A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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From previous thread;
I was only guessing when I wrote this.
I am aware that ice can deform plastically under load but does anyone know if the ice becomes more “rigid” as temperature drops further below the freezing point?
This is not dumbed down
Maybe not but it does not answer KK’s question.
Your reply was Aye Gee. Nothing stopping you from pasting a quote and/or paraphrasing the important bits.
Multi-year ice is tougher to break up. It’s not so much the temperature of the ice but the temperature of the waters being deep enough for thick ice to form and last the summer. The sea at depth hasn’t warmed as much as the surface and melting of the ice is more dependent on currents.
While sea ice extent in the Arctic Sea has diminished greatly, it’s strange that a few years ago small sailing ship got stuck in ice on the way to the north pole not much further north than how far Cook made it in the middle of August 250 years ago. (70°44′ in the Chukchi sea).
Just had a look; interesting, but the main issue pushed by the likes of the UNIPCCC is that the poles are melting.
Often the media will show vision of a massive section of ice breaking off from the main cap, they don’t push the surface formed ice thing.
Interesting, but as Peter says it doesn’t mention the basic thing I was unsure of, increased resistance to plastic deformation with lower temperature.
I contend it doesn’t mention it as it is not a thing that matters.
I agree, the extent of sea ice, whether formed on the ocean or broken off from the main ice caps is an irrelevance to the issue of Man Made Climate Change and death by incineration due to human origin CO2.
Have a look for research done on ice at temperatures/pressures experienced on Titan. Hydrocarbon rain with water ice and CO2 ice as the “land”….
An actual answer:
If by rigid you mean dense, then yes, but less than one order of magnitude.
Thanks JC11. Water is shown to transform to ice with reduced density. That density then essentially remains the same with further temperature drops.
The issue of resistance to deformation is still a bit of a mystery.
This paper seems to have what you’re after:
That’s great Mike.
Skimmed through half of it and if I read it right it does suggest that there’s a bit of stiffening as the ice temperature drops.
Couldn’t expect a better analysis than that, good find.
It looks like Russell Brand really got up some powerful people’s noses! Too close to target.
Either that or he is actually a sex pest.
or something in between, reality is rarely so simplistic
Pretty sure a potential PM was on the wrong side of that grey area, which sways dramatically depending on politics.
Indeed so.
But what is behind the curtain today – that is overshadowed in UK news.
That, perhaps, we might get upset about if we noticed.
In view; the [UK] Taxpayer giving some half a billion [with a ‘B’] quid to the Post Office – so they can rightly [part] compensate some 700+ wrongly convicted postmasters – with minimal [practically zero] accountability by senior post office staff of the time.
Wrongful convictions [The Computer says you’re guilty’] from 2000 to 2014 – believe it or not!
One cove is handing back part [£50,000] of his latest bonus [which part was for cooperating with the legal inquiry, not yet finished] – so he might get it in full when the inquiry does actually finish …..
Or something else?
Feeling worried, but if there is a REAL conspiracy, can I be “a conspiracy theorist”?
Yes, the most likely option.
He has always been a thoroughly unpleasant person from his earliest days as a comedian. Quite why women found him so attractive or why people are ‘influenced’ by him, I can’t imagine.
Me neither. Too opinionated for me, too. He came onto my radar just a couple of years ago, via his YT channel, and that’s when I first read that some people were warning him that he would be targeted for his anti-elite and anti-government views. Looks like they were right.
But trial by media, again. Why do they do this? If there is any truth in this or not, what chance does RB now have if he does indeed get charged and goes to court?
I agree that pre trial is unfair as he is innocent until proven guilty. The trouble is that he is a well known philanderer and indeed checked into a sex clinic at one time, so those who know him want to distance themselves.
Its Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris all over again and I would be amazed if, in the end, Brand is shown to be not culpable.
Trial by media only works if you accept what they say,and talk about the issue. The pricks are only winning because we allow them
But he chose to be a very public figure and bask in the glow of self righteous criticism of the Global Warming thing.
Yes, he was on our side with the warming pushback, but the accusations don’t surprise me.
Douglas Murray tries to explain the crazy WOKE incoherency and their anti capitalist agenda to John Anderson.
I think he does a fairly good job and he only takes about 3 minutes.
Hmmmm!! More overlooking
For a really good assessment of the Biden “Family”just go to marcopolousa. Then stand back for some REALLY good reading!!!!!! The book is very near impossible to obtain in Australia.Booksellers will not even recognise the ISBN number
As a resident of a Blue state, I can explain this.
First, guns are bad.
2nd Amendment bad but, we can’t fix 2 until we get rid of 1.
When you buy a self defense implement utilizing a legal right that is racist, it the fault of the law under which you legally transacted.
Which is simply the unjust system.
If you have a gun outside of the system … it is called a “ghost gun”.
‘Ghost’ guns are possessed by marginalized populations that commit “gun violence” because systemic oppression and guns exist in the first place.
Otherwise there would only regular violence.
It’s like the two marginalized car thieves that recently intentionally drove a stolen car over a non-marginalized bicycling retired, now deceased police chief, memorialized by the thieves with their cell phones.
The MSM correctly reported that he died in a “traffic accident”.
There are selfies of oppressed citizens all over TikTok with ghost automatics.
It’s no different than a rainbow flag or a Che T-shirt.
This is the fault of oppressors that legally and responsibly possess guns under the historically unjust system created by The Man.
Hunter is a marginalized person due to his victimization by drug addiction, and his persecution by MAGA extremist that have no respect for a father’s love for his son.
Besides, those are ‘laptop’ photos which are Russian Disinformation.
We can purge guns just like we successfully purged heroin and Fentanyl.
You should be concerned about Russell Brand’s sex life.
Happy to help.
Ghost guns are unregistered and untraceable homemade weapons that can be made with a 3D printer or assembled from a kit.
“Can a vitamin transform natural killer cells into a cancer therapy? Scientists think the answer is yes”
(Vegamite! – )
“Climbing the Matterhorn”
Fortunately I am now banned from windmills and ladders
And something to do when you get there
Mad meat bombers.
Premier Xi is paranoid and superstitious, he has just purged his Rocket Force because its suspected they were planning a coup. Beijing is within range, but somehow it seems unlikely. Surely a drone attack would be more believable.
Lacking any evidence the courts will get them on past misdemeanours and imprison them for life, or the authorities may decide its better if they become non-persons and avoid the legal system altogether.
Would Charles Darwin really believe in random selection if he could look inside our body and observe how our cells actually work?
These new observations by scientists are starting to challenge everything we thought we knew about the theory of evolution.
This short video hardly scraps the surface of a debate that will soon change the way we think about ourselves and our origins.
And Darwin actually thought there may be more information in the future that would challenge his theory.
Sorry to disappoint but Darwin’s theory has been under constant adjustment for the last 120 years. It started with this and has moved on from there.
Nothing has removed the primacy of natural selection as central to evolution.
Having said that, these guys are intelligent design cranks gish galloping a bunch of pseudo science. Religious nuts grifting from the gullible religious.
Yes, I just did a quick check on the video and wasn’t surprised. Darwin Denied.
Why discredit Darwin with that sort of religious dogmatism; very yucky and while it might score big bucks for US evangelists it does nothing for Christianity.
In my view Darwin’s big picture concept of evolution was a great starting point.
Darwini is dead.
The next to fundamental=God tenet of ‘Inteligent Design’ is that something smarter/bettter/enlightened than natural selection + mutation and trimmings is necessary to explain the high level organization found in living things.
I agree with this. I do not believe the modern synthesis explains the evolution of biological entities.
Is there an alternative to natural selection?
Yes, it’s the specifics of biological activity folded into organisms.
Example: Von Neuman keyed into the importance of self reproduction. SELF-REPRODUCTION. Selection was not emphasized and perhaps not considered.
Sentience is another example of a biological activity folded into biological activity.
Put another way, we are but sea scum compared to rocks ice oceans and other physical structures. The universe is teeming with emergent complexx organization.
A clue of understanding evolution is to Look to the particulars of biological structure which set it aside from non living entities. Although it might not be so chances are reasonable that evolution is about resisting the ravages imposed by injected noise (mutation) or reduced noise (selection).
The trick of biology is to walk between these two perils
Natural selection refining characteristics in minor ways exploiting genetic differences to improve survival is one thing but the sophistication of life is not something to evolve sequentially as far as bodily organs, biochemistry and functions go.
So many unanswered questions.
We think we know the answers , but we are not yet asking the right questions . Science has become divorced from reality and that’s fatal . This is another example of “the science is settled”.
which is why research continues.
There is a distinct possibility that intelligent design may have been involved in creating humanity.
The early hominid prototypes were essentially failures because of environmental change or genetic bottlenecks.
Homo sapiens are a great improvement on earlier models.
nope. There is zero possibility of that and also zero reason to even think there is a need for it. You comment was meaningless word salad.
Gee thats
wrongunimaginativeIntelligent design is a metaphor. The smarts are by mother nature and were baked in at the origin of life
More to the point it suggests that biological evolution is overruled by activities other than the local immediacies of selection mutations or population biology…
As does seem to be how it is.
The governor of evolution (sic intelligent unecclesistic design) is convoluted (mixed in) into the nature of biological structures and processes.
Mutation selection and species populations are elemtry items that have quasi analogues in nonliving physical structures
Which U.S. State are you from originally.
“Intelligent Design”?
GA and I were both responding to EG
Thanks, I’ve noticed problems with the stacking of replies previously; it can be misleading.
Tinkering to manufacture selection as the primary ‘directionsl force’. “Mightbis right”, “survivsl of the fittest”. That is what appeals .. acbetter iscsuperior physicality. (But I digress from hard science)
That blind spot .. the modern synthesis with selectioni and all the divergence from type and stochastic process trimmings.
Compare that to an alternate viewcof evolution. …
The key to evolution is convoluted into the nitty gritty specifics of what it means biological
I mean self reproduction, development of consciousness, development of thermoregulation, developments across phyla. I,E. that stuff which has traditionally given evolution a directionslity, an ‘arrowof time’.
I say such because these developments permit random drift out to explore diverse possibility spaces … and ultimately to go beyond planet earth.
Physicsl organization ( rocks, ice atmosphere) don’t have the added dimension to explore organizational diversity.
The ability to create and explore these added dimensions of functionality and diversity is what make biology so so special. You could say it manages to do so despite and notwithstanding the local nitty gritty of selection, accumulated noise and entropy production.
It truly is wonderful
btw it is natural selection not “random” selection. Mutation is the random part – something Darwin knew nothing about as the mechanism for variation, but he knew the variation was there from simple observation (well duh) and proposed that a mechanism must exist.
It is your special subject professor.
But it is something that people often get wrong.
I have just noticed that you do not link to your personal website anymore.
What a pity. It was a real revelation and a source of such interesting material for the general public to enjoy.
I just forget :/
Gee Aye?
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Great summary!
“Somebody” has frozen the blog, that’s all that’s available.
wow 3:57! working back late G?
It must be selection because selection determines the nitty gritty local immediate dynamic woth modern synthesis trimminings to pull in spatially distributed components. … kinda like the 2nd law of thermodynamics inevidable.
What else could there be?
The more recent 30 year old synthesis of the fossil record indicates a random drift of phyla exploring possibility space. No arrow of time upwards to bigger and better.
Wow a random drift model with all the trimmings. Very flat. Uninteresting.
Nobody expects the spani…
Nobody considers that biological evolution is special because the organizing property is encoded in the nitty gritty of biological structure, itself.
Nobody considers it because at first second and tenth blush it is way too difficult to even imagine the “ultimate purpose of life universe and everything”
It’s here that modern physics and chemistry start to save the day.
We can consider how localized order and organization can arise while still increasing energy overall. we can look at rapid evolution in a basin of attraction to relentless gradual evolution of a slow manifold to … ultra slow manifold? (I made that up)
The point is that founder effect of getting there first is good enough … with selection helping to stop it vanishing in dissolution caused by noise or voraciously gobbling up other clusters in an agglomerative collapse.
Notice that is is a description which befits dynamic of clusters as described by the fossil record. Its all about the physics (dynamics) of cluster drift growth agglomeration replacement and stuff.
(losing track of arguments here)
The point is that its the nitty gritty of biological process itself which how such clusters diffuse and drift
“random selection”
Mutation? Random. Selection? Not.
‘It is a stunt’: Keith Pitt accuses Labor’s nuclear transition modelling a ‘political attack’
If the cost of replacing coal with nuclear is only $387billion that’s a heck of a lot cheaper than the over $1trillion and counting for batteries, wind , solar and wiring needed . Not only that but I wonder if that $387billion takes into account that these plants will run for around 60 years and if put on the sites of current coal fired power stations it will save $400billion odd in poles and wires .
Mental Disorder Drugs Market size worth US$58.91 Billion by 2031. Visiongain Research Inc.
June 11, 2021 09:00 ET
| Source: Visiongain Ltd
Visiongain has published a new report on Mental Disorder Drugs Market Report 2021-2031. Profiles of Mental Disorder Drugs and Forecasts. By Drug Class (SSRIs, SNRIs, Atypical Antipsychotics, TCAs, SARIs, Benzodiazepines, MAOIs), By Indication (Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder), By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy). PLUS Regional Market Analysis and COVID-19 Recovery Scenarios.
Visiongain’s lead analyst says: ‘The Global mental disorder drugs market was valued at US$ US$36.77 bn in 2020 and is projected to reach at a market value of US$58.91 billion by 2031. Rising prevalence of mental disorders; mounting investment in drug R&D by pharmaceutical & biopharmaceutical companies; growing mental health care awareness; new product launches and rising acceptance of mental disorder drugs worldwide are some of the major factors that propel the global mental disorder drugs market growth’.
Download Exclusive Sample of Report
How this report will benefit you
Visiongain’s new study is envisioned for anyone requiring commercial in-depth analyses for the global mental disorder drugs market along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study assists you to evaluate the overall global and regional market for mental disorder drugs. Get the financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including by drug class, route of administration, usability, and distribution channel.
Remember this when we on here are all prescribed mental disorder drugs for our views. Unlike the vax, they WILL be compulsory.
High opportunity remains in this fast-growing mental disorder drugs market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefit soon. Moreover, the report would help you to improve your strategic decision making, allows you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise productivity of the company.
How has COVID-19 Impacted the Mental Disorder Drugs Market?
The COVID-19 pandemic has a mixed impact on the mental disorder drugs market worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the increasing prevalence of mental disorders worldwide. However, the pharmaceutical and biologics companies are facing challenges while drug manufacturing and marketing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the WHO, the COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed the mental healthcare services in many countries.
Thus, the demand for these drugs impacted negatively since 2020. However, the market is expected to lucrative rate after 2021-2023 owing to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine and growing mental health awareness programs worldwide.
Kim Witczak
Writes (UN)Acceptable Collateral Damage
Mar 30
Until FDA and society is ready to investigate the link between antidepressants and suicide and violence. We will keep finding ourselves asking the question why?
I was intimately involved helping get blackbox suicide warnings on the drugs in 2004 and 2006 after the death of my husband. He was given Zoloft for insomnia and hung himself 5 weeks after given the drug. He was not depressed or have history of depression. The only medication on was Zoloft. We also had a lawsuit to get documents out from under seal. The FDA, Pfizer and other drug companies have long known about risk.
Did you know Pfizer helped create a Zoloft Prosecutor Manual in 1993 to be used in cases where someone claimed a Zoloft defense?
Who knew there was a 1991 FDA hearings on the link between the emergence of suicide and violence on Prozac? The FDA did nothing and virtually all members of FDA committee got funding from companies making these drugs.
Of the nearly 410 psychiatric drug warnings today, 27 warn of violence, aggression, hostility, mania, psychosis or homicidal ideation and 49 warn of self-harm or suicide/suicidal ideation.
What a travesty. Thanks for sharing.
They also use anti depressants and anti psychotics for those suffering from long term chronic pain , supposedly they work to inhibit the pain signal to the brain .
I can’t remember how many different types I was prescribed but it would have been more than 5 and I remember reading that there was a danger that if you were taking these and were not depressed it could induce depression and one type which was an anti self harm pill had may cause self harm listed as a side effect . Terrible thing that happened to your husband and I can’t remember if it was the doctor or just reading each medication’s possible side effects to learn the dangers of taking these medications. Thankfully I no longer take these type of pills in my daily medications .
Jordan Peterson has documented his struggles with anti-depressants and it’s harrowing . I was surprised that he was not aware of the danger considering his qualifications .Every drug has side effects and big pharma has literally gotten away with hiding them . Its amazing that you can get proscribed a drug for depression that has suicidal side effects. Stay strong.
“gotten away with hiding them ”
Sheets that come with a bottle of pills can be several pages of tiny print. I don’t think I have ever read one in its entirety. [ I have never been on the types discussed in this thread.]
I have read some parts of some of these pages and there are warnings therein that many people would not understand, even if they did read them.
Finally, are doctors and pharmacists supposed to question and warn patients about drugs and the interactions?
A bit over twenty years ago as part of my coursework in psychobiology we were required to work through a lot of detail on the antidepressant in use then, SSRIs.
It was disturbing and I’ve previously made my views known on those specific antidepressants.
It was wrong think from the start.
A check shows that Zoloft is an SSRI. Bad news.
This is a link to a long discussion on antidepressants/SSRIs.
Talking therapy I believe, is needed to accompany the use of the pills.
KK there was one particular drug called “Endep” that I was trialled with that had the worst side effects , severe chest pain and severe depression which eventually subsided once it had left my system about 4 weeks.
It seems that Endep is something called a tricyclic antidepressant. I don’t know anything about them, but the description suggests that some hero in the pharmaceutical industry is playing guessing games with the public’s health.
Basically the brain is responding to external threats that lead to fear and anxiety. The only useful treatment is to work with someone who can help see a pathway around whatever is causing the stress; that’s when the brain will quieten down and settle. The stuff our lecturers showed us twenty years ago was disturbing and covered things as mentioned in the link discussion, but also they pointed a big finger at the “approval” process.
Of the ones I was trialled on the below are the only ones I can remember without going back through the filing cabinet but was on Ordine and Oxynorm/OxyContin plus other types like Targin etc . Both of the Oxy can also induce depression.
Basically the application of SSRI based “antidepressants” helps reinstate the functionality of the nerve pathways that have been degraded by overuse during prolonged episodes of stress and worry.
The antidepressants, in themselves do nothing to help with the worrying and there needs to be a big effort made to fight the cause of worry when the pills are being taken.
The misuse of SSRIs in young anxious people is particularly noteworthy.
1970s Summer Days
Always remember we have just had the 4 mildest summers I can recall in my lifetime, and not just by a bit or statistically, it was noticeable.
These days people have been brainwashed to assume summer wasn’t hot before. I recall as a kid summer days in the 1970s that would leave you stunned, parents in panic running around at 6 am to shut all windows and pull curtains as the sun rose fat and orange, warning a hot one was ahead. No air conditioning or insulation. Never heard of it.
It worked too, trap the cool air of the night inside, until about 1 pm and from then on you had to endure hours of unrelenting heat and pray for the breeze to come along around 5 and cool things off, even better a storm.
Then the house would stay hot, the day heat trapped. Flourescent lights and moths, mosquitoes, christmas beetles crawling on your skin, lying on a pool of sweat between your back and the couch. It was impossible to get to sleep, the heat would make you roll back and forth, the sheets sweat. Sometime around midnight you’d finally pass out more than go to sleep. Before the fat low sun broke your eyelids, and you’d relish the cool night air, lock it up and do it all over again.
People don’t experience that these days. Nearly everyone has air conditioning now. If they don’t, they drive around with air con in the car, or go to the movies or the nations cultural heart, the shopping centre. At the dash across the tarmac to the car, they notice how hot it is. And so people have simply gone soft and the mind susceptible to experts telling you this has never happened before.
Too true, and beautifully described!
Brought it all back. Ah, sweet memories!
I think that with aircon people underestimate the power of the sun and frequently discount weather as they move from cocoon to cocoon. Here in the UK I measured recently 26C in the shade and a whopping 48C in the sun.. I suspect that in June-our peak summer month-the direct sun temperature would have been much higher.
Yet people sit around in this extreme heat and wonder why they feel ill. I suspect that the differential is higher than it used to be as the sun is much stronger, as pollution has reduced so much over the last 50 years.
Mid 70s I attended a national championship in my then sport near Corowa on the Murray. It was over 40 for a week, high 30s felt like a great relief when it relented a bit. They come and go, I think we remember the times closest to milestone events in our lives.
Earlier still Phillip, going to a bush school in the early fifties. We had to write our work with a steel nibbed pen dipped in the ink well. The said ink was made from a powder dissolved in water. It dried fairly quickly on the hot days only to redisolve and spread into a blackish mess as the sweat dripped from your nose onto the paper. Didn’t matter how quickly you blotted the said drop, the damage was done. Then of course various sorts of punishment were metred out for producing “ a messy piece of work”. Followed by being forced to drink the bottle of milk at play time that always seemed to be stacked where the sun could shine on it for hours before it was eventually consumed.
Apparently the “good old days”
4 again but that must include 2019/20 which was not mild
Interesting items downstream from
Where Chiefio looks at the properties of the modest papaya plant –
“Hmmm… this could go under garden plants too, I suppose… but this thread on DIY medicine seems better. Papaya are an interesting fruit. Green, it can be cooked as a vegetable or shredded and treated like spaghetti. Young leaves can be eaten as a Pot Herb, cooked. Ripe, or course, it is a sweet fruit. The seeds can be ground up and used a bit like pepper.
Then there’s this: It claims that papaya seeds can kill off / cure a common parasite that causes people to (and mice…) to take excessive risks. Toxoplasmosis”
and more. then
“Well… I did a web search and… yes, Papaya is antiviral. Who knew? ”
“Well now I’m looking at my papaya trees with a whole new respect. “Hold the jab and pass the papaya stew, please!” 😉 ”
“Oh we’re on a roll down the rabbit hole now! Looks like some anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties too: ”
“OK, I’m going to have to work up the courage to try cooking and eating some papaya leaves. ”
Upcoming headlines in “Not the Bee” and NYT, CNN, ABC, Guardian and other YSM –
“CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma, TGA, State Government Health Departments, AMA announce ban on consuming papaya products!
Jo Nova and Rebel News censored!”
(/s just in case)
That last line should be
“Chiefio, Jo Nova and Rebel News censored!”
Monday funny
May I have everyone’s attention please!
I’m from the government.
There’s a new variant and you need to forget about the last 3 years.
Please look right here.
The zombies are out there already.😁
Something interesting that I found
I think about 80 000 of the 100 000 EVs on our roads are less than two years old. Very few are over 10 years old while our 20 million ICE vehicles are 10 years old on average.
Hybrids have been sold here for 20 years, and have twice the rate of fires as ICE. I don’t have the breakdown for ages but I found it amusing that a website debunking the myth that EVs are more fire prone had a picture of a 30 yo Audi on fire.
Both types of cars can catch fire in a crash but only EVs are likely to sustain damage that leads to a fire back in the garage. Some ICE cars catch fire in garages when the lead acid battery is connected to a charger overnight by an idiot with an old unit, but hardly common with newer cars. And only has a large car carrier sunk because a brand new EV caught fire.
Dear oh dear oh dear.
It is amazing that you have found another group of EV fire experts..
This new species of fire experts are aka “Licensed Insurance Agents and brokers” and they have kindly given us their expert opinion on EV fires.
How it works.. Their company releases a media release..That opinion then gets published by the media as a factual study by (in their words)”EV fire experts”… Brilliant!
So what did our self appointed experts do?
“To find the rate of car fires by vehicle type, we collected the latest data on car fires from the NTSB and calculated the rate of fires from sales data from the BTS.”
What?… did I read that correctly?
“calculated the rate of fires from sales data from the BTS”.. So brilliant! Wow!… What a joke.
So is this also a NTSB finding?… No it is not.. yet if you mention NTSB in your media release then you get credibility.
I am told that this is great for marketing a media release that will then be taken up and then widely published.
All you have to do is use the words “Experts” “NTSB” “EV” “Fire”.
Imho, this is just cheap media exposure for a company that claims to be a “top savings referral service which enables consumers to quickly and easily request multiple competitive insurance quotes.”
Sigh, sadly it seems every second day a new species of “Fire Expert” is discovered.