A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Things are getting serious.
Keep in mind:
The Poles are rearming and the Americans are happy.
What’s the betting that Ukraine ends up divided between Poland and Russia?
IIRC there are a couple of other neighbours that “contributed” to the current Ukraine
Aldous Huxley’s 1980 BBC release Brave New World:
Orwell’s 1984, colourised by AI:—Full-Film-Based-on-Nineteen-Eighty-Four-by-George-Orwell—Colorized-By-AI:8
Farenheit 451:
Animated Animal Farm is quite good.
If you’re going through hell, keep going.
– Winston Churchill
Excellent music video of when the White House Resident visited Michigan. About 1 min.
Video no longer available.
It plays for me. You might have to go to the start.
Maybe you have to be a member of the Farcebook group “Office of the Former President”.
I can’t find the video elsewhere or another link.
LOL. Not on Farcebook or any so called Social Media (Gossip).
The link when fed to yt-dlp generates
ERROR: [facebook] 958372338731651: This video is only available for registered users. Use –cookies, –cookies-from-browser, –username and –password, –netrc-
cmd, or –netrc (facebook) to provide account credentials
Similar to Twitter policy, no viewing without authentication by the hosting agent.
Looks as though the days are over when I could freely look at fb video content.
Thanks for checking, Gob.
“Hottest Ever” global weather spike records from reanalysis datasets.
This is a fantastic development !!!
Big Climate have inadvertently shifted focus from delayed homogenized anomaly timeseries to almost real-time non-homogenized absolute timeseries – hooray!
They are picking single datapoints (weather) to conflate natural variation with their climate spin – hooray! Fine by me.
So now BOM’s ACORN-SAT (and every other similar) has a “control”. And the BOM Australia timeseries profile (including Tas) does NOT match the NCEP/NCAR R1 (excluding Tas) in terms of a 60yr linear trend 1952-2012 (more on that later).
The one day records are from NCEP CFSV2/CFSR below. Reanalysis data (and info blurb) can be accessed by University of Main’s Climate Reanalyzer and NOAA’s WRIT. Just one for now (note the different default datasets):
Climate Reanalyzer
1) Daily 2-meter Air Temperature (NCEP CFSV2/CFSR)
2) Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis V1, or R1)
use of both and a comparison with ACORN-SAT follows.
1) Daily 2-meter Air Temperature (NCEP CFSV2/CFSR)
Easy to see the “hottest ever” days but now we can break it down. I’ve annotated the latest “hottest ever” from the interactive graph datapoints:
Choose Area (Fri July 7, 2023):
World: 17.23C (“Hottest Ever”)
NH: 21.93C
SH: 12.62C
Arctic: 4.27C
Antarctic: -25.36C
Tropics: 25.88C
Did anyone anywhere actually experience the “hottest ever” 17.23C ?
The only ones to so would be in a narrow latitudinal band in the NH – nowhere else.
The latest spike does NOT appear in NH but does in SH. The SH spike origin is Antarctica.
Both of the 2 recent Antarctica spikes (natural variation) have been the source of both one day records and 1.5C “limit” breaches – NOT El Nino or climate change as has been disseminated.
Next: Hide All
Switch on 2023 and 1980. The graphs are interactive so you can mouseover (hover) the date in the key index or the timeseries line to highlight 1980.
Notice anything unusual?
Same for 2002 and much of the 2000s – no “climate change going on there.
Well worth while getting familiar with this tool (and NOAA’s WRIT) given we’ve entered a new era in the ongoing climate change saga.
>”Did anyone anywhere actually experience the “hottest ever” 17.23C ?
The only ones to so would be in a narrow latitudinal band in the NH – nowhere else.”
This is wrong. Also a narrow latitudinal band in the SH.
>”Next: Hide All”
This assumes the viewer is looking at region Antarctica. If not:
Choose Area: Antarctica
Hide All
Switch on 2023 and 1980
2) Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis V1, or R1)
With this we can see the “control” characteristic of R1 vs ACORN-SAT.
R1 excludes Tasmania below and ACORN-SAT includes Tasmania (with individual State options):
Select Region Australia and All Months – Plot
Voila! Actual absolute Australia timeseries showing annual cycles. Doesn’t look anything like BOMs anomaly graphs. Unfortunately no linear trends available (see WRIT for that).
Next select Anomaly Values – Plot
Note the segment 60 years 1953 – 2012. Obviously by eye there is no trend in that segment. This neglects the outliers at each end of the series.
Now compare that same segment to ACORN-SAT:
Set T=linear trend, 0.13C/decade
That trend is for the entire series but the 1953 – 2012 segment looks nothing like that in R1 and would still conform to the overall profile – hence the R1 vs ACORN-SAT “control” function.
This is fun. I don’t think Big Climate has thought this through.
Linear trends for the 60 year time segment Australia 1953 – 2012.
BOM ACORN-SAT: 0.162 C/decade (includes Tasmania)
NCEP/NCAR R1: 0.0242 C/decade (excludes Tasmania)
The R1 slope is essentially flat, only 0.145 over 6 decades. That’s still less than BOM’s slope for EACH of the 6 decades.
This demonstrates the difference between homogenized and non-homogenized temperature series taking both at face value:
1) Homogenized data creates spurious warming.
2) Reanalysis reveals very little or zero effect from CO2 over 60 years.
Note that the Lat-Lon R1 data box encompassing Australia is both land and sea i.e. not just mainland Australia. Region is 40S – 10S and 110E – 156E.
University of Maine has issued a “Special Notice” on their Climate Reanalyzer page. This must be due to all the attention it is getting after the “hottest ever” hype.
Contradicts all the El Nino and climate change rubbish attributions for “hottest ever”.
In respect to “NOT a model” the page has always given the data sources:
Not a model devoid of observational constraints but still a “modelling framework” constrained and based on as close to real-time data as can be obtained.
Obviously surface station data must be obtained only from electronic stations (EWS) that have an internet or dedicated feed that CFS/CFSR can pick up.
These systems are the source of nightly TV weather all around the world i.e. universally accepted.
Apparently the leader of the National Socialists didn’t want the Sheeple to know he rehearsed his speeches. He wanted them to think he was a “natural”.
This (link) and other pictures were requested to be destroyed but were kept and not published until 1955.
SEE text at link.
Somewhere in Sweden –
Policewoman: Name?
Criminal: Greta Thunberg.
Policewoman: Occupation?
Criminal: Green Thugbrat.
Policewoman: Plead?
Criminal: Delinquency.
As a 20-year-old she is now an ‘adult’, responsible for her own ‘actions’ – hopefully the judge concurs (unless he’s part of ‘the club’).
or we’ll all die
Greg – might you have missed a word or two?: –
Policewoman: Occupation?
Criminal: Entitled Green Thugbrat, and Theological Doctor.
Policewoman: Plead?
Criminal: Uneducated Delinquent.
The Spanish floods
Just imagine those drivers sitting on the roofs of their electric cars and being carried away down the road until it explodes in flames…
China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons
China‘s People’s Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or entire populations, according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts.
The weapons can be used to directly attack or control brains using microwave or other directed energy weapons in handheld guns or larger weapons firing electromagnetic beams, adding that the danger of China‘s brain warfare weapons prior to or during a conflict is no longer theoretical.
“Unknown to many, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have established themselves as world leaders in the development of neurostrike weapons,” according to the 12-page report, “Enumerating, Targeting and Collapsing the Chinese Communist Party’s Neurostrike Program.”
Neurostrike is a military term defined as the engineered targeting of the brains of military personnel or civilians using non-kinetic technology. The goal is to impair thinking, reduce situational awareness, inflict long-term neurological damage and cloud normal cognitive functions.[sounds like the average dumphone user. JC2]
Gunpowder is sooooo old hat.
Sounds more plausible than their long range laser rifles…
I think the PLA are like “The Borg” form Star Trek.
That’s an unfair slur on the Borg. 😁
Brings to mind Sun Tzu’s dictum, “…subdue the enemy without firing a shot”.
He also said:
I’m sure the Chicomms practice these maxims and everything else in The Art of War.
They are not testing their armaments on anybody at the moment and they have no ambition to seize Taiwan in the foreseeable future.
‘Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.’
Beautifully put and Premier Xi hopes to emulate, he is a big fan of ancient wisdoms.
“China‘s Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders”
Obviously trialling them in Canberra.
The trial was a complete success in Canberra.
An even better success in Af-Dan-istan.
“according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts”
That’ll probably be the CIA funded bellend boys then ?
Critical thinking demands not just completely believing what ‘they’ tell you about your enemies.
The Rutte IV cabinet has fallen.
The asylum talks that have been going on for months have torn apart the partnership between VVD, D66, CDA and CU. A final attempt to reach an agreement in a crisis meeting on Friday has also been unsuccessful.
This allows the Netherlands to prepare for new elections, probably in the autumn. The cabinet met as a whole on Friday evening, after which Prime Minister Rutte gave a press conference. Minister Adriaansens (Economic Affairs, VVD) spoke on the way to that deliberation of “a disappointment”: “This is terrible. We are working hard and you always hope you get out.D66 education minister Dijkgraaf said he had mixed feelings.
Things had run high in recent days after Prime Minister Rutte put a solid set of requirements on the table with a show of power on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Prime Minister had tied up again, and the parties decided to give it another day to look at a final proposal. But that also died, and with it the cabinet.
Tweet from Benny Johnson on Twitter.
I think this is an example of one of our major problems.
The fake bad/good narrative constantly artificially produced.
It is my understanding that the court ruling still allows the government to police Big Tech in cases of ‘national security’.
This leaves the Trump/COVID Deep State/Big Tech pipeline fully intact.
Big gaping hole to drive an authoritarian truck through.
Much like the SCOTUS ruling on ‘affirmative action’.
The Unis can no longer have an official policy, however, SCOTUS allows that the student can claim and attach a statement of marginalized status that can be used to affirm action.
‘Affirmative Action’ left fully intact, just forced by the evil far-right to change hats.
Speaking of Saturday …
Fridays are saved for the dissemination of real news that the power structure wants buried.
This is a statement by Dr. Gal Luft. a witness whistleblower to perfectly innocent Biden family business activity … Dr. Luft is now in hiding … for no reason at all.
See it while you still can.
A curious, but likely important snippet of history, bound for the memory hole.
Who knew that the internet would become a library with its’ own fire.
That’s an extremely disturbing video Honk.
How did US Government agencies get so corrupt so quickly?
They didn’t get so corrupt so quickly. They’ve been corrupt for a long time. They’ve just been exposed so quickly. . . .
I don’t know much about the fellow or his credibility.
The only thing is, the general tenor of his assertions are supported by declarations of other whistleblowers.
And by evidence on the laptop, the existence of which was unknown at the time of his meeting with DOJ officials.
Antivaxxers Blamed for “Hijacking Data” as Birth Rates Continue to Decline in Australia and Sweden
Today’s news is a sudden and unexpected plunge in birth rates in Australia.
Birth rates dropped 15% compared to 2021
Australia’s News.Com.Au has an article about it, and they blame… climate change!
Australian National University demographer Dr Liz Allen said the drop in births was due to a combination of factors, both personal and external – in particular, concerns about housing, cost of living, and climate change. “Climate change has been cited by young people in Australia, and other similar countries, as a major concern and barrier to having children,” Dr Allen told
Predictable total bollox from the MSM.
Look at the graph. Has climate change only kicked in since the Fakevax ™ rollout?
Or how about human biology – we normally have a core temperature of 37C, but it varies from 36.5C to 37.5C, FAR more than a 0.1C, if that, climatic temperature increase.
On top of that, maximum female fertility occurs with an increase in core temperature, and men unaffected.
Fake news from the msm! Hit them with a huge fine.
I have a medical doctor friend in Melbourne for whom one of his specialties is male circumcision of infants whose parents request it. He will attest to the dramatic decrease in requests for these procedures due to a highly noticeable decline in births over the period of the covid vax. Just coincidental, I’m sure…
Like deaths among the young, fit and healthy, the decline in birth rates can be ascribed to that terrifying new malady called ‘suddenly’.
According to Naomi Wolf, one of the major areas of research when developing the vax was the impact on fertility. This is detailed in Pfizers own documentation. So, the implication is that they were more interested in cutting fertility than tackling covid. Time will tell.
““The fear of uncertainty owing to growing weather and climate extremes means young people are calling it quits on children citing ethical concerns.””
Bovine Feces! Most young people I know will not have kids because it interferes with their ‘extended childhood’ lifestyles. They intend to have a career, be an influencer,become wildly rich and party to max, none of which involve having children. Concern for the environment ends at the their smartphone screen..
[language edit. – LVA]
Orbital sidekick hyperspectral imaging
The first space-based hyperspectral imaging sensor built by San Francisco startup Orbital Sidekick, founded in 2016, literally went from the garage of CEO and co-founder Dan Katz to the International Space Station as an experiment for Air Force Research Laboratory.
“That was a kick ass little sensor we … integrated in my garage in San Francisco, and then handed it off to SpaceX, which launched it. And then NASA, the astronauts, took it from the Dragon capsule and installed it,” Katz told Breaking Defense in an interview.
Hyperspectral cameras break down pixels into hundreds of frequency bands and thus can detect minute differences in colors that cannot be seen by the human eye, or detected by other types of imagery cameras such as infrared. Thus, hyperspectral sensors can “see” what materials a surface is made of and identify individual elements in the surrounding atmosphere. For national security purposes, hyperspectral imagery could, for example, detect evidence of chemical weapon production and/or use.
“Hyperspectral imagery, and the associate analytics that we provide, enable us to chemically fingerprint anything on Earth,” Katz said. “For defense and intelligence, it could be looking at the difference between what is camouflage versus what is real, being able to chemically fingerprint that; looking at hypersonics detection; looking at detection of rocket launchers; looking at chemical weapon detection; and nuclear nonproliferation.”
He explained that Orbital Sidekick’s first sensor, capable of imaging in 150 spectral bands, was developed from one tested aboard an aircraft under a tiny AFRL Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 grant in 2018, which then segued into a Phase 2 SBIR for testing it in space. Data gathered by AFRL was provided to the Air Force’s National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), he added.
…taps in to feed… 😎
Decentralised censorship-proof media: How To Get Started With Nostr, Jack Dorsey’s Favorite Decentralized Social Network
The bitcoinbitcoin community’s new favorite social media network, Nostr, is designed to rival email, blogging, Instagram, Twitter, Discord and more. It’s not an app itself. Rather, Nostr is an innovation in how digital text can be sent and received. Anyone can join and anyone can build apps freely using the protocol.
Openness is a key principle of Nostr, which is why bitcoiners and crypto fans love it. As opposed to competitors like Sphinx or Mastadon, Nostr is easier to use, especially for newcomers.
Nostr’s user growth skyrocketed from 90,000 users to 1.1 million over the past three months. While the protocol is still in the early days, it’s garnered the attention of Edward Snowden and former Twitter CEO and bitcoin advocate Jack Dorsey.
You’ll need an app like
The results are very Twitter like:
This is going to be the future unless you run a private forum like some of us. 😎
Does it come in any colour except black?
Hottest day ever, everywhere.
Oh my dog, she knows nothing.
With the PDO seriously negative there is little likelihood of a strong El Nino.
In the interests of wokeness and “diversity” it’s interesting, and tragic, to see 5ft nothing, 1.52m, 50kg, 110lb female police officers, with hands barely big enough to hold or control their handgun, being put into rôles where they might need to subdue very large and aggressive males. I just saw a pair of them together, both the same diminutive size. I feel so safe…
Back in the day, police officers had to be a certain minimum size so as to present some level of intimidation and strength against such aggressors.
I witnessed this years ago with my local police, at the local shopping centre. There was a vocal violent chap being restrained on the ground by 2 burly security chaps. 2 police cars had turned up, all 4 occupants, physically exactly as you describe, were standing around gazing into space waiting for the transport to turn up. No doubt the security were retired coppers who had been managed out the force.
My elderly mother is currently in hospital, hopefully to make a full and speedy recovery.
Nurses observed that they have seen a lot of very strange viral infections since covid.
Good luck to her David. Nothing but bad (health) news in my family lately.
Yet another –
“‘Like Nothing Seen Before’ — Swedish Researchers Warn of ‘Alarming’ Rise of Antibiotic Resistant Diseases in Ukraine”
It’s because Ukraine has a long-standing problem with unrestricted overuse and abuse of antibiotics.
I wonder what they were really making in the American biolabs in Ukraine..
“‘Forever Chemicals’ In At Least 45 Percent Of US Tap Water: USGS Study”
Around the height of the Los Angeles smog problem there was a cartoon of a he-man type saying “I breathe for taste. I live in Los Angeles County, USA”
Could be adapted to “I drink for taste” with suitable geographic amendments.
I wouldn’t be too worried.
Chemical detection methods today are exceedingly sensitive. Just because you can detect something, doesn’t mean it’s a problem.
PFAS can be detected at 4 parts per quadrillion.
Yes, speak to me not of poisons, just of doses. Said 400 years ago but we are slow learners.
I guess it depends if these chemicals actually stay in your body and accumulate or whether they are flushed out … ?
If you are a Crocs fan the perfect Xmas gift for your pup –
I wouldn’t be totally against seeing Trump choose Robert F. Kennedy Jr as a VP and both being independents.
Not sure if I mentioned this but yet another close relative, diagnosed with a pre-cancerous brain ‘glioma’, has died. Several others are in their end phase with similarly aggressive cancers, all jabbed in the UK.
Steve – FWIW
“Riggins’ Mice and Curing Cancer”
You may have seen the numerous reports in the MSM regarding Brittany Higgins’ partner, David Sharaz, being pursued by Australian law enforcement about his alleged role in the whole Higgins debacle.
For me this is entirely predictable, reflecting the largely unacknowledged and hidden role that powerful women are playing in today’s divisive politics. The principal protagonists in this outrage are Higgins, Labor’s Katy Gallagher and ‘journalist’ Lisa Wilkinson, yet so far at least, the searchlight of justice seems to be fixated on Higgins’ boyfriend, setting up the usual ‘a man made me do it’ defence.
You got a mention in Spectator Australia Jo, by Malcom Roberts.
Senator Ralph Babet talks about the Australian Government’s proposed anti-free-speech laws.
For those that can’t handle free speech on Twitter, Farcebook has launched a new censored platform along similar lines, called Threads.
Best of luck –
“Meta’s New Threads App is Censoring From Day One”
“Meet The Competing Apps Battling For Twitter’s Market Share”
Another BBC abuse scandal, I’m guessing the obvious concealing of the sex of the victim means it’s more likely a male gay presenter as revealing that fact would make it considerably easier to guess the accused.
“Hooey Galore”
This covers several of your “favourite subjects”
“About That Claim That July 3-4 Were the ‘Hottest Days on Record’…”
“Stephen Milloy, a noted climate change skeptic, performed the necessary lobotomy on the hysterics in the Wall Street Journal.”
More at
“Most of us already take the hysterical blathering of the climate change industry with a grain of salt. I’ll take mine with two scoops of Chocolate-Chocolate Chip, please.”
“Even NOAA “Runs Away” From ‘Hottest Day Ever’ Claim After Media Hysteria”
“Government warns that heat waves will occur at lower temperatures this year, due to a shortage of green crayons”
Biter bitten – more “Get Woke Go Broke”
“Ben & Jerry’s Gets Hoisted Upon Its Own Woke Petard”
“Resetting the Great Reset: Dutch WEF Government Falls, Populists to Gain in Fall Elections”
Note the conclusion by Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Wind delivers “free” electricity (sometimes).
On Thursday and Friday, as Tony has reported on his blog, across the AEMO grid wind delivered 56-61% of its nameplate capacity, an average of 6,000 MW, or about 25% of total demand.
In Victoria, wind generated 52% of demand, coal 48%, with 37% being exported.
The spot price was negative $33/MWh for much of the night, and daily spot prices for the last 3 days were $10, $1 and ($20)/MWh.
In SA, wind delivered a peak 95% of generation.
Wind delivered 30% of demand in NSW but only 12% in Qld.
When can we expect the “cheque is in the mail” from Minister Bowen?