By Jo Nova
What looks, acts, and smells like an unelected World Government telling us what to do?
The Australian government bragged about getting a six month free-pass from the global UNESCO naughty corner but in reality they were craven patsies to an absurd unaudited, unaccountable foreign committee.
The UN was threatening, as it always does, to lumber The Great Barrier Reef with an “In-Danger” sticker, despite the coral on the largest reef in the world being healthier than it’s ever been since estimates began in 1986.
To avoid the dreaded sticker of reef sin, apparently Labor saved the day by putting in a 43% emissions cut which will kill eagles and bats with wind turbines, plaster the wilderness with high voltage towers, infect the alpine lakes with feral pests and threaten whales with off shore wind plants. (That’s just for starters).
The price to appease the UN apparently includes spending another $1.2 billion to “protect the reef” (which will expand the bureaucrat class) and twisting the thumb-screws of regulation on fishermen and farmers (thus punishing the workers). The UN gave the Australian government a pat on the back for canceling the Urannah and Hell’s Gate dams. Since when did we need a foreign committee to tell us whether to build a dam?
See how this works? It costs the UN almost nothing to launch preposterous PR Bombs and extract whatever they want. And we pay the UN to do it.
The Labor party sold out the nation. The only correct response was to ask UNESCO why it was wasting our taxpayer funds and launch an audit of our UN contributions. Do we get value for money, or is the UN using our funds, and their own corrupt heritage list, to extort policies that the Australian voters didn’t vote for?
It’s not about the science:

Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Figure 4: Coral cover for the Great Barrier Reef as measured by the AIMS Long Term Monitoring Program. Supposedly “devastating” bleaching events were recorded in 2016, 2017, 2020, and 2022, (red dots). The GBR has record high coral cover in 2022, and at least twice as much coral as in 2011/2012. Coral is a slow growing organism, so this graph is proof that institutions claiming major coral loss due to bleaching is grossly exaggerated. Uncertainty margin is approximately ±0.04
This wouldn’t be possible if the media mocked the UN and exposed it as the loafing incompetent parasites they are. But only 3% of Australians even knew the Great Barrier Reef corals have entirely recovered from the waves of recent bleaching and was in record health. See the AEF survey results here. By keeping Australians in the dark (thanks especially to the ABC) it makes it so much easier for the UN to launch false ambit claims and not be mocked back to Geneva.
Graham Lloyd does a great job in The Australian:
Great Barrier Reef’s natural wonder still hostage to green politics
Marine scientist Peter Ridd calls it blackmail. “UNESCO threatens to list the reef as endangered unless we make a futile gesture to net zero and the fact that the reef has record high coral is studiously ignored.”
Albanese has misread the way in which the reef has been taken hostage by UNESCO and green groups as leverage to get their way. Against the Prime Minister’s partisan stand, it must not be forgotten that the UN’s in-danger interest was piqued by Labor’s plans for unrestrained development along the Queensland coast.
The Expert Panel is a fraud — relying on chicken-entrail predictions from people who’ve been wrong for decades:
Behind the scenes, UNESCO said it was taking advice from groups including WWF-Australia, the Australian Marine Conservation Society, and Earth Justice. All are pointing to the potential for a return of bleaching. While the Prime Minister was declaring success, the Green NGO’s already are claiming a false dawn.
Defund the UN now. It is a menace to democracy.
UN Logo: Sshu94 | Photo by Stelio Puccinelli
Why bother defunding the UN. Just get rid of Airbus Albo & his ALP morons. Much quicker & more effective. Such a move will also serve as a warning to Coalition government that they’d best behave as well!
Get rid of them?
There is a very real danger that if they call a double dissolution before Christmas they will win with an absolute majority in both houses.
If If they leave the election till 2025 they will get wiped out.
The pick is theirs. Be ready for it.
[heading off topic at #1. Can we take this to the unthreaded. Thanks. – Jo]
We don’t have two major parties, just different factions of the one Uniparty.
It doesn’t matter what Dutton or other coalition members say they believe in private (and being politicians they are probably lying anyway), publicly they support the whole anthropogenic global warming fraud and unreliables scams.
Dutton says he supports nuclear knowing full well that in today’s Australia, an inwardly looking, self-destructive, scared, globalist, exceptionally bureaucratic and over-regulated country, that is simply never going to happen. So taking that into account, there is no significant difference in policies.
Australia’s future must be with people supporting the small pro-freedom, pro-science, pro-reason conservative-oriented parties like:
-United Australia Party
-Liberal Democrats
-One Nation
Continuing to throw away votes on the pretend-conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty will just result in more of the same.
Is their any other nation on earth (perhaps with the exception of New Zimbabwe) more fanatically obsessed with following World Government UN/WEF decrees than is Australia?
And Australia is an ideal subject state. By and large there is a highly compliant, dumbed-down population and a willingness for all Australian Governments to brutally enforce their globalist decrees as shown during covid (an important “purity test” for globalism). And all factions of the Uniparty are in close agreement on virtually all matters.
Too many people relying on the government’s largess and visa extensions/confirmations! Too many PWC Reports on policy
More fundamentally, the big problem for Australia right now is not enough % of the workforce producing goods that can be sold abroad for gain. We have lost or are losing fundamental manufacturing/processing like making aircraft, making cars, making little of anything that China makes, reduced oil refining (once 7 plants, now 2) reduced minerals processing (aluminium and alumina plant hanging by threads) little pharmaceutical manufacture, segment losses for ?beer brewing? … It goes on and on.
Part of the cause is government policy dictated by people who know little about business. The is groveling to unelected bodies like UN, WHO,WMO. Big pharma owns regulators. Immigration is dictated without asking the folk who live here. Much of this big problem is amplified by stupid acts with our electricity generation, as readers know.
What to do? Hope like hell that Trump is next President and that we here manage to copy the best features of his changes. We need a new face like Menzies or Churchill, able to inspire and motivate.
Apart from that, the best bet for the man in the street is to start to become fluent in Cantonese and grow a limp wrist.
Geoff S
Good reminder Geoff. We need to keep that in the sight of the population constantly.
Government is making sure that voters are comfortable by giving an extraordinary range of handouts. The bad, hidden side of this is that the handouts are paid for with borrowed money that pushes inflation and lifts our mortgage rates to painful levels.
Yes, KK,
This Nation is losing its income. There is less and less money to hand out, be that for a good cause or for buying votes. That is why taxes are going up and up,, but that is a “borrow” fix not a “gross income” fix.
It is so frustrating to see the masses doing what the unions order at the ballot box. I spent too much of my career fighting thick head unions, cannot remember a single, beneficial thing they did. Remember Charles Copeman of the New Right in the 1980s when he sacked 1,100 workers at Robe River iron ore, offered back to work if they had no union? With the tug boats for the ore ships having to have a dozen flavours of ice cream to go to sea? And 12 dozen eggs each for a three day shelter at sea from forecast cyclones? I had to endure the thick of that Gilbert & Sullivan fiasco.
Unions these days are no less stupid, they just control the PM now. And also that vote block that elects people like Dan Andrews. Geoff S
Oz politicians are just like sports folks. They have short “careers” where they get some attention but then have to live the rest of their lives in a lesser role. So they figure that paying homage to UN, WEF and other international bodies gives them a good chance for new future career. Plenty of Oz and Nz examples. Never mix up community loyalty and self-interest.
Shortly after her brief tenure as Prime Minister, Teresa May got paid ONE MILLION POUNDS to deliver 8 speeches — a nice payday for someone who’s only remembered for trying to thwart BREXIT (the referendum that Britons had voted for).
Who would pay for that?
Perhaps it was those “GEB”s that Chiefio refers to (Globalist, Greedy Evil B–tards).
It’s how the Globalists pay the piper, book, movie, tour deals.
“more fanatically obsessed with following World Government UN/WEF decrees than is Australia?
Interestingly, Australia actually voted against the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) which was adopted by the UN General Assemble on 14 September 2007. This “new” declaration included 9 changes to the text of the earlier June 2006 declaration.
In 2009, probably as an act of appeasement in a similar fashion to what Jo outlines with the GB Reef, Australia declared its support for the UNDRIP but still did not – and to date has not – “recognise and implement its standards in a formal and comprehensive way”.
Now we have the voice which seems to me to be like a homework project that has plagiarised “someone else’s work”.
There is even a one page representation of the declaration (shades of the Uluru statement presentation) with acknowledgements to The Christensen Fund, Oxfam Australia, and to one Dr Sarah Pritchard who “prepared” it.
A DDG search brings up a Dr Sarah Pritchard SC – Forbes Chambers, admitted as a barrister in 1999. These days this Dr Sarah Pritchard is a judge of the Land and Environment Court having been sworn in on 15 November 2022….
Since this UNDRIP thang has government support and only lacks formal adoption, which the Law Council of Australia (not to be confused with ambulance chasers), pushed the government to do as recently as July 2022, then why the bloody hell doesn’t the government take this cheaper (than a plebiscite) alternative? Guess adoption/acknowledgement/adherence doesn’t open the door to the vault where the $$$ grab occurs.
And as a footnote here is an interesting article on the power of indigenous (Saami reindeer herders) in their fight against “green colonialism” using only the principles of the UNDRIP against the early adopters Norway, Sweden, Finland and north-western Russia.
Look out Australia even worse is coming courtesy of a “minor change” to the constitution….
The UN theme fits here IMO –
“António Guterres pours on the climate fear porn with scary colours.”
The swing against net zero in Europe has caused great panic in UN & WEF hence the sudden
“ boiling planet “ jargon / BS .
Wake up Peter Dutton. If the coalition shows any signs of of implied acceptance of the BS from the UN you’ll also be gone in a hurry. You’ll split the conservative vote down the middle & blow any chance of an election win.
While you’re at it get your snowflakes like Birmingham & Matt Kean under control. Better still get rid of that culture & let them join the ALP which is where they’d prefer to be. That’ll help weaken the ALP too.
Please explain.
Go where exactly?
When the Lib/Nats were in the UN con/trol group, they threw fistfuls of other people’s money at the reef and were in power for all the devastating bleaching events, the reef was that white it was in danger of being cancelled.
The Lib/Nats were the party in power for the COVID con, they threw $ hundreds of billions of other people’s money at a runny nose virus and everything now has flowed on from the Lib’s 14 days to flatten the curve. Your chosen ones got us here!
It was not two years of Labour that got us here, it was Lib/Nat’s since at least Howard.
You are a very poor judge of character, please stop voting Dennis.
You’re babbling again!
“When the Lib/Nats were in the UN con/trol group, they threw fistfuls of other people’s money at the reef” – that was Malcolm Turnbull. He was never a Lib/Nat and he has gone, hopefully for good.
“The Lib/Nats were the party in power for the COVID con, they threw $ hundreds of billions of other people’s money at a runny nose virus” – that was Scott Morrison. Yes he was a Lib/Nat but he has gone, hopefully for good. The price paid to get rid of him was very high indeed – Albo and Bowen.
Now that the Lib/Nats have cleared their decks, maybe a little bit of new understanding may be in order. Yes we need more Nats and more One Nation, and less Greens, but the reality is that we need Libs too, to remove Albo and Bowen. It might be a good idea to write to them from time to time to help in their re-education, rather than just bagging what they used to be.
Politics is the art of the possible. – Otto von Bismarck.
It is a pity our weak government has no courage to stand up for us against the rouge UN. These unelected elites are telling us what to do and we, politically seem to just grovel at their every decree. No only with the reef either, I would like to know their involvement in the Voice. If it’s anything like the Covid plandemic, they will be up to their ears in it. I cannot understand how Australia as become lapdogs to this organisation or why the population is so indifferent to all these matters.
It all “Boils down to” Big Finance- remember Turnbull’s Parting $444 000 000 to “Save the reef” but instead of building Cathedrals they are building bird choppers. Recall that Turnbull is a Gold-in-sacks man. A Lefty Liberal who bought his Prime Ministership.
On my trip across OZ a few weeks back the Choppers around Pt Augusta are relentless eye sore! Also on the Dimboola- Minyip Rd, you get to drive through a large “Farm” of Choppers.
“Choppers!” Why didn’t I think of that.
I’ll take it! Choppers they are.
in some areas there are chopper lookouts so you can have a scenic view of the fields of choppers LOL
The problem with calling them choppers is that 99.9999% of the population will think you are talking about helicopters.
I skim read this and moved on, thinking it was something about helicopters.
C’mon man, get with the program.
Maybe it would be better to call them ‘bird and bat mincers’.
Look up Utopia Australia from a few weeks back, they covered this exactly as it has happened. It was extremely good!
Somewhere there will be a couple of schoolgirls doing a homework project with a catchy title that we can throw a billion dollars at!
The cost of this crawling to the UN loonies will be horrendous and of course both our offshore and onshore environments will be severely impacted by the dilute, UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S energy disasters from now on.
The trouble is the majority of Aussies haven’t even started to wake up yet and most of the MSM, banks, big business, unions, etc have swallowed this lunacy and continue to lie to the public.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know the NON OECD countries are following a different energy path and must think we’re barking mad.
It is very interesting what happens to the temperature under the equatorial Pacific.
The reef can flourish.
Bowen (with Elbow’s tacit support) has done a great deal to destroy the backbone of investment in Aus from Japan and South Korea. These two countries have been very honest and upright investing very heavily here for over 50 years. My personal experiences with both in mining and construction has shown a continual willingness to pay top dollar for reliable investments and then deliberately stay in the management background.
Now see what Bowen/Elbow has wrought:
Unfortunately paywalled, so if you cannot access it, the summary is that Bowen went to various Asian organisations in the last week of July and told the Japanese and South Koreans outright that their investments in hydrocarbon mining and construction were “sunk” under the ALP’s green ideology. Since both these countries have power grids reliant on Aus’ “no sovereign risk” reputation, this caused panic.
It’s how green swivel-eyes treat long-term, honest partners. The ALP has form in deliberately creating sovereign risk. Investments in new lithium, copper, nickel developments are now at risk since Bowen/Elbow cannot be trusted.
Japan and South Korea both rely on Australian coal.
What a genius move telling them Australia no longer supports the hydrocarbon and energy industries.
From 2021:
At least some scientists are pushing back against the extremists temperature and weather/climate nonsense in the MSM.
“This wouldn’t be possible if the media mocked the UN and exposed it as the loafing incompetent parasites they are.”. Jo, you didn’t have to water down your real opinion of the UN like that!
“naughty reef sticker” – that’s too funny. But paradoxically sad.
“Reefer Madness” is a famous documentary from the US Govt demolishing the hemp industry. Worth a watch. The more things change….
Perhaps we should adopt the attitude of many countries and ignore anything from the UN that disadvantages that country, unless there is money in it for some politicians.
We’ve taken care of the reef’s future;
how could any Australian taxpayer forget the Great Big Barrier Reef Foundation.
So, we don’t need the United Bloody Nations or WHO or UNESCO; what we urgently need is
Since Dr Hansen’s speech in Washington DC in 1988 the world’s countries have added about 14.62 billion extra tons of co2 per annum to the atmosphere by 2021.
The developing NON OECD countries have added 14.38 extra tons per annum by 2021 and the OECD an extra 0.24 billion tons.
IOW the OECD countries have wasted 35 years for nothing and at a cost of many TRILLIONs of $.
And air travel and shipping have added another 1 billion tons per annum by 2021.
AGAIN here’s what that RELATIVE change of the NON OECD and OECD energy paths look like today.
That flat horizontal line at the bottom is the OECD countries.
Seems like a variation of the old adage, like “CO2 emissions in Non OECD countries stay in Non OECD countries”
Here’s an idea….
Since most Australian politicians are more loyal to China than they are Australia, why dont we also adopt their brilliant policy on CO2 emissions (what the Left call “carbon” (sic))?
It’s almost as if both major parties use the same focus group research and swap advisors. Obviously both tell the political parties that if they are perceived to be saving the reef, it’s good for popularity. Possibly also a deflection to the “ Voice” , because it’s going so well (sarc). As one of the original founding countries of the U.N. , it’s about time we disassociated from that Organisation. But the politicians and senior bureaucrats love it because of the junkets.
“It’s almost as if both major parties use the same focus group research and swap advisors.”
They do. Their advisors are called the ABC, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian…
Paul Homewood checks out the BS and FRAUD from the BBC about their so called climate change facts.
Another Japanese Antarctic station has been cooling since 1973.
That ‘record high’ coral for 2022 shows that our Great Barrier Reef is doing marvelously well on that ‘nasty’ AGW driver, that trace atmospheric gas, CO₂. What could be better: coral driven carbon sequestration at its most natural and best. Certain simp panderers and their UN overlords who give Australia a bum eco rap can gum their ‘naughty reef’ stickers to their mouths.
AGAIN the RELATIVE percentage change since 1850 for co2 emissions for the NON OECD was +8.9 MILLION % by 1988 and by 2021 was +21.7 MILLION %.
And the RELATIVE change for the OECD from 1850 to 1988 was +5.8 THOUSAND percent and the change by 2021 was about +5.9 THOUSAND percent.
This is from OWI Data graph link. So any comments anyone?
Let’s adopt China’s CO2 emissions policy.
Bwahaha, bwahaha, the rich Drs wives Teal voter’s handed 32% it wont be easy under Albanese and his side kick blackouts BOWEN the parliament of Australia, so now….pay up you suckers…bwahaha.
Incorrect … the ALP won outright, without help from any “Teal” candidate.
The election was not won in those “Teal” seats, nor will the Liberals gain government by winning back those seats.
I heard Eddie Maguire(?) on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire say just the other day that the reef is sadly in demise, so it can be assumed this is the popular narrative.
Poor Eddie, always accused of being a white male bigot but he just goes along with the flow of things – and of course always apologises for his perceived indiscretions.
It is a popular narrative. When my daughter was in Canadian high school she came home one day and told me that the GB Reef is completely dead. Millions of young people have been taught this falsehood and continue to believe it as adults, they have never been taught otherwise.
If the operators of Greenhouses add extra CO2 to their Greenhouses to make their plants/crops grow bigger/stronger and adding CO2 to our Greenhouse (Planet Earth) also helps to green the planet, then surely this is a good thing.
How come the Greens and Greenpeace don’t get it.
And there is NO ‘Global Boiling’. What utter hyperbole.
And the Great Barrier Reef is still there.
The N.Z.Diplomat to the U.N. BACK IN THE 1950 ERA , Sir Jack Hunn
called them quote ‘unelected swill’
a wise call by the last wise New Zealander.
Dunno if this has been posted before, I couldn’t find it in search. Somebody saw this presentation and shared it with me. I guess anybody could find it if they search useful terms, so here’s the link in case nobody hasn’t seen it yet:
Michael Shellenberger’s Guide to Escaping the Woke Matrix
The UN is a democracy of dictatorships and a refuge for failed politicians. In 1979 I turned down the included tour of it on a holiday deal in New York. I have never regretted it.
One could hope that new IPCC chief will introduce some sanity into this situation. Currently testing Dutton to see if someone in his camp will try to come to grips with Dr John Nicol’s analysis of CO2. My previous attempt to get Canberra aware of the real world via local member Perrett during the Rudd regime was met with the reply from then Minister Wong that the work had not been peer reviewed therefore was not relevant.
Who cares what UNESO says ?. If we had a government with balls they would give the middle finger to the UN and if the reef was put on an endangered list they would do a PR ad blitz on the record coral coverage and make the UN look like even bigger idiots.
Defund the ABC first. The phrase ‘socialist parasite’ is uniquely apt for them.