A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Davos Man Becomes Beijing Man: The World Economic Forum Meets in China
Dang … and I didn’t get an invite.
Was anyone else told the party had been moved?
I just bought a new Hawaiian shirt and was bringing a case of Bud Light.
I’m beginning to feel rejected.
Perhaps you should have let them know your Hawaiian shirt was made in mainland China?
I spent several hours in Hawaii searching for a genuine Hawaiian made Hawaiian shirt, most were made in China, apart from the Tom Sellick patented pattern which cost $$$$$. I eventually found one and twelve years later it is still in good condition, quality cotton that wears well and good workmanship, something you don’t get from a Chinese made garment.
I have been to China several times on business, the last trip being in 2005 or so. I felt perfectly safe and the overwhelming impression I came away with was of a country evolving into a more open and democratic culture and mode of governance.
Since then however, things have obviously spun around and I now see China ad devolving and, based on the general tenor and content of western media reporting, fast becoming unsafe for westerners. On that basis, I do not plan to return there.
And so I find it strange that the Davos set appear to think that China is a safe place for a host of super-wealthy and influential, politically-connected westerners to visit. The old ‘watch what they do, not what they say’ adage is appropriate here. Is China a dangerous, untrustworthy nation, or not? Should we trust them, or not?
As with almost every issue these days, it seems impossible to judge what is true and what is not, save that the ‘truth’ is most likely the opposite of what our politicians and media would have us believe.
The foreigners have left, the property market has collapsed, deflation is quickly taking hold. The country is in dire straits, wages are being cut and there are mass sackings, its the old fashion Depression familiar in the West.
History has a habit of repeating, if the economic mechanisms collapse it could lead to war.
Are your referring to China or the USA? Or even Germany? Although I think at the last might be cautious after the last two attempts.
China and Russia are collapsing, the USA is also in trouble and was recently downgraded.
The contagion will spread to the West, so I imagine we’ll feel it in the hip pocket nerve.
China is collapsing due to enormous debt, and there is no way they can expand the economy to fix this. I doubt that a war over Taiwan would help either, as both Japan and St. Korea would be on Taiwan’s side (even if not actually belligerent).
The USA is running an enormous deficit for Biden’s (and most Democrat’s) obsessions. The general public has lost spending power, the banks are collapsing as they went into commercial property in a big way, while said properties have lost value. It is hard to see what they can do with 18 months before the Republicans inherit the mess (unless the election is so fixed that the USA breaks up). The blue States will suddenly find that their necessities come from the red States. And they will be saddled with California – complete with a huge load of lead in the saddlebags.
I’m not sure about Russia, you cannot believe their official figures but it seems that they are winning the war without being over-extended. The war with Ukraine is heading to an end, as both the USA and Europe are in depression and short of war materials (except Poland who will try to continue, but then these are the people who charged the Panzers on horseback waving swords. Very brave but hardly forward thinking).
The whole of the West has been running up debt (as per neo-Keynnesian theory) for years. The UK nearly collapsed in the 1960’s and 70’s and is pretty close to another crash. So are we, because we rely on China, Japan, St. Korea and India to buy our minerals, thus boosting the Federal & States revenue. Look out for increased taxes, general recession and (with luck) a lot of public servants getting the boot.
That will get me a Un-truth rating for sure!
The western cabal desperately need China (hence BRICS+) on board to establish the NWO, otherwise it becomes the New half world Order and the truth is, the BRICS+ half will likely be more powerful and influential – they aren’t going to give up fossil fuels for no one, they know there is no money transfer from poor to elite climate crisis
I posted this on another thread On the Daily Sceptic today was this article. It is an important declaration on lack of climate change made by Top scientists
Scroll down to the link “World Climate declaration” Like it says in the article I was also denied access by Avast who in effect are censoring what I read. I don’t know if it is just my software or if this happens with other security software. Can others check? Is Jo next?
I can open and read your link, and was able to open the WCD.
What security software do you have, presumably not Avast?
Loads OK, no security specific software as I dont use Windows.
Article accessed OK using Safari on my iPad.
Yes, Avast blocks the link to I am a signatory to WCD so I find this very offensive and have informed Avast. It’s a pity because Avast is otherwise one of the best, keeps the malware away from Windows, MacOS, Android, all of which have thousands of security weaknesses. You can easily find software to invade Android phones, and transfer a 2-step verification to somewhere else. This happened to me earlier this year; I was able to recover the money and identify the likely perpetrator, but no sign yet of them being prosecuted.
I never use my phone for any financial operations. My backup solution is Linux (Mint 21) on my laptop and backup CAD (computer aided design) workstation. Low cost equipment-wise, but for CAD, that means about A$ 1400 For ARES Commander.
You can turn Avast system off for 10 minutes, right-click on the icon, similar for the browser add-in.
Avast? 😎
Turn off https scanning and Avast web blocking.
Menu->Settings->Protection->Core shields->Configure shields->Web shield->Uncheck https scanning.
You may need to add an exception for problem sites.
Menu->Settings->General->Exceptions->Add exception.
AV software blocking sites for no obvious reason does happen.
If anyone hasnt seen this, its worth a watch
Came out years ago but still a good one.
I have Avast and could access and read it no problem.
Thanks for the various replies about a link being blocked by Avast although Ted seems to have had no problem. Perhaps it depends on the country
It seems most of us already eat Insects even without patronising Kentucky Fried Crickets.
Droughts are one thing, but when looking at floods, it’s probably not a good move to compare historic events to recent ones because there’s been a lot of flood mitigation work done, and indeed, ground cover has also changed.
Take Adelaide, (sorry if you don’t, but it is not a city known to be the home of disastrous widespread floods now) it had some truly massive floods in the 1800s. The river Torrens caused parts of Kent Town to be a few metres underwater on more than one occasion. Each time, flood mitigation efforts were made. One of the biggest changes/improvements was claimed to be the opening of the Torrens to the sea, whereas before, it petered out into a swamp-like area without actually cutting all the way through the sand dunes.
Anyway, my long and arduous point was that floods in built up areas are not really comparable unless little has changed between large events.
So, according to your logic, that would make those floods in the northern hemisphere truely exceptional
There has been a tendency to build towns on river bends, and I believe Lismore is one of those. In the U.S., many small villages built this way along the Mississippi have been abandoned due to constant flooding. And large cities such as New Orleans, built well below sea level, will always be impacted when their levee banks break.
In WA, one town released floodplain land for new housing, which was all lost when the river eventually flooded. It’s now back to being a caravan park.
No Peter, that’d be your logic, which we all know, is flawed.
The floods in the NH can be put down to Hunga Tonga Hunga, a meandering jet stream and recalcitrant typhoons.
Depends James on the country/region you live in. Some arent prone to doing flood mitigation and some use it in a way to make flooding worse for the peasants if it saves Elysium and inconvenience or bad publicity. As you say comparisons are difficult, its a moving feast.
yarpos >”some use it in a way to make flooding worse for the peasants if it saves Elysium”
I assume you’re alluding to the CCP flooding Zhuozhou to save Beijing Daxing airport and Xiong’an New Area.
Xiong’an = Elysium ?
If not, this is fiction turning to fact.
The Beijing fiasco, pretty much ignored by the MSM, is a disaster. The CCP is losing face, they lie about everything and the people have had enough.
To keep the masses in line Premier Xi has asked every citizen to spy on their fellow countrymen.
Despite being in recession and having sky high energy costs, it seems the Germans want to continue shooting themselves in the foot.
I saw or read somewhere, that there are elements of the German parliament who want to ban the AfD political party that now has a popularity rating around the 20% mark. Apparently they are dangerously “right wing” and causing people to become “extremists”…
I guess the only real way to safeguard democracy is to let the professionals (otherwise known as a nascent dictatorship) handle the whole process for us ignorant masses.
The latest poll shows that 33% of Germans would consider voting for them, so bviously they need to be shut down as a threat to the existing mainstream parties
Funny how the left wing extremists, who have bought real damage to Germany, are never called that. We only ever seem to have right wing extremists. Balanced reporting at its finest.
Trump has already survived an unprecedented political assault.
Almost entirely based on lies.
His ability to remain viable, and in fact gain support, is heroic.
Nearly Biblical.
This latest bloodless assassination attempt demonstrates the Democrats are deranged and seem not to realize that if they fail they will create an even more powerful adversary.
I fear the DS understands they are the true final arbiters of the law and failure is not an option.
Yes Hank agreed the US is nothing more than a third world Junta now that Biden has taken over.
What will be interesting is when Trump challenged the election results he won 2 court cases and lost one, the rest the judge deemed he did not have any standing so there was no ruling. Now that he is being charged with sedition and treason the judge will now have to rule he has standing 🙂
He has not been charged with sedition or treason
He HAS been charged with these things but only in the public arena. The prosecutors must know that they are absurd charges.
The heartland institute are no friends of Biden but this scenario about him declaring a Climate emergency seems unlikely
It would surely destroy his Presidency, so probably wishful thinking from heartland
Getting close up and personal!
“Safe and Effective®”
“An in-depth analysis of Queensland mortality data”
And comments
“Grand sweeping fairytales – Smith calls a spade a spade on renewables”
“Danielle Smith: Grand sweeping fairytales that threaten Canadians ability to keep the lights on are no way to speed things up.”
Come on Danielle, the power of wishful thinking is an awesome thing. Just ask Chris Bowen. I am sure he is available to share his wisdom. He has many thoughts on the simplicity of energy storage, the viability of nuclear power and how to pump out thousands of kilometres of transmission line in short order. He is full of ideas in this domain, in fact I have heard many people saying he is full of it.
I think that we need to send Chris Bowen to Canada immediately or at least once their winter starts. Tell them no hurry to return him, anytime after 50 years.
They will want a hostage swap and send us tredeau.
EPA funnels $177,000,000 into new higher ed ‘environmental justice’ centers, nonprofits
Project tackles ‘generational disinvestment’ and ‘legacy pollution’
Universities are in the process of rolling out new taxpayer-funded environmental justice centers through a $177 million Environmental Protection Agency program under the Biden administration.
Saying “President Biden has made achieving environmental justice a top priority,” a news release from the federal agency states the taxpayer dollars will be doled out to 17 locations nationwide to launch Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers in “underserved and overburdened communities.”…
Interesting, thanks.
I looked up a definition of ‘Environmental Justice’ – Okay, on Gargle:
“Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”
Seems to stem from ‘Clientearth’.
And it’s a nice furry, pleasant definition – who could want more than ‘fair’.
But I suspect it’s going to be implemented in a democratic fashion – so all those who aren’t actively against – say – ‘Stopping Oil’, are FOR that. So we’ll stop oil – with a few caveats for essential uses in Private Jets, mansion heating, etc., for the stressed, hard-working, and responsible elites.
That is, traditionally, how those against the West and its civilisation do things.
But that’s cooking oil
But it is organic!
Family discovers live frog in unopened package of ‘triple washed’ organic spinach
This is getting out of hand. ToM
Bruce Pascoe details the aerospace infrastructure that existed all over Australia built by First Nations people in the 65 trillion years they were here before Arthur Phillip, James Cook and Matthew Flinders ganged up and destroyed all of it in the interests of the yet-to-be instituted British Aerospace.
I’d like to see the mathematics they used in their navigation aids.
“A Presidential platform with something for everyone?”
Maybe some we could borrow?
You just knew it had to be the BBC!
How is sign language adapting to climate change?
For deaf children, teachers and scientists, talking about things like “greenhouse gases” or “carbon footprint” used to mean spelling out long, complex scientific terms, letter by letter.
Now they are among 200 environmental science terms that have their own new official signs in British Sign Language (BSL)…
Surely if it’s in use in conversation, it’s reasonable to have sign language signs for daily usage like – ‘Apocalypse’ ‘Existential’ ‘Ice Free Arctic by 2024’ ‘Global Boiling’ etc.
The BBC is an inclusive reporter – it tells us it it at almost every ad-break [sorry, my error, The Beeb doesn’t take ads, those are ‘Trailers’ for other things on the Beeb, TV, Radio, streaming etc., all with ethno-diverse casting].
And, anyway, deaf people must be scared 5h1tless – just like the rest of the – sadly ignorant – population.
Trans wants her amputated body parts back
FWIW – more on covid and self treatment
“YOU Let This Happen, America And You’re Hosed”
“Interesting summation on IVM. ”
Via a comment at Chiefio
More here
“” It’s Not Left Vs Right Anymore, it’s Anti-Establishment Versus Pro-Establishment.” — Glenn Greenwald”*-nation/no-mas/
Thursday satire: Fred Throws Sombrero into Ring, Trump and Biden in Despair, Earth Wobbles in Orbit
I have decided to run in the upcoming Presidential elections as dictator. I am aware of the stress this will cause me, the long hours, the sacrifice, but I sense that the country yearns for me in its desperation, its despair for a Leader. In this week alone I have gotten hundreds of emails urging me to take the reins of government (OK, three emails, but I am rounding up.) At whatever cost, I will answer my country’s call.
Some will object to my certain ascension as voters reach out in their anguish. Naysayers will say “nay,” that being how you know they are naysayers. Skeptics will say, “But Fred, you have no qualifications as dictator.” To them I reply, “True, but look at what we’ve got.” This is an insuperable argument.
A considerate dictator informs his dictadees of his plans for them and the country. Herewith a few of the measures I foresee:
On day one I will pardon Assange, replacing him with Anthony Blinken, who will remain in the cell as long as Assange has. Turn about is fair play, my mother told me.
I will remove all restrictions from Cuba and give it most-favored-nation status. If those wretched pseudo-Cubans in Miami protest, I will have them arrested and left on a desert island somewhere. Preferably one with an active volcano. Cuba is no danger to anyone anywhere, Keeping eleven million perfectly good people in misery, people who make great music and good rum, to please a pack of irritating frauds is political sadism. If you have a desert island, let me know.
FWIW – sounds like might be essential reading –
“The Shadowbanning of the United States Internet
August 16, 2023 | Sundance | 142 Comments”
Thought for the day.
“Mice die in traps because they don’t understand why the cheese is free.
The same thing happens with socialism/communism.”
The “free sh#t army” and self-entitled lefties are gonna get one hell of a wakeup call very soon.😎
No vax=no UBI=no power or food.
Protest=no UBI=no power or food.
Cite facts and laws=no UBI=no power or food.
THEN they realise how wrong and stupid they’ve been.
Too late.
This will only end one way, as it always has.
Grey Squirrels will watch 100 of their mates get shot in the head trying to take a nut from the feeder, then climb over the mountain of corpses to try and get a nut from the feeder. There’s probably a lesson in there somewhere.
Like this rather effective mouse trap?
Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated
Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans (CGS) show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. Based upon the sample sizes for the controls vs. the exposed population, the p-values and odds ratios evidence the astronomical odds against the innocence of vaccines as the actual cause of well over 90% of the disabling and life-threatening chronic conditions suffered by Americans. The true “controls” (calculated to represent 0.26% of the population in 2020) have established the baseline disease risk incurred by those without exposure to vaccination. The null hypothesis, that no significant difference would be found between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons in heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis, is rejected with overwhelming statistical confidence and power in every single contrast. Because 99.74% of the U.S. population is vaccine-exposed, published national disease rates invariably reflect the frequency of observed negative outcomes arising from exposure to vaccines. The Control Group comparison graphs lead to the inescapable conclusion, and near mathematical certainty, that vaccine exposure is the actual cause of the observed disparity in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Vaccines are NOT moving the population toward better health, as suggested by the World Health Organization and the US Department of Health & Human Services, but rather toward epidemic levels of lifelong debilitating chronic disorders.
We see a very latitudinal jet stream in the southern hemisphere. This indicates a strong southern stratospheric polar vortex. If the polar vortex is not disturbed by planetary waves, it will be a typical winter in the southern hemisphere.
70 hPa ~17,500 m, stratosphere,0.00,154
“Oxford University physicist: Why climate metrics are getting it wrong on methane emissions”
“The third leech isn’t working. Better give him a booster leech”
Direct link
Gave me “403 Forbidden”.
Your earlier link worked Ok.
Dave B
Locals Tell What Really Happened with Maui Fire
Direct Energy Weapons, lol. The claims of videos showing the flashes from DEW are self evidently shorting electric cables – you can even see the poles and arcing cables.
Of all the wildfire disasters, this is probably one of the easiest to analyze. High winds, dodgy electrics, flammable landscape, governance readiness and response failure.
The West and it’s Ministries (WEF, UN, WHO, IPCC etc) seem hell bent on regressing and oppressing it’s citizens – when I see western leaders criticising North Korea for its authoritarian disregard for human rights etc, I see hypocrisy of the highest order
I am embarrassed by and ashamed of my Western leadership, who are unilaterally destroying over 100 years of hard fought for democracy, decency, honesty and integrity