A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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An article spelling out more on the Voice. Particularly interesting is the reference to Harold Holt’s change to the Constitution. ToM
Quote from former indigenous NT minister Bess Price (mother of Jacinta Price):
“All the “Welcome to Country”, all the “Smoking Ceremonies” and all the made up bullshit rituals about “pay our respects to elders past and present” is just one big lie.”
It’s revealing that the Prime Minister is ignoring his Union comrade’s video commentary on Uluru Statement – Voice+Treaty+Truth, Thomas Mayo is a committee member and said to be the architect of the Statement and noting that in the video he thanks Communist Elders for their advice.
Surely by now the PM would have issued denials and reprimanded Mr Mayo if what the video comments covered were not true?
Any genetic testing for a relationship to elders ‘past’ would not be in Mr Mayo’s list of demands for those seeking rent and reparations, I suspect.
To my suprise it seems there is no distinctive genetic marker for aboriginality.
So if necessary we can swamp the system.
If it can be done some bum will do it.
50,000 years of communal ownership of everything didn’t advance them very far did it?
In contrast, the completely different people, the Torres Strait Islanders, on whom the Mabo decision was inappropriately extended to the mainland, did have a system of property rights as was tendered in evidence at the High Court.
Ignore propaganda, but see map at:
I’ve already decided to vote “No” in the upcoming “Voice” referendum for a variety of reasons, but one of the things that guide me hasn’t been mentioned in the stuff I’ve read or heard.
What if the Brits hadn’t sent Phillip and his fleet here in 1788? What would have been the situation for them now? Would they be still living their idyllic (?), 1787 life on country, without outsiders?
I suggest the answer is “No”. And a very definite “No” at that.
I further suggest that Sydney Harbour would still have been a focus, with coal, timber and later iron ore and bauxite still playing a role. And I suggest a takeover would have occurred before the end of the 19th century with aid of steam power, the sextant and the chronometer allowing international navigators to sail safely to explore the east coast and quite quickly, the whole coast of continental Australia.
Would the aboriginal peoples have been better off under their new rulers? Maybe, but I doubt it.
My “No” vote is a resounding “Yes” for a single nation for all its citizens, equal under the law. As we are now.
Dave B
They would be speaking French now.
And if nothing changed, they’d be still living as Watkin Tench of the first fleet recorded:
The Voice is a racist creed , replacing democratic one Rule of Law for All
with one group more equal under law than others.
Had the British not peacefully settled here it would have been the French or some other European power and it is certain that there woukd have been genocide.
Lord Morton’s instructions to Captain Cook were:
Re Sahara warmer in early holocene it should be mentioned that cave paintings showing temperate fauna roaming the lush grasslands constitute peer reviewed publications des erving of quotation in any publication full of Mann type paleoclimate drivel
A long but interesting piece on the decline of competence. Doesnt bode well for domains where competence is a real world safety issue or for the operation of complex interconnected systems (one of the main themes)
AI will fix it. Artificial Intelligence, that is, not the Arrogant Ignorance we have been using.
New Paper Links Climate Change to Shrinking Brain Size in Humans
A new study suggests a link between past climate changes and a drop in the size of the human brain – an adaptive response that emerges in an analysis of climate records and human remains over a 50,000-year period.
The research by cognitive scientist Jeff Morgan Stibel from the Natural History Museum in California adds to our understanding of how humans develop and adapt in response to environmental stress.
The analysis showed a general pattern of changing brain size in Homo, which is correlated with climate change as temperatures rise and fall. Humans had a considerable decline in average brain size, amounting to just over 10.7 percent, throughout the Holocene warming period.
“Brain size changes appear to take place thousands of years after changes to climate, and this is particularly pronounced after the last glacial maximum, approximately 17,000 years,” Stibel explains in his paper.
“While [acclimatization] unfolds within a single generation and natural selection can happen in as short as a few successive generations, species level adaptation often takes many successive generations.”
This evolutionary pattern happened over a relatively brief period of time, ranging from 5,000 to 17,000 years, and the trends suggest that ongoing global warming could have detrimental effects on human cognition.
Thankfully we’re going into a cooling phase.😎
The proof of that thesis are the authors of that paper. 😀
The are affected…
Brain tissue is expensive tissue that even now takes up about 20% of cardiac output at rest. If processing efficiencies could reduce brain size, it would be a considerable advantage. Maybe that is what happened.
IIRC that “arrogant ignorance” has been the inspiration for “artificial intelligence”. What could go wrong?
The state of cyborg robotics:
Not bad!
Did that send a shiver down your spine?
If you’re entertaining enough, AI might keep you as pets (for about a week until they evolve beyond the need. 😉)
Mix that decline in competency with an increasing dose of “The Peter Principle” in the supervisory class and I reckon that Hemingway’s description of going broke will apply –
“How Did You Go Bankrupt?” “Two Ways. Gradually and Then Suddenly.”
Everything you ever wanted to know can be found on Wikipedia or via Google. Why do we need education any more, it’s so passé …
To understand what you are reading maybe?
You cannot imagine my delight when grandson quit school to apprentice to a carpenter. He seems to have had a complete change in attitude, getting temporarily on another crew instead of communing with his phone when the boss went on holiday!
George Soros’ foundation lays off 40% of workforce after billionaire investor’s son takes over
A spokesperson for the Open Society Foundations told CNN that implementing the organisation’s new vision required “difficult decisions,” and that it planned to reduce its headcount by no less than 40 per cent globally.
George Soros-controlled Open Society Foundations is all set to lay off at least 40 per cent of its workforce a month after the 92-year-old US investor handed the reins to his son, Alexander Soros.
The Open Society Foundations announced the layoffs in a statement, which was signed by Alexander Soros and the foundation’s president, Mark Malloch-Brown. It said the foundation would undergo “significant changes” to its operating model.
“Through this new model, the Board aims to transform operations across the global network, with the goal of generating a nimbler organization better able to build on past achievements and confront urgent and emerging challenges,” the statement said.
Fake AI replaces the useless dead weights?
Seems like all sorts of businesses are following in Elon’s footsteps in the staffing department.
World Now Wasting $1 Trillion Or More Per Year Investing In Useless “Renewables”
Here’s the big picture:
Primary energy demand . . . in 2022 increased 1.1%. .
Global electricity generation increased by 2.3% in 2022 . .
Fossil fuel consumption as a percentage of primary energy remained steady at 82%. .
Carbon dioxide emissions from energy use, industrial processes, flaring and methane (in carbon dioxide equivalent terms) continued to rise to a new high growing 0.8% in 2022 to 39.3 GtCO2e, with emissions from energy use rising 0.9% to 34.4 GtCO2.
Bottom line: it’s now $1 trillion per year, plus or minus, invested in wind and solar “renewables” plus grid upgrades and energy storage needed to accommodate them. And for that vast sum of money, the percent of primary energy from fossil fuels does not budge by even a tenth of a percent. And, as world energy consumption increases, carbon emissions just continue to increase. The trillion is just completely wasted.
And there is absolutely no reason to be investing in wind and solar. Especially as China is buying all the coal it can get, opening a new coal power station every week. And using the power to make windmills and solar panels. Do they believe in man made Global Warming? No. Does the IPCC. No. But the money is fantastic.
And how many public servants now work for the carbon removal industry. There is now an Australian Department of Climate Change! How can you tell these people that it is a total lie? The department for little Green men on the moon?
Set up by John Howard in 2007.
Are you sure, Kevin Rudd got in as PM on December 3rd 2007
The department of Climate Change was set up on 3rd December 2007.
Add the UN Lima Agreement signed in 1975 by Whitlam Labor agreeing to not stand in the way of a transfer of most manufacturing industry and related jobs to developing nations, example China.
Don’t politicians love giving away what is not theirs to give, as if they own the place.
And the cheek of Rudd tell the world we are sorry. And Albanese saying some people need to have access to our parliament which is denied ordinary Australians. Or having to continuously thank people who did nothing for everything we build or do. It’s a one way street.
Why is there no thank you to the Australians who built and paid for the power stations they are happily blowing up? What about some respect for our heritage, our elders? It is not the job of government, to tell us our duty and our obligations and give away our stuff.
All levels of government are now suffering from Medici disease, especially Malcolm Turnbull who on his own advice gave his wife and friends $444 Million to spend as they pleased. And they didn’t even apply for the money or say what they were going to do with it? It would have been the world’s biggest bank robbery at 7 1/2 tons of gold. Now where to be seen. To ‘fix’ the Great Barrier Reef. Somehow.
The last interest bill on the borrowed money alone was $11million. Where is the cash Malcolm? And as the Great Barrier Reef is in the best form it has ever been, can we have the money back now with interest?
And who said we needed a Department for Climate Change? Or a Clean Energy Regulator? Or Large Scale Certitificates to be compulsorily purchased to atone for carbon electrons or small certificates for solar. Billions and billions for nothing, so overseas investors get cash for building short term windmills and houses put up solar panels while industry, farming and transport and even sewage and refining and making chemicals are shut down.
These are governments completely out of control. Run by politicians for politicians on income for life and in a country which repeatedly made it clear that we did not want a Carbon Tax.
Yep. But we do need a fully effective National Anti-corruption Commission. And, the first thing it should examine is Turnbull’s $444 Million payment to his wife’s associates.
If our Gladys can be found corrupt for not declaring her pillow relationship with a local MP that lobbied for a few bobs worth of assistance to the local community, then Turnbull has a very big question hanging over his silly noggin.
Get on with it NACC.
It is now estimated that if the transition in Australia is ever completed it will be at least eighty (80) years in construction, so what would the final costs be after inflation is accounted for?
And even if finished still needing back up generators and storage firming.
Dennis, it’s a question without an answer.
It’ll never be finished.
A one armed man’s fish size
plus, imagine the population in 80 years time. They’ll need a lot more energy than they think.
Further to Kims link below on Geo engineering. I found one from the UK Government.
From the UK Parliment 2008. 163 pages, read from page 155 on.
freaks me out. Extremely scary stuff. This is the only way to actually mess the world up; unintended consequences at high risk of occurring.
Paul Joseph Watson discusses the riots in France.
9 mins
Very good.
Macron is pulling social media down and off the air. Total censorship and ban on all reporting in France. The French people will be unable to see outside to the world and we will not be able to hear them.
Someone with a Twitter account can post more.
So Macron’s returned after attending the Elton John concert?
Nice he could find time..
Not without an account you can’t
He is very good Paul. Great sense of humour and excellent delivery. He’s quite young too I think. I wish he’d get some better sponsors though.
Latest video by Dr John Campbell.
I was worried he’d been cancelled because he hasn’t posted for 12 or 13 days, but he’s back.
Keep an eye on
as well
As far as replacement is concerned, power stations are a “build once and forget proposition”. They don’t need replacement for at least 50 years and may be significantly longer. They easily pay for themselves under free market conditions.
Solar and wind plant and Big Batteries should be regarded as semi-disposable and need constant replacement after very short times spans like 15 years or less. It is almost certain such plant couldn’t pay itself except for the subsidies such plant is used to harvest.
The Bic lighters of the electrical industry
Except that BIC lighters work “first time, every time”….and don’t cost much.
Don’t forget Robert F. Kennedy Jr coming to Australia soon and speaking.
Australians need to ‘get the facts’ in impassioned Voice debate
Thanks Kim, that’s well worth watching.
For sheer visual and musical enjoyment (Verdi Nabucco opera) here is an offering.
Top cameras and camera work in a place that does not need Google apps to remove unwanted intruders.
See you there some time?
Geoff S
I saw this opera in both Verona and Bregenz. The first in a Roman Amphitheatre the second on a lake. Superb!
You are so fortunate to have done that. (Envy!!!).
We have a 2CD set from Deutsche Grammophon with choir and orchestra of Berlin Opera under Guiseppe Sinopoli 1966. Nabucco by Piero Cappuccilli and Ismaele by Placido Domingo. It has a 128 page booklet included, with lyrics in Italian so you can follow the words being sung. The popular “Va, pensiera, sull’ali dorate” is especially nice.
We were living in Perth in 1982, when a friend, Albert Berkavicius, came back from London with a Sony CD player of type starting to be used by BBC for broadcast standard, one of the first CD players in Australia, he said. Cost us about $1,600 trade price then, but no regrets. It finally failed in the year Covid started.
Albert had a Perth chain of stores as Albert’s HiFi and Radio. He was a genius whiz with machine language computer programming and wrote the complex programs used in our geophysical aerial survey of a large part of Iran in 1977-8. We never caught on to Persian music,though.
Geoff S
Nothing To See Here: 1,884 Athlete Cardiac Arrests in 2.5 Years, 1,310 Dead
Good Sciencing has been maintaining a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of mainly young athletes who suffered major medical issues in 2021, 2022, and the first half of 2023. According to Good Sciencing, all of the athletes on the list share one common factor: They suffered sudden serious health issues after receiving one or more doses of Covid shots.
…and not a single young fit Amish has died.
No climate change on Amish land? 😄
Better than that!
“Unvaxxed Amish COVID death rates 90 times lower than the rest of the country”
NOTHING to see here either: You better look out: Just ‘cos you can’t see the black sheep lost in the dark around Jedwart, doesn’t mean that it can see YOU. – but probably it can’t see ewe either!
I wonder what it was like for the last 10 years? Is it high or are we just noticing now? a bit like how we didnt react to people dying of influenza but when Covid came along hysteria reigned.
AEMO will have a hard day in the office tomorrow: The whole of the east will be under cloud cover tomorrow and wind doesn’t look much better.
Price in NSW now above $400/MWh. Black coal producing 71.5%, hydro 15.4%, gas 6.1%, imports 4.4% and wind 2.5%. OCGT is probably setting the price. OCGT has averaged $297/MWh over the past 30 days. The OCGTs no doubt have good modelling to know what price to bid and still get scheduled.
The forecast peak demand for Tuesday is 12GW. There appears to be plenty of reserve available. There has been no lack of reserve conditions in NSW for a while now. Peak demand has been above 12GW in the last couple of weeks.
My new generator just arrived today. Perhaps I should get it fueled up.
Nice to be sure it all works before it all has to work 🙂
Nice to be sure it all works before it all has to work
Perhaps the politicians should apply that logic to the new RE installations which are supposed to generate all the electricity Australia requires (and removes the current generation methods)?
The Tyrannical Trudeau regime just did the Unthinkable and they’re not stopping
This may turn out to be a good thing !
If FB, Twitter, et al quit Canada there will be such a massive pushback (from everyone) that Justine Blackface will have to back down.
Modern life is such that social media is deeply embedded and the masses will be lost.
It will not affect those who just post pictures of their dogs and cats and kids – those are the silent majority in all this.
Last post about the Sahara there was an interesting discussion – reply number 1 – on whether you are black pilled or white pilled. The OP – Tim I think it was – was black pilled, saying that facts don’t matter anymore no one listens and everyone is brainwashed. Jo retorted with the white pill, that once people know facts they won’t stand for the Climate Change nonsense, and that most people believe climate change is a religion, that we are the majority. I think they both make valid points, but not sure which view I agree with.
So, what are you? Black or white pilled? Be honest, no harm in disagreeing.
I’ll go first. I think the west is naive and heading fast into a big crash, and will then recover once the charade is exposed and cant function. But we are going to experience a lot of pain before that happens.
On the negative, I think just because someone has 4 cars in the drive and flys often – as one person commented – doesn’t mean they won’t comply to what is done in the name of climate change. And it’s the word comply, they don’t have to agree with it, they just let it happen.
Look politically at the moment, both sides of politics are all in on climate change – a few dissidents on the right. That’s pretty black pilling. So it doesn’t matter what people think, those in power all think in unison. Trump was an astonishing stand out, withdrawing from the whole thing, Will Happer as advisor, big white pill. But all his work was undone, just like that.
But on the white pill’s hand, I think people are just like children, especially gamers, who definitely believe in climate change, but rarely think about it and as soon as the power goes out they demand it goes back on. I think that’s what people will do ultimately, and it will be so overwhelming that democracy will begin to function again. But that power has to go out first. At the moment, people may think climate change is a religion, but it was only 60%. That’s not enough to make politicians move.
Moi … Black.
Probably 10 years ago, when I could stomach PBS and NPR (thanks Obama and GEC), there was a PBS show about a dinosaur paleontologist digging in the Sahara … he found 6,000 year old human bones … oops.
Two grave yards, one white bones, the other bones where jet black.
Lakes … in the Sahara.
Then there’s Medieval Europe, Mont St. Michel was a couple kilometers further from France in 1088 (From a 15 year old Smithsonian article about the abbey.)
Just watch any YouTube about the controversy over where William I landed in 1066.
So my point … the facts DO NOT matter.
‘Climate Change’ is simply human superstition repackaged in our allegedly “Follow the Science” world.
Not only that …
the ‘Climate Change’ yahoos are full into bringing back human sacrifice to appease their new gods.
I look at some like the infamous Mann, and Dr. Iamthe Science, and I see Aztec Priest.
We are trying to reason with the average citizen of Salem.
‘They’ wrote books about it that we all read in High School.
Now ‘they’ are them.
Cue Jung.
Cue Alien invasion.
It’s soon to be 2025, and no human has set weightless foot in Outer Space since 1972, or whenever.
No giant leap for mankind.
How many hours of Star Trek drama … and here we are.
So after a short Age of Aquarius fantasy period, we are returning to ugly.
Got some good Rock n’ Roll out of it though.
Hmm, yes, too much of watching The Star Treks of the world. Who is seeding these ideas?
A different colored pill. From the previous thread.
“What caused the desertification of Norther Africa? I don’t know. Consider the following. . .
In East Africa, from Kenya down to Mozambique (and also along the South American coast, there are small fish (killifish) that are adapted to seasonal rain and drought. Their eggs hatch when the monsoon rains come, the fish grow rapidly, lay eggs and die when the seasonal puddles dry up. Over 100 different species with this adaptation are known. They are real. (if you want pictures, look up Nothobranchius.)
I’m left with the question. . . If the rainfall changed so drastically in North Africa 8,000 years ago (or so), why was there no change in other parts of Africa? Or did radical adaptation (with specieation) occur in over only a few thousand years?
This is a puzzle that the current data doesn’t match up with.”
How do you know there was no change in rainfall in other areas?
Those fish are obligatory dry period fish. This implies constant repetitive rain cycles. The eggs don’t last years on end. A couple of years, 3 at the most. There is no Australian equivalent, where droughts can last many years.
Hobbyists have been raising them for decades. Spawn the fish, pack the eggs in slightly moist peat moss. wait months (different periods for different species), and then add water. They are often extremely colorful, hence their popularity.
So I have two different sets of data, both of which seem to be valid, yet they simply don’t seem to fit with each other. I’m simply pointing this out. there’s undoubtedly an answer for the conundrum, but I don’t have one. . .
I tend to disagree with the comment that there are no Australian equivalents. When I first arrived on the Nullarbor Plain, it was near the end of a three-year drought and the ground was bare. In June it really rained with the water hanging around for a long time, forming shallow ponds. And in these ponds suddenly appeared miniature fish.
Look at the Desert Rainbow fish.
They maintain small populations in waterholes, according to the article. When rains come, they breed like crazy.
Annual killifish totally die off when the temporary pools dry out, only the eggs survive for the next rains. Totally different mechanism. (Note: when raised in captivity, the adults die of old age at a similar age as the wild regardless of conditions kept in.)
Desert pupfish (a form of killifish) in North American have survived for 1,000s of years as relic populations in water holes.
Annualism, however, is dependent on long term, repetitive, wet dry cycles of yearly duration. (with only rare skips of only a couple of years).
I’m still confused how such a pattern maintains when there are major climatic shift over a large area (relatively) nearby.
Killifish disperse along flood plains that can traverse catchments and along rivers that may no longer exist. Their presence in an area now could mean nothing about their historic distribution.
Also, there seems to be interconnections, on a large scale, of rainfall world-wide. Look at the Pacific Oscillation. When Australia is in drought, the US southwest is in a plentiful rain pattern, and when the Oscillation switches, Australia get plentiful rainfall and the US Southwest is in drought. There are other Oscillations.
This leads to the question – what other “triggered” effects would there be with a massive rainfall shift to the Sahara region? Would it affect the nearby Indian Ocean oscillations? I have no data to work with, but I have difficulty accepting that there would be no effect at all.
The facts don’t matter and Jo is, IMO, mistaken. Most people won’t change their minds even if they are given all the facts. The lunacy of Covid proved that and it still continues. Climate change is the same.
However, if the MSM, politicians and ‘experts’ were all to come out and admit it’s all BS and that people were fooled then maybe the people, not all, would change their minds. But we’ll never see that.
Steve, so you agree if there was a real discussion on the MSM and better experts were allowed to talk, the people would change their minds. In which case, the facts do matter, and the problem is getting the word out.
It’s a fair question to ask how we do that — or whether we can work fast enough, because the psychopaths are working fast to censor conversations, but it’s counter-productive to say “facts don’t matter” and no one cares. It isn’t true, and all it does is demoralize and demotivate.
60% of the US know Climate Change is a religion, they just don’t care much because they have no idea how much our attempts to control the weather are costing us. They think it’s “cheap”.
Right now, it’s possible we will lose the battle, but it’s also possible we will win. So what’s the right attitude? Give up now and surrender, or fight while we can…
It might be instructive to understand the true nature of the ‘fight’ … I mean civil, inclusive, and high minded discourse on scientific and political questions.
Like in Canada.
Who needs a bank account?
We must not be deceived/mislead into the oldest trick the so-called “progressives” use. Conservatives instinctively stand for “civil, inclusive, high-minded” within the realms of reason, and everytime a debate breaks out, the left reminds the conservatives to play according to those rules while they do anything but and thereby neutralize them. If it needs to be dirty and ruffle a few feathers (within the realms of truth and fairness) then so be it. Facts do not care about your feelings…
It took someone with a degree from Deakin university to figure out if you pry the “device” out of the hand of a child and force them to play in the sun their behaviour improves.
It’s amazing how tablets etc. are used by woke parents as child minding devices. And quite a lot of inappropriate rainbow and Marxist propaganda is also delivered by said devices via child-oriented platforms like CCP controlled TikTok etc..
“John Stapleton’s incredible new book Australia Breaks Apart has a surreal quality to it….. It’s essential reading for the dissident, the disenfranchised, the disillusioned. We’re not alone, our eyes were not deceiving us, it was not all just a nightmare from which we will one day wake up. It actually happened. Its legacy will be a millstone Australia will carry for decades. This book won’t make up for the tragedies of lives and livelihoods shattered by wilfully stubborn governments and petty tyrants, but it will certainly help.”
It’s a huge worry that the latest weapon being deployed by Regressives/Elites against conservatives and fellow rational thinkers is cancellation of bank account as happened to Nigel Farrage and many lesser known people, including I think Konstantin Kisin from Triggernometry.
You are unpersoned without a bank account.
… and “no one” wants Cash, or ( well, can’t use a cheq, then anyway) .. Hmm Hasn’t Nige & Co got good reliable friends to share an account with ?
“They wasn’t expecting this”
“Treasury Tells Banks They Must Protect Free Speech After Nigel Farage Debanked”
Projections indicate that the toll would reduce the number of vehicles entering Lower Manhattan by some 10% and lead to a 5% drop in the total number of miles driven in the area.
Sounds like the nonsense of the UK’s ULEZ family. Isn’t that the MAIN & BIG Problem: lack of understanding of BASIC Statistics ? ( Of which the MSM & Politicians seem to know Less than very little). Figures can prove anything. Amazing how one can filter out that reducing vehicle population by 10% results in ONLY a 5% DROP in miles driven: Take out the other NINE 10%’s and (no traffic) leaves FIFTY % of mileage still being driven?
Please, someone explain.
No, it’s not in your food, Fish Scales Are in This Unexpected Product. whatever next? nothing better to do?
It is very important for the Official Narrative that there was only ever one ancient human migration to Australia.
Evidence to the contrary such as the Bradshaw paintings, the pygmy Aboriginals of northern Queensland, the possibility that Tasmanian Aborigines were the remnants of an earlier migration and suggestions that Mungo man was a different race than other Aborigines are simply denied.
Migration is a continuous process in an increasingly crowded world. Migrants turn up at a rate of thousands per day and expect to be supported. And we expect them to attempt to integrate. That’s the deal.
But the sheer incompatibility of hunter gatherers or nomadic peoples with farming communities can only be resolved by the lifestyle which feeds everyone. And that is settled farms.
It’s not debatable. Hunter gatherers need many square kilometers per person to survive and fight to the death to protect these rights.
The same area farmed can feed an entire town. That’s an end to it, but it took centuries to convince the Mongol armies who slaughtered 1/3rd of all of Europe.
The settlement of Australia was a largely peaceful process and even today as Prof Geoffrey Blainey points out, Australian aborigines now have been given control or an interest in over 55% of Australia’s entire land mass despite being only 3% at most of the population. Isn’t that enough? At what point are aborigines expected to support everyone else?
Might have to get a drink and read that over again. It’s great stuff.
As we’ve said before; our families have all suffered at some time in the past.
Time we stopped this false Victimhood game and became equals with everyone working as hard as they want.
Of course they should only get what they’ve actually earned.
That’s a good summary David.
Another interesting factoid about Tasmanian aborigines is that far from remaining static, with no known advancement in their life styles and development, there is archaeological evidence that suggests that they were in cultural and technological decline. Cave sites in several areas indicated that the original arrivals in Tassie made multi material tools i.e. A stone axe head bound to a wooden handle, and they also had the ability to make fire. When the settlers arrive the local inhabitants could not longer make fire and if the groups fire went out they had to get “new” fire from another group.Likewise all of the tools that they used were “single “ materials. i.e. just stone for scraping or cutting, only wooden spears and digging sticks. No combined materials to produce a “better” tool or outcome.
The latest climate porn from the UK as reported in the Telegraph ..
“The UK has experienced the hottest June on record, as climate change pushes up average temperatures, the Met Office has said.
Temperatures reached an average mean of 15.8C, the highest for the month since records began, beating the previous record set in 1940 of 14.9C.“
and the terrible death and destruction..
“The Environment Agency recorded more than 300 fish kill events throughout the month, which it also blamed on flash storms washing urban pollution into waterways.
High temperatures also had a devastating impact on flowering plants, with knock-on implications for bees and other insects, the Wildlife Trusts said.”
If proof of rapid Global Warming was ever needed. Oh, the humanity! Doesn’t anyone care about the ‘other insects’?
More solar panels, windmills and transmission lines. They are our only hope!
Which reminds of another amazing event on 18th December 1979 in Perth in the Ashes
“Lillee c Willey b Dilley”
also a consequence of Climate Change.
‘Paddy fields, Rice bowls.’
John Arlott, by the way.
Yes, that well known Climate Alarmism Propaganda Unit — The BBC — had a report on this.
One of the interviewed doomsayer ‘experts’ was from Obama’s administration. What an amazing predilection for Democrat flunkies, the BBC has!
And his name and role only flashed up for THREE seconds! Almost as if they DON’T want you to evaluate his credentials!
I left the UK only a week ago. The weather in June was very pleasant, nothing unusual to my mind. However I was amazed at the way people were moaning about the supposed ‘heatwave’….they were well indoctrinated. What was obvious to me was that the majority were hopeless at keeping the heating effect of large south-facing windows under control! There were gentle cool breezes most of the time too.
As we moved south I noticed that the trees were looking very healthy and beautifully green, unlike 1990 when things really were hot and desiccated.
I had an unexpected spat re. CC with BIL! He’s a chemical engineer and astounded me with his obstinate adherence to BBC propaganda
So … 58 million square miles of land area on the Earth.
The Great V just happened to have ‘appeared’, out of the ether, on that little patch right next to research lab.
We wouldn’t want to jump to any conclusions.
As we know, science can’t be settled without irrefutable, peer reviewed, consensus evidence (officially proclaimed by the people that run labs).
Guess we’ll just never know.
The reality of Australias change to EVs..
Changing 18+ million passenger vehicles all to EVs may take a while ..!
More on Twitter’s new policy and why
More on that new Twitter policy in the added note which throws doubts
“Beware France – Macron Moves to Shut Down Internet Communication to Block Rebellious Uprisings
July 3, 2023 | Sundance | 394 Comments
I added a NOTE about Musk’s nonsense justification.”
Even worse
“The Myth Of Replacing Fossil Fuels”
Tony in Oz – some graphs there to have a look at
“A Tale Of Two Massive Scams: Education and Medicine”
On medical trials and other things
I asked AI to make a Greta Thunberg Oil Company Commercial
Seems reasonable
Re globalists etc
“The Sun Sets On Richard N. Haass’s CFR Career”
“So, I don’t believe that Haass is riding off into the sunset on some bona fide quest to refill America’s moral cup, rather he’s likely embarking on a new crusade to quell the putative crisis of “white supremacy/nationalism” and “disinformation” that his ilk go to such lengths to gin up as threats. Clothed in the euphemisms of ‘civic virtues’ will instead be a re-education campaign to inculcate America’s newest generations with a fear and distrust of things like freedom of speech and populism, under the age-old specter of “disinformation” and the specious linking of same to ‘racism/xenophobia/white-supremacy’. ”
More on “Why” here
Where oh where, is our Watt Tyler!