R F Kennedy Jnr: Not one childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial

By Jo Nova

Thirteen remarkable minutes everyone needs to see.

Remarkably, despite the aura of modern space-age medicine — not one childhood vaccine of the 72 that are recommended in the US —  has ever been subject to a long term pre-licensing placebo controlled safety trial. Kennedy knows, because he took legal action to get Anthony Fauci to supply one study. After a year of litigation, they admitted they could not provide a single study.

As Kennedy says, he’s not anti-vaccination, he just wants good safety studies — something everyone wants, except maybe certain shareholders.

“Calling people “anti-vaxxers” is a way of silencing them.”

So, for decades, our highly trained doctors have been injecting babies and children with medicines that we didn’t test properly.

The four big companies that make vaccines … Merck, Sanofi, Glaxo and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties in the last decade, for lying to doctors, falsifying science, for defrauding regulators…

RF Kennedy Junior’s site is  Children’s Health Defense. They have a list of safety studies and controlled trials that use active ingredients in the comparison arm instead of inert placebos like sugar pills. Putting active compounds in both arms of the trial is more likely to produce similar side effects in both sides of the trial, effectively disguising any effect those ingredients have.

Kennedy is such an old hand at the vaccine debate, watch how deftly he uses Elizabeth Vargas’s poorly thought out questions to turn the tables. He’s quite the lawyer, getting her to clarify what she means, fencing her into admitting that no one is suggesting vaccines never cause any harm. At one point she is just gob-smacked, struck dumb. She has not done her research, she just assumed he was the loopy-kooky guy she thinks all “anti-vaxxers” are. (See how name-calling works?) Her spontaneous interruptions, her absolute declaration of faith in the studies that don’t exist, is the perfect foil for RFK.

When Vargus resorts to reciting attacks from his own family, he doesn’t even mention them, just asks her if her family agrees with everything she says.

Biohazard medical symbol. Medicine

All the medical organizations and doctors trust and rely on the FDA and the CDC.  But these are the same agencies that get more funding from Big Pharma than they do from the taxpayer. In 1969, one former FDA commissioner himself warned us that the FDA protects the drug companies, not the people, and yet here we are 54 years later, and most people have no idea. Perhaps the $15 billion a year Big Pharma spends on seemingly pointless media advertising has a point? It’s a forcefield against bad news…

h/t John Connor II, Kevin a.

Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay


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95 comments to R F Kennedy Jnr: Not one childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial

  • #

    “The FDA protects the Drug Companies”?. Why not the FDA protects the Public/Consumer?. Isn’t that what it’s supposed to do?.


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      Ouch! … and Government? aided and abetted by the MSM .


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        For anyone unable to accept RFK’s opinion on this (doesn’t mean he’s correct on all other things), here is the British NHS on Chicken-Pox Vax….

        “The chickenpox vaccine is not part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule……There’s a worry that introducing chickenpox vaccination for all children could increase the risk of chickenpox and shingles in adults…..While chickenpox during childhood is unpleasant, the vast majority of children recover quickly and easily….In adults, chickenpox is more severe and the risk of complications increases with age.”

        That Kennedy stated this and was not “believed” speaks volumes!


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          I and my siblings caught chickenpox when we were kids. It was awfully itchy and I was a bad patient.

          Years later my wife and two daughters about 9 and 7 caught it. Every spot was a painful ulcer, including some in the mouth, Excruciating!

          About 15 years ago I was offered the shingles vax, and I took it. That was that.

          Last year a mate’s lady got shingles, and she had been vaxed. Only when she got the shingles did she discover that the vax is only 60% effective.


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      Have a look at where the FDAs board members come from…


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    My wife in Canada, absolutely cannot be convinced differently and just gotten another booster from Shoppers Drug Mart three days ago. The Pharmacist is just so nice and convincing on any medication.

    I’m hoping they’re just placebos and watching closely.
    That first ‘Booster’ that came out, see had heart reaction in two weeks of that shot. They monitored her for the day and was fine after.


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      John Connor II

      Only the EU got the placebos.
      That’s been covered hasn’t it?


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        Around 30% of the shots in the EU appear to have been a saline placebo. This batch has no adverse effects noted in the yellow card system. Further, the company contracted to do testing of batches, only tested one lot of this batch and let the rest go untested. In contrast, other batches (with high AE rates) had extensive testing.

        It very much appears that Big Harma was conducting a giant experiment, with humans as their lab rats.


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          John PAK

          My understanding is that every dose has to fall within well defined parameters. Those German and Danish studies point to very different dose rates or even different contents.
          Cienna K is a super fit 20 year old who suffered radical life threatening clotting immediately post Pfizer injection and spent a year off work.
          Amy Sedgewick suffered neuropathy and my cardio-thorasic SRN wife says it looked like micro-clotting in the smallest blood vessels which became progressively worse until Amy was found dead in bed in April. Formerly, she’d been a happy healthy 23 year old uni student. It is possible there was no connection with the injection but her parent have a strong sense of what was the initial cause of her demise.
          On the other hand my daughter had the injections and was perfectly fine. Clearly, not all injections contain the same substances/ doses and are therefore illegal in my understanding of the business.


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      Where I live in Canada our public health officials have reported for months that 90% of covid deaths have been people with two or more shots. And yet they encourage us to get more shots and people are still getting them. What’s wrong with this picture?


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        It’s a statistic that is confounded by demographics. If 95% of the pop are vaccinated but they are the older more at risk group, then if 90% of Covid deaths are in the vaccinated group it may still be less than otherwise expected. Only studies that control for the demographics risks on both sides of vaxxed and unvaxxed are even worth discussing.


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          Isn’t that the MAIN & BIG Problem: lack of understanding of BASIC Statistics ? ( Of which the MSM & Politicians seem to know Less than very little). Figures can prove anything.


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          Steve Keppel-Jones

          For a couple of months in 2021, that may have been the case, Jo, as they started with seniors and then slowly rolled out the vaccines to younger and younger cohorts. But everyone I know, down to my teenage kids, lined up for the shot as soon as it was available to them. So I am not seeing any age-dependent vaccination rates here. Only vaccine-dependent death rates…


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          Peter C

          Only studies that control for the demographics risks on both sides of vaxxed and unvaxxed are even worth discussing.

          AFAIK there are nor such studies!

          Let’s try one here. The read


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            Peter C

            The readers of this blog should include sufficient “vaccine hesitant” to make a decent control group.

            Here are the questions;
            1. Male/Female
            2. Current age
            3. How many vaccine doses so far?
            4. How many episodes of Covid (proven by either PSA of RAT)?
            5. Did you require hospital?
            6. Are you suffering from Long Covid?
            7 any reportable vaccine injury. Ie did you report to a doctor?


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              Peter – from my family.

              Male – 58, no doses, one covid infection which was RAT negative after several days, but caught pneumonia afterwards and ended up in hospital (doctor said it was surprisingly common), No long covid
              Female – 59, no doses, one mild covid infection, no hospital, no long covid
              Male -22, no doses, one mild covid infection, no hospital, no long covid
              Male – 83, 3 doses, no covid, hospitalised twice with vaxx injuries, passed away as a result of the booster.


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              Steve Keppel-Jones

              That’s a good idea, Peter, but some other folks are way ahead of you. Check out vaxcontrolgroup.com. They have been collecting this information from many subscribers for well over a year, maybe two.

              For myself and my girlfriend, both 53, no doses, no tests, no covid, no hospitalization.


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          John PAK

          Is it not a little difficult to be objective if the control group is part of the non-injected tiny minority? In traditional antigen vaccines once two thirds of a population have antibodies to (say) Bordetella pertussis then the entire population has an element of protection by virtue of the fact that contagion is severely restricted.
          I’d say that all the stats are clouded by multiple factors and in the case of this “novel” coronavirus even the definition of the disease is open to wide errors so the basic data could be out by a fifth. It appears to me that we’ve thrown science out of the window on this one.


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    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    I cannot understand how thinking people are still having Covid shots, nor why the government is still supplying them. As well now I am not sure about “flu shots”either, had them yearly up until 2019 and none since, no flu since either. Yet when I had the shots I had flu every year. When I read of the catastrophic mess the vaccines have left behind and the climbing death rate why do people willingly have them? I guess the fear factor still lingers.


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      My neighbours have fronted up for a Covid booster last week. They truly believe it is keeping them safe, although the wife has had Covid three times. The husband has not had it. My husband is not vaccinated and has not had Covid. I am double vaccinated (done at threat if job loss which migh as well have been at gunpoint) and never had it. I also have not had the flu shot this year and am undecided as to whether I will have it in the future. My confidence in these type of vaccinations is gone.

      Covid vax is a subject which we can no longer speak to our neighbours about.

      On the plus side, I have a few other friends that once believed the vax was safe and necessary, who have down a complete about face and will be having no more boosters, even at the cost of their work. I am in the IT dept of a company and we have as a collective told our HR dept, that we are all out, if they try to enforce any more vaccinations.

      After listening to RFKJ, I am losing confidence in vaccines in general, as I had no idea that they are passing registration without the proper studies being done, and long term adverse studies being ignored.


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        Dianeh. Talking about the vax with the vaxed is the same as talking about an expensive “lemon” they bought at some shonky car-dealer. It’s a sore-point precisely because they cannot admit what they’ve done to themselves.

        The jabs however are much scarier than the “lemon” since they cannot take it back. IT is “driving” THEM!


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        I did not and will not take any mRNA “vaccine”. During the first year of the covid outbreak pre-mask mandate, I worked frontline retail serving up to 200+ different customers in an 8-1/2hr shift. Post the roll out of the inoculation AND after I had been fired from my job because I could not provide proof of inoculation news that this friend or that acquaintance had caught covid started rolling in along with the suggestion I get the shot or get tested. Can only state with any certainty regarding closer friends but the majority if not all friends falling sick were the vaxed ones. I just maintain the vitamin supplements that I usually take.

        Now this flu season I’m again hearing stories of how sick friends/social contacts are with the flu and again as far as the friends side goes yip so many of them are those who took the covid shot. Don’t know how many took this years flu shot – knowing they took the covid shot seems to be enough information to make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


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        I reckon that the interviewer and the doctor asking the question (and definitely the audience) are now also questioning what they believed too. Very convincing discussion.


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          “I reckon that the interviewer and the doctor asking the question (and definitely the audience) are now also questioning what they believed too. Very convincing discussion.”

          Interesting that it is a Democrat that has asked these questions presumably the Republicans are interested only in the money raked in by the Pharmaceutical Companies and distributed as dividends


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            It is actually not so surprising that it is a Democrat. Until the Covid epidemic, the most skeptical of vaccines were the Greens, the people who also worried about the GMO’s in foods.

            The vaccine skeptics were often in the weathiest suburbs, often referred to as the Doctors wives set.


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      Dave. Just wrote in response to Jojo up above: the substance injected has possibly / maybe / probably / certainly caused a decline in reasoning ability in the injected.

      Wondering why a gene-jabbed person is unable to reason is like asking why a smoker cannot breathe properly. You and we all know the reason!


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    David Maddison

    I have a lot of respect for RFK Jr. As a conservative I certainly don’t agree with everything he says but he is an old style Democrat (i.e. the Democrat Party after they stopped support of slavery and opposition to the Civil Rights Act), not a Marxist, supports free enterprise, is rational, respectful, scholarly and pro-science. He is the exact opposite of modern (today’s) Democrats.


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      It would be good if Kennedy could be selected as the presidential candidate instead of the dire and senile Biden and equally dire Harris. I suspect he would give trump a very good run for his money.

      des antis and Kennedy would be an interesting contest amongst two younger generations.


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        David Maddison

        The DemocRATs would never nominate Kennedy for President for the same reason the Deep State went to war against Trump. The awareness of, and opposition to, the Deep State of both Kennedy and Trump. And they likely got rid of RFK’s uncle for the same reason.


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          Old Goat

          If he gets elected will he do what he has promised ? If so he won’t get in . Once they get into the swamp they are all alligators…


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          John Connor II

          It really doesn’t matter who runs. There is absolutely ZERO chance they will be allowed to win.
          The odds of WW3 by the end of the year and martial law in the USA being declared (which would eliminate an election) to keep pedo Joe in power before he loses all his marbles is very high, absolutely before this time next year.
          Even then, RFK Jr is a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothing (like Elon) as he’s admitted he’ll ban the perpetually undefined assault rifles with bipartisan support.
          It’s not a swamp. It’s a land based Marianis trench, with creatures at the depths you have no idea of…


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        Kennedy will be 70 in 6 months – about 27 years older than DeSantis.


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    Graham Richards

    Our TGA is funded to the tune of 90% + to push their poisons onto the unsuspecting Australian public. Government, both political sides, know about this fraud & do nothing about it. They will not even talk about it!!


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      Careful. We had this debate on here recently…..

      HOW is the TGA “funded”? Is it funded in the same way car drivers “fund” the Transport Departments and Highway Patrol vas licence fees, registrations, vehicle transfer fees etc? Does this mean the RTA and the cops let us off because we “fund” them?

      Just asking what you mean exactly.


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        The clear evidence that the TGA is in the grip of Big Harma: they worked to prevent the use of HCQ and Ivermectin.


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          David Maddison

          Big Harma

          I like that.


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            Mantaray, it was the wrong analogy last time too. Did you read my reply?

            The TGA is supposed to provide a service For The People, so it should be funded by The People. As long as it is funded by Big Pharma it serves Big Pharma. Kinda obvious…

            The river of money influences people in so many ways. There are golden job offers afterwards, research grants too. Whistleblowers have told us that’s how they buy off the regulators. Remember Jordan Walker.

            Christopher Cole, an FDA executive unwittingly explained how the rort works.

            And Fauci has directed $930 billion in research grants to universities.

            — Big Harma, thanks Konrad!


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          Konrad. We all know the TGA does what Big Pharma wants. What I’m asking is how the money is transferred from Big Pharma to the TGA….or to the people in the TGA. Is the money paid as secret commissions and bribes to individuals to subvert / pervert the approval process, or is it a “wink wink nudge nudge” system of later payments? Here’s an example from another branch of govt….

          Let’s say Telstra has been receiving multiple billions for decades from a State Govt to supply all telecommunications to that govt. The premier of that state then suddenly over-turns this and gives Optus the contracts instead…which is a massive multiple-billions windfall for it. After that premier resigns unexpectedly SHE (no names here) has a brand-new position created FOR HER ONLY at Optus on half a million a year. This position has no actual function.

          Is it like this with TGA officials and Big Pharma? If not, then why not tell us how the money gets through.


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        Liberal Democrats, John Ruddick’s maiden speech to Parliament.

        He states 97% of funding is from Pharma



      • #

        Mantaray says:

        ….funded in the same way car drivers “fund” the Transport Departments and Highway Patrol vas licence fees, registrations, vehicle transfer fees etc

        Nope. There is no hypothication. Those funds go into Consolidated Revenue. Transport departments etc are funded from the budget. That’s the difference.


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      It’s not how they’re funded that’s important. Because it’s a service for fees model that is used for a lot of public service revenue. It’s what happens after that which is important, and that is totally dependent on the type of personnel and past influences. The TGA just follow the US FDA lead. FDA is totally compromised by Big Pharma in the US for a multitude of reasons and we (Australia) are just victims of that. Which is the case for a lot of other countries as well.


    • #

      Our TGA is funded to the tune of 90% – by Big Pharma.

      There – fixed it for you.


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    David Maddison

    Compulsory forcing of untested* covid vaccines into people has caused many members of the thinking community who were aware of the incidence of harm caused by them to alter their stance about regular (non covid) vaccines from being pro-vaccine to being either non-commital or against regular vaccines.

    During covid, thinking people were generally opposed to:

    1) Compulsory covid vaccination as was the case in Australia if you wanted to work or do other activities.

    2) Opposed to banning of alternative treatments such as IVM and HCQ, taken according to proper published protocols with medical advice.

    3) Opposed to the state interfering with the professional judgement of doctors and the doctor-patient relationship.

    4) Opposed to the lockups which caused tremendous economic and social damage and with no evidence of efficacy.**

    * Vale the eight mice the BA.5 booster was tested on https://www.fda.gov/media/159496/download

    ** https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf


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      That site says nothing to contradict Kennedy. All it does is repeat what has been said without showing that any tests have actually been done.


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      Yes of course, he sues the competent authority for proof of studies and they admitted they had none. But hes wrong. Yes of course he is.


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      till pushing opinion pieces as evidence and still not even reading your own links.

      “The COVID-19 vaccine for children went through the same safety testing and was required to meet the same standards as other vaccines—like those for chickenpox and polio—that have been widely given to children for many years and are known to be safe and effective.”

      Safe and effective as the Polio Vax. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/sep/02/vaccine-derived-polio-spreads-in-africa-after-defeat-of-wild-virus

      Declared a victory against the wild Polio virus, except it has started a vaccine induced Polio virus for which there is no Vaccine. Brought to you by Gates and the WHO.

      You never cease to amaze Fitzy


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      Wrong, and very badly wrong.

      These novel treatments never underwent any long term testing. If one looks at the Victorian vaxx rollout we had a massive spike in heart related hospital admissions for children shortly after the rollout began. Yet is is acknowledged that children are virtually not impacted by covid, except with comorbidities. Far more children would have been killed by the vaxxes than died of covid.


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      You seem to have difficulty understanding what “long term” means.
      Are you really that ignorant?
      It does not mean 6 weeks, it is a minimum of 6 years although 16 or 26 years is better.
      Much safer but naturally there’s less profit – seems you only care about the profit side the same as the companies and quasi government / company regulators.


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      Graham Richards

      After all Peter Fitzroy is always right!! Red arrows indicate otherwise unless of course everyone else is biased or just plain stupid. Think not!!


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      John PAK

      I reckon a more helpful view of health includes addressing what makes for a strong immune system. If I was visiting tropical Africa I’d be optimising my Calcitriol Cycle (Vit D3) before going to a doctor for shots. Many medics fail to recognise the harm that can be done by injecting an already ill patient. We are not all equal lab-rats.
      I learned the hard way when my 7 month old developed a triple antigen reaction with persistent bouts of high-pitched screaming and spasms of the hands and feet. Our GP said we were lucky cos he’d seen babies not recover from what is essentially the beginnings of brain damage.
      My wife and I spent a fair while looking into immunity optimisation as a precursor to childhood immunisation.


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    David Maddison

    Until covid, most people thought that modern medicine (as practiced) was evidence-based, drugs were properly tested, that the pharmaceutical industry was open and honest and that government regulatory agencies such as the TGA and FDA were competent, open, honest and free of corruption.

    Covid demonstrated that all those things were not true.


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      Curious George

      “[COVID vaccines] were designed to protect against against severe disease and death, not infections.” [TIME, August 23/August 30, 2021, p. 10].
      Wonders of modern medicine – or maybe pharma? Or mass media?


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    I well remember Peter McCullough saying that covid had completely opened his eyes on vaccines and medicine in general.

    Same here!

    Fortunately my doctor is completely evidence based and when prescribing, without being prompted, brings up the papers and evidence on the screen to show that the drug should work.

    He has told me many stories over the years of medications which have no basis yet he tells me others in his practice still prescribe them even when he has shown them to be completely useless. Of course he never supported the jabs masquerading as vaxxes and performed informed consent every time he was asked for them – not one person took them as a result of his discussions.

    Our whole medical system is totally corrupted and needs a full clean out. Far far too many doctors are clearly ethically unsuited to their vocation and need to leave, or be forced out. And Medicines without evidence need to be taken off the PBS.


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      What a fantastic GP you have! We eventually got a new doctor at our practice you attended conferences and kept up with the latest research. She now has four kids and battles to just do 3 days a week. And even she did not discuss research papers etc. When I mentioned the controversy re Statins she just looked at me helplessly. These GPs just want to “go with the flow”. You are incredibly blessed that your man actually saw through the facade of the mRNA vaccines and explained his reservations to his patients. He was very lucky not to be reregistered , as many were.


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        Steve Keppel-Jones

        When my pediatrician wanted to push the childhood vaxxes on my daughters, going on 20 years ago, I asked her to supply the long-term safety and effectiveness studies to support her plan. She couldn’t, of course, as I expected, so all she could come up with was “well, we have been giving these shots for decades and most kids haven’t died, right?” Not very confidence-inspiring. That’s not how evidence-based medicine works. I said No thanks.


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    The basic number of 72 recommended vaccines surprises me. It seems amazingly high. I guess there would be duplication between suppliers with competing products.


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    David Maddison

    Related: Bret Weinstein has just released a video (last hour or so) where he interviews Pierre Kory.

    Issues of lack of trust in “The system” are discussed.


    12 mins


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    The antivirals are experimental as well.

    I was forced into two Pfizer shots in 2022 both experimental.

    I have not had annual flu shots for 30 years but just 4 weeks ago contracted the latest flu (a daycare variety!) which was not pleasant. The first flu I’ve had for over 30 years. A week into the flu I contracted Covid which my brother-in-law kindly gave me the day he returned from the UK.

    The doctor strongly advised me to take the 5 day course of Paxlovid antiviral. All other medications I take were not allowed until 2 days after the course was completed. I regret both actions due to bad side effects and possible rebound in the near future.
    I am not sure what advice to accept anymore.


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      David Maddison

      The antivirals are experimental as well.

      Only the expensive $1000 per dose antivirals.

      But these were all that were available.

      The existing inexpensive antivirals, known to be safe and effective were banned for covid treatment or prophylaxis in the more extreme Nanny States such as Australia.


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      A GP at our surgery – through a telehealth phone call – wanted to prescribe Paxlovid to my 74 year old husband (unvaccinated) for a very mild case of Covid. He refused to accept the script, and recovered in a few days. Mind you, he used his asthma puffer, took aspirin and an anti histamine, & Quercetin, as well as his usual vitamin supplements.


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    The four big companies that make vaccines … Merck, Sanofi, Glaxo and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties in the last decade, for lying to doctors, falsifying science, for defrauding regulators…

    How about the Authorities prosecute the Directors of these Companies as well as fining them (I know that that hurts the Shareholders but these Companies still seem to make shed loads of money). Put a few Directors in the Slammer and that might just wake the others up a bit. I know, being an Idealist, that may not work. But, I can dream a little.


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      Yep, the most corrupt industry on the planet. Billions in fines, yet not one day in jail for any of them.
      To pay for the fines they increased the price of their products and regard it as part of doing business.


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    David Maddison

    Back in the day, the Left/Regressives were opposed to Big Pharma and in favour of free speech.

    Now they fully support Big Pharma and are opposed to free speech.

    The difference is that they are now the ones in control.


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    last night I watched Jo and David debating Anna Rose (uncut obviously). Haven’t seen it since it came out ten years ago.

    This interviewer is using the same tired old approach used by climate alarmists. Appeal to authority and ad hom. It’s what you do when you’ve got nothing.

    By the way, great chat with Mark Steyn on this topic Jo. You’re doing great work.


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    History is built on facts, but facts that are interpreted through the lens of social and political power, as well as personal experience. Richard Friedlander has this Perspective.

    History is written by the victors. So said Winston Churchill. Napoleon called it a fable agreed upon. So what happens when, in the course of time, the losers turn the tables and become the victors? Do we get another fable agreed upon? I’m told we are now in the post-truth era, where feelings and ideology have superseded facts. And yet, I don’t think any era has been able to claim their truth as a fact.

    More at the link


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    RFK Jnr is an extremely intelligent and thoughtful man, he is one of the the most interesting candidates for President in many years. I think if the heartland institute or Alex Epstien was to invite / engage with him on energy policy on a podcast he would allow a reasonable open discussion on the pro’s and con’s of the science and the policy, and the global politics associated with it.


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      Just wish he wasn’t a Climate Change believer.


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        Exactly. He’s basically gone quiet on it, doesnt talk about it. But I recall him as an avid climate freak, with his environmental lawyer thing behind him. Beware the snake


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    John Connor II

    “I love it when a plan comes together.”
    Oops! I meant “I love it when a NWO plan falls apart.” 😄


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    Born mid-50s and so got the liquid vaccines for measles, smallpox and polio but can still remember hearing the stories of how in the 1940s if a kid in the street got measles all the other kids were taken by their mothers or sent to visit the sick child in hope they would get infected and natural immunity would be established.

    Somewhat interesting to see yesterday’s reporting on a potential measles outbreak in Victoria resulting from a citizen returning from overseas. An official health warning has already been posted
    A separate report by the Guardian contains the warning “Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that spreads easily among those who are not fully vaccinated. Young children and adults with weakened immune systems are the most at risk of serious illness.”

    So to recap on my experience – 1940s measles case and its quick get your kids exposed. 1950s here’s your vaccine forget about it. 30 June 2023 and what used to be a childhood disease now puts adults with weakened immune systems at risk of serious illness.

    The official health warning (linked above) also states “Measles outbreaks have been recently reported in Indonesia, India, Africa, Europe, and the United States, making any Australians travelling internationally susceptible to the infection.”

    Can’t help but wonder at the coincidence of how shingles has become a major issue (Oz tv running ads about it on regular basis) because something NOT, NO NO NO, not the shot but instead just “something” else that has re-activated the chicken pox virus and now looks like measles is back in the news. Of course measles is ONLY a re-emerging problem because not enough people (used to be only children but now boosters recommended for adults) have been keeping up with their vaccinations.

    PS the guardian story is buried in their rolling news blog but if you want to search for it
    click here


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      David Maddison

      In 2021, a modified measles non-mRNA vaccine was actually created to protect against covid.

      Obviously, it went nowhere as the mRNA vaccine was considered the preferred option.


      Measles vaccine used as base for experimental COVID vaccine

      At a Glance

      Scientists developed a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine by adding a key coronavirus gene to the measles vaccine.

      The experimental vaccine protected against COVID-19 in animal studies, supporting further development.

      This vaccine candidate could potentially be used against both COVID-19 and measles.



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        “…an alternative vaccine that should protect for a long time, is easy to manufacture, and cheap seems like a good idea,” says co-author Dr. Stefan Niewiesk of Ohio State University”

        or that was the view until they got the memo. Thanks for the new information. Cheers


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    There is some light at the end of the tunnel? I stopped over in Melbourne last week and asked a pharmacist “are you receiving scripts from doctors for Ivermectin?” And she said “Yes”


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    Kevin a

    robert kennedy exposes mmr vaccine and autism

    Lots of great videos from Robert Kennedy

    climate change hoax & robert f. kennedy candidate


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    Steve of Cornubia

    As expected, Kennedy is now paying the price for stepping out of line, with articled appearing in the media trying to discredit him personally rather than debate him. He has already had his love life surgically dissected, former partners invited to assassinate his character and past (alleged) crimes exposed.

    He will effectively be cancelled, a process that was ongoing anyway. If that doesn’t shut him up, legal action will follow, probably a rape allegation from thirty years ago or similar.


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    Wow! I did not know that! After Thalidomide. I just assumed that rigorous testing would be automatic for all vaccines and drugs.

    This certainly makes you reflect upon particular cases of possible damage that might have occurred in one’s own family. Besides autism and the other neurological disorders on “the spectrum”, one also wonders about the high incidence of ADD & ADHD in today’s children.


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    I remember being shocked at those baby lesson things they make you go to before the baby is born, of how many vaccines they dole out these days. I questioned it – quite innocently, wasn’t something I’d thought about before – and got the heat from the midwife.


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    Great article
    Yes I’ve never seen someone field a hostile interviewer so well


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Meanwhile, increasing rates of cancer, heart disease, inflammation, diabetes, etc are blamed on the people themselves, i.e. lack of exercise, too much sugar, too much alcohol, air quality, mobile phones, fatty food, in other words everything EXCEPT vaccines.


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    John Hultquist

    It is entertaining to read all the disdain of the medical establishment when, it seems to me, 97% of the bitter criticism ought to be directed at a few individuals.
    Consider: In the 1950s a diagnosis of leukemia was a death sentence. Look up Steve Goodman (song: “City of New Orleans”), born 1948, died ’84. Now Leukemia is still frightening but much less so.
    Still, in 2023, an estimated 609,820 people will die of cancer in the United States.

    . . . and in 2024, 2025, … .
    There are about 8 billion people in the world. 5.6 billion have had at least one Covid shot. Each year about 60,750,000 people die. That’s about 166,500 per day. It is no surprise that some of those have had Covid shots.
    In 5 to 7 years folks such as Anthony Fauci and other Wuhan Flu related personalities will meet the Persian adage “This too shall pass”.
    An improved medical establishment will continue to better our lives.
    [Read the last line again before hitting the red thumb.]


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    Peter C

    Too late. Red thumb already!

    An improved medical establishment will continue to better our lives.

    The critical word there is “improved”. The question is how can that come about? The medical curriculum is now more dogmatic than ever. Questioning is definitely not part of it.


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    Congratulations Kennedy, finally an individual in politics who has researched their position and then applied critical thinking and used his years of dealing with talking head propaganda media to provide a balanced, erudite response targeting the real issue. Not the useful idiots he had to wade through to gain the information, but targeting the top tier which has conned the public into believing that these corrupt bureaucrats are sacrosanct.
    The medical industry lost a lot of credibility as they stood by and allowed politicians to control covid for Marxist elites agendas.
    The medical profession has been shown as captured by pharma and the corruption of the TGA, AHPRA and ATAGI with the AMA nothing more than sycophants.
    At least the new AMP born of disgust with their industry is populated by medical professionals prepared to now question blanket responses with one pharmaceutical response!
    Kennedy is a critical thinker who has identified the root cause of much of the worlds current problems; useful idiots supported by idealist propaganda machines captured by profit driven ultra powerful investment groups cynically using the same ideology and brainwashing techniques the Marxists have cultivated in tertiary education for the last two decades.
    The old adage; ‘Cut off the head of the snake….’ holds true here and thankfully people like Kennedy are providing a considered centre left alternative to the hard left rhetoric sweeping the West.
    Whether he’s successful or not to unseat Ole Dementia Joe as candidate or not, his voice is heard by the useful idiots who vote left and that can have long term benefits.


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    It took the corruption of covid vax to wake me up to the childhood vax.

    After reading a stack, I’ve come to the conclusion that childhood vaccines take credit for the erasure of diseases that were actually resolved with better nutrition, sanitation, sewage, refrigeration and clean water.

    I got my first kid vaccinated with everything. I feel terrible that I didnt even bother to read into it. Didn’t make the same mistake with my second.


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    Kevin a

    1976 swine flu scandal: the cdc’s history of lying about vaccine dangers and effectiveness


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    Kevin a

    “CRIMINAL”: Study shows 1 in 3 Pfizer batches likely PLACEBO, regulators likely KNEW


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    Two things struck a huge warning bell for me..”Emergency Use” and granting doctors immunity for administering an emergency use drug. Before any story come out about Furine cleavage sites or military affiliated level 4BCL labs in China chasing bat viruses around the world these two items scared the bejesus out of me. THEN, to have a government force my employer to demand proof of my medical compliance with the two shot mandate or it was my job…a job that many other people depend upon me to do..makes it extremely difficult to opt out for personal reasons. I just hope my life and those around me hasnt been dealt a severe blow.


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    RFK Jnr “Calling people “anti-vaxxers” is a way of silencing them.”
    I wonder what he thinks of calling people “climate deniers”?

    Activist Robert Kennedy Jr. Denies He Wants to ‘Jail Climate Change Deniers’—Actually Wants to ‘Execute’ Climate Villain Corporations and Think Tanks

    “Koch Industries and ExxonMobil have particularly distinguished themselves as candidates for corporate death. No other companies have worked harder or spent more money to impede the government from taking action on global warming to safeguard public welfare. Both companies have employed artifice on a massive scale and spent tens of millions of dollars to purchase fraudulent junk science. The greedy, immoral, anti-social pathology behind ExxonMobil and Koch’s mendacious crusade is even starker given the open acknowledgment since 2007 by the other major oil companies including Shell, Chevron and BP, that burning oil is causing climate change.

    Besides the usual suspects of ExxonMobil and Koch Industries, Kennedy offers a preliminary list of groups that he thinks deserve execution:

    Among the groups that have received millions from Exxon and Koch Industries are the Cato Institute, The Heritage Foundation, Cooler Heads Coalition, Global Climate Coalition, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity, Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), George C. Marshall Institute, State Policy Network, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and American Enterprise Institute (AEI).”

    The link in the Reason article to the Kennedy Ecowatch piece no longer works and neither do some hits on wayback. Here is one that did.
