A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Who Killed Wagner Boss Prigozhin?
“Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin reportedly died in a plane crash on Wednesday afternoon. The plane crashed south of Kuzhenkinskoe in Russia’s Tver region, instantly killing all ten aboard. News outlets are pointing to Vladimir Putin. After all, Prigozhin did attempt to stage a coup two months ago. Other outlets claim the Wagner boss has faked his death. Russia is launching an investigation into the crash, but we may never have answers.
“An investigation of the Embraer plane crash that happened in the Tver Region this evening was initiated. According to the passenger list, first and last name of Yevgeny Prigozhin was included in this list,” Russia’s Federal Agency for Air Transport said in a statement.
So why would Putin not have had him arrested or killed after the coup on June 23 that he deemed treasonous? Some may say Putin wanted to maintain a cool head and appear unbothered as if his leadership was never questioned. But why would he choose to take out Prigozhin at this stage? The two men were personal friends. Prigozhin apologized for the attempted coup, claimed he went crazy, and allegedly met with Putin after the incident to apologize.
Prigozhin was allegedly in Belarus with his eyes on Poland. Yet, Russia has not been concerned about Poland. There is an ongoing proxy war between the West and Russia playing out in Niger. There we saw a coup that overthrew the government while chanting “Wagner” and raising Russian flags. He was spotted in Africa on August 21 in a video, which was his first time addressing the public since the failed coup.
“We are working. The temperature is plus 50 [Celsius]. Everything’s the way we like it. PMC Wagner is conducting reconnaissance, making Russia even greater on every continent – and Africa even freer,” Prigozhin said in the video. “Justice and happiness for the African nations,” he said. “We are messing with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other banditos. We hire real supermen and continue working on tasks that were set to us and we promised to carry out.”
There is a long list of people who would have wanted Yevgeny Prigozhin dead. The White House and others are blaming Putin, but I do not believe it is that cut and dry, although it is mysterious that the plane crashed in Russia. Russia would retaliate against any country or organization found responsible, but they would not be so careless as to attack a NATO nation. So the question remains — who killed Wagner boss, Prigozhin?”
Trust Russian sources at your own peril.
I saw a simple probable explanation for that run on Moscow. The battle for Bakhmut had run over budget and Prigozhin didn’t have the funds to meet his paydays. His troops were mercenaries.
This put Prizoghin between a rock and a very hard place. That run on Moscow got the message to Putin that this was a problem that could not be put off. So he released the necessary funds.
The dominating issue then became the fear of civil war. Putin demanded that Wagner’s mercenaries sign up with the Russian army. Putin would have to see the result of that call before making any move against Prigozhin. If the mercenaries defied Putin would they then become bandits for hire or plunder? To plunder where?
5 days on.
I would not rush to blame The Kremlin for this assassination. Prizoghin might have been more value to them alive.
With so many of Wagner’s top brass on that plane I’d say Prizoghin did not fear The Kremlin would act in this way.
I’d be looking to the next on the list of the Wagner hierarchy. There’s no honour among thieves.
There is a major misinformation campaign underway and it is inadvertently being promoted by well meaning people who have been misled. I am referring to this “new” bill allegedly recently introduced to allegedly strengthen ACMA to allegedly tackle misinformation in the MSM. The whole thing is a furphy.
All the powers that are claimed will be created by this bill already exist. They were created by the Online Safety Act 2021 which is the final iteration of eight progressive steps from the Enhancing Child Online Safety Act 2015.
During this period of development the staff at ACMA were quietly transferred to the new eSafety Commission, headed up by the eSafety Commissioner, Microsoft millionaire and WEF powerbroker, Ms Julie Inman Grant. These days ACMA is basically an almost empty office with a handful of people to handle incoming calls.
Interestingly, Senators Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts know all this but are leading the campaign against this meaningless and misleading disinformation anyway. They also both voted in favour of the Inline Safety Act 2021.
Peter S
There it is if you wish to read it
Could you provide a link to where you cut that from, so I can get the context of the comment, I take it that it was a comment?
There is no link to a comment. My post is based on my own research into the Act, the Transitional Act that goes with it, the eSafety Commission’s website, ACMA’s website, MSM articles about ACMA, and Ms Inman Grant’s own comments at two WEF conferences at Davos.
So your Peter S reincarnated, that is why I thought it was a copy paste, been a while Peter.
I know all about Grant.
[Different Peter than the one you think. – Jo]
Trump is Spartacus.
No, he’s just a criminal.
Trump dropped this one:
Funniest one I have seen so far is angry mug shot Donald with Joe shopped in sniffing his hair.
Eco-Friendly Hysterics Hardest Hit After Paper Straws Revealed to Contain Toxic Chemicals
Wait, you mean it’s a bad idea to get rid of proven products in favor of hysterical “green” solutions based on no actual scientific evidence? That’s the story after it was recently revealed that almost all paper straws and their bamboo alternatives contain toxic chemicals known as “forever chemicals.”
According to the report, a study in Belgium found that 18 out of 20 paper straws tested, and four out of five bamboo straws, contained what are called PFAS. They are called “forever chemicals” because linger “almost permanently” in the environment, from the soil to the water supply…
seems almost everything being done to ‘save the environment’ from the consequences of ‘global warming’ has a negative impact on the environment.
unfortunately the adults are not in charge.
When it comes to Guv’ments and many others (MSM, etc.), the word ‘Adult’ really means, ‘A Dolt’…………………
Australia’s Creepy government
John Kerry just can’t stop lying…
John Kerry: Climate denial and disinformation is ‘very dangerous’
Climate denial and disinformation is only dangerous if you feed at the public trough.
Otherwise, it is called a difference of opinion on a subject without proof of merit and considerable scientific based opposition.
Call it what it is: Political fleecing of economies for the benefit of politicians and the Rich,on the backs of workers, without definitive proof, for the purpose of subjugation.
This while sitting upon 300 years worth of coal
JCII Friday’s thread bumped
“Biden’s alcohol czar warns Americans could soon be told to limit themselves to just two beers per WEEK under strict new booze guidelines
Americans could be urged by officials to drink no more than two beers a week as part of strict new alcohol guidelines.
Biden’s health czar told the USDA could revise its alcohol advice to match Canada’s, where people are advised to have just two drinks per week.
Dr George Koob — who admits enjoying a couple of glasses of Chardonnay a week — said he was watching Canada’s ‘big experiment’ with interest.
‘If there’s health benefits, I think people will start to re-evaluate where we’re at [in the US],’ he told
Current US recommendations say women can have up to one bottle of beer, small glass of wine or shot of spirit a day while men can have two.
But those guidelines are up for review in 2025. ”
Again showing a lack of knowledge of history –
They should remember what a roaring success their last “prohibition” was
Or is that another 10% opportunity?
Distillation or brewing knowledge precede politics, and will do so forever. FYI a reflux distillation column is most efficient.
but that’s just an opinion.
“How Science is Done These Days”
That name again
Mann, you’re kidding. Right??
>”How Science is Done These Days”
I would add how The Guardian reported the issue:
Scientific journal retracts article that claimed no evidence of climate crisis
Publisher Springer Nature says 2022 article ‘not supported by available evidence’ as editors launch investigation
This caught my eye in the Quadrant article:
Hope y’all got value for that money – wherever it went.
Funny part:
Big Climate whack-a-mole missed that, so far.
>”UNSW team, ….ARC taxpayer grant of $32,134,273″
What did that buy?
CE170100023 — The University of New South Wales
Project Start Date: 4 August 2017
Anticipated End Date: 31 December 2024
55 “Investigators”.
7+ years of research – should be substantial discoveries for $32+ million.
How is that going?
Beneficiary Organisations:
The University of New South Wales
Monash University
University of Tasmania
The University of Melbourne
The Australian National University
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
National Computational Infrastructure (ANU)
Met Office, UK
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
National Center for Atmospheric Research
University of Arizona, USA
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
# # #
So everyone got a handout, not just ARC.
RIP Bernie Marsden, the original Whitesnake.
“Our skin may actually cause ageing”
Most interesting! This comment was intriguing too-
‘The currently common cooking oils, soy, canola, corn, sunflower, etc, otherwise know as seed oils, have fats in them that mimic cholesterol. As reported, the body mistakes these fats for cholesterol and uses them as such for things like skin cells. These cells are then much more susceptible to damage, like sun and wind damage. Those who have cut the seed oils out of their diet report much less sunburn and no need for sun block.’
There’s a LOT of misinformation out there that the masses believe and have been told repeatedly for decades.
Fats are bad, meat is bad, cholesterol is bad etc.,some types are worse than others.
One that is true is that trans fats ARE bad and should be avoided as much as possible, a difficult task at best, given its insidious infiltration of the food industry.
Other types of fat, especially saturated fat are NOT the evil they’ve been portrayed as, ditto for red meat, ditto bad LDL cholesterol. Most all grains and seed oils are bad for you. Yes, bread is bad. Shock, horror!
I only use EVOO, (Australian) extra virgin olive oil, for cooking and low heat cooking.
As far as skin and sunburn goes, I’ve found that Turmeric in the diet has a profound effect and I don’t show any signs of sunburn when I would otherwise.
It inhibits the COX-2 enzyme and prevents inflammation, skin cancer and ROS damage as confirmed in numerous studies.
It really warrants a decent size article.
Interestingly the NWO diet plan eliminates meat and dairy and focusses on grains and the like. Bad, bad, bad..
As you say virgin olive oil for low heat cooking, bought in small quantities in dark bottles and never reused, to avoid oxidation.
I use coconut oil in the pan though because it is said to slow AZ. May have worked, Mrs H is still at home after 9 years.
But in the supermarket there is x10 space for canola etc than coconut and olive oils.
I always grab stock from the back not the front, due to light strike and stock rotation.😉
Good oils cost a bit more but hospital care costs WAY more.
AZ – focus on pre and probiotics, from food not pills. Gut health will be the next big thing, and I see new research almost daily showing how critical it is. Avoid antibiotics like the plague.
Oldies don’t like to eat much and that is doing much more harm than good…
No way is Mrs H on a cup’a tea and toast diet. We feed her well and, cruelly, her health otherwise is excellent. There is no “pill regime” just an Avanza before bed and a Vit D tab hoping to avoid colds etc. But I no longer take positive steps to prolong life. Her quality of life is non existent.
Butter (as one example of many) is full of trans fats. How on Earth is butter an example of the “insidious infiltration of the food industry?”
Full of trans fats? I don’t think so. Contains natural trans fats, sure.
“Bureaucrats Rewriting Pandemic History
The CDC is blaming a boy’s death on bacteria found in his corpse.”
Will we hear an echo in Oz?
So apparently its ‘normal’ that when you are told to write ‘Yes ‘ or ‘No’ on a ballot paper a tick counts for Yes but a cross doesn’t get counted. For those many illiterates voting in the Voice referendum, this could make a difference, according to Dutton.
The only thing that article illustrated (apart from Aussies weird voting systems) is that every public serpent is firmly behind the Yes vote in public. I suppose their jobs depend on it, like the Doctor’s did during Covid.
A “fully trusting” question re this
If your written “yes” or “no” ventures outside the boundary of the box provided does that also invalidate your vote?
Confidence inspiring?
“Boeing: Extra Holes Drilled in 737 Max Pressure Bulkheads”
Wasn’t it Japan that had a repaired rear bulkhead blow out and destroy the plane mid-flight? Ah- Found it, Boeing made a poor repair job after the 747 tail hit the runway in touchdown, in a subsequent flight it depressurised and took out the tail controls. The crash killed 520 or 524 people on board.
The story of the repair is interesting-
Investors must be confident that Uncle Sam will protect Boeing from “unfair” competition. In spite of the continuous drip feed of bad news BA share price is still holding above the low it hit when their Max was grounded.
Maximus is an entertaining way to stay informed on the airline industries’ challenges
Good grief, the Max again. What you get when accountants build aircraft.
“A Startling Compilation: ‘Neither Safe Nor Effective’ ”
““Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, called the COVID vaccines, ‘the worst pharmaceutical development idea in the history of mankind.’”
“It often comes as a surprise to people that mRNA-type medical interventions and coronavirus vaccines had plenty of red flags through their history prior to December 2020. The ingredients used were already known to be toxic: Cationic lipids injure the nervous system, lungs and liver, as well as cell membranes throughout the body. Polyethylene glycol was never used for injections, due to safety concerns. mRNA had already been shown to change DNA. Previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines had all failed and killed the test animals. So inflicting the world’s population with a new, mostly untested vaccine for which its components already had so many safety warnings was the most widespread reckless experiment in human history.” ”
More at
Polyethylene glycol, the black widows choice.
Larry Johnson Ex-CIA: “Zelensky is finished, prepare for the CIA to remove him”
Scott Ritter: Stupidity on a Massive Scale
relevant to the Friday open comment thread,
from the Ritter stream:
“If this was a war it would be over
Ukraine would not exist anymore
this is a special military operation
that is not just Russian propaganda at play
it is statement of fact, or reality
there are limitations on what Russia is seeking to accomplish and the means Russia is trying to accomplish this.
…” etc.
Hang in there. The Ukies are within a day’s march of Moscow.
The ground war is reminiscent of France in the Great War, I don’t see either side destroying the other.
The long range war is different. The Ukes get the best intelligence from near and far and use that to target their precision weapons for maximum effect while Ru hits apartment buildings. The Ru army may be starved of munitions and necessities of life, like food.
amazed that you really believe that. Yep is the Russians that are struggling for sure, their surrender is imminent clearly.
I am amazed you believe that.
“The Ru army may be starved of munitions and necessities of life, like food.”
Got any stats on that? Ukraine is complaining all the time and the West has admitted to its horror that the Russians have far more artillery shells and use them anytime they’re needed. Its one of the most noticeable parts of the war.
Hitting apartment buildings, well, if the Ukie army weren’t sticking their troops in them or filling them with NATO personnel it wouldn’t be a problem. Same as the screaming about Russia hitting schools, with stacks of photos on the net of Azov camping in the schools. The very low number of civilian casualties in a country at war is amazing, and the Russian missiles are extremely accurate. Did you see the videos taken by Romanians of Russian missiles hitting the Ukrainian port facilities just across the river? I expect any guided missile these days can pick one building out and hit it.
If we’re lucky Zelensky will be shot by the CIA, dying a hero in a Russian assassination, and talks start about the boundaries as they are. If the Ukies are not lucky he will stay on and press-gang more Ukrainians into the trenches before they finally lose. If everyone is unlucky the Yanks will push Poland into it and we will have a proper war spreading over Europe.
What an ugly thought you have.
you wont see this stuff on western MSM
the Dreizin report,
western game changer destruction since the start of the big offensive from Ukronato against the Russians post-June 16th “Big Video Dump” – Instalment #13 – 154 vids and photos
it shows that one side is destroying the other
The 2050s will prove in principle that the diminishing Solar activity in the boundary zone is the climate master on Earth via its cosmic effects on cloudiness.
Cloudiness affects everything droughts, flooding, global cooling, and even temperature extremes. We will see ever more of these effects resulting from diminishing Solar activity and increased cosmic ray reflux until the Solar wind stops and the Sun begins to cool. For an additionally challenging effective Solar wind stops the diminishing Sun begins to cool down to lower surface temperatures. That’s the start of phase two. Phase two ends when the primal fields collapse when the heat is turned down low. After a kettle stops boiling, the water cools down. So does the Sun. All the way through phase two, the Sun will get colder with the corresponding effects. On Earth, the effects can be enormous such as that the snow no longer melts in the climate volatile regions. Whatever natural agriculture might still be in operation at the start of phase two we’ll likely cease during the course of phase two unfolding which may be short in duration. Phase three begins when the Solar system has diminished to the point that the Primal fields can no longer form and cease to focus Plasma under the Sun. At this point, the Sun begins to hibernate and the next Ice Age erupts on Earth transforming the world into an ice planet that has never been experienced before in known history and may not be imaginable.
And yes, Phase three is the 90,000-year Glaciation Phase, the ice planet Phase. Only the hibernating Sun that is no longer surrounded by a dense mantle of plasma can produce these high volumes of Solar cosmic ray reflux that generate the high ratios of beryllium ten that have been measured. Phase three is the phase of the hibernating Sun, a 70% weaker Sun, and a world with 80% less precipitation.
I am no expert, but really? Is the sun as volatile as you imply?
” Is the sun as volatile as you imply?”
Over a million years, quite likely. Not going to worry any of us though…
According to the settled science and reported in National Geographic, we are already in a Grand Minimum with the sun hibernating, although that was what they thought we would be doing in 2020 as they wrote it in 2011. Those predictions are as good as climate models for the next 100years, so I wouldn’t worry..
Shipmate of the Titanic: ‘Captain, there’s an iceberg dead ahead sir!’
Captain of the Titanic: ‘Over a million years, quite likely. Not going to worry any of us though…’
The steamship Titanic sank over a span of 160 minutes in the middle of the night on 14 April 1912. The phase shift began with the ship’s collision with an iceberg in the North Atlantic at a 30-minute mark. When it was understood that the sinking of the ship could not prevent it, the captain of the ship ordered the launching of the ship’s lifeboats, which it had far too few of the owners of the ship were severely criticized for the omission. But what about us? Our world ship is sinking with 7 billion people on board. We don’t have any lifeboats at all, nor do we have the slightest intention to build any. When the Titanic sank, it sank with more than two-thirds of its passengers and crew remaining on the ship. For these, no lifeboats had been available. Surely we want to do better this time around. That’s the incentive.
Contrary to mainstream science perception and general opinion, the world ship really is sinking. As the Titanic did in the past. The world ship is sinking back into the long-awaited next ice Age. The Sun is already diminishing. This is happening at an amazingly fast pace. Soon nothing will be the same anymore.
The theory states that all matter in the universe was created in one place in the first three minutes of the explosion and has been expanding outward thereafter for 13.8 billion years. If this were true, the material density in the universe would diminish outward with the cube of the distance from the source. At the rate of the expansion that is theorized, the material distribution in the distant regions would be so thinly spread that almost nothing should exist in distant places. Instead, the opposite is true. If you don’t believe me then look out of your window at night toward the night skies what do you see populations of stars, clusters of stars, and super-stars? The evidence suggests that the universe is not entropic in nature and winding down from its initial infusion of energy, but is completely self-creating everywhere, unfolding itself in a process that is opposite in nature to entropy, the opposite of entropy, one might term anti-entropy.
The Sun, thereby, becomes its creative source, rather than the created object, as the Big Bang theory would have it to be. Every Sun fuses plasma into atoms. It synthesizes every atomic element that exists. No Big Bang explosion is needed for a universe to be blessed with an abundance of elements. The real universe is self-creating, self-powering, and is self-maintaining, and self-advancing by the dynamics of its timeless principles that have no beginning and no end. We should celebrate that the Big Bang theory is false. The celebration frees us to celebrate the universe as it is and the ice ages it brings to this world.
It enables the recognition that the universe is powered by immensely large, though invisible, cosmic streams of plasma that power every Sun, which we too can access for utilization on the Earth. Not a single Sun in the universe is self-powered. Every Sun is powered by the universe directly, by means of electromagnetic principles on the cosmic scale that focus electric, cosmic plasma streams onto a Sun. We should celebrate this truth because one day in the future the galactic electric energy streams presented to power the Sun will be directed to us as an anti-entropic electric energy resource to power our world with.
Welcome to the amazing electric universe.
What are the odds of Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy becoming the next President?
Low but not zero. Now had you asked about being VP they are somewhat higher. He is certainly best of the rest but not really tested. I hope for the best. Maybe 2028.
Vivek Ramaswamy
-partnered directly with the Chinese government to launch a pharmaceutical company.
-Jan 2022 wrote WSJ article that social distancing and cloth masks work, and that vaccines are most important step in fighting COVID.
Not as good as possibly becoming VP.
Yes, extraordinary brinkmanship.
‘Although many tried to dance around him, every candidate had to address the “elephant not in the room”. That put Trump centre-stage, in the limelight — exactly where the 2024 Republican favourite wanted to be.’ (The Conversation)
Pretty much zero this cycle but he is a force for conservative values and rational thought.
Epochtv: The unseen crisis: vaccine stories you were never told
In the climate of a global pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out under emergency use authorization after a much shorter than normal testing period. Millions of people rolled up their sleeves because they were told they were doing their part to end the pandemic. But for some—it didn’t go as expected.
The Unseen Crisis is a feature-length documentary that provides an intimate, uncensored look into the lives of those who live with the debilitating after-effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. It examines the issue of COVID-19 vaccine injury claims in a fresh, honest, and comprehensive manner with expert interviews, whistleblowers’ statements, and government health statistics.
This is a documentary about people, not politics.
The patients in the documentary suffered severe reactions to the shot and their health spiraled out of control. When they reached out to the public health system and pharmaceutical companies for help and support, instead of being acknowledged, cared for, and studied; they were ignored, censored, and called “anti-vaxxers” despite having gotten the shot. These patients are by no means isolated cases. The world is witnessing a growing epidemic of COVID-19 vaccine injuries that can no longer be ignored.
Fortunately, a small community of doctors are bravely trying to unravel the mystery of these injuries and how to treat them. They too were shocked to find themselves shut out of the mainstream medical community, simply for practicing what every doctor is trained to do.
You can save the video by clicking the “…” next to “Share”.
Japanese Infectious Disease specialist and Oncologist Dr.Masanori Fukushima (Kyoto University) testifies in Court about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths in Japan.
“These vaccine injured people cry themselves to sleep at night, while you try and hide information!! This is a case of drug harm” “Last year I thought it was going to be a problem if this vaccine spread and I told professional magazines that it was delusional to try and get out of a pandemic by vaccination!”
“And now people are starting to understand how dangerous this mRNA COVID vaccine really is!” “I mean, the mRNA is wrapped in nano particles, that means every cell in the body engulfs it and then transforms, the mechanism is clear!”
Fakevax ™ was never intended to prevent or cure infection, nor was it solely intended to instill blind obedience into the masses.
It’s much much more than that…
The bribes are back! Woo hoo!
Mississippi Health Department offers churches, businesses $1,000 to join COVID vax program.
On Monday, MSDH announced via social media that businesses and faith organizations can receive $1,000 for participating in the state’s Communities Conquering COVID vaccination education program.
“The program will train representatives from barbershops, salons, churches and faith-based organizations as community health advocates to provide vaccination education and materials to their members and clients,” the announcement says. In addition to training, the post says participants will distribute COVID test kits and vaccination material, and help with local vaccination events.
Yes, you dullards can become chronically sick or die if you’re lucky. We’ll pay you $1k to roll up your sleeve and help the global carbon reduction program.
We’ve got reduction targets to meet!
Safe and effective
In May 2023 there were 595 deaths due to COVID-19 that were certified by a doctor. This is 32.6% lower than the 883 deaths in May 2022 and 47.3% higher than the 404 deaths in April 2023.
Deaths due to dementia including Alzheimer’s disease were 17.8% above the baseline average in May 2023, and 2.1% above May 2022. Dementia deaths in 2023 in January to May were 16.1% above the baseline average but 3.0% below the same period in 2022.
In 2023, there were 73,423 deaths that occurred by 31 May and were registered by 31 July. This is 8,564 deaths (13.2%) more than the baseline average, but 2,963 (3.9%) less than in 2022.
In May 2023 there were 16,348 deaths, 15.0% more than the baseline average but 0.7% less than in 2022.
14,479 of the deaths occurring in May 2023 were doctor certified and 1,869 were coroner referred.
There have been 2,171 deaths due to COVID-19 certified by a doctor between January and May 2023. This is 52.1% lower than the 4,537 deaths recorded in the same period in 2022.
If it saves one life it was worth it.
Hunga Tonga might force temperatures higher, temporarily.
Will the MSM take this into consideration before publishing, to prevent global warming hysteria taking hold?
>‘imminent’ risk of temporary 1.5C breach
LOL. It has been breached at least twice a year for the last decade.
” the paper assumes that water vapour injected into the atmosphere is “globally well mixed”, whereas in reality, the plume was “confined in the southern hemisphere”.”
How could they ever assume it would be globally mixed? There’s enough other evidence that the hemispheres act independently. Its a shame they didn’t do some useful research and tell us the rain effects over the next decade.
Depends which path results in more clicks and views
Biden’s DOJ sues SpaceX, alleging hiring discrimination against refugees and asylum seekers
Elon replies:
The fundamental principle of ITAR law is that US companies who have advanced weapons technology, such as rockets with intercontinental range, must hire people who are permanent American residents, so that the technology does not fall into the hands of countries who wish us harm.
What aspect of unqualified, illegal immigrants doesn’t the DOJ understand?
Love it! The old shake-down trick by the usual Govt thugs-
‘The justice department said it would ask the courts to impose civil penalties on SpaceX ‘ No-one goes to jail of course, but we will organise an out-of-Court settlement for a couple of billion you don’t need..
So funny if he moved Space-X out of the States because of it! Go to a country where men are men and women are happy, and illegal immigrants don’t dare to go.
“Go to a country where men are men and women are happy, and illegal immigrants don’t dare to go.”
Nigeria? Or Belarus?
Ah, it was just after Musk threatened to sue Soros for falsely complaining hate incidents are on the rise. You need to have good friends when you’re in the public eye, a wink to your mates at the DOJ and a couple of million to the Democrats re-election fund should do it.
“Will the DOJ go after Northrop, Lockheed and Boeing for the same thing?”
Pillowcases Have Nearly 20,000 Times More Bacteria Than A Toilet Seat
Most people shower or wash their faces before going to bed, and some even change their pajamas on a daily basis. However, the cleanliness of bedsheets and pillowcases is often overlooked
Studies have shown that after just one week of use, pillowcases harbor bacteria levels surpassing those found on a toilet seat by a staggering nearly 20,000 times.
In a study by American bedding company AmeriSleep, participants were instructed to abstain from washing their bedsheets for four weeks.
The findings revealed that by the end of the testing period, the pillowcases harbored 39 times more bacteria than a pet bowl, whereas the bedsheets contained 5.4 times more bacteria than a toothbrush holder.
Additionally, pillowcases left unwashed for a mere week had 17,442 times the number of bacteria as a toilet seat!
The study also found four main strains of bacteria present in bedding, which include gram-negative rods (41.45 percent), gram-positive rods (24.94 percent), bacilli (23.38 percent), and gram-positive cocci (10.23 percent).
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most gram-negative bacteria are dangerous and can lead to antibiotic resistance. Bacillus, on the other hand, is a significant cause of food poisoning and infection.
Dust mites rely on dead skin cells for survival and can reproduce in large numbers. Even if you are not allergic to dust mites, you would not want to share your bed with thousands of them.
In addition to dust mites, our beds harbor a variety of fungi. A study published in the journal Allergy revealed that feather and synthetic pillows used for 1.5 to 20 years may contain up to 16 types of fungi.
The most common fungus found in pillows is Aspergillus fumigatus, which can cause aspergillosis, a disease that is a leading cause of death in leukemia and bone marrow transplant patients. Moreover, fungi can exacerbate asthma symptoms in adults.
If your pillowcase is yellow, it ain’t mellow!
Nothing better than cuddling up with 10 billion germs.😁
I love getting into a freshly made up bed. To please myself, I change the bedding every three days – it’s like living in a hotel! My old man struggled to appreciate it (scared I was going to make him do the doona cover) at first but now is a convert to this luxury.
Thank you for confirming my great decision.
Total number of deaths **AGES 20-44** for the entire US from 2010-2021 for each letter category of ICD 10 Code as a Cause of Death
One of the numerous datasets the CDC maintains is a massive treasure trove containing all the ICD codes from every death certificate for all US deaths from 2010-2021 (2022 isn’t available yet).
In this case, massive = >35,000,000 deaths.
Again, these deaths are ALL ages 20-44, a demographic not significantly affected by covid disease morbidity and mortality.
Damn you, climate change!😁
AI Achilles heel: why we shouldn’t bow to our computer “overlords” just yet
The book recalls in detail an experiment by University of Hertfordshire researchers. They invited some participants to a home, and used a white plastic humanoid robot on wheels to give them directions. The robot was intentionally incompetent. However, people blindly followed its instructions, like pouring orange juice into a plant, unlocking a computer with a given password and disclosing the host’s private information, and so on.
Another experiment by the researchers from Georgia Tech is even more shocking. A robot led participants into a conference room to fill out a survey. In a staged scenario, suddenly, smoke filled the hallway and emergency sirens started blaring, urging particpants to evacuate.
Just around the corner, an “emergency guide robot” was placed by researchers to see whether they would trust a machine in an emergency. Not only did people wait for the robot to guide them to safety, they followed it after it made one navigation mistake after another, and even those people who were told the robot was broken continued following the machine instead of trying to evacuate themselves.
People want to be led, rather than think for themselves.
Lemmings – “this way please, hurry along now. Take your shots when we tell you.”
Saturday entertainment.
FYI, “Meg 2: The Trench” is now out on streaming. 😉
Saturday guy stuff: who needs a chainsaw when you have a laser
Big Pharma needs money. Hey, COVID’s back — time to get your booster.”
POV in Lahaina, the day of the fires
Voice Referendum Censorship: Peter Credlin “fact checked”
Alastair Crooke fmr British Ambassador: Ukraine’s Dire Situation
Leak’s look
“The Climategate Gang Rides Again!”
And comments there
Spreading –
“Report: Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ Try to Influence Australian Referendum on ‘Indigenous Rights’ ”
Latest WHO power grab and other things
This goes with that (IMO) –
“HERE WE GO: Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not” (VIDEO) ”
Reckon Oz won’t be tailgating again?
IIRC animal health products need about 5 years of testing including genetic effects before release
“El Nino Threat Puts US Solar Power Output At Risk This Winter”
I guess this means we’ll get more panels shoved our way?
“Irish Media Minister Supports Government Defining What Is True and What Speech Can Be Permitted Online
August 26, 2023 | Sundance | 78 Comments
Discussing the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA), Ireland’s Media Minister defends the decision that a government appointed entity will ultimately decide what speech is permitted by citizens. This is the next phase in the control of opposition to the expansion of government controls. We are all traveling at the front of one long continuum toward tyranny.”
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