A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A new study on post covid vax strokes. Dr Robert Malone summarises here.
In plain language, 5.6 in 1000 people had a stroke after vaccination within a 21 day period. The J&J product was associated with more strokes than the Pfizer or Moderna products. Those who were vaccinated with concurrent COVID-19 infections had an increased risk of either type of stroke.
It was noted that COVD-19 infection also can increase the risk of stroke (of course, both infection and the vaccines produce spike protein!), what isn’t noted is that the difference between severity of variants (alpha to omicron and beyond) is significant. The data used to make this claim is outdated.\
Link to the paper:
I’m not sure that Robert Malone’s 5.6/1000 is correct. It was not what I concluded. However Jo or others here with a much better grasp on statistics than me, may read the paper and report back.
You will also note (if you read the paper) that a study in France demonstrated a correlation between the vax and myocardial infarction.
It looks like GM might be the first major car company to flounder on the rocks of wokism.
I am genuinely pro women in allowing them to achieve their goals but the appointment of a female CEO smacks of tokenism and her hell for leather approach to EVs may bring the company down. They are a bill or so in the red already on EVs and have dropped the ball with ICEs. Their build quality has suffered.
Didn’t Mary age a heck of a lot in a short time: must be the stress of Wokism, or was it tokenism. ?
Looks like Volkswagen is in trouble over EVs too.
That’s my thought too. Toyota looks to be walking the line between being gung-ho on zero-emissions and appearing “not to care”. Their work with hydrogen is not a total commitment and I suspect they have research partners sharing costs. IF EVs prove viable they will buy another broke manufacturer for pennies in the $.
Get woke, go broke.
Appoint people on merit only, not race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, social status, star sign etc..
Diversity hires know they are there for that reason and so does everyone else. Such appointments engender little respect from anyone. And they usually cause serious harm or destruction to the companies or organisations they work for.
That is , and has always been, a very rare , idealistic, situation.
Most appointments are the result of “networking”, personal relations, or “stooge” placements.
Has there ever been more hysterical screeching in mainstream media about the heatwaves in parts of Europe and SW USA? No doubt the heat is caused by a wavy jetstream “enhanced” by measuring at ground level, the use of small screens, electronic recordings and strategic placement near highways, air conditioner outlets etc. Are “they” becoming more shrill because they sense they are starting to lose traction with Joe Pubic, or are they simply more brazen?
The propaganda has been very effective, its a watershed year and the MSM is out of control. There is nothing in China Daily on human induced heat domes.
A claimed record high temperature in Sicily yesterday
However, the stations were only installed in 2002
Link doesn’t work for me, is that a claim that 48.8C was exceeded in the current heatwave or just the recent official recognition of the 48.8C hit in 2021?
Curious. I checked it yesterday and it was ok then. It was from here
Go to the last comment from Toby and he provides two links. I followed them yesterday and they both worked. It showed the record high temperatures and an article confirmed the stations were installed in 2002.
Thanks but I seem to have a problem accessing anything on that Italy24 site, so no wiser.
Well, to give you some Balance: come to Scotland, Judith the weathergirl, tells us on Radio Highland that we may be in for a +4C tonight. …aye it’s cold for a summer night, and only 16C daytime. Summers have been getting cooler, now, for past 15 years or so, from an overnight camping expedition POV.
Funny how “everyone” is fixated by Daytime Temps.. look at night time or cloudy ( and they are VERY dark ) daytime temps.
Its pleasant enough here in the South West Of England with temperatures around 20C. Lots of showers. Nights around 14C. Certainly not a classic hot summer now, after the heat of June. Presumably June was fueled by record CO2 levels and in July 100ppm of CO2 must have been sucked out of the atmosphere without us noticing.
Aye, zat’s why the lettuce and cucumbers are not thriving? : in July 100ppm of CO2 must have been sucked out of the atmosphere without us noticing. Maybe , like the covid shutdown (sarc) and sequestration experiments are working here in UK ( sarc again) . Time to stop them then, eh? ( Sarc again)
Currently 20C heading for a max of 26C here in northern Italy. Aaaaaaagh!
Steve I am sure you mean heading towards a 46c record. I did a check around the Mediterranean the last few days and nowhere could I see real world figures that approached the record temperatures claimed. Its hot in many places. If you were an ancient Roman you would stop working at midday, fill your frigidarium with ice brought from the mountains in the Spring then retreat to your lakeside villa heavily shaded by trees. You wouldn’t go and sit on the beach like UK tourists have been during the hot weather.
Sardinia and Corsica was at least 43C on 19th on various weather sites, BBC weather man (or was it Met Office?) claimed it had reached an official 46C.
A vivid memory from my childhood, growing up in Liverpool, is of a summer so hot that the road surface was melting. This made a strange sound as cars rolled by, tearing up the tar, but provided amusement for us kids as we sought bubbles to burst.
As had been said many times, climate change/global warming is just summer, rebranded.
The composition of tarmac changes with time and latitude.
Joe Pubic. ??
As time goes on we realise that the powers that be really REALLY don’t have our best interests at heart .
But there are people out there doing good things .
Professor Don Campbell in Melbourne thought that a Heparin nasal spray could be good for preventing viral infection and has been using a self made spray since 2020 and never got covid . Now he is at the stage where a trial is underway and he is looking for more people to sign up .
Meanwhile a very interesting interview by Dr John with Professor Robert Clancy about a Immunobiotic that utilizes Peyer’s patches that exist in the gut to trigger an immune response in the mucosal system to defeat viruses at the point of entry . This is very interesting :
or the short version :
Some more reading :
There are now all sorts of safe and mostly effective ways to protect ourselves from viruses – none of which were supported by the powers that be .
So next time the medical authorities tell us that the only available response is a vaccine – what they really mean is ” We want to kill you ” .
And we should respond accordingly !
Amazon is bringing its palm-based payments to all Whole Foods Market stores
As before, you can hover your palm over a reader to pay for your shopping or make use of your Prime perks. You won’t have to pull out your phone or wallet if you’ve already signed up online.
Amazon One is already available in 200-plus stores in states like California, New York and Texas. The expansion will bring it to over 500 shops. The tech is also available in some third-party locations.
It makes sure that alcohol buyers are of legal age, and the deeper nature of the scans (which look at both the palm and veins) create a distinctive vector “signature” that supposedly can’t be copied.
Hackers use a fake wax hand to fool vein authentication security
Vein authentication, a biometric security method that scans the veins in your hand, has been cracked, reports Motherboard. Using a fake hand made out of wax, Jan Krissler and Julian Albrecht demonstrated how they were able to bypass scanners made by both Hitachi and Fujitsu, which they claim covers around 95 percent of the vein authentication market. The method was demonstrated at Germany’s annual Chaos Communication Congress.
While imprints of fingerprints can often be left behind on surfaces just by touching them, vein patterns cannot, and are considered to be much more secure as a result. However, this wasn’t a problem for the researchers, who were able to copy their target’s vein layout from a photograph taken with an SLR camera modified to remove its infrared filter.
And that was back in 2018…
You can photograph fingerprints on a glass from across a room too.
Silly gimmicks that offer no real advantages but track the masses and purchases better.
Speech and instructions written for President Nixon in the event that the Apollo 11 astronauts became stranded on the moon and were still alive but would die there.
July 18, 1969.
Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.
These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.
These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.
They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.
In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.
Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.
For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind.
The President should telephone each of the widows-to-be.
A clergyman should adopt the same procedure as a burial at sea, commending their souls to “the deepest of the deep, ” concluding with the Lord’s Prayer.
No-one’s ever left Earth’s orbit…
There was one night in the late 80’s I’m pretty damn sure I did 😀
I too travelled to curious worlds but I couldn’t ascertain if real or not. Still, I’m sure that thinking is the best way to travel.
Sen. Roberts, Dr. Campbell on the Jimmy Dore show on Australian vaxx data
Friday craziness: Florida teen mom tried to hire hitman on fake website to kill 3-year-old son.
A Florida woman was arrested on Tuesday after attempting to hire a hitman from a fake hire-an-assassin website to kill her 3-year-old son, according to police.
Jazmin Paez, an 18-year-old mother from Miami, was charged with first-degree solicitation of murder and third-degree using a communications device for an unlawful use, according to CBS News.
Miami-Dade County Judge Mindy Glazer set the bond at $15,000 and ordered Paez to have no contact with the child. Paez was released from jail on Thursday and did not give any comments to reporters after being released.
Paez reportedly visited the website — which is a site that offers fake assassins.
The website states: “Our expertly trained field operatives are dedicated to providing a complimentary consultation to help you discover the perfect solution for your unique situation.”
Paez requested a hitman to kill her 3-year-old son, according to arrest documents. The teen mom reportedly sent photos of her son to the fake hitman and provided the exact location of where the toddler was going to be when she wanted the child murdered. 😆🙃😆
The stupid, it burns.
Hello, I am Adam from Microsoft calling.
You have a virus on your computer. 😄
Move to California, wait a couple of months until they raise the legal age of abortion to 5YOA. The government will actually do it for her.
Our very own Peter(?) Singer has been advocating for years now for post birth abortion.
I think he will be happy with the results from the clot shot, should quench his thirst.
Nick Cater exposes the wasteful reality of renewable energy playing out in the forests of Chalumbin in Queensland, the site of a proposed large scale wind farm.
Broken down wind turbines lie like ‘great beached whales’ amongst the trees.
runs for 1:17 minutes
and another short video of the the dirty little secret’s of the renewables industry
runs for 1:23 minutes
Circulation in the western Pacific is still easterly and another typhoon is forming in the Philippine Sea.
One Nations latest cartoon
Last weeks was a classic
Another tropical storm is forming in the eastern Pacific. Eastern circulation.
Judging by a quick scan of ABC “news”, everything is great in Australia now. Inflation is falling, electricity prices are plummeting…
Maybe I should consider moving back there, and pretend I’m Aboriginal to get preferential treatment at a university of my choice.
The media here is just the same as in the US and Europa. Propaganda.
SNP cuts down millions of trees to build wind farms on public land in huge blow to environmental credentials
The SNP has been slated after it was revealed Ministers rubber-stamped plans to cut down almost 16 million trees to build wind farms on public land. The revelation came despite the nationalist party boasting about its green credentials, and being involved in a coalition with the Scottish Greens.
Mairi Gougeon, the Scottish Government’s Rural Affairs Secretary, admitted that they had felled millions of trees in order to build more turbines. It forms part of the SNP administration’s plans to make Scotland net zero over the next decade.
But this confession was labelled “astonishing” by the Scottish Tories who highlighted the “significant damage” that getting rid of woodland can do to the wildlife. It was estimated that 15.7 million trees had been felled since 2000.
This was done on publicly-owned land which is managed by quango Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) and is the equivalent of 1,700 per day. According to the Daily Telegraph, Ms Gougeon insisted that there was a planning presumption in favour of protecting woodland, despite the amount being chopped down.
She added that wind farm developers would be expected to undertake “compensatory planting elsewhere”. The government is aiming to add about 20,000 more turbines over the next few years so that they can generate 20GW of power, to add to the 19,000 they already have.
But communities have been up in arms about the construction of massive turbines in their scenic areas, including Aberdeenshire, the Highlands and Dumfries. Plans have been lodged by developers for turbines up to 850 feet tall which is the size of more than 60 double decker buses.
The stupid, it burns.
More Horrors, This Time From Moderna – Defending the Republic Lawsuit Obtains Almost 15,000 Pages of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Documents
“As a result of Defending the Republic’s (DTR) successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are excited to announce that we are releasing nearly 15,000 pages of documents relating to testing and adverse events associated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine ‘Spikevax.’
DTR filed its FOIA lawsuit after the FDA denied the expedited production of Moderna COVID-19 records, stating there was no compelling need or urgency for the public to review this information. This spring, DTR reached an agreement with the FDA for the production of approximately 24,000 pages of some of the most important records submitted by Moderna in support of its Biologics License Application (BLA). This is the first part of that production. Later this year the FDA will produce approximately 8,000 more pages of Moderna documents.
These documents are the first significant release of data from Moderna’s COVID-19 clinical trials. They reveal the causes of deaths, serious adverse events, and instances of neurological disorders (such as Bell’s Palsy and Shingles) potentially associated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Importantly, these records also demonstrate the utter lack of thoroughness of these studies. Many of those who died after receiving the Moderna vaccine were not given an autopsy. According to one study, 16 individuals died after being administered the Moderna vaccine. The study’s authors indicated that out of those 16 deaths, only two autopsies were performed, five of the dead were not autopsied, and the autopsy status of nine of the dead was ‘unknown’.
Unsafe & defective…
Dumped wind turbine blades.
Greens hate the environment.
1 min 17 sec.
Kevin Mitnick, once the ‘most wanted computer outlaw,’ dies at 59
Described by The New York Times in 1995 as “the nation’s most wanted computer outlaw,” Mitnick was a fugitive for more than two years.
Kevin Mitnick, who at the dawn of widespread internet usage in the mid-1990s became the nation’s archetypal computer hacker — obsessive but clever, shy but mischievous and threatening to an uncertain degree — and who later used his skills to become “chief hacking officer” of a cybersecurity firm, died Sunday in Pittsburgh. He was 59.
Kathy Wattman, a spokesperson for the cybersecurity company he partly owned, KnowBe4, said the cause was pancreatic cancer.
Described by The New York Times in 1995 as “the nation’s most wanted computer outlaw,” Mitnick was a fugitive for more than two years.
He was sought for gaining illegal access to about 20,000 credit card numbers, including some belonging to Silicon Valley moguls; causing millions of dollars in damage to corporate computer operations; and stealing software used for maintaining the privacy of wireless calls and handling billing information.
Hands up if you’ve even heard of him…
Satellites Are Rife With Basic Security Flaws
HUNDREDS OF MILES above Earth, thousands of satellites are orbiting the planet to keep the world running smoothly. Timing systems, GPS, and communications technologies are all powered by satellites. But for years, security researchers have warned that more needs to be done to secure the satellites against cyberattacks.
A new analysis from a group of German academics provides a rare glimpse into some of the security weaknesses in satellites currently circling the Earth. The researchers, from the Ruhr University Bochum and the Cispa Helmholtz Center for Information Security, have examined the software used by three small satellites and found that the systems lack some basic protections.
The satellites inspected by the researchers, according to an academic paper, contain “simple” vulnerabilities in their firmware and show “that little security research from the last decade has reached the space domain.” Among the problems are a lack of protection for who can communicate with the satellite systems and a failure to include encryption. Theoretically, the researchers say, the kinds of issues they discovered could allow an attacker to take control of a satellite and crash it into other objects.
Oh, the carnage that could be caused by a few course adjustments…
This may not be new to some but it certainly opened my eyes. It is a scam on Aussie taxpayers.
Requires email info to access it.
You might want to save the document on a free host, without the restrictions, like I do.
Thanks John. Will try again.
It is a short video I got sent via Telegram but I cannot share via the usual links. It is a lady who worked for 7 yrs in the renewable energy policy area in Canberra. Among other things she explains how the wind farm companies pay the land owners around $12k/yr and they carry any risks (the tower catches fire and burns part of a neighbour’s property) but the wind farm company gets approximately about $600k in tax payer subsidy per year.
JUST IN: Excess deaths Australia 2020-2023
Victoria is the biggest loser, modelling shrinks excess death rate by up to a third
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released an update today, ‘Measuring Australia’s excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic until the first quarter 2023’.
Excess mortality for the country as a whole is still high (9.1%) but is trending down overall. The ABS appears to have revised down its excess death statistics for 2022 and first quarter 2023, which I’ll address further down below.
First take: Victoria, the most locked-down, curfewed, police-statey region in the world has the second-highest excess death rate in the country.
Victoria, the second most populous state in the country (6.8 million), is faring much worse than its neighbour, NSW (8.2 million), which had less aggressive lockdowns and restrictions. Maximum police state for minimum gain makes Victoria Australia’s biggest loser.
Victoria clocked in at 13.2% above expected deaths for 2022 and 12% for the first quarter of 2023. Tasmania had the worst excess death rate in the country, hitting a shocking 17.3% excess deaths in the first quarter of 2023.
First, the low hanging fruit.
Next, the reality.
This seems to imply that those of us with TFHs should should begin a grassroots isolation protocol.
That it’s not the vax or the creeping totalitarianism, but the CV itself is the slow kill.
We are definitely in a new movie.
A shared narrative that appears centrally planned and controlled.
We are not in nation state Kansas anymore.
One odd thing …
I’m told that US and CCP warplanes and ships play chicken in the sea around Taiwan.
Yet, US agencies and CCP agencies ‘colluded’ to do hazardous, highly infectious viral research with bioweapons potential.
Now I’ve been to one World’s Fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, but that seems stupid to me.
But hey, how about those UAPs?
Did you know that no less than the US Congress is having hearings?
With a committee and everything.
What was the average age of death from the CV? 86
How can a Lab Leak target 86 years olds in private aged care?
Elderly homes in Australia under fire after high COVID-19 deaths
Elderly people in privately-run care homes account for about three quarters of the country’s COVID-19 deaths.
Targeting the oldest and most unwell of the old is easier than you think.
Design a virus that targets key markers of aging or accelerates the aging process in everyone.
Where will you find the highest markers of aging – in 86+ year olds in nursing homes.
But 2/3s where in private aged care not public aged care, interesting virus. more like follow the money and who will gain financially?
I did post the video about correlation before
And I did reply last time you posted it.
You asked how a lab leak could target old people. I was just replying to that. I have not looked into the private v public system stats, which might need a PhD thesis to unpack. Are they Australian stats? Did they use more midazolam, or ICU, or ventilators? Were the two patient sets similar demographics? Were one type more likely to get the earlier covid strains or the Delta strain which were more deadly? Are these in the same states? Sorry I don’t know the details. It’s probably been all over the news in NSW or Vic, but not here in WA where no one died in any nursing homes in 2020 or 2021.
No doubt there were crimes of incompetence and negligence. But private health care probably wouldn’t benefit from killing off clients.
Aged care is a complete mess
The midazolam vidoe’s explain everything.
Forgive my frustration Kevin. Often you don’t provide an argument, just links — effectively saying “I read stuff or saw stuff that was bad”. And you didn’t read my reply last time, or this time either. It’s not much of a conversation.
The statistical manoeuvring used in the COVID19 dramatisation was obvious in the very early days with the New York nursing home fudging.
That was about the danger of CV19 itself.
We are now measuring excess deaths from the CV19 VaXXine.
An earlier discussion from Tony
Just a random set of numbers relevant to nursing homes.
· “The average age of participants when they moved to a nursing home was about 83. The average length of stay before death was 13.7 months, while …”
By definition, people in nursing homes are old with a very short expected stay.
This obvious situation has been used to misrepresent the effects of the CV19 thing.
New York was a scandal. Weren’t some of the “ill” nursing home residents put on ventilators?
The early “statistics” around CV19 were dramatisations rather than real.
Just imagine; an eighty year old person, with dementia, suddenly cut off from family, especially his wife.
It wouldn’t take much for such a person to assume that after a day or two of “no shows” by their only link to reality that there was now, no reason to continue.
Let go.
Is that really a COVID19 death?
This video is from the subsidy farm near me,, as these blades are short so they are from the Windy Hill subsidy farm.
I was just in town and was chatting with a local about the New subsidy farm at Kaban that has just started spinning, apparently all the blades are cracking and all the equipment (Cranes) have to be bought back, these things are massive and there is a fleet of semitrailers carting boom and counter weights. The blades installed are serrated as apparently 39 tonnes smacking into a Wedge Tailed Eagle does not kill them dead enough.
The new Subsidy farm at Chalumbin is 1500 hectares of semi Rain Forest, being strip mined of all vegetation (Kaban 1300), to save the vegetation.
Killing things to save the same things, seems to be the trend.
One more thing, this illegal waste dump feeds the Johnston river, it’s all part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine park, Rainfall in the 3 meters per year.
We are doing this to the reef to save it!
“Killing things to save the same things, seems to be the trend.”
Sometimes you have to destroy the village to save it-
Worked in Viet Nam.
Sorry guys, you are all wrong. Global Warming is a FACT. Here’s the PROOF:
What about if you used “children per family” as a second Y axis variable there?
FWIW in subsidies
“D’oh! Another offshore wind project goes blade tips up”
Another “fact checking” duck shove!
“The Federalist was asked by NewsGuard to respond to their concerns we are inaccurate and misleading — so we did.”
Chiefio’s reply
“There’s now a huge percentage of Just Ordinary Folks who react immediately and strongly to the Propaganda Putsch attempting to “cancel” someone or some show for being ideologically impure and unaligned with the Leftist Agenda. See an ever growing list from Budlight and Goya to Sound Of Freedom and Try that in a small town, Target, and even Disney getting whacked for firing Gina. The Leftists & DNC (but I repeat myself) wanted this culture war; well now they have it.”
And more at
New Vaxx Data From Australia Should Shock Your Conscience!
Something to think about: Animal rights groups bring in more than $800M in income annually. In the US., Documented direct actions to animal agriculture include:
95 vandalism incidents
70 stolen animals
60 criminal trespasses
10 arson cases
9 harassment and intimidation incidents
Peru is the latest country to fall into near anarchy, joining a shopping list of others in, or threatening to fall into, civil disorder.
I have been thinking for some time now that there doesn’t seem to be any government governing with the
soleANY purpose of improving the lot of the citizens. Instead they are RULING with little or no thought to what Joe Sixpack wants.Australian immigration levels are a case in point. NO ONE has asked if WE approve. In the US, no one other than hard core ideologues would approve of shutting down oil and gas drilling but no one asked there either.
Exposed, ‘The dirty little secret of the renewables industry’
The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick’s Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World
Very good video on the Fake Moon Landings, covers all the talking points!
I didn’t realise that there were people who still believed that story.
Did he do a follow up on Apollo 13?
“believed that story.”
Which story? that we actually landed on the Moon perfectly with 1960 technology?
Seeing this made me wonder how electric car charging points fare in a flood.
I know that petrol tanks are usually well sealed at entry with a high vent pipe with gauze flameproofing, but the EV charger hadn’t occurred to me.
Sorry if someone got in before me ….
Interesting point. I also wonder what the impact of a flood would be on an EV ? Could the battery short ? Would you be able to open the windows/doors ?
A number of EVs got caught in a flooded tunnel a while back and fared quite well. Not sure about these cheap Chinese cars though.
A “double barrel” on peer review
“What We Do Without Peer Review?”
“Where Would We Be Without Peer Review?”
FWIW on “Nut Zero”
“Project of the Century?”
It will probably be a while before the YSM gets to this –
“About that US serviceman who “defected” to North Korea…”
“There are ways and means…”
Cringeworthy: Democrats DEMAND RFK Jr is Censored
“Another must watch video”