A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A bit of background on who and what is behind the voice
26 minutes well worth the time
Communist is so 2018. 2021 is woke and 2023 is groomer. And don’t forget deep state and politically correct transcend time.
Just saw Kim’s post so I hope that you can connect the WEF into the voice too.
Empty mocking with no content again? If only you could think of an argument…
Mocking someone who is seriously promoting a made up scare campaign? Seems like a sensible response. Luckily most people don’t take every crank conspiracy seriously enough to waste time mounting an argument.
Just kindergarten namecalling. It’s all you have…
You promote the end of the world with your catastrophic man made climate change, hypocrite.
“If it changes one vote it was worth it”
When have I done that?
Correct on all points GA, you just don’t realise it.
History always repeats, the link you ignore is communism, but you know this already right comrade.
Welcome back to 2018.
cue the “this is fine” meme
There doesn’t need to be an organised conspiracy. There are enough people with the motive, means, and opportunity to take full advantage of situations that benefit them.
There are also more than enough useful idiots available to help.
yep. just look at foreign companies getting between $600-900,000 per (useless) windmill.
if there was actual government by the people, as opposed to government by the lobbyists, that could never happen.
Wokism is Ethno Fascism (the money layer) on top of Communism (courtesy of the KGB). Anyway it’s fast going out of fashion like a bad smell.
The WEF plan to control our lives just scored a big win
The Future is a bit more complicated and messy – the devil is in the detail – When you are dealing with big tech you’re dealing with corporate culture issues. These are particularly significant with software development. Those at the top of the big corporations assume that everything is going ticketyboo and they trust that is the case. Software is often complicated to very complicated. Good design and methodology designs out the complexity and bugs – Keep It Simnple – but that often isn’t used. Coders often think that just because they have it all in their head everyone else should also have it in their heads. And, yes, that can result in hive minds. But much more often with big tech it results in massive software with a lot of flaws and bugs which are papered over and worked around (often many work arounds). Then you have the generational problem where the original developers have been replaced by a new generation who want to keep very distant from the code – they don’t understand it and they don’t want to stuff it up and get blamed. They particularly don’t want to make what seems to be a sensible change that results in a massive problem – collateral faults and arbitary bugs. And you get those who completely redesign a system and take it back a few years. Corporatistas get it drummed into their head right from the start: “You don’t stick your head above the parapet even if the project is going tits up and likewise the company. You just concentrate on surviving.”. These chickens are already coming home to roost and they will massively be even more so in the near future.
I haven’t a clue how computers work, but I have seeen enough to believe that to a substantial degree ignorance rules. I do recall that I saw enough in the early days to believe that ‘Solutions/apps can be written for a purpose, but getting these “solutions” to work together creates a lot of empty space which bogs the system down. And if more than one person has been involved in the writing of a program, then it is likely that there is nobody who knows how it was written.
Our daughter, working as a factory accountant for a major corporation, was able to solve in Excel problems which her bosses paid IT firms big money for, but she got no credit for this achievement.
I suspect that this is just the tip of a very big iceberg.
This is where AI might become useful. In my view AI is marvellously inexpensive hardware, which removes that cost limitation on the industry. Anybody who wants one will be able to get his/her hands on a supercomputer.
Florida records a water Temp 101F (or 38.4C) yesterday SCREAMS the headlines around the world.
We are all gonna die – proclaims the agitprop…
Yes, in fact one single buoy located in Manatee Bay did in fact record such a high Temp.
But it did so at a very unusual time … a time when no sun was shining – in the total absence of this primary driver of water temperature – between 10pm and Midnight.
Given such an outlier result the MSM have seized upon man-made climate influences – rather than look for any other potential influences…
Someone was peeing on the buoy when it was recording that “high” temp?
If they were peeing on it, they had a full blown fever.
Naww 😉 it was probably a (Big ) birdie ( birdie is Scots for a wee bird) & wee is scots for small, or inglish for what may have happened! See ye here:
It is either a corrupted result due to a digitiser error or similar or anti-energy activists have deliberately interfered with it.
Don’t forget, these people consider this a war and they are prepared to do absolutely anything, including illegal and immoral activities to achieve their objective of a return to Year Zero for non-Elites.
Arsonists. Be it a buoy or a bit of scrub, they’re onto it. Sicily. Corfu.
They’ll run out of “Little Lucifers” at this rate.
All the spots where there are tourists taking their selfies against a flaming background.
They’re in a panic. The European voters are shifting the political needle to national conservatism and sanity.
The green left extremists will need to do more than barbeque a buoy to counter that.
The ABC gets on the 100+F degree bandwagon…
It again makes some critical errors in it’s reporting – something we have sadly come to expect.
1. The ABC claims the Max water temp was achieved late on Monday afternoon – rather than as the record shows 10-12 midnight.
2. The ABC claims that other nearby stations recorded 38C – when I actually looked at the nearby data – the highest I could find was 36C degrees, but the typical was some 3-6C degrees cooler – just a teensy bit above average for July.
Naturally they have attributed this to “The growing frequency and intensity of severe weather — both on land and in oceans — is symptomatic of global, human-driven climate change that is fuelling extremes, experts in the field say”
‘ … experts in the field say.’
Very sloppy journalism, but the good news is that the CSU Communications course in Bathurst is closing down. AI is the future and journalism is bound for the scrapheap.
How does AI acquire information?
British banks that canceled conservatives could lose their licenses
A new legislative proposal in the United Kingdom would require banks to treat all of their customers equally, regardless of their political leanings, or else lose their banking licenses.
Following the recent scandal involving Brexit leader Nigel Farage, whose bank account was shuttered by Coutts / NatWest due to his conservative political platform, a number of British MPs (members of parliament) are working on a new law to stop this kind of thing from ever happening again while bolstering and protecting freedom of expression throughout the country.
A related set of newly proposed rules would also force banks to provide customers with at least three months’ notice before closing their accounts. Currently, British banks are only required to give customers a one-month notice before termination, and they are not yet required to provide an “explicit” reason as to why an account is being closed in the first place, which would change under the new rules.
“It would be of serious concern if financial services were being denied to anyone exercising their right to lawful free speech,” said Economic Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Griffith about the matter.
“[T]he privilege of a banking license in a democracy should imply a duty not to ‘debank’ because you disagree with someone’s views.”
For those interested, I have upped the FULL Farage dossier:
And they need to prevent government from freezing citizens’ bank accounts, and from stealing money from them (Trudeau did both to the truckers).
Apparently Nigel Farage has hit back and scored a bulls eye.
And now UK banks are being investigated and the Government is preparing stricter rules.
All hell has broke loose at parent co Nat West after Chief Executive forced to resign
Bearing in mind Farage is not even an MP he still knows how to rock the boat
Chase Bank Suddenly Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola Market and its Employees With No Explanation – Owner Blames Political Bias
Mercola Market, a company renowned for its specialty food, drinks, supplements, pet products, and other health items, is owned by Dr. Joseph Mercola, a critic of COVID-19 vaccines and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Dr. Mercola has practiced medicine since 1985 and founded the world’s largest natural health website.
On July 13, the company, along with its CEO, CFO, and some family members, received identical letters from Chase Bank stating that their accounts were to be closed. The reason for this sudden decision, however, was left unexplained.
“Financial institutions have an obligation to know our customers and monitor transactions that flow through our customers’ accounts. After careful consideration, we decided to close your accounts because of unexpected activity on this or another Chase account,” according to the letter from Chase Bank.
You vill only be allowed ze Fizzer vaxxes.
You vill not be allowed ze natural cures.
Let us hope that, as in the Farage case, Chase Bank has overplayed its hand.
The thing people are missing is that it’s mathematically impossible for all the banks to simultaneously just happen to turn against customers like Farage, by random chance and private business decisions … therefore this cannot possibly be merely a random private decision … it could only be coordinated from a central point.
There aren’t too many places such a decision could come from …. rationally we can narrow it down fairly easily. It might be the central bank (i.e. Bank of England) ordering the regular commercial banks not to do business with Farage, or it could be coming from somewhere fairly senior within the civil service, or possibly from within the executive branch itself.
Can we blame the Labour Party? I would say no, because they aren’t in government and anyway they aren’t really losing many voters to Farage … so they don’t feel particularly threatened by him. No motive and no means.
That leaves the Tories, and golly they do have a motive, because they are threatened by Farage … and they are in government so they also have the means.
It’s not the banks that need more regulation, and it’s not going to be fixed by new laws … figure out who im the Tory Party is able to lean on the banks to unbank their political opponents, figure out whether this is going via the central bank or via the civil service, and name names in Parliament. That’s what needs doing. There will be written communications somewhere, and those should be discovered and published.
Giving the regulators even more power to be misused is an incredibly stupid move … when obviously the existing regulators can’t be trusted to begin with.
Nigel Farage reacts to NatWest boss Alison Rose resigning over Coutts account row
‘I am a great believer that finance can act as a force for good.’ – Alison Rose.
She has now been cut loose from the government’s Energy Efficiency Taskforce.
Swimming Officials To Trial An ‘Open Category’ For Transgender Athletes
World Aquatics, the world swimming governing body, announced Tuesday that it will set up an “open category” that will include transgender athletes, according to The Associated Press.
The governing body banned most male athletes from competing in the female division in 2022 following uproar over Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer who won a national title in women’s swimming after competing in the men’s collegiate division for three years. The president of World Aquatics, Husain Al-Musallam, said an “open category” swimming event will take place alongside other races, according to the AP.
World Aquatics oversees the swimming categories of the Olympics, including water polo and diving.
It’s all sporting organisations EVER had to do.
Create a separate category, so those “can’t cut it in the male world” types have no unfair advantage.
Oh, the tears…😄
This is stupidity on steroids.
They already have an “open” category. It’s called the mens category.
What a waste of effort and $$$.
Stand by for major whining when capable men compete in the Open category.
New European hail record set as Italy witnesses second record-breaking hailstone in less than a week
Europe’s record for the largest hailstone has been broken again within a mere five days as a massive 19 cm (7.48 inches) hailstone was confirmed in Azzano Decimo, Italy, just 1.3 cm (0.52 inches) smaller than the world record.
A new European hailstone record has been set in Azzano Decimo, Italy, with a remarkable 19 cm (7.48 inches) hailstone, superseding the previous record by 3 cm (1.18 inches). This milestone comes only five days after Italy set the previous European record with a 16 cm (6.29 inches) hailstone in Carmignano di Brenta, the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) reports.
At around 23:00 LT on July 24, 2023, the small town of Azzano Decimo was hit by giant hail, resulting in the discovery of this record-breaking specimen. After meticulous examination of numerous reports and photographs, specialists from the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD) confirmed the 19 cm (7.58 inches) diameter of the hailstone.
In NASA speak, ” a hailstone the size of a 2yo Chihuahua and weighing the same as 18 eggs hit Italy…” 😄
You’re gunna need tougher solar arrays. 😎
The Mediterranean near Italy has hit 30C and will go into convective overdrive in areas with enough atmospheric water to support convective instability.,44.82,876/loc=14.619,39.097
Convective potential south east of Italy is showing an impressive value:,44.82,876/loc=18.654,37.575
But the atmospheric water column is too low for a cyclone to develop yet. Maybe in a couple of weeks if the moisture does not get carried off to Greece.
Damning Audit Shows New York Paid Up to $14,050 for Injecting ONE Covid-19 “Vaccine”
Officials let Executive Medical Services, a contractor awarded a contract early in the COVID-19 pandemic, to set its own staffing levels, leading to uncontrolled costs, New York City Comptroller Brad Lander found.
That led to exorbitant costs and low efficiency, with an analysis of invoices showing that only one vaccination was administered for every two billed hours.
“Emergency contracting allows the City to stand up vital services in times of crisis, but demands heightened vigilance to safeguard the fiscal interests of the City. Our audit reveals significant weaknesses in the control mechanisms that impact past, present, and potentially future emergencies. By addressing these challenges head-on, agencies can better spend New York City’s taxpayer dollars wisely and efficiently, even in crises,” Lander, a Democrat, said in a statement.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Health Services, which paid Executive Medical Services, did not respond to a request for comment.
Executive Medical Services, also known as Affiliated Physicians, did not return an inquiry.
The agency originally agreed to pay Executive Medical Services up to $500,000. After six amendments to the contract, stretching it through the end of 2022, the agency paid the contractor some $390 million.
What a total fiasco…
$14000 for one injection, two injections per hour… Charging $28000 per hr?? An IRS audit of all Council staff who had anything to do with that decision would turn up some interesting income I am sure, and a quick check on who is married or cousins to whom would be worthwhile!
Joe Biden says 100 people died from Covid
Good old pedo Joe – 5 cans short of a six pack.😆
A more accurate statement than when he said 200 million Americans had died from Covid …
Perhaps he just left out the rest of the sentence:
“…, the rest died from the vaxxine.”
Dave B
IRELAND – Lockstep now as motorists will be forced off the road with charges as high as £38 ($72 AUD) per day to get to work.
Longer trips trips e.g from Cork to Dublin (265 km) would cost €163 ($309 AUD) under a ‘Road Usage Charge’
Climate lockdowns 2024.
Will this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?
Mmmm no more hire car holidays around Ireland then
The Crash Course: An Honest Approach to Facing the Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment,
The world is experiencing a series of crises. In The Crash Course: An Honest Approach to Facing the Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment, Revised Edition, veteran executive and strategist Chris Martenson delivers an incisive and eye-opening exploration that explains why the reader needs to understand that it is the interconnectedness of the various crises that matters most. From energy shortages to climate instability, financial crises, supply chain disruptions, pandemics, war, and crop failures, you’ll discover the common factor that is driving them all and how to adapt to volatile new realities and safeguard your own personal wealth, health, and community.
In the book, you’ll find effective solutions for living with unpredictability and change, as well as:
A workable framework for understanding the “how” and “why” of dramatic societal, environmental, and economic transformation
A rich set of solutions, complete with examples, you can use to draw inspiration and motivation to act in your own life
An expansive amount of new material, fully updated since the last edition
A transformative and thought-provoking strategic playbook for managing increasingly unexpected events, crises, and revolutions, The Crash Course, Revised Edition is an essential resource for anyone concerned about their retirement savings, the world’s environment, as well as anyone hoping to become more independent and self-reliant.
Wednesday ingenuity: before disposable razors were a thing
Imagine the 2+2=5 and Pi=4 looming woke graduates designing these. 😄😄
When it all comes full circle lol
As I continue my holiday here in northern Italy (near Biella), the awful, “Europe-wide” heatwave continues, apparently.
It is currently 14C at 07:15 heading for a max of 25C with clear blue skies. We’re going to attempt a trip to the Santuario di Oropa, where we will battle through the heat (or torrential rain if you believe other reports) as we explore the area then sit on a terrace with a brioche and latte macchiato.
Wish me luck.
Breaking: Dictator Dan to strip councils of decision-making power, so he can implement large scale housing and high rises
Here comes the NWO/WEF mega city…
This week’s viewing recommendation:
“Escape from
New YorkVictoria” 😁80
A few weeks ago I emailed a couple of Senators asking them to oppose the ACMA Misinformation and Disinformation Bill. The automated responses I received highlighted that communications are unlikely to be replied to substantively unless it includes the sender’s full name, residential address, and phone number.
Anyone thinking of sending in your concerns by email don’t make that mistake, remember to include your address or they can use the missing info as excuse to ignore it. I guess this is fair for determining whether the sender is actually in the State the Senator represents (and to potentially converse in reply).
The only Senator who gave a substantive reply anyway was Senator Rennick, who said in part:
Good to know there’s at least one person on the hill who has learned from history.
On the question of free speech, especially on this proposed legislation, I recommend use it or lose it.
“some states [ie. countries which may include Australia] may seek to characterise legitimate debate and commentary that is objectionable to them as disinformation or misinformation.”
– Australian Government
” I guess this is fair for determining whether the sender is actually in the State the Senator represents (and to potentially converse in reply).”
Rubbish! This is to identify the troublemakers and find out who their families are. Action will be taken against anyone who criticises the Govt. There is no way they need “sender’s full name, residential address, and phone number”, just like any online company phishing for all your details in order to sign up for something or pay for a purchase.
If you email they should just assume you are in their balliwick, and for a name I usually say “You can call me Sir”. They are meant to be public servants, as I recall.
I’m still waiting for a Leftist to explain to me why they are so opposed to “The Sound of Freedom”.
Not a lefty, but the same answer as always applies: THE TRUTH HURTS! 😁
If you (anyone) can handle it, watch “Eyes of the devil” about child trafficking/abuse on bitchute. No link because of extreme content.
*Disturbing content warning*
Then we apply this to pervert pollies in governments globally who are participants and we see just how sick the world is, and has been for a long time.
Deep dive and you’ll wish you hadn’t.
They’re back! The dancing nurses have switched to climate change.
How do they find time to save patients…😆
Can we replace “Just Stop Oil” with “Just Stop Spoilt Brats”?
when do they start throwing virgins into the volcanoes?
Ooh, no no…you’ve got it ar$e about.
We SAVE the virgins and sacrifice the pollies, experts, climate loons and neocons.
Don’t give them any ideas.
..sounds like child abuse if you want virgins..
The CDBD Crisis of 2025.
Undoubtedly, this entire scheme of digital currencies will be the death of Western Civilization.
Now even a journalist, if he fails to comply with the demands of the government, is targeted by the IRS. This allows them to go after anyone unless you are the son of a senile president who does as he is told. So yes, this will be the WORST currency in human history and it will be the final nail in the coffin of freedom.
They will most likely cancel all currencies AFTER the US 2024 election. It will need to be coordinated to prevent capital flight. Whatever is in bank accounts or brokerage accounts will be re-denominated in the new digital currency. The IMF is pushing hard to replace the dollar with its version. The likelihood of the collapse of the IMF and world institutions will probably arrive in 2031.
Big Tech will comply. They are already stripping us of our freedom of speech. This will become IMPERATIVE to oppress all freedom in hopes that they can establish this new totalitarian state which is the dream of Klaus Schwab and his band of merry thieves at the World Economic Forum. So the Internet will be highly monitored and restricted.
The point of investments post-2024 will be to hold on to tangible assets. They will make the transition from one currency to the next.
The people in denial or with no idea will just get wiped out…
Buy Roubles or Yuan?
The only way I survived was by cash work. Literally. I was in the bottom bracket of income earners, and the cash that clients would give me for work got me by, enough to pay the mortgage (20 years ago) – the Australian dream.
It would be a great disservice to the low-income bracket should that ability disappear. NO major scam or cost, just the modest betterment and security of a citizen.
I also benefited from the easy finance that led to the GFC. I got a home loan via a no doc loan. NO docs. I had an ABN and just signed on the line that I earned good money. I earned nothing at that stage but took faith that I would make it. And I did. Just. But I’m a debt free home owner now.
Get woke, lose your job.
Fantastic news!
CEO of NatWest, Alison Rose, resigns for her treatment of Nigel Farage.
Let’s hope it happens to more wokesters.
Nigel Farage comments.
“Hottest Day Evah In Palermo!”
“All in all, claims of a record temperature of 47C have little climatological significance at all.:
So, if that had been in e.g Colorado or Alberta, the headline could have read
“Cooked by a Chinook”?
Bob Hawke quote – perhaps the only thing he ever said I would agree with.
Yes, but getting that commitment to Australia is the difficult thing. It’s not a given. Most immigrants support their home country in sport. For many generations too. I see it all the time at stadiums. Sure that’s only sport. But it goes deeper than that.
I actually support multiculturalism. But mass immigration is a completely different thing, because you get even less of the commitment Hawke was talking about. And without that commitment, what do you have? An ideology and an experiment.
Here is quite a good science fiction movie from 1959 in the UFO genre.
The Cosmic Man.
For those that know Los Angeles, Griffith Park is the location of much of the filming.
David I watched one of those movies you posted. From start to end. Humanoids (?) 1963. It was actually an excellent film, quite a well-conceived concept.
Thanks Philip.
“The Creation of the Humanoids”, 1962.
Today’s word:
serpentarium A place where public serpents are warehoused.
Bad news. Apparently, most plants will die as a result of heat from climate change. I was told this. I looked it up on the internet and pages of results confirm this is true.
Electric car fire takes out cargo ship.
Does that go on the carbon bill of electric vehicles?
BBC version of story, mentions the similar previous incident a lot of people may remember.
Now it’s legal for doctors in Australia to again prescribe Ivermectin for covid treatment or prophylaxis, a local compounding pharmacy is again making IVM in the larger 12mg and 24mg doses, same as he was doing before the ban.
I ordered heaps of Ivermectin from India. Quite expensive. They’d have expired by now, stored somewhere in the hallway cupboard. What a waste of time that was too. Took about 2 of them. I’ve never had covid.
At least not that you know about
Good they are compounding the larger dosages.
Reference Australian price for stromectol 4 x 3mg is in the $au25-30 range
I suspect even with delays and hassles India may prove a better source
Science isn’t a democratic process, where the majority decides what the truth is.
(R. Bauval, R.Schoch)
Nowadays, science is politics by other means.
(Apologies to Clausewitz.)
Was the ‘Pandemic’ a political event?
(The word is a political construct … like ‘Climate Change’ and Viet Cong. Historical note: Pandemic replaced Epidemic. Viet Cong replaced Viet Minh.)
If the bug was ‘proximal’ in origin … guess not ‘political’.
If a ‘leak’ … the result of convoluted, obscurely originated and purposed Deep State ‘science research’ … perhaps the opposite of not.
If the opposite of not …
wonder how the casualty toll compares to events like say … Napoleon’s invasion of Russia? (There’s a new movie ya’ know). Damn that LIA.
At least this ‘politics by other means’ is not as messy.
And not as ethnically targeted on marginalized young men of military age.
So, at least this politics by other means is more diverse.
You don’t have to burn crops and buildings, you just drive the owners out of business.
You will own nothing and be happy.
And you will see nothing.
Gradual onset of the Maunder Minimum revealed by high-precision carbon-14 analyses
Eleven-year solar cycles over the last millennium revealed by radiocarbon in tree rings
Not content with constructing massive wind mills offshore, they now want to build them suspended underwater or bolted submerged to the sea floor.
To be fair, it is a research project at the moment with 7 million pounds of initial funding granted by the UK, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Oxford University news release dated 26 July 2023:
“Unlike the wind and the sun, tides ebb and flow at predictable times each day, and so have the advantage that they can provide power that is both renewable and reliable, enabling more resilient energy networks.”
“Unlike more traditional tidal barrages and tidal lagoons that require turbines to be installed in structures such as dams or sea walls, tidal stream turbines are fixed directly out at sea in the line of the strongest, most suitable tidal flows.”
Ohh.. and being socially responsible, they are going to try to develop this so they don’t have to worry about their future blade disposal.
“The team will explore new methods to assess the environmental and ecological impacts of future tidal stream farms, and whether turbine blades could be manufactured from bio-based materials that can degrade at the end of their life.”
I support such research completely.
There is a chance that the co2 theory is correct. A small one. But a chance. Therefore, spending for research on such alternative energy sources is warranted.
The money spent is a pittance of the money they are spending on installing so called renewable energy now – akin to buying a Betamax when they first appeared at Retrovision stores (remember them?) and spending a thousand years future income to get one.
Not happy with chopping up the birds and bats now they want to chop up the fisheys … 😉
Alan Jones: Australia is being run by bonker politicians
Apparently Jacinta Price’s mother has been physically attacked by Yes campaigners – . Absolutely appalling and very uncivilised!
Peter Manuel: ‘No farms, no food , no Australia’
Nothing to see here.
Just a certain thing happened to 1 in 35 compliers after complying to a certain thing which will go unmentioned.
Completely voluntarily as Justin Trudeau has explained.
Latest from Dr. John Campbell.
With special kudos for NZ.
He recommends mockery.
Mockery seems appropriate.
They meant well.
I mean just because The Science has accidently become known to the peasants.. er, I mean ‘changed’.
BTW, spontaneous gatherings with preindustrial night vision devices and manual pronged hay redistribution implements, would absolutely NOT be appropriate.
Now for something completely different. . .
Room temperature super conductor at normal atmospheric pressure?
actual paper:
Another shipload of electric cars catches fire off Europe:
Why don’t they ship them with only just enough charge in them to drive off the ship to a charging point?
I know some people don’t like it but interesting weather facts are just that, whatever your beliefs.
Europe had its hottest July day on record last Monday 24th July 2023, Jerzu in Sardinia 48.2°C, it’s provisional subject to the usual checks (or is that rubber stamping these days?)
Have you checked whether that’s the shade air temperature a few feet above ground, as quoted in time series for Stevenson screens for decades, or the air temperature in the boundary layer immediately above the sun-warmed ground, which they have been quoting in relation to this heatwave without mentioning the change?
You can read this article by tapping “canekl” twice when prompted to login. Sicily was reported to have reached the high forties Centigrade when in fact its temperature as recorded in Stevenson screens reached a mere 32 degrees.
New boss for the IPCC.
“IPCC: Scots professor to lead top global climate body”
“A Scottish scientist has been chosen to lead one of the world’s most influential climate change bodies.
“Prof Jim Skea, from Dundee, has been elected as chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”
“The scientist, a former physics student at the University of Edinburgh, is professor of sustainable energy at Imperial College in London and the co-founder of the UK Committee on Climate Change. He was elected by 90 votes to 69 in a run-off and will lead the IPCC through its seventh assessment cycle.
“In his address to IPCC delegates, Prof Skea said: “Climate change is an existential threat to our planet. My ambition is to lead an IPCC that is truly representative and inclusive, an IPCC looking to the future while exploiting the opportunities that we have in the present. An IPCC where everyone feels valued and heard. In this, I will pursue three priorities – improving inclusiveness and diversity, shielding scientific integrity and policy relevance of IPCC assessment reports, and making the effective use of the best available science on climate change.”
“The election took place at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya, where the IPCC is holding its 59th session.”
Does ‘inclusiveness and diversity’ include the possibility that the whole Gore-bull Warming thing is a con?
Auto – just asking.
The Imperial College, home of a lot of very dubious modelling, including the initial COVID modelling. What an excellent institution to provide someone to run the IPCC…
More weaving undone
“Biden Blows Up”
A thoughtful piece from Uugyppius on the premise of the covid vax and “saving lives”
Ive noticed in my opinion sample of 100 car club members there seem to be 3 camps. The classic 80/20 seems to be 40% love Dan and think he “kept us safe” another 40% comply to whatever minimum lets them get on with life and 20% just want to be left alone. Mostly people over 50 btw.
A green hydrogen project planned for the mid-west of WA has just been canned. At least they handed back the govt subsidies. Not sure why anybody would want to build this in the mid-west as it’s not near any major industries, a fact acknowledged by the company. Further north, where most of WA’s export industries are located, they have plentiful supplies of cheap gas.
Try changing over farm equipment to non ICEs.
Reverse Engineering
‘The US is concealing a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects, a former Air Force intelligence officer testified on Wednesday to Congress. The Pentagon has denied his claims.
‘Retired Major David Grusch’s highly anticipated testimony before a House Oversight subcommittee was Congress’ latest foray into the world of UAPs — or “unidentified aerial phenomena,” which is the official term the US government uses instead of UFOs.’ (9News)
The Truth About Coal and Power in Australia: Joanne Nova Explains
well done Jo
Alan Jones: John Howard is ‘dead right’ about the Voice , Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act slammed as ‘unclear’ by barrister .
Abbott and Credlin: ‘People tend to go for the real thing’: Tony Abbott slams ‘Labor-lite’ politics