A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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In relation to finding that elusive gem, the truth, we are more likely to find it here on this blog than “out there” in the Swamp.
Here, there are many applying their individual skills to illuminating aspects of situations and social ugliness that trap and control us.
In the media that is supposed to inform us all we get is a constant, misleading dump of stuff that is often confused but also mixed with deliberately misleading propaganda that benefits someone higher up the food chain.
The message; be wary and think twice before acting.
On the way to the shops this morning I was told “Covid is well and truly still with us, killing at 5 times the rate of our roads, get your booster shot now.” On the way back I was told “people are scared of what’s been happening in the US and Europe with the weather, will it happen here this summer? Why is our planet getting so much hotter?”
Alas only a tiny number of people are aware of reality versus the vast majority who listen to/watch/read msm.
The top five leading causes of death in Australia –
1. Ischaemic heart diseases.
2. Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Cerebrovascular diseases (e.g. stroke)
4. Lung cancer.
5. Chronic lower respiratory diseases.
16 Jan 2023
Why is our planet getting so much hotter?”
I liked your Senator Alex Antic is very good value!
Senator Alex Antic is very good value!
Senator Alex Antic
We heard this week that “global warming” is now to be known as “global boiling” but where to from here for the climate alarmists. I have come up with 5 terrifying new names for the United Nations to consider. Watch as I list them off for the Senate.
My Wife and I moved to Melbourne beginning Feb 1968
It was B’Hot in Melbourne, especially in our 1 Bedrm Flat at rear of a block in Davis Avenue South Yarra where our external brick wall faced west
If as the UN says we have Global Boiling why was Melbourne so much hotter in 1968 than 2023
Daily maximum temperature Melbourne Regional Office
The Daily maximum air temperature is nominally recorded at 9 am local clock time. It is the highest temperature for the 24 hours leading up to the observation, and is recorded as the maximum temperature for the previous day. About temperature data
Station: Melbourne Regional Office
Number: 86071 Opened: 1855 Now: Closed 06 Jan 2015
Lat: 37.81° S
Lon: 144.97° E
Elevation: 31 m
Note Closed in 2015 but actually has temperatures since 1855 – lots to look at
In 1968 – Daily Maximum Temperature – 086071 – Bureau of Meteorology
Daily Maximum Temperature – 086071 – Bureau of Meteorology
Daily maximum temperature for Australian sites produced by the Bureau of Meteorology
Days above 30C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 30 Days
Days above 35C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 19 Days
Days above 40C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 4 Days
After Melbourne Station 086071 closed in 2015, Melbourne Temperatures were measured by
86338 MELBOURNE (OLYMPIC PARK) -37.8255 144.9816 Jun 2013 Aug 2023 10.3 99 Y
Daily maximum temperature – Melbourne (Olympic Park)
Station: Melbourne (Olympic Park)
Number: 86338
Opened: 2013 Now: Open
Lat: 37.83° S
Lon: 144.98° E
Elevation: 8 m
2023 – Daily Maximum Temperature – 86338 – Bureau of Meteorology
Daily Maximum Temperature – 86338 – Bureau of Meteorology
Daily maximum temperature for Australian sites produced by the Bureau of Meteorology
Days above 30C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 18 Days
Days above 35C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 6 Days
Days above 40C – Jan/Feb/Mar – 1 Days
Jan/Feb/Mar 1968 was a Hell of a Lot Warmer than Jan/Feb/Mar 2023
So where is the Global Warming/Boiling?
Another Site you may find useful in debunking the total Climate Garbage
Bureau of Meteorology product IDCJMC0014. Produced: 04 Aug 2023
Australian stations measuring maximum air temperature
It contains all the BOM Stations across Australia, including defunct ones, enabling great Historical Comparisons
86338 MELBOURNE (OLYMPIC PARK) -37.8255 144.9816 Jun 2013 Aug 2023 10.3 99 Y
86282 MELBOURNE AIRPORT -37.6654 144.8322 Jul 1970 Aug 2023 53.2 100 Y
86384 MELBOURNE AIRPORT COMPARISON -37.6750 144.8419 Aug 1999 Aug 2001 2.1 97 Y
86071 MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE -37.8075 144.9700 May 1855 Jan 2015 159.8 100 Y
Hope above information of use in your ongoing battle on behalf of all Australians against the Hysteria of Climate Change/Global Warming/Boiling
I remember in the 70s “The Next Ice Age” was coming
In Jan, 1908, Melbourne had five consecutive days of 40C+ (preceded by a 39.9C). That month’s average mean of 31C is still the highest on record for any month since 1855.
OO >”It [IDCJMC0014] contains all the BOM Stations across Australia”
And raw station data is where all the local records come from – NOT homogenized adjusted time series like ACORN-SAT, GISTEMP, HadCRUT, NCEI, Berkeley Earth, etc.
This is inescapable for Big Climate and the same for every country everywhere.
Not the ones that are quietly on the way out the back door.
Not the ones that have gone out the back door either.
OO >”actually has temperatures since 1855″
Would make an interesting time series: 1855 – 2010.
But how to title it?
The Melbourne Temperature Time Forgot
Pfizer to Cash In on Cardiovascular Treatments as Heart Attack Deaths Skyrocket
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is set to cash in on new cardiovascular treatments as heart failure cases and related deaths skyrocket around the world.
Pfizer is now expanding into medications for heart inflammation by gaining dominant control of the cardiovascular treatments market.
The company has completed its purchase of Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion.
Arena Pharma is a market leader in creating drugs to treat immuno-inflammatory diseases which are often caused by vaccine injuries.
New Evidence Suggests Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid-19 Vax Antibodies Through The Air
New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study (pdf) published in ImmunoHorizons.
Extended mask requirements allowed scientists at the University of Colorado to evaluate whether vaccinated individuals could transfer aerosolized.
Results showed high IgG in the noses of vaccinated parents was “significantly associated” with an increase in intranasal IgG within the unvaccinated child from the same household, especially compared to the “complete deficit of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detected” in nasal swabs obtained from children in nonvaccinated families. A similar trend was found with IgA in the same samples.
In other words, their findings suggest aerosol transmission of antibodies can occur between COVID-19 vaccinated parents and their children—and the tendency for this transfer is directly related to the amount of nasal or oral antibodies found in those who received vaccines.
This type of shedding is called “passive immunization,” where antibodies—primarily IgA—are actually exchanged between individuals through respiratory droplets, Brian Hooker, chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense, who holds a doctorate in biochemical engineering, wrote in an email to The Epoch Times. “But this would provide minimal immunity for the ‘bystanders’ based on the fact that the original mRNA vaccines provide so little protection.”
No-one’s safe, not even the WEF or elite. Oops!
They’ve opened a real Pandora’s box.
So far we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg but it’s looming large now.
So what’s the formulation of Pfizer’s special batch for Australian staff?
I got a mild version of the symptoms described by Eric Clapton and still have some prickling pain in my hands 2 years later. Very peculiar extra-articular pain. The cause was the single vaccine dose my husband was persuaded to take due to having heart failure.
I did not initially associate it with the vaccine. However, the symptoms worsened when my son got vaccinated. Then his girlfriend did and then a close friend. having a recently vaccinated person in the house causing distinct exacerbation convinced me.
The past few weeks has seen snow falling in Greenland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden, the European Alps, Russia, China, the various ‘stans, Alaska, and Canada… whoops! California’s Mammoth Mountain has extended its season through the end of August due to so much snow still remaining on the hill… gotta love ‘the boiling summer’ in the northern hemisphere. I commented that on The Australian just now and wonder whether it will be accepted or rejected.
“The Wuhan Cover Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
A brief review, book scheduled for release September 12, 2023
4 AUG 2023
<I have been aware that this sequel to RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” has been in the works for quite a while, and had advanced notice of some of the scope and content. Unlike the predecessor, I was not involved in editing this one.
I was recently provided an advanced pre-print version of this current book for review, and realized that what has been produced is a potential game changer of much broader scope and depth than I had anticipated. The following is my initial assessment of the work. I just hope that people read it and pay attention.>
The title of US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover Up”, does not really represent the scope and nature of this seminal work.
This book is the most comprehensive historic summary and indictment of the history of the United States’ biowarfare/biodefense program ever written.
Summarizing an amazing sweep of untold censored history, it begins with ancient Mediterranean and European examples of both chemical and biological warfare, proceeds to an open discussion of the shocking truths concerning Imperial Japan’s WW II biowarfare program (Unit 731), the importation of both Japanese and German biowarfare experts and technologies into Fort Detrick to create USAMRIID (operation Paperclip), strategic evasion of global biowarfare “treaties”, through to the present Wuhan Institute of Virology CIA/Intelligence Community/Chinese CCP collusion and cover up, and concludes by glancing into the future.
What is often overlooked by academia, corporate media and the Washington DC political caste is that the history of modern biology (particularly microbiology, molecular biology, and virology) and the infectious disease pharmaceutical industry is intimately entwined with the American biowarfare enterprise.
It has been estimated that total Federal expenditures on biowarfare research and development from the end of WW II through to the implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (1975) exceeded the costs of the US Nuclear Warfare program during this period, and this biowarfare program (and funding stream) is intimately linked to academia. Most of the leaders of the American Society of Microbiology were also leaders in the American DoD/CIA-funded biowarfare program. This background and context is necessary to understand how the fundamental corruption of academic medicine, peer-reviewed journals, the CDC, FDA, biological and academic research have been so comprehensive, as has been revealed by the COVIDcrisis. Just follow the money.
Which leads us to the most recent and egregious sordid chapter in this sorry tale, The Wuhan Cover Up. A case study demonstrating the consequences of the situational ethical slide which often occurs when a massive administrative bureaucracy fuses with an “intelligence community”. The resulting Leviathan, steeped in the utilitarian “ends justify the means” logic typical of all those skilled liars who have practiced spycraft throughout the ages, eventually forgets both its purpose and its commitment to serving the citizenry, and becomes a predatory monster. With his masterful summary, Mr. Kennedy has provided the receipts on how this modern embodiment of the slouching beast foretold in Yeates’ “Second Coming” has been born and nurtured via a cooperation of convenience between the western and eastern military/intelligence/industrial complexes.
Now, looking forward, the open question is whether this globalized Leviathan will continue to succeed in its efforts to deploy advanced psychological and information control methods on the entire human community to avoid the consequences of its actions? Or will this book and the work of so many others trigger an awareness, awakening and effective reaction among citizens to the deep corruption of medical-biological research, medical ethics, and the entire western “health” enterprise which has occurred over the last century.
With this book as a guide, we can see the enemy, the face of creeping globalized utilitarian evil, and it is us.
Now what are each of us going to do about it?
Amazon Pre-purchase link here.
IPCC’s New Chairman Rebukes Climate Hysteria And Misleading Claims
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has welcomed the rebuke of exaggerated climate hype and alarm by the IPCC’s new chairman, Professor Jim Skea.
In interviews with German news media over the weekend the new head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said it was wrong and misleading for climate activists to imply that temperature increases of 1.5 degrees Celsius posed an existential threat to humanity. [emphasis, links added]
“The world won’t end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees,” Skea told Deutsche Welle.
“If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change,” he said.
Skea’s criticism of exaggerated climate alarm comes as he predicted the world would exceed the global warming target of 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, adding that governments around the world had failed to adopt sufficiently ambitious policies.
Dr. Benny Peiser, the GWPF’s director, welcomed the timely IPCC message:
“Jim Skea’s warnings about the detrimental impact of unjustified climate alarmism is a breath of fresh air and a welcome intervention. The new IPCC chairman seems to recognize that the political climate is changing fast.”
“As European governments have begun to pause, water down, and roll back Net Zero pledges and plans, developing nations have no intention to abandon their relentless use of coal, oil, and gas. The new IPCC chairman seems to have accepted that the 1.5C climate threshold and its Net Zero policy implications are no longer politically viable.”
A ray of hope at last.
No – they have realised that they are backing themselves into a corner. It is inevitable that the 1.5C value will be exceeded. The peak solar intensity in the NH has only just started to climb. It has 10,000 years to go. It is going to get a lot warmer in July before the snow starts accumulating again. The facts that there is a much higher proportion of land in the NH and land has faster, higher response to solar forcing than water means the global average temperature is trending one way – UP. It will only begin to trend down again when snow is accumulating.
So when it passes 1.5C and nothing much changes, the IPCC are going to look even sillier. Even if they believe their own carp about CO2 induced warming, they know that none of the developing nations are going to walk away from fossil fuels. And any developed nation locking up their fossil fuels are making themselves a target for more powerful nations with manufacturing economies based on coal.
IMHO, there will be an Ice Age within the next 10,000 years. Sooner rather than later.
Alas neither you nor I will be in existence to see it happen.
The best sort of prediction. Me thinks Skea appreciates this.
Anything can and will happen after I’m dead!
A US legal services expert on their ABC explained the indictment against Trump and the massive amount of evidence proving his guilt.
The example he used is its ok to wish someone dead because that’s free speech but if you hire a hit man to kill them that’s illegal.
Therefore Trump can claim the election was rigged because that’s free speech but when he used legal processes to fight it in court then that’s treason and insurrection.
Biden’s DOJ is desperate to lock up the leading opposition candidate and the US decent into a third world junta status is almost upon us.
Therefore Trump can claim the election was rigged because that’s free speech but when he used legal processes to fight it in court then that’s treason and insurrection.
I don’t see how taking a claim that the election was rigged to court can be treason and insurrection.
The comparisons are nonsense. Hiring a hit man is illegal. Using the court system to test the validity of your belief is a perfectly legal act.
Trump is already ahead of Biden in the polls. Biden is yet to confirm candidacy. Would he survive a second term? Will he make to the end of his first term?
Is El Nino failing to fire?
The SST anomaly in the middle of the Nino34 region peaked a couple of weeks ago at 1.5C It is down to 1.1C today. The warm anomaly to the west of South America has receded slightly.,-3.34,349/loc=-144.953,0.056
Tropical storm Dora is tracking west. It developed in the 30+C water off Mexico and is supercharging heat transfer from the equatorial zone to the cool blob to the west of California. It is now far enough west to cool the Nino34 region,11.61,1413/loc=-130.383,13.478
A few days does not make a data point even on the BoM Nino34 chart but they are forecasting steady warming over the region into next year:
The climate botherers are betting big on El Nino pushing Australia into 2019/20 conditions. It will be a bit embarrassing if it ends up wet and mild. To early to tell yet but there is still plenty of atmospheric water across parts of central Australia. Not enough yet ti develop CAPE but it is still winter and just starting to warm up – thank the weather god Jupiter.
The planet Jupiter is why I doubt the current El Nino will be a big. The 11 year modulation apparent in the Nino34 temperature is close to its minimum so I am doubtful of it exceeding 2016, which aligned with the peak of the 11 year cycle:–120E_-5-5N_n.png
If the cool waters off California head to the south-west, it will be a La Nina Modoki.
I like the Juno effect.
Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: ‘Permanent Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not’
Don’t Worry, Be Happy 😁️
Very good videos.
Of the many good points made in the first video, I thought that the point made about the real reason behind pushing for transgenderism among children is to sterilise a proportion of the population to help reduce the numbers of people, at least numbers of non-Elites.
With the Schwab proposal of permanent climate lockups, it’s a real worry that Australia’s fanatical WEF/UN Globalist politicians will take this on board and implement it.
Australians already proved their willingness to roll over and take it for the covid lockups.
Will the Australian people tolerate more of this?
Not only will they tolerate it, they will demand it and they will police it.
there are many that will not tolerate it but l agree there are many who will demand it
we still see people driving around in their cars alone with face masks on
its very sad
They refer to a JoNova article in the first video.
“Desperation Creeps In”
Kunstler looks at USA*-nation/desperation-creeps-in/
Who will take over the WEF after Klaus Schwab?
It looks like he’s groomed his two children, Nicole and Oliver for the role.
Hollywood Starlets Face Extinction As Sexy AI-Influencers Invade Social Media
Thanks to the advent of AI-powered image and video generators, as well as chatbots, a number of virtual influencers, such as “Milla Sofia,” are posting content that appears to show them living a life of luxury.
Sofia may claim to hail from Finland and post bikini pictures from European trips. And to the untrained eye, her content appears real, but it’s not. A message on the AI bot’s website reads Sofia is a “24-year-old virtual influencer and fashion model.”
Obviously not a woman.
Women have masculine voices, moustaches, beards and XY chromosomes. 😁
Interestingly the AI fake tests only scored around 50% probability.
Anyone with a graphics background can tell it’s either heavily shopped or fake.
If it looks too good to be true it is…
Wheeee!!! It’s a NEW Covid variant!
Health chiefs claim Eris is starting to sweep UK amid spike in cases blamed on Barbenheimer and bad weather.
Another Covid variant is taking off in Britain — but experts have today insisted there is nothing to panic about.
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) bosses have raised the alarm about Eris, saying it already makes up one in seven new cases after reaching the UK towards the end of May.
Hospitalisation rates are also starting to shoot up, sparking concern that the nation may be on the brink of being hit by a fresh wave.
However, experts today claimed it shows no sign of being more dangerous than the other strains circulating, including its ancestor Omicron.
Officials also say they are ‘closely’ monitoring the spread of the virus.
Experts have speculated that the ‘Barbenheimer effect’ – referring to the release of Barbie and Oppenheimer – might have contributed to the rise in infections, as well as the recent bad weather and waning immunity.
Yes, unnamed “experts” can come up with even dumber reasons like the pathetic woke trash Barbie film…
Hyundai and Kia warn drivers of 90,000 vehicles to park outside due to fire risk
Hyundai and Kia are recalling about 90,000 cars and SUVs in the United States and warning owners to park them outside and away from structures and other vehicles because they could catch fire.
The recall is just the latest in a long and large series of other fire-related recalls of Hyundai and Kia vehicles in the past few years for a number of reasons.
This recall, affecting several different models, stems from an issue with the electronics in a transmission oil pump, a part of the vehicles’ “Idle Stop and Go” system. The system shuts the engine down whenever the vehicle comes to a stop, then starts again when the driver lifts their foot off the brake. It’s a feature common in many newer models from different automakers. But in the recalled Hyundais and Kias some electronic components can overheat, causing damage that increases the risk of “localized melting,” the automaker said, and of fire.
Hyundai is aware of at least 4 “thermal incidents” related to this issue but no confirmed crashes or injuries. Kia is aware of six incidents of “localized melting” but, also, no crashes, injuries or deaths resulting from the problem, according to statements from both.
Drivers are advised to watch for signs of a possible problem including various warning lights in the gauge cluster. Drivers should also watch for smoke coming from underneath the vehicle as well as burning or melting odors, according to documents posted to the National Highway Traffic Administration’s auto safety web site.
The petrol Kias and Hyundais are bad enough.
Looks like they’re not breaking the mould.
What a laugh!
Chuckle chuckle!
Good to see ICE engined cars getting into the bursting into flames while parked craze. Why should EVs have all the fun?
Complex functions, due the govt edicts, poorly implemented, leading to vehicle loss and massive expense. Aint progress great?
I think the main reason for stop-start technology in ICE vehicles is to meet government emissions and fuel consumption standards. Many people don’t like it and seek to disable it.
Too right David M. It is a very irritating feature that we have encountered in hire cars in the UK. It’s hard to believe there is any fuel-saving with it, with endless stops and starts in heavy traffic. We disable it but find that in some cars you need to redo it on each outing.
Hybrids do it seamlessly. There is no starter motor, when driving off the motor/generator starts spinning and an electric clutch starts the ice.
Just part of the start up routine in my wifes car, just a button to push to disable start/stop. Re Hybrids, sure its just part of their overall complexity which is great until it isnt and out of warranty.
Today’s music:
Luciano Pavarotti sings La Danza: Tarantella Napolitana (1835) by Gioachino Rossini.
Poor old Neil Oliver sounds like a man at the end of his tether in this one
He seems to have reached to conclusion that we may have to let it all burn and start again. Neil probably needs a good holiday and to stop thinking so much. I’m guessing he probably has that affliction where the thinking cannot just be turned off.
Saturday funny.
At the Obama residence dinner will be served once the chef washes up.
“New Evidence Suggests Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid-19 Vax Antibodies Through The Air”
Australia: Company seeks ‘non-woke’ workers as employers pass on ‘pronouns’
‘We know what a woman is’
A company in Western Australia recently posted a want ad seeking to hire an employee who is “not woke”.
Wallis Computer Solutions explained in the job advertisement that its new MSP L2+ Technician need not have “pronouns” and that the company would never implement forced vaccinations.
“We are looking for an MSP technician who is now looking for a position in a company who is not woke and values diversity of thought,” the ad read. Under “Core Position Details”, the company wrote: “No requirements for pronouns, we know what a woman is and you will never be forced to get any medical treatment.”
The company also clarified that the applicant is “not required to have COVID vaccine or any other vaccine to work”. The statement is characteristic of Wallis Computer Solutions, which last year posted an ad for an “Unvaxxed Remote MSP Technician”.
See link for rest:
I’d apply, but it’s W.A. 🤭
[Edit for length / copyright infringement – LVA]
Scientists Detect Highest-Energy Light Ever Seen From The Sun
The most energetic light ever seen emanating from the Sun has just been detected, creating a new puzzle for solar physicists to solve.
A 6-year observing campaign by more than 30 institutions across North America, Europe, and Asia has resulted in the first ever detection of solar gamma radiation in the teraelectronvolt (TeV) range.
But, contrary to what you might expect, it did not correlate to heightened solar activity; or, indeed, any solar activity. Rather, the Sun was pretty calm at the time of the detection, and our current models of the Sun can’t quite account for it.
The Sun is the most intensely studied star in the cosmos. We have observations that span the entire spectrum, from low-frequency radio waves to the most energetic light in the Universe, gamma radiation. For all that, though, there’s a lot we don’t know about our home star. Details about its processes still elude us.
“After looking at six years’ worth of data, out popped this excess of gamma rays,” says Mehr Un Nisa, an astroparticle physicist at Michigan State University.
“When we first saw it, we were like, ‘We definitely messed this up. The sun cannot be this bright at these energies.’
The science is settled, so it must be all dem gas guzzlin’ cars ‘n’ stuff.
Bound to be our fault ‘cos we’re the ultimate life in the universe.
When I read about gamma rays
I remember that:
For interested, the studio long version, better text understanding:
to add to what was posted the uther day about Pfizer being questioned by Malcolm Roberts and Gerard Rennick
Dr john Campbell, Simple questions for Pfizer, Matt Canavan asking questions
Senator Malcolm Roberts: “What’s the process for TGA whittling over a thousand Doctors’death reports in VAERS down to fourteen?”
TGA Official: “TGA don’t deny they died”
Just watching the news and interesting facts were quoted that upon checking, seem to be about right.
If all cancer were cured, globally, life expectancy would only increase by 2 years.
Curing all other heart and lung disease would add 13 years.
“In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination program.”
Watch: “Aussie Bureaucrats Turn Into Mumbling Messes Explaining COVID Vax Death Coverup”
3 min video:
“You Will Live In Pods, Eat Bugs, Own Nothing And You Will Like It”
Sure! You can cure your headache by trimming your toenails. (/s)
“Alberta Suspends Approvals for Green Energy Projects, such as Wind or Solar Power”
The future of landfill:
Caitlin Johnstone on how we are immersed in a world of illusion over what is important-
“One of the great challenges faced by westerners who oppose the political status quo today is the way the narrative managers of both mainstream factions continuously divert all political energy away from issues which threaten the interests of the powerful like economic injustice, war, militarism, authoritarianism, corruption, capitalism and ecocide and toward issues which don’t threaten the powerful at all like abortion, racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.”
More on meat diets
“Vilhjalmur Stefansson and His All-Meat Diet Experiment”
l have been following a protein only diet for a while now and can say that l have lost 23kg so far as well as feeling so much more able, fitter and healthier, it works
the video below is where l got the idea, for those interested
TEDx Wouldn’t Post This… 10:46 min
Mikhaila Peterson’s Oxford Union Debate on Meat 9:40 min
Check the memes
“The Stunning Lack of Self-Awareness of Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken”
Getting noticed
“”Your Injections Are Killing Our Young People” – Pfizer, Moderna Reps Slammed During Heated Aussie Senate Hearing”
“A tough day for Pfizer Australia in Senate hearings today.
Senator Gerard Rennick on fire as he forced them to admit they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis/ pericarditis.
So much for trusting the science. They have no idea!!”
Hi Jo – the “like” button is not responding for me on this one
The red one works, try that!
The only reason why this global warming scam has lasted so long is because of the millions of numb skulls that support it.
What will it take for those millions to understand and accept they have been duped?