A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Tuesday fellow “lying dogface pony soldiers”!
POTUS’s favorite John Wayneism at 8:17.
He produced an excellent performance in Viet Nam.
Is he dropping by Oz whilst in the neighborhood?
Sorry misread the time mark.
He slurs us at 1:50 ish.
So whats the talk on the streets Honk? In your university town with, one assumes, lots of Democrat voters are there people that would still vote Democrat but are embarrassed by Buffoon Biden?
I struggled to watch the interview in Vietnam, squirming with discomfort. With billions of people world wide laughing at this bumbling, mumbling person is there no one willing to stand up and say enough?
Like taking the family dog to the vet for that one last time, no one may want to do it but it has to be done!
My state is solid Blue.
The Democrats I’m exposed to, have no ideology other than Orange Man Bad.
The are not exposed to Biden’s gaffs as they only see sanitized versions of his appearances on MSM.
Most wish for the demise of the American Republic as that is the only way to atone for colonialism and slavery and stop climate change.
They are for free abortions and against Free Speech.
They believe physically restraining shop lifters is violence but sending cluster bombs to Ukraine is fighting hate.
They will be happy with whatever the Democratic cabal installs for them.
They would be perfectly happy to watch evil MAGA insurrectionists or vax refusers hauled away to camps.
Interacting with them is akin to encountering an 1960s Red Guard with green fatigues waving a little red book and screaming slogans with mouth foam, except with full body tattoos and unnatural colored hair.
Reading this you may think I’m exaggerating or being hyperbolic.
Nothing I can do about that.
Historical footnote:
They would have no clue about the Red Guard little red book reference.
Most of them under 45, have no idea what a Soviet Union is.
Great Leap Forward … never heard of it.
It wasn’t enough that we bombed the h*ll out of Vietnam, we had to send Biden. . .
Biden was responsible for the South’s loss in 1975. He stopped re-supply of parts to the South’s tanks and planes in the US Senate. The South’s planes couldn’t fly and their tanks couldn’t moved. He also stopped the US government under Gerald Ford to supply any money to the Vietnamese refugees that went to America. President Ford had to ring up the Churches ask them to supply food and accommandation.
The current Vietnamese government are fully entitled to give Joe Biden an award for his involvement in the defeat of the South. He also was involved in the disasterous withdrawal from Afghanistan recently
Not as bad as Bush in 1992 in Japan though.
Our Prime Minister has changed his first name to Wvlodomyr to match the new affectation of the Tee shirt seen in so many recent media reports.
Joe Biden says global warming is “even more frightening” than nuclear war
As I said recently, the most recent description I saw in the Lamestream media was “climate breakdown”.
Now the White House puppet says it’s worse than nuclear war.
How much worse can the description get and what is their true objective in this terror campaign?
I think some sort of supposed climate crisis will coincide with the release of a US election variant of covid which will enable the Demoncrats to impose covid and climate lockups and do more fraudulent mail-in ballot harvesting.
David, they are running out of dramatic new ‘terror’ phrases to con the people with. Can hardly wait for the next one! As for Balmy Biden’s comment; one expect such speech from someone with his condition.
As Tom Petty once wailed:
Breakdown, go ahead and give it to me.
South Africa has been slammed with COLD & SNOW, various webcams showing pics of people out enjoying globules of crisis falling from the sky, even children running around HAVING FUN IN THE SNOW (worse than nukular war? C’mon Joe) and building snowmen.
‘Snow to 400m’ for NZ’s South Island today… worse than nukes? Planet Biden must be a very odd place to live, detached from reality, away with the fairies, lost in a purple haze…
One of quite a few ‘notices’ from our mainstream elites that a nuclear war is not as bad as painted in the past and we really shouldn’t worry if Ukraine goes nuclear.
A bunch of ‘scientists’ published a paper early this year predicting deaths would be far fewer than predicted with old methodology. This was a couple of months before NATO started sending DU artillery rounds.
At least a nuclear war would counter
globalgullible warming by 2-15C for a few decades, except where the dinosaur legacy msm journos live.20
So far as I know the useful feature of DU in artillery is a very high specific gravity. Get it moving and it packs a punch. I don’t know how hard it can be, and I think radioactivity would be irrelevant.
You are right Ted, but the radioactivity is a factor. Depleted uranium is not very depleted and it vapourises in the explosion, so anyone nearby who survives the blast breathes in uranium. Then it hangs around in the soil or blows around in the dust, not a lot of strength, but a lot of it if you have the artillery battles they are having in Ukraine.
Lots of writings about the downstream effects in Iraq.
Based on decades of experience with radioactivity, I agree that it can be disregarded for depleted U weaponry.
It is not uncommon for military stuff to have monster advertising, to give kids the impression that weapons are worse than reality. Geoff S
Biden is an idiot, everyone knows that a nuclear exchange in the Northern Hemisphere would bring on a nuclear winter.
At the end of the Cold War and the development of the Internet, most Western countries stopped briadcasting shortwave radio programmes.
Among my hobbies I am a shortwave and amateur radio enthusiast and shortwave broadcasting by countries is not dead. However it’s been taken over by the Chicomms with hundreds of channels being broadcast.
They broadcast some in English but most are in Chinese.
It is not obvious to me why they are broadcasting a majority of their material to a worldwide audience in Chinese when a majority of listeners would not (currently) speak that language. If it was for the benefit of Chinese expats, you wouldn’t think there are so many to justify the huge number of channels.
Years ago we used to have Russian over-the-horizon radar and North Korean propaganda via 50 baud teletype making a hell of racket 24/7. The teletype stuff was the most mind-numbing bunkum.
I rather suspect that the Chinese are flooding the bands to prevent counter-propaganda getting any space on the various wavelengths?
–… …–
I would not be surprised if they are following a Party decree that was issued and forgotten about, or the issuer became persona non grata and disappeared, leaving no one willing to ask why such broadcasts are still happening.
It’s not just a dictatorship to blame, it’s no different at large companies, no one remembers who implemented something, or why it was so important, but somehow it can’t be changed, or is never challenged.
Hmnnn… By our standards anything Chinese comes in huge numbers.
Could it just be that in this area they have a free Market?
On that subject. If anybody starts letting off atomic bombs for how long could that shut down our communications industry?
Ham radio could at times be the only means of long distance communications we have.
Apparently the White House resident chose not to attend any 9-11 memorial sites. I guess it wouldn’t be woke to offend the terrorist community.
You are flattering the White House resident. I doubt very much that he had any say in where he went that or any other day.
My question is why the real powers that be have him leading a relatively high profile public life at this time.
We all know it was an orchestrated event though don’t we…
He is not in the country, so yes he chose not to attend.
It’s called “planning ahead” for anyone else.
He could have taken one day out of the 352 he’s spent on holidays so far.
It’s called not giving a flying one, for brainead America-hating Joe.
The G20 is not planned by the US. Going to a lot of trouble to miss an engagement that gives a positive look.
He said he was at the Ground Zero site the next day after the attack. Has that been fact checked?
Constitutional Questions Raised Over Referendum Ballot Paper
Listen to this clown, gets advanced notice of the three questions and avoids answering, is not pulled up on his obvious stall tactics.
Actually states that a challenge to the question has not been accepted by the court, but it would be inappropriate to answer as it was before the court.
This is how the installed charlatans conduct business, this is our Government, and a circus is a polite way of viewing this.
Why are the Lib/Nats silent on this issue.
Because they are not an opposition party, just a faction of the Uniparty.
Vote for conservative-oriented, pro-freedom parties.
– United Australia Party
– Liberal Democrats
– One Nation
Malcolm Roberts. Damning New Evidence Revealed.
Albo where is our promised royal commission into the runny nose virus.
The runny nose virus, the gift that keeps on giving.
Senator Roberts is great, one of the very few educated (as opposed to indoctrinated) people in Parliament.
And the vast majority of the population are exactly where the Elites and Useful Idiots of the Left want them, incapable of critical or independent thought, ignorant of science, history, general knowledge and ideas of freedom, and willing to believe and do anything.
It’s a frightening scenario.
Blast from the past Fauci:
The best vaccination is to get infected…
Seoul to pay up to W30m each for post-COVID jab deaths
Lawmakers and government officials on Wednesday agreed to increase the amount of condolence money to families of those who died following COVID-19 vaccinations, regardless of whether the vaccination itself was confirmed to be the cause of death.
From September, families will be eligible to get up to 30 million won ($22,500) in condolence money if a family member dies within 90 days of having received the COVID-19 vaccine, even if the cause of death can not be identified in an autopsy. Since July 2022, 10 million won had been given if the death occurred within 42 days of having received the shot.
Families can now get up to 20 million won even if autopsies were not conducted.
Separately, families of those who died within three days of inoculation but had not been eligible for any government aid previously can now get at least 10 million won, while the amount could go up to 30 million won depending on the severity of the side effects.
“In this regard, it is the state’s responsibility to tackle the blind spot in helping out those who fell victim to the vaccination policy.”
Separately, families of those who died within three days of inoculation but had not been eligible for any government aid previously can now get at least 10 million won, while the amount could go up to 30 million won depending on the severity of the side effects.
There is a more severe outcome than death?
Anti-apartheid song:
“No to The Voice”
Professor Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland has linked globull warming to increased snake activity and people being bitten , no link was just on Sky News .
Here are some references to him. He is obsessed with snakes and their venom.
From a few weeks ago:
From 2017:
Typical of the quality of proponents we have pushing the big lie.
The tosser should be dead, 26 times and he does not seem to remember what’s doing it?
Has a balance problem, so catching snakes seems like a great idea.
The twit also votes, because he is so good at making life altering decisions.
“a rich source for drug design development,'”
Hmmm.. I wonder what sort of drugs they would develop from something that causes extreme pain, gives hallucinations and makes you wish you were dead? Surely not weapons? Not The Free World with The Rules-Based Order….
He must still suffer from non-stop bleeding, by definition. Maybe he will next claim to be menstruating female. Geoff S
And yet, without a university degree, I have figured out for my self that snakes are more active in warmer weather. I rarely find them out and about in winter but without doubt when the weather is warmer, there they are. I also have a simpe solution to minimising the risk of snake bite. Keep your eyes open.
I’ve come close to stepping on sunbaking snakes numerous times while bushwalking, but they’re happy to disappear into the bush first rather than bite so I leave ’em alone.
Just as well as they can move with incredible speed.
I’ve stepped in a Jackjumper supernest though and pulled my leg out at snake speed.
Think I’d rather be bitten by a snake than those ants , years ago out camping had the sudden urge to dig a hole about 10pm to ahem go potty . While I was minding my own buisness it felt like there was something climbing up my legs but I kept flicking off whatever it was until ouch , ouch , ouch . Stood up real quick and turned the torch on and to my horror I’d dug the hole right in the middle of one of their nests .
I wonder if this is true or clever propaganda from the pro-apartheid lobby to panic undecided voters into voting in favour of apartheid?
If it’s true, I am moderately impressed that at least some Australians are still capable of thinking for themselves, at least on certain topics.
Even if it’s true, the Libs will find a way to fnck it up at the last moment.
Dutton’s second referendum, or from him yesterday – just put it off until everyone is so sick of it they vote yes.
I despair.
Marcia Langton was filmed this week saying if you vote no you’re either racist or stupid , the Facebook post that showed her rant has magically disappeared this afternoon.
Well, that’s one way to deal with a burning EV:
(1 minute video clip)
It makes you think twice about what might happen if you leave your vehicle in a car park.
It does make you think about car parks. Just as bad yesterday was wondering about the Tesla a visitor to our place parked next to our car. That was the first time we suffered the presence of an EV on our soggy little farm.
Are EVs allowed to park in basement car parks? Just wondering.
Bourke now have 2 EV charging stations and every time we went into town they were vacant , we were there for about 3 weeks.
World’s largest Lithium reserve found in supervolcano
Geologists have uncovered what they believe could be the world’s largest lithium deposit inside an ancient supervolcano along the Nevada-Oregon border in the US.
Clay containing up to 40 million metric tons of the precious metal was identified throughout the 28-mile-long McDermitt Caldera – nearly double what has been found in Bolivia’s salt flats that have long held the record for the most lithium deposits.
While the amount of lithium is based on estimates – no drilling has taken place – scientists have found high concentrations of lithium in the caldera since the 1970s.
As of 2022, the average battery-grade lithium carbonate price was $37,000 per metric ton, meaning the volcano is potentially sitting on $1.48 trillion worth of the precious metal.
Canada-based Lithium Americas Corporation plans to begin mining as early as 2026, mine the region for the next 40 years, and then backfill the pit. However, the plan has been criticized due to the environmental impact of mining and claims that the site is on sacred Native American land.
What could possibly go wrong.
Sacred ground? Never let some pointy rocks and animal bones block progress, except in Oz…
your old posts come back to you. From 2019.
It is about Jon Edwards the retired WA engineer who ‘faked’ a charging station in the Nullarbor.
I remember a youtube(?) about it, but cannot find it. I did find a FactCheck saying the idea was wrong, but that was in the USA.
US median rent vs income 1987-2023
Can’t afford food?
Stop saving for that MP5.
Global sick leave entitlements
The great Dutton deception.
How much is a failed Politician worth, $300 to $500 million. Being an ex QLD cop probably explains it though.
Peter Dutton’s net worth in 2021 is estimated by some sources as up to $300 million.
[Snip]Legal nightmare for the host.]AD
You know your ugly when the WEF won’t put your mug shot up. (H/T Klaus Schwab)
A truck loaded with thousands of copies of Roget’s Thesaurus crashed yesterday losing its entire load.
Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralyzed, dazed, bewildered, mixed up, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished, …
A year six teacher asked her class who was an Anthony Albanese fan , the kids had no idea who she was talking about but wanting to be liked by the teacher they all put up their hand except little Johnny.
The teacher was incensed by this and asked little Johnny why he wasn’t an Anthony Albanese fan , little Johnny replied that his dad was a liberal voter and his mum was a liberal voter so that made him a liberal as well .
The teacher now furious asked little Johnny if your dad was a moron and your mum was an idiot what would that make you . Little Johnny said an Anthony Albanese Fan .
Multiple vehicles destroyed after electric car’s lithium-ion battery sparks carpark fire at Sydney Airport
A fire has ripped through multiple vehicles at a Sydney Airport parking lot, sparked by a lithium-ion battery from a luxury electric vehicle.
Sky News
The convective storm that dumped water over southern Europe made it across the Med to Libya causing extensive flooding:
The is real climate change that is due to the moving peak sunlight. Nothing to do with CO2.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhlHN4A_kDcuvdIjE?e=hyAU9v
Nyet Zero: putting the ‘no’ into Energy and The Voice
Thousands of Greeks rallied in Athens on Sunday against the impending introduction of biometric ID cards, denouncing what they see as a move towards a surveillance society.
“No to electronic slavery” and “democracy has referendums, fascism decrees,” were two common slogans at a rally which police put at 2,500 strong.
“We don´t want our personal data to be used,”, said one marcher, Dionysis Alexopoulos. “Perhaps with this new card they´ll be able to control our access to hospitals or other public places if for example we aren´t vaccinated……….
The Greek government announced last week that the procedure for obtaining new identity cards would begin on September 25, noting Greece´s obligation to comply with European regulations on “strengthening the security” of ID documents.”
What am I hearing on the Lunchtime news this now: PAY to VISIT VENICE – even youngsters have to pay, Book in advance, etc Pilot project starting next year. AH_OOH_GA … Well Pay us in the Countryside as well for coming to see and admire our work, producing food for you and keeping OUR field & Hills free of Housing & industry ( some sarc in there, somewhere)
Och, just checked it out … OLD news …2022 at least.
A story of our times!
E-scooter ‘bomb’ destroys solar panels.
Well wadda ya know about the WWF ! WWF-Studie = Wassermangel in Europa „hausgemacht“ von Redaktion agrarzeitung Dienstag, 12. September 2023 and more juicy bits here to get the Jist of! Europe in Dire straights