A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This viral video of an American Airlines pilot’s pre-flight instructions to the passengers has over 4 million views, and counting, reminds us of manners. It’s touched a nerve, clearly.
Big news! Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser signs the Clintel World Climate Declaration.
Dr. John F. Clauser is no fool. He and two other great minds working on Quantum Physics were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics last year, a feat no climatologist can ever master.
Dr. Ivar Giaever, another Nobel Laureate had also signed the ‘no worries about climate change’ declaration which has been signed by thousands of scientists, a very important fact that the corrupt media hide from everyone.
He’s no fool because maybe he waited to get his Nobel Prize before signing.
He spoke at the Quantum Korea 2023 in June. (13 min video)
BTW, Good morning Australia, from Europe.
You can’t post here until it is Tuesday.
It’s been Tuesday in the UK for a while now GA 🙂
It was 9:40pm on Monday in Western Europe when he posted
The easternmost timezone that is still geographically in Europe that I have been able to find is the Samara oblast in Russia, which is GMT+4. Eastern Australian states are in GMT+10 and that also seems to be the timezone this blog’s server is in. That means it is not “today” in Europe until it is after 6am on Jo’s blog. Alex’s comment was 20 minutes earlier than that.
However, Jo is located in Perth which is GMT+8 and so any time after 4am on the blog clock would match the intent of the blog’s author. 🙂
So arguably Alex is in the clear even under the Gee Aye Temporal Fundamentalist regime.
Thanks for clearing up the highly entertaining issue. I’m in continuous chatting mode with close family members in a Penrith suburb NSW. Currently we have an 8 hour time difference, and 10 hours when we are on winter time and NSW are on summer time.
Hawaii evidence mounts.
Fauci has finally been referred to a prosecutor for lying under oath. Apparently he and his crony Francis Collins made $325M in drug company royalties.
The FDA has now admitted that doctors can prescribe Ivermectin for Covid.
Don’t expect to read about this in Australia’s socialist soviet.
Good thought. Any reference?
Dave B
Dr. Fauci killed millions of people.
Probably nothing will come of it. Couple of reasons. The prosecutors are likely sympathetic to Fauci, and Fauci’s email back in 2020 only states they knew some gain of function work occurs at Wuhan. The email doesn’t say the US was funding that gain of function work. I think Fauci only denied funding gain of function at Wuhan.
Am intrigued as to exactly which ™climate™ has changed or will change…
Parked by the beach on the Hibiscus Coast (north-east part of the North Island) in glorious sunshine, not a breath of wind, small glassy waves peeling just offshore, a fresh brew of coffee in my hand… meanwhile down in the South Island, roads are closed due to sub-zero snowfall to low levels, chains are required for even 4×4 vehicles to access some ski areas, and on the webcams the lift-line queues are getting longer and longer as powder fiends head up for what will be one of the MOST EPIC DAYS of the season.
Why some people are scared of ‘carbon’ and frightened by ‘carbon dioxide’ is a mystery I will never comprehend nor understand. Every day now the sun is a little closer, a little further south, a little warmer… thank goodness the seasons haven’t changed. Relax – go with it – it’s natural. 😃
“Good morning everyone, except the scientifically illiterate folks that claim CO2 is pollution”
Apparently the major jet streams are getting wobbly because the sun’s energy is in a waning period. That’s why we are seeing this pattern of warm on one side of the streams, cold the other. Possible example of this in Oz the past few days – north very warm, south very cold, as a weather front cuts the nation in half. Electroverse has info on this. So the current slightly weird weather patterns we are seeing are due to…. global cooling. Yep.
This needs to be put up on every unthreaded.
Make a differance, be the differance. Speak up now or we will never be heard from again.
Maybe some will want to include the link below.
The only cause of heart attacks that will be deemed misinformation is a link to COVID vaccines.
This young fella seems to have touched a nerve in the US with this song.
A harsh but timely message.
Maui Fires & WEF plan for Hawaii
Skittles Are The Latest Bud Light After Releasing Trans BLM Packaging
Skittles, the borderline poisonous kids candy, is the latest product to throw all in with wokeness after it released special edition packaging celebrating transgenderism and the Black Lives Matter organisation.
The normal red and rainbow packaging has been replaced with black and white packet replete with a trans flag and the phrase “Black Trans Lives Matter”.
The confectionary, owned by the Wrigley Company, in turn owned by Mars Incorporated, has also whacked a drag queen on the packet for good measure.
The packaging was designed along with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation organisation.
They just don’t learn!
It’s almost some form of business suicide deathwish or attention seeking.
Leave the kids alone, and let them have normal healthy childhoods, free of pervs and predators.
Crystal Ball Gazing – The Wars – WWIII – The Economies, The Future etc.
* All sides are ratcheting up both internally and externally.
* For the USA it’s very much a money exercise – they can spend the money if their mega corporations get the resources.
However the USA is crashing in all respects.
* Russia is surviving well.
* China has serious economic problems but has done a lot of preparation.
* BRICs+++ is replacing the USD$ but that is being strongly opposed by the USA financial sector and could deteriorate from financial warfare into military warfare. The destruction of Nordstream being a classic example.
* The USA has serious economic and societal problems. What’s basically happening is that the middle class is being destroyed and the USA is being turned into a 3rd. world country.
Trigger Points
* Poland (and Lithuania) invade Ukraine.
* Tensions escalate in the Black Sea.
* NATO \ The USA \ London does something really stupid.
* China invades outlying islands of Taiwan.
* The USA does something really stupid.
There’s a lot of things that could happen and things can change very quickly.
What to Do?
* disconnecting and standing back.
* not feeding the beast – being part of the solution not the problem..
* localising.
* castling.
* prepping.
* being as self sufficient and in self control as much as possible.
Actually the USA us not crashing in all respects; BRICS will absolutely NOT replace the USD, despite the hype.
USA societal issues are about to go ballistic.
Countries to do something stupid? So they’ve been normal so far?
Also factor in CBDC’s as a CRITICAL item of concern.
Those who are debt free and self sufficient for food and energy will be best off. Others, the vast majority, you can guess.
Timeline: 2nd or 3rd quarter next year.
BRICS dont need to replace the US dollar, they just want to stop using it themselves. They wont have tooo much concern what the USD is or isnt doing.
Tuesday atmospheric curiosity
Photo from the ISS in 2019 of a blue jet, 1 of 5, over Nauru from the Troposphere into the Stratosphere.
Hello photoshop.
Go sit with fig leaf.😁
IT BEGINS: UN Insider Reveals Biden Will Declare ‘Climate Emergency’ and Ration Meat, Gas and Electricity
Joe Biden is about to sign an executive order that will declare a “climate emergency,” granting the executive sweeping new powers to enforce rations, lockdowns and other tyrannical measures in order to “save the planet” from “global warming,” according to a United Nations (UN) insider who has been working with the Democrat president.
According to the Heartland Institute, who revealed that Biden has been working with the UN to prepare the “climate emergency,” the executive order will see see “gas rationing, restrictions on electricity use, and limits on air travel.”
The EO will also place limits on meat and dairy consumption in order to meet the “Net Zero” goals of the globalist green agenda.
You want to see “peaceful protests”. I’ll show you “peaceful protests” if Biden signs this one.
Oh boy…
The top 20 reasons for heart attacks revealed
The one is a classic.
Dr. Goddek’s site is definitely one to bookmark.
It’s been removed!
Imagine a 4.3 MILLION km high tidal wave
When it comes to deep space phenomena, the gigantic plasma waves breaking around star system MACHO 80.7443.1718 – so named for the MACHO Project that first spotted it in the 1990s – really do take some beating.
MACHO 80.7443.1718 is what’s known as a heartbeat star, a binary star system where two stars orbit each other with drastically variable distances between them. They get their name from the way they pulse in brightness, as a heartbeat might do on an electrocardiogram.
In this system, tidal waves of ultra-hot matter roll across the larger star – which is some 35 times the mass of our own Sun – as the smaller star swings closer to it, during the celestial dance that the two stars are engaged in.
And it’s difficult to comprehend the size of these waves, which reach about a fifth of the radius of the larger star: the waves can reach some 4.3 million kilometers (2.7 million miles) high, taller than three of our own Suns stacked on top of each other.
It’s the sort of event that would be the centerpiece of a science fiction movie. At certain points, these rising and falling waves completely envelop the secondary star, as the researchers demonstrate in a video simulation.
“Each crash of the star’s towering tidal waves releases enough energy to disintegrate our entire planet several hundred times over,” says astrophysicist Morgan MacLeod, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the US. “These are really big waves.”
Surfin’ USA…
Tuesday entertainment: And you think Teslas catch fire fast
Must be a Monday.
Australia’s chief scientist Cathy Foley tells Q+A carbon reduction must increase by eight times to curb climate change.
And all the “experts” talk as though Australia can curb climate change.
I wondered what the next California mega project would be to follow up the fast rail triumph.
Off shore windmills in a couple thousand feet of water. Courageous decision Minister.
The Budwieser tents at Sturgis.
A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze
Some of the most common words in the English language have gender markers, including pronouns. But not all of them are binary. Consider the singular “they,” preferred by some nonbinary and trans people for whom gendered pronouns do not fit.
And then there are neopronouns (“new” pronouns), gender-neutral or nonbinary pronouns that are distinct from the common she, he and they. Neopronouns include terms like “xe” and “em,” and some of them even date back several centuries, when they were introduced by writers as a solution for referring to subjects without assuming gender. Now, they’re also commonly used by nonbinary and trans people.
All pronouns indicate identity and can be used to include or exclude people they describe — neopronouns included, said Dennis Baron, one of the foremost experts on neopronouns and their histories and an emeritus professor of English and Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Neopronouns should be used and respected like any other pronoun, he told CNN.
[snip ]
Journalist Mia Ashton noted the use of “leaf” pronouns and said, “I like the nounself pronouns towards the end. Leaf/leafself, star/starself.” She added sarcastically, “This is certainly indicative of a totally normal community without any mental health issues whatsoever.”
They can identify as anything they want but I refuse to indulge their BS because they demand I do.
Hello this is 999… which pronoun do you require? I’m sorry, we cannot respond to your emergency until we know how you identify.
People forget they had an identity at birth before they even knew about gender or their name. What was wrong with that identity?
Lionel Shriver & Rob Henderson: gender and climate obsession will destroy the West