A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A few interesting items:
Ipsos survey Oct 2020: 65 per cent of Australians are confident in their ability to spot ‘fake news’ but are less confident in their fellow citizens’ ability to do the same (29 per cent).
Report: Australians confident in ability to spot fake news
LiveScience: In a classic 1977 study, 94 percent of professors rated [their own IQ] above average relative to their peers.
Why We’re All Above Average
Ralph Waldo Emerson on misinformation (1860): As gas-light is found to be the best nocturnal police, so the universe protects itself by pitiless publicity.
Australian Government: some states [ie. countries which could include Australia] may seek to characterise legitimate debate and commentary that is objectionable to them as disinformation or misinformation.
Disinformation & Misinformation
I don’t suppose that millenials would know what gas-light was.
The “Silent Generation” does.
I’ve been “debating” the same people for years. I’m convinced they can recognise fake news but they spread it anyway because it suits their narrative. The camps, and there are more than two, are such implacable enemies that nothing shall be examined: It is right or wrong instinctively.
To show what I mean, this is a post by a guy with terminal TDS:
In case you think I’ve missed the /s, he meant this, in spite of there being no public toilets in the WH because there are no public areas.
And he knows bittem has a stash???Lol?
Some of us are very familiar with that term.
Also familiar with the term; “Gaslighting”
See the 1944 movie “Gaslight”, the plot of which revolves around convincing a “mark” that they are “losing the plot” and keeping them suitably bewildered.
“Steely Dan’ even recorded a song “Gaslighting Annie” on their “Two against Nature’ album.
A “definition” of the term:
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a person or group causes someone to question their own sanity, memories, or perception of reality. People who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or as though they cannot trust themselves.”
For further details, see here:
Ring any bells, Quasimodo?
There was a movie “36 Hours” starring James Garner made in 1964.
Quite a good plot.
“Germans kidnap an American Major and try to convince him that World War II is over so they can get details about the Allied invasion of Europe out of him.”
Not sure it qualifies as true gaslighting but similar and a good movie anyway. 🙂
Please sign Senator Babet’s petition against the Australian Government’s proposed laws against free speech:
I would likely sign the petition IF I could read the text of the petition I would be supporting
Thanks for the comment ozfred. I left a message for Senator Babet.
Please make a submission to the Australian Government about their proposed laws against free speech. There are fewer than 30 days remaining:
Truly astonishing. I will have to make a submission. Or is that itself a trap?
It is the natural state for humans to want to take control over other humans. It is the default state of things. This situation or status that we have been living under for x amount of years is not natural, had to be fought for, and will always suffer attack from people who want to take control. And here comes one.
I would dare say this blog would be regarded as complete misinformation and disinformation.
Please report to the blog dungeon, where your eyelids will be stapled back and and endless looping displays of GI and PF posts will be displayed for 1 month.🙃😆
The racist war by the Left/Regressives against white Caucasian people* and Western European Civilisation must stop. People of Caucasian origin and people who live according to the values of Western Civilisation are an extreme minority and the oppression must stop.
*People of the Indian sub-continent are brown but Caucasoid but the Left/Regressives don’t seem to be racist against them.
Number of “white people” is 1.1 to 1.2 billion, just 15% of world population.
World population is 8 billion.
Population of Western Europe is 198 million.
Population of USA/Canada is 332 million + 38 million.
Population of Australia is 26 million.
Population of New Zimbabwe is 5 million.
So there are 599 million people in the larger Western countries of Australia, NZ, USA, Canada and Western Europe.
There are isolated pockets of other white people who subscribe to Western values elsewhere.
So you can see that there are very few people who are “white” and even fewer who subscribe to Western Civilisation.
The racism against this small but important minority group must stop!
As we’re a minority group we can now demand that the world fully accept without question any psychosis or ignorance driven demands we make, and everyone must indulge us or we’ll call them racists and phobists.😁
If that doesn’t work we’ll identify as aboriginals, get truckloads of money from taxpayers who never did anything wrong, and get our own (comedy) tv show.😆
Unfortunately, the minority thing was just a convenient excuse. The real principle is anti-whitism.
David M: Nope. and Philip (5.39pm 4.2)….Nope….
If any of this was a war against white people, or anti-whitism, then how come not a single white Democrat, or white ALPer, or white UK Labour MP is under attack? How come all the leftist white celebrity entertainers, sportspeople…..and all the white leftist talking heads …..are NOT being cancelled? Nor the white leftist multi-millionaires and billionaires spouting woke BS? The white leftist company CEO wokesters?
Well guys…the answer is that…despite the theatre,….he sound and the fury….it’s ALL BS. Just more leftist nonsense to gee up the troops. Just another a fake “movement” aimed at further enriching the already-rich criminal-class of “leaders and influencers” who’ve always run leftism, so as to bamboozle the stupid and cowardly into handing themselves and their money over to them.
Should anyone NOT accept this take, please consider the following: Joe Biden is white. His veep is black (AND a woman to boot). Joe is senile and ripe for the removal on fruit-loop grounds. YET, those waging the “war on whites” have not tossed out White-Boy Joe for the first ever black female President to emerge. Why is THIS, huh?
[ “Mantary” as username vs. “Mantaray”, creates a new user with zero comments. – LVA]
Mantaray, just because 0.0000001% of whites are protected because they have billions of dollars or are “useful” to the cause of the uber-wealthy doesn’t mean this isn’t being run as a simple racist anti-white class war to whip up division and feed on base instincts for political gain. Plenty of smart teenagers are missing out on university places because they don’t have enough melanin. Plenty of good political candidates ignored due to their gender or color and some police officers are even facing charges in court which they wouldn’t face if they had more melanin. Who cares what color Biden’s skin is? Kamala is so incompetent (which is really saying something given Biden’s state) that she has been quietly hidden in the background. At least Biden has the excuse of dementia. Have you listened to her word salad?
The exceptions to the rule matter, but only in the sense that it points at who is really driving this.
PS: Please don’t YELL at us.
More Fake news; The woke mainstream media went into hyperventilation this week when they announced that world temperature records have been smashed. Today’s Sunday Herald Sun newspaper reveals how the scary conclusion was produced; “The estimates are produced through a combination of actual temperature measurements with computer modelling.”
A figure of 17.03 degrees C was reached thanks to the assistance of a computer model that “pasteurized” the actual measurements.
In the dairy industry Pasteurized means; to heat something, especially milk, at a controlled temperature for a fixed period of time in order to kill bacteria.
In the climate alarmism industry Pasteurized means; to heat actual temperatures, using controlled computer modelling for a long as it takes in order to kill the truth.
The truth is out there but not for the plebs to see, 59,554 temperature measurements are collected across the globe every hour, 24 hours a day, produces a current reading this hour of 14.16 deg. C.
They use unadjusted temps, but how could this be. Australia has already been adjusted.
‘Temperature.Global calculates the current global temperature of the Earth. It uses unadjusted surface temperatures.’
El Gordo >”They use unadjusted temps, but how could this be. Australia has already been adjusted.”
No the station data has not been adjusted – it’s raw. This is the data that Temperature.Global picks up and so do all the reanalysis datasets like NCEP CFSV2/CFSR where the “hottest day” records are coming from.
Those global forecasting systems are the basis of your nightly TV weather. Keep the initialization data and you have a timeseries.
Re BOM’s ACORN-SAT vs NCEP CFSV2/CFSR and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis V1, or R1 go to the Saturday thread starting at #4 here:
Downthread you will find this:
Linear trends for the 60 year time segment Australia 1953 – 2012.
Obviously NCEP/NCAR R1 is not picking up BOM’s adjusted data.
Mayday >”“The estimates are produced through a combination of actual temperature measurements with computer modelling.”
Yes fake news but with some truth in there. University of Maine has issued a “Special Notice” on the Daily 2m Air Temperature page at Climate Reanalyzer:
So not a model but a modeling framework constrained by observations. Their data sources have always been on the page:
Obviously surface station data must be obtained only from electronic stations (EWS) that have an internet or dedicated feed that CFS/CFSR can pick up.
These systems are the source of nightly TV weather all around the world i.e. universally accepted.
Mayday >“heat actual temperatures, using controlled computer modelling”
Dead wrong – actually almost the opposite is the case. They use raw station data, NOT adjusted.
The difference between adjusted series like BOM’s ACORN-SAT and reanalysis like NCEP CFSV2/CFSR (source of “hottest day” records) or NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis V1 (R1) is stark. This was my take in the Saturday thread:
The trend comparison was this:
Obviously this is highly problematic and very awkward for BOM.
I suggest getting familiar with reanalysis before dissing the entire concept. It is actually a HUGE sector and massive undertaking. GFS for example is advanced every 4 hours, 6 times a day with observations as initialization data for each forecast.
This is where your nightly TV weather comes from.
This is a new and immensely better era in the climate change saga. We never saw absolute timeseries before – now we do. All we saw was the “scary scenarios” that homogenized anomalies produce. Now we see the benign absolute series.
Better still, the adjusted homogenized anomaly series (like BOM’s ACORN-SAT) have been exposed as highly suspect by non-adjusted non-homogenized reanalysis. Also, ACORN-SAT represents Australia in the global series HadCRUT5 and CRUTEM5. This is the IPCC “Gold Standard”.
If adjusted homogenized anomaly series have been relegated by reanalysis, isn’t that the a fantastic development ?
Being able to argue facts is the best . The “field” of “climate change” is full of models which is not data which you rightly pointed out . Different methods of measuring temperature bring different results which is often a red flag for accuracy . At least “we” can (still) debate the merits of scientific methods and have honest discussions . Weather and climate have almost limitless possibilities because there are so many moving pieces and I don’t think we know what all of them are .
Old Goat >”Different methods of measuring temperature bring different results which is often a red flag for accuracy”
There will never be accurate results for globally averaged weather and climate. Or regional, or even very local. For example the CBD areas and main beach differ radically from the weather station located at the airport in my home city.
Similarly averaging across the NHs wavy jetstream is absurd, that’s this (via Cap Allon at Electroverse and Jeff Beradelli):
But what other way of obtaining an indicative metric is there?
Ocean heat and ARGO is similar, it is indicative but not accurate so we have to keep that in mind. 2 or 3 decimal places of results does not make the result more precise or more accurate – it’s still indicative. This is the context in which to read the results. When the method is consistent then differences from day to day are at least in the same ball park and we know, indicatively, there’s been a movement somewhere – but where? Latest movement was a spike in Antarctica – not El Nino, not climate change.
Having said that yes, differences of results between methods certainly do raise red flags. Within the homogenized series e.g. GISTEMP, Berkeley Earth, NCEI, ACORN-SAT, the respective methods produce wildly different adjustments at the same step changes. Some opposite sign at the same step, some make an adjustment at the step some don’t. That’s a giant red flag.
But with reanalysis all that becomes completely irrelevant – no homogenization, no adjustments, just the raw data. No red flag.
‘ … a fantastic development ?’
Yes it is and thanks for your insightfulness.
I hate Microsoft.
Every time it does an update, I am absolutely certain it uses more resources and makes the computer slower with the objective of making it unusable.
I resisted the latest Windows update as long as possible until it forced itself and I found my PC is definitely much slower than before plus I had to close a lot of web pages to liberate memory (already maxed out).
If you have a choice, use something else like Linux.
Here’s a flashback to “Roy” who monitored all the comments.
That was six years ago.
I’m sure he would be horrified at what’s become of the US, and especially his hometown.
Keep on flying Roy.
Sorry, this comment wasn’t meant to be linked to David’s but by chance it may be appropriate because Roy was into computer programming.
I remember those. I’m still using a W7 laptop, but it’s a high-end screamer.
If only I could find a new laptop with what I want without a $5k+ pricetag I’d buy another.
W7 is the best OS ever.
I’ve posted before on this, but you want to do some pruning on your system.
Removing all the junk and telemetry will do wonders.
O&O Shutup10++ for one, just be careful…
Watch this too:
Cybercpu tech is one of my regular channels. 😁
You said it David. I assume you don’t have a choice?
I use linux (Ubuntu) and have a windoze virtual machine which I (rarely) fire up if I need to use an non linux application.
Apart from all the “updates”, slowness, and memory-hogging, micro$oft actively collects data about you. And if you manage to disable their personal data collection feature, they’ll usually fix that with another “update”.
I know people hate being reminded of Mac
I Have a couple of yrs old Mac Mini with SSHD and the M1 chip and it does everything I want it to and does it well, but I am a classic know little low end user.
I bought the mini but already had the screen and keyboard so it was cheap. A cheap logitech mouse works perfectly. OK, I know JCII would find it inadequate.
I can’t remember when I went Mac but it was a looong time ago and the look and feel has never changed and upgrades have been seamless, except one. But I have hated M’Soft with a passion since the 640k memory wall of DOS and early windows.
Here’s one that I know you’ll all appreciate 😉
openKylin: An Independent Open-Source Linux OS.
It has been designed as a rival to the Windows and MacOS systems. openKylin users have access to the software’s lines of code and can modify them as they wish, unlike Microsoft and Apple, which keep the workings of their Windows and MacOS systems secret.
Microsoft? Surely never in the history of man has so much money been made from selling a faulty product.
And nobody attempts to pin them down on the issue. They keep one step ahead of the dogs by “upgrading”to a new faulty product. Maybe AI will catch them out.
AI is all the rage. But without even knowing how computers work I venture to say that AI is not new. What is new is that the cost of computer hardware has become so low that cost is no longer a limiting factor in the industry. That might all blow on the wind if China attacks Taiwan, Just look what the war in Ukraine is doing to steel.
Meanwhile my gripe with Apple is that I don’t want to be their slave. I don’t want their iCloud. i just want an iMist or an iFog. For which I probably have just about all that I need except knowing how to do it.
My 14 yo Macbook Pro is years behind their “upgraded” OS. For two years I have been waiting for a new model iMac that wouldn’t be streeted two months later like that laptop was. I stopped the gap with the MacMini and a 55 inch 4k Sony TV, the base model at $895. As far as I could see there wasn’t any difference in picture quality with the first three price grades of Sony TV. Somebody said it is a Linux TV, but I don’t know. I’d still have a tidier desk with an iMac.
Microsoft? Surely never in the history of man has so much money been made from selling a faulty product.
Their “Surface” series being case in point. Got one of the tablets (Surface 2) and while still under warranty back it went for replacement of faulty hard drive. Then when out of warranty the fan started to play up = over heat shut down. Moved on to a Surace 3 with detachable screen and once out of warranty a yellowing of pixels down the left hand side of the screen started to show up. No big deal we have, if you look for it, a small line of white pixels top right of our tv screen, so continue on. Over time the line morphed into bunches and then the screen started to separate from the casing. Research turned up a global problem with an expanding battery in this model of surface. Tried to get MS (not the disease – but then again) support to show any interest but out of warranty so tooooo bad.
How is it that car manufacturers who installed faulty air bags had to do a recall and replace them yet MS and their use of a faulty component gets nothing?
Ive gone back to HP only to find they come with an ms infection called “edge”. If you right click you now only get some options and have to click again to get to the “missing” ones. Also if you right click a link to open it in new tab you then have to manually go to the tab because you cannot set it to automatically switch to the new tab. No wonder BG has bought up so much land in USA/globally(?). With his production skills he’s probably still only getting enough crop to feed himself.
Microsoft are the only company that releases its product and then troubleshoots it .It is just a patchwork of “fixes” and this creates opportunities for exploitation . The AI Genie is already out of the bottle . That’s the most important thing that is currently happening as the internet is the interface between it and us . Nearly all of your information is available on the internet if you have the skills to get it .
Nearly all of your information is available on the internet if you have the skills to get it.
Actually “…skills to get it” is not much of a factor/solution. The real factor/solution is getting the organisation(s) responsible to step up and take responsibility. Examples of businesses that lack integrity and ownership of any problems they caused/contributed to can be found across all industries – even political parties as evidenced with robodebt.
An article covers the expanding battery issue very well. The big red flag of this item however is found in the readers comments section which contains the following piece of “advice”:
“…gas must have leaked from the battery and although the battery no longer holds a charge, I could have saved myself much trouble and money had I pierced the casing material. Before I replace the battery, I will pierce the casing material with a pin as you wisely did.”
Another reader has responded to this and pointed out “I just wanted to pop into this comment thread and let you know that piercing a swollen battery can actually be quite dangerous and cause a fire.” have also produced an excellent article on the issue highlighting other apparently well-known issues with the surface including:
“What isn’t normal is when Li-ion batteries swell. This happens when the battery’s planned chemical reaction is compromised and gaseous by-products are produced, mostly carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). The mixture can also include the toxic gas hydrogen fluoride (HF) and potentially toxic gas phosphoryl fluoride (POF 3 ).”
“Here’s where the trouble is doubled for Surface users, as Microsoft Surfaces are not designed for battery replacements. They’re not the only consumer devices that are difficult to service; the whole category of thin-and-sleek premium electronics—including Apple MacBooks—is notorious for difficult user repairs. However, the Microsoft Surface line is particularly egregious, as Microsoft itself will not replace batteries in its own products. If you need another battery, Microsoft will sell you another Surface. Apple, for comparison, will replace its own MacBook batteries for $200 or less.”
The need to control and censor free speech would seem to be overkill given that global corporations are already totally ignoring it as and when they want to.
Nearly all of your information is available on the internet if you have the skills to get it.
Actually “…skills to get it” is not much of a factor/solution. The real factor/solution is getting the organisation(s) responsible to step up and take responsibility. Examples of businesses that lack integrity and ownership of any problems they caused/contributed to can be found across all industries – even political parties as evidenced with robodebt.
An article covers the expanding battery issue very well. The big red flag of this item however is found in the readers comments section which contains the following piece of “advice”:
“…gas must have leaked from the battery and although the battery no longer holds a charge, I could have saved myself much trouble and money had I pierced the casing material. Before I replace the battery, I will pierce the casing material with a pin as you wisely did.”
Another reader has responded to this and pointed out “I just wanted to pop into this comment thread and let you know that piercing a swollen battery can actually be quite dangerous and cause a fire.” have also produced an excellent article on the issue highlighting other apparently well-known issues with the surface including:
“What isn’t normal is when Li-ion batteries swell. This happens when the battery’s planned chemical reaction is compromised and gaseous by-products are produced, mostly carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). The mixture can also include the toxic gas hydrogen fluoride (HF) and potentially toxic gas phosphoryl fluoride (POF 3 ).”
“Here’s where the trouble is doubled for Surface users, as Microsoft Surfaces are not designed for battery replacements. They’re not the only consumer devices that are difficult to service; the whole category of thin-and-sleek premium electronics—including Apple MacBooks—is notorious for difficult user repairs. However, the Microsoft Surface line is particularly egregious, as Microsoft itself will not replace batteries in its own products. If you need another battery, Microsoft will sell you another Surface. Apple, for comparison, will replace its own MacBook batteries for $200 or less.”
The need to control and censor free speech would seem to be overkill given that global corporations are already totally ignoring it as and when they want to.
Chiefio refers to Windows as “the original computer virus”
Re Edge – have a look at Brave. It won’t be on the ap store so you’ll have to have unlocked the computer.
“Windows” has ALWAYS been “bloatware” It started as a GUI “shell”, cobbled over a DOS frame; an attempt to “emulate” the actual GUI system as per “Apple Mac”.
Allegedly, it was a good idea, BUT it was, and remains memory and processor “hungry”. The ONLY thing that kept it alive was the hardware builders outdid themselves producing bigger, faster memory “chips”, ludicrously fast processors and the motherboards to do all of this.
Of course, Microsoft and others, then wrote more sloppy code / “copy and paste” to take advantage of each surge of hardware potential.
The “industrial” Windows (NT) was a different beast. Then we got Windows 200 and the really dodgy “millennium”.
Once High-end software like AutoCad came in various “flavours; DOD, Mac and Unix, for instance. It was a “command-line system, basically.
Release 14 of AutoCad was Windows ONLY and has a GUI but was not entirely “intuitive” or “friendly”, despite the pretty, coloured icons and so forth.
There also seems to be an element of using the “punters” as “beta-testers” who actually pay for that “privilege”.
It has always appeared to me that everything Microsoft rides on the coat tails of one program. Excel. The only compelling reason for using Windows is to run Excel.
Try OpenOffice/OfficeLibre. To my mind, it’s just as good and it’s free.
Wasn’t Excel created as a result of 1-2-3?
I remember those. I’m still using a W7 laptop, but it’s a high-end screamer.
If only I could find a new laptop with what I want without a $5k+ pricetag I’d buy another.
W7 is the best OS ever.
I’ve posted before on this, but you want to do some pruning on your system.
Removing all the junk and telemetry will do wonders.
O&O Shutup10++ for one, just be careful…
Watch this too:
Cybercpu tech is one of my regular chsnnels.😁
RIGGED: Members of the British media have already written articles blaming Russia for a dirty bomb attack in Ukraine that hasn’t even happened yet
British media outlets have already written articles claiming that Russia is the culprit of an expected dirty bomb incident in Ukraine.
This is according to award-winning British journalist and Daily Mail correspondent Martin Jay, who expressed dismay upon learning that some of his colleagues have already written articles claiming that Russia is responsible for a dirty bomb attack that hasn’t even happened yet.
A dirty bomb is an explosive device that mixes a variety of different explosive materials with radioactive substances, like radioactive powder or pellets. When the explosives are set off, the blast carries the radioactive material into the surrounding area, causing even more devastation due to the poisoning of the immediate environment.
Jay wrote that some of his colleagues in journalism, whom he called “morally bankrupt cretins,” will not miss the opportunity to immediately attribute an attack against the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to Russia.
“They have been preparing their readers for this, as long back as the Nova Kakhovka dam attack just weeks ago, where they wove into the call center journalism, copy warnings that there would soon be an attack on a nuclear power plant by the Russians,” wrote Jay for the Strategic Culture Foundation.
“The state of British journalism is so bad now that most hacks just find writing total fiction about Russia and the Ukraine war so much preferable to actually doing anything which resembles journalism,” he continued. “So, when the attack on a nuclear power plant comes and they don’t miss a minute blaming Putin, they will be accomplices to the war, the human rights atrocities, the civilian deaths as the greater public has no intent or desire to hold such vagabonds to account for their dark work.”
* Added bold for emphasis
The much touted Zapo nuclear plant false flag trigger still hasn”t happened. Must have been all that publicity…
FWIW – “SITREP 7/6/23: Zelensky Builds One Last Suicidal Thrust to Appease Masters”
“First, let’s just do away with the ZNPP updates to set the scene. Budanov now claims that the threat of the ZNPP attack is ‘receding’: ”
Suggestions that Z-man has been told to pee on that idea
Compare the uniformed figure here with the latest US military advertising figures –
Accepting one source as the only authoritative one is fraught.
Notice the “FWIW”?
The British journalist according to Humbert Wolfe
You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
British journalist.
But, seeing what
the man will do
unbribed, there’s
no occasion to.
There is a reason to refer to the “opinion-shapers” as “churnalists”. when in polite company.
A number of more “pithy” terms are also available.
They are the “influencers” of the MSM . Sold to the highest bidder .
Refusing to Fund Your Partner’s Gender Transition is Domestic Abuse, Says Crown Prosecution Service
Spouses who refuse to fund their partner’s gender change surgery may be committing domestic abuse, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) says in new guidance. The Telegraph has more.
The CPS has listed nine types of behaviour which could amount to abuse of trans or non-binary people by their partners or members of their family.
These include “withholding money for transitioning”, which would include either spouse refusing to pay for gender surgery, counselling or other treatment in a way that amounted to coercive control or abuse.
Other behaviours could be “criticising the victim for not being ‘a real man/woman’ if they have not undergone reassignment surgery”, or “threatening or sharing pre-transition images”, or refusing to use his or her preferred name or pronoun.
Somehow I think their relationship is already on the rocks if they didn’t know.
..pulls rusty bread knife from drawer..
Don’t need no funding.😆
if it’s a man wanting to be a woman, then let’s suppose they have a wife.
The theory put forth by the loonies is that women are destined to always earn less than men because…. reasons…
In that case, wouldn’t it be unfair for a man to demand that a woman hand over her hard earned, but meagre income…?
I know we need to suspend all critical thinking and logic when it comes to examining arguments made by zealots, but I can’t help but wonder, sometimes…
New York state quietly shuts down Excelsior Pass program that cost $250M in tax money to build
The state of New York has quietly shut down its Excelsior Pass program that cost taxpayers $250 million. The now-defunct pass was the Empire State’s version of a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine passport.
State officials announced on June 30 that the digital vaccine passport “will no longer be available” by July 28. They cited “reduced demand for access to digital COVID-19 test and vaccine records,” alongside “the official end of the COVID-19 public health emergency” last May 11, as reasons for the discontinuation.
Given this, the Empire State said it “will no longer recommend its use, provide technical support or release future versions” of the mobile app that holds the vaccine pass. “New users will be unable to log in and register for it.”
“Your data collected for [the Excelsior Pass] continues to be private and secure. [The state of] New York has gained knowledge on digital credentialing from this effort and remains interested in the potential this type of technology could bring in the future.”
Jordan Schachtel of the Dossier recounted that New York City (NYC) made use of the Excelsior Pass in its “Key to NYC” vaccine passport program for over two years. Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and his successor, current Mayor Eric Adams, utilized the pass to prohibit entry to indoor facilities to those who refused to get injected with the two-dose Pfizer and Moderna injections and the single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot.
A lot of Covid stuff got quietly tucked away. I wonder where the 1000s of ventilator the VIC Health Minister bragged about sourcing ended up? millions of RAT tests on the tip (they were giving handfuls away for free the last time we went to the Drs) Unused vaccines as popularity waned, and eleventy zillion litres of hand sanitizer.
Remembering the Outgoing CDC Director’s Greatest Moments
History is prologue to the new CDC Director
Aaron Siri, July 8
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky stepped down last week. But before she rides off into the sunset, I’d like to take a moment to remember a few of her moments of public “health” leadership.
Who could forget her interview on March 29, 2021 with Rachel Maddow, where she confidently stated:
“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.”
Or her comments on March 3, 2022, where she said with a giggle:
“I think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said ‘waning.’… Nobody said, ‘Well what if it’s not as potent against the next variant?’”
An amazing statement for anyone in the field, let alone the head of the CDC, when it is common knowledge that quickly mutating coronaviruses could potentially evade vaccine-induced immunity. And we know that in August 2021 vaccinated employees at the CDC itself were experiencing high levels of breakthrough infections. Yet the CDC Director allowed her agency to continue with its messaging that the vaccines “reduced the risk of COVID-19… by 90 percent or more” through December 2021.
Or how about this tweet on June 18, 2022 where Walensky said:
“We now know based on rigorous scientific review that the vaccines available here in the United States can be used safely and effectively in children under 5.”
This for a product in use pursuant to an Emergency Use Authorization.
And remember when the CDC thought it was a great idea to recommend the Covid-19 vaccines specifically to children and adults with heart disease? What could possibly go wrong?
Or when it steadfastly refused to acknowledge the validity of natural immunity based on a single poorly-done study?
Walensky’s recent interview with the Washington Post, provided this final gem:
She hopes Americans will also better fact-check the information they receive, given the high levels of politicization and misinformation in health and science. She encouraged people to check things they are hearing with other trusted sources, such as academic institutions or societies and their physicians.
“People will say, ‘Well, we don’t trust the federal government or we don’t trust this agency.’ My response is, ‘OK, then verify,’ ” she said. “Go triangulate your resources and see where you can find trust in other places.”
That statement is pretty ironic coming from Walensky, since she was a purveyor of misinformation which caused a serious decline in the public’s trust in the CDC.
As we have shown through countless FOIA requests and lawsuits on behalf of ICAN, people don’t trust the federal public “health” agencies for good reason.
We will continue to hold these organizations accountable for their misinformation and misdeeds—and you can rest assured we’ll be watching new Director Mandy Cohen closely.
“‘For if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments … reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.’ George Washington”
“‘Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the free acts of speech.’ Benjamin Franklin”
“Like the White House Defendants and Surgeon General Defendants, the Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of Plaintiffs’ First Amendment free speech claim against the CDC Defendants. … The CDC became the ‘determiner of truth’ for social-media platforms, deciding whether COVID-19 statements made on social media were true or false. … If the CDC said a statement on social media was false, it was suppressed, in spite of alternative views.”
Brownstone Institute:
Fauci Comes Clean on Vaccines and Respiratory Viruses
on Substack: Dr Byram W. Bridle 19/03/2023
It Takes at Least a Decade to Be Sure a New Vaccine is Safe
After Twelve Years You Could Find Out That All Hell Broke Loose, Then What Have You Done [Source: Dr. Anthony Fauci]
On the WEF site: ‘Ready for Brain Transparency?’
hint from the animation: Future generations will go to and from work with the bus.
On Substack: ‘A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess Lawrie’
Do you want the WHO to be given legally binding authority over your health, freedom and sovereignty?
The WHO supports gain of function research whilst warning of deadly pathogens. When things don’t make sense, one needs to pay attention.
A quote from the TIME magazine, August 23/30, 2021:
[Vaccines] “were designed to protect against severe disease and death, not infections.”
A good fake news add on to debunk I spotted in the hottest day ever news streams is the articles that Chinese cities are using water fogging to cool their cities down.
Actually is used to settle some pollution out of the air.
Takes the pollution out of the air and puts it in the waterways.
Would the pollution eat the plastic?
Hmmm ….
‘Yesterday, Opposition leader Peter Dutton called for Australia to embrace nuclear power to secure a clean, cost-effective, consistent electricity supply.
‘Dutton’s proposal is to replace coal-fired plants with small modular reactors that are on the drawing board in the US, UK, and elsewhere.’ (Spectator)
Nuclear is fine but it would take at least 50 years to possibly get approved in Australia, just like tbe second Sydney International Airport. If Australia can smarten up and join reality and approve quickly, then great.
But Dutton is too much of a wimp to embrace coal.
And the fact that he won’t means he’s a true believer in the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
If he was hoping to gain Green votes then he’ll be disappointed.
He apparently lacks the wit and wisdom to be a charismatic leader.
If Dutton said ‘CO2 doesn’t cause global warming and yet our side can do nothing except wait for the lights to go out.’ There would be much laughter.
If he thinks that anything he says can gain Green votes then he’ll be disappointed.
Dutton said on radio just days ago, “we are all in favour of renewables…”
So in other words, he is not a leader, just a hard-of-thinking follower.
An enormous disappointment.
Many conservatives had hope for him.
I’ve worked out Dutton’s plan.
He knows Australian aren’t smart enough to go nuclear in less than half a century and probably not even then, so he intends to keep the status quo of ever more economy-destroying wind and solar while pretending to be an alternative government.
The reality is that he’s no alternative at all.
It’s Tweedledum or Tweedledee.
All Lab/Lib politicians are followers not leaders . The leaders are being relentlessly gaslit by the media and don’t have a chance for now . The problem with the internet is that the truth eventually leaks out…….
Australians don’t want nuclear, Dutton is kicking a can down the street, he shouldn’t have raised the issue
I saw this on the Quora Digest website. I thought the response from the (USA) judge was excellent and appropriate.
I did jury duty once, in 1989. On the first day a man (from the antipodes) strenuously objected to being called a “bloke” by one of the staff. He was told to leave.
Once you get old enough in WA, you are no longer eligible to serve on a jury.
Is that age discrimination?
Don’t ask how I know.
I’ve been called up over 6 times, and been an expert witness once.
Don’t know why I’m so popular.🙃
My advice (on avoiding service) was to turn up in a neat suit and tie.
I wouldn’t know if that was right because the first call up I wasn’t asked and the second after moving interstate. Yes, I did registered in the other State but it appears that the advice wasn’t circulated that quickly. Public Service?
it was only a month ago l was in the court for jury duty but was let go because l refused to have a rat test
The History Debunked YouTube channel talks about constant warnings about “adverse weather” from the UK Met Office, obviously aimed at the hard-of-thinking and intended to keep the non-thinking community in a perpetual state of fear.
6 mins.
The Biden Maladministration is banning most incandescent light bulbs in the US August 1st, just as they were banned when Australia had a loony green environment minister Turnbull who banned them in 2009, later to become a lunatic PM.
Taking into account lifetime energy use to manufacture and provide light, and the cost, I would be surprised if LEDs or older compact fluoros come out any better than incans.
David, I have incandescent light bulbs in my present house that have been in their sockets for 28 years. I’ve never changed them, but in fairness, I don’t turn those particular bulbs on that often, but bulbls that I do use reasonably often are at least 10 years old. I’ve also got LED downlights…and I’ve had to replace 2 of them, with a life of about 5 years of daily use.
Before I moved into my current residence, called in the electricians to replace all lights with LEDs, including the garage fluoros. A good move as light failures are virtually nil.
CFLs are expensive, have a short lifetime and contain mercury. And they break easily when you try to remove the dead ones from the sockets. Avoid if possible. Another very bad idea.
Lets say you run a 60W incandescent light globe for 6 hours per day. Then replace it with a 9W light globe that will produce more light. Monthly energy saving is 30X6X51 = 9.2kWh. Take price of electricity as 0.34C/kWh to give monthly saving of $3.13. A LED downlight will cost about $10; a globe less. So 3 months to pay off. And the LED globe may never need replacing.
I do not agree with mandating such changes because anyone with a brain can work out the benefit and make their own decision.
My wife asked me to replace all the light fittings that already had LED globes with LED downlight last week because they were so much cleaner – they do not collect dust and bugs.
Willis Eschenbach has provided an ENERGY graph for Australia and the total from all sources of our energy.
Fossil fuels 94%.
W & S 4.7%
Hydro 1.1%
Bio fuels and others 0.2%.
Here’s the graph
Here’s the link to the article and many other countries’ Energy graphs and global energy.
Get rid of the parasitic wind and solar loads. They drain money way out of proportion to their trivial contribution. Plus they require power stations to be kept on spinning reserve in any case.
That’s a GREAT graph! Thanks.
Aunty is on a bender.
‘The warm global waters are having a dramatic impact on Antarctic sea ice, which is running at record-low levels and well outside the bounds of typical variability.
‘The ice deficit, compared to normal, has been growing for months and is now more than 2.5 million square kilometres below average.
‘That is roughly the size of Western Australia.’ (ABC)
and your point?
The usual rubbish story, based on sea ice not around the actual continent, but only around the narrow long peninsula that juts about 900 kms out into the sub-Antarctic region. In an area impacted by at least 93 undersea volcanoes and affected by foehn winds. Nothing to see here.
My point is that the comings and goings of sea ice is unrelated to CO2.
‘ … outside the bounds of typical variability’ is an opportunity to examine cause and effect.
According NASA the trend is flat.
‘Within Antarctic sea ice, there is variation from place to place around the continent. Sea ice extent has increased somewhat in the eastern Ross Sea sector, while it has decreased in the seas around the Antarctic Peninsula. In short, Antarctic sea ice shows a nearly flat trend, but large-scale variations make the trend very noisy.’
Cai has a paper out and this caught my interest.
‘The wind intensification induces changes in the intensity and distribution of upwelling, with serious consequences. An increase in upwelling accelerates melt of Antarctic ice sheets and ice shelves, and the associated meltwater flux into the ocean leads to a more stratified upper ocean, which in turn slows heat and carbon uptake by the Southern Ocean.’ (
Most likely written by a 21 year old. They generally are when I check.
Local Council Rejects 15 Minute Cities
The Most Insane Net Zero Policy In Salisbury Exposed
That is excellent
I am back in the UK for a short visit. We have rented a cottage with a conservatory overlooking an orchard, so I’m birdwatching. Apart from a clear decline in numbers and diversity, they also seem to have lost colour and size.
Needless to say, this is being blamed on climate change, not population growth and habitat loss, but I got a chuckle out of BBC report on the matter, in which it was confidently stated that birds tend to be smaller in warm climates.
They should visit my garden in Queensland, to observe all the tiny Ibis, Sulphur Crests, Coucals, Channel-Billed Cuckoos, etc. There isn’t a small bird to be seen.
Probably more likely the lack of sulfur available to plants via the soil since coal use declined.
FWIW – destined for a place in history (/s)
“Father of Our Country”*-nation/father-of-our-country/
The WH has now changed the location of the discovery (3rd version) to an ‘area under construction’.
(Turns out the security camera contractor at the WH is the same contractor as the J. Epstein jail.)
I have tossed my magic frog bones and have divined next week’s headlines …
it was a white construction worker with MAGA tendencies and an NRA membership … which is saying the same thing thrice … in DC English.
Last I saw was that it will be Kamala who ‘fesses up and so gets taken out of the line of succession.
brother another ian, as you know …
confessions are like admissions the we make when we acknowledge confessing what we want to admit, acknowledging the things we admit. As we know when we are being inclusive we acknowledge those we include in our diversity, making confession a noble act of inclusion, increasing our strength of diversity.
Damn, I just realized my word salad mockery is better than the real thing.
Yay me.
Re-reading my off the cuff salad … I think I could of had a career academia.
BullS*#t bingo score 5 – you can do better .
Albo ‘latched on’ to a ‘false concept’ of Jewish people universally supporting Voice
Clive Palmer: Voice referendum a ‘plan to take from’ aboriginal people’s voice
Australian pain statistics and facts
No mention of Chris Bowen, odd
What is going on in the Netherlands?
I have read that the Government has resigned? I
They couldn’t agree on an immigration policy and whether it was appropriate for a country of 17.8 million to allow in 600,000 legals and 400,000 illegals per year, almost all of whom will be life-long welfare dependents.
Most weren’t even approved migrants, just related to migrants already there.
The coalition has fallen apart. over immigration policy.
And Miss Nederlands is a bloke – or was a male, once upon a time: talk about a ‘fairytail’ ending…
Hear alarmism at the highest level!
National Academies “Climate Junk Summit” 7/11-7/12 is open to all
By David Wojick
The beginning: “The U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) are holding a “Climate Crossroads Summit” on July 11-12. Virtual attendance is open to all. See
These “Academies” are supposed to give objective advice to Congress but they might as well be the Green Party of Germany. Here is your chance to hear ridiculous alarmism at the highest national level. The website say “There will be numerous discussions and other opportunities for virtual participants to engage throughout the program.” I will be surprised if skeptics are allowed to speak, but we can try.
The supposed “crossroads” is the usual nonsense refrain that we have to (finally) act fast before it is too late. Here is how NASEM puts it: “The global community is in a crucial window for addressing the many threats climate change poses to the planet and society. To meet these challenges, the nation and the world must harness the full complement of knowledge and skills across science, engineering, and medicine.”
So “crucial window — many threats — nation and world must”. In this case we must harness knowledge, which is an obscure but entertaining metaphor. It might be hard to sit through two long days of this green junk but I encourage people to at least look in a bit. This is what Congress is getting from the once great National Academies that we are paying big bucks for. Confusion in a green wrapper.”
More in the article including some engineering nonsense.
Laugh in their faces.
A thought on AI
Remember that the internet used to be referred to as “the information highway”?
In my view it is more like a bad wheat crop – “some grains amidst a lot of chaff”
Now it seems that there are massive data scrapings of the internet for fuelling these various AI engines.
So just think what they’ll end up with without a seriously good “winnower
Finished “The war on IVM”. Doubt it’s going to change any minds, and IVM has become a ghost. They’ve moved on, and are taking what they have learned into climate change. One chapter I found interesting involved real IVM trials. Actually real trials, legal trials. Those to me provide the only figures that aren’t disputable. Lawyer Ralph Lorigo took on 189 cases of families with relatives in hospitals, on ventilators, against hospitals, who refused to administer IVM. 80 went to trial, Lorigo won 40 of them. Of the 40 he lost, every patient died. Of the ones he won, 2 patients died. This guy should be on Joe Rogan, and all the other main podcasts. Those figures are difficult to counter, but like I said IVM is now a ghost. I think it is probably being used more widely, but it can’t be mentioned in media.
The sad thing is that there are many common, cheap drugs shown/thought to help and none are getting tested.
The latest I read about was glucosamine, the stuff you take for sore joints.
For those who rubbished my idea of flattening a Tesla battery with existing in car devices.
Air conditioning 4kw
Heating 3kw
Heated seats, heated windscreens defrost 3kw
That’s 10kw and an 80 amp hour Tesla would be flat in 8 hours from fully charged.
But brakes energized, all lights on, infotainment and you could get down much faster, maybe 5 hours.
This is not rocket surgery for a science blog.
If Tesla wanted to turn on the brakes and put power into the motors in a way which stalled and did not drive the motor, they could dump the car in far less time, maybe 1 hour without doing any damage. The motors would get hot but it could be done in such a way as to save the car.
My idea is a car dump option which would wipe the battery in a few hours, even if on fire and without an external device.
Don’t forget, some of the many ‘time bombs’ in the recent floods in Florida did not have faults. Not if they were all set to discharge safely by the owners. It could be set for super rapid 1 hour using the motors or 8 hours without even using the motors, but a very simple user option. For today, just turn everything on. Is that so hard?
The other conclusion from the many battery fires we have seen is that electric cars are not flammable. Certainly compared to explosive petrol based cars. So any discharge at all lowers the power available to drive what is an anaerobic fire. And as the power drops the voltage drops and a critical point may be reached for temperature to propagate the chain reaction of melting cells.
Further it’s hard to imagine this is driven by low voltage individual cells of 4.15 volts and runs at a voltage of 340 volts.
So it seems
“How do you turn off high voltage on a Tesla?
“The first responder loop is a low voltage harness.
Cutting the first responder loop shuts down the high voltage system outside of the high voltage battery and disables the SRS and airbag components.”
The problem with this is that the first responder removes any chance of discharging the system by isoloating the fully charged batteries alone with no capacity to discharge. This may be the wrong move. Disable the airbags sure, but leave the 340 or 400 volt systems working for discharge operations.
And cars as in Florida should be able to be rapidly discharged by the owner before the Hurricanes hit. Prevention is better than cure.
this is such nonsense, you seem to live in a world were damaged cars are always damaged in a way that will allow the fantasy action and will react to induced discharge in nice predictable linear ways. I give up , we all have a our beliefs.
No one said the car had to be damaged for there to be a real need to discharge the car. From what I am reading, discharging the car is impossible, except by driving it? That’s nonsense. It’s only a question of time if you turn everything on.
And if you expect your petrol engined car may be flooded, there is no need to empty the petrol tank.
But if your car is electric, it can become a danger to you, your house and your community. It needs to be addressed. That may also be true of substantial hybrids, even mild hybrids of 16% exposed to conductive salt water as in the hurricane floods in Florida.
Why not simply discharge it to the grid where available?
When you discharge a battery, where does the charge stay ? Do you speak about a short circuit ?
Surely not, because you may induce some heat to the battery.
So please explain what you mean with discharging in an emergency case.
It is potential energy turned into heat, like all energy. The car heating system for example. All the electricity is turned into heat. The charge does not go anywhere. It is self cancelling. And a short circuit is not needed. It would melt an iron bar quickly but a short circuit which took an hour would also do.
There is enough load in the car to flatten the battery if everything is turned on. Like any car but it takes longer, about 32x longer (an ordinary 200amphr battery x 12 volts = 2.4Kwhr compared with a fully charged Tesla at 80kwhr). Or only 16x longer if the car battery is already half flat or smaller or both.
And very little heat is induced in the battery, any battery in a discharge less than a short circuit. The resistance of the battery is very low which is how batteries work or the voltage would drop quickly under load.
And what people believe is true is not good enough.
Besides this science blog is about solving problems and asking questions and debate, not just accepting what you are told or by consensus.
I am entirely sceptical of the idea that car batteries cannot be quickly discharged or that the makers cannot build in this function. And it is not because it is somehow impossible.
It is just the wrong thinking that in an emergency you turn everything OFF and wait with firehoses. In fact in a problem with an 80kwhr battery, the most important thing is to turn everything ON. But I admit it is counter intuitive but we have never had to deal with 600kg 80kwhr batteries before! A car battery normally is only around 2.4kwhr and removable.
It’s the same solution with a dam like Wivenhoe. If you think the rain coming might collapse the dam you have to empty the dam before that happens. This also has risks and causes a lot of damage but it is essential. The safety committee had just installed plugs to make sure this happened and it was this foresight which saved the city of Brisbane and perhaps a million people.
And when discussing such things I am surprised to see the ad hominem remarks here.
The topic that will not die.
You don’t have 5-8 hours in an emergency, and you don’t have any reason to rapidly discharge, thereby shortening its life, a battery unless there’s an emergency.
As Clint Eastwood said:
“A man’s got to know his limitations”
Yours is with batteries and logic…
A lot of the potential bombs in Florida were ‘time bombs’ according to chief of the fire brigade. People could have discharged them before the floods but have no way to do so, they think. And they could be discharged after the floods. But people sit around waiting for fires? Why?
Other than the main traction drive motors, there are few electrical “loads” in an EV that could discharge its battery in any reasonable time span.
So any discharge option would need to be external.
Also, EV main battery packs are designed to safely provide the energy for thr vehicles maximum power output.
For a typical large EV such as a Tesla S , that power can be as much as 600+kW from its 100 kWh battery !…. So it is obvious that its battery could theoretically be fully discharged , from full capacity, in less than 15 mins !… if a suitable discharge load and connections were available .
Likewise, Smaller EVs, such as the Kona with a 60 kWh battery, and a 150 kW main drive, coulsd also be safely discharged in much less than an hour .
I doubt many EVs will be on the road with 100% charged battery packs .
The obvious external load device would be a form of safe steam generator to exploit the latent heat demand when boiling water
These are ideas which address the problem of discharge. I see discharge as a main concern for safety as in recent months we have discussed the floods in Florida and the Tesla time bombs, the potential fires which would lead to electric cars being banned from ferries, general problems with burning electric cars and now the potential danger to other cars and property from electric cars in the vicinity.
I am not against electric cars. They seem to be really good devices shackled by the problem that battery storage is 10x less space efficient as chemical storage. And they have their own peculiar problems which need solution. But if the unique properties of batteries can be used to solve these problems, we can make electric cars safer for everyone. They are not going away.
Nor are electric cars necessarily part of the man made Global Warming scam. But I am also against every being taxed to pay for electric cars and solar panels and windmills and transmission lines and charging points as at present.
People don’t realise but most tanks in WWII were hybrids, diesel or petrol motors with electric motors as final drives. No regenerative braking though on say a 65 tonne King Tiger, but no axles either.
And right at the end of the war the Germans had perfected the fully electric submarine which could run submerged far longer than a few hours and would have won the battle of the Atlantic with a top speed of 18 knots underwater, far more than the old speed of 8 knots. Although 200 were being built, only 4 were launched.
The big difference is the 6x energy density of lithium batteries vs lead acid batteries. “lithium ion achieves an energy density of 125-600+ Wh/L versus 50-90 Wh/L for lead acid batteries”.
Umm, I don’t believe that any WW2 tank in service had electric motors as their final drives. It was tried on the M25, a prototype American heavy tank, forerunner of the Pershing, but was dropped and a hydramatic drive used instead.
The Tiger tank variations all used conventional drives, along with Maybach petrol engines.
Care to name the tanks you believe used electric motors in their drivetrains?
The only ww2 hybrid tank was the rare Ferdinand/Elefant SP gun.
Also, the only fully electric German were mini subs , Tdef may be referring to the conventional type 21 Electro subs.
GN: ok, didn’t check the SPs. Also thought the sub comment was wrong.
Pragmatism is what must drive our choices backed up by logical scientific research . Electric cars have useful applications but currently are not a viable solution for most transport . Most diesel locomotives are hybrids as this is the most efficient drivetrain for something pulling huge loads on fairly flat tracks . Horses for courses…
Technically they are not “hybrids” , but simply diesel powered using an electric transmission instead of a mechanical transmission.
The main reason for that is it is much simpler to vary the speed and torque then distribute the drive to multiple axles using electric transmission.
A hybrid normally has the ability to be powered for a period using electric power only , but the classic diesel electric loco has no traction battery to allow pure electric drive.
I have no real clue about EV batteries, but if a 12V ICE battery is “empty”, there are still 10-11V of load, there will also be a rest load in the EV battery after discharge by using all sources TdeF mentioned.
Yes, that’s the sum of the voltages of the six multiple lead sulphuric acid cells at 2.0 to 1.7volts. However at the 1.7volt point the capacity to deliver electricity is zero. So if you put a real load and not just a multimeter across the 11volts it drops quickly to zero. All batteries work like this. The voltage is the potential dictated by the chemistry but the reality is zero current.
Whilst the above is true, it is because it is common for batteries to be prevented from total discharge to 0 volts by some form od low voltage cut off.
…But if you have never seen a 12v lead acid battery at 0 volts,.. you have not been looking .
Ditto with Lithium ion batteries, or any battery with a “load” left attached for long enough will eventually settle at 0 volts..
It is standard practice for users of lithium cells in RC aircraft, ebikes, drones etc, to dispose of old/ damaged/unwanted cells by fully discharging them using a motor or llight globe, then finally rendering them harmless by immersing in salt water for a day or two.
If you lived in a flood prone area and owned a Tesla it could pay to buy a scissor lift. These are not particularly expensive:
High lift scissor lift gives elevation of 1800mm. Add the battery height over road and you get up around 2m.
My first suggestion though is to stay clear of expensive golf buggies.
Sunday funny: beware of the
Love it! 😆
Have anyone having a problem getting onto the website Giant Library of free PDF E-books and videos
of works by astrophysicist Rolf A. F. Witzsche? The website now reads ‘This site can’t be reached’
It would be sad and such a shame if this to go for one reason or another as I quite enjoyed using it for a number of years now.
However, in case I’m wrong here is the link to the site
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I tried both sites that a duck duck go search for ice age ahead produced, and got the same no go.
That’s exactly what happened to me when I tried to ‘click on’ and without warning too. So many questions.
I can’t reach the site from Australia.
David Maddison
Bomber may have to give up the chase worst than that his Twitter account is inactive. The biggest of all shame is he’s a brilliant skeptic. Thanks for letting me know.
The link does not work in Safari. However there are links to published books like this one:
I have not read any of his works but blurb to the book indicates 100 to 150 years. I agree that we are now observing the termination of the modern interglacial but we are still 100 years away from the permafrost moving southward again. A long time before crops are threatened.
My paper on the topic is here:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHtudMEW7WbCojm3?e=dUgy5E
What is being observed as “global warming” is the shift to the land ice accumulation phase as occurred 4 times in the past 400kyr. Warmer ocean surface in the Northern Hemisphere in August puts more water into the atmosphere ahead of the land north of 40N falling below freezing in November. The boreal autumn snowfall has a strong upward trend:
THe maximum extent of snow cover is increasing but there is still a net loss of permanent snow cover. The snowfall will increase a lot more before it starts accumulating. When the east coast of USA is experience regular August and even September cyclones, you will know that the ice accumulation is not far off.
Thank you for your reply, I will definitely take a look at the links you provided earnestly but going back to Rolf Witzsche an astrophysicist and climate skeptic he is still running videos on YouTube Unless, of course, it is an A1 BOT is running the VT. Anyway, one way or another we will get to the bottom of this.
England need 98 runs with six wickets left. Close, but we may go 3 zip.
Yeah right, and Ukraine will win , any minute now.
Excellent retro SF movie from 1956.
It’s rather reminiscent of “Independence Day”.
“Earth vs the Flying Saucers”.
It’s a pity we all can’t freely read Steve Milloy’s article in the WSJ but WUWT has allowed us to see parts of his argument.
But it’s rare that a solid, informed sceptic is allowed to write anything in the MSM, so I suppose we should be thankful that he should be given the chance to pull apart their latest “hottest day ever in 125,000 years” BS and FRAUD.
The WSJ is less censorious than most Lamestream media.
He’s active on Twitter and does very good quick summaries of all the #climate scam stuff. We not restricted to the MSM only these days. Hottest day ever?? Basically there was a bit of warmth in Antartica which threw out the global average. Big whoop!. But he then points out that permanent weather stations only go back to 1957 for Antartica, so it’s hardly a dependable timeline anyway.
Seafloor life abounds around hydrothermal vents hot enough to melt lead
Why France Burned
reports in Le Monde on the role of climate activists…
More on the likely Climate sensitivity to a doubling of co2 or from about 280 ppm in 1750 to 420 ppm in 2023.
So a doubling would mean a co2 level of 560 ppm, whenever that was likely to occur.
Certainly NOT from wealthy OECD countries but certainly from non OECD countries SOARING emissions. Just look up the data.
But it looks like Maths guru Nic Lewis’s best estimate would be about another 0.9 c increase by 2100.
Obviously not worth the OECD countries WASTING 100s of TRILLIONs of $ for NOTHING or ZERO temperature reduction over the next 77 years.
But China, Russia, Iran etc will be very pleased as they wait their best chance to strike, if our OECD madness continues.
If we can overcome the madness, I want to see all those involved in promoting the anthropogenic global warming fraud punished.
There is no excuse for their ignorance if that is what they will claim. All the information is out there. They are either ignorant or malfeasant. In both cases inexcusable.
I agree David, but I wouldn’t
hold my breath.
And who knows when the AMO changes to the cool phase we could have some cooling in the NH compared to the last 30 years. Who knows?
More on “Their Voice”
San Francisco group placing traffic cones on self-driving cars to disable them
Just Stop Oil Donor Received £110 Million in Green Subsidies from Taxpayer
What’s an energy nexus?
Like I thought, we need more children to do science so they can be indoctrinated like a cult. Only explanation for why we needed more who are actually hopeless at it.
Bill Gates-Backed Lab-Grown Meat Company Receives USDA Approval — Here’s When You Can Expect To Taste This New Protein Delicacy