A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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(Canadian Environment Minister) Guilbeault criticizes Canada from Beijing but silent on China
There used to be a convention in Canada that politicians didn’t criticize our own country while they were visiting other countries.
Primarily, this was applied to opposition politicians because there would be no reason for a government MP to criticize Canada on foreign soil.
But last week, Justin Trudeau’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change decided to be critical of Canada twice, on environmental issues, while he was visiting China.
Steven Guilbeault wrapped up a meeting on Thursday with the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. This is an organization founded and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party of China but Guilbeault serves as executive vice president of the group…
Canada is in full self-destruct mode under their worst-ever PM.
See video: Canada’s woke nightmare. A warning to the West.
How Canada is becoming an Orwellian Leftist totalitarian state (a tautology I know) under Trudeau.
Well worth the time to watch. So many parallels with what is occurring in Australia.
Functionally, Kanaduh is a wholly Chinese owned vassal state.
It is core doctrine of socialism, traditional Chinese cultural philosophy and, unsurprisingly, Islam, that “reversion” is a capital crime.
A the old saying goes:
“All must pay tribute to the Emperor”. (Or nominated earthly “deity”.)
China has poisoned much of its limited farming land and is rapidly exhausting internal resources, all the while playing havoc with its population “dynamics.. They will MOT “go quietly”. Hence the continuous sabre-rattling over Taiwan, and vast swathes of territory in the “South China Sea.
All the Western “Emperor Worshipers should be acutely aware the, having willingly or otherwise taken the Emperors Yuan, they are under a blood obligation to SERVE. Viz: Kanaduh, Un Zud and the Penal Colonies of New Holland. The Untidy States is teetering on the edge. Thinking the game is “chess” when in fact it is it is “Chinese Checkers” is a fatal mistake.
Furthermore, if China “implodes, the consequences will bi “interesting. A couple of hundred thousand “refugees” targeting southern Europe? Consider a s couple of hundred MILLION hungry surging into their southern neighbours.
Then consider the openly-stated intentions of our “home-grown” Eco-Nazis have in mind. “Interesting Times”, indeed.
Well said, Bruce.
Less than 20% of (Canadian) federally funded EV charging stations are operational
Just in case anyone was looking for another reason not to buy EVs….
“Flooded Tesla EVs From Hurricane Ian Exploding All Over Florida”
“Flooded Tesla EVs From Hurricane Ian Exploding All Over Florida”
That was 10 months ago. But it’s happening again.
Boston bans use of fossil fuels in construction of public buildings.
Should be fun to watch them try to build one.
Presumably that means they won’t use concrete, steel girders or indeed even wood, as that will have been felled and processed using fossil fuels
(Meant to post this reply but it wound up #5 below.) I cannot think of a product that is created without using fossil fuels, but I think they mean on site use. Even that is likely impossible. I can hardly wait to see them try to spell this out. How about the trucks that deliver the materials? Or the cranes, diggers, bulldozers, generators, cement mixers, etc.?
If you are ambitious start training for “The Olympics Hod Carrying” event
First thing that crossed my mind was a concrete pump.
Just imagine a concrete pump driven with a crank handle. It would be in tune with shovel mixed concrete
The Egyptians built the pyramids.m
Mud bricks made , loaded by humans and transported by oxen.
We made a mudbrick shed once, but the roof was courtesy of Colorbond!
Will they allow the use of fossil fuelled machinery to remove the buildings when they collapse after a few years because of being built with substandard materials.
Using stones for hammers and beavers to shape boards and wooden pegs, will there be an on-site video camera so we can watch?
Plenty of “slaves” to do the work. And forget about “Tea Breaks”.
Can’t wait to see the Mayor & his councillors labouring on site wearing only their loin cloth animal skins & bark sandals mixing mud. Can’t see any sane contractor tendering for a contract which would do all in its power to actually prevent any building construction.
Looney Tunes has nothing on these morons! 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
The workers have to drive their pickup trucks to site. Perhaps they intend to use robots (also manufactured using fossil fuels, and re-charged via coal fired power stations.)
Lol!! Who is in charge, a 14 year old high school student?
Not even 14 year old students are as mentally challenged as these councillors!!
Reminds me of the hilarity that ensued when a local government in NSW (I think it was this?) wanted to ban anything coming from Israel.
No doubt there were other problems, but Intel have a massive R&D centre, and a manufacturing plant in Israel, so buying desktop or laptop computers suddenly became very hard, and Intel were effectively the only viable choice at the time.
This was on our local news and now seems to have made national news
Fowey is a tiny Cornish town and the powers that be thought it would be a good idea to introduce giant cruise ships to boost tourism.
There is considerable backlash against over tourism led by Venice. Salzburg is shutting down souvenir shops and trying to limit the number of coach trips. Around here in coastal Devon it is air bn’bs causing the problems as the short term rentals mean that locals are excluded from long term rentals. That has caused a lot of problems as people have to move away so ironically there are fewer people who can serve in the cafes and restaurants. Tourists leave little money in the local economy and I would like to see them become a much smaller part of the local economy.
More on that –
“The darker side of home vacation rentals and property prices”
Yes, identical to the situation you describe.
It has several side effects including local people being made homeless, an extreme shortage of property thereby forcing up rental costs to impossible heighs and forcing people to move sway thereby depriving tourists of the very people who would be serving them in local shops and restaurants.
I cannot think of a product that is created without using fossil fuels, but I think they mean on site use. Even that is likely impossible. I can hardly wait to see them try to spell this out. How about the trucks that deliver the materials? Or the cranes, diggers, bulldozers, generators, cement mixers, etc.?
Totalitarians don’t have to “spell it out”.
They just issue imperial decrees and things will happen, or else.
“No taxation without representation”? Taxation, like Death, is a “given”. “Representation”? Not so much.
Yep , top down “thinking” with nary a care for reality.
Pick a “green”/energy/PC/climate/identity directive and just scrape one layer down and there will be research, no plan, no understanding of what has to be done and if that is possible. Most often you will find emotive drivel and assertions backed by nothing more than being seen to be virtuous (or a fear of offending the self anointed virtuous crowd)
The outcomes are becoming increasingly obvious around the world as the reality they think they can avoid/gloss over/reject comes home to bite. Our own energy future, US Blue City syndrome, Khan’s London, Germany in general are all glowing examples.
Rishi Sunak seems set to allow the expansion of airports
A brave move that will incur the wrath of the greens. He seems much less keen on green things than Boris Johnson.
Or part of his pretend push back courting popularity, in the full knowledge that environmentalists will litigate and the courts will rule against him.
Spot on.
The green nonsense is enshrined in UK law (thanks to Boris Johnson). Therefore, Sunak cannot do anything without changing the law.
Similar with immigration.
It’s all hot air, electioneering. Or as we used to say lies !
Sunak might be allowing airport expansion but as explained by Jeff Taylor in the following video, the courts are unlikely to allow it.
And Sunak also did a terrible thing by opening up the “asylum seeker” flood gates. Just about anyone who wants to go to the UK from Africa or the Arab Middle East will be allowed to come, without even an interview for many of them.
It’s difficult to understand the logic of this and how the UK can possibly accommodate and afford an unlimited inflow of these mostly economic “refugees” when they can’t even house or support their own poor.
Of course, there is no logic. This is part of a UN/WEF plan to destroy Western Civilisation.
SEE Jeff Taylor video:
872 people in 15 small boats crossed the Channel from France to England on Saturday (well those were the ones detected anyway), Sunak promised to stop it.
He can say that, but the reality is he’s just made it easier for them.
It’s actually very logical. When your aim is to sure up the voting base for the globalist agenda, you’d have to be foolish not to allow open borders. Britain is still far too British. Nearly 80%.
“Destroy Western Civilization”?
Not possible.
It’s already “Destroyed”.
Englands immigrants come by boat but our thousands come by plane. we can’t house Australians but still they come. The ALP hopes they will all vote Labor but in the US unlimited immigration causes more minority Hispanics and Blacks to vote Republican. The Democrats in turn try to speed up the process to allow illegals to vote. It would be funny if they vote Republican as well.
He is just a dumb cow
He identifies as a male, therefore dumb bull.
Enoch Powell must be spinning in his grave !
Did you mean to say Neville Chamberlain?
Yes but Boris had a new blonde girl friend he had to please.
Must admit I was surprised by this
I thought the Germans would see sense bearing in mind their acute energy crisis.however it seems the greens have won and the last three nuclear plants have definitely had their day
The greens, aka Marxists, will never accept nuclear power. Nuke plants produce cheap plentiful power, the lifeblood of Capitalism.
Capitalism creates wealth and prosperity.
Prosperity is the enemy of the Left. Therefore nuclear power is never on the table.
..odd ? ..Russia (Marxist ?) seems to happily enjoy Nuclear in all its forms, power , weapons, etc.
The Greens are misguided utopian socialists and they don’t accept nuclear power because of its inherent dangers, better to wait for Fusion Power.
They are certainly chaining together some spectacularly bad decisions.
I guess the give full force to this direction they will also shut down interconnectors to nuclear powered France? or is it we will shut ours down as long as we know other people keep theirs running?
“The Absurdity Of Washing Machine Chips For Russian Missiles”
Liftoff, spin, rinse, repeat.
Liberal Party acts to kill no vote!
What would an average Aussie who is forced to vote by a compulsory voting system do when faced with the knowledge that a ‘No’ vote will mean another trip to the ballot box on what has been sold as the same proposition, constitutional recognition of First Nations Peoples .
A second referendum on constitutional recognition for 1st Nations people (Aboriginals) ;
Seems to me we cannot win . .
That’s the purpose of the Uniparty. Thou shalt not have a choice, you vil own nuffink & you vil be happy , or else!!
They’re no different to Labor. Same policies, different salesmen except that Labor seem to have better salesmen!!
You vill keep voting until ve haf the result ve vant!
Bit like Brexit.
Video about the use of cardboard disposable drones sent to the Ukes from Australia for humanitarian purposes like pharmaceutical drug delivery and reconnaissance but which have been repurposed to deliver weapons.
The Australian designed and manufactures drones are another part of the developments taking place here or completed.
Completed and in the air are the Joint Strike Fighter F-35 steal fighter programme drones developed by Boeing Australia and the RAAF to provide a force multiplier jet aircraft that accompanies F-35 or other RAAF aircraft, or can be flown on missions from ground control alone. Now called Ghost Bat, built near Toowoomba Queensland, and I understand that six to nine have been built already.
There is a large submarine drone being designed in Sydney by a US and Australia joint venture for the RAN and like Ghost Bat for export to allies.
Upcoming mysterious fire or explosion in the drone factory soon…
Nice drone factory you’ve got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.
You’re the voice, try and understand it Make a noise and make it clear, oh, woah We’re not gonna sit in silence We’re not gonna live with fear, oh, woah
This song was originally written as an anti-nuclear protest song back in ‘85. Will there be a subtle word change here and there.
For the Labor Greens Voice this one would have been better …
The time has come
To say fair’s fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact’s a fact
It belongs to them
Let’s give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
The time has come
To say fair’s fair
To pay the rent
Now to pay our share
Yothu Yindi’s ” Treaty ” may have been quite apt…but the lunatic left are a bit shy of that word ” treaty ” until after the referendumb.
So Uluru Statement used Makarratta instead of Treaty, Arnhem Land culture and language of thirteen clans or mobs.
By the way, the air conditioned Aborigines in Canberra, ATSIC, were planning what is now their Uluru Statement at ATSIC.
I hope Australians will see through this latest move to add Farnham’s song to the voice debate.
This is not a song contest . .
AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” would be more appropriate.
And the fact that there’s a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven, tells you about anticipated traffic numbers.
If you’re going with AC/DC, then “the jack” would be quite apt.
Seems that John Farnham does not own the say in who uses that “Voice song” –
From my reading of the “Official” Referendum booklet is appears to me that the question is totally uninformative in describing the actual changes to the constitution as a result of of a “Yes” vote.It indicates that the text of the question to be printed on the paper asks only if APPROVAL for constitutional change is given or rejected(page 8 and back cover).However there is no attempt to state what this alteration would actually comprise, this would be as stated on page 6 of the booklet.In my opinion the question should be along the lines of”Do you approve of altering the constitution by inserting the following.(Followed by the text displayed on page 6) which gives some details of what the vote is about ,but still does not indicate,nor does the booklet make any attempt to describe ,the mechanisms by which these changes would be implemented. so for me, not enough details to justify the vagaries of a “YES” vote.Remember that at all times “The Devil is in The Details”.
So this appears to be Boy Jacinda declaring “there was no compulsory vaccination”.
I saw the Pfizer Twins.
Has VicDan said this yet?
As one of the world’s biggest medical disasters* becomes undeniable, even with extensive censorship, many politicians and public serpents who identify as medical “doctors” (e.g. chief medical officers of the Australian states) will start to tell more lies such as there were no mandates or in regard to vaccine injuries and deaths “we didn’t know” of the dangers.
It’s all documented on this very blog.
They lie on autopilot.
Mandates still exist in Australia for certain professions and in Melbournistan there is a woman being denied a heart transplant because she is not covid vaxxed even though she has a legal exemption from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI).
Don’t let them get away with it.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
*The only other comparable medical disaster is the sterilisation and mutilation of children in woke Western countries associated with the heavy promotion of transgenderism.
*Thalidomide was a terrible disaster as well but affected “only” 10,000 children.
“Sheila Annette Lewis, a Canadian woman who was denied a life-saving organ transplant because she wouldn’t get the Covid jab. Sheila died on Friday without ever getting her transplant.”
Our Governments: they lied, they cheated, they murdered and they have got away with it. Never forget, never forgive.
Is COVID vax required for MAID?
I couldn’t find any reference to compulsory covid vaxx before you get euthanised in Canada but you can get yourself killed just for having a mental illness.
It hasn’t been since the National Socialists that people were euthanised for having such a condition.
Remember the story Kitty Werthmann told about the retarded lad who was sent away for a holiday from where he worked at the school.
Also related. Chris Hipkins, PM of NZ, in two videos. Side by Side.
On the Left, 11 sec., he says everyone who took the jab made their own decision to take it.
On the Right, 30 sec, he says “.. there’s people we’ll need to be chasing up to get their vaccine…”
No mention of coercion, intimidation, internment, loss of jobs, etc. Just another lovely day of Liberty.
Garrick Tremain has Hipkins down pat- usually a ginger-haired kid with a teddy bear.
nobody paid attention? :
-3.1.1. General Overview It is estimated that approximately (b) (4) doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021.
Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 event
-Missing information:
Use in Pregnancy and lactation Use in Paediatric Individuals <12 Years of Age Vaccine Effectiveness
-Cardiovascular AESIs Search criteria:
PTs Acute myocardial infarction; Arrhythmia; Cardiac failure; Cardiac failure acute; Cardiogenic shock; Coronary artery disease; Myocardial infarction; Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; Stress cardiomyopathy; Tachycardia
Number of cases: 1403 (3.3% of the total PM dataset), of which 241 are medically confirmed and 1162 are non-medically confirmed;
Reported relevant PTs: Tachycardia (1098), Arrhythmia (102), Myocardial infarction (89), Cardiac failure (80), Acute myocardial infarction (41), Cardiac failure acute (11), Cardiogenic shock and Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (7 each) and Coronary artery disease (6);
-Musculoskeletal AESIs Search criteria:
PTs Arthralgia; Arthritis; Arthritis bacterialn ; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Polyarthritis; Polyneuropathy; Post viral fatigue syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis
Number of cases: 3600 (8.5% of the total PM dataset), of which 2045 medically confirmed and 1555 non-medically confirmed;
fatal: 1223
-CDC, 7-03-2023:
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA).
-‘The Free Press’:
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’
By Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H. and Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
July 14, 2022
‘Why are they embarrassed? In short, bad science.
The longer answer: that the heads of their agencies are using weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions. That such decisions are being driven by what’s politically palatable to people in Washington or to the Biden administration. And that they have a myopic focus on one virus instead of overall health.
Referring to Pfizer’s vaccine efficacy in healthy young children, one high-level CDC official—whose expertise is in the evaluation of clinical data—joked: “You can inject them with it or squirt it in their face, and you’ll get the same benefit.” ‘ (?)
‘Brownstone Institute’:
Dr. Fauci Comes Clean on Vaccines and Respiratory Viruses
by David Bell FEBRUARY 21, 2023
“Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful.” ~ Dr A Fauci (former director of NIAID), 2023, commenting on vaccines for Covid-19.
Curious, I have known personally a Thalidomide victim.
Only knew one person that died allegedly of COVID … he was 88.
Isn’t it strange how all of these government and bureaucrat “elites” have amnesia all of a sudden?
I’m pretty sure I wasn’t dreaming when the “better half” and I spent months at home as we were banned from attending clubs, pubs, restaurants and sporting venues for refusing to be lab rats.
The one that hurts the most: My daughter was on maternity leave when the jabs became (not?) compulsory. She didn’t want to be a lab rat either. However, if she didn’t get the jab she would not get paid (QLD primary teacher). I hope my grand-daughter didn’t get any mRNA rubbish via breastfeeding.
The people that made these disgusting decisions MUST PAY!
Apologies for the accidental red thumb. I meant to green thumb my approval of your comment.
Since I am posting anyway I’d like to say that in addition to my mother being killed by the booster, my family is hosting a childhood friend who was severely injured by her booster. She has been unable to work for over 18 months now and it has essentially wrecked her life. She has been offered $3000 in compensation from the Government, a bloody joke.
I know of maybe half a dozen similar cases within my social sphere although none are as close to home as my mother and childhood friend. I know of no one who died from the Covid bug,
Please do not be misled by the proposal of the Opposition Coalition to insert recognition in the form of an historic record note about the people who were here in 1788.
That proposal is for the Preamble to the Constitution and would not support the Voice+Treaty+Truth telling activist agenda.
Please explain your logical fallacy Dennis?
I am not being misled by the Coalition wanting to appear ‘Woke’. The stupidity of this announcement is that it will cause confusion for the uninformed. I argue that it will signal bipartisan support for the concept. And, why vote No if you are just going to have to vote again if the referendum fails? Dutton should find the architect for this proposal and frog march it out of his office.
Are you are asking us to ignore the potential effect of Dutton’s announcement while admiring the waste of tax-payers money for an expensive emotional statement about something we all accept anyway?
Broadie the road to hell is paved with good intentions and the Libs have form in this area of good intentions, remember it was Howard that opened the door to the climate change doomsayers and look where we are now .
I remember what Howard did. National textiles, Retrospective legislation, Hollingsworth, Middle Class Welfare, caving to get a GST, etc
I remember what Greg Hunt did.
I do not understand what Tony Abbot did?
What the hell is the opposition trying to do.
Everybody born in Australia as well as all citizens of foreign origins are recognised in the CONSTITUTION. What good will it do having another divisive bloody referendum???
The majority recognise that fact & we would like to see the end of the intrigue.
Get on with running the country. Maybe do away with government, they do more damage
& waste $ millions than anything else.
The majority would prefer to see a commission of inquiry ( Royal or otherwise ) into the current organisations & the $30 billion funding that does a disappearing trick every year, without visible proof of positive outcomes!!!
More on “Their Voice”
“This must be spread far and wide.”
“The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel”
Links to
This kind of cosmology/philosophy always makes one feel very small, very insignificant and about as intellectually enabled as an amoeba. One of its real benefits is to put all the rest of “it” in its true perspective – all the daily issues we treat as important.
I find this news exciting.
The current model suggests the early universe expanded like a gas but for decades I have thought the early universe boiled like a liquid.
When matter condensed out counter-intuitively gravity at any point would be zero, like the centre of the Earth there would be the same amount of matter in all directions cancelling out the gravitational pull. As the universe expanded space would appear in the form of bubbles. The gravitational forces of the surrounding matter would stop these bubbles collapsing. Eventually space would be a foam-like structure of matter with empty voids. There does seem to be evidence of this as I think I have read that there are ‘bubbles’ of galaxies surrounding huge voids.
Oh, and in my universe the speed of light is zero, and that gets really interesting when you work out the implications!
From Micheal Smith News … Voice
I rarely watch Lamestream media but last night someone alerted me to the Channel 7 (Australia) program “Spotlight” about transgenderism regret and “detransitioning” in children and children secretly being “transitioned” and the remarkable increase in these sterilising and mutilating procedures, a topic that is normally verboten and subject to censorship.
I’m pleasantly surprised by its honest treatment of the topic, quite remarkable for Lamestream “journalists”.
Well done Channel 7.
I’m not sure if it’s been put online yet, it is not yet on their YouTube channel in full, just clips.
SEE trailer at
I did not see this either but I have a good idea of what has been going on and it’s not nice, so good for Channel 7 if it is what I think.
But it is an entrenched-woke thing and will take a lot of stopping . .
Here it is
CATASTROPHIC fire conditions in Queensland…
Conditions are sooo dangerous when checked we find there are NO fire bans or restrictions of any kind on the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services website
The ABC is rapidly morphing into the NT news – for outrageous headlines
It’s been a funny wet season. I can mainly speak for here but I’m sure we had more wet days than normal but no deluge and I don’t recall any east flowing river flooding.
But when the rain stopped, it stopped abruptly. The scrubby hill over my back fence which was lush in April is now almost bare, what grass there is, is flat, not really a fire risk.
It’s a big state and I’m only reporting on my patch.
“The ABC is rapidly morphing into the NT news – for outrageous headlines”
An outbreak of crocodiles awaiting us?
It all went wrong when they changed the name of the top fire-risk category to ‘catastrophic’. Actually, it all went wrong before that, when the people who gave us ‘catastrophic’ took control. Actually, it all went wrong long before that when Maurice Strong started to get really greedy – he ended up fleeing to China and we’re all now paying the price.
Maurice Strong, Climate Crook
It’s all about FEAR. You cannot control the flock, unless you have a savage looking dog circling about
Who said scrub turkeys are dumb birds? They certainly look to be but one has worked out how to empty the bird feeder hanging under the mulberry tree.
The feed is primarily aimed at a flock of nutmeg mannikins but I started adding some parrot food so there would be some small seeds left for the littlies. Although well above the turkey’s heads the boss gobbler worked out that he could squeeze between the chains it hangs by, so I cable-tied some sticks across them to keep him out.
Noticed it swinging wildly this morning so watched – the bird flies up, hangs off the supporting branch, picks up one chain and tips it. He then picks it up off the ground. Bugger. Who would have thought a turkey could work this out and then actually hang upside down?
I’ve had 10 turkeys in my yard so I’m not about to feed them. They can pick through the compostables I toss under the tree.
Years ago we were watching a turkey clean up the windfalls in the back yard and my friend’s father said
“You should be paying that bugger a wage”
WE had a lot of scrub turkeys at the Happy Bay Resort on Long Island, in the Whitsundays. There were a number of mounds in clumps of bamboo out the back of the resort.
Then a number of young cocks started building mounds against various tourist cabins. We could not have this as they harbored vermin, so tried to discourage them. Nothing worked, even picking up all the material & pilling it up for them at a more suitable spot. They simply dragged it back to their chosen spot.
We finally found a way, short of shooting them. We captured them & transported them, with agreement, to Lindeman Island, where there were no turkeys, dropping them well away from the resort. I often wondered how they enjoyed the celibate life.
“Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts”
Is that the sound of scurrying at TGA?
Thanks a i,
I found this paragraph most interesting:
” Federal law gives the government immunity against legal actions, with some exceptions. One exception, known as ultra vires, is when an official acts outside their authority. Plaintiffs challenging the acts must show that the official was “acting ‘without any authority whatever,’ or without any ‘colorable basis for the exercise of authority,'” according to an earlier court ruling. ”
Do you know if that exception, quoted above, applies in Australian law, or have we no redress at all?
Dave B
David B
Above my pay grade. I hoped others would chime in as to the situation in Oz
A clever, committed and well-funded lawyer might be able to find something here….
Sounds distinctly possible to me. But I’m not a lawyer. Any ideas on how to try it?
Some more on that this morning in comments at SDA
“Here is the link,
Ivermectin topic is at the 28 minute mark, but for those unfamiliar with VivaFrei there are some interesting points scattered throughout the video.”
That’s the cockroaches. The same thing actually….
The TGA lied when it said HCQ and IVM were dangerous when taken according to any reasonable dose in accordance to protocols published at the time such as Zelenko and FLCCC and others.
They also lied when they said the covid vaccines were fully safe, effective, tested and would stop transmission and infection. It was always known that they weren’t. Evidence can be found on this blog.
Now it is known that the vaccines make you even more susceptible to infection. Even the CDC admits this.
What are the hereto unknown long-term effects of these poisons?
Always remind public serpents and politicians involved in this that sooner or later they are going to face justice for what they did.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Not scurrying, but shredding.
Ok, maybe some scurrying as well…
I posted this very late Sunday. It should get more exposure IMO.
Remember way back when we were discussing climate feedback problems? I now have a better answer than the one we were working on – and it is inherent in the theory.
Water Vapor (WV) is a greenhouse gas as potent as CO2 according to theory. On average there is 50 times as much WV in the atmosphere as CO2.
The fact that it is non-persistent is often mentioned. It doesn’t have to be. You can AVERAGE (integrate) the effect. There is on AVERAGE 50 times as much.
Non-persistent. ==> Definition – only heat trapped from CO2 molecules can evaporate water vapor molecules. The heat water vapor traps doesn’t cause water evaporation.
If 400 ppm of CO2 is an extreme danger what is 20,000 ppm? We are well past incineration.
Or the theory is bunk.
I would argue that there is no such thing as ‘Greenhouse gases’.
The greenhouse effect can best be seen in hot deserts. Temperatures in the Sahara for example can fall 30 centigrade overnight, and even 40C, all the way down to freezing, in 12 hours, every night! Not the best greenhouse!
What deserts don’t have is water and water vapour.
Water vapour is often described as a greenhouse gas as it reduces the rate of cooling making things warmer than they would otherwise be, BUT it also reflects sunlight causing cooling. In reality it acts like an insulator, not a ‘greenhouse gas’.
Geologists have reconstructed global temperatures for the past 4 billion years. For most of that time Earth was 12 centigrade hotter than today, but there seems to be a definite upper limit. I would suggest this limit is caused by clouds altering Earth’s albedo.
Oh, and the ‘greenhouse effect’ in real greenhouses was disproved in the 1950s. A scientist created two identical enclosures, one covered in glass [greenhouse effect] and the other in rock crystal [no greenhouse effect]. The difference was about 0.1C!
There is only thermodynamics. Every atom on the Earth is trying to lose about 300C of heat to be at -273C. Every atom is constantly pouring out heat, BUT is receiving about the same from the surroundings. It is not possible to ‘trap’ heat.
A reminder, ‘expert’ Fauci on Delta variant.
History seems to suggest the best thing for most people was to not get vaccinated and just catch Delta as soon as you can!
A Govt bought-and-paid-for free press.. How to brainwash a people about climate change.
“The Official Information Act has revealed that half a million dollars of advertising was bought during that period from two major news outlets – TVNZ and Stuff.
The $300,000 worth of advertising purchased from TVNZ generated a wide range of coverage. It bought an hour-long prime-time Sunday climate special on TV1 – along with 12 months of on-demand hosting on TVNZ+ – a dedicated web page, digital banners, logo placement, and pre-roll commercials. In addition, five articles appeared on, five social media posts on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, a week’s worth of interviews with Government influencers on Breakfast TV, and a Seven Sharp interview with an “ambassador” for the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority.
The $200,000 worth of advertising published by Stuff also delivered wide coverage. Five articles were posted on the Stuff website, along with display and video advertising across their site. There were five newspaper articles in their Sunday magazine, Your Weekend magazine, and Life magazine, five stories in Neighbourly, and a dedicated “Digital Hub” for all the content.”
No sponsorship warnings, no indication that it was opinion not fact, all disguised as ‘news’… sounds just like the Aussie ABC to me!
Behind the Murdoch wall –
Courier Mail headline on a new book by two of the authors of the Uluru statement which says that it is more than one page
Koalas might be cute but not very smart.
Unfortunately, koalas are at an evolutionary dead end, it has one of the smallest brains in relation to body weight of any mammal and the brain occupies only 61% of the cranial cavity.
From Wikipedia: “Because of its small brain, the koala has a limited ability to perform complex, unfamiliar behaviours. For example, when presented with plucked leaves on a flat surface, the animal cannot adapt to the change in its normal feeding routine and will not eat the leaves.”
Sounds very much like a progressive liberal marxist. Unable to adapt to reality, but ever able to conform to inbreeding.
I’ve always compared our esteemed Ebergy Minister to a koala, a comparison I now know to be more than skin deep.
From the dictatorship that was imposed in Victoriastan during the covid lockups, it’s obvious that democracy and freedom in Australia is not nearly as robust as people thought.
Also, as shown in Victoriastan during the covid lockups, Australians are now liable to be arrested for what would be called “pre-crime” from Philip K. Dick’s “The Minority Report” or Orwell’s “thought crime” from Nineteen Eighty Four.
Unfortunately for long suffering victorians Andrew’s is and will be chairman for life , the Libs are now somewhere between the Greens and Labor policy wise and to make matters worse they are now fighting amongst themselves after giving the top job in opposition to another villiage idjit.
Dan is not a dictator and a majority of Victorians seem to think he’s alright.
‘Voters have cut their support for Labor and given Premier Daniel Andrews his lowest score as preferred premier in two years after a string of polarising policy announcements and political scandals, but the party continues to maintain a strong lead over the Victorian Coalition.’ (The Age)
More like a Bradbury than a majority Elgordo.
That is a fairly good assumption.
For those who don’t know what a Bradbury is.
‘Inspired by Australian speed skater Steven Bradbury, who won a gold medal in the 1,000m short track speed skating event at the 2002 Winter Olympics after all of his opponents were involved in a last corner pile-up.’ (wiki)
Is Willis Eschenbach correct that cloud feedbacks are negative?
It certainly would save endless TRILLIONs of $ FOREVER trying to fight their delusional, so called “Climate boiling” or whatever and all for a guaranteed ZERO change to temperature by 2050 or 2100 or…….
And we wouldn’t have to wreck our electricity grids or use TOXIC, dangerous EVs or endanger all the animals on land or in the air or the whales in the oceans or totally stuff up our environment around the world. What’s not to like?
Geologists have reconstructed global temperatures for the past 4 billion years. For most of that time Earth was 12 centigrade hotter than today, but there seems to be a definite upper limit. I would suggest this limit is caused by clouds altering Earth’s albedo.
I think after 9/11 when aircraft were grounded for a month there was a significant change in temperatures. Their vapour trails may cause cooling by reflecting sunlight. We just need more aircraft flying to cool the Earth!
Pharmacists Continuing To Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions, Raising Ethical Concerns
In Melbournistan, Australia, I know of a compounding pharmacy fulfilling doctor prescriptions, $270 for 60 x 24mg pills.
But get your IVM supplies before the next lockups and IVM ban.
Bomectin = 250 x 20 mg doses for $100 delivered, no script needed. No Bull! (or sow)
Where from Simon?
Google it! There are many suppliers. This gives 100Kg person 2ml/week prophylactic dose for 40 cents a week. Bit better value than JabJabJabJabJabJabJabJabJabJabJabJabJab etc
Readily available on line from Indiamart.very reasonable prices.
If you are looking on Indiamart why persevere with obtaining Bomectin when this site can connect you with a multitude of suppliers of human grade Ivermectin at a VERY low cost.(Around 10-20 cents per 12 mcg tab, with postage of the same as for a shipment of animal ivermectin?
This was posted by the Property Rights Australia group on Farcebook.
Why Do We Need The Voice When This Is Already In Place? ToM
Public Service Act 1999
Order to Establish the National Indigenous Australians Agency as an Executive Agency
I, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Ret’d), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and under section 65 of the Public Service Act 1999:
(a) establish the National Indigenous Australians Agency as an Executive Agency;
(b) allocate the name National Indigenous Australians Agency to the Executive Agency;
(c) allocate the name Chief Executive Officer to the Head of the Executive Agency;
(d) identify the Minister for Indigenous Australians as the Minister responsible for the Executive Agency;
(e) specify the functions of the National Indigenous Australians Agency be as follows:
i. to lead and coordinate Commonwealth policy development, program design and implementation and service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
ii. to provide advice to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Indigenous Australians on whole-of-government priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
iii. to lead and coordinate the development and implementation of Australia’s Closing the Gap targets in partnership with Indigenous Australians;
iv. to lead Commonwealth activities to promote reconciliation;
v. to build and maintain effective partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, state and territory governments and other relevant stakeholders to inform whole-of- government priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and enable policies, programs and services to be tailored to the unique needs of communities;
vi. to design, consult on and coordinate the delivery of community development employment projects;
vii. to analyse and monitor the effectiveness of programs and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including programs and services delivered by bodies other than the Agency;
viii. to coordinate Indigenous portfolio agencies and advance a whole-of-government approach to improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; and
ix. to undertake other tasks the Prime Minister and the Minister require from time to time.
This Order will commence on 1 July 2019. Dated 29th May 2019
(signed Peter Cosgrove)
Peter Cosgrove Governor-General
By His Excellency’s Command
Have you ever heard of this federally funded body at $4 Billion/year?
It has been using a substantial amount of public funds for some time to do exactly what the VOICE is now proposed to do!
The NIAA is no little back office, government funded side show … This organisation has some 1,300 employees; it has offices all over Australia and more importantly, the cost to the taxpayer of this organisation last year was around $4 BILLION dollars!
Before we vote for an additional version of the NIAA, we are entitled to ask a few questions of our government:
This is the web site every Australian should be aware of: It’s the web site of the National Indigenous Australians Agency.
This is a government funded body tasked with improving the lives of Indigenous Australians by advising the Australian Government on ways and means to do this. You can read their mission statement and you will discover a very simple truth: Their role is exactly the same as the proposed VOICE to parliament. This body is not new!
What is the material difference between the VOICE and the NIAA?
What are the actual differences the NIAA has made to all aboriginals in Australia, if any?
The VOICE is a concept that is totally at odds with
Will the VOICE replace the NIAA or be in addition to it?
How can the VOICE do better than the NIAA and its $4 BILLION dollars budget (as part of an almost $30 billion annual indigenous budget)?
Will the VOICE be able to make decisions on anything that is currently in the power of the Australian duly elected government to make?
The Voice is represents the very worst of Woke politics with zero possibility of:
. stopping crime in Alice Springs
. stopping the unemployment issues of the indigenous
. stopping the rampant alcoholism that is prevalent amongst our indigenous population
In reality, if the NIAA was doing the job correctly, then the VOICE would not even be a topic for discussion!
When Pauline Hanson and Rowan Dean (Sky/ Outsiders) revealed the details on the the NIAA months ago, most people had never heard of this institution. That would include a lot of politicians and bureaucrats also. Since that time you would think maybe the media might do some investigation of this department, perhaps dig a bit to reveal its workings. But, so far I’ve seen little spotlighting of it.
There was quite some discussion about it by Rowan Dean iirc.
T o M
More pages Elbow hasn’t read
Well, seems he hasn’t mentioned them
NIAA is currently led by Indigenous Minister Linda Burney and assistant Minister Senator Malarndirri McCarthy with 1,300 staff spread across Australia.
It also works to support Senator Pat Dodson in his role as Special Envoy for Reconciliation and the Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Senator McCarthy is also the Assistant Minister for Indigenous Health.
Five spaceships are currently parked at the International Space Station.
Sept. 3, 2023: International Space Station Configuration. Five spaceships are parked at the space station including the SpaceX Dragon Endurance, Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus space freighter, the Soyuz MS-23 crew ship, and the Progress 84 and 85 resupply ships.
Northrop Grumman make the Cygnus
SpaceX make the Crew Dragon
Russia makes the Progress, both of them
Russia makes the Soyuz too..
Funny they didn’t sanction Russia there..
Not forgetting…
(American Thinker)
More bad news for Germany’s so called renewables miracle, because if you add 8% BIO MASS to the Fossil Fuel side of the ledger you have about 89% of their primary energy by source generated by Fossil fuels.
Thanks to the Manhattan Contrarian for giving us the facts and Germany/’s
economy is a mess and is weakening and their electricity prices are SOARING.
(USA) Pete Buttigieg Wants You to Stop Driving Cars
No gas stoves, no gas-powered cars, and no beer are just a few things the Biden Administration has put the kibosh on.
The Democrat-controlled White House is now fear-mongering Americans into believing all cars cause climate change and promote racism and should, therefore, be banned.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appointed an Obama-era group made up of 24 “leading experts” to advise him on “transportation equity,” claiming the privilege of owning a car ignites “systemic racism” and should be banned because of their negative impact on the environment.
Members of the Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity include “spatial policy scholar” Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, who says, “All cars are bad” and calls for “zero emission transit.” …
I know a lot of us like to stick the boot into the present Labor/ Greens/ Teals/ Pocock coalition presently in government for “the voice”, decarbonisation of national energy grid and even the proposed censorship legislation. But the more bi-partisan of us realise that the nurturing of all these controversial issues happened under 9 years of the Liberal National Party. Take the proposed censorship legislation – why hasn’t Paul Fletcher’s (then LNP Communications Minister) work in the field of Orwellian censorship been denounced? Under his stewardship the ABC also went from bad to worse. Yet, this Malcolm Turnbull clone gets away scot free.
Dutton promises another referendum should this one fail, to put aborigines in the constitution as a separate people. In 1967 people voted overwhelmingly to get rid of mention of race. Now we all want it back. This tells you how schizophrenic we are. The only absolute truth is we have a large anti white narrative at play in our society.
Please Philip, do not misuse the term ‘schizophrenic’. It does not mean two personalities, two-faced or hypocritical. As someone who has a severely ill relative with this awful condition I can say that the person concerned is straight, down-the-line honest, intelligent, also witty before the worst of the troubles took over.
your claim is factually incorrect and should be recanted.
The 1967 referendum did not remove race from the Australian constitution. It paved the way for amendments to the constitution that allowed greater Commonwealth involvement in Aboriginal affairs. Race is mentioned in sections 25 and 51(xxvi) of the Australian Constitution.
My taking from those is they were to remove discrimination of all races. Which is also my interpretation of Philip’s words.
Your race baiting and manipulation of words to serve your communist agenda is all I read into it.
Every problem with our country comes from the Government and the institutions, not the people. Your kind invent problems that do not exist, propose a solution to the non-existent problem, the solution is always to create further non-existent problems.
How better off are the Aboriginals since 1967, we all know the answer, just the Aboriginal people get a choice as who can destroy their lives, like the rest of us, that’s equality.
We are all equal under the constitution, though some are more equal than others.
1012. The ‘Races’ Power. Section 51 of the Constitution provides that the Commonwealth Parliament has power ‘to make laws for the peace order and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to’ an enumerated list of topics. For present purposes, the most important source of power is the ‘races’ power (s 51(26)), although the recommendations for the recognition of traditional Aboriginal marriage may also rely on s 51(21), the marriage power. It is also necessary to consider the scope of any other relevant powers, the express or implied prohibitions on Commonwealth power, including the scope of any implication protecting the structure of State courts or authorities, and the express guarantee of freedom of religion (s 116).
1013. Scope of the ‘Races’ Power.[1917] Section 51(26) of the Constitution gives the Commonwealth Parliament:
power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to … the people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws.
25. Provisions as to races disqualified from voting
For the purposes of the last section, if by the law of any State all persons of any race are disqualified from voting at elections for the more numerous House of the Parliament of the State, then, in reckoning the number of the people of the State or of the Commonwealth, persons of that race resident in that State shall not be counted.
Take it how you like but the 1967 referendum did not, “get rid of mention of race”. Simple.
We got rid of any specific race of people being singled out by the Constitution itself.
Although the word “race” remains in the Constitution, it isn’t specific and might refer to anything that Parliament decides. For example, the White Australia system would still be constitutional if it was brought back today.
I thin you have applied a pure textual literal interpretation to Philp’s comment, and ignored his intent G A.
Nope. It is central to what he is trying to convey.
Pedant’s gonna pedant, if it’s a chance to score a point
That’s fine by me. Technically true. But makes it even worse. Why does Dutton wish to make provision for race in the constitution if it is already there?
My main point is, both sides of politics are owned by an anti-white narrative, fueled by an artificially constructed guilt.
The Australian public simply wants an uncomplicated one rule for all, a fair go as they say, and as they understand it, that’s what was voted for before. But now, the narrative is to treat aboriginals as separate because what they did before didn’t solve their problems, but now the proposal is that by treating them as separate their problems will resolve.
Of course it’s all smoke and mirrors by way of complicated law speak that most Australians are incapable of understanding, and adversely, grossly simplified propaganda of snake oil salesman.
I would have voted no in 1967, and will of course vote no now. If you don’t understand it, which clearly no one does including myself, don’t vote for it.
‘Podcast of the Lotus Eaters’, wondering if Italy’s Georgia Melony is a plant. She has flipped her stance on immigration 180*, having been given a good talking to by business interests, and her support for ‘the family’ seems to be vaporizing.
When the coalition government stopped all the boats, they still welcomed legitimate immigration. Maybe that’s the page that Georgia Meloni is on??
She is still allowing illegal migration.
Very good video.
It’s unbelievable that so many of these pretend conservatives have flipped.
The only one who hasn’t been a huge disappointment is Donald Trump.
With regard to immigration into the US, Canada and Europe, it appears to be without limit and no consideration at all of the economic, physical or social ability to absorb them.
What in fact are the limits, if any? Will the entire population of the Third World be allowed to migrate to the US, Canada and Europe?
“It’s unbelievable that so many of these pretend conservatives have flipped.”
They’re politicians, its what they do… Say anything to get power, then do as they’re told to hold the power. No backbone, no morals, no ethics, no honesty..
What surprises me is how many people believe the Right to be different to the Left and are amazed when they find out they’re not.. ‘Uniparty’ is the correct term.
It’s called bait and switch.
yes I watched that this morning. I’m growing to like The Lotus Eaters. Harry is a handsome lad, a very good speaker and thinker. All the necessary ingredients.
These days Meloni only speaks of French colonialism as the problem of it all. I personally like colonialism so I have little in common with Meloni. But I’d say once these types win they are simply threatened in one way or another and they change their tune.
I wonder if La Penne (?) will do the same as Meloni should she win France?
“The Voice” – the truth revealed
The Labour Party of Australia and other forces are championing a referendum to change the Australian Constitution. The proposed change will create the Voice, a new body representing indigenous people. The Voice (fully named ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’) will have a say in law and policy development in Australia.
The proposal is vague and calls for creating a novel structure – almost a new branch of government – with unclear responsibilities and an undefined process of selecting its members.
The vague proposal crucially depends on a statement from representatives of Indigenous people called the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’.
Officially, here it is, a one-page document.
People smarter than me noticed that and said this is only the first page from a larger document. They publicly stated that Australians are being misled and the underlying policy-setting documentation is missing and is not presented to the Australian people, who will vote on the Voice proposal in a referendum – without access to the details of what is being proposed.
So, they explained, Australians do not even know what they will be voting on! Citizens will vote on a proposal in which all but one page of the most important document are kept secret.
Australian Labour Prime Minister, Mr. Anthony Albanese, said that the “26 pages” is a QAnon-style conspiracy that is so stupid as to not even qualify as a theory.
Australian PM Anthony Albanese lied about the Uluru statement being one page. The paper actually is 26 pages long – and has pages neatly numbered!
The document in question was obtained from the Government via Freedom of Information. It contains the Uluru statement.
PDF link on the site.
The planning for what became the Uluru Statement spans back a very long way, for example …
So under the banner of Lib/Nat, seems to be a trend appearing. Obviously a coincidence.
The Liberal Howard Government abolished Labor’s ATSIC, repealed the legislation.
Apparently vaccines were not mandated in New Zealand and people who suffered from either losing their employment or vaccine injury, well that was their own choice according to the NZ PM:
Given there is an election on October 14, I’d say NZ Labor are cooked.
My latest on ocean surface temperature regulation:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhlHN4A_kDcuvdIjE?e=0zr6I9
I think I never heard so loud,
The quiet message in a cloud.
Climate exploitation? Extreme weather disasters linked to increase in child marriages
While many of the negative consequences tied to extreme weather patterns are fairly evident (destroyed properties and uprooted families), a team from The Ohio State University has discovered a surprising negative impact associated with extreme weather events — more child marriages.
These conclusions are based on a systemic review of 20 prior studies spanning and connecting droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events to upticks in child, early, and forced marriages in low and middle-income nations. All in all, Fiona Doherty, lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate in social work at Ohio State, says this work serves as compelling evidence that forced child marriages are still very much a problem on a global scale. To be clear, researchers do not believe extreme weather events directly cause child marriages. The relationship is a bit more complex than that.
“What these disasters do is exacerbate existing problems of gender inequality and poverty that lead families to child marriage as a coping mechanism,” Doherty explains in a university release.
All over the world, estimates show that one in five girls are married before turning 18 years-old. Among lower and middle-income countries, that statistic hovers around 40 percent. Making matters worse, according to study co-author Smitha Rao, assistant professor of social work at Ohio State, those statistics may climb higher in the years to come as climate change increases the frequency of extreme weather events.
“The complexities surrounding child marriage and extreme weather will worsen amid climate change,” Prof. Rao adds.
What’s next (or left)?
The religion of peace that beheads gays and unbelievers allows child marriages from age 9.
Maybe it’ll drop to 7 because of climate change…
Video of the year!
Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI
The Denis Rancourt video is 1 hour 37 minutes. It helps to know sometimes before launching. Thanks for it. ToM
About “Unveiling All-Cause Mortality” “Video of the year!” I could give time stamps and still no one will watch. I let these videos run in the back ground.
The driver of deaths is what the video is about.
“Circulating anonymously on social media – very clever who ever you are!!!”
“Air Force Wants To Replace Highly Effective Modern A-10 With ‘Flying Tinderbox’ ”
Funny how there has been no call for Warthogs in Ukraine. They obviously only work when you have full air superiority, something the Americans pick their invasions for very carefully.
Not even desperate Zelensky asked for F35s, he wants something reliable hence F16s or F18s.
Seems Poland are Lithuania are getting geared up to go in there. Talk of cutting off Kalingrad between the two of them and more thousands of American troops in Poland and Romania now. Ukraine has changed its Constitution to allow Polish military bases on its land, so Russia will end up bombing Polish troops if its not careful. The Poles are quite open about taking Eastern Ukraine back, as ‘peacekeepers’ to start with and then completely as they break Ukraine up with Russia.
Explains a lot of things
More at
Last month it was a whale stranding in Australia – which saw them gather in a circle before heading enmasse for the beach, a sort of suicide pact to maybe gain release from that constant whoomp whoomp whoomp of coastal wind turbines?. There were also cases of whales attacking boats off Spain and Britain, the possible release of “anger” toward those responsible for the constant whoomp whoomp whoomp of coastal wind turbines driving them mad?.
Four days into September and now it is angry fish taking bites out of swimmers but no, it isn’t the constant whoomp whoomp whoomp of coastal wind turbines in this case. No apparently its because the seas are unusually hot and the fish have decided the swimmers have been boiled enough and are just right for a nibble.
Who would have thought that of all the fish in the sea it is only the shark that likes sushi?
What happened to Tony Hellers’ RealClimateScience blog? It has been hijacked, it seems.
“You probably have noticed that the blog has been broken for weeks. The previous hosting service ran out of disk space and deleted tens of thousands of image files without my permission. They also failed to keep a backup of the site before deleting the images. Then they shut the blog down completely and sent me this message :
“(you are) very illustrative of why the country so hates right-wing influencers who can’t see beyond their own grift and selfish hypocrisy””
He actually said this…
“Despite being implemented to improve air quality by restricting older vehicles, Glasgow’s Low Emission Zone has resulted in a 10% increase in traffic-related pollution levels. “
Essentially it’s made no difference. Obvious why. The pollution, such as it is, is coming from all the buses and the eateries cooking on gas and ‘incinerating’ food, char grill, tandoori etc.
Red thumbed by someone that knows nothing about the main sources of air pollution in city centres and hasn’t bothered to look at a street plan of Glasgow and the supposed pollution hotspots like Hope Street. Oh dear.
One billion people will die from climate change by 2100, study claims
“Scientists have given a terrifying prediction about the future of humanity on this planet. According to experts in Canada, one billion people – one eighth of the current global population – will die due to climate change if global warming reaches or exceeds 3.6°F (2°C) by 2100. Most of those who die will be poorer humans living in the developing world, they say, while the ones contributing to mass fatalities will likely be the top execs at multi-billion dollar oil and gas companies. …
Latest cover for the downstream of the Peking Pox jabs?
Just recycled alarmism.
1987 Dr. John Holdren, a professor at U.C. Berkeley has said, it is possible that carbon dioxide climate-induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before the year 2020.
2009 Dr. John Holdren, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy for the Obama administration, when questioned by Sen. David Vitter admitted that 1 billion people lost by 2020 was still a possibility.
And in The Coming Ice Age time
1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
Let the Elites rule over themselves.
“Beware of pink and green Liberals Using nuclear power as a trojan horse”
Good article.
Tasmanian Government asking children how compliant their parents were with covid restrictions.
Senator Malcolm Roberts interrogates public serpents.
You don’t have to have a Farcebook account to view this video.
FWIW – Re the new Ukrainian Defence Minister via today’s Covid and Coffee
“The Hill did not explain the need for the change, of course, and provided no detail whatsoever:
In a statement, Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky said he thinks the ministry “needs new approaches” and noted that Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov had served in the position for 550 days of “full-scale war.”
But, what kind of new approach? The replacement Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov, 41, is the current head of State Property Fund (a government agency that sells state assets to private investors), has a background in telecommunications and finance — not military — and is an Uzbekistani muslim. He wasn’t born or raised in Ukraine.
So why him? Umerov is a dealmaker.
The New York Times reported that Umerov was the chief Ukrainian negotiator of the deal with Russia allowing Ukraine to export grain through the Black Sea, and has also been a prominent negotiator on ongoing prisoner exchange dealmaking with Russia. Shortly after the war started, Umerov — who attended early peace negotiations in March — told the BBC he was determined “to find political and diplomatic resolution to this brutal invasion.”
A political and diplomatic resolution with Russia.
So. If the incoming Minster of Defense has a background, not in military, but in negotiation and finance, what do we suppose they expect him to negotiate?
The obvious answer, which none of the newspapers I reviewed had the stones to even suggest, is a peace deal.”
Hot August nights
The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Effect.
Cool story bro
Water vapour in the stratosphere is a greenhouse gas.
Closer to ground the populace is being prepared for any eventuality.
‘Parts of Queensland are seeing the state’s worst fire danger ratings since 2018 as winds dry out last year’s vegetation growth.
‘A catastrophic fire danger rating has been declared Darling Downs and Granite Belt, with extreme conditions for Maranoa and Warrego and Channel Country districts.’ (Weatherzone)
Evidence for why it is happening now
The high UAH anomaly temperatures in the last 2 months from UAH have shortened the present “pause” by 3 months, through dropping off some months at the start.
Here is the picture. Geoff S