A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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On whose land are you living?
On whose land am I living?
How long will we be permitted to live where we live?
Wife chased away a Black Bear on Monday trying to get into our garbage.
Only in Canada you say? Pity…
Two trampers confronted by a big black bear. First tramper immediately sits down and replaces his boots with sneakers from his backpack. Second tramper says “You’ll never out run that thing you fool”. First tramper replies “I wont be trying to outrun the bear, just you”.
Ukraine Military could use her advice.
If it’s Brown, lay down.
If it’s Black, fight back.
If it’s White, good night.
They may have been effective strategies in the past, MP, but what if the Brown bear identifies as White?
If I remember correctly Klem, it’s the Black bear that is genetically similar to the White bear, with its entire genome, only difference is the hair colour.
I don’t know what to do if you come up against a Grizzly though, ran out of rhyming options I guess.
We have Kola bears here, so if it’s cute, shoot.
I thought it is the brown bear that is similar to the polar bear on size.
Strictly speaking, in Australia all land is owned by the crown but they let you think you own it, but just lease it in reality.
Ditto NZ, Canada, UK and lots more.
Buy a houseboat.😁
Don’t people realise that with the WEF you will own nothing and be happy. So be happy and own nothing. You can’t take it with you when you pass away anyway.
Please let those YES people know.
Own nothing.
Do nothing.
That is how it works.
It doesn’t.
Treaty now, pay the rent, the ghosts of the distant past demand, it is claimed.
I don’t think the land grab that follows ‘The Voice’ will result in property owners being evicted. The objective is to secure title for the purposes of creating ‘leasehold’ arrangements via which rents can be charged, for your house, my house, the land that Australia’s parliament sits on and all our military and critical infrastructure occupies.
It’s just about money and there are enormous sums at stake.
“I don’t think the land grab that follows ‘The Voice’ will result in property owners being evicted. ”
…and how’d that work for the farmers in Zim and South Africa? If you own a choice bit of land you’ll be the second target, the first being Govt land. As in NZ, the Govt will give land away without a problem, politicians have no morals at all, so all the prime waterfront parks will be taken first.
Like Orakei in Auckland…
Then the land of those wealthy, but not quite wealthy enough to block it.
About the wedge tailed eagles.
If one of those “turbine” blades middled an eagle, the eagle might not be the only one to die.
I heard recently that the offshore wind turbines planned for locations here in Australia, territorial waters off the coasts, will be mounted onto structures sitting on the bottom and anchored, each structure the size of a coal transport ship hull.
Yes, and those structures and their windmills will remain in place at the end of their life, about 10-15 years. But don’t worry, it’s to save the planet, apparently …
The Global Warming “Definitions” pdf.
A string of definitions to cover the topic with so much overburden that reality is hard to grasp.
See this one on Radiative forcing;
So much for science, this is simply Hollywood on Steroids.
It’s sort of like working out the pressure in a tank when the outlet is reduced in size by treating it as an increased flow into the tank. You wouldn’t think twice that it’s a strange way to figure out the increase in pressure to get to equilibrium again. Especially if there is another outlet just above the water level
Interesting analogy.
One of the big giveaways of their framework is their concept that solar energy In must equal radiation Outbound.
Are they implying that solar energy is not absorbed by plants in the development of organic structures of trees, grass, vines and food?
Among many other “sinks” Energy is used in lifting water from the surface so it can later rain on us;
outbound radiation cannot “equal” what originally came in.
It’s a bit like the argument of what does average temperature mean. If you add X amount of energy to the Earth, it doesn’t mean cX higher average temperature.
The lifting water is not a good example because you do get that GPE back as well as the latent heat. Most of the other processes end up back as heat. The only heat “locked away” that is significant is in the deep oceans. But I get the argument. The heat raises the temperatures, melts ice and supercharges the atmosphere because the temperature went up.
I would still stick to if there is a significant imbalance that average temperatures around the globe will change. It’s just that you calculate the energy out by temperatures of radiating surfaces to get a final change in average temperatures, not how much warming there is because of the extra energy collected by downwelling IR. It’s done the other way to come out with a warmed stratosphere leads to strong warming at the surface. You can’t have the heat being transfered by the movement of the air and GHG leading to a reduction of the gradient.
” downwelling IR ”
My wife and I once went to the Eiger, Monk, Jungfrau cafe for a coffee. That’s probably higher and colder than cloud layers from which the PWIR is supposed to rain photons back to Earth.
What altitude and temperature can produce this magical “downwelling”?
CO2 has a switch point at 243 K; that’s about minus 30°C.
Any “photons” , excuse the laughter, when they eject will head for somewhere more logical than Earth.
Earth’s biggest problem, apart from the UNIPCCC, WEF and WHO, is the danger the we will lose too much of the precious daily energy ration from the Sun, and Freeze again.
Yes, this causes intensification of the anthropogenic feedback loop.
This forcing is compulsory.
Forcing is not compulsory in other anthropogenic loops, which only result in voluntary feedback.
See definition of ‘loop’.
Also, ‘voluntary’.
Here in my Earth spot, we are experiencing a two day Atmosflatic River of Climate Assault, complete with a cell phone alert warning from my city government of the danger of rain, not to be confused with carjacking, which is not danger, but the understandable natural acting out of marginalized youth … caused by the anxiety of Climate Catastrophe.
As I was leaving my home I observed that a neighbor, who in unlike me, demonstrates concern about Global Warming and youth marginalized by the legacy of Colonization …
had their EV plugged in with a big breaker box in their back yard.
I momentarily contemplated the vision of standing in a puddle in the wind blown pouring rain, and grabbing that thick electrical wire to unplug it.
I’m sure it’s fine.
An article published in the Canberra Times on 26 Jan 1989 (YES, 1989), states:
Governments must yield national sovereignty to multilateral authorities able to enforce laws ‘across environmentally invisible frontiers’ if the greenhouse effect … is to be overcome …
A Commonwealth Expert Group set up to look at climate change estimated there was a 90 per cent certainty that the planet would become warmer by at least 1-2 degrees, perhaps much more, and that sea levels would rise by between one and four metres, by the year 2030.
While the sea-level estimate is rather amusing, of much more interest is this:
Governments must yield national sovereignty to multilateral authorities able to enforce laws …
Is that what is behind the climate and pandemic agenda? And remember, this was said back in 1989.
Surrending our sovereignty to save the planet, for the greater good.
‘ … the planet would become warmer by at least 1-2 degrees …’
Back to the Roman Warm Period.
And then it became 3℃ by 2020 and the sea level rise would flood the Florida beaches, the bottom end of Wall Street (NY) and The Maldives would vanish below the water by 2018.
That’s comedy gold right there.
By their “expert” opinion the gold coast has a 90% chance of being underwater by 2030???
And they wonder why we question their predictions!
Details and purpose of the global warming scam were obviously organised decades ago. The scientists obviously paid to find whatever their masters wanted.
Alternative media in Austria speak the truth.
Albo gives the finger to Xi.
‘The Australian government has said “yeah, no” to a reported package deal offer from China to drop its tariffs on Australian wine in return for more favourable treatment of its wind towers, railway wheels and stainless steel sinks.’ (Guardian)
Stainless steel sinks, like in my caravan en-suite bathroom, corrosion has removed the surface shiny finish in a couple of spots.
Their steel is tofu-dreg quality, totally pathetic.
So too the enamel on their toilet bowls.
Not real steel, it’s Chinesium…
Scrap metal merchants here won’t take Chinese Stainless steel.
A cool tongue enigma in the eastern Pacific.
‘Stretching west from the coast of Ecuador for thousands of kilometres lies a tentacle of water that has been cooling for the past 30 years. Why is this swathe of the eastern Pacific defying our predictions?’ (New Scientist)
“Unexpectedly, the eastern Pacific Ocean is cooling. If this “cold tongue” continues, it could reduce greenhouse gas warming by 30 per cent – but also bring megadrought to the US”
They’re worried that this cooling trend could destroy their nice neat catastrophist narrative, it could ruin everything so they toss in a US megadrought to help relieve their worries. Nice.
They should consider changing their name from New Scientist to New Religionist.
UN General Assembly head approves declaration to form a global pandemic authority with lockdown enforcement powers
Dennis Francis, president of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), has ignored the objections of 11 countries and approved the UN declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response without submitting it to a full assembly vote.
This declaration aims to form a global pandemic authority that has a range of disturbing powers, such as the ability to enforce lockdowns, push for universal vaccination and censor what it deems “misinformation.”
Some of the points it calls for include:
Increased surveillance and digital health documents: The declaration supports the use of digital health technologies for “implementing and supporting health measures and bolstering national response efforts” in the event of a health emergency or pandemic. Vaccine passports would fall under the category of digital health technologies.
If entire countries and their leaders can be so easily & totally ignored it shows how pointless the average citizen vote is.
This is why it will only end the way history has shown it to.
Who was it that said pollies will be lumped in with the great unwashed when their usefulness ends. Useful only to a point.
Links from within–governance-and-investment-to-prevent–prepare-for-and-respond-to-future-pandemics
Looking at the WHO link, some things come to mind:
1. Who was it who said that the most chilling authoritarianism is cloaked in bland bureaucratese?
2. The words “safe” and “safety” are arguably the most Orwellian of all in our WEF/UN new world order.
Follow the money. Who are the major funders of the UN. Gates and Soros are not far away.
CBDC, Digital passports, Climate Policies all coming our way soon.
Are you all happy yet ?
If those 11 countries include BRICs countries and some of the new additions, the UN might have another thing coming. Watch that bunch over the next few years…
Covid “vaccine” mRNA found in breast milk.
Critical analysis of published paper.
Who is aware of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – UNDRIP?
Or that Australian Aboriginal Activists were involved in the creation of UNDRIP during the ATSIC years when they also worked on what is now Uluru Statement?
That consent is an internationally agreed minimum standard of engagement in UNDRIP?
There are 300-plus “First Nations countries to have survived in Australia. In the cultures that means all of them need to be heard equally by government. My mob can’t speak for your mob. Your mob can’t speak for my mob.”
The Uluru Statement also supports consent as a right but they have not implemented it.
So the Albanese Labor Government has ignored the process required for UNDRIP, but they did appoint their Ambassador to UNDRIP late in 2022, Spectator Magazine referred to as the Ambassador for reparations.
One of my comments a couple of months ago:
UNDRIP was originally adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 September 2007 and here is the important thing – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States ALL VOTED AGAINST it.
In the intervening years these four have changed their position and expressed support for it however in the case of Australia no action has been taken to formalise just how it would be made to work/instituted. This is what the voice is all about it is plan B to cripple the country by race, neutralise all the free thinking non-socialists – you cant say/do that your racist, your transphobic, your homophobic, your climate change/crisis/boiling phobic – then the UN/WEF come in and help all these “first nations” take back their country/hemisphere and all will become the socialist utopia that the “more equal” pigs will rule over.
Take some time to daydream back to the good old days of what Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US were like the short 16 years ago – when they voted NO – and look at what they are now. The stark contrast between the two eras which are common to all four countries is NO coincidence.
Norway, Sweden and Finland were early adopters of the UNDRIP. Norway currently is fighting to keep its new wind farm at Roan (largest onshore farm in Europe) established given a challenge from indigenous Sami reindeer herders who used the power of UNDRIP through the courts.
These 3 countries actually made a point of NOT incorporating the UNDRIP provisions in their constitution which further highlights such a change is not necessary “if” UNDRIP is available and even further highlights that the voice is plan B to cripple Australia. VOTE NO.
A reading of the declaration will show that it only applies to countries who made “lets live peacefully” treaties. If the natives were subdued by war, they no longer had “indigenous rights” within the country. This was a fine method for all countries who used war to conquer territory as they would not have follow the dictates of the treaty.
The Voice: Albo says it will unite us. 1.2M voters say it wont and apply for postal votes to avoid abuse, aggression and violence.
Looks to be a landslide NO vote so far.
How will “walkabout Johny” telling farmers they can’t grow food for the city folk, where pointy rocks and shells were found unite us?
JP Sears discusses the unpersoning and YouTube demonetisation of Russell Brand, including requests from the UK Government to silence him.
Brand used to be a darling of the Left until he started questioning them.
Nothing terrifies and angers the Left more than an alternative, uncensored opinion. They are dangerous when they’re angry.
He saw Tucker get away with it and thought he could too . They weren’t game to go after Tucker but Russell was a soft target with a “colorful” past . Its always the second one that gets it…confected outrage again . They had to make an “example” of someone .
The “Cluster B society”
American culture has been sent adrift. In a new short film, I show how a strange new pattern of psychopathologies has deranged our institutions and plunged our public life into hysteria, narcissism, and moral theatrics—all in the name of “care.”
Welcome to the Cluster B Society
Over 800 km/h from an unpowered glider
No props, no jets, no rockets – California’s Spencer Lisenby just broke the world speed record for remote controlled aircraft, taking an unpowered RC glider transonic at 548 mph (882 km/h) using nothing but the wind. Well, that and an incredible degree of skill in a highly dangerous technique called dynamic soaring. And while it’s more or less an extreme hobby at the moment, he’s got some very interesting plans for the technique and the technology behind it.
Wind accelerates like mad when it goes up a hill, and since the 1960s, “slope soaring” radio-controlled glider pilots have used that reliable source of energy to keep their aircraft flying pretty much indefinitely – as long as they take care to avoid the wild, plane-eating turbulence of the “shear layer” on the leeward side behind the hill where that fast-moving air begins interacting with the much slower air shielded behind the ridge.
Nothing off the shelf could come close to handling the constant 60-80 G-loadings these things experience, with spikes as high as 120 g as they whip around in their impossibly fast oval loops through turbulent air. For context, Formula One cars develop up to 6 g in the corners, and people tend to start passing out at around 8-9 g as the acceleration literally drains the blood from their brains.
Makes those 400 km/h+ speed drones look slow. 😁
Not necessarily speed
One year the gliding nationals were at Jondaryan in Qld. Ingo set out from Tocamwal NSW one morning and landed at Jondaryan that afternoon after soaring a front.
If you have a slope you can slope soar in a full size one. If you have a big high slope you can set height records – like when Pacific winds hit the Sierra Nevadas and the Andes
76,000 feet –
Farcebook “fact checkers” AAP (Australian Associated Press) are censoring opinions suggesting modern day Aboriginals might not have been the first people to arrive in Australia.
The concept is not even allowed to be discussed, because the Left can’t handle alternative opinions.
The AAP “fact check” (sic) can be seen at
Among opinions censored are articles talking about the pygmy Aboriginals of northern Queensland as written about in articles such as
They are now extinct, but there are people alive today who met them and they were even written about in Manning Clark’s History of Australia.
They have been unpersonned by the Left.
And what about Mungo man?
What about the Bradshaw paintings, now apparently renamed the Gwion Gwion rock paintings?
Why are these ideas not allowed to be subject to scholarly inquiry or discussion?
I neglected to mention the Tasmanian Aborigines who have also been suggested to be a different people and race than mainland Aborigines.
Indeed, and what about Kow Swamp Man?
And the successive waves of immigrants from various origins over the millennia?
And the 300 surviving nations, none of whom are allowed to represent or speak on behalf of each other according to the Wik Agreement.
I am intersted in the rich heritage and culture of our indigenous people. Can anyone advise of the names of major achievers and leaders that pre date Euro settlement and what their history and achievements were?
Living in harmony with nature and each other.
Resulting in glacial stabilization.
Also there was gender identity freedom and equality, and the correct number of typhoons.
There are no names because of achievement equity.
A return to this purity is all the WEF wants … for the sake of us all.
They, as our saviors, will preserve the debauchery of Modernity on their private islands like Maui, venturing out only for Davos, Climate Confabs, and the Oscars.
For historical reference, and as an example to the rest of us.
Obviously Mr Boomer ang and his trusty side kick Mr Spear Chucka are well known world wide for their achievments.
FWIW – re that “First Nation”
“The extinction of the Australian pygmies”
“From the 1940s until the 1960s, it was fairly widely known there were pygmies in Australia. They lived in North Queensland and had come in from the wild of the tropical rainforests to live on missions in the region. This was a fact recorded at the time not only in anthropological textbooks and articles but also in popular books about the Australian Aborigines. There was even an award-winning children’s book tracing their origins. The more famous photographs of the Australian pygmies were reproduced in both the academic and the popular literature.”
More at
Everyone agrees in the wonders that can be achieved with other people’s money, except the ‘other people’.
You’ll never leave a bigger carbon (sic) footprint than the celebrities, other Elites and politicians lecturing you about yours.
That was lucky, it nearly missed him.
Tracking the vaxx injured and dead worldwide
A few links, sites and events you should know about
Founded in Australia, September 2021, NFP since Januaray 2022. Jab Injuries Global has been pivotal in giving the Covid-Vaccine-Injured a voice and platform to source community support and highlight the plight of millions of vaccine injured people all over the world.
Set up and then left to work its intention on all who are open to witness and interact with it; It is not a protest, it is not a database. It is solely a platform where we share only cv19 injection deaths and injuries that I have personally found, only where stories have been publicly shared and published on multiple sources. Some have been personally shared to me, but the majority are not.
Standing for Truth and Freedom every Sunday 10-11am. 1400 parks. Over 30 Countries.No Agenda.No Religion.No Leaders
Individuals Standing for Personal Truth and Freedom. Together. Wear yellow in unity.
“Pauline Hanson is spot on. Again. ”
““A Cleverly Staged Hoax.” …Former German TV Meteorologist Slams “Climate Hysteria” ”
The BBC’s weather propaganda team:
“Why is the BBC splashing out your licence fee on 22 weather forecasters when the segments last just two minutes long on average?
BBC’s main TV and radio channels are hosted by 22 weather forecasters
A further 23 presenters can be seen on the BBC’s regional programmes ”
45 presenters, each paid approx £50k, is £2.25 Million, minimum, for the licence payers to fund.
Jacinta Price: The Voice and Victimhood
Great story about Murdoch. Also mentioned Paul Rigby. We weren’t happy when Rigby was stolen away from us in Perth. Paul Rigby was a member of the “falling flat” group, who practised the art of suddenly falling flat on their face with no warning. Very disconcerting, and I often wondered how they never hurt themselves. Rigby once worked as a draftsman before his cartooning career, and I believe that the walls of his drafting office were covered in his early cartoon attempts..
Get COVID, live longer!
Some more analysis is needed, but interesting…
Here is a comparison of median life expectancy for Australians in 2021 compared to median age of death from covid until October 2022.
The median age at death from all causes was 79 years for males and 85 years for females.
According to the ABS: “The median age for those who died from COVID-19 was 85.5 years (83.7 years for males, 87.5 years for females).“.
Another way of looking at this is that Covid is less deadly than everything else.
Government offshore renewable projects at risk of killing marine life
I thought you were up to speed on these things.
The only way to save them is by endangering them.
The biggest threat to Kola bears is habitat loss, the science, backed by experts are knocking down vast swaths of Kola habitat in an attempt to save them.
We have to trust the science Kim.
Destroy the planet to save it:
“In order to stop the planet from melting into a puddle of overly warmed goo, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates wants to chop down all trees and bury them in the ground.”