A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Physically Meaningless Mathematical Construct of GAST
Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) is a simple average of two waveforms: the Northern Hemisphere cycle (NH) and the Southern Hemisphere cycle (SH). The following analysis shows the resultant (World, GAST ) makes no physical sense in the default World graph of the NCEP CFSV2/CFSR dataset that prompted the WMO to declare the “hottest day” record here:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
Now take a look at Clive Best’s Aug 2017 post to see a figure from one of his papers which shows all three waveforms plotted simultaneously:
Global absolute temperature – Clive Best
Figure 1. a) Daily values of the global average temperature – Northern, Global, Southern (K)
Given the graphs at Climate Reanalyzer it is easy enough to come up with the following:
1) The NH and SH waves are locked in a completely out of phase state travelling in the same direction at same speed.
2) The two waveforms are not identical.
3) The resultant World is not a dead straight line but cyclic.
4) The means of each are not the same; NH is offset above the SH. The resultant World mean is above the SH mean and below the NH mean but not by the same margin.
5) The amplitudes are not the same; NH is much greater than SH and completely overlaps SH but the amplitude of the resultant World is much less than NH and even less than SH.
6) The phase of the resultant World is completely in phase with NH but completely out of phase with SH.
Now for the following keep in mind the enormous economic disruption based on the UN’s “1.5 C limit” and GAST.
Maximum Temperatures in NCEP CFSV2/CFSR
22.62 – NH Jul 25 2023
17.23 – World Jul 6 2023 (the “Hottest Day”)
17.08 – SH Feb 6 2003
14.80 is the 1.5 C “limit” from a NASA GISS 1880 base, therefore:
About half of every year is always above the “limit”.
So although mathematically correct the resultant average and any “limit” applied to it has no physical relevance – it is a physically meaningless mathematical construct and yet it is the basis for reordering global commerce, industry, agriculture and lifestyles.
Note that application varies e.g. data in this article would put the “limit” at 15 C:
Explained: The 1.5 C climate benchmark
Makes little difference. A large part of every year is still above the “limit” whether 14.8 or 15.
This wave analysis has only arisen because the WMO focused attention on the “hottest day” of absolute GAST in the NCEP CFSV2/CFSR reanalysis dataset. Previously anomalies have been the primary consideration but there are no cycles and waveforms in anomaly datasets.
>”A large part of every year is still above the “limit” whether 14.8 or 15″
The present mean is around 14.4 so there’s another 0.6 to go to 15.
At the 2000 – 2023 trend of 0.1 C/decade it will take 60 yrs to cross the “limit” on a sustained basis (assuming that trend continues).
Around 2083.
Anyone panicked by this?
>”About half of every year is always above the “limit”.”
Been that way for all the years in the NCEP CFSV2/CFSR reanalysis dataset.
44 years now.
So what do you make of this?
>”15ºC above average” in Southern Australia.
May have moved the SH up a tad but Antarctic was up a bit too.
SH up from 11.68 to 12.11 and back down to 11.75.
Given SA is still up but both SH and Antarctica are back down there may have been no effect at all i.e. the SA anomaly is offset somewhere else. That can happen in a wavy jetstream regime.
Check out 500hPa Jetstream, 250hPa Jetstream, 2m Temp Anomaly, and Mean SL Pressure here:
Click on the globe until you get to Australia. Scroll down to the map in the bottom panel to get a better picture. Click on that to rotate too.
The anomaly table right at the bottom is the same data as on the Daily 2-meter Air Temperature graphs (mouse-over to see).
Its generally understood that a meandering jet stream will cause high pressure blocking, the 2019 bushfire season and the later floods in Queensland and northern NSW were directly related to blocking in the Tasman Sea.
Do you know what causes the jet stream to meander?
El G >”Do you know what causes the jet stream to meander?”
No, just a vague impression.
Plenty of scientific papers, including the “warming poles” hypothesis debunked by Antarctica, but nothing definitive of actual cause that I know of.
But if you dig deep you will find papers correlating jet stream with solar output. From a DDG search – scientific papers linking jetstream to low solar activity – 4th on the list was this:
In References I see “Lockwood, M”. He is one of the IPCC’s solar specialists and I’ve corresponded with him re his papers.
When on IPCC business he’s solidly CO2-centric. His other considerable papers not so much. Much of which is solar-centric.
Live worm found inside Australian woman’s brain in groundbreaking case
Australian medical experts found a live 8cms long roundworm from a python snake inside a NSW woman’s brain, the first case of its kind in the world.
Details of the shocking case were released today by the Australian National University and the Canberra Hospital.
The Ophidascaris robertsi roundworm was pulled from the 64-year-old woman after brain surgery, still alive and wriggling.
That’s different.
In days gone by, people were sensible, and cleared the wilderness and removed the wildlife prior to settlement. We have unlearned these sensible precautions, and the modern ecoworship religion ignores the hazards of wild living. Can’t we all live in harmony with the pythonic nematodes, they scream.
Those who remember the historical precautions will outlive those who don’t.
So, this person was foraging for wild greens in a wild place and you want to remove all wildlife to make this practice safe, but as a consequence, the greens will also be removed.
Remove the bees. They sting.
Also, back in the day, it was normal for people to wash produce before consuming it, especially if it was picked in the wild.
Quite possible they did wash the food and cook it, but transferred the eggs from hand to mouth. ie hand washing was the problem.
“This alarming case raises concerns about the increasing risk of zoonotic diseases as human and animal habitats continue to overlap”
Jeez Dave, stop it!
I spewed my java all over my lap.
Overlapping habit?!
Net Zero Overlapping or We’re All Gonna Die!
Or, is this ‘them’ saying the quite part out loud?
Is it the animals or the humans that must be removed from the ‘overlapping habitat’?
The great of era of science and rationality I was born into, is gone.
The intelligentsia (from which I was excluded as accident of birth) that produced modernity, has morphed into neo pagan human sacrifice cult.
‘Zoonotic’… who made us the zoo keepers?
Tuesday entertainment: US police drive through climate loons roadblock
Climate activists blocking the road to the Burning Man festival ?
Why would they block a road to a festival which supports their own cause ?
Someone is confused ?
Maybe they saw the hypocrisy with the burning at the closing of the festival.
I read that they were ticked off about the continuing amounts of single use plastic among other non eco things like gas for heating food.
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Rangers
Modest Texas town repurposed into a dumping ground for expired wind turbine blades
WIND TURBINE BLADE GRAVEYARD: The Darkside Of Green Energy×900
Don’t they look beautiful?
Actually, I think old windmills should be left standing and the words written on the blades (one word on each) MONUMENT TO STUPIDITY.
It would be even better to also add names to the towers of various people behind the promotion, past and present, of the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Don’t let them bury their mistakes.
>”Don’t let them bury their mistakes”
Those are supposed to recycled – not buried.
Put all the carpetbaggers involved into “gated communities” powered by renewables and everything recycled . Over the gate you have “Net Zero is best” . When it goes pear shaped tell them that they will have to try harder . Tell them that failure is their fault…..
3M to pay billions to settle lawsuits over US military earplugs
More than 300,000 troops claim they suffered hearing loss and tinnitus due to company’s faulty product.
American multinational conglomerate 3M has agreed to pay more than $5.5 billion to settle hundreds of thousands of lawsuits, claiming that it supplied defective combat earplugs to the US military, people familiar with the deal told Bloomberg.
According to the agreement, the company will be paying the money out over a five-year period, the agency reported on Sunday. 3M’s board is yet to sign off on the settlement, it added.
When approached on the issue by Bloomberg, a representative of 3M said the company does not comment on rumors or speculation.
3M faces more than 300,000 lawsuits from US troops, consolidated in a multi-district litigation, claiming that the earplugs that the company’s subsidiary Aearo Technologies provided to the military between 2003 and 2015 were defective, and failed to protect their users from hearing loss and tinnitus.
3M – the maker of the ubiquitous N95 and R95 face masks.
I wonder…
Fools.. every firearm should be supplied with a silencer, its simple. I see a lot of soldiers are using them in Ukraine at the moment. It was compulsory at the indoor rimfire range we used to go to, along with 4″ thick insulation on the walls & ceiling.
I’m afraid its not like the movies, they don’t make a gun go pft, but they reduce the crucial peak noise for the user and people standing beside them. An earlier example of complete stupidity of Govts believing fairy tales and making life worse for their citizens.
Hardly fools. The are dealing with combat requirements not shooting paper. Silencers have implications for weapon length, weight and maintenance. After a 100 years + you would think they would be in general use if it was such a good thing.
You have a LOT to learn…
Commonly called flashback arrestors or oil filters (Google it) and yes I know a flashback arrestor or muzzle brake are a different beastie. Suppressors are illegal in Oz without a permit but do remove the sound of the cartridge going off , unless the projectile is subsonic however the resultant boom can be very loud . In a military application suppression would be useful or practical in just a few situations that I can think of . Ironically you could buy a silencer legally over the counter in the ACT years ago as long as it was sold as a flashback arrestor .
If the projectile goes under the sound barrier and you have a suppressor the only sound is the click of the firing pin (non centrefire) I have never tried centre fire suppressed but I imagine it would be the same .
the suppressed centrefire is very loud even with subsonic ammunition, although quieter
the suppressors help with accuracy and it is very hard to tell where the shot came from
suppressors are not flashback arrestors they are a totally different thing
l used to work for a pro hunter where we used them but in all honesty is was a gimmick that helped get work
an assassins supressed firearm l am sure is different to a longarm but would be useless at range
60% Of Women Have Suffered Some Form of Sexual Harassment or Assault in US McMurdo Station in Antarctica
Now, the cold hard truth about the life on the station is coming to light, as the National Science Foundation published a report in which 59% of women said they’d experienced harassment or assault while on the station.
Worse – an Associated Press investigation found that, quite often, claims of harassment or assault are minimized by employers.
“Mechanic Liz Monahon told the AP a man at the base threatened her in 2021, but her employers did little to protect her. So she grabbed a hammer and kept it on her at all times.
‘If he came anywhere near me, I was going to start swinging at him’, Monahon said. ‘I decided that I was going to survive’.”
The man, who had a criminal record in New Zealand, was eventually sent off Antarctica – but the problem persists., as problems with the base’s drinking culture had been going on for years.
Well, maybe they should shut down the world’s southern most brewery.
What, you didn’t know? 😎
Was “cold hard truth” on purpose?
Goodness no John, just another bit of very special knowledge, eh?
What’s happening in China? Floods, quakes and now fires.
State capitalism has failed and Xi knows it, where to from here?
To butcher Dorothea McKellar’s classic poem:
“The wide, brown land for Xi”?
He and his cronies already own major ports, vast chunks of real-estate, entire industries, and a huge percentage of churnalists, wankerdemics, pubic serpents and pollie muppets, so……………
Its the free enterprise model, the US owns more of Australia.
The economic problem confronting Beijing cannot be easily fixed, China’s currency is falling sharply and against sound advice they are reducing interest rates. Its unorthodox, so we’ll have to see how it pans out.
The collapse of the property market and mass unemployment could theoretically see a general uprising. After the restrictive Covid lockdowns and man made floods, the authorities have only themselves to blame, but is it enough to bring down the CCP Dynasty?
…..and the UK the most !
The whole world has gone that way with privatisation since the 1980s. NZ has a dozen or two multi-millionaires who got in as the Govt sold off State Depts, and the financial consultants handling the sales made them selves millionaires too.
Railways, TV, radio stations, telcoms, electricity generation, airlines, all monopolies to the person who gets their hands on them first. If they had not been monopolised by Govts in the first place we would have had a chance of competition, but selling them as they did was never going to work. The idea of giving every citizen shares in the companies was a better one.
Its a good thing the Govts never set up the internet and offered it to us like TV!
99% of ‘Covid deaths’ not primarily caused by the virus, CDC data shows.
Nearly 99 percent of ‘Covid deaths’ reported by the CDC each week are not primarily caused by the virus, official data shows.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Covid dashboard shows just 1.7 percent of the 324 Covid deaths registered in the week ending August 19 had the coronavirus as the primary cause of death.
The figures suggest just a handful of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week. For comparison, the virus was behind one in three ‘Covid deaths’ at America’s pandemic peak in 2021.
The primary or underlying cause of death is defined as the disease, situation or event that initiated the chain of events directly resulting in death.
Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer
The surgical N95 mask has been held up as the gold standard when it comes to protecting against Covid.
But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals.
Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea looked at two types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several reusable cotton masks.
The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).
Inhaling TVOCs has been linked to health issues like headaches and nausea, while prolonged and repeated has been linked to organ damage and even cancer.
From The Australian 29 August 2023
Meta runs Facebook
RMIT FactLab and ABC FactCHeck are both run by director Russell Skelton. Skelton is a journalist with The Age and a former ABC employee. Married to ABC presenter Virginia Trioli.
Imagine how outrageously biased it must have been if even Meta thought it was too biased for their own low “standards”.
Plus, talk about foreign interference in an Australian Constitutional referendum.
Actually, I believe it was the Australian Government and The Voice propagandists who invited Meta to interfere in an Australian political referendum.
Wow that’s quite a pedigree at the end isnt it?
Any chance of the best bits of the Australian article, it’s paywalled?
This pledge used to be said in Australian primary schools every morning.
Imagine the trouble you’d be in with the Left if you tried to say that today!
The bit about serving queens is probably ok
We can see beyond the big bang, so where does god fit in?
They will probably want to change the flag to incorporate the original inhabitants, but I can’t see this happening before we become a Republic and the same goes for the Monarch.
‘ … cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law.’
Students are overwhelmed by social media and can be disrespectful towards authority, its the nature of youth in a modern society. Teachers and parents have to earn their respect, to encourage them in the right direction.
Leave the words in the mix, think of it as aspirational.
El Gordo,
God belongs in the same place as all the other things we don’t know and can’t explain . Cheerful obedience from my kids ? hilarious. The rest as we know is corrupted . The demise of objective reality puts us all in peril.
Perhaps we should ask AI about god, something tangible, like who really built the Pyramids>?
The demise of objective reality might well liberate our minds, to see in a broader perspective.
What do you make of crop circles?
“Open the pod-bay doors, HAL”.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.”
So you say we can see beyond it, which means we can see it, do you have any quality CGI for show and tell?
I don’t think reality lingers long in your objective mind.
Its my artistic temperament, I paint fantasy landscapes.
Did you know two landscape artists, Dave Chorley and Douglas Bower orchestrated the crop circle phenomenon? There were copycats, but they lacked the skill and humour of those two.
Must of been a very long time ago
Received this recently, but have not researched it completely. Can any of the NZ contributors shed some light? Sounds fearsome. ToM
Power Transfer
Something from a Kiwi friend about the results of their “Voice”, namely Treaty of Waitangi,
and its disastrous consequences for the majority of New Zealanders:
Let us make no mistake about what is happening here in New Zealand right now.
The Mongrel Mob has endorsed the Labour – Greens – Maori Party coalition and we are also witnessing a transfer of democratic power from ‘all the people’to an ANTI-DEMOCRATIC private sector: namely, a multi-billion-dollar tribal elite.
Via the NZ taxpayer they have already been paid $4.79 billion with not having to pay taxes. That is now worth in excess of $11 billion. And they still want more. Due to the $105 million gift (bribe) that the news media received from this government, most in the media sector are no longer providing balance in their reporting.
Increasingly they are vilifying those who stand up as a voice of opposition to what the government is doing, particularly when it comes to race based topics.
Now let’s look at just a few events that have been passed by the current gov’t and/or are being contemplated to be enacted from their racist ‘He Puapua Plan’ and/or from policy off the Maori Party’s own website.
Ø Local Government: The abolition of the right of local communities to hold a binding referendum on Maori Ward Seats on Councils. (ALREADY DONE)
Ø A separate Maori Health Authority funded by the taxpayer with veto rights over the entire health system. (ALREADY DONE)
Ø Maori patients to be prioritised over non-Maori (irrespective of the need of the patient). (ALREADY DONE)
Ø Water: Granting Maori rights to ALL fresh water, the Seabed & Foreshore from mean high tide out to 12 nautical miles. Giving Maori access to funding for their legal costs to make a claim, BUT the opponents to Maori claims must fund their own legal costs. (IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DONE)
Ø Replace all non-Maori names for cities, towns & roads to Maori by 2026. (IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DONE)
Ø Change New Zealand’s name to Aotearoa by 2026 even though it was never called that name by Maori. The origin of the word Aotearoa came from a European in the late 1800’s. They do not want a referendum to be held. (STEALTHILY BEING DONE NOW)
Ø Using Hori lingo for naming of government departments (NEARLY DONE)
Ø Re-open the Treaty settlement process enabling tribal claims on private land.(IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DONE)
Ø Entrench the Maori seats and forcing all Maori to register on the Maori electoral roll (A MOVE THAT WOULD RESULT IN DOUBLING OF THE NUMBER OF MAORI SEATS)
Ø Establish a Maori Parliament.
Ø Waitangi Tribal recommendations would become binding on the Government (GIVING THE TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR LEGAL STATUS TO PARLIAMENT)
Ø Compulsory teaching of Hori lingo in all classes up to year 10 (secondary school) (IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DONE)
Ø Require all Primary Schools to have 25% of their curriculum by 2026 and 50% by 2030 in Hori lingo.
Ø A new constitution based on the revised interpretation of Treaty of Waitangi. Their ambition is to control the country – (THIS REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANT THREAT TO NEW ZEALAND’S FUTURE).
If we do not speak out, talk about it, or discuss it because we are afraid, then the protagonists of these racist, separatist and divisive policies mentioned above have won.
Make no mistake about it, to stop you voicing your concerns, the antagonists will label you as being racist in order to stop you from speaking out. Do not be afraid to be outspoken if we want to save our democracy, ü if we want one law for all, ü if we one health system for all, ü if we want to be able to enjoy all the land, the national reserves & parks and the sea without being intimidated, ü if we want one person – one vote, then we have no option but to get out of our comfort zones and engage in protest by means that may not come easily to us.”
It is time to stand up & fight back. WE MUST so that we can pass on this amazing country as we knew it to our children and our grandchildren; a peace-loving multicultural country.
We are saddened to say that to vote Labour this year, you will be giving a vote to the strong Maori caucus within Labour, The Greens, and the Maori Party, so that they can continue with their race-based agenda in implementing He Puapua and the Maori Party’s race-based agenda (according to their web site) to the detriment of this amazing country.
Ø Hori lingo must be visible and used in all places such as T.V. radio, road signs, maps, and the education system (IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DONE)
If Australia implements the racist The Voice (And isn’t that a stupid name), it will be interpreted by activist “judges” in the High Court. It will be beyond the power of Parliament as it will be a part of the Constitution.
It is very dangerous indeed, and most people don’t have a clue.
Yes, I’ve just received a copy of the referendum booklet- I would urge everyone to put it in a safe place for their great-grandchildren to look at and see how the country compares to what they said would happen.
NZ is a superb example of where the voice is going, but they don’t want that talked about. The Voice- They didn’t want it called The Aboriginal Parliament, or The aboriginal Consent Committee, they needed something innocuous that didn’t say anything about what is coming!
…and for all my bitching about Govt and what a failure democracy is, it seems I’m a stronger believer in ‘one-man one-vote’ and ‘equality before the law’ than at least half the population!
There is a better than even chance that Australians will vote NO.
We will be called racist and backward, but I don’t care. Its irrational, divisive and unnecessary, Albo’s political folly.
I am not so sanguine. The massive lying ad campaign will aim to show the unsure (ie: those not paying attention to anything, sorry rude, but true) that – as Albo says – just about being polite, just a simple recognition, nothing to see here – now think about summer and the cricket.
Remember the old wisdom from Stalin:
“It’s not who votes that counts, bur who counts the votes”.
If the rules for “scrutineering” have been “altered” for this “event” and if electronic devices are involved in the counting and tallying, it is all too late.
Good night and good luck!
E-G, its the first time I regret not being allowed to vote in Aussie. Political elections I wouldn’t anyway, it doesn’t matter who wins, but this time the outcome will have a real effect on the country.
Of course if people do vote over 50% No, the people tallying the votes will make sure it gets a Yes.
Don’t worry about tally fraud, our electoral system is sound.
I’m confident of a win for the NO vote because the people aren’t stupid, this vote is not a plebiscite for changing the flag. Its a serious business dealing with the constitution and the numbers are up on the board.
‘Australians have rejected most proposals for constitutional amendments, approving only 8 out of 44 referendums submitted to them since federation.’ (wiki)
As for Oz, The Voice and the Welcome to Country:
Whose land are you living on?
Whose land am I living on?
For how long will we be permitted to live where we live?
“John Kerry: Climate Deniers “lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria”
Did the Maori have a written language and, if not, how does the message get on the signs ?
My friend Doug was on a train going into Perth. Doug was heavily involved in Oral History in WA, A Maori on the train asked what Doug did. Doug told him that he was an oral historian. The big Maori shook Doug’s hand. The Maori told Doug that Oral history had save the Maori’s history. The Maori princes had to learn off by heart their history from when they left their islands in the Eastern Pacific to come to New Zealand and up to the current date. It would take a couple of days to recite this history. Now it has been recorded in written/typed documents.
Just saw this –
Covid Vaccines Killer Pathologies in a Name Only: Spikeopathy!
Huge, Chilling Study on mRNA Genic Serums’ Serious Adverse Reactions
An anthological research summarizing all the most important studies on the pathologies caused by the antiCovid mRNA genic serums was published on June 17, peer-reviewed on July 17, accepted on July 24 and published on August 17 in the specialized journal Biomedicine of the authoritative Swiss medical journals MDPI.
It is entitled “Spikeopathy”: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA.
Australian University Research Based on 253 International Studies
It was published by Australian scientists Peter I Parry of the Children’s Health Clinical Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, South Brisbane, Australia, Astrid Lefringhausen, Robyn Cosford and Julian Gillespie, Children’s Health Defense (Australia Chapter) , Huskisson, Conny Turni, Microbiological Research, QAAFI (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation), University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Christopher J. Neil, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, and Nicholas J. Hudson, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
It is a colossal work of scientific literature based on 253 studies in which the most significant ones are cited on the toxicity of the Spike protein and of the vaccines that trigger it in the body through mRNA vectors, published in the last two years by the scientists we have repeatedly mentioned on Gospa News since the first months of distribution of these new experimental and dangerous pharmacological biotechnologies at the beginning of 2021.
In fact, the works on autoimmune diseases by the American biophysicist Stephanie Seneff, a scientist at the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Cambridge, an by is compatriot cardiologist Peter McCullough , those on the risks of cancer by the British oncologist Angus Dalgleish, those of the genomics expert Kevin McKernan on the cellular replication of DNA Spike plasmids in the human body, those of the American chemist Alana F. Ogatawho was among the first to denounce the dangers of Genetic sera mRNA Moderna (source 52), and obviously the disturbing and revolutionary one by the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla on the toxic nanoparticles of the Comirnaty vaccine by Pfizer-Biontech could not be missing.
This is a shocking reading that should lead the world health authorities to immediately stop the administration of mRNA genie serums as the toxicity of Spike is now ascertained.
Paper link:
‘Successful No vote would be a victory for democracy.
‘A No vote would signify a common and universal vision of humanity in which all Australians enjoy exactly the same civic status, regardless of their race or background.’ (Greg Sheridan / Oz)
“John Kerry: Climate Deniers “lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria”
Fact Checking the Tucker Carlson – Col MacGregor Interview of August 21st
I have always thought Macgregor to be full of it and Carlson to be so anti-Ukraine to be verging Russian shill but I cannot make the case. Ryan McBeth is knowledgeable enough to do so.
Carlson actually believes that Russia is winning the war and that says a lot , I used to like him but not so much now .
He us not alone, even US military has that fear for reasons.
10 says Carlson is chasing Putin for an interview. Possible, but not common for Putin to talk to overseas journos. It would be interesting, I’d expect audience figures to be right up here with Trump’s. Probably get Carlson assassinated soon after..
Doubt it, believe it or not, most people have no interest in the delusional rantings of an evil psychopath.
McBeth is reportedly an Army Vet and a triathlete.
How come he looks so weak and pudgy?
Probably something to do with the passage of time. We where all something else once.
l could not watch after the first five minutes as what he was accusing Tucker of he was doing himself
click bait, send him $5 LOL
but if you really want to see where all your tax money sent to Ukronato is going, have a look at the Dreizin report for up close and personal big video dumps of Leopard tank, Abrahams and bushmaster graveyards since the 16th of June when Ukronato started their offensive
warning, not for the emotional damaged, many western game changing nato armaments destroyed making these videos
and just remember more nato bombs will eventually bring peace to the common people of Ukraine
We all know that climate was perfect back in 1850 before the rapid industrialisation with uptake of fossil fuel consumption.
So the fact that the peak sunlight at summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is declining while the peak summer solstice sunlight in the NH is increasing obviously has nothing to do with the observed climate trends:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhkmq3-BAAhq52acK?e=imHcbe
A close look at the chart also shows the decline at the South Pole is slightly more than the decline at the equator while the increase at the North Pole is slightly more than the equator. If the peak sunlight had any bearing on temperature, which of course it doesn’t, the future increase in peak sunlight for the next 400 years is accelerating compared with the past 400 years. The NH experienced its lowest summer solstice sunlight 500 years back in 1509.
The climate models are able to accumulate the imaginary energy imbalance from CO2 in the oceans but that does not happen with real changing peak sunlight. So this changing sunlight is a curious distraction.
I was looking at a website about the Ukraine war and the discussion was about the statements of assorted politicians and experts. This passage stood out:
“None of our so-called leaders have any technical knowledge and can be fed this kind of bs by their “intelligence” agencies and have no intellectual tools or technical experience to detect it. So they simply parrot the story, hoping it will make them look smart but with the opposite effect.”
We see a lot of this today with Albanese and Bowen and assorted State energy ministers.
“The Daily Game of Pretend”
“Introducing Disease X: An Innocent Vaccine Program Waiting for a New Illness”
Tucker Carlson Apologizes To Hungary On Behalf Of America, Slams ‘Disgusting’ US Ambassador Over Lack Of Diplomacy”
Being a bit of a language nerd, I don’t think one can apologize (or be proud of) for something another person does. I agree with Carlson’s sentiments, just not the words he uses.