A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Labor in power, should of seen this comming.
The changes to the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 are intended to lower the minimum
age of a voter in Australian federal elections and referenda from 18 to 16 years of age, while maintaining the compulsory voting requirement for 16 and 17 year olds. The bill also adds being 16 or 17 years of age as a valid reason for failing to vote, which allows the Deputy Returning Officer to waive their fine for not voting.
Young people aged 16 and 17 have the same cognitive ability as older Australians and should have the same right to vote, according to a group of federal MPs.
Can’t win fair, cheat.
According to a recent survey Australian youth is mentally distressed over climate change, perhaps they shouldn’t be encouraged to vote at such a tender age.
Here is the Australian Governments (ABS) finding 2022:
National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing (Australia – released 22 July 2022).
“One in five (21.4% or 4.2 million people) have had a 12-month mental disorder.” (Ages 16 to 100+)
Ok this is interesting:
“The prevalence of 12-month mental disorders varied by age, with younger people having higher rates:
> Almost two in five people (39.6%) aged 16-24 years had a 12-month mental disorder in 2020-21
> Around one in four people (27.1%) aged 25-34 years have had a 12-month mental disorder
> Almost half (46.6%) of females aged 16-24 years and almost one third (31.2%) of males aged 16-24 years had a 12-month mental disorder.”
Hmmm… A 12-month or more, mental disorder suffered by 39.8% of 16-24 year olds…Is it fear of climate change?, Covid?, Something else?.. Sadly the ABS do not state the causes.
Make of that what you will.
Clear out the gulags! We have a new set of clients coming!
We are stuck with the perennial dilemma – a 16 year old can join the armed forces if they want to (though I think there may be some parent/guardian sign-off required?), yet, they cannot vote.
Technically they are not allowed to be in combat at that age, but one does not need to be in front-line combat to risk ones life for their country. How many 16 year olds sign up there days? I would say not many, so maybe it’s an irrelevant or niche argument.
I fully understand why Labor/Greens want to reduce the voting age, and I do think it’s a big mistake, but there is no denying there are some… strange rules in place currently.
AS you get older you realise how profoundly ignorant at 16 you were of real world events that impact everyday life, such as paying taxes, getting accommodation, earning a living, paying for transport, insurance, council taxes, road taxes etc etc etc. Things that youngsters often don’t need to worry about due to living with parents or attending University. I would put voting age at around 21 or, bearing in mind the numbers now going to Uni(50% here in the UK) 23, the age when you will to earn your own living and realise things aren’t free.
Yes! tony I’d put the voting age at about 35 actually, and the way kids of 30 are these days, it might not fill the requirements you talk of. Make the drinking age & joining the military the same, and we would solve most of society’s problems.
“Young people aged 16 and 17 have the same cognitive ability as older Australians”
Absolute bullshit! They bribed some social scientist to find that result! …or if some 30+yr olds are drinking like they’re 17, they need sorting out!
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”
Anon. Some initially suggested Mark Twain.
My thinking hasn’t changed from what it was at 14. I must have been fortunate with the environment I grew up in. My father was never a fool. The biggest problem Ii saw with his lack of a secondary schooling was that he never realised that had he had the opportunity he would still have been top of the class at a big city school.
What I do remember is that at 21 I didn’t feel confident in my competence to vote. I would have supported making the voting age 25.
Agree! You only need to go to some of the Australian sub-reddits to read posts by the younger people asking about basic things and being surprised that food does not appear in the fridge by magic. There is a high number of younger people complaining about their inability to find friends, loneliness, depression and so on. Now it’s all considered to be some or other form of mental illness. They blame older generations for their anxieties and they are natural-born socialists: take everything from “haves” and divide equally between “not-haves”. I find these types of forums to be better indicator of what society is like, if you will, getting a snapshot of it. I am quite afraid of the emerging trend of blaming older generation for all world’s ills, I am afraid that the enemy was already selected, and no amount of arguing the case can change that. Seniors are now sitting ducks.And these young natural-born socialists, with a big empty need inside them to fill, will get a right to vote. The best is yet to come, get prepared!
If you’re old enough to glue yourself to the floor because you believe the climate scaremongering, then why not be able to vote for the lying pollies pushing that agenda?
After all, they’re too stupid to have a future anyway.
Who will they blame when the 2030 chickens come home to roost?
Absolutely not themselves, assuming they’re even around then.
By then none of this current nonsense will matter.
Useful idiots…
But the young donāt have the cognitive ability to recognise their own gender & need āguidance ā on deciding which set of ā fiddly bits ā they should keep or discard ?????
Former Prime Minister of France.
Bring the age up to 30, for men. For some reason, common wisdom is that women turn into their mothers at 32.
” Young people aged 16 and 17 have the same cognitive ability as older Australians and should have the same right to vote, according to a group of federal MPs.”
No they don’t, have you spoken to one lately, they are morons mostly.
Should be 40 if you ask me.
Archaix presented by Jason.B others unparralled chronological insights into events. Thirty years as a prisoner/librarian learning from humanity’s oldest and rare publications.
The first link reveals covid19 as the first seal broken.
The second link starting at 1.13 minutes reveals accurate observation the nature of the soon to be broken second seal.
At 55m or so in the second linked video, the English guy told me that Earth might be a globe, it might be flat but it doesn’t really matter because there are more important things to worry about. It does matter.
How many times does this flat Earth nonsense have to be debunked 50 different ways before they learn?
What is the psychology behind their rabid beliefs?
You appear to be typing while upside down, thats skill.
Ask them to go to the edge of the flat Earth, look over, and return with photos and videos.
That second one was interesting, have yet to watch the first.
Pretty much how I see the immigration invasion going. The West is disarming for a reason, sending it to Ukraine, $80 billion in arms left in Afghanistan.
I think their timeline is out a bit far.
Thanks, very different perspective.
The west isn’t disarming. They’re sending the ratty old tech weaponry to Ukraine as Ukraine is just cannon fodder so not worth sending the good stuff. Plus, they’re going to need the most advanced weapons themselves soon enough the way they’re going. Just one mistake by the west, and it’s on.
When the time comes (economic meltdown) the illegal immigrant “free sh#t army” will have all their benefits pulled. Guess what happens then.
Civil war – that saves the governments from facing the population directly as the population is fighting the invading hordes for everything instead.
All planned in advance.
It’s going to Ukraine, is it being used in Ukraine or going to arm the invaders of Europe.
I don’t think the ones controlling the destruction of society care about the destruction of society somehow. Destruction from within.
On the subject of covid vaccine damage, the gift that keeps on giving. Seems like heart damage is ubiquitous according to 18F-FDG scans
An interesting study. Suggests a mechanism for thiamine-responsive cardiac rhythm abnormalities after the 2nd CV vax in some people susceptible to thiamine deficiency.
May interest those who follow gold. About government accumulations, nothing of course about what we are doing apart from being a quarry; again.
Ah, linked to the Green idiot who wants to melt down all people’s jewellery to make semi-conductor junctions, but never mentioned Reserve Bank gold at all?
It sounded like a hissy fit from a woman very jealous of what other women had.
An opinion poll states that 40% of French people back a ban on anyone taking more than 4 flights in a LIFETIME!
Predictably those results are skewed towards the young to whom I will be marketing my new range of hair shirts
All the people in sport aviation pursuits must be trying to keep a low profile. Once people realize you are burning fossil fuels for fun, they will be gluing themselves to runways.
What about those people traveling long distances burning fuel to attend a sports match-especially under floodlights- or go on holiday, or in fact do anything from drinking environmentally damaging coffee to using concrete?
They pick their targets for max publicity Tony, like most things “green” its not about achieving anything.
I spent most of my adult life regularly in aircraft of assorted kinds, so I can expect to be dragged to a pyre somewhere to pay for past sins.
15 minute cities …or less.
Life for most serfs in medieval times. (
“Young people aged 16 and 17 have the same cognitive ability as older Australians and should have the same right to vote, according to a group of federal MPs”
Yes of course, I mean this why we allow 16 and 17 year olds to:
A) buy alcohol
B) buy cigarettes
C) have full driving licences
D) own firearms
E) be paid at adult rates
F) get conscripted
Dont know about you, but personally I was just sooo mature and worldly when I was 16-17. You know it makes sense.
They don’t think they’re mature.
As with anything of the Left, the opposite of what they say is true.
They want them to vote because they are easily indoctrinated to vote for the Marxists.
The Dems are trying to do the same thing in the US as well.
In Australia the voting age was 21 and reduced to 18 by the Whitlam regime and now Labor want to reduce it to 16.
When the voting age was 21 I believe there was an exception for military conscripts who could be conscripted at 18. After all, if the Government expects you to die, you should at least get a say as to who the Government is.
“After all, if the Government expects you to die, you should at least get a say as to who the Government is.”
I’ll believe you after the first time the opposition votes AGAINST going to war.. Otherwise having the vote is worthless.
Of course but it doesnt hurt to keep pointing out their hypocrisy / double standards.
Itās effectively a war crime to conscript anyone under 18. Volunteers need to be at least 16 but cannot participate in combat roles.
Itās thanks to some UN agreement that must have been made on the odd occasion that they did something useful.
I bet the Australian government is not happy with this agreement, given their flagrant disregard for human life (of certain skin colours).
What a peculiar belief you express David Maddison:
Having lived through the conscription era 1964 to 1972 and been balloted out in 1968 (it was twenty year olds being conscripted) this is the first I have heard of it; maybe it is one of those false memories old bean.
I am sure we can all agree that climate scepticism is a crime against humanity and needs to be severely punished
I don’t know if its been widely reported in Oz about the legal action being taken by a group of young people against 32 European countries for climate inaction which is mentioned towards the foot of the linked article?
The Left has a culture of death (think eugenics, communism, etc)
From a while back:
Death threats anyone? Austrian Prof: global warming deniers should be sentenced to death
Richard Parncutt, Professor of Systematic Musicology, University of Graz, Austria:
Joe Romm on Talking Points Memo:
Climate āDeniersā Must Be Jailed or Killed
Not confined to the Left of course ā 50+ million perished at the behest of The Inquisition.
Heresy will not be tolerated.
“Heresy will not be tolerated.”
So we’re being divided into heretics and lunatics, pick a side for the Grand Final..
Your figures on the Inquisition surprise me.
A quick Google search tells me “Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions.”
That’s a big number, and only one country, but it’s four orders of magnitude less than the one you cite.
Can you give a reference to support your number?
Leo >”Can you give a reference to support your number?” [50+ million]
The Inquisition was centuries long and much more than just Spain.
David A. Plaisted Ā© 2006
CHAPTER 3. The 50 Million Figure (page 19)
For the “+” scroll down to page 41.
A new floating wind farm delivering trivial amounts of power is proposed off the coast of North Devon
This is not far away from where a madcap scheme to bring ashore cabling from a 2000 mile long link from North Africa across the sea and up to the UK. This will bring power from proposed wind and solar farms in North Africa. I am sure Russia who has the largest fleet of submarines designed for floor bed sabotage in the world will not notice so What could possibly go wrong? I think Oz had a similar scheme linking to Singapore?
Yes, they have a web site, with maps and everything
That link to Singapore is a fantasy (either a sign of mental illness or an attempt to get lots of Governmental subsidies). The route has to go over an active tectonic fault line – those with lots of earthquakes and/or volcanos.
Remember also that the wind turbines in the North Sea are facing problems with the power cables coming to shore, so those Singapore cables are unlikely to last. And even if they somehow do, then the losses in transmission are going be around 15% meaning the cost of power out will be about 118% of the cost to generate it.
How long did the Basslink last before it broke.
About 10 years
It cost 1.2 Bill in 2005 dollars and was recently sold for 770 Million in 2020 dollars ( all dates and numbers rough)
What idiot bought it?
If that linje from North Africa is DC think of all the hydrogen that would be generated by those breakages?
I didn’t realize the Swiss tried to stop commercial banks having the power to ‘create money out of thin air’, back in 2018.
Their referendum which lost, would’ve restricted the ‘money creation role’ to their central bank…. Did this get widely reported? I guess I missed it: Swiss voters reject campaign to radically alter banking system | Reuters
Predictably, opposition to it came from (a) the Swiss government, (b) the Swiss National Bank and (c) business groups.
āWe are pleased, this would have been an extremely damaging initiative,ā said Heinz Karrer, president of a business lobby group.
ā¢ yeah that’s right, Heinz!, extremely damaging to your cronies — the super rich — whose ‘Borrow to Invest’ lifestyle would be hampered if they had to compete for the existing pool of money held by savers. (Savers would earn a higher rate of interest if that happened — eww, the little people are savers, why share the profits with them!). No, no, no, much more profitable for [an asset hog] to have his bank manager just declare into existence some new ‘fountain pen money’ then record it as a credit in his account. . . Yep, cut out real savers as much as possible.
“The Swiss National Bank [said] adoption of the initiative would have made it much harder to control inflation in Switzerland.”
ā¢ some twisted logic there! — if you make it harder to create money ‘out of thin air’, somehow you’re making inflation more likely?…. WTF!?
Well, congratulations Switzerland for TRYING. . . You obviously have some sincere and decent people there but you lost out to the Davos crowd.
That’s gold.
We need to return to the gold standard.
“We need to return to the gold standard.”
Yes, we should join the BRICS..
At least grow some balls and stop walking on a leash behind the country that refused to pay its debts then rode to head a world-spanning empire by printing paper to buy guns. We will be backing the wrong dog if China and Russia finalise their gold-backed currency.
For those that missed it:
What we are doing bakes inflation into the cake but a pure gold standard does not allow money supply to expand as the economy does thus baking deflation into the cake.
Japan could do it because, without immigration, their economy is stagnant, or shrinking, and they are in such a mess they need strong medicine.
The rest of us need some hybrid system way above my paygrade to understand.
What might have happened to Credit Suisse if making money out of thin air had not been an option?
No flowers by request. Just send francs, oops sorry, thanks, send thanks.
While the Northern Hemisphere returned to full glacial conditions during the YD, the Southern Hemisphere was doing its own thing.
‘Temperature reconstructions from Tasmania, based on both chironomid and pollen data, show no evidence for Younger Dryas cooling. By contrast, there is evidence for cooling associated with the Antarctic Cold Reversal …’ (John Tibby, Uni Adelaide)
I think glacial and interglacial periods are about summer rainfall. It’s the best explanation for the slow decent to a glacial minimum and albedo maximum, then a sudden end (possibly ten degrees in decades). Lakes of water forming in summer to suck up 24 hr of sunlight instead of reflect it, especially Lake Agassiz. While the fresh water influx into the Atlantic would have changed the circulation, lack of summer rains and foehn winds could have led to ice lasting well into summer in North America, then the high albedo slowing convection that drags in moist air from the oceans, and Milankovic cycles determine if it’s snow or ice.
It makes me wonder if the 018 proxie doesn’t reflect the SST well at evaporation but the temperature at condensation, so exaggerates climate change at lower latitudes.
My thinking is that a large piece of space rock crashed into Lake Agassiz, which explains why only the NH slumped back into an ice age. The effect of the impact wasn’t universal, the SH was spared
Matt Guy elevated to the shadow front bench…These characters will never learn!
Never heard of him, normal flavor of politician it appears, corrupt as.
Legal proceedings terminated in August 2013 with a multimillion-dollar out-of-court settlement, with taxpayers footing the bill.[16][17] In October 2013, the Victorian ombudsman George Brouwer decided to launch an investigation to address Guy’s decision to rezone the Ventnor site, against the original advice of his department, the department’s lawyers, the local Bass Coast shire and an independent planning panel.[16] The settlement cost Victorian taxpayers $2.5 million plus costs, for a total of more than $3.5 million, documents reveal. Senior lawyers had told the government that it should have paid a maximum of $250,000 plus legal costs. Confidential Government documents show Guy ordered the multimillion-dollar payment despite repeated legal advice from a number of senior lawyers that the government had a strong case, and there was little or no grounds for a damages claim against it. “This may be winnable @ law but this is a political fight and it is unwinnable,” Guy is quoted as saying in confidential notes made by the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office in July 2013.[18]
In early 2014, Guy overruled his department to block the release of freedom of information documents about the botched rezoning of farmland on Phillip Island.[19] In March 2014, Mr Brouwer found that Guy was ultimately responsible for the rezoning decision and that he had refused to hand over important documents requested as part of his investigation.[20] However, Mr Brouwer also found that Guy was unaware that his advisers were acting in his name when asking for the planning department to change its advice.[20]
A man so utterly devoid of sincerity, charm, or merit that he gave Victorian voters no choice but to vote for the corrupt, dumb, and detestable Andrews… And he’s still in the public arena!
Obviously the mat guy has no shame at all.
Either that or no brains at all.
There is a third, more sinister alternative.
Those off shore winds of change –
“Becalmed and bedeviled: Ćrsted “delays” NJ offshore windfarm to 2026″
“A Brave Woman in Washington
The British Home Secretary points out the core problem about mass-migration in her latest speech.”
Suella Braverman on multiculturalism
The Guardian makes it sound like that all she was missing was a little square moustache.
“Braverman, an Indian child of the Empire in Africa, married to a Jewish man, currently a Home Secretary of a former great powerāall that to say, the walking, talking exemplar of multiculturalismā is bafflingly opposed to it.”
Like Jacinta Price- the Left have apoplexy when one of their poster children doesn’t follow the script.
“āIn these instances, most are simply economic migrants, gaming the asylum system to their advantage,ā she continued… “The global asylum framework is a promissory note that the West cannot fulfil… We will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin, is sufficient to qualify for protection.ā
Makes sense to me!
EV row erupts as marshals called in to prevent ‘charging rage’ from ‘angry and stressed’ drivers
Go hydrogen.
Refill in a minute with 1500km range.
If they use the gas bottle swap infrastructure that already exists, you don’t need charging stations. š
Anybody think of that?
Just me…
Joe Biden won’t make it to Xmas
Katalin KarikĆ³ and Drew Weissman, Pennās historic mRNA vaccine research team, win 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine
Not the best choice…
Rukshan Fernando looks at the latest devious deceptions from the pro-Apartheid campaigners.
Nature at work. Monday edition
‘Civil unrest’ at EV charging points as drivers fight due to long wait times
Mark Dolan: It’s time to pull the plug on this failed electric vehicles experiment
Canada rushing to make the internet a Govt Dept. They trot out the biggest lie imaginable….
“Itās pitched as a one-time requirement collecting basic information.”
“Trudeau Government Moves to Regulate Podcasts- …requiring podcasters to register with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The government claims the regulation will āensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content…. They also say it will achieve equitable representation among gender, ethnicity, and related āmarginalizedā groups.ā
So?? Will they issue “licenses to podcast” with quotas for females, blacks, queer others etc and then when the quota is full you’re not allowed to podcast. Everyone knows the licenses will only go to these willing to parrot the Govt line, there will be no dissent!
Anarchy looks more attractive every day…
The September mean temperature was the ‘hottest ever’ in the entire 365 year Central England series.
At 17.0C it beat 2006 by 0.1C and was well over 3C warmer than average.
Five of the hottest ten Septembers have been in the last 25 years. The tendency to very warm Autumn’s is perhaps the most pronounced change in UK weather in recent years.
Germany too.