A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Really enjoying Ramaswamy’s effect on the republican nomination slow race. He is doing Trump and doing it well.
He might just be saying what people want to hear. He is no Trump.
I do not know enough to have an opinion about VR. Just glad the skeptical voice is at the table, and getting noticed.
Vivek Ramaswamy
-partnered directly with the Chinese government to launch a pharmaceutical company.
-Jan 2022 wrote WSJ article that social distancing and cloth masks work, and that vaccines are most important step in fighting COVID.
So, it’s a NO vote then.
Vivek has taken on the biggest source of corruption there is in the climate debate — the Woke Industrial Bankers — the $100 Trillion BlackRocks, GFANZ cabal and co that feed the ESG craze in the corporate and political world. They are the money behind the WEF. He’s brave and incredibly well spoken.
Any candidate that doesn’t aim to put out the fire at the source shouldn’t be in the race.
Do we want to win or not?
Republican voters seem to understand. Anyone but a RINO.
Vivek cheered on George Soros, but only when Soros was pointing out Xi was the most dangerous enemy of open societies. Does that make Vivek a serf of either Soros or Xi, or just a guy speaking his mind?
This may open in Spanish but a box to translate to English should appear in the top right.
Sorry, by mistake pushed the thumbs down button.
Was going to say, Vivek’s age, 38yo is a concern. A very successful and erudite young man. Probably pushes all the right buttons to give Trump a run for his money, especially if Trump doesn’t join in the debates by choice, or by force as is the intention of the Democrats with all their writs.
I would question how many palms did Vivek grease, or how much did he speak the talk and walk the walk to comply with other business people or politicians in earning his wealth and success. How much courage does he have? Talking the talk to become President of the USA is the easy part.
Even Tony Abbott, when push came to shove, decided freedom of speech was of third order importance after he was elected after saying he would fight the censoring movements of the extreme left activists. That hasn’t worked out well has it. We are now censored by lawfare, where frivolous accusations, or more serious, cannot be defended due to the legal costs.
The point is, the fight to be had to save the USA from the Democrat, DOJ, CIA, FBI, Media,and oligarchical cabal with total power over the nation currently, will be horrific for the USA to face and will require an absolute, independent, wealthy and politically principled Republican President to pull it off. Trump has the ability, drive and the reasons to fight that fight. I have no reason to believe Vivek has. As Tony Abbott showed, the talk to get the believer’s votes is the easy part. The execution requires determination, courage and belief to succeed.
Tony Abbott’s big mistake was to maximise the efficiency of the parliament by postponing contentious legislation.
He was clearly reserving issues which the senate would block for a double dissolution election. But Turnbull usurped that election.
The end result was that the Marxists got away with blaming Abbott for the RET and not reining in spending and other issues which were blocked by the Palmer United Party.
So what does he think now? much has been learnt? going to run out of candidates quite fast if the criteria includes never having been wrong.
candidates also need to be vetted.
By who? to what degree? to whom does it matter ? really we are talking about personal opinions.
What do you think the debates and primaries are about then?
Trouble with conservatives here is they discard the good looking for the perfect.
so just accept whatever a candidate says without any attempt to verify.
The GOP Debate – Exposing the Neocons
QUESTION: Marty, you have been silent on the GOP debate. Many of us would love to hear your opinion.
ANSWER: It was very disheartening to see those who supported Ukraine. Vivek Ramaswamy was the most level-headed, probably like Trump and RFK; he is not an indoctrinated politician preaching the party line. He said: “We are driving Russia further into China’s hands.”
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who seems to have a single missing to trash Trump, had no problem spouting out the traditional Neocon BS: “We will be next,” Christie recently traveled to Kyiv to meet with Ukrainian officials. He is not worth the space on the stage that he takes up and would be a great threat to our own national security and the lives of our children to be sent to yet another endless, unwinnable foreign war.
Then there is Vice President Mike Pence, who seemed to try to channel Ronald Reagan’s “peace through strength” mantra. He attacked Ramaswamy, saying he had a “pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth.” Pence has no idea of what went on. The Neocons tried to stop Reagan from meeting with Gorbachev, telling him he could not trust a Russian. Regan ignored the Neocons and met with him. Reagan pushed for Russia to join NATO. When Gorbachev was leaning in that direction, they staged a coup to overthrow him. That is when Yeltsin stood on the tank and stopped the coup. When the Neocons tried to rig the 2000 Russian election, even asking me to invest $10 billion into this scheme to take over Russia, and I refused, their stooge, Berezovsky, even called me on the phone to try to get me to comply. I think Pence should look at the facts. Reagan sought peace – not war. Pence has trashed the legacy of Reagan and should fade into the sunset and stop trying to lead the United States into World War III.
Then there is the former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. She lacked intelligence, clearly brainwashed by the Neocon agenda to accuse Ramaswamy of trying to side with a murderer in Putin. She, too, preached the Neocon agenda of lies. I lost all respect for her in that position.
Ramaswamy also tried to tar the rest of the stage as George W. Bush-era Neocons as beholden to the defense industry. “I wish you luck in your future career on the board of Lockheed or Raytheon,” Ramaswamy told Haley. She retaliated, saying, “You have no foreign-policy experience, and it shows.” That may have gotten the biggest applause of the night. But it also shows how reckless they are and how they have never learned ANYTHING from all the failed endless wars launched by the Neocons.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been more of a China hawk. He seemed to remain mostly silent during the back-and-forth on Ukraine. He chimed in and said that the U.S. aid to Ukraine should be conditioned on European countries doing more to help. He previously called Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine a “territorial dispute.” That much is absolutely correct. The Neocons started this civil war to weaken Russia, and they now have 40,000 American troops in Poland just waiting for the order to attack. The Neocons are horrible people who pray on their knees before they go to bed to Satin to give some excuse so they can order their pawns to attack Moscow.
I know some people hate Ramaswamy and accuse him of improper trading. Anyone who seems to step on a political stage these days must be delusional to think they can make a difference. The Neocons have seized control of the United States. Just look at all the indictments against Trump; they are COORDINATING all these attacks because they fear Trump the most. They have brainwashed so many Americans into hating Trump, which serves their purpose of driving us into World War III.
This is all part of the Decline & Fall of the United States. Just like Spain stole the financial capital of the world from Italy and then lost it to the Germans, who in turn held it briefly with the Flugers, they lost it to the Dutch, and they lost it to the Brits. It took World War I to undermine Britain, and it moved to America as a result. It is just our time to lose it to China. I do not have the luxury of a personal opinion. History dictates nobody retains it forever. Our computer governments want to get their hands on has already seen the trend. By the time we arrive in 2032, all these corrupt republics masquerading as democracies will end as they always do.
My opinion really means nothing. I cannot change what will be. Personally, I would NEVER vote for anyone who supports Ukraine. I lost most of my High School friends to Vietnam. What did they die for? I am tired of the endless lies and the Neocons trying to take over the world with their pretend democracy that denies the people any say in voting on matters of taxes or war. These people have shown that humanity has a very dark side, and the only way to advance is to deny political access to any of these people.
We cannot defeat the business cycle. This is part of it. I wish we could ban such people from public office, but that will never happen. It is just our fate. It does not matter if Biden remains in office or you elect one of these Neocon supporters like Nikki Haley. The Neocons will get their World War III. They control BOTH parties.”
The Cold War was the start of WWIII. The end of the Cold War should have been the ending of WWIII bit it seems the opportunity was squandered.
Reagan is not all that relevant today. Reagan was the man for his time. His time was marked by the fading from influence of the old guard in Russia, the last of the people who had first hand memory of how bad things were in Russia before the revolution. Only that memory could justify how bad things were after the revolution.
Reagan’s sabre rattling highlighted for the USSR the futility of sabre rattling, and was a key factor hastening the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Chernobyl power station disaster was another factor, along with a surplus 50 million tonnes of wheat that the US had injected into the world market in response to Europe’s flooding the market with subsidised grain. That surplus saved the USSR from famine.
And today?
Over 50 years ago I met a man who told me he had been in the German army. I said to myself “You’re not old enough”. But!! The Germans had kids in the army. So maybe he was.
Then, he said, he was in the British army. Errr, whassat?? Again, but!! The British army was in Germany with work to be done, why not employ a starving kid already trained in military discipline? So maybe he was.
Then, in I think 1948 he was demobilised. Along with millions of others. Out of work in Europe.
He then took a job a a mercenary soldier in Mike Hoare’s private army. Something he wished he could just cut out of his life. What they were doing was in The Congo at night setting up machine guns around a village and at dawn shooting up the village and clearing out.
I asked him who was paying for this? He said Jomo Kenyatta. The history books say Tshombe was paying. Either way I think it would have been the USSR.
I wondered if his story was fact or fiction. I think it could have been fact. But why tell me? With the background he described he might have thought that as a landowner I would be a person of influence.
He told me that he had seen Mike Hoare decide he didn’t like the look of a new recruit, take a gun out of his belt and shoot the bloke in the head.
So is this Russia’s / Putin’s plan for Africa in 2023?
I think itwas on this blog I saw (and saved) a marvellous cartoon, with all the leaders of the great nations in military regalia standing in line with bayonets fixed, with the big Russian bear lunging at them with a sword and China sitting against a tree out behind it all laughing. The cartoon was from Punch in 1903.
“…Ramaswamy says Mike Pence should’ve used the opportunity on January 6 to unilaterally implement universal single-day voting and voter ID…”
Hundreds join huge search for Loch Ness Monster –
A search for the Loch Ness Monster, billed as the biggest Nessie hunt in more than 50 years, has been taking place in the Scottish Highlands.
A hundred volunteers helped record natural – and any unusual – sights on Loch Ness from vantage points on land.
Almost 300 have signed up to monitor a live stream from the search, which is taking place on Saturday and Sunday.
Stories of a monster have existed for centuries but it is 90 years since the modern myth of Nessie began.
In April 1933, hotel manageress Aldie Mackay said she had seen a whale-like creature in the loch.
Silly me, I thought she had left politics months ago!
They’ve imaged and DNA tested it to death, I won’t hold my breath!
Notice how there is now heavy promotion of implausible pseudoscientific phenomena like UFOs (I believe UAP is the new politically correct term) or Nessie?
It’s as though the Elites were trying to distract the masses from real issues…
Will ESP be next? Or flat earthism, geocentrism, Immanuel Velikovsky’s theories, perpetual motion, Lysekoism, Feng Shui, “covid vaccines are safe and effective” or “mankind is altering the climate” be next?
Oh wait, we already have the last two promoted by Government.
How about Orgone Energy and the Orgone Accumulator?
Oh ?….
….i thought you were talking about another electricity retailer and their custom solar storage battery ?!!
I agree 100% that it is a distraction.
It also to create fear so we will demand that the elites are given more power.
There is a famous quote that I can’t quite remember about wanting the government to lead us to safety.
A distraction that almost no one knows about.
Elitist Scottish lake dwellers distracting us all from something using a small bbc outlet.
If they realised, it would’nt be a distraction now would it.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
HL Mencken
Fits right in with that making changes to lifstyles will affect the weather.
The first time the UFO & extraterrestrial critters was used when Bill Clinton was in hot water over the Monica scandal. Someone suddenly found a piece of “ moon rock “ with what looked like a fossilised worm on it. It was claimed to be proof of extraterrestrial/ intelligent life in space. If only!! These events are now annual events & as predictable as President Fraud’s gaffe’s & blunders.
I think the rock you refer to is ALH84001 but it was from Mars and found in Antarctica and it was under Reagan’s presidency. He was an excellent President and had nothing to hide, unlike Clinton.
I used to believe in U.F.O’s but when the government started harping on about them I realised I was wrong.
Rule #1 in life- If the Govt says its true, believe the opposite!
UFO’s may exist, but they won’t be what the Govt. says they are, or wants you to think they are.
The only conspiracy is how they kept the secret under wraps for so long.
This is not a political distraction, they can’t keep the lid on UAP any longer.
Do some polling and you’ll find that a majority of US citizens think like me.
why the fuzzy grey pics?
This phenomenon is of universal significance, you should get out more.
Where’s the think in that?
Its a bipartisan conspiracy of silence.
‘In a poll of 1,500 eligible U.S. voters carried out by Redfield & Wilton Strategies exclusively for Newsweek, 57% of respondents believed that the government has more information about UFOs and alien life than it has publicly revealed.
‘Another 21% said they did not think this was the case and 22% said they did not know.’ (News Nation)
Think like you?
50% of the population is below average IQ.
That might be so, but even ordinary people can recognise the speed of these craft are beyond our understanding of physics.
Don’t forget chemtrails, the healing power of crystals, the Black Knight satellite, phantom time, the CERN dimensional portal, and the lizard people on the dark side of the moon.
We laugh at all these beliefs, but blindly accept religions…
But there is so much that is unexplained by current science that we are but apes gazing up at the black monolith of knowledge, as I like to say. ie scientific awareness is relative.
Established science gets torn apart, revised or disproven, almost by the day.
Future scientists will look back at us in the same way we look back and laugh at the science and beliefs of middle ages folk.
Hopefully people in the future will be more mature and wont laugh at us. Do you really laugh at people in the past because they believed things we now know to be false? Grow up.
I hope they will laugh at us.
If they don’t, they will be stupid.
We laugh at king Canute for thinking he could turn back the tide. Same way we (and people in the future will) laugh at you for thinking that you can change the weather using windmills.
King Canute did not think that he could turn back the tide. That is a popular misconception. He was demonstrating to his courtiers, who were trying to convince him that he had god like powers and could turn back the tide, that he was indeed a mere mortal. As far as I know his demonstration worked perfectly and they all ended up with wet feet and red faces.
Oh dear, oh dear…
Why are you here?
No sense of humour Mrs Liberal?
Past job was hospital matron or stuffy librarian?
In Australia we have the pervasive and persistent contact with the “Min Min light.”
I was unfortunate to have a two horrific encounter. It would be relatively simple to expose this phenomenon.
Gullibility and obedience…Remember Penn and Teller
petition to ban water?
A great boost for tourism, that’s about all.
They’re having fun, let ’em go for it.
Latest from Dr John Campbell from a few hours ago.
Australia gets a mention.
The take home message is that we are being destroyed by “Committees”- no one is held responsible when things go wrong as it is all “groupthink”. I see a pressing need to name all those involved with modifying our DNA responsible and punished appropriately.
Remember Andrews’ ‘creeping assumption’ excuse around the hotel quarantine disaster? Nobody was accountable, least of all him, of course, even though he constantly stated the obvious lie that ‘the buck stops with me.’
Gary S, proud English, Scottish and Scandinavian man from Corieltauvi country.
The buck stops with whoever is next to be thrown under the bus; and that is never Dan.
Here’s something useful all those otherwise useless Leftists can do instead of getting convenience products like plastic bags, plastic disposable picnic and fast food ware and plastic straws banned in Western countries where we dispose of our rubbish correctly.
Go to Third World and developing countries as volunteers and work full time teaching them not to throw rubbish in rivers and also physically remove the rubbish from their rivers (yes, some actual hard work, it will be good for you!).
Google “throwing garbage in the river philippines” without quote marks.
It’s not a plastics problem, it’s a behavioural problem.
Half the plastic they chuck in their rivers was religiously washed and sorted for supposed recycling in rich countries. Saved from landfill or incineration for energy so all good.
By your logic, it was the right who created the mess, shipped a lot of it to the global south, and now you want the left to clean it up.
The West is not responsible for the behavioural problems of the Third World and developing countries. Whatever the source of the rubbish, they shouldn’t dump it in rivers.
And it is not true that rubbish or recycling exports from the West are the source. Most of those exports have stopped or never happened.
No one has ever exported rubbish to places like Nepal or Tibet and exactly the same problem exists I have been to both places.
Don’t you Lefties pretend you’re all about helping people? Be a good Leftie and resign from your job and go and help them correct their behavioural problems and help clean up their rivers.
“In a new report, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee found the UK sends over 60% of its plastic packaging waste abroad, with a range of economic, social and health-related consequences for countries less able to dispose of the materials sustainably.7 Nov 2022”
Isn’t Australia the global south? More lefty ‘buzzwords.’
By your interpretation and twist logic, the Wright brothers are responsible for all deaths in plane crashes.
Ba-a-a-ad Wilbur!!
Ba-a-a-a-ad Orville!!!
And as for Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, and Gottlieb Daimler …
Just ever so slightly /s
Over a million European slaves were abducted from Europe by North African and Turkish slave traders between 1530 and 1780. This caused the depopulation of coastal towns from Cornwall to Sicily and even as far as Iceland.
No one seems to care about that. And they certainly don’t teach that in the Marxist indoctrination centres euphemistically called “schools”.
It was mostly white Europeans (England first, then the United States) that abolished the institution of slavery, not Africans or anyone else, with the exception of Philippines in 1574 and Japan in 1590.
The first legally recognised slave owner in North America was a black man, Anthony Johnson, a former indentured servant. In 1655 a court ruled that he was the lawful owner of a slave (or “indentured servant for life”). See court case transcript:
Prior to Johnson, some native American tribes kept war captives from other tribes as slaves so native Americans were slave owners in North America before the Europeans. No one says anything about that either.
A lot of history of slavery is being neglected to be told, everyone has done it and it was not necessarily a race-based phenomenon.
Around that area –
I saw this event advertised as a public lecture in Brisbane:
Just wondering what size the grant he’s chasing will be???
I think the population of pet owners is quite large so there’s some good potential there to get grant money via vote-harvesting politicians.
Interesting how stores have expanded or created (Bunnings) pet supply sections.
With the cost of living and other more pressing factors manifesting, I can’t understand such a bad move.
Pets are being surrendered and dumped in increasing numbers as reality bites most peoples lives.
They want a slice of a multi billion dollar market segment, which historically grows a few % each year. Even if it dropped 20%, its still a multi billion dollar market.
Here is an example of how Wikipedia has been destroyed by activists. This is part of the third paragraph for the entry on “coal”.
Incidentally, that article is “locked” thus preventing its correction by anyone except for dedicated Wikipedia activist-Elites.
Do they mention that coal was probably the largest contributing factor to the lifestyle we all enjoy now? Or how about our increased life expextancy?
Wikipedia is a lot like politicians – there is too much BS or outright lies mixed in with very little truth.
The Left keep defending China as the world’s largest CO2 producer, by far, more than twice that of the US and rapidly increasing while the US and other Western countries are decreasing their CO2 emissions. Not that it matters, except we don’t have enough CO2.
They also defend the fact that China is building two coal fired power stations per week on average.
At the same time The Left tells us that wind and solar are the cheapest form of power production (an obvious lie, of course).
So why don’t they help China save money and the environment by demanding that they use cheaper wind and solar power instead of “expensive, unreliable coal power”?
They answer, of course, is that the Chinese aren’t stupid and know wind and solar is useless and expensive and unreliable.
Nevertheless, they have a vast slave army of useless idiots of the Left who are helping the Chinese ignore Leftists’ environmental demands of the West and helping China achieve global supremacy, partly aided by cheap and reliable energy from coal. Not to mention a weak West, led by the weakest, worst and most dishonest “leader” the US has ever had, the White House resident Biden.
If CO2 is important – we know here that it is an important plant food, indeed, the important plant food – then surely the greens should be clamouring for serious action to be taken against China – “It’s a global problem” we’re told.
Yet ask Greenpiece or any Green Party member – let alone Greenie politician – if they support an immediate all-out nuclear attack on the greatest emitter of CO2 ….
It IS an existential crisis.
Isn’t it?
And China gets a free pass because it is already a communist society with high [rising] levels of social control.
John Kerry Jets Over To Scotland, Calls Climate Rationalists ‘Cult’ Members
Excellent Speech by Konstantine Kisin.
Private jets flown by Klimate Katastrophe Kultists don’t count.
Also, there are always problems finding enough private jet parking places at Klimate Katastrophe Konferences.
Not Enough Parking for Private Jets Going to UN Climate Conference
And related:
118 Private Jets Take Leaders To COP26 Climate Summit Burning Over 1,000 Tons Of CO2
If it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
Yes, Your Electric Vehicle Could Be Hacked
EV charging brings multiple security and privacy risks
In a world with ever-growing security and privacy concerns, add another item to the list of vulnerabilities: electric vehicle (EV) charging.
Marco De Vincenzi, a researcher at the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (IIT) in Pisa, Italy, is trying to bring attention to this issue. He and his colleagues led a discussion on EV security and privacy vulnerabilities at the 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference. The results of their presentation are highlighted in a subsequent conference paper.
De Vincenzi notes that when people plug their EVs into charging stations, it’s not just power flowing through those cables. “These charging stations handle all sorts of data, from how you pay to your exact location,” he explains. “But here’s the kicker: The rules to keep this info secure? They’re like a door with no lock.” …
Every single App is a risk to personal privacy and your security. If it’s free you’re the product, if it’s not free you’re paying to be the product.
Name, email, GPS position, credit card details, go on give it all away – they’ll sell it on, and that includes your bank and health providers.
Looking at the shambles that is the 24 page brochure on The Voice, it seems obvious that it is designed to confuse. The “A proposed law” is printed on pages 8 and 9, yet not included on the sample ballot papers on the last page of the same brochure, which would give the complete content.
On pages 10 and 11 starts “The case for voting yes” and “The case for voting no”. Turn the page to page 12 to continue reading the “no” case and you find yourself in “the case for voting yes”. So instead of having 5 consecutive pages dealing with “yes” and then 5 consecutive pages dealing with “no”, they’re mixed together. So if they think that writing “yes” or “no” on the ballot paper could confuse some non English-speaking voters, then understanding the brochure would defeat them.
The fact that the AEC objected to the criticism that the acceptance of a tick for “yes”, but non-acceptance of a cross for “no” shows that it is biased towards the “yes” vote, then they clearly are a party to the confusion.
To be absolutely transparent and democratic, this should be written in the clearest of terms. They need new advisers. ToM
That would be just a continuation of current government policy then?
And “Good enough for government work”
If you think the AEC is a fair and benign organisation, think again, just another state sponsored entity captured by the left, and it shows.
I just saw some nonsense propaganda put out by the gov’t on TV. It started by saying that a referendum is necessary because The Voice will alter our most sacred document of governance, i.e. the constitution.
How does this align with all the claims from Albo and co to the effect that The Voice is nothing to worry about, will have no powers, won’t make law, etc, etc?
How can it be both important enough to warrant a nationwide, obligatory referendum and a change to Australia’s constitution, yet so insignificant and powerless that we don’t need details and shouldn’t worry our little heads over it?
Another point is that interpretation of the scope and powers of The Voice constitutional amendment will be beyond Parliament and up to activist judges in the High Court since it will involve interpretation of the Constitution which is not within the powers of Parliament.
We have A LOT to worry about.
After examining some data and graphs posted by commentors here last week it is apparent that even if it was necessary (and we know it’s not) the stuff they are trying to get the developed western world to do won’t work anyway. Especially, taking away or restricting ICE powered private transportation. And we have proof that it won’t make any difference.
For example, the lock downs made no difference at all in the atmospheric co2 concentration ebbs and flows. None.
Another example is Japan. Because of the population density, and the terrain, people just don’t use cars much. 30 year old cars often have no more than 100,000 miles on them. They ride bikes to train stations and ride electric powered trains to their destinations. Much of the electrons come from nuke stations. If commuting to work they often own two bikes, one they leave at their departure station and one at the desitination station. Yet Japan is listed as a major emitter. Makes no difference.
And those bicycles, they don’t even lock them up because it is a cohesive society and theft is almost unheard of.
.. it is a cohesive society ..
Yes, dead against immigration in the main, they refuse to debase their culture with barbarians from the 3rd world or the West. Their declining population might be the factor that changes that, although not for refugees. I wonder how may Britons think back to Enoch Powell & realise he was right.
Who’d have thunk….
Covid “vaccination” can make you MORE susceptible to getting the omicron virus and possibly other future variants. E.g. why is covid infection almost unknown in mostly-unvaccinated Africa and PNG but still circulating in the mostly-vaccinated West?
No surprise for those who follow the real science…
And there is no Plan B. Make sure you get your supplies of IVM (at the recommended dose for covid) before the Australian and other WEF controlled governments ban it again. (Assuming the new variants haven’t been engineered to be resistant to IVM.)
Discussed by Dr Philip McMillan:
Omicron infection following vaccination enhances a broad spectrum of immune responses dependent on infection history
Never let politicians make medical, scientific, engineering, or any other decisions!
Unfortunately people are still not immune to fear mongering and will likely allow the next wave of lockups and forced mRNA “vaccinations” when the next variant is released.
The next COVID virus variant is apparently called BS 24/7.
As they have run out of Greek Alphabet letters they are now going to use Australian Cyclone names.
So, the next COVID virus variant is going to be COVID Tracy.
a curious YouTube about a problem. I think carefully edited to avoid ship especially the censor type.
An excellent video Graeme.
His clever language has precluded the fake “fact checkers” (sic) attaching a warning to it or censoring it (so far).
First Covid deaths were fully vaccinated, Queensland Government records show
When the border opened and Covid started to spread in highly-vaccinated Queensland, the first Covid death was double vaccinated. So were the majority of deaths thereafter.
In 2021, the Queensland Government closed the state’s borders and campaigned heavily to get everyone vaccinated. The state had managed to keep Covid cases to near zero since the start of the pandemic, but it couldn’t stay closed off forever.
The borders would reopen when 80 per cent of the community had been vaccinated, promised Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (pronounced pal-uh-shay). This would “stop the spread of this virus,” and “protect vulnerable Queenslanders.”
But when the state hit its 80 per cent target and the borders reopened in December 2021, the exact opposite happened.1 Cases exploded, and as the vaccines had evidently failed to prevent infection or transmission, the official messaging quickly pivoted to focus on vaccines providing protection against severe illness and death.
Even the WHO stated that ‘lockdowns’ don’t work, or words to that effect.
160 people arrested on arson charges for Greek wildfires that the media previously blamed on climate change
They blamed “climate change”. The truth is it was arson. I don’t see any retractions being issued.
“They blamed “climate change”. The truth is it was arson.”
Watch the exact same thing happen here this summer.
Arson may start the fires but neglect allows them to become uncontrollable. Authorities don’t have to get off their A’s and do their jobs if they have a scapegoat.
The inconvenient truth that they won’t tell you, re the Greek wildfire/forest fires.
Arson is a major factor, yet so is the reporting from distorted databases.
After 1997, the number of Greek wildfire/forest fires suddenly tripled in size and number.
Why is that???… Well the media and scientists/experts tell us daily, that it’s all due to climate change.
It is not true.
Understand that the Hellenic Fire Service, became responsible for forest fires in 1998, and records every bush, grass, forest/wildfire call that they respond to.
And before 1998…
The Greek Forest Service was responsible for wildfire/forest fires.
The policy of the Greek Forest Service was to only record those fires on which they had to take action, because they were spreading toward or burning on forest lands.
So the hectares burnt by wildfires that did not impact on or include forest lands were not reported.
In 2023, we get the usual experts comparing 2021 with 1985. Disregarding the reporting methods.
And claims are made… “Since 1985, there has been a 20% increase in hectares burnt!” “Climate change!!”
Ok… lets look at a summary of the data:
1985 Greek fires (105,000 hectares burnt), part recorded.
2021 Greek fires (125,000 hectares burnt), fully recorded. All wildfires, (bush, grass, forest).
Hmmm … I ask re the summary above… How can anyone competant compare an incomplete data set against a comprehensive one and make an accurate conclusion?
Who truly knows the total max hectares burnt in 1985, or in any years pre 1998? (Greece)
How could anyone attribute a trend or cause to climate change today, using the pre 1998 data?
It would be a guess.
It also may be of interest, that for Greece, the worst year for forest/wildfires was 2007.
270,000 hectares were burnt. That is 2.16 times greater than the area of the 2021 fires, 2.5 times the current 2023 fires…
They don’t tell you that.. Probably by choice…How can they use the word “unprecedented” if they remind you of what happened 16 years before.
Make of that what you will.
This is the inconvenient truth.
Aside from arson, lets look at motive for agencies and govts to spread alarm.
If they convince us that fires are getting worse every year due to climate change, then they have their Ponzi scheme.
Fire departments will bid and be awarded extra funding, each and every year to combat the supposed “catastrophic” effects of climate change.
Scientists will get increased multi year research grants.
Governments have a patsy for their inept policies. More power to legislate. More power to control.
Media will have their ongoing”catastrophic/ unprecedented” headline.
And… None will be held accountable.
I am a fire investigator.
I work for a government dept.. I know how the “Fire service “climate change” ponzi scheme” works.
The World Health Organization promotes quackery yet again
The World Health Organization held the First WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit this weekend. Unfortunately, its claims of being “evidence-based” aside, the conference followed the WHO’s usual pattern of serving as propaganda, not science. The summit was one-sided, organized by believers with the only speakers being believers, to promote a predetermined policy goal of promoting traditional medicine and justify “integrating” it with science-based medicine…
It’s OK for traditional medicine quackery (although some of it does work because the ancients did by accident discover some genuinely pharmaceutically active compounds in plants) but it is NOT OK to use IVM or HCQ according to appropriate protocols?
I wonder what he says about charging your electric car? Not overnight?
“A man who died in a house fire in Sydney’s south-west had gone upstairs in an attempt to extinguish the blaze, which may have been caused by lithium batteries, firefighters say.-
Fire and Rescue NSW Superintendent Andrew Shurety said …to take precautions when charging lithium-ion batteries, including not charging them on a flammable surface such as a bed, and charging e-bikes and e-scooters outside and not overnight.”
Well, until a totally non flammable , practical, battery system is commercialised, we had better adopt Nomex underwear !
Battery/ cordless devices are too integrated into our lifestyle to be restricted to “outdoor charging”,..or maybe we have to add a special charging shed to out back yards ( and how would that work for appartment blocks ?)
Scooters, ebikes, etc are only just beginning, and are still a minor risk compared to the billions of cordless power tools, vacuum cleaners, laptops, mobile phones (all of which have proven their ability to spontaneously combust !)
But perhaps the biggest risk will be the domestic solar storage batteries that are being forced onto those wanting to reduce their electricity costs.
Lithium cell technology remains key to all these devices currently.
What was extremely disturbing about the last century 😶?
Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900.
When you were 14 years old, World War I begins and ends only when you are 18 years old, leaving 22 million dead.
A little later, a worldwide pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you are alive, 20 years old.
At 29 years old, you survive the global economic crisis that began with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and hunger.
When you are 33 years old, Nazism comes to power.
When you’re 39, World War II starts and ends when you’re 45, with 60 million dead.
When you are 52 years old, the Korean War begins.
When you’re 64, the Vietnam War starts and ends when you’re 75.
A person born in 1985, for example, thinks that their grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, not knowing that they have survived several wars and catastrophes.
Today we have been living with a great pandemic for more than a year. We are scared and tired. We lost friends and relatives, we are scared.
In the past, conditions were even worse, but yes, humanity survived under these conditions and overcame it.
Believe me, better days await us.
Unusual to be born in 1985 with 85 year old grandparents
It doesn’t say the grandparents have to have been born in 1900. They can still have survived several wars and catastrophes if born much later.
And a person born in 1900 can have experienced all the things mentioned by age 75.
The grandparents mentioned and the person able to experience the things up to the end of the Vietnam War don’t have to be the same people.
My father was 70 yrs old when his youngest grandchild was born, but that’s not the point of the narrative.
He fought in France in the Great War, survived the depression only to have his bride die in childbirth so had a motherless babe in days when there was no social security to help. He never settled well and my brother criticised him for this but I cut him some slack. By the time my turn came to make my own way the opportunities were there, too young for Korea too old for ‘Nam. Did my time in the services never hearing a shot fired in anger, my squadron never lost a pilot in my time. We had it good.
Are you any good with knots, Gee?
You have a definite knack for twisting things into different shapes.
And for (deliberately?) misinterpreting and incorrectly contextualising statements.
I bet it annoyed your late hubby too.
“Today we have been living with a great pandemic for more than a year”.
Sorry, I was off planet for a while visiting relatives in Alpha Centauri, can you bring me up to speed on what the ‘great pandemic’ was ? Everything seems to be as f*cked as it was before I left …
I noticed Siemens has an article about the historical development of wind energy.
I notice that they neglect to mention the wind power efforts of the National Socialists.
National Socialist inventor Dr. Franz Lawaszeck wrote:
Rupert Darwall also documented it in ‘Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex’ – “which traces the roots of modern, human hating, environmental nihilism back to Heinrich Himmler and his warped ‘blood and soil’ ideology.”.
Siemens fail to mention their use of slave labour at Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and Lublin extermination camps.
From that Siemens article….
… 10MW nameplate .. or 3 MW average actual production.
..suggesting that European homes only need 0.3kW average supply ?
They obviously do not plan on recharging those EVs,..
…or heating their homes in winter,…
…or cooking without gas ..
..or using hot water..
homes only need 0.3kW average supply
about what my ceiling fans and connected charging points and timers will use per hour midnight to 6 am.
The Elites/ Left will continue with their covid and “climate change” scares plus the rewriting of history until either:
A) Everyone has been broken and becomes fully compliant of Big Brother
B) The People fight back and resist the totalitarianism.
Your choice.
What the Unabomber got right
By Ben Bartee
“brilliant foresight”
Industrial Society and Its Future
Theodore Kaczynski 1995
This essay first appeared appeared in The New York Times and The Washington Post on Sept 19, 1995. It was published under the pseudonym FC, for Freedom Club. The version you are reading began with the version found at but has corrected a number of typos and adjusted some of the typesetting. PR, 2019.
Kaczynski on scientists:
89. The same is true of scientists generally. With possible rare exceptions, their motive is neither curiosity nor a desire to benefit humanity but the need to go through the power process: to have a goal (a scientific problem to solve), to make an effort (research) and to attain the goal (solution of the problem.) Science is a surrogate activity because scientists work mainly for the fulfillment they get out of the work itself.
92. Thus science marches on blindly, without regard to the real welfare of the human race or to any other standard, obedient only to the psychological needs of the scientists and of the government officials and corporation executives who provide the funds for research.
THE FUTURE postulates on AI mostly i.e. present day.
STRATEGY alludes to present day:
201. Suppose for example that the revolutionaries took “social justice” as a goal.
THE DANGER OF LEFTISM – definitely present day.
230. The more dangerous leftists, that is, those who are most power-hungry, are often characterized by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach to ideology. However, the most dangerous leftists of all may be certain oversocialized types who avoid irritating displays of aggressiveness and refrain from advertising their leftism, but work quietly and unobtrusively to promote collectivist values, “enlightened” psychological techniques for socializing children, dependence of the individual on the system, and so forth.
Actually business attire George. I am always struck by the smiling faces and professional attire in the bio photos of the tyrannical Left, many female, many teachers, medical, whatever.
Alice Cooper has been cancelled.
This is seriously messed up.
I can’t wait for the first Leftist to claim this is a “conspiracy theory”.
I saw that when it came out (no pun intended).
It’s got to the stage where the perversion and grooming is too uncomfortable for the masses to read about so I’ve stopped covering it.
On the positive side, the tide is turning and sanity is being restored.
Denmark Joins the List of Countries That Have Sharply Restricted Youth Gender Transitions
A major medical journal Ugeskrift for Læger, the Journal of the Danish Medical Association, confirmed that there has been a marked shift in the country’s approach to caring for youth with gender dysphoria. Most youth referred to the centralized gender clinic no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery—instead they receive therapeutic counseling and support.
In the course of less than a decade, like every other Western country, Denmark experienced an exponential increase in the number of young people presenting with gender dysphoria. In 2014, there were only 4 documented pediatric cases who requested gender reassignment. By 2022, the number of referrals grew by 8700% to 352, similar to the several-thousand-percent increase in less than a decade witnessed by a number of Western countries. As the number of young people wishing to undergo gender reassignment increased, so did the rates at which Danish gender clinicians transitioned them. By 2018, Denmark’s centralized gender service was medically transitioning 65% of referred youth. This was similar to the proportion of referred children who got transitioned reported by other pediatric gender clinics. For purposes of comparison, the Netherland’s Amsterdam gender clinic reports transitioning 73% of late-onset referrals and 85% of early-onset referrals and in the US, researchers analyzing data from Seattle Children’s Hospital gender clinic reported that over 60% of the referrals underwent medical transition with puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones within one year of intake.
So, they’re now doing what I’ve said over and over – treat the mental illness…
I just read this story and it’s worth passing on, as it depicts the situation all too often.
Crazy starts at 4. 😎
We keep hearing that this windfarm will power 10 000 or 75 000 houses. How come no one asks how much heavy industry they can power?
And also how many homes in truth?
The fact is that the numbers are meaningless because the power is random.
Exactly ZERO homes is what any wind subsidy farm can be guaranteed to power, no matter what its size. Most of the time it is the ever-diminishing amount of coal or gas; and hydro (not SH2) or in proper countries, nuclear power stations.
Furiously Curious mentions this:
And not one single person or commentator anywhere evens mentions the minimum that electrical power consumption gets down to every single night.
That’s the lowest point that actual total power consumption drops to.
Here in Australia that lowest point is now almost 19,000MW each and every night, not just occasionally, but that’s the average every day.
That low point of 19,000MW occurs at around 4AM, when nearly everyone is tucked up tight in bed, sound asleep.
And yet the total AEMO coverage area (and that is all of the Country of Australia East of the WA border) is still consuming 19,000MW at that minimum point every day. Five years ago it was 18050MW. It’s been gradually rising, no matter how many efficiencies have been introduced, no matter how many Industries have closed, no matter how many power saving devices are introduced, and yet it is still ever so gradually INCREASING.
Of that total, here are the contributions from the renewables of choice at that low point at 4AM every morning:
Commercial Solar Power plants – Zero
Rooftop Solar Power – Zero
Wind Generation – 3100MW
Hydro Generation 1900MW
So ….. EVERY renewable is delivering on average 5000MW.
That leaves 14,000MW that is required to keep the Country operating.
That’s an ABSOLUTE.
For the other twenty three and a half plus hours, it’s higher than that.
Where do those renewable advocates even think in their wildest dreams where that amount of power is going to come from.
Huh! Not that it even matters, because all of them are blissfully unaware that it even exists.
It’s what is called ….. THE BASE LOAD. It’s roundly scoffed at as being non existent, but hey, you only need look at any (and every) Load Curve for daily power consumption to see it.
“Where do those renewable advocates even think in their wildest dreams where that amount of power is going to come from.”
They dream of power, just not the kind you’re advocating for.
Their plan is not confined to OZ.
And it is not a failure.
The Pandemic is evidence of the success of the plan.
I would say Oz is a one of the principle lab rats.
Although Trudeauceania seems to have won lab rat valedictorian.
Dan and Jacinda lost to the prettier candidate.
Ever hear the joke about a Priest, a Rabbi, and an engineer about to be guillotined?
Interesting point.
I guesstimate that the UK minimum figure is around 25kW, occuring around 3AM.
But never fear the green meanies have a solution for us.
Vitamin B12 so powerfully beneficial for brain health that psychiatric drugs could become OBSOLETE
A shocking number of psychiatric disorders that Western medicine tries to treat with pharmaceutical drugs have at their root a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is easily remedied through diet and supplementation.
In a piece she wrote for The Epoch Times, Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) founding president Sally Fallon Morell unpacked the findings of a 2015 case report published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (IJPM) concerning vitamin B12 deficiency and neuropsychological disorders.
Manifesting many common symptoms associated with autism, the boy was placed on an ever-evolving cocktail of drugs after being diagnosed with “acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder.” He was given:
• Lorazepam, a drug used to treat anxiety disorders
• Olanzapine, an antipsychotic drug
• Sertraline, an antidepressant drug more commonly known as Zoloft
• Aripiprazole, an antipsychotic drug
When those four strong drugs ultimately failed the body, resulting in him becoming hyper with “suspiciousness, hearing voices, over-talkativeness, over-cheerfulness, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, increased appetite, increased pleasurable activities, and disruptive socio-education,” his diagnosis was revised to “schizoaffective disorder, manic type” and his Zoloft was replaced with divalproate sodium, a drug used to treat seizures.
After the boy’s symptoms worsened even more, he returned for yet a sixth drug: lithium carbonate, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder.
After the boy was given several injections of vitamin B12, lo and behold his symptoms improved and his diagnosis was revised to “schizoaffective disorder secondary to Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency” – problem solved.
It was a very simple solution – and a safe one, at that – and yet it took multiple rounds of erroneous drugging and testing before Indian doctors were able to figure out that the boy simply lacked a necessary vitamin crucial to his brain health and mental abilities.
“B12 deficiency is associated with a wide range of psychological disorders – depression, memory loss, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, irrational or chronic anger, violent behavior, and other psychological problems,” Morell notes.
This is a common criticism of psychiatry – the solution in a toxic pill approach, typically making the patient worse.
Numerous articles condemning psychiatric drugs due to their limited research and unknown effects have been published, and just as many published showing severe mental disturbances from these drugs.
How many mass shootings are due to psychiatric patents on mind altering drugs? A LOT!
Blame their shrinks, not the gun makers.
Check diet first before prescribing drugs.
How hard is that?
Of course meat and dairy are high in B12, but meat and dairy are top of the WEF hitlist too.
Don’t want the masses thinking too much now do we.😎
no, no, no, no, no.
how would big pharma make money from psychotropics then?
Big pharma loves you, wants to cure all your diseases, and put themselves out of business. 😆
i think the business model is continued treatment over a lifetime,
rather than outright cure.
I learnt that at Uni in 1968, you could give people a special diet and turn them into a constant state of anxiety, or cure anxious people by added B12 to their diet.
So, going over that talk about PFAS and sickness, just how many diseases do we suffer from now that people in 1823 didn’t?? There is a long list, including the ever-popular heart disease and diabetes, and the elephant in the room are the nervous diseases. Who is NOT on drugs these days?
We are not a healthy society, we live a longer more medicated, miserable life surrounded by thousands of unnatural man-made chemicals and foods and bathed in EMF radiation. Its so complex now its probably impossible to sort out what is responsible for which condition.
There’s a lot to be said for the Amish growing all their own food and avoiding the worst of modern society’s stupidities.
The modern world, the stresses, the diets, the em radiation, the time spent inside are the primary causes of most all diseases.
I read a few years ago about ancient egyptians remains being examined for traces of cancer, and it was virtually absent.
I think it was about 6 in 3,000, and that’s in a society that’s medically primitive.
Compare that to today.
Yes, the Amish got it right, but I couldn’t do without the tech..
Dogs or children?
Don’t fear the weather, enjoy it.
Modern Dangers: EMFs Linked To Miscarriage And Fertility Issues
Wireless devices and gadgets are growing in popularity because they are convenient to use.
However, research suggests that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) commonly linked to these devices are associated with various health issues in men and women.
EMFs can stop eggs from being released and cause harm to eggs stored in the ovaries. Experts said some types of EMFs can also affect the growth of egg-containing structures called follicles, which can make it harder for women to get pregnant.
Studies have also found that EMF exposure can make animals take longer to have babies.
Male animal subjects exposed to radiation from mobile phones also experienced damage to their testicles.
A 2021 study found that male mice exposed to 4G phone signals grew irregular layers of cells in their reproductive organs. Researchers reported that 4G radiation might hurt rat kidneys and testes.
A review in Electronic Physician suggested that EMFs can reduce and kill sperm-producing cells in mice. Studies analyzed in the review showed that EMFs can break the DNA in cells that grow into embryos.
Kjell Hansson Mild, a radiation consultant at Umea University in Sweden, explained that EMF exposure while pregnant is closely tied to miscarriages.
According to studies on pregnant women working in offices, constant exposure to EMF from computer monitors can harm human reproduction and cause birth defects and miscarriages.
One such study was conducted by Kaiser Permanente in California. Researchers tracked more than 900 pregnant women to find any links between non-ionizing EMF exposure and the risk of miscarriage.
Data revealed that women who had more exposure to strong magnetic fields were at least three times more likely to have a miscarriage compared to women with less exposure.
Dr. De-Kun Li, the lead author and a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente, explained that because of the current lack of research on this subject, experts still “don’t know the biological threshold beyond which problems may develop.” Continued study is also needed to fully understand the possible mechanisms for increased risks.
Safe and effective, until it proven otherwise, and then it’s too late.
If you don’t know the threshold, then you can’t make safety claims.
Bank accounts of bullion dealers being closed now
You cannot escape the CBDC’s…
Ve vill not allow ze alternatives!
Everyone locked into CBDC’s?
GOOD! Push the Reset button!
From this X thread:
There are some really SCARY developments happening out of Lahaina, that are being totally IGNORED
Seriously weird stuff.
The wind was fierce at Lahaina. Kim posted this on Saturday:
POV in Lahaina, the day of the fires
Video shows high voltage lines flattened on Honoapiillani Highway. I’ve worked on design of O/H lines and those wooden poles and cross-arm configurations were never going to resist the wind loading on all those heavy steel-cored aluminium conductors (close-up around 7:08).
There’s an HV line in the background still standing just fine.
Lahaina before the fire – a poignant video if ever there was one:
A Tribute to Lahaina, Maui: to the town and the community
End Times in Wodonga.
Ahhh…”end times”…
Not a single prophecy has come to pass in any religion EVER, so they go to another fallacy – man made climate change.
Depends on your interpretation of prophecies and the interpretations of interpretations of the bibles.
If you can’t see that we are in the times of the great deception NOW, you are not where you need to be.
What if the Beast was Technology, the science, it all comes down to your interpretation, and one could say it has performed miracles, look at the Human Genome project and CAS9. Our DNA is God’s creation, the Devil wishes to destroy all of God’s Creations (so he can Build Back Better!) The fake vax changes our DNA via the unseen hand of science.
Plagues don’t have to be grasshoppers or frogs, computer viruses would count, an imaginary virus did more damage than any other in our history, a virus of our collective minds.
We all see a food crises coming, this would be famine what if the famine was not food but the supply chain, same result. We can all see a digital ID coming in the form of a chip, could this be the mark of the beast or could the beast be media, as the beast is the great deceiver, everything it utters is a lie, depends on your interpretation.
If you look at what has been prophesied, with an open mind you may be able to tie things together.
You believe in Martin Armstrong’s predictions, his models, though you have never sighted his models or the data he says he inputs, you believe his predictions. These are your bible and prophecies.
People believe the science of climate change, without question, even when the prophecies fail, they cling onto the belief.
There is indeed a pyramid of evil above us, I know what the keystone is, I have no idea how this will manifest itself. I will listen to all sides of the debate, I hope I can keep an open mind.
I don’t believe in religion itself, though I do believe there is a God and again I have no idea how he will appear.
In this glass house, I would not be throwing stones.
The TPG group, including Internode that I use, are giving up email and telling us to transfer to themessagingcompany. TPG will pay a year’s worth of email account under their current address, but then its up to TMC. TMC want everyone to sign up as they transfer, but they’re not telling anyone what conditions you will be under until 60days before the re-direct runs out next year.
Its like filling in the pages with all your personal details as you apply for a mortgage without knowing what the bank will charge you. “When you’ve opened an account and applied for a mortgage we will tell you the interest rate..”
Seems people these days leave their emails up on the server,and the cost of maintaining them is getting too much. I keep nothing on the web, it d’loads to my hard drive, but there’s no money for companies in that.
You might want to look at Protonmail, Mailfence and Tutanota which offer FREE services, albeit with some limits.
Porting to email clients may be an issue. eg Protonmail’s Bridge isn’t free.
Space isn’t a problem for POP3 if you don’t leave messages on the server.
There are other free high security providers if you move in the right circles, like me. 😎
Monday Biden blooper: half the women in my administration are women
That’s about right! 😆😆😆
Can he get any worse!
Ah, but not all women are women.
At least one of the men is a woman also.
Monday Greta hypocrisy
Stupid little puppet.
Excellent under 6 min video about Thomas Sowell.
The Great Thomas Sowell | 5-Minute Videos | PragerU
Interesting story from Sky
Sales sent an email to ABC “Journalists a note to push the line that the Uluru Statement from the Heart was only one page and that the rest was simply minutes (which is blatantly a lie)
My comment on this got censored.
Disgraceful performance by Sales. If someone attempts to have a conversation with you, tell this lie often and for long enough.
The ABC’s finest.
I’m not surprised! The document in question shows the Aboriginal body would not be there for advice on any new laws, it would be there for consent.
So, the U$A is lining up NZ and Australia to be the new southern hemisphere Ukrainians. A tanking economy and loss of your youth will surely follow if you don’t exert your sovereignty and independence ?
Lol! NZ, smaller than Sydney, no air force, a military that wouldn’t last a week in Ukraine…
No, it would be like WW2, the Yanks just want NZ as a resupply hub and rest, recreation and women. There’s no independence in the South Pacific, we are both enthusiastic little lapdogs of America’s, only the politicians pretend we’re not. If it was important, we would be buying Russian arms that are just as good or better, and far cheaper than America’s.
The Week That Destroyed ASIC
Suspicious Package
Airport security sucks for everyone. But for well-endowed men, it’s a whole different animal.”
“Common supplements might reduce natural hearing loss
Phytosterols as a potential therapeutic strategy for preventing hearing loss in mice”
“Republicans In Nine Florida Counties Adopt Resolution Calling For Ban Of COVID Vaccines”
Some outfits won’t want you knowing this!
“Saskatchewan sees 87% power from coal and natural gas as wind fails in SK, AB and Texas”
When “that wind that is always blowing somewhere else” is somewhere else
“Monday Mirthiness – Mike Mann’s Hockey Team ‘will keep those papers out somehow’”
99% of ‘Covid deaths’ not actually caused by the virus, CDC data shows
Just stop oil, naa, just stop wriggling.
16 mins of climate justice