A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy 4th July to our American cousins.
And here is a very special gift from one of your few remaining judges who is compliant with your constitution.
Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Admin in Social Media Censorship Case
IOW, content Biden & Fauci don’t like.
A federal judge has made a historic ruling by partially granting an injunction that blocks various Biden administration officials and government agencies like the Justice Department and the FBI from working with big tech firms to censor posts on social media.
The injunction came in response to a censorship-by-proxy lawsuit brought by attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri, who have accused Biden administration officials and various government agencies of pressuring social media companies to suspend accounts or take down posts.
The judge, Terry A. Doughty, wrote in the July 4 judgment (pdf) that various government agencies, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. Department of State, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are prohibited from taking a range of actions with regards to social media companies.
Specifically, the agencies and their staff members are prohibited from meeting or contacting by phone, email, text message or “engaging in any communication of any kind with social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner for removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech,” per the injunction.
The agencies are also barred from flagging content on posts on social media platforms and forwarding them to the companies with requests for action such as removing or otherwise suppressing their reach.
Encouraging or otherwise egging on social media companies to change their guidelines for the removal, suppression, or reduction of content that contains protected free speech by the government is also not allowed.
The judge, a Trump appointee, wrote in the ruling that the Republican attorneys general who sued the Biden administration “have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.”
The judge wrote in an accompanying memorandum that the plaintiffs are “likely to succeed on the merits in establishing that the Government has used its power to silence the opposition.”
Free speech means free speech. It will come as a shock to the Biden White House. Like Biden’s non existent granddaughter.
Freedom of speech is under threat in Australia as new proposed legislation will give the Australian Communications Media Authority powers to censor anything posted online that may cause harm. If the A.C.M.A. decides anything is misleading, (politically incorrect) misinformation or not the truth, websites and individual social accounts could be deleted. Massive fines will be handed out.
The A.C.M.A. will become the new 1984 Orwellian Ministry of Truth.
Anyone or any website, television network, radio station or newspaper who expresses an opinion that’s different from the opinions of the government run A.C.M.A. could be heavily penalised. This proposal is straight out of the Communist Chinese handbook.
These laws could be fully functional within months unless you inform others to loudly oppose this attack on your freedom to speak freely and read and hear diverse media opinions.
The Federal government is seeking your feedback and there are only about 30 days to stop this attack on democracy.
You can post your feedback here, either by leaving your name or doing it anonymously.
I urge everyone to make a submission on this extreme threat to what little free speech remains in Australia.
Maybe Jo could have a “sticky” post on a regular basis for events such as this that warrant mass awareness and prompt action?
Things are spiralling down and accelerating.
Only the best informed and fast acting will be around on the other side…
Good idea.
And free speech oriented blogs such as this would be targeted for allowing discussion about topics such as:
Anthropogenic global warming.
The destruction of the Australian energy supply.
Covid management and treatment.
And any discussion about anything that doesn’t follow the Official Narrative.
“I urge everyone to make a submission on this extreme threat to what little free speech remains in Australia.
If you think free speech is present on this blog then think again bucko. Since August 5 2022 all of my, very few, comments have been subject to moderation Free speech? Not on this blog baby. I very much doubt this comment will pass moderation as if it is published it will show just how hypocritical this blog is
Says Ian, with 2,322 comments published.
It’s complaints like this that show why your comments need checking.
Free Speech? In Australia?
Sharri Markson, Sky News Australia, has just reported on her show at 1750 hrs. 5th July 2023…
That Donald Trump Jr has been blocked from entering Australia.
4 days out from speaking tour, Visa has not yet been approved by the Australian Gov.
Sigh!!…. What have we become?
I was worried this would happen.
Australia is no longer a democracy and hasn’t been one for some time.
It is not how the people vote , it is who counts the votes
Do not worry your vote is in safe hands.
That is if you vote by pen and paper and are allowed to scrutineer the count.
Some good news.
Peter Dutton may have offered his support to Gerard Rennick. This will make it difficult for the ‘Wets’ and Useful idiots to claim his spot on the Senate ticket.
Update for all.
Self correction, re my post above, it was first reported by Sharri at 1720 hrs.
News is still breaking at this time.
lots of updates.
Ok at 1749 hrs AEST, the Australian Gov has just now, stated that they will give Donald Trump jr a visa.
The promoters website still at this moment says the event is postponed.
The Visa application was made mid May 2023, 7-8 weeks ago.
In real time, live pressure from an investigative journalist, caused a quick Gov reaction to its inaction.
Free speech is worth fighting for.
Good news, but it should not have got to the stage of having to postpone the event.
Who was this rare journalist that bothered to do their job and ask some questions.
And if the journalist didn’t ask questions, maybe Don Jr would be denied coming.
Australia has a high score on the authoritarian scale but sadly we have a lot of competition.
I am hard pressed to think of ANY policy or law of ANY government ANYwhere that a plurality of the people have cheered.
Biden’s dems are the standout, but are they? I don’t think our governments have enacted a popular policy since Tony stopped the boats and axed the taxes. Even government giveaways have such a narrow focus that most say “What about me?”
“Opposition to COVID-19 vaccines; opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns; opposition to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19; opposition to the validity of the 2020 election; opposition to President Biden’s policies; statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true; and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. All were suppressed,” Doughty wrote.
While the judge’s ruling is not final, the preliminary injunction is a win for the Republican attorneys general who have accused the Biden administration of pressuring big tech companies to engage in censorship-by-proxy scheme.
‘We’re Not Done Yet’
Following the injunction, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey hailed the decision in a series of posts on social media.
“The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK top officials in the federal government from violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. What a way to celebrate Independence Day,” Bailey said in a statement on Twitter.
“The preliminary injunction prohibits nearly all of the federal government, including DHS, DOJ, and HHS, from coercing and colluding with social media companies to censor free speech,” Bailey added.
However, the judge made some exceptions in his order, allowing government officials to contact social media companies to alert them of criminal activity or threats to national security.
Also allowed are contacts notifying social media companies about posts intending to mislead voters about voting requirements or procedures as well as communicating with companies about suppressing posts that are not protected free speech.
The injunction pertains to various named agencies as well as their agents, officers, employees, and contractors.
The Epoch Times has contacted the White House and various agencies named in the injunction with a request for comment.
“We’re not done yet,” Bailey wrote in a post. “We’re just getting started.”
“Today, we won an historic injunction against the Biden Administration, preventing it from censoring the core political speech of ordinary Americans on social media,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement.
“The evidence in our case is shocking and offensive with senior federal officials deciding that they could dictate what Americans can and cannot say on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms about COVID-19, elections, criticism of the government, and more.”
Thanks David,
Great news. A first step, but a big one. Glad you found it and posted.
I was slowed down by some barriers within the link you provided and decided not to cross, but put your header into duckduckgo and found several other similar links on the first results page:
” Judge Delivers Major Blow to Biden Admin in Social Media Censorship Case”.
I hope the case progresses rapidly through the system, but I suspect the nasties will force a delay until after the next election, and disappear it.
Dave B
Thanks David, here is the final part.
More Details
There are several lawsuits accusing the Biden administration of censorship-by-proxy by leaning on social media companies to suspend accounts or take down posts, the case brought by Louisiana and Missouri has advanced further than any other.
The judge overseeing the lawsuit refused to dismiss the case, finding in a March ruling (pdf) that Louisiana and Missouri’s free-speech claims were plausible and worthy of further litigation.
“This suit arises out of the alleged coercion by the Biden Administration and various government agencies and officials of social-media companies, urging those companies ‘to censor viewpoints and speakers disfavored by the Left,’” Doughty wrote in the March ruling.
The judge also permitted the plaintiffs to collect evidence, such as email communications between the White House and social media companies.
Doughty wrote in the March ruling that the plaintiffs allege that “this censorship was encouraged—perhaps even mandated—by the Biden Administration and several key governmental departments.”
Landry wrote in a recent op-ed for The Epoch Times: “Like a cancer, this violation of the First Amendment has seeded itself deep within our federal institutions, and these government actors neither believe what they did was wrong nor have any qualms about doing it again.”
Over 50 officials in the Biden administration across a dozen agencies were involved in efforts to pressure big tech companies to censor alleged misinformation, according to documents released last year.
Emails disclosed in court cases and through Freedom of Information Act requests have shown that U.S. officials pressured Facebook and Instagram to take action regarding social media posts.
One email showed that former White House digital director Rob Flaherty pushed Facebook to take action against “mis- and -disinformation” as well as “hesitancy-inducing content.”
“What we uncovered in our lawsuit Louisiana and Missouri v. Biden et al. was that the decision to vaporize you went all the way to the top—or as Biden’s director of digital media, Rob Flaherty, emphasized in an email to a major social media platform, it went all the way to ‘the highest (and I mean highest) levels of the White House,’” Landry wrote.
Flaherty, a central figure in the Biden administration’s efforts to shape social media narratives as part of a censorship-by-proxy effort, left the White House at the end of June.
On the same day as the court filing was made, President Joe Biden also announced that Flaherty would be leaving the White House but with no details about the timing and a hint that the two would work together again in some capacity in the future.
“His team has pioneered new methods of communication, and operated with unparalleled creativity, innovative spirit and a bias toward action,” the president said.
I wonder which MSM source will be the first to report this, and with what objectivity?
Dave B
Daily Telegraph has posted fhe story today, on page 20: “Lies R US, says court”.
Meanwhile Australia’s Ministry Of Truth is insisting big tech do just that.
I encourage everyone to make a submission about that, details in Mayday’s post 1.1.1.
Seems what our Ministry of Truth is attempting sounds very like what Canada is pushing
Something to add to the good news story:
” A federal judge ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and other officials to answer for the government’s suspected efforts to censor social media platforms, and gave the powerful officials three weeks to comply. ”
Dave B
Only in ‘Murica:
Call and Raise you one.
Star Spangled Steel
You may have noticed the recent TV adds by the mining sector, pointing out the recent (2022) QLD government change in Coal Royalties, which they state is now 5 times the Royalty levels in NSW , WA, or victoria . … up to 40% of the market price !
They are suggesting this may distroy the coal industry in QLD .
There have been parallels drawn between this and the events following the Vic increase in royalties (trippled !) prior to the closure of Hazelwood power station.
This sounds pretty dramatic for QLD with a major reliance on coal for electricity,…. however when the actual royalty details are checked, it seems that the miners may be squealing a little too loud !
Whilst WA, NSW, and VIC all have royalty rates FIXED AT 7-8% , regardless of market price, ..QLD have a scaled rate of 7% up to $100 /ton, progressing up to 40% for market prices above $300/ton . ( progressive meaning the higher rate is only applicable on the specific price band )
So, with the current market price hovering around the $100 mark, the miners are no worse off,..
But even if the price did exceed $300 , they may have to pay those higher royalties….but it is only coming from the huge excess income they are recieving because of the market demand.
The Miners are complaining over possible reduced future surplus profits !
How would that destroy the qld coal miners ?
Also, does anyone have any data on how much a coal fired power station actually pays for its coal supplies ?…or do they just budget “market” prices ?
It is funny that Communist apparatchik Daniel Andrews is trying to get someone to pay for his excesses when everyone else is enjoying a fantastic income from coal, gas and oil exports. And sitting on some of the largest fossil fuel resources in Austrtalia, he has banned the lot. Even picking up sticks for firewood. Sadly his Liberal opposition leader John Persutto agrees. And also denies that there are only two sexes and that women even exist. So do Victorians vote for a proven dictator or his clone?
I often wonder if the CCP keeps their friends on power by maintaining totally ineffectual opposition. In the US Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney and even the late John McCain spring to mind. And conviction politicians are derided as populists. As if agreeing with deplorable conservative and even traditional liberal voters is near criminal.
Yes they do.
It’s disturbing how useless and invisible the Liberals (pretend conservatives) are in Vicdanistan.
My point is that while Persecutto is a clone of Daniel Andrews, an employee of the party with no convictions yet, it is amazingly devoid of any opinions.
And the one woman Moira Deeming who dared to say she was an actual woman, an extinct species, was immediately ejected from the party for being a NAZI despite being of Jewish and Maori descent! And having a Bachelor of International Relations and a Dip Ed and ten years work as a teacher. The very last thing the Liberals need is educated competent experienced people with their own opinions. Nothing but trouble. Better party hacks like Persecutto. The Broad Church has become a prison where dissent is not tolerated and free speech does not exist.
This Liberal Party utter incompetence and compliance cannot be accidental. The opposition in Victoria is utterly invisible. Partly of course because Andrews hires every journalist who dares question his appalling reign, shutting them up with taxpayer cash. And partly because they are to the left of both the Labor party and the Teals and far closer to the anti human Greens.
They vote with their feet and go to a better place.
More leave Sydney than Melbourne according to recent (2023) data. Overall NSW has the biggest net migration loss to other states.
Apparently, Dictator Dan has a birthday tomorrow. A local radio station asked for suggestion for songs for his birthday. Someone suggested the song by Australian rock legends- Angels. The song ” Will I ever see your face again?”. For those in the know, there’s a crowd chant after the main line to that song. It basically describes what a lot of people would like to say to Mr Andrews. For those interested, try a live version of that song and try very hard not to join in 🙂
More correct song title -” Am I ever gonna see your face again”. Apologies to all the old Aussie rockers.
I remain at a loss to understand how any sane person could vote for Dictator Dan once, let alone three times.
It will also be a direct input cost to electricity generators.
Sure… it could increase their fuel cost by $0.005 per kWh !😳🙄
Mining and other companies need super profits because this is a gold at the end of the rainbow. Remember all profits are taxed at 30% a way, so for superprofits it’s a grab from Qld largely at the expense of the commonwealth.
You need superprofits to help get you through th3 years of super losses.
I was not aware that any of the coal miners had suffered “3 years of superlosses” ??
“Opposition to COVID-19 vaccines; opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns; opposition to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19; opposition to the validity of the 2020 election; opposition to President Biden’s policies; statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true; and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. All were suppressed,” Doughty wrote.
While the judge’s ruling is not final, the preliminary injunction is a win for the Republican attorneys general who have accused the Biden administration of pressuring big tech companies to engage in censorship-by-proxy scheme.
‘We’re Not Done Yet’
Following the injunction, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey hailed the decision in a series of posts on social media.
“The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK top officials in the federal government from violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans. What a way to celebrate Independence Day,” Bailey said in a statement on Twitter.
“The preliminary injunction prohibits nearly all of the federal government, including DHS, DOJ, and HHS, from coercing and colluding with social media companies to censor free speech,” Bailey added.
However, the judge made some exceptions in his order, allowing government officials to contact social media companies to alert them of criminal activity or threats to national security.
Also allowed are contacts notifying social media companies about posts intending to mislead voters about voting requirements or procedures as well as communicating with companies about suppressing posts that are not protected free speech.
The injunction pertains to various named agencies as well as their agents, officers, employees, and contractors.
The Epoch Times has contacted the White House and various agencies named in the injunction with a request for comment.
“We’re not done yet,” Bailey wrote in a post. “We’re just getting started.”
“Today, we won an historic injunction against the Biden Administration, preventing it from censoring the core political speech of ordinary Americans on social media,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement.
“The evidence in our case is shocking and offensive with senior federal officials deciding that they could dictate what Americans can and cannot say on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms about COVID-19, elections, criticism of the government, and more.”
Wow that is an astounding statement. Never heard of William Pitt before.
Fungi are neither plants nor animals but more closely related to animals than plants.
Mushroom for argument there.
Why are many of them poisonous, while many others are not?
So the MSM are reporting that July 3 was the hottest day “eva”. Could jonova’s informed correspondents please tell me how this global temperature is measured. Surely it’s unbiased and recorded in real time, ubiquitously? Otherwise it’s just BS.
For most of human existence no one measured temperature. We couldn’t. And even when we could, it didn’t matter. Then biochemistry came along, especially fermentation for beer and wine and champagne. Suddenly even British spies knew the perfect drinking temperature for Dom Perignon. It was the height of sophistication.
The idea that it matters much is absurd. The idea that the world is about to end because of a degree of two in an average is past ridiculous. And who doesn’t want winter, fall and spring a bit warmer?
The entire arctic could melt as it does every year and nothing changes. Antarctica at 3200Metres high and the size of South America with a summer peak temperature of -25C is not going anywhere soon.
But fake science and mad predictions, all proven wrong, have been harnessed by climatebaggers and we are told ‘The’ Science is ‘in’. What that means I do not know. And the only question is in what? I have a good idea.
And how many million people now work in the Climate is killing us departments around the world. Dirty energy. Clean energy finance. Climate Change prevention. And they all want to be paid. It is a huge industry. And when we finally come to our sense, perhaps the most environmentally destructive thing we humans have done.
‘The Science is ‘in’…the rubbish bin.
OK you Lame Stream Media, try this for size. Global temperatures over the past 500,000 years –
Thats cherry picking
Yes, only the short term I know…….lol
The Eemian was hotter.
What convinced you it was? Was it the hippos in the Thames and the Rhine? The giraffes and elephants grazing in the Thames valley (and rhinos in Yorkshire)?
Or the sea levels being 6-7 metres above current or the lack of ice on Greenland?
It was about two degrees warmer and CO2 at 280 ppm, we could make a convincing argument that this trace gas is not a driver of temperature on the planet.
Ah, but do they know the ideal temperature for drinking champers? Watching a show last night that claimed the ideal temp used to be 4-5C, but now should be around 10C, to obtain more of the flavour.
I happened to read this link on another site I regularly visit. It’s a US site and has a discussion topic called “Weather”. They love this sort of stuff.
17.01°C on 3 July .. beats the record of 16.92°C (62.46°F) reached in August 2016. So the hottest day ‘since record began’ by 0.09C! Such accuracy for a headline! I would have called it a dead heat.
Since humans have been appointed Custodians of the Planet, we have fretted about our lack of performance. And now that the whole world is 0.09C warmer on a specific day, it’s time to tax everyone and build windmills.
I blame Marvel comics.
and I will consider this terrible news in my Fortress of Solitude. Which of course is at the North Pole.
If drinking wine it is cheap red on plenty of ice. Maybe I don’t want all the flavours.
Where and how is this temperature taken or is a ‘blended’ mashup of BS.
Try here, but no, it’s not realtime actual thermometers!
Here- read some more rubbish by someone with their snout in the public trough-
“The first WTF is in the Antarctic, where sea-ice extent is setting record lows daily, now fully over 2 million kilometers below the 1991-2020 mean. This is not some one-off event. A decline like this has long been predicted.
For the second WTF we are going to move from the ocean to land and consider global 2-meter surface temperatures, where on June 10, for the third consecutive day temperatures breached the 1.5°C barrier (above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline). This is not the same as breaking the Paris 1.5°C barrier, which requires the long-term planetary average to be above 1.5°C. Nor is it the same as breaching 1.5°C for the year. These temperature spikes have happened many times before. But this breach does act as a benchmark for the inevitable future that’s coming.
And the third WTF is perhaps the furthest from any notion of normalcy. WTF is happening to the world’s oceans, and in particular the North Atlantic? Ocean temperatures have been setting unprecedented daily records, spiking to highs that are shocking climate scientists, as they look for possible reasons.”
But if no-one was telling us all this, we’d never even notice!
0.09 degrees of insanity…
Doomster of the decade, Matt McGrath [he’s from Tipperary, he can’t help it] let it slip in his BBC science-free rant that ‘hottest on record’ only goes as far back as 1979 – something to do with satellites. As for the claim it was the hottest since the early 1900s, that spurious nonsense was preceded by those immortal words: “Experts also believe…”
Amundsen Base at the South Pole that day was hovering around -70C, so their heated claims have the fingerprints of ‘Mann-made’ all over them. As usual: F for FAIL.
OK you Lame Stream Media, try this for size. Global temperatures over the past 500,000 years –
Hottest day? Not where I live.
Missed it by 14 C° (~26 F°).
I didn’t win a lottery today, either. 😒
‘Boil in a bag’ funerals to become available in Britain after catching on around the world
It has, rather tastelessly, been described as a ‘boil in a bag’ funeral.
And now, after catching on around the world, so-called water cremation is to become available in Britain.
Co-op Funeralcare will offer the service known as resomation, and also described as water cremation or alkaline hydrolysis, later this year.
The practice consists of the deceased being enclosed in a biodegradable pouch and placed in a container filled with pressurised water and potassium hydroxide, boiled at 160 degrees.
This converts tissue and cells in to a watery solution of micromolecules, with one cycle taking four hours.
Research suggests resomation is a more sustainable option as it does not release toxic gases, air pollutants or polluting fluids.
Cremating a body releases carbon dioxide and toxic gases while burials risk groundwater contamination.
The Co-op, which arranges more than 93,000 funerals every year, said it will be working with sustainability experts and academia to further validate existing research during its initial regional pilot.
Any references to Soylent Green bone broths are coincidental and unintended.
Soylent Green is people!
Wednesday funny: politicians jumping ship
Covid scam unravelling? Quick – jump! 😆
Wednesday ejukayshun: slow motion balloon burst
The predicted hottest day eva news story has arrived just in time!
just like Adelaide. After 2 or 3 days claiming that the record (1939) would be broken it was. During the 10 minutes between recording released the temperature jumped 1.6℃ in 6 minutes and down again in 4 minutes. And, curiously there was no increase at the Airport (4 Km. away) nor stations North and South (about 20 km.) of the West Terrace automatic station.
Same happened in Sydney where the temp rose 0.9C to 45.8C in 4 mins and back down 1.0C in 6 mins (18th Jan, 2013 to beat the old 45.3C record in 1939).
2:49pm – 44.9C.
2:53pm – 45.8C.
2:59pm – 44.8C.
Even the timing was weird. Usually on the 10 min intervals.
Go woke, send others broke
Hundreds Lose Their Jobs At Glass Plant That Made Bottles For Bud Light.
The recent backlash that Bud Light has faced over its decision to partner with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney for a marketing engagement has led to hundreds of people losing their jobs at two glass bottling plants, according to a new report.
The Ardagh Group, an international glass manufacturer, announced that it was shutting down a plant in Wilson, North Carolina, this month, which employs approximately 400 people.
The company also reportedly plans to close a plant in Ruston, Louisiana, which employs 245 people.
Anheuser-Busch has lost billions of dollars in market value since the controversy erupted with Mulvaney in early April, and new numbers released late last month show that weekly sales for Bud Light have continued to plummet, dropping 26.8% for the week ending June 10.
“This was a tough week for Bud Light and other beer brands,” said Bump Williams Consulting and NielsenIQ. Beer sales as a whole declined the week ending June 10, including Budweiser (10%), Natural Light (2.3%), and Michelob Ultra (2.4%).
As the Newcastle song had it – “Don’t you ever let a chance go by”
“LOOK: America’s Oldest Beer Company Deals Bud Light a “Vicious Blow” With Its Choice of Influencer – Also Sends Out Patriotic Fourth of July Tweet (PHOTOS) ”
For those wishing to see Donald Trump Jr talks in either Melbourne or Brisbane, they have been postponed. I just got the following message from orhanisers:
I hope it was not due to threats of violence from the Regressives or action by state or federal governments.
Incidentally, the content of his speeches doesn’t follow the Official Narrative so such content would likely be banned under the Australian Government’s Orwellian new anti-free-speech laws as outlined by May day at #1.1.1..
David, possibly due to Nigel Farage’s recent travails with the banks. He was on the same bill.
Just to be clear, hundreds of people pass through The White House, and it was obviously one of those that left the white powder that caused a security alert and turned out to be cocaine, and absolutely nothing to do with Hunter Biden visiting. Thank you.
Followed perhaps by confirmation that it was on Hunter Biden’s person but he knew nothing about it. Followed perhaps by confirmation that he did know about it but it was now the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation and has therefore gone down Orwell’s memory hole.
Anti-free-speech advocates signed a petition to stop Don Jr coming to Australia. It looks like it may have worked.
Everyone in Canberra will sign. But then 98% of the people in Washington, DC voted for Hillary Clinton. It’s meal ticket time.
““Hunter Biden is an illegal drug-taking bigoted person who should not be allowed to enter Australia for the purpose of earning himself and possibly his father any ‘Campaign Contributions,’” the petition’s description on read. “Ban him from this country.””
makes sense to me!
More advertising targets for the “help them to go broke” people
“Lefties Begin Denying Service to Trump Supporters”
Sounds like suitable scepticism to me –
“White House Spins The Cocaine Story”
“CDC altered death certificates related to vaccines”
“Someone (who needs to remain anonymous) was able to obtain the death certificates from Minnesota for all deaths that occurred from 2015 to the present, which presented the opportunity to see if the CDC is being entirely honest about the US death data. Unsurprisingly, the CDC is not.”
Sounds like “that old refrain”
So, after serving up the Great Pandemic, the MSM is now serving a new menu item … flying saucers.
After 70+ years, Roswell has moved from Fringe St. in Kooksville to DC.
Come listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed
Poor mountaineer, barely kept his family vax-ED
Then one day he was shooting at some geese
and down from the sky came a big UAP
Next thing ya’ now old Jed’s a billionaire (inflation)
Kin folk said Jed ‘move away from there’
Said Georgetown is the place you oughta’ be
So they packed up the truck and they moved to DC
EVs and bureaucrats
(Sorry, couldn’t help myself)
What does that Fermi guy have to say for himself now?
Just like the V just happened to appear naturally and totally un-anthropogenically, across the street from the lab …
the aliens appear to have done all of their crashing … 12 … in the good ol’ US of A.
(Even the aliens can see we’re still #1.)
And despair not Ozzians … we will send Hunter.
You are not still trying to prevent STDs from entering the continent … right?
New today about the Chinese weather balloon , strangely it took months for this to emerge, while submarine accidents take minutes
The submersible incident was known by the US Navy from its seabed monitoring stations immediately, but the White House Resident didn’t release the news for days to keep the incident hot in the news cycle to keep attention away from whistle blower testimony about his son’s crimes.
And the pro-Chinese Biden Maladministration is not going to say anything to upset the Chicomms. Of course they’ll deny evidence that it was a spy balloon, despite evidence to the contrary such as its massive size.
I don’t believe that the U.S. govt withheld the sub implosion info David, as the person in charge of the rescue attempts acknowledged that he had been told about the sensor’s implosion pickup a few days prior. So it seems that the U.S. passed this info immediately to the Controller, and for very good reasons, he withheld the info until the remains had been located.
Aboriginal mayors want basic resources for their communities not ‘representation’
Where can we get one of those. The Mayors I know have gone woke and are sending the community broke.
Over thirty Aboriginal Land Councils control fifty five per cent of Australia, and operate tax free on mining royalties, pastoral lease rental, entry fees.
FOI of UK thermometers – 2 degrees out.
The flow-cell technology is known ?
Not new, but rarely used:
The sports car that runs on SALTWATER: Vehicle goes from 0 to 60mph in 2.8 seconds – and has just been approved for EU roads
Check that metric feet length conversion
Its only 16.8 feet out on the length, only out by 42. Much the same as many AGW claims.
It claims the technology offers five times the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries of the same weight, but 400 kg. vs 800 kg for Tesla.
Its radical drive system allows the 5,070lbs (2,300kg) Quant e-Sportlimousine to reach 373 miles (or 600 km.) range.
After making its debut at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show. Yet 9 years later it is still being developed. Hmm?
“Salt water” ?…….really
Morelike a custom fluid..
“ the bi-ION electrolyte is stated to be an energy storage medium (which uses) suspended nano-particles “
Do i suspect possible enviromental concerns ?
Probably why it has gone nowhere years……fast !
In those 9 years.
Earth’s hottest day ever
““Islands of expertise surrounded by oceans of incoherence” – today’s energy policies in a nutshell”
Interesting video.
“How Kodak Exposed Nuclear Testing”
It’s about how Kodak (US) discovered radioactive fallout from US nuclear testing while it was still secret, due to damage to its film products.
We’re keeping up –
“Doofus Of The Day #1,109
Today’s award goes to the designer of a new garden bed at the Presbyterian Ladies’ College in Sydney, Australia. A tip o’ the hat to Australian reader Andrew for sending me the link.
A private girls’ school has been forced to redesign a garden bed it accidentally built in the shape of a penis.”
Link to the photo.
I would be more concerned with the symmetry of the thing.
UAH June anomaly same as May.
The 18month running average is the same (0.37 to 0.38) but what about the month values? Both are above that running average. So where next?
Comment on Quadrant Online concerning an interesting potential conundrum triggered by the “VoiceVote “
Neil Oliver: There’s nothing green about the green agenda…just plain old greed!
Glenn Beck: I’m Done Warning People