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Apple advertising goes full Climate Cult

By Jo Nova

Apple aims at customers with too much money and a desperate need to feel smug

You too can save the world, by spending two-grand on the latest tech-wear — not because it’s lighter, better, faster, bigger, or more useful, but because you want to look like you care about stopping bad weather and bush fires. Signal your virtue to the world! Wear your smug-watch and smile. It’s carbon neutral, and you are the leading carbon-show-off in the class. (Pretend you care about the kids mining cobalt in the Congo, or the Uighur camps in Xinjiang.  Oh nevermind.)

There is a spiritual void out there in 2023 and Apple wants to fill it. But this religion is a world of shallow consumerism and point-scoring, pretending it is deeply philosophical and generous.  Apple are this close to turning their brand into a teachy-preachy pagan apostle of Gaia.

And did Mother Nature say she controls the weather? Oops. What are all the windfarms for?

Mother Nature is a bossy black woman, wouldn’t you know, and the word for the advert is “cringeworthy“.

This adverts sums up everything about the motivations of the average climate acolyte. Like a Gucci handbag, it’s all for show but who cares what it can carry? Will solar panels stop the storms or wind turbines hold back the tide? Doesnt matter, as long as you can fake it.

As Heel versus Babyface says:  “Best advert for android I’ve ever seen.”

h/t Stephen Neil, John Connor III




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