A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Very sad . . . . nothing to read here yet . . . .
And Joseph, with all due respect, that posting didn’t change a thing.
GA will be along soon to cheer you up!
That’s NOT a Norwegian Blue JC! And it definitely wasn’t resting. Love it…
With a name like s18zotG5f1w5f1w5pr9 it could be anything.
There is now! Just heard that Andrews is going…hooray! Champers time!
Celebrations at my place also.
What is the reason for Dan’s sudden departure?
Job opportunities elsewhere
E Gawn
Albo will be forced into a Covid Royal Commission of Inquiry & State Premiers don’t want or can’t afford to be around for the results!!
Dan Andrews walks away, post his disastrous Covid policy, leaving Viktoristan with a multi billion dollar debt
and a growing interest bill the serfs mist pay.
There is a god…
The ABC story, doesn’t give any reason:
Seems like there’s serious joke material here … let’s see ..
‘Jacinda, Dan, and Justin arrive in Hell …’
Wait, that doesn’t work … there has to be a plausible alternate outcome for joke material.
Huh, PLENTY to read in these COMICS :
Or this one and if you want your SPark Plugs read BUt if you’re frightened about your Health and the Weather look out here
Ruby Tuesday
New one on me but there’s an entire industry sector serving this:
Embodied Carbon in Real Estate: The Hidden Contributor to Climate Change
Scroll down to supporters
Building Transparancy
Scroll down to their (astounding) list of sponsors
Only scored 4 sponsors.
I’m sitting on my embodied carbon at this very moment, and it is available to be kissed.
Here’s my ID photo if anyone is interested.
My wife calls me ‘Cutey’.
Corbert report on fact checking, interesting.
Show notes and links
How The ‘Green Shoe Brigade’ Is Wrecking Australia [Queensland esp.]
Clubbing koalas to death?
In the mid-1990s, Maciej Henneberg was working with koalas at a wildlife park near Adelaide, Australia, when he noticed something strange: The animals appeared to have fingerprints.
As a biological anthropologist and forensic scientist, Henneberg knew this made koalas unique, the only non-primates with fingerprints. “It appears that no one has bothered to study them in detail,” he told The Independent in 1996, shortly before publishing a journal article announcing the find. Henneberg’s research indicated that not even careful analysis under a microscope could help distinguish the loopy, whirling ridges on koalas’ fingers from our own. The fingerprints were so similar to humans’ that he worried they could easily be mixed up by detectives. (Even so, he acknowledged to The Independent, “it is extremely unlikely that koala prints would be found at the scene of a crime.”)
Koala kills man trying to club him.
MSM: Detectives have arrested a local man suspected of committing the murder.
That first downvote is from myself on the basis that repeating false claims is to be discouraged. It is not law that koalas have to be “clubbed to death”. In fact the opposite is true. The relevant NSW Code of Practice section 5.2 and the relevant Qld guidelines both require minimal pain and distress to the koala during euthanasia, and the “preferred method is barbiturate overdose while under general anaesthesia.”
Of course we all carry barbiturates with us, makes sense.
I take it venturing outside the city limits is not something you do?
Pretty much most people who travel in the country have had to club a roo or two, always a rock or a tree branch nearby, anesthetic and special K not so much.
Let it wriggle around in pain for hours while you find a government approved drug dealer, ridiculous.
Perhaps you’d like to respond to what I actually wrote? ie. the allegation about the regulations which, as you imply, is not the same as actual behaviour.
It hurts when it is multiple new born lambs in a drought.
I really wish somebody would have the foresight to document the koala population, before and after.
Mapping The Weather Channel’s Absurd ‘Heat’ Propaganda
Also the classic then and now weather temperature presentations – was green, now red.
But if it’s not red, red hot, purple, black or some other colour that’s not cooler, i.e. blue, green, white, its not scary enough. Once they used to just report temperatures, now they tell/show you how hot you must feel even though it’s only 25°C, that’s orange or red, so you must be feeling hot. There’s a heat wave, and we’re all going to die, three days just over 30°C, like the latest warning about our upcoming el-Niño summer, expect more heat related deaths. I guess down under it does not get cold enough to kill people here so it doesn’t matter.
Does this mean that “heat related” will replace “Covid” on death certificates, as default?
‘Killed By Climate Change’??
“Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected
September 25, 2023 | Sundance | 98 Comments”
Peter Theil, is said to be the number one man at Bilderburg.
“Why is the taxpayer funded University of New South Wales hosting the YES campaign?”
Even Bill Gates is backtracking — the air’s gone out of the climate-crisis balloon
By Glenn H. Reynolds
Published Sep. 25, 2023,
Has the air gone out of the “climate crisis” balloon?
It’s starting to look like it. Some other causes du jour are looking limp lately, too.
Oh, hysteria is still out there. In Boston this month, I passed a church whose door bore a lurid poster reading “DUE TO GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS, WORSHIP IN SANCTUARY 9-17-23 CANCELED.”
If it were really a global crisis, wouldn’t you want to be praying?
Bill Gates, however, is pumping the brakes on climate panic.
Speaking at a New York Times event, he observed heavy-handed policies won’t work: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”
As Gates noted, many of these people are in middle-income countries, like China and India, that are the biggest contributors to carbon emissions today and whose emissions (unlike those of the United States) have been growing.
He also rained on the greens’ apocalyptic parade, saying “no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”
And he cautioned against untested approaches like massive tree planting: “Are we the science people or are we the idiots? Which one do we want to be?”
Well, the climate policies the political system supports are mostly the ones likely to yield the most graft, and those the corporate world supports are mostly the ones involving massive government subsidies.
But it’s interesting to see Gates softening his tone; it feels as if climate outrage has passed its sell-by date.
Oh, sure, there are still kooks in Europe gluing themselves to roadways and the occasional nut throwing oil on famous works of art, but it’s all started to seem rather forced.
When you see a shift in a social trend like this, it’s almost always happening for the same reason: The people behind it have figured out it’s doing the left more harm than good.
It’s of a piece with the sudden de-emphasis of ESG (environmental, social, governance) as a tool of corporate management.
In both cases, the detached, well-off white people who mostly run the left dreamed up causes and slogans, which their follow-the-herd peers uncritically adopted until they ran into reality and the rest of the world noticed.
(More to the point, recent polls show Donald Trump actually pulling ahead of Joe Biden.)
The reality, as Gates is reminding us, is there’s not actually a climate “crisis” calling for drastic action tomorrow, and running businesses and institutions as if there is one is counterproductive and even outright destructive.
Another reality is the great mass of people around the globe knows this and has lost patience with it.
Likewise, investors have figured out ESG is just a way for managers to substitute fuzzy, hard-to-assess performance metrics — basically a “net wokeness” calculus — for clear and well-defined metrics like, you know, how much profit managers produce for shareholders.
It’s not really surprising that, on reflection, shareholders would rather have profit than trendy causes, and voters would rather have jobs and functioning societies than nonstop apocalyptic rhetoric.
Klaus Schwab isn’t the only globalist who is terrified the New World Order is failing.
United Nations elites descended on New York City this week to attend the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit and devise an “urgent plan” to save Agenda 2030 because, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the deeply unpopular globalist plot is “in peril.”
In an address delivered before the attendees, including Joe Biden, Guterres said, “Today, only 15% of the targets are on track, with many going into reverse,” before issuing a call for a “global rescue plan” to pull Agenda 2030 back from the jaws of defeat.
This is what desperation looks like.
Of course, they won’t admit that the people of the world have woken up to their agenda.
What stunt will they pull next you ask?
The Left and the useful/useless idiots think scientific fact is established by “consensus”. Anyone with scientific training knows, of course, this is not true.
The following article was written in 2011.
If you thinks that is scientific consensus, you are 100% wrong
you are correct that CO2 rises in the past were later than rise in temperature, but you did not have the massive source of CO2 produced over decades by industrial activity, what you forget is that a CO2 drop preceded a cooling trend.
Stratosphere, you are pulling my leg with this one.
These 2 and all the rest have been debunked, multiple times, they only survive with the as quaint memes, a bit like cargo cults
The stratosphere is apparently cooling and I wonder what effect the extra H2O will bring?
Ice cores are poor value, they reckon CO2 hasn’t been this high in 800,000 years, leaf mould and tree rings might give us more clarity.
Stomatal gives us a more realistic picture.
For the umpteenth time Peter, there is No Such Thing As Scientific Consensus. None. Zilch. It’s a political construct, nothing more.
And to claim it exists shows a total lack of understanding of the Scientific Method, as espoused by Richard Feynman.
Please take some time to listen to some of his lectures on science.
As I’m wandering around the UK ATM, I don’t have Michael Creighton’s very good explanation at hand.
??…Anthropomorphic ..??….What ?
Surely should be “Anthropogenic”.. ?
….but equally a rubbish theory !
9 degrees Celsius maximum in the capital, Wellington, today with gale force southerlies – I’m surprised you can’t hear the Greens shouting ‘BOILING!’ from over there. Twice as warm up here in the north, another pleasant day by the beach.
BIG SNOW & COLD TEMPS on the way this weekend – must be October, it always snows in October. Still waiting on the mythical ‘heatwave’ of El Niño…
Why is scientific inquiry into the origins of Australian Aborigines prohibited?
Why can’t the historical existence of the extinct pygmy Aboriginals of North Queensland be discussed?
If you post the following link on Farcebook, Australian Associated Press “fact checkers” (sic) will label it untrue.
Fact check (sic) here:
Historian Manning Clark wrote about the pygmy Aborigines.
Why can’t Mungo Man be discussed?
Kow Swamp Man?
The Bradshaw Rock Paintings (now renamed)?
The origin of the Tasmanian Aborigines?
Why aren’t archeologists and other scientists free to do science in this area?
Why us political ideology and “consensus” allowed to decide scientific fact?
I suspect you’re voting NO. 😁
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Totally agree, David. And they talk about ‘truth telling’.
I posted a comment and picture on FB re Aboriginal map of Australia as there was no mention of the ‘rain forest’/pygmy Aborigines mob. It was taken down because of the nudity in the photo. These groups don’t want the truth. I believe the’ Barrineans’ and similar groups spread down the east coast probably to Tasmania. Mitchell was told by the Aborigines he met near Goonoo Goonoo that little people live in the hills north of Tamworth.
Many years ago, the Aborigines in the Kimberley claimed that the Bradshaw Rock Paintings were not theirs – figures wearing grass skirts. Now they say they are theirs.
Their truth, not the truth.
Their truth was told to them by white folks.
What? There are literally thousands of publications about those things.
Another natural
“Stevia Kills Lyme Disease”
Banned by U-tube in 3. 2. 1 – – – ?
Workers At Illegal Migrant Shelters In Chicago Are Earning Up To $200 AN HOUR
NBC 5 in Chicago aired a segment this week about where all the millions of taxpayer dollars for illegal alien migrants is going. It appears that a good chunk of it is being siphoned by employees at these private shelters and camps for illegals straight into their own bank accounts.
According to the report, which you can watch below, employees at these private shelters and camps for illegals are making anywhere from $135 to $200 ($310 AUD) per hour for jobs that in the real world would pay a lot less.
Investigator Bennett Baeberle from NBC 5 pored over documents and receipts showing that workers at these private migrant facilities, which are receiving millions of dollars from the government, are paying themselves very, very handsomely.
“Imagine making almost $200 an hour,”
Baeberle stated during the segment, holding up a stack of papers containing potentially incriminating evidence of wrongdoing. “These invoices show it has happened at the privately run shelters housing migrants.”
A manager of a migrant facility made $14,000 ($21,000 AUD) in one week and a nurse earned $20,000 ($31,000 AUD) in a week.
Illegal aliens, unvaxxed, largely untracked, being treated like royalty, and earning 20x that of an American worker doing the same job, and who will vote Demonrat in the upcoming rigged election, not that it matters.
In America, illegal isn’t just a sick bird…
Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan is resigning.
I guess he doesn’t want to be Premier when the state becomes effectively bankrupt.
Good riddance.
Only way the liberals could beat the dictator of Victoriastan was if he resigned.
Yesterday “opposition” “leader” John Pesutto posted a picture on Farcebook of himself with a puppy for “National Dogs in Politics Day”. No, I never heard of it either.
What a pathetic, low testosterone, beta male masquerading as a leader.
Only way Labor will lose the next election in Victoria is if they replace Andrew’s with Pesutto .
It’s worse than that but I don’t have the vocabulary to do it justice.
What’s the word for someone who’s pathetic, unctuous, ineffectual and wrong, but smarmy and loves himself and fights to win the poisoned chalice?
How convenient that the ABC had to go to the Andrews resignation speech and questions rather than continue to cover Warren Mundine at the National Press Club. Warren had not only made an outstanding speech but was cutting his predominately leftist media questioners to shreds with honesty and facts; something the media cannot handle.
Watched that. Just two tables of press and lukewarm reception. Pity.
Given the fact he was he a shoe in to win the next election , never had any scrutiny from a compliant MSM I have to wonder what the real reason is for quitting . I will say this though it’s the best thing he has ever done for victorians .
A vomit-worthy press conference.
The usual media propagandists not asking a single tough question, as usual.
He isn’t going until 5pm tomorrow.
Why can’t it be sooner?
Even modern shredders take some time
David … I have high regard for you comments, but please …
such an important part of the mechanism of good governance, can’t just pick up and leave willy nilly.
24 hours notice is perfectly sufficient and demonstrates his commitment to responsible public service.
Now of course, if he were a custodian in a government facility, at least two weeks notice would be required as to not interrupt operations.
I hope he truly f***s off. Once he has f****d off, can he please f**k off just a little bit more. Then, just in case he ever thinks of coming back, could he then f**k off even further. Bubbly in our household tonight.
Why do you think anything will improve? he will just be replaced by another union shill.
All social media posts I have seen are rejoicing in his going.
So how was he elected three times….?
That’s because the algorithms shield you from the commie loving sites.
This twat will knock out a tear filled farewell to Stairman Dan soon.
Anyone know where I can source a gibbet? Asking for a friend.
Has the UN or WEF got a new job for him?
Sweepstake on where he turns up?? UN? WHO? Boards of some super fund? Govt quango? He’s been working on a well-paid useless job somewhere so he can fly around the world and look cool before the shit hits the fan over debt and Covid.
Be interesting to compare his wealth now to when he got in.
Dictators retire?
A reminder on Ivermectin and HCQ
No, we must inject everyone instead, even those at zero risk.
Babies and kids don’t need to be gaslit into compliance like adults do, nor will they be a rebellious threat for 15-20 years, and they just get jabbed without a dna-collecting nasal swab either.
So the REAL plan here is…
(No prize for the best answer.)
Dictator Dan has chucked it in?
You forgot information.
Daniel Andrews has announced his resignation as the Victorian premier, after nearly nine years in office.
The announcement was made at a press conference outside parliament on Tuesday, and comes after prolonged media speculation about his future.
Andrews said he will officially leave office at 5pm Wednesday.
Another slimy rat abandoning the plague ship before it burns to the waterline.
The ABC are in mourning over the Dictator leaving and telling viewers just how much he has done for this state , bit like what Mick Taylor did as an ambassador for backpackers.
More on that –
“Daniel Andrews resigns as Premier of Victoria. What countries don’t we have extradition treaties with?”
“His best angle – the back of him. At last.”
“Financial Review’s sensible analysis of Victoria’s Andrews Financial Catastrophe”
Details mentioned
“Alan Jones in great form on the shocking Andrews legacy.”
Albos enquiry that was designed to pillory Morrison and the Coalition while ignoring the state premeirs including Andrews and Palachuck. The demand that the enquiry should also query the premiers and how they handled the Covid response might have panicked our Victoristan Premier. He avoided answering any questions about the hotels and the nursing homes. Over 800 dead later he moved on to lock ups and made a record.
Same as the Robodebt Royal Commission, created by Labor, announced via Media Releases June 2011 from Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek, their new automated debt collection system for Centrelink to implement and manage.
Amazing nature imagery – snow covered tree
Probably different snow to the sort Al Gore said won’t exist by now. 😁
When the world wearies and society no longer satisfies, there is always the garden …….. and snow. Lifts the spirits, thanks. ToM
Andrews legacy is a State burdened with tremendous debt and union largesse for projects going to hell.
The power stations have been sold. The power lines have been sold. The roads have been sold. The casino licenses sold.
I wonder what else the Chinese can extract from Victoria to burden Victoria’s younger generation supporting Chinese in their old age. Maybe offshore wind farms and more big batteries.
My wife was wondering about that trip to China, the one with no reporters, no trip report. Who paid for it if it was a job interview?
That sort of thing
Geoff S
China is a sinking ship, he won’t go anywhere near it at this point in time.
David McCallum, Heartthrob Spy of ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.,’ Dies at 90
David McCallum, the Scottish-born actor who became a surprise sensation as the enigmatic Russian spy Illya Kuryakin on “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” in the 1960s and found television stardom again almost 40 years later on the hit series “N.C.I.S.,” died on Monday in New York. He was 90.
“N.C.I.S.” announced his death in a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The announcement did not include any further information.
Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, Mr. McCallum was an experienced character actor who could use an accent or an odd piece of clothing to give depth to a role. He played a wide range of parts across theater, film and television, from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in Central Park in 2000 to the voice of Professor Paradox on the animated television series “Ben 10: Ultimate Alien,” a decade later.
He was hired in 1964 to play Illya Kuryakin, the Russian-accented sidekick of Robert Vaughn’s Napoleon Solo, on “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.,” a tongue-in-cheek series about secret agents working for the fictional United Network Command for Law and Enforcement. His part was meant to be small; he had just four lines in the first episode. He suggested that Illya be made more interesting by having him be closemouthed about his personal life (“Nobody knows what Illya Kuryakin does when he goes home at night,” he told one interviewer) and somewhat antagonistic to Solo.
I always liked him.
Another bit of my childhood ripped away.
I thought I remembered him in the film 633 Squadron, but googling, I have misremembered, and it was in fact a poor relation, Mosquito Squadron.
Explain the saturation effect of the GHG, carbon dioxide? The challenge to use non-technical terms and putting it in lucid and concise words and using the fewest graphs?
In other words, those familiar with the work of Wll Happer and van Winegaarden, put simply?
The challenge has been set. And now comes this British Solicitor, Jaremy Nieboer, to tell us how science knows global warming is no “crisis.” At all.
8 hours ago
Solicitor Nieboer has given us a brilliant and complete exposition of the case against carbon dioxide demonizers. This is as lucid and concise and as jargon-barrier free as possible. Celebrate Jeremy’s achievement here, and share this presentation widely throughout the coming year! Hats off!
10 hours ago (edited)
The most succinct yet comprehensive explanation of the subject I have heard. As lay people we really need the equivalent of a council to present the evidence to us, the jury! Wonderful.
There is no evidence from an Atmospheric Chamber showing that radiative heating occurs for a gas. The reason is thought to be that the random nature of the movement or vibration of gas molecules means that half of the molecules moving towards the radiation are slowed down or cooled. So then radiative forcing is real because the frequency is lowered, but only positive for half of the molecules. So in reality no heat is created before saturation, in this process for gas molecules. The best evidence for this comes from an extension of the work of James Clerk Maxwell ‘Theory of Heat (1871)’. Maxwell only had data for the Earth, but today the theory has a well-substantiated explanation of why Venus with a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth provides the best answer to the problem. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. The mass of the atmosphere of Venus comprises 96.5 percent carbon dioxide and 3.5% Nitrogen. The observations from the Magellan mission show that the atmosphere of Venus is at one bar pressure at an altitude of 30.75 miles. The only significant change to the temperature of the atmosphere of Venus is with altitude, the atmospheric temperature drops by an average of 100 Kelvin for every 11 miles, up to an altitude of 60 miles. From Venus the Sun appears 38 percent bigger than it does from the Earth, an atmosphere that is 93 times both the mass and the surface pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere. The surface temperature of Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan and Triton follow these rules. But I think the simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus. Ned Nikolov explains it all:
Just looking at AEMO dispatch overview. High prices , they same as yesterday. $250/MW (apart from Tas) with benign spring weather across most of Eastern Australia. Does not bode well for summer.
Lefty pro-Apartheid activists published Jacinta Price’s private mobile number and then called her and subjected her to vile abuse.
I admire Senator Price, thank her for her courage, and wish her well.
I also thank her for confirming that my No vote is well placed.
Dave B
Eh! Gawd!
“No profits for you!”
“French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday the government would ask the fuel industry to sell at cost price and would grant 100 euros ($106.52) in aid to the poorest workers who drive to work, to stem the impact of inflation on households.
“The Prime Minister will bring together all the players in the sector this week and we will ask them to sell at cost price, that is to say that no one makes a margin,” Macron said in an interview with France’s TF1 and France 2 television stations.”
Absolutely no surprises here- Only one journo in 10 is not ‘Left’.
“In this third such survey undertaken by the Worlds of Journalism Study group – a collaboration of academics from more than 120 countries – a snapshot of the 1600 journalists who work in print, digital and broadcast media, is provided.
The survey reveals 5 percent describe themselves as “extreme left” and 15 percent as “hard left”. Of the rest, 22 percent say they are “left”, 20 percent are “mild left”, and 23 percent are “middle left”, while 6 percent identify as “middle right”, 4 percent “mild right”, and only around 1 percent all up say they are “right”, “hard right” or “extreme right”.
In other words, nine out of ten New Zealand journalists are socialists, with one in three hard-core. Only one in ten journalists claim to have no socialist inclinations.
They regard ‘educating the audience’ as their most important role, followed by ‘countering disinformation’. But in some cases, this has led to a concerning development: hard-core left-wing journalists describing information they disagree with as “fake news” or “disinformation” in order to discredit those with alternative views. The role that rose the most sharply, albeit from a low level, was ‘supporting government policy’. ”
Minister’s exclusive EV charging station frustrates other Fredericton drivers
Hello EV motoring
Rise of solar energy, electric vehicle sales gives hope for climate goals, report says
What could possibly go wrong! ???
Dont they just love to quote increases in %s ….it tells us nothing about actual volume.
…? Yes, ..a new economy meaning someone else is going to make $$billions.
..and it wont be the general population !
“Trust The Experts” !!
“ ”
Read the comments with amazement!
As Mad Magazine had it – “What Me Worry?”
“Climate Bombshell: No Ice-Cold Beer to Cool Us Down as Planet Earth Boils Over”
“When all else fails on the climate fearmongering front, try warning that beer shortages are likely in the near future. The Financial Times reports that the Chief Executive of the Japanese brewer Asahi, Atsushi Katsuki, says climate change could lead to beer shortages as warmer temperatures hit barley and hop supplies around the world. ”
More at
Maybe ?, ..but warmer temperatures should boost hot climate plants like Cactus !…
……so much more Tiquila / Margaritas can be expected !!👍👍
FWIW – another political hot seat
Anything goes!
“World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Jemilah Mahmood, deliberates with John Kerry’s daughter, Vanessa Kerry, about how to leverage the “emotion” from the “pandemic” to help advance the “climate crisis” narrative, using “storytelling”.”
“A Huge Backlash Against Globalism, Climate Change Alarmism And Immigration Madness Has Started”
“Slouching Towards Beelzebub”
“So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities.”
Add your own caste of local players.
“One conspicuously strange element of the whole picture is the phantom leadership of the supposed world hegemon USA in the figurehead, “Joe Biden.” Never in history has such a move into tyranny been fronted by such an embarrassingly un-charismatic empty vessel. Never in our country’s history have our affairs whirled in such a mystifying flux of bewildering forces. Even our Civil War was a more straightforward clash of interests. Events are moving quickly now. They’re setting up the steam-table for that banquet of consequences.”*-nation/slouching-towards-beelzebub/
“The one-legged stool”
“British physician and medical researcher Dr. Philip McMillan has been a vocal critic of the Covid pandemic response since day one. In this thirty minute presentation, he looks at some disturbing trends he currently sees in highly vaccinated populations. The problem, as he sees it, is that the overwhelming reliance on vaccines as a means of fighting Covid essentially means that we have one tool in the drawer and little else.”
More at
Large lithium batteries are a fired hazard.
‘A giant battery manufactured by Tesla has burst into flames at a major storage facility with firefighters told to not extinguish the blaze.
‘The new giant lithium battery ignited at Genex Power’s Bouldercombe battery project, 20km south of Rockhampton, in Queensland, at 7.30pm on Tuesday.’ (Oz)
What if Carbon Dioxide is very near to saturation and therefore cannot have much GHG warming effect? This is the recent finding of eminent Princeton University atmospheric physicist and his York University (North of Toronto) colleague, physicist van Wigngaarden.
And now we have Jeremy Nieboer, who concisely and lucidly explains their work and how it kills the “problem” of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere.