A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Last night I was one of the fortunate 200 who paid to attend an IPA event at the grand ballroom of the Melbourne Ritz-Carlton, an address by Will Happer, that venerable twinkly-eyed genius perpetually smiling with a delightful air of equable and mildly detached professional amusement.
He has that rare knack sometimes possessed by those who have such a deep and thorough understanding of their subject, that he is able to simplify for the rest of us, to cut through the complexity and distil down to the crucial points.
Apparently his talk was filmed in Perth and will be available on YouTube.
It was a truly great night and I met some lovely people.
Great to read your comments scepticynic.
I also was there with June and had a chat with TdeF and Beth the serf. We had a chance to have our picture taken with Professor Happer who was most gracious.
Happer had a nice chat with June about families. “My family won’t listen to me “ said Happer.
Happer’s talk was fairly short, I would say less than 40 minutes. I would have liked a little more on the physics section. He dealt with the CO2 sensitivity issue fairly succinctly by introducing the Plank curve for black body radiation and comparing it with the outgoing radiation of the Earth, with the dips due to the radiative gases which he attributed to Karl Schwartschild. Since Schwartschild died in 1916 I am not sure how he measured the outgoing radiation. Anyway the important point is that doubling the CO2 from the current level reduces the outgoing radiation by just 0.7%, which is essentially nothing.
Having demonstrated that the warming effects of CO2 (if they exist) are too small to be relevant Happer moved on the the beneficial effects of CO2 on plant growth which has been demonstrated across the globe. He finally finished up with the problem of deprogramming our fellow citizens, using quotes from Deittrich Bonnhofer. This is a very difficult problem because we are surrounded by fools and as we all know you can’t fix stupid.
Yes, succinct is the word.
I didn’t see TdeF there, I was busy in conversation. I’d like to have asked him when he’ll be back.
We would love to have been there. We did consider it but everything was complicated. Hope to see a vid of Will Happer’s address.
It would have been nice to have said Hi again to Peter C and Beth the Serf and finally to meet TdeF and others who contribute to Jo’s blog; many whose comments we appreciate, especially TdeF’s.
I also miss TdeF.
I have no idea what motivates his absence.
But from my tiny corner of the world, things are getting a bit scary.
It is disconcerting that as the glaciers fail to melt and beach front property rises in price, the Climate Cult Cult grows stronger.
And Apple produces an ad which states, “our goal is to remove carbon from the atmosphere”.
Is there any point to attempt dialogue with madness?
Of course I’m here in the US, and POTUS election insanity is already ramping up.
I was with two liberal friends yesterday that live in a separate reality.
They apparently believe Trump has hit squads going about offing political opponents.
Yet Trump raises more money and gains more support.
I’ve come to believe that DC is now an autonomous and corrupt Medieval City State within the Republic.
I cant imagine them allowing a Trump inauguration to take place within the gates of Babylon.
So get your Deja Flu booster.
The CDC Director now says get the old booster that didn’t work for the old variant, so that that you can be in line for the new untested booster when it comes out in a few weeks.
The one that will cause 10 times more vax injuries per million than will save lives and hospitalizations.
Dr. John Campbell reviews new CDC vax recommendations.
We won’t follow the ‘science’ on health any more than we follow it on ‘carbon’.
Friends of Science Newsletter #395
Is Australia going cashless?
The article linked to contains a link to an additional article, which is particularly worth reading.
We have to ask whether the banks got together on this on their own initiative or whether it is being quietly directed by bureaucrats. The one thing to note is that, as usual, many ‘conservative’ politicians are nowhere to be seen on this issue. Publishers of conservative content should make a habit of referring their articles to conservative politicians for comment and then publishing the politicians’ names and comments alongside the article. The Left are winning on every front because no one in a position of power is pushing back against them. It is being left to all of us to ‘howl at the moon’ and we don’t have the power to make a difference to anything that matters.
A brief search of the web reveals that programmable digital currencies and a cashless society are the holy grail for some on the Left, because it will give them absolute control over every aspect of our lives.
I wish to object. Senator Price is a conservative and is pushing back in a very public way. She is so effective when she demolishes the Left’s fantacies that they have no response. See her address to the National Press Club. She has set the bar for conservative politicians everywhere and many will be found wanting. From the comments in today’s Australian to a column by Paul Kelly, hardly a conservative, most want Jacinta to be our Prime Minister simply because she speaks the truth and says what is. The Aboriginal Industry will be most upset with her call to dismantle all Aboriginal only organisations and just treat all Australians the same. She wants to rid us of a Department for Indigenous Affairs because Aborigines will be just part of the mainstream; some with special needs no doubt but not requiring a separate department to look after them.
I just hope that Dutton picks Mundine to replace Payne in the Senate. Price and Mundine will win the NO campaign and save Australia from Apartheid so Mundine should be rewarded for his part.
You are wandering off-topic, Lawrie. The comment is about programmable digital currencies and a cashless society. Once the ruling class take control of our money it won’t be undone. Do we want to see ‘conservative’ politicians making a loud, public stand against it, or do we want to see them cowering and doing nothing?
In contrast to the story about Australia going cashless, the UK seems to be swinging back to cash
I read an article recently about young people in Oz “discovering a personal finances hack” which was basically living within your means, using cash, setting aside cash for regular expenses in labelled envelopes. At least they are thinking about it.
I think the State of Victoria is. Can’t even afford to run the Comm Games.
This story seems extraordinary as it states that those who have been vaccinated will suffer a staggering loss of life expectancy
“Calling ALL Idiots! Report To Your Nearest Stab Zone!”
More on that “covid confidence” (/s)
Apparently some the older vax fanatics I know actually died some time ago. I better let them know.
“New York Urgently Needs To Confront the Contradiction of Trying To Electrify Everything While Also Eliminating Fossil Fuels”
New York state’s secret electricity supply weapon?
” A completely finished nuclear plant called Shoreham sits idle on Long Island, having never been approved for commercial operation in the face of vigorous environmental opposition.”
The old story about being able to suspend for only so long, then you run out of fantasy world.
I really enjoy reading the posts on this blog. so many intelligent posters. I have been a clinical psychologist for 33 years and worked in research for NIH for 12 of these years. but i actually thought of becoming an astro physicist since i was so interested in science. that is probably why i like this blog so much.
As a psychologist I find it extremely fascinating how people form beliefs, often very irrational, and how difficult it can be to change these beliefs.
Research on doomsday cults have shown that when the date of the End of the world passes, the believers become even more fanatic, for a while Cognitive dissonance prevents them from seing reality «we can’t all be that stupid, it must be true in some way.»
This is very similar to the way climate change fanatics are thinking. «The oceans are boiling» and other extreme statements, may be a sign that the more fanatic phase is already here.
however, there is hope. as any good salesperson knows, it is possible to change people’s minds. We just have to use the most efficient methods. One that psychologists often use with delusional beliefs, is called pacing and leading. You have to go with the patients a bit before you can lead them to sanity.
There are so may intelligent and scientifically well trained people on this blog, but we seem to just be sharing the good insights with each other, preaching to the converted.
My vision is that we could post on warmist blogs if we do some pacing and then very careful leading.
please see below for possible examples.
A good idea in principle, but based on my own experience doing just that, the censorship machine soon puts a stop to such ‘misbehaviour’. Even expressing sincere doubt about any leftist belief is enough to attract a pile-on, followed by cancellation.
This kind of reaction to opposing views seems to be part of the average leftist’s MO. Countless times (just search YouTube for examples) a conservative will engage with a woke leftist to debate their POV but, when the conservative presents contrary data or facts, in a respectful way, the leftist will usually vomit up a stream of foul language and walk away.
I don’t know how to get around that.
I understand your frustration. Which blogs have the biggest reach and which are the most difficult. I like challenges It costs nothing to try, and if there are 100 blogs, why not try the same post on all.
A GOOD sales operator does not “sell” to the customer.
The best technique is to get the punter to “sell it to themselves”. This plays to influence possible future “buyer remorse”.
See also: “If only Comrade Stalin knew….”.
Consider the behaviour of “churnalists” and pollie-muppets.
Sold as recognition and reconciliation.
I think it’s the capturing of the kids, almost at preschool level, then reinforcing climate theory as fact, without letup, until the child becomes postgraduate. With teachers, the theme is reinforced in training, by pressure on their ability to achieve a higher certified grade level only by accepting the truth of the theory and without having a knowledge base to debate it.
This blog achieves its success because most on it have the science qualifications to debate the theory. Some of us, like myself, have a spattering of science and statistics where we can understand the debate if not add much to it. The biggest problem is, the bulk of Australians don’t have any meaningful education in the sciences at all, no protection. They only question things after years go by and forecast outcomes of ideologically driven activists don’t happen. By that time the nation is at a stage where there has been huge expenditures in cash and reputations by government and businesses – both with separate interests (not necessarily to do with climate) that any attempt to unravel is resisted to the death and the cost… Oh! The cost.imo that’s where we are at now.
I think its already happening with sites like this and many others. I’m no scientist but pick up gems of facts and information on these sites and share them on other non-science sites. Like cracks in a pain of glass it spreads. I also believe that peak climate alarmism is now greatly surpassed by informative facts within hours, The polar bears, Penguins, Forest fires, Flooding and many other climate alarmist stories that appear on MSM news are easily fact checked thanks to this site and WUWT. TdeF is one of my favorite commenters. His posts could fill a book. Thanks to all.
Example of pacing and leading to change warmist delusions:
Governments are trying to reach net zero co2 in order to protect the globe against climate change. but what if we go too far and get an uncontrolled reduction in co2. If we are able to lower co2 so much that it gets colder, the oceans would absorb more co2. this will make the world colder, which will make the oceans absorb more co2. if we reduce co2 by only 50%, all life will cease on earth. how can we be sure we will not get such a tipping point/feedback loop in the future. we are ok now. we can feed the world. with less co2 there will be less food production and possibly much colder.
Very few governments. Mostly in Europe, North America (above the Rio Grande) and Australia & NZ.
All others just ignore it.
Example of pacing and leading to change warmist delusions:
Governments are trying to reach net zero co2 in order to protect the globe against climate change. But maybe too many countries are not trying hard enough, and maybe too many people are unwilling or unable to reduce their carbon footprint e.g by buying EVs. and maybe reducing co2 to net zero doesn’t have as much influence on the climate as we thought. the uncertainties far in the future are big. could a better strategy be to go for adaptation
on all levels. each family could get support for aircon, to build flood protection, to storm proof their house. Farmers could build better irrigation and flood proofing etc. on a larger scale government or local communities could be prepared for growing different crops according to climate change, prepare economically for climate adversities etc.
We still have time for this, and people would be more willing to protect their families than enduring blackouts and high electricity prices to lower co2. A lot of employment would be created in various fields with all the adaptation work.and maybe we wouldn’t need all the windmills if we are prepared for the worst?
Example of pacing and leading to change warmist delusions.
Governments are trying to reach net zero co2 in order to protect the globe against climate change, and one of the tools are windmills. An important question with windmills is if we as a species on the planet can sacrifice other species in order to avoid climate change. Eagles and raptors are attracted to windmills because the turbulence makes them instinctively approach to get lift. Often they get too close and are killed, often grotesquely by the blades,. These are big rare birds that may become extinct, not like the millions of common birds that are killed by cats or knocked out by windows. We may make our most majestic birds extinct with the windmills.
Slightly different problem for whales. Also rare, they get so disturbed by the sound that the escape to shipping lanes and are killed by large ships, often gruesome deaths like for eagles and raptors.
And then we have the human suffering for those who live close to the windmills. Can we demand that they sacrifice their physical and mental health so we don’t have to turn down our aircons. Who are we to be so egoistic. couldn’t e just consume less electricity?(pacing again)
Example of pacing and leading to change warmist delusions.
Governments are trying to reach net zero co2 in order to protect the globe against climate change. that is very good, but we need for all countries to do their share. we cannot sacrifice our standard of living so that china and India can increase co2 and destroy for all of us. since this is happening now, the only sensible thing is to protect ourselves against climate change by local adaptation, dams, irrigation, flood proofing etc. we cannot count on China being sensible like we are (pacing again).
“A surprising number of votes? Or not.”
Vote “NO” with confidence
“We Own the Science and Think the World Should Know It” – Globalist UN Official Calls for More Controls Over Speech, Greater Censorship of the Masses (VIDEO)
Melissa Fleming: Of course, firings at Twitter have left us with no one to call to flag content that is abusive or even incitement to violence. We’re now seeing that almost anyone can promote disinformation for the price of a blue tick…
… We do feel like we are in an information war and that we need to massively ramp up our response. So we’re creating at the UN a central capacity to monitor and also have the ability to rapidly react when miss and disinformation and hate speech is threatening not just our people, our operations, but also the issues and the causes that we’re working on. But also, we are going to be gearing up our verified initiative around climate change and developing this UN code of conduct on information integrity on digital platforms, hoping to set global standards that we can all advocate around so that we can collectively work for a more humane Internet.
# # #
Disclosure: I hate the UN.
Kicked off the Apple thread with this so here it is here:
Ossqss >”radiation they emit”
If there is one impact on human health that suffers from lack of study this is it.
I wouldn’t normally present a Natural News article (each to his/her own) but because nothing else comes to mind, this is what I’m getting at:
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body
>”when a certain free radical called superoxide anion reacts with nitric oxide (NO)”
The role of NO only began to be understood after the 1992 breakthrough when it was assigned “molecule of the year”, from one of many:
Nitric oxide—Important messenger in human body [download]
Of course, any dysfunction brought on by increasing EMF exposure will need pharmaceutical remedy – like Pfizer’s NO-based Viagra.
But address the root causes – where’s the money in that?
Chase up “The Invisible Rainbow” on the web. A book by Arthur Firstenbeg, it details the effects of EMF radiation since we discovered electricity, a long list of effects on insects, animals and plants by radio, TV radar and mobile phones.
We’re living longer but getting sicker than hundreds of years ago.
>”[EMF] effects on insects, animals and plants by radio, TV radar and mobile phones”
SONAR not so good for whales either:
New Research Finds Big Wind Violating NOAA’s Sonar Limits, Endangering Whales
“I want to be unambiguous: There is no information supporting that any of the equipment used in support of offshore wind development could directly lead to the death of a whale,” said a representative from NOAA in January of this year
As a coincidence, there’s an article on clean places to live with minimal EMF radiation around the world.
A couple by radio telescopes, like Murchison in WA.
Its becoming more recognised these days.
“Socializing face-to-face brings greater mental boost than social media”
Also raises alcohol intake. Cause or effect?
I noticed that useful idiots who had sold their soul to Satan were getting promoted over the competent, some 30 years ago. Why wouldn’t you expect it from the people asked to do the science?
Former prime minister John Howard says the main reason a lot of Australians will vote ‘No’ to the Voice to Parliament is the government’s “failure” to explain what is involved.
A Reserve Strategic poll found 57 per cent of voters are planning to vote ‘No’ and only 39 per cent of voters in Western Australia and Queensland support the referendum.
“We have no idea of precisely how this body is going to be elected,” Mr Howard told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“We haven’t been told precisely how many people are going to be elected, we haven’t been told what their terms of engagement are once they’ve been elected.
“We’ve been told ‘if you vote for it we’ll tell you then’ – that is nothing short of insulting to the Australian people.”
Albo is running the oldest scam in the book:
Albo – Give me $10 for what’s in the bag.
What’s in the bag Albo?
I’m not going to tell you just give me $10!
or I’ll … I’ll … I’ll call you nasty names…
$11 inc GST
or in Albos case in reality $40bilion+ per annum
But Australians want this voice
“Orwell Meets Your Stuffy Nose”
“Experts have long doubted the effectiveness of phenylephrine,” which is a common ingredient in DayQuil, NyQuil, Sudafed, Mucinex, and others.
This was National Public Radio this morning.”
And this is what you get when you “follow the money” –
“There is something especially absurd about the FDA right now. They rubber stamp vaccines without proper testing. They recommend them for everyone, even those at zero medical risk for suffering from that which the vaccine is supposed to mitigate, even though the potion is for a variant that is already gone from the scene. Then they block and trash repurposed drugs that actually do work.
And now in the name of fixing the common cold, they have blasted out the news that DayQuil is no good, even though the drug regulators themselves are responsible for ruining what was once a perfectly respectable product.
Some people speculate that this is, once again, a matter of directing all attention to the vaccine industry, so that even the common cold can be cited as a reason to get, for example, the new RSV vaccine, which is helpfully promoted in the New York Times just below its piece on the above news.
The entire scene has become part of what is now called Clown World. “
I guess we await the response from the TGA
Just sign this blank cheque, we’ll fill in the rest later, trust us.
“The climate scaremongers: Cheap wind power myth is blown away”
Paul Homewood knocks it out of the park, again.
Doctors and courts in the UK reanimate the Third Reich’s ‘death panels’ corpse
“Can we finally admit that every time socialized medicine ends in eugenics and state-sponsored murder it wasn’t because things went awry, but rather because it all went perfectly according to plan?”
Dr. Thomas Sowell, at 93 yrs, is more informed/astute/erudite/rational than a majority of the planet 1/3 his age.
Consequences Matter: Thomas Sowell on “Social Justice Fallacies”
We’re Coming to Tear Down Australia’s Corrupt Regime!
A lot of utopian overtones there.
The criteria that has to be met for a complaint to the NACC to result in an investigation (i.e. that you can name a specific public official) will ensure that most of the complainants who can meet it are themselves employees of the Deep State with direct knowledge of the corrupting event. For the public it is normal in dealing with public service agencies that you don’t know the individual who makes the decisions and pushes the buttons in your case. Only insiders would know.
So does that mean whistleblowers are the only ones likely to use the NACC? But then a whistleblower would have to divulge information and documents outside of the context it was meant to be kept in, which could be seen as a corrupt misuse of information by NACC. The risk of blowback is definitely going weigh on the mind of any potential whistleblower.
Aside from its main preoccupation with dodgy parliamentarians, I conclude the secondary purpose of the NACC is to protect the Deep State.
There may be other organisations that can still pursue justice in less straightforward cases, such as ISIG federally, or State-based commissions such as the Qld CCC.
Unseasonal warm spell in Oz and Saunders fails to mention AGW.
‘What’s different this week is an area of high-pressure in the Tasman Sea is near stationary, deflecting fronts away from southern Australia.
‘So why is the high not moving?
‘Earlier this week the jet stream — a river of strong winds aloft — split in two, with one arm heading north into the Coral Sea and the other diving south over Tasmania.
‘The result is an absence of wind above the high to shove it out of the way. This split jet and stationary high pattern is called a “diffluent block”.
The Duran with Brian Berletic & Patrick Lancaster: Crimea escalation
Before going to the link, be aware that the two Alexs are Russian shills.
I was interested, but it was just too slow for me. I can read an article faster than these wanna-be actors can run their Youtubes. Its quicker to write someone off as an obvious propaganda pusher and move on.
Two Russians commenting on a war between their country, is Shilling?
Does shilling mean, disagrees with your view?
One Australian commenting on a war between two other countries is fact.
How many of other people’s children are you willing to sacrifice, when will your blood lust be quenched?
You knock other people who provide links to a view, you continually express your view, but never a link?
Patrick is British, married to a Russian, lives in Russia and now works for RT.
Viva Ukraine!!
It looks like Russell Brand might be the latest target for lawfare aimed at removing him from the public eye. It is becoming increasingly dangerous to question our superiors or refuse to accept ‘their truth’.
Donald Trump, Jordan Peterson, Mark Steyn, Andrew Bolt …
The ABC has a story on that today:
Dave B
He is about to be overwhelmed by the pitchfork-wavers, I think. He is, in their eyes, an even worse character than we conservatives; he is an leftist apostate, one who held (holds?) acceptable leftist opinions but more recently stepped out of line, in particular by questioning the whole Covid tyranny.
Their ABC has been quick to join the mob, albeit in its own slightly more subtle way (just in case the allegations prove false?) by covering the story reasonably fairly but ending their brief report by saying the BBC program ‘Dispatches’, due to expose Brand’s alleged misdemeanors in its next edition, “… has won several British Academy Television Awards for its reporting …”
OK, maybe not THAT subtle.
It seems he is about to be hit with allegations of rape or sexual assault. It’s hard to imagine that being true, given that he was for quite some time a sex object for many women and has written extensively about his promiscuity while at the height of his TV fame. Why on earth would he need to force himself on anybody when there was apparently a queue leading from his dressing room?
Note also that the newspaper where I first read about the allegations, which allows comments from readers, has barred commenting in this case. They knew what those comments would say and didn’t want them.
He’s doomed unless he receives some substantial help.
Just Stop Oil’s plot to paralyse London for a whole WEEK unmasked: Militant eco-clowns are planning to cripple the capital by ‘radicalising’ and recruiting more than 500 students
Sorry hit the red but meant green.
Those ‘students’ won’t fare well after the first day. Real people tending Real Jobs might have something to contribute. As well, those enroute to hospital or awaiting police. What a stupid idea. When the Populace has “had enough” things will get ugly, right quick, and in a hurry.
Glue might well be replaced by roofing tar emulsion and feathers. Just a hypothetical guess.
They should be removed from their roadblocks and glued to the road outside the London HQ of Greenpeace. And left there.
Macquarie Bank: Branches to scrap CASH, cheque and phone payment services
Australia’s fifth-largest bank has announced it will scrap cash transactions in all its branches, outraging customers and consumer advocates.
Macquarie Bank will begin phasing out all cash, cheque and phone payment services in its Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane branches from January as moves to digital-only transactions.
It will have ceased all in-branch cash transactions by next November.
‘Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts,’ the bank said in a statement.
Finance expert Sarah Wells told Daily Mail Australia that Macquarie’s move ‘is the next step [towards] a cashless society.’…
A local bakery/coffee shop has a sign Please Pay Cash – or we will loose the option.
When I asked the proprietor said that Card Paying cost him 1.6% of turnover and he was very concerned about what the Banks would do when they had control.
Electroverse has opened a rumble channel, with a video on wildfires. He is opening a you tube one too, for less controversial vids.
Reminder: Planetary physics 201: Earth’s temperature lecture
**Available to watch now**
This livestream (Sept. 15, 2023, 8pm MDT) will be the first time in history where the entire temperature structure of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere (i.e., the troposphere) is explained all in one place, in one lecture. This has literally never happened before, anywhere, or in any university, although it easily could and should have.
How your Smart TV can watch what you do
I never use the tv browser anyway.
Meeting ‘Net Zero’ Goals Will Cost Taxpayers $75 Trillion, Analysis Shows
In order to comply with the globalist “Net Zero” climate goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN), taxpayers will need to spend a staggering $75 trillion, a group of leading analysts has revealed.
To put the figure into context, in 2023, it is estimated that the total amount of money in circulation around the world is roughly $40 trillion.
Nevertheless, the public will have to dig even deeper to cover the demands of the global elite to achieve aggressive international “climate change” goals.
The impossible “Net Zero” goals for “carbon emissions” set forth by the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are expected to be met by 2050.
However, according to a new report from energy consultancy and research firm Wood Mackenzie, investments would need to total $75 trillion to meet the targets.
It’s never going to be achieved and achieves nothing if it does happen. 😉
Except bankrupting already broke and failing countries and destroying civilisation…
What’s driving turbo cancers and autoimmune flare-ups?
Vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche DVM PhD explains the possible mechanism for the widely reported spikes in aggressive cancers and autoimmune flares.
The CDC is still telling US citizens to “stay up to date” with their shots, yet a preprint study released in June shows that Cleveland Clinic staff who weren’t “up-to-date” with their C-XX shots fared better against C-XX than those who were.
As early as 2021, as indicated in an article in Nature Medicine, “viral variants began to stack up” only after the vaccines were rolled out. An article published in Frontiers in Immunology in early 2022 details the multiple immune escape strategies used by the virus both following infection and vaccination.
Geert Vanden Bossche sends a stark warning to those contemplating more C-XX shots later this year, as we proceed towards the northern hemisphere winter. He explains in great detail how and why highly C-XX vaccinated populations will:
serve to drive ever more infectious and potentially dangerous, immune escape, Omicron-derived variants
be at greater risk of severe C-XX than less vaccinated or unvaccinated populations, and
how the risk of other conditions among highly vaccinated populations, including aggressive, early-onset, ‘turbo’ cancers and autoimmune flare-ups, will likely increase significantly compared with those who choose to avoid further C-XX vaccination.
Geert Vanden Bossche sends a stark warning to those contemplating more C-XX shots later this year, as we proceed towards the northern hemisphere winter. He explains in great detail how and why highly C-XX vaccinated populations will:
serve to drive ever more infectious and potentially dangerous, immune escape, Omicron-derived variants
be at greater risk of severe C-XX than less vaccinated or unvaccinated populations, and
how the risk of other conditions among highly vaccinated populations, including aggressive, early-onset, ‘turbo’ cancers and autoimmune flare-ups, will likely increase significantly compared with those who choose to avoid further C-XX vaccination.
Ahh, IgG4 again…
If you have the facts, say NO to the vaxx.
Saturday ejukayshun: American history
What are kids being taught?
Saturday solar photo – a question on the sun
Can you answer the question?😁
Possibly a solar tornado.
Caused of course by Global Warming on Earth.
Key Ingredient in Most Decongestants Doesn’t Work, Experts Say
The key ingredient that underpins many nasal decongestants don’t work as promised when taken orally.
Following an evaluation of clinical trial data, a panel of expert advisors for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees oral phenylephrine-based (PE) drugs are no better at reducing stuffiness than a placebo. While still safe to ingest, too much of the medicine is broken down before it gets to the bloodstream to have any real effect, they say.
The panel’s recommendation, laid out in a briefing document published this week, is that the FDA reclassify oral PE decongestants so that they are not falsely labeled as effective.
This could force manufacturers to reformulate products like Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain, Sudafed PE Nasal Decongestant, and Tylenol Cold & Flu Severe, among many, many others.
As expected, many of these manufacturers are not happy. A trade organization representing the companies, called the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, said in a statement reported by CNBC it was “disappointed” by the panel’s vote and urged the FDA to tread carefully.
At the same time, many scientists have welcomed the panel’s conclusions. In fact, since 2006, researchers at the University of Florida have been petitioning the government to review the effectiveness of oral PE as a nasal decongestant.
Aahh…”selective integrity” as I call it, strikes again!
No vaxx for HIV in 4 decades.
No vaxx for cancer in a century.
No vaxx for the common cold.
A mystery virus appears (absolutely not from Wuhan 😁) and within a year, 4 big pharma companies have a safe&effective vaxx, within weeks of each other.
Oh please, you can’t even produce a working nasal decongestant!
Canadian Schools Dump All Books Printed Before 2008 Because They Aren’t Woke Enough
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Canadian Schools Dump All Books Printed Before 2008 Because They Aren’t Woke Enough
Warner Todd HustonSeptember 15, 2023
Canada has figured out how to stop children from being confronted by all that scary, non-woke history… they are just throwing it all in the trash.
According to a report by the CBC, Canadian schools are now simply getting rid of any book printed before 2008 because they all have that darned ol’ dangerous information in them that isn’t “inclusive” enough.
According to the CBC, kids have gone to school and found most of their library shelves empty.
One student said she can no longer find, books such as Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Roll of Thunder, and Hear My Cry on her school’s book shelves.
“This year, I came into my school library and there are rows and rows of empty shelves with absolutely no books,” said student Reina Takata, who just started Grade 10.
Takata added that up to 50 per cent of her school’s library books are gone.
Memory holed. Dumped. Ended. Canceled.
Which is why my mega-library is digital.
Cooy of 1984 or the remastered film, anyone? 😎
New NYC Crime Data Show Crime Would Drop by 90% Without ‘Diversity’
New York City, the bustling metropolis renowned for its cultural diversity and iconic skyline, has always been a city of contradictions. As we delve into the latest crime report for the year 2022, we are confronted with an unsettling reality that highlights both challenges and disparities in crime statistics.
The recently released crime report for New York City in 2022 serves as a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of criminal activity within the city. This annual report compiles data on various criminal offenses, helping law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and the public gain insights into crime trends and patterns.
In 2022, New York City witnessed a total of 414 homicides. One striking aspect of these tragic events is the demographic breakdown of the victims, suspects, and arrestees. According to the data, black individuals comprised 63 percent of the homicide victims, 64 percent of the suspects, and 58 percent of the arrestees. This discrepancy raises important questions about the underlying factors contributing to these statistics.
Of course the FBI and DOJ official data for YEARS has shown the realities.
You can’t rebuild before you first destroy.
The problem is that the “destroy” stage has some major unexpected twists and events, and the rebuilding won’t be by the self-appointed human “God-wannabes”.
Saturday retro (2022) fun: lefty loony losing it live on Sky news
Misgendered? Shock & outrage!!
My opinion, as usual:
Here the BBC accidentally shows how easily kids are brainwashed by their climate propaganda, any propaganda, unless it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Note how ‘weather patterns have changed in the last 10 years’ is flashed up as an example of ‘good science’ near the start.
President Trump’s rally a Close Encounter:
(1m 46s video clip)
FWIW !!!
“The Moron Generation – just as well their food comes from the supermarket, or their mum.”
Re “Their Voice”
Re the mention of genetic testing in questions
To my suprise it seems that there is no genetic test for aboriginality!
Funny thing WAR: did they do this the last time? – TRADE with each other? No-Coal, Wind powered Germany buys OIL from Russia. Yesterday “Fridays for Future” idiots got a lot of free advertising on their MSM ANd the Greens are still governing ?
I’m sure they did Saighdear, the bankers and businessmen have no morals. GM sold aircraft motors to Dornier in WW2 until Pearl Harbour dragged them into it.
Ukraine still buys gas off Russia, and more Euro countries buy Russian oil via Middle Eastern intermediaries, and don’t even think about Turkey!
German airplanes were full of US instruments…
Germany and Russia are not at war, officially.
Ask German Foreign Minister Baerbock about that:
People say things, sometimes idiotic things. Doesn’t mean we should take them seriously.
There is a train of thought that says a major war is impossible now because of the interdependence of nations in world trade. Maybe it IS a limiting factor so we are having WWIII in a stadium, a la gladiators.
Hoh man! Tears of lafter hier. Yes we have even some embedded reporters … or is that Fakers? Could have a TV Nightly series or within the News bulletins like the Sport – 10 minute slot at the end AFTER the Weather wrong forecast.
EU in Panic Mode as Net Zero Fails
A suggested photo shop double-
You remember the His Master’s Voice badge?
Replace the dog with a photo of ElBowen
Winston Peter’s on the New Zealand Elections 2023
“In act of divine retribution, equestrian statue of Angela Merkel collapses spontaneously under its own weight”