it into peer reviewed literature without censorship.
Not only the batch quality auditing of the COVID vaccines was highly questionable, but also the actual pre- injection process itself. Most notably the process of thawing of the mRNA vaccines at the Vaccine centres and the vial mixing procedures prior to the actual injection. John Campbell did an interview with Australian Professor Robert Clancy where they discussed how after thawing the COVID vaccine vials, the technicians were instructed NOT to mix or shake the vials. Because this mixing had the possibility of denaturing the vaccine constituents. Each vial contained a number of doses and hence it was pot luck how much dose you got. You probably either got way too much, or none at all of the actual active ingredient. Only applies to the mRNA vaxes, not the AZ clot shots. That would also explain a lot regarding peoples’s different reaction to these products.
David M,
IMO, John Campbell’s video is one of the more important of several findings he has publicised. If correct, the relations of reported vaccine harm to batch numbers are strong evidence that bad events need investigation.
It looks to me that Pfizer might have been experimenting with strength and/or composition of vaccine. The yellow dots on the main graph are like placebo doses.
IMO, John deserves a Knighthood, but we live in strange times. Geoff S
Geoff S
Over 130,000 solar energy monitoring systems exposed online
Security researchers are warning that tens of thousands of photovoltaic (PV) monitoring and diagnostic systems are reachable over the public web, making them potential targets for hackers.
These systems are used for remote performance monitoring, troubleshooting, system optimization, and other functions to allow remote management of renewable energy production units.
The report also highlights that vulnerabilities have been found and reported for the products above and there is proof of concept (PoC) exploit code available for several of them, which increases the likelihood of attacks against the systems running an older firmware version.
Systems of this type often face a degree of neglect in terms of maintenance and upgrades, which gives attackers good chances of success when they leverage fairly recent vulnerabilities.
Renewable energy stations, particularly in Japan, could be at risk of disruption by hackers thanks to a Contec product vulnerability that has been exploited.
Japanese company’s SolarView products enable active monitoring of solar farms, and have been installed in an estimated 30,000 locations to date according to company information.
The vulnerability, which has been tracked as CVE-2022-29303 since it was identified in April, was awarded a score of 9.8 out of 10, making it ‘critical.’
This, along with more than 20 other exploits, forms part of what Palo Alto Networks describes as a mission to spread a variant of the Mirai botnet. IoT devices have been a clear target of the attacks, with victims including TP-Link, Netgear, and Zyxel.
“Something for the weekend”?
A few “liberty quotes”:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”. Thomas Jefferson
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. –Benjamin Franklin
“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session”. – Mark Twain, 1866
“The true danger is when Liberty is nibbled away, for expedients”. – Edmund Burke 1899
“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty”. – Thomas Jefferson
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”. – Goethe
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience”. – C. S. Lewis
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” – Samuel Adams
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
(If we are forced to resort to whispers and are fearful of the consequences of speaking the truth, we begin to lose our freedom.
We used to argue for the right for freedom of religious expression.) – George Orwell
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” – Benjamin Franklin
And finally, and most tellingly, from one of the greatest butchers of the 20th Century:
“Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications; and warrants for house searchers, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.” – Adolf Hitler, from his decree for the “Protection of the People and the State” in 1933.
In case anyone is interested ….
‘The conclusion is that “there never was a 41,000-year cycle,” and “there is no 100,000-year cycle” either.
‘Instead, Earth has operated and continues to operate as a “coupled, non-linear, chaotic system.” (Notrickszone)
Which brings me to MY REQUEST for HELP.
I am trying to write a presentation on The Sun’s influence on Climate (for the local University of the Third Age) and ask if anyone can point me to RECORDS of COSMIC RAYS over the long term.
I realise that C14 generation could only go back less than 50,000 years although Be10 (with its much longer half life) would be useful but may not have been in use.
Also any actual reason for Miyaki events would be followed up.
I and another speaker did a presentation for University of the Third Age in Hawthorn, Melbourne, 1st August, 2019, about “climate change” and we received an unbelievably hostile reception. Facts were of no concern to them. I and the other speaker were quite shocked and upset. About 120 were present.
I like to show them lots of slides causing them to lose the questions they think up. If they try to interrupt I point out we won’t be able to finish except by cancelling the morning tea and continuing them having me talk for longer.
Also the attendees are probably different than an inner city group, The Adelaide Hills is a bit rural too. And being in the morning I expect few Green Cult Doctors to attend.
In any case after some (short) movies of the sun, the variation of the Earth through the ages, the barycentre rotation, the solar wind and Milankovitch cycles etc. they will be somewhat cowed. Esp. as some come from NASA and the BBC. Difficult to claim that as “hate speak”.
G3 – If you haven’t already, I recommend a look at Javier Vinos’s Climate of the Past, Present and Future.
Chapter 8 might help, as well as dropping him a few chocolates through Amazon for outstanding work.
Thank Rowjay.
I’ve downloaded a pdf and it look very interesting. I’m very likely to buy the book from Amazon (which might annoy them).
It is (on brief reading) much of what I had thought, although I’m not sure that Milankovitch was as much as fault as the “computer jockeys” with the Neo-Milankovitch ideas that his 25.8 ky cycle was replaced by 17,18, 19, 21,22 and 23 ky cycles, along with an Eccentricity cycle of 95 ky, being replaced by 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 120 & 125 cycles (along with a fourth cycle of 400, 4005 or 413 ky).
When I was at Uni such would have been Classified as Fudge Figures or, as John van Neumann said when someone said “I made the diagram with 4 degrees of freedom, and JvN said ” with 4 degrees of freedom I could draw an elephant, and with 5 degrees I could make him waggle his trunk’.
No problems G3.
Many scholars have attempted to statistically prove the bleeding obvious and tied themselves in knots in the process. Geology and climate are like my heartbeat – we all know it is going (for the moment), but tying down statistical description depends on so many external inputs that it ends up a numbers quagmire.
The absolute best description and summary of the last 5 glacial/interglacial cycles I have come across is summarised by this image.
It uses sequence stratigraphic methods – a term sedimentary geologists will be familiar with. We are about 10k years into the next cycle warm period, and sure enough at some time in the future, be it 100 years or another 10K years, it will get cold again.
Interesting layout, will have a better look at it when I get to the computer. Phones are a bit difficult.
Thanks Rowjay:
I will be using that in my presentation when I dispute the Neo-Milankovitch ideas.
What’s the point of that. It’s got no sense to it, and that includes the use of the term “chaotic”.
I think I followed a link to the notrickszone thing and it seemed to be a bit pointless.
There are three main orbital factors; axis tilt, axis wobble and varying orbital path around the Sun. Then there’s also possible solar radiance variations and Earth’s varying surface conditions that change absorption and reflection.
We are in agreement and geomagnetic excursions might also be significant, they appear to turn up roughly every 40,000 years.
El Gordo,
The problem is that we don’t have enough accurate data for a long enough period . Weather forecasting is slowly improving but our “accurate” data is all short term . There are way to many moving parts to be able to accurately understand what is going on . Climate just compounds the problem .
Paleoclimate history through ice cores, shallow sea cores and tree rings, take us back a long way.
Rennick is off the LNP senate list for the next election.
Didn’t we read in the smoke and mirrors yesterday that he had Dutton’s support?
Senator Rennick is a conservative but the Liberal Party is not. It’s understandable but sad because Senator Rennick was one of the few voices of reason in the Australian Parliament. I hope he runs as an independent or joins a small conservative-oriented party like UAP, ON or LD.
Not particularly keen on sign up to or going over to that new Strings site – why do people have to Hijack common names. However I’m already HEARING that they are censoring… How do they KNOW that an account has already / repeatedly posted “false” information, etc, which they recommend you NOT FOLLOW.
They Are About To Buy Your Trust
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours
[wee edit – LVA]
“Y2Kyoto: When They Think No One Is Watching”
More fiddling the “warm”
Willis E looks further at energy use world wide –
“The conclusion is simple. All we need to do is provide every country in the world with lots of mountains, plenty of rain, a bunch of volcanoes with shallow magma, and no “greens” blocking the construction of new dams, and we can all run on hydro and geothermal!
Actually, there’s another way to get a high percentage of non-fossil energy. Just make your energy so expensive that you give up on any energy-intensive industries or activities, and meanwhile, pay through the nose for expensive wind energy. Here’s the poster child for that approach.”
Much more at
“Do unto others…” America screaming about China chatting to Cuba about having military cooperation. Rather like the Yanks having thousands of troops in Japan and South Korea, or Romania and Poland. Being such a vital ally of the Americans doesn’t seem to have done the Cubans much good in the last 50years, maybe its time for a change.
“Citing a Wall Street Journal report from last month in which anonymous US officials claim that Havana has entered negotiations with Beijing for a possible future joint military training facility in Cuba, Bolton argues that the US must use any amount of aggression necessary to prevent this facility’s construction, up to and including regime change interventionism.”
In these times there will be Wars and rumors of Wars.
Are we there yet……yep where here!
COVID LIES EXPOSED! Evidence Proves Survivors of EU Pfizer Jab Took Placebos