A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Interesting report from an Australian resident.
“Living Off-Grid Has Shown Me That Modern Society Cannot Function on Renewable Energy”
Thanks Steve. Posted.
Reformed ex-climate alarmist:
“There is no climate crisis, no consistent correlation between CO2 and Earth’s temperature; at times CO2 was 1300% of today, and we were stuck in cold conditions… There is no foundation to the climate scare—it’s based on models that don’t work.”
Yeah … but here’s a nice UN lady taking about how the UN “owns the science”.
So now, not only is it settled and must be followed, it is now possessed … by the UN.
And their friends at GOOGLY will make you understand.
The UN could become like a Science Walmart.
You could buy in bulk.
I think everybody at the U.N. is ‘possessed’.
Another Green Energy brainwave!
Not content with destroying the Queensland mountain rainforests to build enormous wacky wind contraptions in the Great Barrier Reef catchment area, now it’s the destruction of more tropical SouthEast Asian rainforests for:
Palm Oil Biodiesel as a Renewable Energy Resource in Indonesia
Despite klimate hexpurts predicting heat! drought! burning doom! yet another frigid snow storm has buried the South Island with snow to near sea level and mountains resembling mid-winter vistas: beautiful to look at via webcams as I sip on another coffee, up north, in a pair of shorts.
To keep things in balance, ex-TC Lola is ‘forecast’ to rejuvenate and slam us bullseye-style Sunday & Monday – snow AND surf – what a wonderful ‘diverse’ planet we live on. If only it was warmer, even 2 degrees extra would be nice.
There is a lot of cold water between Lola and NZ, so it might lose strength.,-18.70,901/loc=-163.980,-9.922
“From Lead-Acid To Lithium: A History of the Automotive Battery”
Deeper looks at ancient ways of doing things –
“A third? The Egyptian texts about medicine said for a whole lot of diseases to treat them with “beer”. Stupid things, like put beer on your anus if you had various problems… This was ridiculed for decades… then one day someone tried BREWING beer by the Egyptian techniques and IN Egypt with their weather and all. Turns out, under those conditions, a wild bacteria gets into the beer and makes tetracycline. All those “apply beer for FOO” medical directions were actually using a common antibiotic and were in fact effective…
The more you dig in that field, the more you find…”
So, was there a special ingredient in the smoke they once blew up ya bum?
You’re smoking beer??
Wasn’t that tobacco smoke they used for that?
It’s brewed in northern Bavaria, Frankonia, I often have a bottle in reserve as I like it a lot 😀
With rectal adminstration of drugs, about half the absorbed stuff bypasses the liver, unlike oral administration in which all of the absorbed stuff passes through the liver.
IIRC – in my bout with Q fever it was explained that the organism involved operated via the liver, where most treatments also operate. So it had to be treated external to the liver.
I don’t remember the drug used but it was applied orally.
Also about a year later I got a second round. That took the medico involved about three rounds of blood tests (of seemingly ever larger sample size – I did suggest that he think of leaving some for me).
He was a”no un-necessary antibiotics” medico and had to get a dispensation from Canberra for the months worth he prescribed. Seems to have worked as no more recurrences.
Rebekah Barnett on ‘The Voice’: A National Decision and Its Aftermath
A good analysis of part of what happened. Thanks.
And well packaged at 14 mins.
Solar system DC isolator fire on rooftop a warning for home owners to have ageing equipment checked.
Another cost not mentioned previously – get a professional check annually.
A commenter in today’s The Australian advised that it cost him $186 to have his 20 solar panels cleaned.
Could it be true that if activists aren’t ‘teaching people how to fish’, they could be called ‘ambulance chasers’? Or ‘victim vultures’, or maybe ‘virtue vultures’? They do need to create, or find, a constant stream of victims to feed off. Their civilisation of victims is going to have an interesting dynamic.
Australia Says No
“Slaughter in New Zealand”
“New Zealand is a small country yet it often serves as a useful microcosm of events in other parts of the world.
At present men and women are being slaughtered.
Within the last few days Liz Gunn, head of NZ Loyal, one of the few political parties willing to speak out revealed leaked documents indicating that tens of thousands of the population have died from the experimental gene therapy. If you appreciate that the population of New Zealand is just 5 million it gives some idea of the scale of the slaughter. In one clinic in one day 30 people were given the jab. All 30 are now dead.”
More at
The problem is that Gunn doesn’t show the documents or where they came from. I’ll reserve my opinion until I get more info.
Hold your hat!
“U.S. Launches Retaliatory Strikes Against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria
October 26, 2023 | Sundance | 103 Comments”
Paleo climate history makes a mockery of the hockey stick.
I really don’t get the BOMS AWS temp results. For our local station, the half hour recordings for yesterday 26/10, the maximum recorded was only 16.6 degrees, yet the BOM has recorded the actual maximum at being 17.8, a whole 1.2 degrees higher than the half hour records. How the heck to you get a spike like that? It was 16.3 at 2pm, 16.6 at 2.30 then 16.3 at 3pm. There was another 16.2 at 5pm. Nowhere in any of those temps came close to 17.8!
I looked at another station close by, it was 15.5 at 1.30, 15.6 at 2.00 then 15.0 at 3, and the highest temp reported for the day was 17.4, 0.8 higher than any half hour records. Another close by station had 15.2 at 1.30, 16.0 at 2, 17.3 at 2.30. and their maximum reported was 17.8, half a degree higher, close, but no cigar. I’m going to be very interested to see how today’s results pan out.
Future of Siemens wind towers looks knackered.
Many western.Birdchopper makers seem to be competing with coal-energy-powered companies from China.
When they go broke, and assets bought ten cents on the dollar by China, we will depend, almost wholly, on Chinese industry for power.
Our pollies will be so pleased – until China puts prices up, and availability … down.
Bat-buster and slaver panels dont replace themselves. Even if they do need replacing at 10, 15, 20 year intervals.
And they dont work sometimes …
Hold on to your hats – it may be a jolly rough ride!
Australian Government says it Will Be Exempt From Its Own Online “Misinformation” Laws
It is no coincidence that governments all round the world just happen to be bringing in new laws to combat ‘misinformation’. They are, in fact, all working in lockstep on a plan devised by the WEF, to crack-down on dissent.
Canada, the EU, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia have forced through the bills. Of course, they’re don’t call them what they really are, preferring to use Orwellian doublespeak to make them appear to be something they are not. In Britain it’s called the ‘Online Safety Bill’ and is promoted as being there to protect children from ‘harmful content’ but in reality is designed to specifically stop you from hearing thoughts, evidence or opinion that the government doesn’t like.
In the last three years it has been those same governments who have been guilty of spreading the most misinformation: Covid-19 was a deadly virus, masks worked, vaccines were safe and effective to name three. Now, those same governments are exempting themselves from their own laws.
Exempt yourselves but take the vaxxes. That’s all I ask. 😉
Friday funny: climate protesters
Ah, the “A – G ” sign…
How many stuffups can you count? 😎
With rectal adminstration of drugs, about half the absorbed stuff bypasses the liver, unlike oral administration in which all of the absorbed stuff passes through the liver.
Think how many yobs there would be if it was raining and blowing a gale.
Bing’s AI Refuses to Generate Photorealistic Images of Women, Saying They’re “Unsafe”
On Monday, when we asked Microsoft’s Bing AI Image Creator for a “photorealistic image of a man,” it dutifully spat out various realistic-looking gentlemen.
But when we asked the image-generating Bing AI — powered by OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 — to generate a “photorealistic image of a woman,” the bot outright refused. Why? Because, apparently, the ask violated the AI’s content policy.
“Unsafe image content detected,” the AI wrote in response to the disallowed prompt. “Your image generations are not displayed because we detected unsafe content in the images based on our content policy. Please try creating again with another prompt.”
Needless to say, this was obviously ridiculous. The prompt didn’t include any suggestive adjectives like “sexy,” or “revealing,” or even “pretty” or beautiful.” We didn’t ask to see a woman’s body, nor did we suggest what her body should look like.
The clearest explanation for its refusal, then, considering that the AI readily allowed us to generate images of men, would be that the system’s training data has taught it to automatically connect the very concept of the word “woman” with sexualization — resulting in its refusal to generate an image of a woman altogether.
I guess A.I. doesn’t know what a woman is either. 😆😆
There was an expression way back in BC of “Chancing your arm”. Might be more here –
“LGBTQ+ leftist offer too good to ignore.”
“The week in whoppers: WH frets over Islamophobia as Jews are targeted, The Guardian sees the Holocaust as irrelevant and more”