A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Today, here in NovoCastria, has been one of the coldest mornings evah!
At 6:30 a.m. the car showed outside temperature to be 4°C.
Up the valley, where the ocean can’t help, it minus 5 point something overnight.
Global Warming has been taken over by AI.
warming causes cooling
someone explained that process to me once, lots of linguistic gymnastics and gorilla grip to glue it all together
Like this?
Forecast minimum for Mudgee airport this morning was -3, actual was -5.4.
I have absolute confidence in their forecast minima – to be wrong. But I admit they got it right once. I think it was a couple of months back.
Perhaps Mudgee CO2 picks up heat and throws it skywards at night time?
“But I admit they got it right once. I think it was a couple of months back.”
You know the story of the broken clock.
If you fry an egg on the hood of a car — is that evidence we are doomed because there is more CO2 now than before?
One of the earliest references to frying an egg on the sidewalk contained in the Library of Congress dates back to an 1899 issue of the Atlanta Constitution.
With the price of eggs so high, I would be questioning how someone could afford to try it now
“With the price of eggs so high, ” but not as high as the electricity needed to fry them at home.. Can’t afford both!
Thanks internet for double posting… but at least I can edit.
COURIER MAIL, 24th Jan 1952.
I was reflecting on “hottest day evah” records being broken.
Since gerbil warming is obviously the cause (sarc), possibly we can attribute other records being due to gerbil warming.
Such as the 100 metre sprint, 1500 metre freestyle and how about that magnificent 4 minute mile!
It’s all caused by gerbil warming I tells ya!
Seriously though, we have record keeping for a reason. Records will always be broken. Fact.
Reliable daily temperature high and lows have been around for 3/5ths of buggerall of human existence on this planet. When I say reliable I exclude our wonderful BOM. Homogenising, (falsifying) data is not up there with best scientific record keeping. We have had warmer periods in the past without the aid of those nasty fossil fuels. How do the warmistas explain that?
And how about all those nasty undersea volcanos. I wonder if they might melt a bit of ice? Last time I checked ice and heat don’t get along well together.
From 1900 A.D. to 1940 A.D. there was a difference in temperature of 0.45℃ while the level of CO2 was minimal (less than 10 p.p.m.)
That from HADCRUT.
And the RECORD heat wave in southern Europe was slightly wrong. The Europe wide record was 48C set in Athens in 1977, but the WMO recently approved 48.8C in Sicily in 2021. The record for Seville is 50 degrees set in 1849.
The hottest June ever this year in England, is only the hottest June ever if you are selective with the facts. According to an older data set – Central England temperature – it ranked 5th behind 1846, 1826, 1822 and 1676
During the Holocene Climate Optimum it was warmer and wetter than now in South East Australia between 6000 and 5000 BP.
And sea levels were up to 1.5 metres higher (Sloss et al, 2007)
Holocene sea-level change on the southeast coast of Australia: A review
MODERN SLAVERY: African children sacrificed on the altar of globalism’s digitized ‘green’ economy
“They promise (the UN, WEF and countless globalist NGOs) to save the world’s children and yet actual policies do just the opposite,” Wood writes. “Children are the most vulnerable group on earth because they are not able to defend themselves. Thus, they are trafficked, sexually exploited, injected, and marginalized.”
The two most common ways children are exploited are for sex and for labor.
In Africa, they are forced to work as slaves in harsh mining operations, such as cobalt mines. They toil in similarly barbaric conditions mining lithium in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Department of Labor has a report listing the goods produced globally by child labor as of 2022.
COBALT is essential to modern technology. All sorts of electronic devices rely on it, along with other elements such as lithium. Solar panels and electric vehicles (EVs) wouldn’t function without them. While the environmental degradation associated with both lithium and cobalt extraction is well established, the issues around cobalt are even more poignant because of the manner in which it is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A new book, Cobalt Red: How the blood of the Congo powers our lives, published in January this year, details the human suffering, especially of children, directly involved in the mining. Written by a Nottingham University professor, Siddartha Kara, from first-hand knowledge gained by visiting the Congo, this is a book that should be required reading for every local authority that is implementing the Net Zero agenda. Professor Kara is a British Academy Global Professor and Rights Lab Associate Professor of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. He advises several UN agencies and numerous governments on anti-slavery policy and the law. We should take him seriously.
What happens in the Congo matters because it is the largest producer of cobalt, accounting for 70 per cent of global production. In 2022 there was a reported output of 130,000 tonnes; the next largest producer, Russia, mined 8,900 tonnes.
At a time when there is growing realisation of the plight of the children of the world, when more people are becoming aware of the Sound of Freedom (the film about child trafficking), it is impossible to reconcile what is happening in the Congo with saving the planet through the use of renewables and other technology. It is not acceptable that children should be sacrificed for us to live in our own little tech-enhanced eco-bubbles.
Cobalt Red link (pdf):
Link will be deleted in 30 days.
The Most Strident Denier of Lab Origin of Sars-CoV-2 Privately Believed the Coronavirus was Lab Engineered
Igor Chudov
One of our leading Australian experts declared at the outset that this virus could not have formed naturallyl.
It sems he knew what he was talking about. I never doubted him.
When we remove all the hype, fake stats, politics and propaganda, Covid is just a bad case of the flu, albeit renamed.
If you enjoyed the Covid scare then you’re going to love the Climate scares …
“Captured” scientists …
poor scientists, they dream of being free.
I live near a Uni.
It’s sad to see them wandering dazed inside the confines.
Each week I go and spread cheese outside the gate.
No luck yet.
If I catch one, I will take it in for gender affirmation care, and after an adjustment period, I will set it free.
I adhere to PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Scientists) guidelines.
(Only joking, I know they are fully domesticated an unable to survive outside of the institution.)
Igor also says “To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Punish Those Who Started This Pandemic”. And so it should be. The instigators of the 3 year disaster have been well and truly rewarded instead.
The report summarising the Western Australian vaccine adverse reactions ( Adverse Events Following Immunisation) may be now about to hit the MSM here in Australia. Adam Creighton has certainly tweeted on it, maybe indicating an article on the report is about to be published in The Australian. The report was issued about a week ago and various social media commentators have done extensive coverage of it. But from our MSM there’s been crickets so far.
John Campbell spoke to Senator Rinnick about that report (its on youtube)
He’s actually done a couple of episodes on it. If he wasn’t fully convinced about the danger of COVID vaccines , he now is. His words.
1984 move over: New Video Doorbell Scans Facebook for Facial Match and Personal Data
And shares the information with authorities to ‘prevent crime’.
A new video doorbell by Irvinei, claimed to be for home security, has AI technology that trawls social media to identify the person at your door.
The new technology was unveiled this week and has already lead to privacy and freedom campaigners saying that the product raises significant questions around privacy.
Irvinei created the ‘smart doorbell’ by melding artificial intelligence (AI) and pattern recognition to create what it describes as a ‘sophisticated home security solution’ but what everyone else is describing as a ‘dystopian nightmare’ made real.
While the stylish 7.5″ full-touch-screen IPS display of the Irvinei Smart Door Bell promises to ‘revolutionize traditional doorbell systems’, it poses huge privacy concerns. The feature-laden device boasts of fingerprint and facial recognition, an 8MP camera offering round-the-clock streaming and night vision, along with AI-powered edge lighting. The sheer amount of personal data gathered by these advanced functionalities is shocking.
Now point ’em at the road to catch those damn hoons…
awesome, my facebook account photo is Beaker from the muppets, have fun with that facial recognition.
US power grid faces escalating cyber threats, infrastructure experts warn
Energy infrastructure experts testified that the U.S. power grid is facing a myriad of escalating cybersecurity risks and emerging threats from both foreign adversaries and domestic extremists amid an ongoing critical modernization journey.
The latest annual threat assessment out of the Intelligence Community identifies Chinese cyber operations against the U.S. homeland as a major national security threat and warns that Beijing is “almost certainly capable of launching cyber attacks that could disrupt critical infrastructure services” nationwide, including the power grid.
Meanwhile, domestic extremists have been charged in recent months with plotting to attack energy facilities and power grids across the country, as part of an apparent effort to promote white supremacist ideologies.
Bruce Walker, former assistant secretary for the Energy Department’s Office of Electricity, told the House Energy & Commerce subcommittee on oversight and investigations on Tuesday that “the most important evolving threat to the electric grid is associated with cybersecurity and physical security” while calling for further collaboration between the public and private sectors.
“We must approach this problem differently,” he added. “We must transition to an all-of-society approach that, among other things, appropriately uses federal capabilities to protect the grid.”
The whole US grid and infrastructure is so decrepit, it will now take tens of trillions to fix and there’s no way it’ll happen before 2028. The EV delusion will be the final nail for the grid and will make South Africa look like paradise.
I bet this comes as a big surprise to you…
” …states, lower solar generation, and reduced cheap coal capacity in NSW and Queensland.
“In NSW, the reduction in black coal capacity largely reflected Liddell power station’s exit,” the report said.
“Had Liddell’s capacity still been available, prices would have been lower.” ”
Although, I am surprised to see it in an ABC report so soon.
Don’t get your hopes up.. This is still the ABC.. It’s a tloroughly weaselly wording. Won’t offend any warmists..
No mention of the 30% price rise.
“NSW Energy Minister Penny Sharpe, who previously insisted the closure of Liddell would not drive-up power prices, said the report showed the energy transition was a “lumpy process”. ”
Is this newspeak for ‘we don’t have a clue what we are doing’.
a “lumpy process” = a “copulative result”?
I watched a you tube clip a month or so ago and they were talking about the foreign legion fighting in Ukraine, there were several issues
1, No legion fighter was getting paid
2, The Ukrainian generals used them as cannon fodder
3, If legion fighters complained or tried to leave the Ukrainians would threaten to shoot them etc
They stated there was over 5K fighters in Ukraine, half were dead and the other half wanted to leave so Ukraine were stepping up their recruitment campaigns…………
Today on ABC radio they were talking to an Australian in Ukraine complaining about not being paid and being treated like cannon fodder, he had complained to someone in Australia about their treatment, this person was now lobbying the Ukrainian government to pay and treat the Australian soldiers better.
Of course the story could not be complete without a comment from Jackie Lambie who stated the government needs to step in and treat these soldiers better by paying them and SUPPLYING THEM WITH WEAPONS, the ignorant ABC reporter agreed obviously not realising Lambie had just declared war on Russia LOL
PS it seems to fight for ISIS makes you a terrorist but to fight for Ukraine makes you a freedom fighter
PPS Do this idiots fighting in Ukraine realise as a mercenary they are not afforded the luxuries given to you by the Geneva convention, God help them if they are captured by the Russians .
Based on numerous interviews around the place, foreign fighters can leave, but presumably only if they die or finish their contract, whichever comes first.
The wholesale capitulation to the Zelensky regime is astounding, though maybe one day the Ukrainians will wake up and realise he is responsible for allowing their people to be used as pawns by the USA and other financially motivated groups.
Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes
Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.
Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list.
If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will.
This is how it begins.
In communities across the nation, police are being empowered to forcibly detain individuals they believe might be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment, even if those individuals pose no danger to others.
In New York City, for example, you could find yourself forcibly hospitalized for suspected mental illness if you carry “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.”
While these programs are ostensibly aimed at getting the homeless off the streets, when combined with advances in mass surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence-powered programs that can track people by their biometrics and behavior, mental health sensor data (tracked by wearable data and monitored by government agencies such as HARPA), threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, precrime initiatives, red flag gun laws, and mental health first-aid programs aimed at training gatekeepers to identify who might pose a threat to public safety, they could well signal a tipping point in the government’s efforts to penalize those engaging in so-called “thought crimes.”
Next up, the Roman games style of entertainment, to the death, with the unvaxxed and free thinkers substituted for Christians.
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”—Harry S. Truman
According to comments on John Campbell’s videos, complaining about vaccine injuries frequently leads to a mental health referral.
SpaceX Satellites Forced to Swerve Every 10 Minutes.
That’s an average, based on 25K avoidance maneuvers reported in 6 months.
Space is unimaginably vast, so you’d think there would be more than enough room for whatever you want to put into orbit. SpaceX and Starlink engineers would likely tell you it’s not that simple. An FCC report filed by the Elon Musk-led satellite internet provider on June 30 indicated the 4,000-plus Starlink satellites in low Earth orbit completed more than 25,000 collision avoidance maneuvers in the period between December 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023. Gizmodo explains what triggers such a movement, with SpaceX having explained that it would move its Starlink satellites if the chance of hitting space debris or another satellite exceeded 1 in 100,000.
As reports, the numbers contained in the FCC report work out to be an average 137 course adjustments a day, or one about every 10 minutes. And the problem isn’t going to improve over time. Astronautics professor Hugh Lewis says we’re seeing exponential growth in these maneuvers. “Every six months, the number of maneuvers that are being made doubles,” and “if you project that out, you’ll have 50,000 within the next six-month period, then 100,000 within the next, then 200,000, and so on.”
This means Starlink satellites will need to be increasingly more nimble, with Lewis projecting that within five years, “Starlink satellites will have to maneuver nearly a million times in a half-year to minimize the risk of orbital collisions.” Add to that SpaceX’s goal of ultimately launching a total of 42,000 satellites, per Gizmodo, and suddenly near-Earth orbit is a very crowded place to be. (Starlink’s internet satellites aren’t the only ones challenged by this overcrowding.)
…and it will get massively worse in coming years.
It’ll be like a 10 lane highway full of asian drivers. 🙃
“It’ll be like a 10 lane highway full of Asian drivers.”
With half going the wrong way.
In major USA cities there are frequent wrong-way-drivers. (Not Asians) In addition to killing others, they often kill themselves.
Those supplying Darwin Awards have trouble keeping up.
Even the Katy Freeway in TX allows for traffic in both directions
Would all those satellites and space junk reflect sunlight?
A way for gullible cult members to counter the non-existence of Global Warming
Space junk. The satellites are already having a negative impact on earth based astronomy and with all this maneuvering the lifespan of each of the satellites is shortened (from 5 years), then they spread debris and pollution into the atmosphere as they die. Then more junk is launched. 42,000 to be replaced every five years. Will this madness ever end ?
Top 4 stories on UK BBC “science” page this morning.
This morning? Today 8 December 2022 19 May 2022 30 April
Thats science for ya
Yep, my point, the way their page works, it seems to drag up old related stories for whatever they decide is the top dog. Awful.
These need a few words regarding the topic. There are some things many of us are not interested in. Surprise!
Where are the ‘Fact Checkers’?
Where’s that lady we’re paying to protect us from misinformation and disinformation?
Regional Cooling
‘Temperatures plunged below -10ºC in northern NSW on Thursday morning as parts of eastern Australia experienced their coldest morning in years, and the coldest July morning in decades.’ (Weatherzone)
On the one hand
And on the other
A balanced assessment of Russian and Ukrainian losses
Re “The Russian way” – I did think VDH’s review of literature was a bit restricted.
But maybe it is like “global warming” – that is what the modelling says and reality has to be adjusted accordingly?
(E.G. – “The Cuckoo’s Egg” was published in 1989 and in there is a mention of a TLA person referring to the future battle scenarios on his computer)
Three Letter Acronym?
I haven’t read the book in a while but IIRC it was either CIA or NSA.
Your electric car is nowhere near as green as you think: Here are the hidden eco-pitfalls of the NetZero cause’s pin-up
I have sympathy for the world’s automakers. In a few years those bizarre government EV mandates will be rescinded and automakers will be left with $billions in losses. Everyone can see this coming from miles away.
The objective is for only the rich, in the west, to have private vehicles.
Meanwhile China, India, Africa, the non West, will be driving around in their ICE cars laughing at us.
The nationwide (USA)supply of EVs in stock has swelled nearly 350% this year, to more than 92,000 units.
That’s a 92-day supply — roughly three months’ worth of EVs, and nearly twice the industry average.
For comparison, dealers have a relatively low 54 days’ worth of gasoline-powered vehicles
Most are sold for less than it cost to make them (so it is reported). So a lot of money is already draining into a dark hole.
The whole thing is an expensive joke….. on us.
10 Paradigm Shifts That Are SHATTERING the Woke Establishment!!!
“Accidental release of data reveals how many people actually died of COVID in China”
Or supposing the Chinese decided to allocate specific crematoria to suspected covid deaths.
That would give the misleading impression of overloaded crematoria and misleading totals in certain districts.
And why those windmills go wonky
Rubbish report .
The bearing shown is a nacel support bearing.
The bearings that fail from brinelling on the turbines are the main rotor races.
He also knows nothing about the continued use of those “white metal” bearings .
and may I just ADD that they all need a fair amount of LIO ….. aye, even if it is Synthetic, whichever way you look at it!
Last Mill I commisioned the bearings were plastic
I have a question to pose here, that I hope someone will respond to thoughtfully:
IF an infrared photon can bounce off a CO2 molecule and be turned back to perhaps be felt on Earth a second time, wouldn’t the microwave absorption effect on H2O molecules be WAY higher, given all the radar and microwave communications and now 5G, which requires antennas all over the place? Why is that not part of the warming conversation?
Whatever microwave energy we generate doesnt come close to the radiation from the sun
You need to know the wavelengths of the forms you mention and then compare it to information seen in a chart like this:
GHGAbsoprtionSpectrum.jpg (1685×1895) (
RobB is likely correct.
They is a certain precursor to your question. The claim that “CO2 absorbs IR and radiate its back to earth, raising the temperature” as claimed by Climate Scientists. This means that such IR is a “perpetual motion” and is ridiculous.
If you look at the spectra in
You will see the outgoing radiation wth the major band of CO2 partially obscured by water vapour.
More importantly the band is around 20 microns which you can convert (if you want using any online program) to Kelvin, then adding minus 273 (or 273.16 if pedantic) to get the ℃ figure. You will find that the result will be around minus 73℃ of CO2 radiation to earth.
I leave it up to you to work out where on earth it heats.
Great outline of the “absent” mechanism that’s supposed to be the cornerstone of the Wobal Glorming insult.
Talking about insults to the average taxpayers enslaved by this, is the other issue that quashes the claim entirely.
Anyone suggesting that CO2 could be a driving force in the atmosphere has obviously got no understanding of the quantitative factors at work.
Quantitatively, CO2 is a complete irrelevance.
Remember the toilet paper effect from non- covid? Whatever happened ? and then the eggs. What’s next? I Don’t want to start a new rush….
the bullwhip effect
Dr John Campbell’s latest video.
He talks about evidence of death due to covid 19 “vaccine”.
He feels this might get him banned as it doesn’t follow the Official Narrative as we all know the vaccine is “fully safe and effective”.
Watch it before it’s censored.
Good to see he is not afraid to stand up and be deleted. It is always surprising to see just who will delete you.
If “Theirtube” deletes it look for it on Rumble or his Substack
“Y2Kyoto: Run Fer Yer Lives!”
Links to
“What the IPCC Actually Says About Extreme Weather” by ROGER PIELKE JR.
Bizarre scenes as eco-zealots are ‘kettled’ by ‘YouTube pranksters’ wearing ‘Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off’ t-shirts
According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020 the UK had 0.156% of global oil reserves. 0.094% of gas reserves and 0.002% of coal reserves. Global proven reserves were about 50 years of current production for gas and oil and well over 100 years for coal.
It is coal that is the biggest source of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. In 2022 global coal production was 8800 mt, or more than a million tonnes an hour for the first time. China increased its production to 4560 mt. The 434 mt increase on 2021 was greater than the UK’s peak coal of 287 mt in 1913.
Just Stop Oil in the UK literally have no sense of proportion. They are promoting harmful policies that will have zero impact on the supposed problem. Morally they are lower than a medical doctor proscribing treatment that will have a zero impact on the diagnosed problem but will cause severe pain to the patient.
Climate Lockdowns are Happening! Panic and Shortages to come!
An essay by Javier on lunar forcing.