A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Gulf Regional Economic Aboriginal Trust chair Fred Pascoe says “any fool and any idiot” can say no to the voice and has called on the Coalition to offer an alternative.
“It’s fine for Peter Dutton, it’s fine for Jacinta Price, Warren Mundine and the like to say no. Any fool, any idiot can say no. What are there alternatives?” he told Sky News on Thursday.
No need for any alternative whatsoever. The Minister and the latest Feral Guv’ment should just listen to the existing voices, address all known existing issues and fix them asap. Where did that 39 billion Australian dollars for the last year go? Certainly not where it was most needed.
And this goes for ALL previous Feral Guv’ments of all Political persuasions. You have not been doing your Jobs properly and have wasted billions upon billions of dollars of Taxpayer money.
Enough is Enough and NO.
Spot on JR !
If the ALP federal government actually believed that they needed to listen to those Aboriginal people from outback communities they would have listened to the 20 Aboriginals from central Australia that Jacinta Price took to Canberra . There they were in the building and not one of the government ministers would meet with them . Not one of them . So the ALP has no interest in giving those people any voice at all .
Instead the plan is to put together a group of the most extreme activists who resent even the existence of white people and give them the power to maliciously interfere in any part of government they see fit to attack . If the ” Voice ” gets up it will destroy our country .
Now that people are opening their eyes to what they are up to , the Marxist government’s instinctive response is to introduce legislation to silence dissenting views by labeling them ” Misinformation ” and ” Disinformation ” and then making it illegal to express those opinions .
These are dangerous people , dangerous to free speech and democracy !
Watch out !
This Mob will not get re-elected in 2025, however, I fear that the damage will already be done (especially to the Electricity Grid) and that it will take a lot of work to undo the damage. I don’t have much faith in the current Opposition, should they form the next Feral Guv’ment, being able to fix things either.
They, the opposition, also go by the name of Uniparty. Same as ALP but with different salesmen peddling the same crap products in a different package!
May be a wind of change beginning to blow, evidently Dutton has supported Rennick for the third Senate place in Queensland.
This will make it difficult to install a useful idiot / uni-party wokester.
Graham Richards. So the ALP is peddling “yes” and the LNP “no” in the upcoming referendum. How’s that fit in with your comment?.
Remember the opposition’s anti carbon credits position. The LNP squashed that carbon credit scheme by sending PM Morrison to Glasgow to agree to Net Zero by 2050.
Yeah that fixed those warmists??? That fixed the destruction of our electricity grid, that brought the Greens into line, that brought energy prices into line.
Dutton would love to dump the Voice but the LNP party room will never allow it. They’ll dress it up as something else & keep pushing. Australia is caught up in a single ideology trap…..Uniparty!
The socialists in government are getting things happening for their socialist aborigines …’s the club
The government are the ones who are guilty of spreading”Misinformation and Disinformation”NOT we the people.The Bittem government in the USA tried the same trick and a judge was a wake up to them.
Well said Johnny.
I’m just back from a bit of shopping at BIGW. I was in the process of selecting some clothing when over the PA came…”we recognise etc…” Not only that, they then had a story about Aboriginal culture and their diversity.
I walked out. Stuff ’em.
I’m sick of this BS being shoved down my throat.
I was going to post these earlier but couldn’t be bothered.😁
‘No’ supporter Senator Price blows whistle on $100m-a-day Indigenous industry
AUSTRALIA’S outspoken conservative, Aboriginal senator Jacinta Nampijinpa-Price, has blown the whistle on the scandalous amounts of money being spent on Aboriginal welfare while other politicians claim the proposed “Voice” bureaucracy will fix the problems.
Senator Price says Australian taxpayers spend at least $100 million a day on direct support for Indigenous Australians every year or $39.5 billion of direct government expenditure every single year. The figures are based on the 2017 Indigenous Expenditure Report produced by the Productivity Commission.
Despite these millions dished out daily the Senator is having to raise half a million dollars for a media campaign against the yes vote for the Voice.
The poll results:
Our poll greeted an influx that caused the system to crash in the first 20 minutes.
Result up to that crash was 2989 NO votes and not one YES vote
Unable to continue that site a second site was introduced to allow voting to continue
Result by 9.30am today … 860 NO votes and 3 YES votes
Final tally:
3849 NO votes
3 YES votes
The message is clear, further polling seems pointless
More reparations, MOAR! It’s never enough.
If they value their culture and heritage so much then go back to it, stop complaining about everything, stop demanding everyone feel guilty and apologise, and stop living white mans lifestyle.
Reparations – Albanese Labor has already appointed an Ambassador for First Nations Peoples to the UN (UNDRIP), and described already as being Ambassador for Reparations by the no side.
location of some of the very enlightening numbers discussed
2017 report on 2015/16 data. There were a couple down before that , but they haven’t done another one since. I wonder why? I suspect the scale of the expanded largesse over the last 6 years would scare the horses if it was revealed pre Voice or pre election. There is much more than $39B involved.
Does anyone know if there is another”Race”which receive 39 billion dollars a year for?????what????
We could buy a few hospitals for that sort of dough.And just think what we could buy with the money that WE have paid that little gnome in Kyev in donations that NOBODY was asked about.Come to think of it does anyone know when was the last time OUR BETTERS did ANYTHING for”WE the People?”
what? Seriously? They were lecturing you in BigW? hahahaa. I don’t go to shops much, seems I am missing out.
Nah. You’re not missing out on much…apart from the elevated blood pressure!
Quantas also now anounce that “recognition of traditional owners, etc , etc “. every time a domestic flight touches down. 🙄
Political BS gone mad !
Virgin don’t nor do BONSA.
There are claimed to be 300-plus “First Nations countries” in Australia, different “mobs”, different cultural beliefs, languages and dialects.
They say “My mob can’t speak for your mob. Your mob can’t speak for my mob”.
Just collected my wife from an overnight in hospital. About 6 staff told me I had to wear a mask. I just said “no”. They tried to slow March, so I just went to where I knew she was and walked out with her. A Doc tried to stop me, so I asked him if he had more medical findings to report, “No, but you have to wear a mask.” “I am not into virtue signalling. Read the science on masks. Bye bye.
Fight back gently but firmly, folk. Geoff S
I was going to buy wine at a liquor store on the 4th here in USA. On approach first I thought I saw a Ukraine flag, I was about to turn around then upon closer inspection it was a yellow and blue beach towel. I continued my approach and saw they queer flag. This is when I turned around and took my business elsewhere. I do not want politics when I do business.
I listened to the last fifteen minutes of Linda Burneys speech yesterday.
Absolutely and completely what I expected of her: she’s interested in only two things; her power on the catwalk in Canberra and getting re-elected by her home electorate.
I am certain that there are a great many whyte Australians whose families have suffered enormously in building this great country to the point that politicians decided to divvy up all that accumulated wealth and give it away to all and sundry as Social Security, regardless of whether they had made any contributions.
Vote buying is ugly.
Whilst I am sure that some of the billions actually make it to the regional communities where help is perhaps needed, the majority of the money spent on indigenous programs never makes it out of the city. It mostly enriches a few, and serves to increase the size of the public service, NGO sector and various leftist ‘charities’, which all show their thanks by loudly supporting ever more spending on indigenous affairs.
And round and round the money goes.
In my area ( well off regional area compared with remote indigenous communities) govt funding has produced a nice landscaped office building , quite a feww 100k + pa jobs and some nice new signwritten HiLuxes. What they actually do remains a mystery. The job descriptions for some of the positions are some of the fluffiest and non specific I have seen.
Yes23 group includes a Thomas Mayo, architect of Uluru Statement and committee member.
No wonder the PM and Minister have chosen not to comment on Mr Mayo’s truth video.
“Does Wind Intermittance Over Short Hourly Periods Gives a Clearer Picture?”
Something else “ElBowen” won’t read
Blackout Bowen can’t read or see very much as he has blinkers on.
The Australian Government is about to remove further rights to free speech. As posted by Mayday yesterday please make a submission at:
Remember, the objective truth is what the Government considers “misinformation” and “disinformation”. It will affect this blog as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it leads Elon Musk to shut down Twitter in Australia.
It’s not getting any attention in the Lamestream media, but this is an extremely serious situation.
It looks like Macron is going to be dumped by the elite.
He’s not toeing the line fully so he’ll be replaced.
The orchestrated violence is the means to that end.
That goes to show that sociopathic evil pollies can and will be discarded as the need arises, leaving them to face the very very angry people. Yep.
Pollies here in Oz and everywhere really need to wake up to the fact that they, despite their totalitarian desires, are totally expendable.
Destroy our freedoms, lives and futures, and we will…errr…not be happy, and if France is an example, the police and army won’t be too interested in protecting them.
** REAP WHAT YOU SOW, pollies…**
UN Demands ‘Indefinite Emergency Powers’ In the Event of ‘Complex Global Shocks’
The UN has outlined a far-reaching plan to seize emergency martial law authority over the entire world in the event of a variety of “complex global shocks” in order to ensure there is total compliance from every government and institution in response to whatever crisis is declared by the elite.
According to the UN, the globalist elite must be provided with the legal right to punish any government, institution or private sector company or individual who dissents from the official, unified response to whatever crisis is declared by the UN.
In a paper from March, the UN gives several examples of what could trigger the emergency authority, including “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks, (‘black swan’ events).”
Heh..I’ll tell you what’s going to happen well before it does, like I usually do. 😁
The UN paper from your link. 2024.
Account for the future: practical steps to take account of the long-term impact of our decisions, fulfilling a long-standing commitment Member States have made to future generations;
Better respond to global shocks: put in place a stronger international response playbook for complex global shocks, maximizing the use of the Secretary-General’s convening power in the form of an Emergency Platform;
Meaningfully include young people: systematically include young people in global decision-making;
Measure human progress more effectively: agree on metrics beyond GDP so that decisions on debt relief, concessional funding, and international cooperation take account of vulnerability, well-being, sustainability, and other vital measures of progress.
Agree on a vision of digital technology as a motor for human progress that can deliver full benefits while minimizing potential harm;
Commit to integrity in public information: achieve an information ecosystem (notably online) that is inclusive and safe for all, perhaps via a code of conduct;
Reform the international financial architecture: to ensure it delivers more effectively and fairly for everyone and particularly the Global South, including through objectives that are aligned with the SDGs, debt sustainability, a global financial safety net, and more;
Advance the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space: update norms governing the use of and behaviour in space so that it is peaceful, secure and sustainable for the benefit of all;
Agree a new agenda for peace: update our understanding of all forms and domains of threats and adapt our toolbox to prevent and manage hostilities on land, at sea, in space, and in cyberspace;
Transform education: achieve a fundamental shift in how education is seen and treated including in relation to the purpose of education; the learning environment; the teaching profession; harnessing digital transformation; investing in education; and multilateral support for quality education for all.
UN 2.0: adapt basic UN practices on data, communications, innovation, strategic foresight, performance and results, and more, so it is better positioned to support all the above and face the challenges of tomorrow.
Full of standard Marxist buzz words and buzz phrases.
At his last address to the National Press Club in Canberra now former Greens Leader Bob Brown commented that his “dream” is for a “world parliament” and no international borders.
Plonker and a NIMBY. He doesn’t like the Wind Towers being built near him.
Was that the speech he commenced with the word “Earthlings”? Until that day I had not realized the extent of his brain rot.
Interesting how such a totally ineffective and self serving organization can make claims for more power and money with any credibility at all. But there they are, asking a population of the ruling classes who aspire to join them Ardern style.
‘Indefinite Emergency Powers’ In the Event of ‘Complex Global Shocks’
Meaning the ones they create.
(For the purpose of hoodwinking us all into giving them ‘indefinite emergency powers’.)
We’re still living with two of them.
CAGW and the Great P.
Anthropogenic hysteria.
58 million square miles of dry land, and a deadly contagion emerged naturally … right across the street from Frankenstein virus research lab … totally unrelated coincidence.
It was safe and effective. (Dr. John Campbell)
I watched this vid yesterday and curiously it did not appear in my search history.
Had to search Yur-bingscrewedTube site to grab the link.
More on this here:
People who can’t use a spell check or safety test gene-vaccines want to control everything you can see, hear or say online
The biggest threat to your safety is Permanent Canberra’s internet power grab. They want to own “truth” then silence what they don’t like as “misinformation”. You can say no – but not for long.
If this law is passed, you will never again see anything Permanent Canberra doesn’t like on Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Bitchute, Substack or Rumble because ACMA will fine them if they don’t censor you. Some of the fines are 1000, 5000 or 10,000 penalty units.
A Commonwealth penalty unit is now $275. That means a 5000 penalty unit fine is $1.375 million.
Maybe Jo can make a full blog archive available?
Free or paid. Distribution is not a problem.😎
As George Washington neatly put it:
“Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”.
The Australian Government says: “some states may seek to characterise legitimate debate and commentary that is objectionable to them as disinformation or misinformation.“.
Naturally, ‘some states’ could include Australia.
Or “good”, “fast”, “cheap”
You can select any two
I prefer to remember that maxim as “Sooner, Better, or Cheaper, choose two of the above”
because that reminds me that the “fast” was talking about delivery of the solution into actual use, not the performance of the solution during use. Faster performance is a non-functional requirement covered by “Better” (along with all the functional requirements). There is clearly a need in this maxim for the tradeoff of the time taken to obtain a solution that may be better in every other way, and so rephrasing it as “sooner” makes that distinction clear.
I think that triangle has become a square now with another factor called Virtue.
Reading comments on Farcebook, it’s amazing and disturbing to see how many Regressives/Leftists supported the Australian Government banning Donald Trump Jr from coming to Australia.
When have you ever seen conservatives and fellow rational thinkers seek to ban Leftists?
Now, I know that the Government eventually did give him a visa but that was only a few days or less before he was meant to be here. What were the organisers meant to do? They can’t organise multiple events for thousands of people with such short notice. To claim he wasn’t banned is disingenuous. It was a real ban.
The Australian Government, federal and states, are at war against free speech and it is going to get much, much worse as Australia slides further into dictatorship. See my post #3.
I heard something about a misinformation bill they want to pass? Huge fines for social media companies if they allow people to post “misinformation”. Media exempted of course, and agencies like WHO of course. Something like that. And I believe it was Scomo idea, former leader of the uni-party? Not sure, though it sounds disastrous. One small step to total fascism.
See link I posted in #3.
Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has tweeted some non diplomatic things about Trump Junior, like calling him a big baby, but has since removed the tweets.
It is a bit much for her to say he is not very popular when the Labor Government got in with only 30 odd percent of the vote.
Maybe Clare O’Neil should worry about the cocaine found at the White House West Wing.
I was reading a comment by a self confessed leftie on Twitter yesterday. He noted that he had never benn threatened , cancelled or harassed by any conservative group he exchanged views with.
He then went on to say that the whole trans hysteria thing was a bridge to far for him, and when he said so he was pursued and harrased in his personal life. He said if the US ever divided up red v blue he would go to the conservative side as at least he felt he could retain his freedom of thought.
Our Dux “eco” heat pump water heater is chewing up the juice this winter. Thing barely stops operating with this cold weather. And insists on coming on at 5pm, just for peak hours electricity. There is no off-peak hot water on the circuit board.
I’d say it was a green decision to install it, or worse, the government rebates they were throwing about at the time they came out. All green thought.
But typical green thinking didn’t go too deep. The thing is 260 litres and we only need a 125 litres for 2-3 people, so we are boiling the kettle that never gets used. Seriously thinking of swapping it out for a smaller electric element model. It must be 15 years old Id guess. And new heat pumps are about $4000. An electric would be around $1000 Id estimate.
Get a gas instant/continuous water heater, and a lpg supply if necessary ($1000 covers it)
Aren’t the burners different for LPG and for natural gas?
If this is not just in my imagination, I wonder how hard it is to get LPG compatible kits for instant gas hot water?
As the refrain for an ad on radio around here has it
“It’s not a Rheem”
Which can be amended for the latest blunder of your favourite politician by replacing “not” with
“He/She needs a ream”
__ while held publicly in the “stocks”.
After all the global warming nonsense, dirty CO2 and attacks on free speech
CUB have crafted a special beer for the English Cricket team. ENGLAND BITTER. It is being shipped now!
I agree with England. Geoff Boycott put it well.
Worst incident since the underarm ball, and not far behind it.
Try the beer.
Travelling on a UK car ferry across the Channel years ago an Aussie country bloke was buying food and a beer and commented loudly – “blo*dy h*ell, what’s up with these people, the beers hot and the sausages are cold.
I love Bitters. And I never once thought the beer was warm. Any lager I ever bought was out of the fridge.
Nothing better than sitting in an old English pub with a sunday roast, a few pints of bitters and a fresh packet of smokes.
Real ale for me.
Since when is a legal “stumping” by the keeper , not cricket ?
Considering the Poms tried it in a previous innings but missed the stumps
Keeper having a shy at the stumps “just in case” is routine, happens all the time.
Check the replay, the ball left Carey’s hand at the same time Bairstow started walking. That’s “just in case”.
Seems the Poms have forgotten body line. That wasn’t “cricket” at the time and history is forever.
Im assuming you were all in favour of the under arm ball. It was completely legal.
False equivalence really comparing the throw at the stumps which happens every day in cricket with a delivery that hadnt been used in first class cricket for a 100 years
When you are out?
Then enjoy the fairness of this legal stumping by Bairstow. It’s a game and games have rules. Enjoy the beer.
No, the same well-known rules apply to stumping out of crease for spin bowlers as fast bowlers, with the keeper standing back further.
I just love England Bitter fun. That CUB brewer was run by John Elliott, whose son Tom is major here on radio 3AW Melbourne talkback and also no-nonsense. Geoff S
I’m stumped at all the fuss. So I will just drink the beer as I grew up on bitter beer. Me Mum put it in the milk……
S’all good. Just boys arguing about a silly game.
Important point that this quarrel proves is, that the British Empire is still alive and well. And cricket is the game of the British Empire. Another great product of its greatness. Yet another gift to the world.
Thursday WTF: Subway advertisement
Link problem John?
I always preview before posting, but they 404’ed that fast!.
That brings to mind the naming of a boat –
“404 – Fish not Found”
Boom tish.
Japan’s largest port stops operations after ransomware attack
The Port of Nagoya, the largest and busiest port in Japan, has been targeted in a ransomware attack that currently impacts the operation of container terminals.
The port accounts for roughly 10% of Japan’s total trade volume. It operates 21 piers and 290 berths. It handles over two million containers and cargo tonnage of 165 million every year.
The port is also used by the Toyota Motor Corporation, one of the world’s largest automakers, to export most of its cars.
Today, the administrative authority of the Port of Nagoya has issued a notice about a malfunction in the “Nagoya Port Unified Terminal System” (NUTS) — the central system controlling all container terminals in the port.
According to the notice, the problem was caused by a ransomware attack that occurred on July 4.
Thursday fake AI – can you tell?
** May contain naughty words, so snowflake warning…**
I’m in WellingtonNZ: are there any JoNova readers hia.
I’m sure Jabcinda is a JoNova fan, but I think she lives in Auckland…. 🙂
KK, sorry to hear that (you’re in Bureaucracy Central). I’m house-minding up in Dorkland, and try to avoid Wellington – unless I’m catching a ferry south to the Mainland. Say hi to all the drunk politicians for me…
It’s cold here. Have watched TV in the hotel for the first time in eight months; just bits here and there. Saw President hipkins waffling during his visit to somewhere, chyna?
T.V. is very scary, and that’s just the news and commentary shows.
The lying BoM. All day here in Adelaide it’s been cold and showery. At the main West Tce site the half-hourly readings have been in the range 11-13.5. At 1:00pm it was 13.5, at 1:30pm it was also 13.5. But at 1:16, it jumped to 14.9, in line with the forecast high of 15. This is the non-standard 1-second ATM readings Jennifer Marohasy and co have been talking about and where BoM is blocking her access to dual temperature records. I have complained to BoM about today’s egregious example – probably sufficient to have me put in jail for propagating hate speech and misinformation within 5 years.
Personally I hate hate speech.
They will apply the law retrospectively
Standard practice. A few years ago the “record high temperature” was heralded coming for (at least) 2 days, and durely arrived 6 minutes after the official (and published on-line) recording and was gone within 4 minutes. And neither Noarlunga (S) nor Parafield (N) (nor West Beach W about 5 km away) recorded any 1.6℃ jump.
I am in Mt. Barker (Adelaide Hills) where we get the forecast temperature in the evening but never the “official” temperature next day. This might be that the local station is “rather less than satisfactory” (see Ken’s Kingdom crowd survey (about 2020) which found that 48% of official sites failed the BOM conditions) in that the exhaust of the close-by air-conditioner increases the temperature in summer and decreases it in winter. The American name of HEAT PUMP is more appropriate.
Mars helicopter now back in contact.
What was the pilot thinking as the helicopter left Earth’s atmosphere?
It was Wallace and Gromit looking for cheese on the Moon. They miscalculated and landed on Mars.
Somewhere today I see that China’s on ground one has plodded around 1000 km
New Magnet-Free Electric Motor Needs No Maintenance
The new design also requires no rare earth elements, making it better for the environment
German automotive parts manufacturer MAHLE developed a new highly efficient magnet-free induction motor that is more environmentally friendly to produce, is cheaper to manufacture than comparable motors, and is maintenance-free, a press statement from the Stuttgart-based firm explains.
The company says it has combined the strengths of various electric motor concepts in one product, allowing for an efficiency “above 95 percent at almost all operating points” — a level only achieved in Formula E racing cars thus far.
MAHLE explains that its “new kind of magnet-free electric motor does not require rare earth elements.” This makes production better for the environment as well as bringing “advantages in terms of costs and resource security,” the company says in its release.
Wouldn’t houses be tidier if we had magnet free fridges?
My wine fridge is peltier effect! 😁
The papers would be all over the place then
All induction motors lack permanent magnets anyway.
UAH satellite temperatures just released for June.
Here is the Australian sector, with the “pause” to now extended mathematically by 2 months.
Now 11 years and 3 months since a postive (warming) trend.
Geoff S
Thanks Geoff
It’s weird, isn’t it, how global warming has temporarily forgotten about UAH6 Australia, while the global trend in UAH6 is an unbroken 0.14°C per decade for the last 44.66 years.
Meanwhile in AfDANistan (Victoria) there will be no rebates for EV buyers (unlike the rest of Oz) AND you will get a km-based tax.
AfDANistan – Australia’s answer to Califoria…
Solar variability update.
‘Contrary to earlier predictions, the likelihood of a solar grand minimum in the 21st century is becoming increasingly remote. Similarly, predictions that the current extended solar minimum would lead to a marked decrease in temperature are incorrect. However, this doesn’t mean that the Clilverd minimum has no effect at all.
‘Changes in solar activity indirectly affect surface temperatures in a complex way. Understanding how these solar variations affect the climate is crucial to identifying their effects.’ (Javier/wuwt)
Apparently Klaus Schwab identifies as a “Professor“.
It is not clear on what basis apart from self-identication. But in this woke world you can identify as whatever you want, even a cat if that’s your thing.
He was also ‘knighted’ by QEII, according to the fine print, so he’s ‘in the club’ they use to bash us over the head with, as George Carlin would say.
Wht isn’t there outrage that the Australian Government denied a visa to Donald Trump Jr?
(It was eventually given so late that the tour had to be postponed or cancelled.)
was he ever denied? what is the normal process time for a US visitor visa ?
somebody was probably slow walking it, a bit stupid for a high profile applicant
From friendly countries – one or two days. That’s from a gov site I found y’day, too tired tonight.
Senator Ralph Babet, United Australia Party, is collecting signatures against the Government’s anti-free-speech censorship bill.
And away we go: European countries roll out climate restrictions for drivers
Tourists driving in Europe this summer are being warned to look out for signs that they’re entering “low-emission zones” or they could face hefty fines for causing “climate change”.
Globalist cities like London have implemented Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) — areas only accessible to low-carbon emission vehicles. Cars that do not meet the city’s environmental standards are charged £12.50 ($16.00) for entering the ULEZ. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras positioned around the zones read license plates and check them against the vehicles’ make and model in real time. If a vehicle does not meet the environmental threshold, the fine is levied against the car owner.
Now auto associations are warning English-speaking vacationers in Europe to mind where they’re driving — particularly within France, Italy and Spain. Road signs warning drivers that they are entering a ULEZ may only be in the local language, and that may not save tourists from being slapped with climate fines as high as €1,803 ($1,965). Those who cannot pay the fines on the spot may be escorted by police to a cash point, according to the Guardian.
Drivers in Paris, for example, must take care before entering a Zones à Faibles Émissions (LEZ) in certain vehicles which emit too many carbon emissions. Doing so without displaying the required “Crit’Air” sticker can result in a €750 ($817) penalty. Ten other cities in France have implemented LEZs.
Drivers of foreign cars in Madrid — and eight other Spanish cities and towns — face similar requirements when entering a Zona de Bajas Emisiones (ZBE).
Milan, Florence, Perugia, Naples, Verona, Rome and other Italian cities have also implemented their own low-emission zones.
Nearly half of London’s residents — over four million people — now live in ULEZs, which cover the North and South Circular Roads. By August 29th of this year, the ULEZ will expand to encompass all London boroughs.
The ANPR cameras, according to Transport for London (TfL), also monitor traffic and serve as security cameras for law enforcement to “prevent and detect crime”.
With a bit of luck these places should lose a lot of would-be tourists.
Who travels to major cities and drives? Good luck in Napoli
DoorDash driver curses woman out for 25% tip on $20 order: ‘Nice house for $5 tip’
What is it with the USA where they think they deserve a tip by default? It’s a surcharge , not a tip!
This jerk doesn’t deserve a tip, he deserves to be replaced.
Thought for the day:
“Evil is the force that believes its knowledge is complete.”
– Jordan B. Peterson
Dr John Campbell discusses new paper about how adverse effects with Pfizer vaccine were extremely highly dependent on batch number.
The paper referred to is probably-
Around 30% of batches appeared to be placebos.
Hence, no quality control inspection/testing was done, they went straight out into jab clinics.
A small number of batches caused a big number of adverse effects.
Very early I found a chart of US states, batch numbers and reactions and some batches had bad numbers [>X100] regardless of the state and its policies. I’m sure that was over two years ago.
The “missing hotspot” isn’t a really strong point, because the hotspot is indicated in the more complex climate models – not the very basic one – the greenhouse gas effect – itself. Also their error isn’t that massive.
Tom Nelson interviews Tom Shula here: In this interview, Tom Shula demolishes radiative forcing, and the greenhouse gas effect. It is essential viewing. Tom explains why the IPCC energy balance diagrams are garbage. It’s because the IPCC say most surface cooling is due to IR radiative emissions. By explaining the operation of a vacuum measuring gauge – the Pirani gauge, Tom explains how cooling by radiative emissions has been overstated by 2 orders of magnitude – 100 times over. Nearly all real world surface cooling is actually done by conduction and convection. 80% of climate world surface cooling is due to radiative emissions.
This is profound because it demolishes the climate alarmist claims more effectively than the “missing hotspot” point. I was hoping Joanne would write a post on this. Their error is 2 orders of magnitude in this case. I think one should bang on over their simple, huge, errors (as Tom Shula does), not their more complex ones – such as the missing hotspot.
PS 1: Radiative forcing is the difference between 2 measures of OLR:
1) OLR emitted by the surface – at the surface, and
2) OLR measured at the ToA.
It’s basically (1) minus (2). Given: they overestimate (1) by 2 orders of magnitude, everything they say about radiative forcing is garbage.
PS 2:
OLR = outgoing longwave radiation.
ToA = top of the atmosphere.
Thanks for that Mark. Good points. Personally, I’ve never given the claims about so called “hot spots” and forcings any real time because even if they were “truly scientific concepts”, the whole scam could be demolished by a basic analysis of the system.
Just the quantitative aspects of the matter;
CO2 is such a small amount of the atmosphere and human origin CO2 is only about 3% of that. The idea that human origin CO2 can interfere with the thermodynamics of the system is just nuts.
I had a friend on this blog who could have quantified the ratio of factors involved in the removal of PWIR from the surface but we never even bothered with that. It’s good that you put that up. Conduction and convection, as you say, are the principal takers.
97% of the CAGW thing is showmanship rather than true science.
A link to something of the larger picture, conversation started by Mike Jonas a couple of years ago.
The UNIPCCC should try and stop the interference of Orbital Mechanics in our weather.
Thanks for the reference, KK. It was also good that Ralph Ellis joined in. I did some more work on glacial terminations, when I found some older data, to see if Ralph’s theory extended successfully further back in time. It did:
The inter-glacial cycle is not a 100,000-year cycle, it is a shorter cycle with missing beats
More at
I may be misunderstanding the concept here…but i find these two statements contradictive..
My interpretation is that there is a distinction between “real world” and “climate” where I think the latter means “climate models”. I think that what they are getting at is that radiative emission is simply a balancing act while conduction and convection are the real drivers of change. In other words, that radiative emissions may be a large part of the whole but they aren’t the real culprit. (Just my interpretation, and I’m not saying that I agree with it).
Well , that does make more sense now !
Thanks Mike.
My interpretation will be that conduction and convection are the real drivers at the surface and for most of (nearly all of) the troposphere. Most (nearly all) radiation emitted to space is emitted in the atmosphere – especially about 9 to 10km above us. This explains why the black body temperature of radiation emitted to space is ~ 282K. Because that would be the average temperature of the atmosphere where most of it is emitted. But that’s just my first guess hypothesis based on evidence at hand.
One could also look at “Their Voice”
Last comment says it all. “ A lot of indigenous land was stolen from other indigenous people”, This has been the way of life from time immemorial.
When Bob Hawke granted ownership of Ayers Rock to then present residents, he was advised that this was “the wrong group”. The tribe in possession had apparently only displaced the “true “ traditional owners in the late twenties and thirties. This displacement occurred because of particularly hard times for the people living north and west of the rock. The “true” owners were pushed south into South Australia.
There was a book written laying down much of these tribal movements with much information and reference to an anthropologist who had been born at Hermansburg Mission.
This chap grew up with aboriginals from all over the desert areas, they were his playmates. Ted Strehlow spoke several aboriginal languages, he understood the nuances and new the stories. When the info was presented to Hawke he went ahead and gave the Rock to the wrong people anyway.
Cant remember the name of this very informative book, lent it to some one and never got it back and many Google searches have failed to find the one I’m looking for.
Welcome to New Zeal-delete-Zimbabwe.
Nice Sambar. I’d never considered that one.
“OpenAI, the company behind the viral ChatGPT tool, has been hit with a lawsuit alleging the company stole and misappropriated vast swaths of peoples’ data from the internet to train its AI tools.”
More at
An interesting factoid from “The War On IVM”. An/the editor of the NEJM resigned in 2000, because of over whelming big pharma influence. She later wrote that in 2003, the 10 biggest pharma companies in the Fortune 500, had total profits more than the other 490 companies combined! The arrival of tech and software companies have changed things, but pharma have a real nice kitty.
This is funny
The young have been brainwashed through the MSM and education into thinking the end is nigh. They don’t understand that its the glorious uncertainty that makes life so worthwhile and they should consider replacement value a virtue.
We have always assumed the glacial and interglacial cycles were set in stone, but obviously there are others who disagree.
A world record for temperatures should be easily achieved as it only requires worldwide daily records (say 10000 believable stations not in urban sinks) and then believable records for comparison over say 200 years. For the climate fanatics this is just a doddle.