A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Ok, an update… Snowy 2
Australia’s recalcitrant TBM, “Florence”, is still to this day stuck.
I have reviewed the graphs of the Seismic Refraction Tomography. (Tantangara Adit Sinkhole Investigation) Released NSW Govt.
It seems the area of the anomaly is approx 100 m in length and 40m deep from the surface.
Width of anomaly – LHS of borer is 20 m, RHS approx 100m.
That is a lot of cubic metres to grout or stabilise.
Another problem they have noted in the investigation is that the precast concrete segments installed have deformed at the cutting head.
Unfortunately for all, Florence is still not moving anytime soon.
It seems from the SRT, that if they had started the tunnel 90m left of the current ingress, they would have missed the pesky limestone and unstable ground… and also saved us a billion or two.
But williamx: It’s a GREEN project so saving a billion or two isn’t the objective. The more taxpayers money wasted the more the politicians preen themselves.
It’s quite amazing how the MSM just never mention this catastrophe . .
send the bill to M.Turnbull.
Extinction Rebellion activists scale Labour HQ and hold up ‘Cut Ties to Fossil Fuels’ banner as they set off smoke grenades and douse front steps in black paint
Please do not give these idiots any more publicity by reposting such events.
They are best ignored to shrink away in anonimity.
Well said, Chad. I always find it amazing how the commercial radio stations and other MSM “innocently” report on these things and give them all the prime time news coverage they desire (and very well sanitised to present it in the most friendly way possible), but there’s never a word spoken or otherwise reported about protests against these things, and if there is, it’s always with a bit of venom…
Why do these rasists use black for everything bad?
Sunak has them all fooled, he is winding back on net zero, or so I read here.
I recently saw a video that explained how the composite fibre elements of wind turbines could be “recycled”.
I hope you’re sitting down as it’s very exciting…
After passing the blades through multiple shredders and generally try to filter out any metals, the finely ground material is sent to a cement plant, where it is burned to generate electricity.
I guess it’s marginally better than just burying them…?
Wind turbine blades seem to burn quite well judging from videos I have seen.
Sure, technically it can be done, and it is a very good publicity image for the wind industry to counter the reality of all those blades being used for landfill…
But the cost of the transport and shreding etc, likely exceeds any equivalent fuel source (gas ?)
By a factor of X10, methinks, and the gasses would be toxic.
How many shredded blades does it take for the shredded glass fibre to clog the filters at the power plants?
Combustion is combustion. Burning polyester resin produces the usual water vapour and CO2. However, there are a few nastier “by-products” in that combustion.
But, who cares?
It is ALL political theatre,anyway.
Why not just feed them into coal fired power stations, generating proper power while eliminating a pesky problem, probably generating more power this way than what they were originally designed for.
Burning wind turbine blades would be an absolute nightmare of cost, human safety and environmental issues.
By comparison, coal is not a big issue.
Coal is easily crushed to a form that can be burned, off gases and particulates are well handled in modern units and we can do trials on other processes e.g. wind, solar and nuclear to eventually move on.
Grinding fiberglass down into powder causes large amounts of fine glass fiber being created . This will also be left over when the epoxy and other flammables are burned . Makes coal look good doesn’t it ?
I have also heard of another report where the blades are chopped and ground down, but rather than burning the resins are extracted, using some “secret” solvent process, for reuse (???) and the remaining glass fibres are incorporated into the concrete mix !
Personally, it sounds to me like another complex, expensive, proposal to placate environmental concerns over the landfil option !
And i also suspect that fine glass fiber particles in concrete could become the subject of a future health risk debate !
That is not the full story. The electricity that is generated is used to power the machinery, transport etc required to processes the wind turbine blades.
Magic electrons.
Another secret sauce! Served with with cold fusion too?
Oh, joy. GA has invented a perpetual motion machine.
It is the full story, the video specifically mentioned powering a cement plant….
No doubt there are other cases, but I was very clearly not talking about them.
Burned…but “they” are campaigning to eliminate all ways of “burning” to generate electricity, so who are they kidding?
This comes into the same category as green hydrogen and carbon capture, not to mention Snowy 2.0.
I saw a pop up advert on Twitter yesterday promoting green Hydrogen. It claimed the gas would be produced without using fossil fuels.
I had cartoon style images of wind turbines and solar panels and massive sorage vessels…..none of which are manufactured without fossil fuels.
Tuesday already? Oh these clock changes..
BRAZIL: a 19% reduction in panel imports from the first six months of 2022 I wonder why?
And now I’m hearing that oor Prince Billy ( silly)is going to visit a noto silly Billy WindowGates when he is next in the USA …. Really? what for?
Journal Rejects Request To Retract Study Suggesting Negative COVID Vaccine Effectiveness
Analyzing numbers from California’s prison system, a research group found that those who received one of the bivalent boosters had a higher infection rate than people who have never received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
“I can confirm that we were contacted by the corresponding author with a request to retract. However, we have determined that there is no basis for retraction and therefore it will remain published,” Graham Parker-Finger, director of publishing and customer success for Cureus, told The Epoch Times via email.
Luke Ko, listed as the study’s corresponding author, said that he’s 17 years old and still in high school.
Myocarditis & COVID-19 Vaccines: How The CDC Missed A Safety Signal And Hid A Warning
During the initial trails of the ‘vaccines’ raised levels of troponin were recorded. Pfizer decided not to pursue it any further. During any drug trail certain test are mandatory precisely to detect such issues. How did Pfizer get away with ignoring this signal? So much dishonesty, so many people prepared to accept money to hide things. The US, specifically those who are in a position to enrich themselves (DC), has probably become the most corrupt country.
cities in the USA, and some states, impose curfews
All of California,010%20Curfew.,A.
So much for civic life
In China for contrast there are no curfews.
And having visited both I can affirm that China feels much safer, mind you, they do have a culture which keeps shops open to around 10 pm, and their night markets go to 1 am
Did you try holding up a ‘Remember those who were massacred in Tiananmen Square’ banner in both countries? or a ‘Free Peng Shuai’ T-Shirt or even just attend a Catholic Church or Falon Gong exercise session.
Maybe go for a walk with a T-Shirt with ‘NO’ on it in one of our large cities to get some of an idea where we are headed under your guidance PF.
Tried those and got beaten up in both countries.. Was jailed in USA for telling people to take ivermectin for Covid and again in UK for saying refugees should be sent home…
Oh I believe this.
Pretty sure Peter was comparing safety on the streets – there are billions of other comparisons to be made between countries and cultures that have nothing to do with street safety.
I agree with you that the US is rapidly approaching some sort of dystopian reality in many (Democrat “run”) cities – but in my mind it is precisely because much of the US is now “managed” by “leaders” who would be quite happy and would fit in well within China or any other authoritarian Marxist nation.
The USA is in its terminal collapse phase.
By this time next year it will be civil war 2.0
Lawlessness is rampant, far more than it has been historically, with the difference now being that the criminals don’t care at all, as there are no consequences for their actions.
Walk into a store, load up a trolley and walk out.
Set fire to a city block – peaceful protest.
Bring back Harry Callahan. 😎
In China there are no curfews, but with 46% youth unemployment its difficult to forecast where it will go.
There are no guns and kitchen knives are a restricted product, so I suppose they’ll just lie flat and do nothing.
Sort of ironic PF seeks to make a big deal of curfews set by city governments who promote the lefty policies he so loves. B
And all China did was weld up doors and gates to keep people in. Much better approach of course.
The linked file is my near complete analysis of the role of convection and advection in Earth’s climate system:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhlHN4A_kDcuvdIjE?e=Kd0pZo
It has become quite lengthy. I would still like to add a photo of cumulonimbus cloud over ocean at or above 26C. If you have such a photo with date and location I can determine the ocean temperature from null school.
I am interested in any feedback and suggestions on how it could be improved.
“Oh, and just putting this video here so I can find it again. It’s about cancer, what really causes it and how to get rid of it via removing its food (sugar) and re-balancing your metabolism via fasting.”
“Clean Energy Dirty Tricks? A $500 Gift Card for Signing Over Your Property Rights”
“Aussie Clean energy companies attempting to action the Left wing Albanese Government’s green grid expansion, appear to have turned to unsavoury practices to try to progress their agenda.”
Silly woman was ok with it until her fatherinlaw had a closer look at the fine print.
I still believe what happens on your land should be your decision, I understand that the government can build a road through your property but a private company putting power lines and towers ? This should be up to the landholder to say yes or no . Same with gas exploration and extraction.
I understand that the government can build a road through your property but a private company putting power lines and towers ?
Is that a proposal that “governments” should be the sole owners of the power distribution lines/systems?
No it’s a castle style proposal.
FWIW, you left off the “FWIW”.
I have just returned from a road trip to Brisbane. I went up the Garmin track through Tamworth on the way up then returned via the coast with a couple of days in little Asia.
2023/24 could very well set new crop records for Australia. The Riverina is spectacular but also the central west and New England regions of NSW, Victoria and Southern Qld are greener than I have seen them over 50 years of passing through this country.
There is considerable undergrowth along the coastal motorway that does not bode well for the coming fire season when the vegetation dries out.
SEQ and Northern NSW are buzzing. Land and house prices are boiling as Victorians leave the broke State and head north adding to pressure on house prices. If you are not out of Victoria yet then you could be shocked by the house prices further north.
Roads broadly were in reasonable state. Only Coffs Harbour and Sydney remain to be bypassed. Victorian back roads are the worst for potholes but some of the older sections of the Pacific Motorway are also in need of work.
I fuelled my diesel sedan three times and that includes about 500km visiting friends and family around Brisbane – 80% full before departing and 30% full on return. Total fuel cost $350 but tank 50% down from starting point.. I parked in one underground carpark in little Asia (Chatswood Sydney) and was somewhat annoyed to find a Tesla parked beside my car when we came to leave. I believe it is only a matter of time before these fire traps are required to park in special locations away from ICE vehicles.
A nephew has just installed 15kW of solar panels and 28kWh of battery on his heavy equipment workshop and is ready to go off grid if the service charge overtakes his export income. He claimed payback of 5 years but just showed me the daily data for the day I was with him. Also stayed in a house at Kingscliffe that has 10kW of panels and a 15kWh battery. They are still connected to the grid and make money from the system. Both wealthy accountants so I assume they did the sums.
Like parking a Tesla in your house. Has he accounted for the increasing insurance costs or the possibility the Firemen may not want to put their hoses on his panels and batteries?
What if a rat chews on massive DC current containing wires running through his roof?
The panels are on a heavy equipment shed. He owns an earth moving business located on his property. He has two 14kWh Redflow batteries so lower fire risk than any lithium chemistry.
You wont lose your eyebrows with this battery!
Not once in all the reports of fuel buildup and coming hot and dry conditions have I heard mentioned during appeals to ‘get your fire plan in order’ any information about installing a simple sprinkler system on your homes roof.
Simple and made of something that does not melt or require grid power!
Otherwise a useless decoration on your roof causing rust. A bit like solar panels or driving an EV.
We recently got back from a trip taking us from Victoriastan to NSW to SA to the NT then over to QLD back down through NSW and finally back home .
Roads were pretty much crap everywhere but the prize for the worst roads has to go to QLD with NSW and Victoriastan running equally in second place .
As for crops yes from what we seen it does look like this year is going to be a bumper for NSW and vic .
How many thousand miles of “outback” road in Vic?
But point taken; highway 1, Bris to Cairns still isn’t floodproof.
I’m talking sealed Hanrahan but Victoriastan has plenty of its own unsealed tracks belive it or not but not to extent that QLD WA and SA do though .
Victoria is now the stupid state . Intelligence is limited but stupid is not . We are being forced to become the “experiment” where intermittent power and corruption are normal . What a choice – expensive flammable batteries or random power blackouts of indeterminate length .
Nooooooo I won’t have that !! , South Australia is well ahead in stupidity regarding renewables although both states liberal opposition are more green than the current incumbents .
??…Sydney has a ring road of motorways and tunnels linking the Hume Hw via the M7, M2, to the F1 Northern freeway……Dual carrigeway and no lights or roundabouts all the way.
….but lots if $$$ tolls !
I would love to see those sums .
That size system would cost $20+k, and the FIT is under 10c/kWh now..
5 years is a long time to have $20k sunk into any asset.
..But,.. when the retail price of electricity tops 40-50 c/kWh,..then it will definitely be worth it !
Not when interest rates are 0.5% at the bank. [Were they 0.2% even?]
But investments in ETFs return on average 10% over such a period !
As does any reasonably well managed SMSF !
Who in their right mind keeps cash in a bank account ?
….that is why i said i would like to see those sums !
Wont matter much to the millons west of Parramatta. They will just have to take what the clowns in charge dish up.
More leave Sydney each year than Melbourne. That is one of the reasons – migration obviously being the other – why Melbourne is now (once again) the most populous Australian city.
And still growing overall
Meanwhile over at the webpage of the Daily Mail UK Edition the 3 words you need to “know” all the news are:
Russell – appears 117 times
Brand – appears 147 times
Resurfaced (video/clip) – 16 times.
By comparison the webpage of the Daily Mail Australian Edition gives you:
Russell – 58
Brand – 60
Resurfaced – 8.
And “NO” a major Australian story like the referendum is NOt the focus of “our” conversation today as the lead headline story (07:35am) is about a dog attack in Sydney west. The score for the referendum is:
NO – 19
yes – 4
voice – 10.
Have a nice day, hope the pit bulls don’t bite.
Pitbulls, not a good idea for a pet according to these stats.
History of the breed should make one very cautious on owning one.
Certainly shocking statistics. Seems the more obvious the cause of the problem is the less inclined to get corrective action.
That “other” bull Russell has just been blocked by Youtube for failing their “responsibility policy”. The wording used to cite this failure is given as:
‘If a creator’s off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action to protect the community. This decision applies to all channels that may be owned or operated by Russell Brand.’
Seems Youtube introduced their 4R’s Responsibility policy – Remove, Raise, Reward and Reduce – back in September 2019.
Sydney Heatwave Fails
The BOM forecast that Sydney would have 5 consecutive days over 30C, which was the subject of a recent post on beach weather.
However after reaching 30C and then 32C on Saturday and Sunday, yesterday fell just short.
The maximum temperature at Observatory hill was 29.7 at 12:30pm.
Situation normal for end part of September for Sydney.
And always hotter inland Western Sydney of course.
Who had “two successive days over 34 deg. in Sydney, in September” on their Bingo card?
No worries, a small adjustment upward, through their homogenisation process, should fix that.
Quite a difference at 2:40pm –
20.4 Sydney Harbour
29.4 Observatory Hill
35.1 Sydney Airport
34.3 Penrith (per BoM)
Did someone say urban heat overdose and distance from the ocean? We finally hit 20C today so we’re boiling just like Sydney Harbour isn’t.
“Illegal aliens stoke xenophobia in Africa – and America”
Careful with those “We the People” things
New York has a looming crisis with 3000 immigrants now arriving weekly:
This will likely get ugly.
How does an immigrant secure accommodation in the City.
‘Closing large sections of streets in several neighborhoods for temporary housing is one option for New York City to deal with the incoming crisis.’ (FoxNews)
“Two of my WhatsApp groups is lighting up this morning with a range of Yes front groups being granted DGR status in late 2022 & early 2023.
Is this old news
Or fake news?”
DGR = “A deductible gift recipient (DGR) is an entity or fund that can receive tax deductible gifts.”
More at
Shock horror ! A poll in Victoriastan has found dictator Dan is still way in front of the liberals and the Libs can’t understand why electing a new worse than Dan small “L” liberal leader hasn’t had any impact on their polling numbers .
The whale protection movement is growing stronger.
A tale of two whale protection groups
By David Wojick
The beginning: “There are two groups specializing in trying to protect the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, of which only about 340 critters remain alive, fewer every month, it seems. One is new and small, while the other is old and big. The small group says that offshore wind development is killing whales, which I, too, believe, but NOAA denies. The big group, which includes NOAA and some of their funded researchers, is now up to thinking about the possibility that offshore wind might actually affect the whales. This dramatic difference is worth exploring a bit.
The small group is the Save Right Whales Coalition (SRWC) at The really big group, founded in 1986, is the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium (NARWC) at The members of NARWC are a wealthy lot indeed.
The small Coalition is focused on wind, saying, “We are an alliance of grassroots environmental and community organizations, scientists, and conservationists working to protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale and other marine life from the industrialization of our ocean habitat through large-scale offshore wind energy development.”
The big Consortium says its mission is to “Eliminate human-caused mortality to right whales in critical habitats and migration corridors”. But their focus is on the old threats of fishing gear entanglement and ship strikes, never mentioning that both can be caused by the new and ongoing whale harassment noise from wind development. Mind you, the big Consortium is now at least thinking about offshore wind. Their upcoming annual meeting has a session on it.”
Lots more in the article including some dynamite research findings from SRWC. Please share this article.
Save the whales from wind.
FWIW – various things
“Boldly Into the Chaos”*-nation/boldly-into-the-chaos/
Disqus (a comment controlling firm/online application) seems to be having trouble verifying some of its users’ email addresses. Have others noticed this as well?
I wonder if this is being used as an opportunity to limit comments from those who have traditionally posted “awkward” interpretations of data relating to power generation and/or cultural inclusivity?
Black rock and the ESG’s, no their not interested in saving the planet from a problem they invented, it’s about the money.
Corbert report
Show notes and links
For those interested in military, these podcasts are long (4 hrs), but they cover the careers of the individual’s, it’s good to hear the opinion of these interviewee’s on the direction the world is heading.
The Shawn Ryan Show
Rob O’Neill – SEAL Team Six/DEVGRU Operator The Man Who Killed Bin Laden | SRS #027
The video was praised for effectively demonstrating how children generally lack sound judgment, therefore shouldn’t be allowed to decide their gender or agree to life-altering genital mutilating surgeries.
Clear to everyone but the loony left, no doubt.
Botched death row executions serve as warning sign for assisted suicide.
A man recently executed on death row is said to have suffered for hours during a horrifically botched execution, and this is raising questions about the death penalty in the United States. Lethal injection was embraced because it was said to be a more humane way of executing people — so humane, in fact, that it’s been embraced for other purposes, like assisted suicide and euthanasia. But as botched death penalty executions show, a lethal injection may not be as peaceful or humane as they have been portrayed.
..people are told that assisted suicide is a peaceful, compassionate, dignified way to die. It’s something Zivot says is nothing less than a lie. “Advocates of assisted dying owe a duty to the public to be truthful about the details of killing and dying,” he said. “People who want to die deserve to know that they may end up drowning, not just falling asleep.”
There’s the “reality” (science) you believe in, then there’s reality.
This is why I’ve said medicine is largely legal torture.
This execution stuff is such BS. Tens of thousands are topping themselves with Fentanyl quite effectively every year.Yet somehow they can make it a complicated mess. I read the other day one State is moving to nitrogen gas.
Fentanyl (now surpassed by Xylazine) like most street drugs, will take you out, but the hidden issue here is the time and suffering involved.
The media classes it as “died suddenly” when it’s typically anything but.
Being alive in extreme pain for hours before the heart finally expires is nothing the medical sector should embrace.
Nitrogen (or pure Helium or Argon for that matter) is replacing the barbarism. Unconscious in 10 seconds, brain dead in 8 minutes, heart stops in 15-20 minutes.
It’s impressive how long the heart can go for.
I think you’ll find that the manufacturers of certain drugs refuse to allow their drugs to be used for execution. Thiopentone/pentothal is not as popular in anaesthetics as before and there are fewer manufacturers. For some reason they won’t use veterinary Thio which could be easily sourced. OTOH it is very easy to make up a lethal cocktail of other drugs but the administrators do need to know what they are doing. I suppose any anaesthetist who lends a hand would be struck off.
Would any of these restrictions apply to assisted suicide? I don’t know. Canada has come very close to forcing all doctors to assist with these suicides.
If you want this bird to fly you’d better use vets and their killing of dogs & cats as examples. Either the animals suffer horribly like the executioned, or the ‘people executioners’ should be using what the vets use.
Nobody really gives a shit about the prisoners and how they suffered while dying, plenty would applaud it, but let little kittens and puppies suffer and the01 public will string you up!
Observation shows that as temperatures increase, carbon dioxide is sure to follow.
This current heat spike should produce a jump in CO2 around Xmas.
Lefties behaving badly on the Voice
90 years ago the newly appointed National Socialist government in Germany implemented legislation to protect and promote indigenous German people. They immediately followed that by conducting a census to identify the racial origins of all people in Germany. The rest is history.
Plibersek is in hot water for failing to recognise the harmful effects of climate change.
‘Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and two coal mining companies have been taken to court by a non-profit environment group that argues they have failed to protect “living wonders” such as the Great Barrier Reef from climate change.
‘The Environment Council of Central Queensland began outlining its case in the Federal Court in Melbourne on Monday, asking Justice Shaun McElwaine to consider whether Plibersek’s refusal to assess the climate harm of two proposed coal mines in NSW was lawful.’ (SMH)
“Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases
Researchers have developed an “inverse vaccine” that reverses the damage caused when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy organs and tissues in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. It could pave the way to a treatment for these diseases that doesn’t require suppressing the entire immune system.
The novel vaccine removes the immune system’s memory of one molecule, which, when fighting pathogens, would be undesirable but, in the context of autoimmune diseases, may prove to be a cure.
Currently, autoimmune diseases are generally treated with immunosuppressant drugs that inhibit the entire immune system, which is not ideal.
“These treatments can be very effective, but you’re also blocking the immune responses necessary to fight off infections, and so there are a lot of side effects,” Hubbell said. “If we could treat patients with an inverse vaccine instead, it could be much more specific and lead to fewer side effects.”
Phase 1 clinical trials are underway to evaluate the safety of the treatment in people with multiple sclerosis.
A blessing and a curse at the same time?
A blessing and a curse at the same time? Depends on the Context: How’s the Cat in the Box doing?
Do we organise society, and have better health through secure food and Energy, or through politics and Education… another dynamic Duo.
Depends what superimposed reality it’s in. 😎
Here kitty. . .here, kitty, kitty, kitty. . .
…the latest chance of billions from reversing the damage caused by Covid vaccines..
Chris Bowen’s ‘mad’ net zero path would see ‘$9 trillion’ in spending by 2060
Breaking: BOM declare El Nino
Fixed for you GA. Hate you to have to appear before your masters.
Coupled with a positive IOD its not looking good for the farmers and graziers.
These oscillations were last in sync around 2015.
Looked good for them in 2015/16
Does anyone have the link to the paper by as I recall researchers at the Victorian Children’s Hospitals studying immunity of children to common antigens after vaccination?
Just been told a family has had their son, against their advice get a Jab. Lo and behold- suspected pericarditis.
It’s still Tuesday – a long day! but International Markets of Staples Grain from UKraine: Ukraine to file complaint as EU neighbours impose grain ban. It’s slowing the transit of Ukraine’s grain. WTF ( as they say) is going on in the EU: and Labour’s Starmer is wanting to rejoin…
Life is (too) short for some: and others want too big a share of mine!(yours too? )
Funny isn’t it? The last I heard from the Western Lamestream Media was that the filthy Russians were blocking exports of Golden Ukrainian Grain from feeding the starving Africans. Turns out it was under-cutting EU prices and making pizzas in France & Italy!
Now getting Ukraine into NATO, the original plan to go to war with Russia, is in jeopardy as all NATO members must agree on Ukraine’s membership, and here’s Poland banning Ukrainian food.
Its a complicated world, and it bears no resemblance to the news.
The “Bible” regarding what is, or is not, a formal vote in the “referendum”. Pages 54-57, headed “Referendum Guidelines”, are the directions to scrutineers as to what IS or IS NOT a formal vote. Why the AEC has NOT published these pages in response to the obvious confusion on this matter is a question needing an immediate response from the AEC.(They should have been made part of the handout)
Stomach Acid Is Good For You. The dangers of acid blocking medications
Many pharmaceuticals on the market are automatically given to large numbers of patients despite the harms of these medications often greatly outweighing their benefits.
One of the worst offenders are the acid suppressing medications, and their overprescription goes hand in hand with a widespread medical blindness to the critical functions of hydrochloric acid throughout the body and the actual causes of acid reflux.
Your stomach contains acid it uses to digest food (primarily by turning on powerful enzymes which digest protein). When the stomach is digesting food, the acid should stay inside the stomach, but sometimes it instead leaks back up into the esophagus (your throat) because the muscle that seals the top of the stomach fails to fully seal. Since stomach acid is irritating, when it refluxes into the throat, it frequently creates the irritating condition known as heartburn.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common condition, estimated to affect 20% of adults (ranging between 18.1% to 27.8% of adults in the USA), is slightly more common in women, and those numbers have been gradually increasing globally. Since the heartburn it typically triggers causes immediate discomfort, people with GERD typically want it to be treated, especially once their doctor encourages this (e.g., because otherwise your esophagus can get damaged and potentially turn cancerous).
Stomach acid for context, serves a variety of critical functions. They include:
•Making it possible to fully break down protein.
•Sterilizing the stomach so foreign bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites cannot make it into the digestive tract.
•Chelating minerals from food so they can be absorbed.
•Making it possible to absorb certain vitamins and nutrients (e.g., vitamin B-12).
•Regulating the rest of digestion.
Yet, most of these are glossed over. For instance, medical students are taught to believe protein digestion occurs primarily within the small intestine. [JC2: Dear Gawd, what are they teaching at med schools? ] This largely comes about because the critical functions of stomach acid besides digesting protein are typically barely mentioned within the medical curriculum, and for protein digestion, doctors in training are taught that the digestive enzymes from the pancreas alone are sufficient to digest protein once it reaches the small intestine, thereby eliminating any remaining need for the stomach’s acid. Within this paradigm, it thus becomes justifiable to suppress stomach acid as much as possible with acid blocking medications.
* Warning: more than one paragraph long* 😁
I’ve have the odd incident of it, and it burns more than my favourite chilli.
A doctor I worked with a few years ago suffered from GERD, was taking meds for it, to no avail.
I suggested he take ACV instead, counterintuitive as it seemed.
He laughed (but did too when I talked about lactic acid and muscles (dear Gawd, what are they being taught, part 2 😁)) but did. It worked.
The commentary on medication elimination is a good read too, especially for the not so young, on multiple meds.
We need a different medical system and real doctors…
I have found that heartburn is reliably produced by over eating. Maybe the increase in antiacid treatments is driven by increasing obesity.
‘Definite causal link’ between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccine rollouts
“The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.”
This is the strident position of a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., analysing all-cause mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region.
The authors find a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts across four continents and a broad range of vaccine products, inlcuding the mRNAs, Covaxin, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson.
The paper, which is 180 pages long and is yet to be peer-reviewed,* attempts to quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which appears to be “exceedingly large in the most elderly.”
The authors conclude that, “governments should immediately end the policy of prioritizing elderly people for COVID-19 injection.”
Paper link:
People had better wake up a LOT faster than they are.
Go to the John Hopkins Map and click on Australia in the left hand column.
Look over to the right and see what comes first. ‘The Chicken or the Egg’
The little white lump on the left is essentially something that happened in Victorian Nursing homes.
They made their bed, they tried to make mine, let them sleep.
I just heard via Peta Credlin, how the people who fish for wild barramundi among the mangroves in the estuaries of north Queensland have to be put out of business for their impact on the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Can someone please provide the most-recent date of a wild barra entering the GBR, other than on a plate on a cruise ship?
The net fishing ban was sold as fishermen netting the reef, this has never occurred. The reality is they meant the GBR marine park and catchment, which includes all creeks, rivers that feed into the GBR and costal shore lines, virtually the entire QLD east coast.
No political party is standing up against this, the recreational fishermen are silent, they don’t realise they are next.
The farmers are being picked apart now as well. UN Agenda 21/30 doing its slow march to tyranny.
First they came for the fishermen
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a fisherman
Then they came for the farmers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a farmer
There does have to be some attention paid to these fishing licences as they do affect the near shore reefs.
Technology, as in better motors, faster boats, drones, sounders, improved fibres etc increase fishing pressure. These matters need to be addressed and historically leaving this process in the charge of the small family fisherman appears to be the best possible management for the sake of the fish and the community. The local fisherman generally does not fish 24 / 7 and has the longevity of the fish stock & their best habitat at heart. These fisherman should be compensated should their licenses be restricted, just as the fishing that is occurring under native title should be restricted to spears and bark canoes not tinnys and guns and nets.
What will happen here is the licences will be removed and then at some point in the future sold to a large internationally based processor by a debt ridden government.
When ‘climate change’ is being thrown about, just ask, ‘so what is our climate now? Have we become tropical, or temperate? I’m pretty sure we haven’t become polar? Mediterranean?
Climate models, urban areas, solar activity, and consensus
Congestive heart failure in finishing cattle on the rise Scaremongering , or what, EXACTLY?
Something else to scare us ?
Lessons from Ukraine…
” The quarterly magazine Parameters by the U.S. Army War College published an interesting paper about U.S. war capabilities-
[T]he US Army is facing a dire combination of a recruiting shortfall and a shrinking Individual Ready Reserve. This recruiting shortfall, nearly 50 percent in the combat arms career management fields, is a longitudinal problem. Every infantry and armor soldier we do not recruit today is a strategic mobilization asset we will not have in 2031. The Individual Ready Reserve, which stood at 700,000 in 1973 and 450,000 in 1994, now stands at 76,000. These numbers cannot fill the existing gaps in the active force, let alone any casualty replacement or expansion during a large-scale combat operation. The authors recommend to re-introduce a partial conscription.
A new study from the Pentagon shows that 77% of young Americans would not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, using drugs or having mental and physical health problems. A slide detailing the findings from the Pentagon’s 2020 Qualified Military Available Study shared with shows a 6% increase from the latest 2017 Department of Defense research that showed 71% of Americans would be ineligible for service.
The Russia-Ukraine War makes it clear that the electromagnetic signature emitted from the command posts of the past 20 years cannot survive against the pace and precision of an adversary who possesses sensor-based technologies, electronic warfare, and unmanned aerial systems or has access to satellite imagery; this includes nearly every state or nonstate actor the United States might find itself fighting in the near future.”
More covid fuzzing
“COVID-19 Vaccines Revealed To Be ‘Neither Safe, Nor Effective’: Watchdog”