A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Father’s Day, Australians!
I’ve been watching the US hurricane page. H.Idalia just went past Bermuda. It has been a busy week.
See here:
Place a pointer at the eastern tip of Cuba and draw a circle with 1,000 mi. radius {1600 km}. It occurs to me this would be a good place to be from.
Hurricanes in hurricane season: calamity.
Typhoons in typhoon season: woe is me.
Snow in snow season: the end is nigh.
One breathless reporter – or was she an AI voice-bot? – decried the horror that Georgia hadn’t witnessed a hurricane of Idalia’s intensity since 1896, when an unnamed Cat 3 shattered the peace and tranquility of that fair southern state… One hundred and twenty-seven years of calm, 127 years of no Cat 3 storms, over a century of no CCC chaos… sounds like a safe spot to me, plus the surf will be pumping.
You take the good with the bad & carry on.
Wasn’t cat 3 when it got there was it?
This is the season for typhoons and thankfully this article doesn’t mention boiling seas caused by global warming.
Hurricane Opal hit Georgia in 1995. I was in the hospital with some unknown disease, they had me in isolation. My wife and 2 kids were hiding in the basement of our house. I recovered, never knowing what I had. We left the following year, back to Seattle.
Democrats Gave a Foreign Company Big Tax Breaks To Build Wind Turbines. It May Scrap The Projects Anyway.
Democrats in New Jersey and Connecticut approved hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to incentivize a Danish green energy company to build offshore wind farms. Now, the company is facing billions in lost value and may need to scrap the projects.
Denmark’s Orsted, the world’s largest offshore wind company, on Wednesday announced it’s facing supply chain problems and other issues that could cause it to take a $2.3 billion hit to its U.S. portfolio. The company’s issues are so significant, Orsted’s chief executive said, that the foreign green energy giant could “walk away from projects” in the United States…
They are so useless you can’t even pay people to build them in some cases.
In the US the subsidies are paid for indirectly by tax taxpayers via tax breaks.
In Australia most of the subsidies are paid directly by the electricity consumer and added to consumer electricity bills.
I suspect the scam is more profitable for wind subsidy harvesters in Australia.
Ørsted is not alone. For example, developers Equinor and BP are seeking a whopping 54% hike in New York offshore wind power payments. The price hike for Empire Wind 1 would be $159.64 per MWh from $118.56, for Empire Wind 2 the bump would be $177.84 per MWh from $107.50 and for Beacon Wind the enhanced price would be $190.82 from $118.00. These are huge increases. None of these projects has started construction so may never.
The whole US offshore wind industry is struggling and with luck will collapse. Every boom has its bust. Here’s hoping.
Also Vattenfall, the Swedish company, has dropped out of a big (planned) project in the North Sea and is “reconsidering” a project in home waters. And Shell, Norway’s Equinor, Spain’s Iberdrola, Portugal’s Energias de Portugal, and France’s Engie and state-owned Electricite de France have all been less enthusiastic.
Big offshore wind farms need big turbines. All three of the west’s key offshore wind turbine groups – Siemens Gamesa, Vestas and GE – were loss-making last year and questions have been raised over their ability to scale-up their operations to the level needed.
Another trouble with offshore wind turbines is the shortage of specialist ships for installation.
Wind Europe also issued a report about looming problems in relation to the ships needed to construct and connect offshore wind in June last year . “World wide shortage of FIVs,WTIVs and CLVs posses risk for project execution worldwide”
(FIVs – Foundation Installation Vessels: WTIVs – Wind Turbine Installation Vessels: CLVs Cable Laying Vessels)
No doubt in Chris Bowen’s ‘mind’ that his splendid offshore wind projects will go ahead and he can retired in glory.
HINT Chris – retire now.
Never mind, Dan and Lily’s VIC offshore wind project will still make VIC a “renewables energy powerhouse” What would the AEMO know anyway?
All those other countries and corporations just aren’t doing it right like they will. I mean with Chris’s help what could possibly go wrong?
“renewables energy powerhouse” That would be the booby prize.
Hey H it’s VIC, we are used to it!
Best part Yarpos, is that when it goes wrong Dan won’t front any enquiries, wont find any ministers responsible, will declare that although everyone was “at the meetings” the decisions where “arrived at by the group” wont mention the billions lost to the state for absolutely nil return, blame the infighting in the opposition, deflect to some minor detraction like bidding for the Commonwealth games in 2034 then give every eligble household a one off $250.00 energy rebate.
I love living in Utopia!
At least the sun is shining today, after early fog.
Another problem – courtesy of NetZerowatch –
is that the newer and larger turbines, while starting out as more effective then dive in performance.
“A few recent UK offshore windfarms have averaged 46% capacity factor over their first few years, but there is a trend to declining output as time passes. This is clear in Figure 3, which again divides the fleet into cohorts, but this time by size of turbine.
So they might generate more MWh (and cost more) but there will be less money coming while maintenance costs rise.
It’s not the customers getting agitated but the Bean Counters who will kill this.
I would think the growing calls for reliable nuclear or even HELE coal might give the impression that a new governments might cancel subsidies to the unreliables. Spain did it years ago. A pro nuclear government here would give potential investers in wind and solar the jitters. This would be the case if the blackouts start coming and the calls for a better plan get louder.
And one might wonder why there aren’t many or any offshore wind developments in fully woke Californiastan.
Apparently offshore waters are too deep so wind subsidy farms aren’t possible.
The industry is developing so-called floating turbine systems for just that purpose. I think the biggest to date and still rather experimental is an 88 MW array off Norway that just fired up.
Is that so they can tow it around to follow that “wind that is always blowing somewhere”?
When I first visited the US in the mid 1970s there were offshore oil platforms off the coast of southern California. They were a fair way out but still visible from shore, so they stuck fake palm trees on the to make them more visually acceptable.
Electric vehicles catch fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia
wo electric vehicles in Palm Beach, Florida caught fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia, according to reports.
Officials from the fire department said that both cars were Teslas and stated that the rechargeable car batteries might combust if exposed to saltwater.
“If you own a hybrid or electric vehicle that has come into contact with saltwater due to recent flooding within the last 24 hours, it is crucial to relocate the vehicle from your garage without delay,” the department wrote in a Facebook post. “Saltwater exposure can trigger combustion in lithium-ion batteries. If possible, transfer your vehicle to higher ground.”
The warning also extended to other vehicles with lithium-ion batteries such as electric golf carts, scooters and bicycles…
Speaking of teslas, one ran out of juice when turning on a major road round here and blocked the junction. it apparently locks the brakes and six men including three police couldn’t shift it. It took three hours before it could be moved with the right equipment causing chaos on a very busy day.
That suggests it takes power to hold the brakes unlocked, like pneumatic truck brakes, so it uses energy to allow you to move.
They need some wheel dollys just to get the car a couple of cms of the ground and push it around. Easy to say as most police cars are full of “stuff” already.
Fremantle Hwy: Mercedes EV battery burns ONE MONTH later | Auto Expert John Cadogan
Why us it that EV’s are so vulnerable to salt water?
Poor design? Poor water ingress sealing?
And when you have to have an EV, what about launching a noat? Or the electric boat engine?
John, you ask,
In answer,
The US Fire Administration has published this as a guide to first responders. (October 2022):
It concerns EVs flooded with salt water.
“According to the NHTSA, residual salt within the battery or battery components can form conductive “bridges” that can lead to short circuit and self-heating of the battery, resulting in fires.
The time frame in which a damaged battery can ignite has been observed to vary widely, from days to weeks.”
Hope this helps.
Salt is an electrolyte.
If I had been one of the Russian families coerced to settle in Crimea I think I would be concerned by the number of ti8mes the bridge has been attacked.
I’m amazed there is still a bridge standing in Ukraine. Ukrainian military supplies have to cross rivers to get to the front and yet Putin leaves the bridges in place.
The next advance will be radar for cardboard drones.
Those cardboard drones are Australian made. El Cheepo.
Relatively cheap for military equipment but still cost Aussie taxpayers $1000 to $5000 per piece for a disposable item.
But they are apparently quite effective for what the Ukes are using them for even though the Australian Government told them they were for humanitarian reasons only and not offensive purposes.
See video:
I mentioned them in an article about the Australian International Air Show:
M795, a simple 155 mm HE shell costs about $400.
I think you’ll find the residents of the Crimea were Russian before Ukraine, during Ukraine and will be after Ukraine.
If your homeland is attacked by Nazis it doesn’t make you pro Nazi !
I think we all knew about the danger to wild life caused by off shore wind farms but it seems the powers that be are surprised by the carnage they cause
The Feds deny this adamantly. Shellenberger is great.
This article covers several topics. I have read about the difficulty some Aussies have of renting property as Australia undergoes an unprecedented migration boom. It seems that has also helped raise house prices in some areas, but what is interesting is the Climate map a little way down the page, demonstrating which man made climate catastrophe is likely to befall you, depending on where you decide to settle
‘ … the Gold Coast were more likely to suffer property price falls of five to 10 per cent by 2050 because of climate change.’
That is pure speculation to cool the market.
Its true that we are taking in Chinese and Indian immigrants in large numbers, forcing locals out of the property market. A lot of the new arrivals have cash.
Byron Bay was overpriced because of the glitterati, but rising interest rates seems to have sobered them up.
Indian immigrants are outnumbering the Chinese immigrants, who don’t have a clue about Aussie football and they don’t play cricket.
I saw an advert in favour of Australia’s proposed Apartheid laws (the stupidly named “The Voice”) and constitutional amendnent and it said Aboriginals are not currently recognised in the Constitution.
But that is a lie. All Australians are included in the Constitution regardless of race.
Also, there was the 1967 referendum which removed the last mention of Aborigines from the Constitution making it a truly race-free document.
The 1967 referendum question was:
So what are the Apartheid laws going to do that aren’t already possible?
All Australians are meant to have a “voice”. That’s what our elected “representatives” are meant to be for. Why should Aboriginal get extra rights to representation beyond other Australian?
Are we all equal or are some more equal than others?
I have not seen a single advert for the “No” case because they don’t have much, if any, funding.
Also, apparently Farcebook has been deleting posts in favour of the “No” vote.
In addition, I am not at all convinced that the vote will be honest.
The Voice is, in reality the introduction of minority rule, just like South Africa where the minority was white. But, it was a really wealthy country for black & white. Unemployment was around 10/12%.It’ll be the opposite in Australia where the minority population is black.
It’s taken South Africa +- 25 years to reach the situation where where there is basically no one in charge. The economy is wrecked, infrastructure is crumbling at an astonishing rate, there is not a single government or municipal organisation or institution that is solvent.
Unemployment officially is +- 25%. In reality it’s 60% or more.
The majority of Africa is no better.
And Australians are called on to vote for what will basically be minority rule???
Minority rule but by useful idiots, essentially European having been brought up in European households with some Aboriginal blood (absolutely none, in one case). The minority will not be the people that it’s supposed to help.
“And Australians are called on to vote for what will basically be minority rule???”
Hey, it worked for NZ.. Maoris control the Health system, the water from the rain to the sea, the coastline, the Govt land and the National Parks, the mountains, and all the local Councils. The average Maori is still poor, unhealthy and under-educated.
There is still one section of the Australian Constitution I would now like to see scrapped…
Section 51 xxvi the people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws;
Get rid of all the Race powers and Race will never be so abused again – as it is being abused in the Voice debate.
Then perhaps governments will focus on helping those in need vs those wanting more…
What in actual hell? I just read on the ABC (ugh) that Dutton will hold another referendum in his first term when this one fails, and that Littleproud also thinks this referendum this will pass, and if it doesn’t then talks about recognition will follow!!
Are they trying to sabotage the no vote?
It can only be One Nation next time.
Dutton has said he will hold a referendum to amend the constitution for Indigenous recognition. Only recognition. Not a Voice under the guise of recognition.
This is to negate Albanese’s claim that this referendum is our only chance to recognise ATSI peoples because there won’t be another one. This is Albanese trying to use FOMO to make people think better vote Yes now while we have the chance for recognition.
Even though I don’t agree with recognition in any format (voice or just preamble), I think it’s a smart move by Dutton and helps the No vote.
“the stupidly named “The Voice”“. Maybe not so stupid – the ‘Yes’ vote will benefit from those who think they are voting for the television program.
I have wondered whether naming that programme was deliberately timed to influence the gullible?
I was going to reply “yes” to your comment but what I really meant was “you are correct”.
The Voice could have been so-named to make it ‘uncomfortable’ to say No. As though you are denying part of the population a voice.
Rubbish of course, we all have the same voice at the moment.
We all have an equal voice atm (technically anyway). No one part of the population should be favoured over all the rest of us.
“We all have an equal voice atm (technically anyway).”
Sorry Annie not correct. We have different laws for different people. Koori courts for indigenous offenders, so they can be admonished “traditionally”. Not true tradional pupishments of course, that part, like blood feuds, ritual spearings and pay back killings is something we dont talk about, only the injustices of white law.
Different laws for harvesting wildlife as well and if duck hunting is banned, traditional owners will still be allowed to hunt ducks. Tradiionally of course, brand new hilux, pretty good tinnie and outboard and that old tradional hunting tool the shot gun.
Hmm, I stand corrected Sambar. Silly me, I should have remembered such things. As an old white woman (English too!) that makes me unimportant in the scheme of things. Get back under your stone serf!
So, John Farnham has given permission to the Yes campaign to use his song.
He is entitled to do that.
Most Aussies are not interested in politics and are easily swayed by smooth talking pollies and celebrities, but this issue needs serious consideration.
Most Aussies do not understand the significance of our Constitution and that all Laws derive from it.
Any Federal Government can then enact laws specifically benefitting 3% of our population based on race.
I have read the single page version of the Uluru statement; what a load of emotive waffle it is.
I urge you to read it and if you base your choice on that one page, then No must be the choice.
There is zero detail about how a new bureaucracy would work and the Government will not tell us before voting. For me that is reason enough to vote No.
I have read the 25-page Uluru statement and urge everyone to read it. The detail is not hidden and is scary and if you base your choice on those pages, then you can say you were informed and voted accordingly.
I have also looked at the other 94 pages of the leadup to the Statement, but the 25 pages are the important ones. (It’s one 119-page document)
I now have the AEC referendum booklet and have read it.
Everything it contains is already being implemented and I do not see how another layer of bureaucracy is of practical benefit.
I was in Mataranka NT a few years ago and met several people gathering for a conference about indigenous affairs. There were 6 or 8 aboriginal regional representatives who either drove or flew in, about 6 white people from local, state and federal government.
What I saw was a consultative process where the aboriginal people could discuss and make representation to all levels of Government, and they did not need a “voice to parliament” because they already had one.
This referendum is not a law that can be easily changed or rescinded, it’s about the CONSTITUTION of Australia and it is a serious issue.
When a ‘celebrity’ gives me life, political, health or financial advice, I make it a general rule to do the opposite.
Hello David. Since putting a NO sticker on your car or house would invite some deluded fool to trash it a more appropriate sticker could be “Vote Yes for Apartheid” or similar. Then again the recently educated and indocrinated don’t do nuance and probably think (do they?) that Apartheid is a good thing.
Children made to write apology letters in school to Aboriginal Australians ‘for taking their land’
Senator Hanson said teachers should ‘hang their heads in shame’ for psychologically burdening children with historical guilt.
‘Under no circumstances should innocent children bear the guilt of historical events, especially events that occurred long before they were even conceived. ‘This is not education; it’s emotional manipulation,’ she argued.
‘What legacy are we leaving for future generations if we instil in them a sense of guilt and shame for things they had no part in?
‘Rather than moving toward unity and social harmony, we are planting seeds for further discord and division.’
It comes after a mother on Thursday revealed how her daughter was told by teachers at her school to ‘go home and influence your parents to vote Yes’ for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Taken their land…
So give it back and let them live their traditional lifestyles.
Oh, they don’t want to?
White man’s life is so much nicer, and they can still complain and criticise endlessly about historical crimes & oppression that those who have no part in it (ie all of us) are guilty for and must apologise and provide helicopter money dumps.
Amazing how many “vote yes” signs in the neighbourhood have been spraypainted “no”.😎
David, you’re not at all convinced that the vote will be honest. I am convinced that the promoters of the Voice have been less than honest from the start but am encouraged bye the fact that most Aussies can smell a rat from afar.
The thing that should be of even more concern than even the voice, is the lengths the politicians are going , including the PM whose allegiance is supposedly to the nation, to deceive the nation.
We are used to having policy fought on the basis of what is said to be the ‘good’ of something, leaving it to the opposition to make the case against. With the voice the government has received advice from ex High Court justices and others that reject his stated view that this is a simple, unremarkable change to the Constitution. He says,the elected government will always be in full control! Next sentence: ‘ It would be a brave government that rejected what the controlling representatives of ‘the voice’ advised .’
imo this is deceitful. Worse, it is characteristic of a government with a novice Treasurer
that says he is going to change the way the economy works so it represents a combination of aims. Have the economy work to support the social(ist’) arrangements of this government (a la Burke? Bowen? Albanese?). Then, a PM declares he is there to change the nation.
The methodology in these matters is similar. Deception writ large. Impoverishment of nation and people in chasing those aims, obviously is now the accepted cost to these politicians. We are governed now by the extreme left, ideologically driven crew where old fashioned norms and values are made derelict. This is dangerous, destructive territory familiar with most Western politics now. It’s politics driven for external agencies eg UN and EU, even when the EU itself is in full retreat of its own socialist driven disasters.
Great article about ‘the voice’, here:
The Golf Ball Paradox.
Why does a golf ball pop put of a cylindrical vessel, not even touching the bottom, when thrown in at a certain speed and direction?
I saw that 2 days ago too. Are you following me?😉
Try physicsfun on youtube too.
Canada’s woke nightmare. A warning to the West.
How Canada is becoming an Orwellian Leftist totalitarian (a tautology I know) state under Trudeau.
John Farnham has never allowed his song “You’re the Voice” to be used in advertising but has apparently made an exception for his song to be used to advertise the “Yes” case for the Apartheid “The Voice” Constitutional amendment.
I think this is a shame really. The “Voice” has become a giant marketing campaign. How many people are going to read and think about the contents of the referendum booklet when all these marketing campaigns are about slogans and visibility. In my mind “our” country can only survive longer term if we are all equal before the law.
How many people … read and think about the contents of the ….election policies… when all these marketing campaigns are about slogans and visibility.
Democracy is nothing but lies and propaganda.
A chance to read the booklet would be a fine thing; we’ve never seen the skies over a copy. We do, however, have a copy of Document 14.
Just finished reading this hopeful substack article by El Gato Malo, about the current failure of propaganda (climate, covid, anything).
No, No, NO little Johnny …
They’re The Voice, Try and understand it
Soon you will no longer be able to go walking through the park & Reminiscing*** – without paying their entry fee first.
You’ll be needing Help and they wont appreciate you being round.
Not even Sadie (the cleaning lady) will be able to deal with this mess.
Sit down, take a look at yourself***
***apologies to Glenn Shorrock – but dude … you left The LRB and this guy stepped up
Sadly, i suspect Farnham has a financial motivation to do this….( JF has just had months of expensive medical treatment)
I dont begrudge him the oportunity to make a $$ or two, but this is selling you soul to the unknown.
I wouldn’t be surprised if or when he belts out this song next time in another final concert that the audience support will be less than fulsome … had become an anthem for the middle class disenfranchised …….now it’s an anthem for the inner suburbs …
Official comment..
..”J Farnham will recieve no money for gifting the use of The Voice to the yes campaign “..
Hmm ?….OK , so no money !
EV from Fremantle Highway ship fire catches fire one month after the original fire.
Eh Gawd! The very latest new new variant!
“Goodbye, Eris variant, we hardly knew ye. Hello, Pirola! The New York Post ran the story yesterday headlined, “New ‘Pirola’ variant of COVID is spreading fast, has experts concerned.”
“The fearsome new variant’s genetic lineage is significant because the highly-touted new and improved booster shots, announced only this week, projected to be available later this month, are already obsolete. They were developed to target the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5, which doesn’t have the 30 mutations.”
“Nobody knows! In other words, they don’t know anything. They don’t even know whether Payola, sorry, Pirola, will catch on or not, at all. “The big question is if BA.2.86 will have the same exponential growth that Omicron did—in terms of case numbers—or if it will die out, which is certainly what everyone hopes,” Dr. Roberts explained.”
“Well, ‘exponential growth or dying out’ safely covers the entire spectrum of options. If it is exponential growth, it’s a shame all the vaccines people already took won’t protect them from Pirola. A dang shame.
Omicron is the least dangerous of all the covid variant lines. But never let the facts get in the way of a good covid scare story.”
Via today’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
The best covid vaccine is no vaccine.
The US CDC admits that the vaxxed are more susceptible to getting the latest covid variant, BA.2.86.
It was discussed by Dr Philip McMillan:
SEE paper at:
Also, Dr John Campbell talks about how the covid vaxxed are more susceptible to getting BA.2.86 :
Fancy that, a “vaccine” that makes you more susceptible to the disease it’s supposedly meant to protect you against.
The CDC also says that if you have previously had covid, it also makes you more susceptible but Dr John doesn’t accept that, and it doesn’t seem plausible in any case.
Note to covid vaccine pushers: Time for your 13th dose. Go and get it.
CDC announcement:
“Two Coronavirus Variants Discovered; Health Officials Recommend Masks for Labor Day Travelers”
They’re going to push for more mask mandates and more lockups.
In the US, for the 2020 election, the pandemic terror was used as an excuse to harvest more mail-in ballots in order to install the present White House resident.
I think that’s the plan for 2024.
It’s not referred to as the election variant for nothing.
If you aren’t on the X, the wicked Dr Doctor McHonk-Honk does have some hilarious takes on Rumble:
More non sterilising vaccines = more variants = more new vaccines. What could be more profitable for the pharmaceutical companies. How do we fight back: don’t take the vaccines.
She delivered a Tuesday night speech in Canberra with a slide showing a map of Australia with red dots over areas at greater risk of floods or cyclones.
Oh great, the incoming Governor of the Reserve Bank opining on climate change. WTF would she know? Dumb cow.
WTF would she know? Dumb cow.
The same could be said of you.
What qualifications and professional experience do you require? Do you have them your self?
A couple of hours reading the Jo Nova blog would soon tell you all you need to know about climate change. There is nothing to support the view that ‘climate experts’ are any better at predicting climate than anyone else, and a lot of experience to say they are worse.
I’ll bet she never read Jo Nova!
Worked seven years in the meteorology/atmospheric/ environmental science business. I work in design and manufacture of electronic instrumentation hence know the limitations of such things as temperature records.
I think someone just shot themselves in the foot and it wasn’t Mike B.
Expect crickets Mike, PF just pretends not to see
And, is that enough? You need to be an instrument maker, but no formal climate or meteorological qualifications? Yet you are able to call the incoming Reserve Bank Governor a dumb cow?
Point me to the part where you protested that unqualified people (like Al Gore, Ms Thunberg) were effectively calling Nobel Prize winning physicists, NASA Award winners — deniers?
Since when did you care less about namecalling?
Now that’s both feet.
Physics degree, Post grad Diploma meteorology.
You just reloaded and blew off the other foot.
Your quals are?
Peter, the real question is “Does Mike give public lectures on AGW?”
Well, he could, looking at his experience!
I read that after my post so, Yes! he could.
The Treasurer, or whichever propagandist writes for him, wrote a sickening fluff piece about her….it makes me worry, what are they hiding?
‘Her appointment comes after a long, methodical, considered and consultative process…’ ‘then we chose her because she is female.’
(But please don’t ask us to define ‘female’.)
We lost Jimmy Buffett last night. Sad.
There is a whisper that he was a vaxx enthusiast.
As a parrothead I’ll miss him. 🙂
He insisted that his audience was fully vaxxed.
And today also marks the anniversary of the start of the Second World War in Europe on the 3rd of September, 1939.
I stand corrected as WW2 apparently started on the 1st of September, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France then declared war on Germany on the 3rd of September, 1939.
And the anniversary was ignored by most, if not all of the media.
Deadly Fungus Spread Rapidly During the Pandemic, C.D.C. Says
Candida auris, a drug-resistant fungus that health officials hoped to contain is now in more than half the 50 states, according to a new research paper.
March 20, 2023
A deadly fungus that is considered an urgent public health threat by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spread at an “alarming rate” during the pandemic, the C.D.C. said on Monday.
The fungus, called Candida auris, preys primarily on older people with weakened immune systems and is particularly dangerous because it resists treatment by common antifungal medications. C. auris was first reported in the United States in 2016, showing up most notably in New York and Illinois, where public health officials hoped they could contain it by rigorous screening and infection control in long-term care facilities and nursing homes.
But over the course of 2021, state and local health departments around the country reported 1,474 clinical cases, about a 200 percent increase from the nearly 500 cases in 2019.
Ever notice that in the age of modern allegedly ‘science’ based medicine, complete with huge corporate Pharma conglomerates, and a WORLD health organization consisting of highly educated geniuses …
all if the sudden, instead of reducing anxiety about the scourge of disease …
it feels like we’ve reverted back to a quasi Medieval atmosphere of continuously manifesting specters of looming pestilence.
Like everything one may build in California you need to be careful of those pesky fault lines. Wind farms for example!
Oh, so that’s the reason for all the tents?
The Cantillon Effect: how Richard Cantillon (a contemporary of Bach, the composer) recognized the advantage given to ‘first spenders’ of NEW MONEY.
Dr. Jonathan Newman explains the Cantillon Effect, in a piece written two years ago:
“New money enters the economy at a particular point. It does not enter in the form of a proportional and simultaneous increase in everybody’s incomes. This means that there are uneven effects of monetary expansion, including exacerbated income and wealth inequality. . . [It] creates winners and losers as resources are shifted toward the first receivers and spenders of new money.”
“The Gini ratio, one of the more popular measures of income inequality, showcases the effects of an unrestrained central bank. A ratio closer to one indicates more income inequality; a ratio of zero means complete income equality. The graph below shows that the trend in inequality measured by the Gini ratio changed when the US completely went off the gold standard. Since 1971, the central bank has not been constrained by physical gold at all.”
• Dr Newman’s piece includes a graph of the Gini ratio which is a ‘V’ shape centred on . . 1971! (in the link I posted below).
• the Gini ratio was actually falling until 1971 (i.e. wealth was more equally shared, and becoming more so.)
• after 1971 it started rising again (proof that the rich benefited most when TPTB got rid of Gold-backed money — Gosh! Maybe that was the plan!)
“After the first group spends the money, there is a new group of people holding the new money—the people who sold to the first spenders. The new spending of the first group has turned into new, higher incomes for the second group. This second group now gets a chance to increase their demand for goods, but they will face slightly higher prices. The prices are higher because the first group had to bid their purchases away from those who would have bought it if there had not been an expansion of the money supply. . . At the end of this chain, we have the last receivers of the new money. Their incomes rise after everybody else’s [or never]. It is worse than just a delay, however, because this group has been paying the higher prices from everybody else’s spending spree.”
• this is why people say inflation hits the poor hardest. Also, people who are not necessarily poor but they’re on a fixed income — they’re worse off too.
“Monetary expansion increases and exacerbates income and wealth inequality in a permanent way, however. . . incomes rise disproportionately, such that some people’s incomes increase before others. We have also seen a clear movement of real wealth toward the first spenders since they are able to successfully bid resources to themselves from others.”
“…. [T]he economic inequality caused by Cantillon effects also benefits those who can gain political points by appearing to stand up for “the little guy. [They] like to blame free market capitalism for the heightened income and wealth inequality we see today, but we have seen that it is state intervention that exacerbates inequality. [They use] the term “trickle down” economics as a discrediting label for policies that would get us closer to a healthy and growing market economy. But there is nothing more “trickle down” than government money printing from on high.”
WHOLE ARTICLE: How Monetary Expansion Creates Income and Wealth Inequality | Mises Wire
And exacerbating the American political scene is the likes of EMILYs List – Early Money Is Like Yeast.
Richard Cantillon was a financier during the Mississippi bubble in France and the South Sea bubble (copied from the first) in England.
He made money on both, not always ethically.
Some mystery about his death when he was facing lots of Court cases, and what was supposedly his headless body was identified as his, but sometime later a chest of personal papers etc. was found in Guyana.
Apparently it’s just the sun and the IPCC is using biassed datasets to suggest otherwise.
I don’t believe it’s a globalist plot but just poor science and social media.
>Soon et al (2023)
Playing the IPCC’s game analyzing anomalies ad infinitum.
Without recourse to absolute datasets that’s both a fools errand and barking up the wrong tree.
Also, linear trends applied to fluctuating data?
That is an analyst-imposed subjective extrinsic application. The paper below, although still anomaly based, applies a vastly superior objective intrinsic technique:
Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
Diego Macias ,Adolf Stips, Elisa Garcia-Gorriz (2014)
Isolates secular trend (ST) from oscillatory components (MDV).
In other words, CO2 curving up, secular trend of temperature curving down and away from the (supposed) driver at a time when it is (supposedly) strongest.
It is impossible therefore for CO2 to be the driver of the secular trend (ST) in the Global Surface Temperature anomaly.
From Macias, Stips,and Garcia-Gorriz (2014):
Figure 1. SSA reconstructed signals from HadCRUT4 global surface temperature anomalies.
The annual surface temperature (gray line), multidecadal variability (MDV, blue line), secular trend (ST, red line) and reconstructed signal (MDV+ST, black line) are indicated. ST represents 78.8% of the total energy of the series; MDV accounts for 8.8% of the energy and the reconstructed signal for 88%. The dashed thin red lines indicate the range of variability of the ST obtained by applying SSA to the temperature time series obtained for each individual month.
Analysis by linear trend can never reveal that wealth of information.
>linear trends applied to fluctuating data?
Soon et al:
They even manage to contradict themselves.
>”Without recourse to absolute datasets”
And differentiation between NH and SH data i.e. those are disparate datasets that when averaged obscure the differences in cyclicity, maxima, minima, mean, and trend caused by the obvious physical differences.
There is no commonality for Detection and Attribution; what may be valid in the NH is not necessarily, and probably not, valid for the SH.
Case in point: the complete absence of IPCC modeling, in absolute terms, of the SH with which to compare to observations.
Reason being, if that was revealed, it would upend their whole narrative.
>[SSA] Isolates secular trend (ST) from oscillatory components (MDV)
Thing is, ST after removal of MDV is what should be compared to the climate models but never is. Climate models are always compared to ST+MDV – that is bogus.
Many sceptics say climate models do not adequately model historical temperature particularly around 1940 and are therefore invalid.
Untrue for that reason. Climate models trace ST (anomaly) up to when CO2 forcing starts to kick in at about 1950. Reason being climate models are incapable of modelling MDV (Multi-Decadal Variation i.e. oscillation). So climate models should only be compared to the Red line of Marcias et al Fig 1 – not ST+MDV (Black).
1940 is the peak of the MDV component (Blue) so comparing to models that have no MDV is not comparing apples to apples.
The Red ST is way below the peak ST+MDV at 1940. It is the Red that should be compared to models – not Black.
The models diverge from the Red line (ST) after 1950 due to CO2 forcing. They looked good up to 2000 because that was the next MDV peak. After 2000 the models are increasingly too warm compared to either ST or ST+MDV. The actual divergence began 1995 but the subsequent 1998 El Nino (Natural Variation i.e. noise not MDV) made them look good.
The models obs divergence from 1995 can be seen in one of Spencer’s graphs here:
44 climate models versus the UAH and RSS
That spaghetti and mean is the model equivalent to (supposedly) the Secular Trend (ST) but once Natural Variation (e.g. El Ninos) and oscillatory MDV is removed from observations to compare on an equivalent basis, the models are veering off way too warm this century. All due to spurious CO2 forcing.
>”The models diverge from the Red line (ST) after 1950 due to CO2 forcing”
>”The actual divergence began 1995″
Probably confusing. First is ok, second should be:
“The divergence became most apparent prior to 2000 at 1995”.
Spencer’s graph >44 climate models versus the UAH and RSS
Thing here is that the positive phase of MDV (from Macias et al Fig 1) peaks at 2000 and returns to neutral at 2015 i.e. one quarter of a 60 yr cycle.
Fig 1 ends at 2010 but Black and Red are converging when Blue is neutral at 2015.
Apply that to Spencer’s graph. The obs ST approaches UAH & RSS from below and crosses the observations at the MDV-neutral point 2015.
That point at 2015 is where the model mean should be crossing UAH & RSS but it is wildly astray at about 0.5 too warm.
And that’s with anomalies which make the models look (sort of) good !!
5 yr smoothing removes El Ninos (Natural Variation) but not MDV, that’s still there but indescernable:
Christy: Tropospheric Observations vs Climate Models (5 yr smoothing)
The concept of removing all but the ST is not something I’ve made up, it was (implicitly) recognized by the IPCC when citing Foster & Rahmstorf 2011:
Global temperature evolution 1979–2010
Grant Foster and Stefan Rahmstorf (2011)
I agree in general (adjusting for MEI, AOD, TSI) but their approach was lacking and too short compared to Singular Spectral Analysis (SSA) of a longer dataset. They completely missed the oscillatory component (MDV) that SSA isolates.
Consequently F&R ended up with a faulty ST ending in 2010 – an El Nino year. Their analysis was immediately revealed to be faulty with the years after 2010 El Nino going back to neutral and then the 2015/16 El Nino.
They attempted a revision but by then it was clear their method was faulty. The ST in observations is certainly not tracking their result(s) i.e. a steady linear monotonic rise. The ST is a curve – not linear.
>”I agree in general (adjusting for MEI, AOD, TSI)”
But certainly don’t agree in detail.
MEI (ENSO): Just noise in the data i.e. no influence on ST in the long term, should be filtered out completely – not adjusted for.
AOD (Volcanism): Transient. System reverts to normal eventually. Modelers retroactively introduce to historical modeling but should just ignore i.e. model mean just a monotonic line in Spencer’s graph. Should neglect – not adjust for.
TSI (Solar): The greatest exogenous factor by far. F&R only consider about 2.5 11 yr cycles but the solar cycle they should be accounting for is multi-centennial, as is the ST in temperature.
MDV (Oceanic cycles): Completely neglected by F&R but the second greatest component in temperature.
Thankyou for the time put into this.
Breaking News: UK Citizens Rise Against London’s Ultra Low Emissions Zones 😎️
Great interview with Jo!
Was looking at how outrageously expensive UK transport/bus/rail/petrol/parking costs were …
Paying £12.70 per day outside the North and South Circular roads is serious money. especially when public transport is also expensive.
An excellent interview!
US Real Estate Market
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You were the only one who forecasted that real estate would continue to rise in conjunction with the rate increases by the Fed. I have been following you only since 2020 and COVID-19. I am impressed with your computer and your analysis, which does not change with every passing headline. Can you elaborate on the real estate market a bit?
Thank you very much for the education.
ANSWER: The traditional forecast on real estate is always one-dimensional. Homeownership has historically been in the top 5 of surveys about what Americans most want in life. Property values have been rising despite rising high prices combined with higher mortgage rates. There is little sign on the horizon before the ECM peaks in May 2024. Analysts have been confused and caught up in this economic conundrum of the continued economic growth that has defied all their recession predictions.
Normally, housing has been one of the sectors that has been the most sensitive to interest rates. Over the past two years, mortgage rates have risen from less than 3% to more than 7%. That means that the median family today faces mortgage payments that have doubled from roughly 14% of monthly household income in 2020 to nearly 29% by mid-2023. This is the strongest rise since the economic turm on our ECM when it bottomed in 1985.65.
Nevertheless, the conundrum that has baffled traditional analysts has not led to a decline in house prices as they expected. They paused during the COVID-19 lockdowns and fell in the Blue States, which had the most draconian COVID-19 measures. Currently, housing prices during the second quarter of this year rose at an annualized pace of 15% according to the S&P Case-Shiller index.
There is a tight supply in the South, where much of the migration has taken place. I get, on average three calls a week asking if I want to sell my house here in Florida. The annual sales of property nationally have been around $2 trillion. Smart institutional investors have been shifting from public unsecured debt to private mortgages. The average person does not look at CPI numbers or GDP numbers. They look at the cost of this rising, and the confidence in the Biden Administration has been collapsing. When people no longer trust the government, they shift to the private sector. So add to that the great migration from Democratic states to the southern red states, and you will see collapsing real estate values in places like San Francisco and Chicago in comparison to even Wall Street, have been quietly moving to the Miami region. There are still buyers in the market and a shortage of supply in the Red States like Florida. Thus, sales have declined, but this appears to be more the result of the decline in supply.
Additionally, the rising inflation in materials means that the replacement cost of homes is often higher than the prices being paid, not to mention the waiting time for construction. The sheer replacement costs of housing have skyrocketed. Even paint was in short supply thanks to the COVID-19 lockdowns. This has impacted the market, and traditional analysis simply never considered that the replacement costs on preexisting houses, in many cases, are 40% to 100% higher. Add to that the shortage in labor. It was very hard to find a contractor in Florida who even was available. Most contractors I talked to were booked beyond 2024.
Newly built homes account for about one-third of active listings in 2023. This was up from an average of 13% over the two decades before pre-COVID-19. Add to all of this is the influx of foreign money looking at US property as a hedge against future wars and destabilization of the monetary system. Then we have had funds like Blackrock buying property and renting them out.”
Can’t post images so you will need to click on the link.
Perspective… Scale… they mean a lot.
Their BoM claims you just had the warmest Australian winter EVER – by an astounding James Bondish 0.07 degrees Celsius (did anyone notice?). Meanwhile the South Pole is -71, with a windchill of -92, and ‘snow flurries and ice fog’.
Emergency? What emergency! Brrrrrrr…
Vostok, Antarctica Suffers Coldest August Since 2002, Planes Grounded Due To The Extreme Freeze
‘Winfly’ no fly.
>”BoM claims you just had the warmest Australian winter EVER – by an astounding James Bondish 0.07 degrees Celsius”
“The previous record was +1.46C set in 1996” – 27 years ago.
Bureau of Meteorology confirms Australia’s warmest winter on record [ABC]
“Unseasonable warmth” apparently. What was normal 27 years ago.
All urban heat island effect! Usually it’s also only the maximum average daily temps they quite. They never quite average daily minimums or even average daily’s. The increase they’re talking about is within any statistical or error range anyway. But the mainstream media love it. Soon as it was announced it did the rounds of the O’clock news items on radio stations.
German electricity imports hit new record as nuclear phase-out increases production cost.
Germany is importing more electricity than ever before after purchasing a record 6,505 gigawatt hours from abroad in August, according to the Federal Network Agency.
And despite the German federal government seeking to prioritize renewable energy sources to generate power, evidenced by its policy decision to shut down the country’s remaining nuclear power plants earlier this year, 21 percent of the imported electricity last month was generated by nuclear power and 28 percent was generated by burning coal and gas, according to the Bild newspaper.
But it is not just a proportion of the power that is imported and FF, because those are the percentages that would be during zero wind and solar generation periods…
.. without that coal gas and imports, Germany would have blacked out multiple times on windless evenings and nights etc..!
Ah, a Berlin winter with no reliable heating! I lived there decades ago through a -18C week or so – so pretty, so icy, so nice to go inside to the central heating.
I can relate to that GreatAuntJanet. We stayed in West Berlin, as was, in January one year. Bleak.
Today, 3rd September, is Australian National Flag Day.
No one noticed. There is probably no room in the woke agenda.
If the Apartheid constitutional amendment is approved for Australia, we will see many more places cut off from access and many more place name renamings.
Already removed from access to hikers and visitors are Mt Warning, Ayers Rock, Mt Arapiles, and others.
Australia will become a country governed according to what race you identify as.
I assume the Government and/or Aboriginal communities will have to employ “racial experts” to determine what race someone qualifies as, just like the National Socialists in this picture:
Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…
A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).
Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend.
The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.
In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.
So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
The crime continues unabated…
This is a friendly reminder to all covid vaccine pushers – it’s time for your 13th dose.
Friendly reminder about too much ivermectin use
One problem with this study is that it doesn’t mention age-adjusted assessment anywhere. Perhaps they call it by another name?
Without accommodating the different ages of the multivaxxed they merely may be showing that older people were more likely to get more vaxxes.
Look, I don’t know. I’ve only skim read. Perhaps I missed it, but calculating actual life expectancy is a very different task from this data. And other stats suggest there is not a linear increase in deaths but peaks in the first weeks and then at month 4 and 5. After that numbers of deaths decline.
Also there is the confounding factor of infections — both the number and timing.
Do any of Jo’s bloggers want to really upset Albo’s referendum next month?
I can guarantee this will work across most councils/electorates/states on 14th of October.
Listen at 1 hour 16 minutes to Outsiders this morning. This tells how a council and their ratepayers have been stitched up by the Albo Labor govt + a local Aboriginal group with the super generous funding of 25 million $ from the poor Aussie taxpayers.
Of course the council and the ratepayers have been shafted and get SFA AGAIN and will have to increase their rates to fight this disgusting left wing extremism.
Listen from 1 hour 16 minutes and please understand that this is coming to the majority of councils across Australia if the YES case is carried in OCT.
IOW we’ll all have to fight these left wing extremists who will be funded by the Albo govt via the long suffering Aussie taxpayers.
I’m very grateful to Outsiders and the Liberal member for having the guts to inform the ratepayers before we vote in the October referendum.
BTW here’s a few facts about the number of councils across Australia.
There are 537 councils and if even 200 left wing extremist groups were handed 25 million $ each, then that would soon add up to 5 billion $.
Wouldn’t that be a wonderful windfall for all the left wing law firms to fight the poor ratepayers for years in the courts?
So vote YES on 14th of October and you’ll be facing enormous Council rate increases for years and or the loss of Council property.
“Local Government Key Facts and Figures”
“There are 537 councils Australia-wide. Around 55 per cent are located in regional, rural, or remote councils, about 25 per cent urban and urban fringe and 20 per cent urban region”.
“Local government employs 190,800 people, across more than 400 occupations, which is nearly 10 per cent of the total public sector as 30 June 2021”.
🙂 🙂
More like the ultimate Sar Chasm.
I like it!
Peter McCullough has put together all he has learned (in summary) about the effects of the mRNA vaccines in an address he gave a few days ago. Dr. Phillip Altman has posted this on his Substack. Some of it will amaze readers.
Tasmanians expected to pay 10% more (annually) for their electricity distribution for the next 40 years and in return will get higher and more volatile electricity costs.
In this foolish adventure the State Government has committed to an extra $561 million (or 17%) of the current estimated costing of $3.3 billion (not including the expected triple the costings blowout as found on almost all government projects) – but since that sounds like an awfully big number it has been rounded down to $117 million.
Tasmania … exporting it’s only competitive advantage one megawatt at a time.
I feel sick
Ten percent extra per year for forty years will means the final cost will be over 45 times present cost.
10% flat annually – not compounded annually or around $200 a year for the average Tasmanian (not including an inflationary costs).
And just when you think lunacy has reach as far as it can. From [email protected] at Eigen Values
We heard in July that CF Fertilisers was going to permanently close the last fertiliser plant in the UK. Farmers are concerned that that this will make the UK market more reliant on imports from abroad. The plant manufactured ammonia, an essential ingredient in nitrogen fertilisers. The reason it closed is high UK gas prices and the additional impact of carbon costs. Instead, we will have to import ammonia from North America where gas prices are much lower, in fact four times lower.
China is the world’s largest producer of ammonia, with India, Russia and the US making up the next three top producers. Every other G7 nation, including Canada, France, Germany, Japan and Italy have domestic ammonia production facilities. With the demise of the CF Fertiliser’s Billingham plant, the UK will be the sole G7 member without an ammonia plant, although ammonia production in Germany is under threat because of high gas prices. UK gas prices are four times those in the US
For large users we also add on a carbon tax to make us even more uncompetitive.
And what about turning hydrogen into ammonia for transport (O/T but ammonia is volatile and 13.3 times more than CO2 for IR absorption).
It probably suits the current farming productivity destruction agenda. It’s all about pushing regenerative soil methods, and avoiding artificial fertilizers.
Can an 80 yr old realistically increase muscle mass and condition? I’m on a pretty good protein diet.
I’ve started painting the house while I still have the yard to maintain and it’s harder than I expected.
Somebody downvoted you for this posting – and it wasn’t me! Why??
Someone who thinks I red thumb them I guess. I almost never red thumb anyone, it would need to be egregious, not simply bit of crap from leaf or Simon.
No other site I know allows it. Time it was scrapped here too.
Hanrahan, I’ve seen medical papers about resistance training in people even at 90. And more and more I’m reading about how useful it is. Yes you can still still improve muscle mass, and lean body mass at 80, and if you do, it may keep you on your feet and independent and alive longer.
Our muscles are more than just a means of movement, they are a part of our metabolism and help maintain things like insulin sensitivity, and blood glucose.
Good for you painting the house. I happen to know a 79 year old who wouldn’t hesitate to paint…
My husband at 80 is very active and his muscle mass reflects that. However, if he is inactive for a week or so, it all disappears much more rapidly than when he was younger.
It’s the law of diminishing returns and prioritisation. I’d suggest at 80 you need to prioritise your strength and facilities towards what’s really important to you, eg. family and friends, rather than ‘what needs to be done’. Remember the clock is ticking and you’ll never see a gravestone that says ‘he kept a clean yard’.
(I didn’t downvote you either)
That is some very grave humor. Also the funniest thing I’ve seen so far today.
you’ll never see a gravestone that says ‘he kept a clean yard’.
1. training is rehab, rehab is training
2. you can’t train muscle, you can only train movement
3. slow is smooth, smooth is fast
‘Condition’ or ‘in shape’ are marketing terms and have nebulous meaning … kinda like ‘climate change’, also primarily a marketing term.
Muscle mass often has little bearing on strength as strength is primarily skill.
But I’m only 69.
May come down to choosing our parents well, and it sounds like you did.
Most 20 year old kids are incapable of painting a house.
And I’d be nervous about handing them a loaded lawn mower.
I would also observe …
we became the apex predator whilst being perhaps the weakest and slowest amongst the apex predators.
There is also the teeth thing.
It seemed possible at 75 🙂
CoQ10 would probably assist.
Repetitions would seem to be more useful than weight stress.
Rake the leaves then pick them up by hand (bending over straightening up)
Good luck
Increased or partially restored HGH and T levels are helpful to that goal. But those may increase the risk of some cancers.
The Role of Atmospheric Transport for El Niño-Southern Oscillation Teleconnections
Chinese E-Bikes are Exploding like Crazy – Self Destructing Spectacularly
Sadiq Khan Deploys Fleet of Camera Vans to ULEZ Non-Compliance Areas
You WILL Comply to the Marxist Agenda.
A fleet of mobile camera vans have been deployed by Sadiq Khan in a a fresh bid to impose his ULEZ scheme on all Londoner.
Reports of mobile camera vans have been circulating on Twitter with motorists warning others the vans are located on many major routes, often in ‘sneaky’ positions.
Drivers whose vehicles don’t meet the emissions standards who refuse to pay the £12.50 could now be caught out by cameras mounted on vans. Mobile units have been spotted on the approach to Heathrow, hidden next to a sign near the Western Perimeter Roundabout checking vehicles as they come off the M25.
The west London airport is now within the Ulez zone following the Mayor’s expansion of the scheme which took effect on Tuesday. It comes amid a large wave of attacks on CCTV units, with over 500 of the 2,700 ANPR cameras reported to have been destroyed or disconnected by freedom fighters known as ‘Bladerunners’.
According to TfL’s data protection impact assessment, the new mobile units can be moved between boroughs on any given day, so can be deployed to high non-compliance spots – such as outside Britain’s busiest airport.
The vans are marked with a camera symbol on the rear doors along with the blue TfL roundel.
The Ulez charge operates every day of the year except Christmas Day, and failure to pay can attract a £180 fine, or £90 if paid within seven days.
Vans with cameras?
Slightly harder to deal with but not by much.
Am I allowed to mention the “Veil stealth coating”? 😁
I wonder if the UK is like Oz, whereby it’s illegal under the constitution for councils and businesses to issue fines or make monetary demands.
I wonder if there is a legal issue to be settled with these vans ? If the courts can rule that the ULEZ signs are not legal then potentially the vans are also not legal !
It’s an indicator of the desperation of the tyrant Khan to oppress people.
Bizarre, once great Britain is no longer.
Some invisible creeping force has destroyed it and begs the question: who, where, what is this force?
Career politicians.
A good example of this kategorie is our current Lord Mayor who now operates from a palatial nest, high above reality, where the rest of us dodge the potholes and worry about the next Big fires that will feed off the unharvested noxious Lantana that she can’t afford to fix.
Vicki above posted a link to this link. This is direct.
It is about the Medical Industrial Complex. Dispiriting.
Remember way back when we were discussing climate feedback problems? I now have a better answer than the one we were working on – and it is inherent in the theory.
Water Vapor (WV) is a greenhouse gas as potent as CO2 according to theory. On average there is 50 times as much WV in the atmosphere as CO2.
The fact that it is non-persistent is often mentioned. It doesn’t have to be. You can AVERAGE (integrate) the effect. There is on AVERAGE 50 times as much.
Non-persistent. ==> Definition – only heat trapped from CO2 molecules can evaporate water vapor molecules. The heat water vapor traps doesn’t cause water evaporation.
If 400 ppm of CO2 is an extreme danger what is 20,000 ppm? We are well past incineration.
Or the theory is bunk.
There’s no such thing as a ” greenhouse” gas, because the world’s atmosphere works nothing like a greenhouse. There are only atmospheric gases.
PV=nRT Rules!
The concept of gases spitting photons or “heat” back to Earth after somehow trapping it is a total fabrication and denial of true science.
The fact that this story continues is proof of the evil that is present around us in 2023.
Not evil but ignorance say I, deliberately inculcated in the populace by tyrants, aspiring and actual; I’d hoped to have died before we came to this –that’ll teach me.
As you say the evil is perpetrated by tyrants