A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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How are we enjoying the trip up the elevator?
If we only get a few negative degree mornings in our area, rather than a dozen each year, then I will be enjoying things more.
this bothers you?
Not especially.
I enjoy a steak. I enjoy a steak with a good pepper sauce more. Doesn’t mean I’m bothered by steak that doesn’t have pepper sauce.
I didn’t say I won’t be happy until negative degree mornings are eliminated.
The trip up the elevator to a civilization enriching warming is going great by your small cherry picked period. Damn shame the opposite is more likely.
Less than 0.6 degrees UAH over 40 years coming out of the little ice age and the fear of a new ice age as the temperature rise slowed coming into the 70’s.
So what do we learn from this small time frame in Earths history GA? Climate changes.
It is hardly cherry picking to present all satellite period data
Pardon my lack of expertise in this area Gee Aye but wouldn’t we need satellite data going back to 1910 or whenever it was that weather started happening?
May as well enjoy it. We are all on it, its not a voting opportunity and despite human hubris we dont have control anyway.
Not to mention … it is the least of our problems … many of which are the direct result of the hysterical reaction to warming and the weather cult it created … the origin tumor of the Mass Formation that has metastasized throughout the global body politic.
Its a warming trend, no doubt about it, but there are also times of no warming. Must be natural variability hanging on.
Tiny, non-significant temperature changes and all natural variation, but all good.
Civilisation always thrives during naturally warm periods such as the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods.
We might as well make the most of it before we start to freeze as we come to the end of the present interglacial (because all the power stations will have been destroyed by the anti-energy lobby).
Good. I like it.
Sitting here in a jumper , just where is this warming they keep promising?
Gee >The Elevator
‘Adjusted’ as per Foster and Rahmstorf 2011.
Skeptical Science calls that “Single Study Syndrome”.
Here’s a second opinion:
Application of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Technique to Study the Recent Hiatus on the Global Surface Temperature Record
Diego Macias, Adolf Stips, and Elisa Garcia-Gorriz (2014)
Figure 1
Oops, Foster and Rahmstorf missed that huge oceanic oscillation – maybe their technique needs some work.
And oh dear, look at the secular trend in the longer series – doesn’t look like the IPCC’s human attribution kicking in at 1950, must be something else going on.
Maybe F&R’s solar “adjustment” is just junk huh?
Now do actual absolute with latitudinal breakdown i.e. Arctic, Mid Nth, Tropics, Mid Sth, Antarctic.
Nothing is missed. It is just one data source.
About the same as the 0.8°C rise in temperature from 1910 to 1945 that couldn’t be due to fossil fuels.
How about UAH since 1990
Only 0.4°C rise.
Of course, the result depends on whose calculations you use, that depends a lot on subjective choice on how to churn the data. Not that there is not a warming trend, but that it’s more consistent with natural warming coming out of the LIA and an oscillation with 60 year period.
The only thing the elevator does is encourage some idiot to light a fire when it’s hot to prove that the temperature rise is a calamity.
A hundred fold less people die in natural disasters because of fossil fuels, and idiots want to save more by getting rid of fossil fuels.
My air-conditioning works a tiny bit harder than it would 30 years ago, but the new efficient one was less than half the cost of the old one because of advancements due to real progress.
Crops are growing wildly, although bad years in regions still occur like they always did, yields are up. They are only down when corrected for how high they should be because of all the advancements that fossil fuels bring, in order to argue that fossil fuels are deadly. It’s idiotic.
Russia and China, would anyone like to hazard a guess at the outcome?
They are buddies, what will change?
Not really, they are only members of BRICS.
Putin will lose the war and Premier Xi will lose the mandate of heaven.
Xi indeed has made eventual failure certain – due to sneaking corruption over truth at every level and apparent loyalty to him over expertise. But tofu buildings still stand – until a force makes them fall.
Sadly so much corruption that Putin’s army (though hopeless) is actually not losing. After looking at a lot of sources – I fully recommend
Generally in summary you will find that daily perusal of the extensive line of fighting shows regular small gains and losses…and overlapping disputed territory. After daily perusal got boring I have gone to weekly and – nothing much changes week to week.. recently Ukraine made a bulge but they will lose it soon. Russia is creeping in certain key areas.. and the Ukraine bulge is not sustainable as it gives Russia a pincer to trap them in. Last report had some captured Ukrainian confessed they went over the Dneiper into Russian area in battle for a photo up with the flag – that is a photo for the West.. ok it may be a lie – but the thing is – it’s a lie that fits- they got pushed off- if they had gained the toehold to hold it then this guy marking the line on the map for over 500 days would know. He uses geo-locators- ie video from both sides showing where they are. Then he knows for sure the front line.. he refuses hearsay and won’t tag a gain until both sides agree. If you listen he says take it all with a pinch of salt or msg until he gets verified footage out.
In total – go look – Russia is not losing. It’s a nasty war, but not nearly as nasty as the one in Israel at present.
Russia has far more reach into Europe than people will credit. We see the weakness of America will have terrible issues in the fall of Europe.
“Putin’s army (though hopeless) is actually not losing.”
I’m not sure about ‘hopeless’, it is holding against everything NATO can throw at it, and using a very small part of the total Russian army. Ukraine will run out of conscripts to kidnap off the streets and when that happens either the Poles and/or the Germans have to take the front lines, or Russia can move its army forward as it wants to. The losses of the Russian army have been kept to a minimum, there is no hurry for them. Lets see how the Palestinian civilian death rate compares to the Ukrainian.
Putin never expected to be fighting NATO, and NATO thought they could run over the Russian army easily. War is a great education for a country.
I used to watch DPA every day, but as you say, it has slowed to positional warfare now and Wyatt has had very little to talk about.
Hi Jan and anybody geopolitical commentary second to none fwiw
One things for sure China must be thinking now is the time to take Taiwan .
China expects within a 100 years to bring Taiwan into its nation or internationally recognised one china policy. America is fantasising rather salivating at a conflict.
Russia + China + NK + Iran = goodbye west.
The USA is a basket case and absolutely no match.
But bigger events come first. 😉
Jeez! You talk rubbish.
Yes you. Stick to what you know, medicine and science.
Makes sense to you presumably.
Maybe you misunderstood. The 4 combined forces EASILY outnumber and have far more advanced (and functional) weaponry than the neocon controlled west and are, and have been, historical allies, thereby making any west-initiated war a very bad idea.
If you have a specific point to make or an error to correct, then do it.
JC are you seriously saying that China , Russia , Iran and North Korea have more advanced weaponry than the US and the UK ?
Is this the same Russia that are using car Sat navs taped to the dash of their jets in the Ukraine? As for the CCP they have nothing original only copies from other countries but have they copied flaws ?
You believe Russia have car sat navs as there guidance system, for real?
And Snoopy is flying the rockets as well!
Bring on WW3, we have hit rock bottom.
MP downed jets and helicopters in Ukraine that were controlled crash landed were shown to have sat navs taped to the dash , not sure why that would be faked .
It would be faked to fool people such as yourself. So you think in the 20 years of service they have not been able to rectify a fault, because their Russian?
The photo’s I saw it actually mounted maybe as a backup in case they lose the onboard, maybe if they had to bail they could grab it and find their way to the nearest starbucks, but you can see two screens with what looks like nav maps. yet no photo only hear say.
Found this article on my serch for the gaffa tape nav device, I am continually told directed energy weapons do not exist.
Here is an old fellow who shot down an SU34 with his shotgun, it says rifle but he shows a shotgun, pointed, pulled the trigger and it fell out of the sky, like shooting ducks, let’s not forget the ghost of Kiev.
WW3 started yet?
Yes MP a lot of propaganda on both sides , as for Russian jets there was an RAAF airman at the Avalon air show a few years back that admitted the Russians latest jet was ok but claimed in a real war scenario their tech systems were a weak link .
The Duran. Geopolitical commentary
Yes, you JC, leave the war stuff to the war avoidance expert, nobody knows more about wars than those who have spent a lifetime throwing other people under that bus, ask any Government.
That’s JC2 btw. JC is some other dude.
Possible replies:
1. How dare you!
2. Governments know nothing about war as no pollie has ever been on a front line, just in a cushy office a thousand kms away, organising the sacrificial sheep.
3. I don’t argue online because of the A&W/McDonalds story of the 80’s.
People can believe whatever they want and follow whatever path they want.
(And have 10 “I stand with Ukraine” stickers on their cars.)
Show us your medals.
And yours are for what, fastest oil change?
China expects within a 100 years to bring Taiwan into its nation or internationally recognised one china policy. America is fantasising rather salivating at a conflict.
I don’t have any war-related ones but it sounds like you do, explaining the hostility.
Will you actually detail those you have?
Maybe I can borrow some medals off those NK generals loaded down with them?😎
Yes – Russia has tech FAR more advanced than the USA, and that’s years old news. In war times allies will benefit.
If one takes the time to compare strategic reserves and consider other factors, you’ll see the USA isn’t the centre of the universe as so many think.
In China some of the armed forces are not being paid, because of economic collapse. There won’t be any attempt to take Taiwan, they are outgunned by the Alliance. The CCP is on its last legs, a grass roots cultural revolution should be enough to topple the beast, allowing democracy and the free market to flourish.
Putin is doomed, his soldiers are surrendering.
Volga Volga Volga
the facts from a pornstar and her pimp.
Depends what propaganda you read.
You get your China info from CCP media, just take that to the bank!
More of your social media?
Not mine, some globalist owned by Blackrock.
That was via Duck Duck Go, so as above.
The Ukrainian propaganda is more believable.
I once thought it was Patten who said “A unit that is battle ready is not inspection ready. A unit that is inspection ready is not battle ready”. I was wrong, it was Murphy.
But there is truth in that. Any busy, productive workplace gets a bit chaotic. So when I see thousands of immaculately dressed and drilled Chinese and those troops of china doll girls I wonder how they would go with dirt on their boots, especially when you consider that they were all raised in single child households, mumma’s boys.
China will fall at the last hurdle, it will break down without ever reaching greatness.
They don’t need to fight . They just stop exporting to the west . They have access to resources and there is still 1.14 billion of them . Taiwan will reunite with the mainland eventually . Its a bit like Tasmania not being a part of Australia . They just have to work out a deal. China was/is making drones for both sides of the “SMO” and learning from Russias mistakes and successes . When you look at the weapons used now , a kid who grew up playing video games is a valued combat soldier. We are living in “interesting” times.
Dead wrong Mr Goat, China must import to live, they reexport to pay for their food and energy. You don’t think they buy our coal and iron because they like us do you? they have no economic alternative.
we can live without cheap Chinese toys and trinkets. We can pay a little more and keep our stuff a little longer. We will survive.
“>largest coal producer in the world at 3,242Mt is……China. (46% of world production)
Yeah I hear you “it’s not as good as ours” but when you don’t care about the environment or people, it’s all fire.
They also have resource rich Mongolia next door.
Damn facts again.
And Murphy was / is an optimist.
Some of Murphy’s Laws of Military Operations:
Friendly fire – isn’t.
Suppressive fires – won’t.
You are not Superman; “Special Forces” and fighter pilots take note.
A sucking chest wound is Nature’s way of telling you to slow down.
If it’s stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.
Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you.
If at first you don’t succeed, call in an air strike.
If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.
The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.
Things which must be shipped together as a set, aren’t.
Things that must work together, can’t be carried to the field that way.
Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support.
Radar tends to fail at night and in bad weather, and especially during both).
Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing.
Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you won’t be able to get out.
Tracers work both ways.
If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will get more than your fair share of objectives to take.
When both sides are convinced they’re about to lose, they’re both right.
Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs.
No that was Oreily. Oreily’s Law, “Murphy was an optimist”.
The US is gender ready. We will see how that works out.
We keep thinking about the power balance of nation states.
I think maybe we are in a post nation state struggle.
After WWII the US had a much vaunted military, but I’m not sure what that means now.
For example, the current POTUS administration, with all the hallmarks* of a global cutout …
has encouraged millions to flow across our southern border, while at the same time locking American citizens down and mandating vaccines.
I myself, after having a driver’s license for thirty years in my state, had to produce an original birth certificate to renew, illegal immigrants can procure a state DL with no ID papers whatever.
Also notice, that the ‘Pandemic’ policy and rhetorical reaction was oddly identically scripted across multiple nation states … this I consider a clue.
I don’t think many of us live under a government for which the ‘nation’ is the priority anymore.
In fact here in America, over enthusiastic ‘patriotic’ display may put you on a FBI list.
*(Notice what I did there, “all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation”.) 🙂
“Putin is doomed, his soldiers are surrendering.”
I see plenty of video clips of Ukrainians surrendering, maybe you watch the wrong news EG. Russia is dropping leaflets with a phone number to call for surrendering safely, seems to work. Spend sometime on that Greek language site, its Russian propaganda through and through..
Pick the propaganda you prefer…
The photo [not video] of Ukrainians under the headline “10,000 Ukrainians surrender” which had much publicity a week or so ago was first published a year or more earlier. The Russians are just so bad at this. That must come with complacency of not being questioned at home.
Try this:
The photo at 1:56 is the old one, first used in April 2022.
BNN is mentioned @ 1.21
What is this, a BLM moment?
30 seconds of that was 30 seconds to much.
AUKUS partners UK and US are nuclear weapons armed, Quad partner India is also of India, Japan, US and Oz.
If Russia and China, North Korea became a problem they know what they would be up against, nuclear deterrents that are not worth risking.
Given how much of Australia, its food-production and “public figures” are already in “foreign” hands, a revision of perspective is required.
China is the outlier, Xi is another Mao who may think a nuclear war can be won if they only loose 500 million people. That is a dangerous attitude.
Viral Norman Rockwell AI art reveals debauchery in Biden’s fallen America like you’ve never seen before
Sums it up nicely!
The Japs thought the US was too decedent to fight, back in the 40s.
Mmmmm 80 years ago. Almost nothing has changed.
GBR coral bleaching highly unlikely during this El Nino.,-8.57,1073/loc=161.898,-6.679
‘No Wash’ movement: The dirt on how to save the planet
With more than 15 million views on TikTok, the ‘no-wash’ movement has recently gained in popularity. It was originally brought to light by British fashion designer Stella McCartney. She told The Observer newspaper “basically in life, rule of thumb, if you don’t absolutely have to clean anything, don’t clean it”.
The trend calls for people to wash their clothes and hair less or even not at all and aims to address concerns over global warming. Carbon-intensive detergents have a negative impact on the environment and the same goes for the quantities and use of water in bathing.
But this isn’t all. Washing machines use up to 17 per cent of total water consumption and with expenses increasing due to the cost-of-living crisis, this has a negative impact on household bills. Put simply, ‘no wash’ is also a good way to save money.
I think we all know the climate loons have already gone down this path.😆
Global boiling. We were measuring the wrong things.
A new official organization, the Overshoot Commission, was recently set up to manage the global boiling, considering, among other things, darkening the skies to cool the planet as the climate emergency unfolds.
An elegant new study that eliminates the effect of “urban islands” throws doubt on both the extent and the causes of global warming.
It turns out that we were measuring the wrong thing all along! Due to understandable reasons of convenience, scientists placed weather stations near where they live, in or near urban areas.
It turned out to be problematic: instead of measuring the warming of the planet, we measured the warming of the cities.
Most people live in urban areas; however, most land is not urban: metropolitan areas occupy only three percent of the land mass…
Just stop
oilstupid scientists.91
What is the temperature of a place?
(Slightly disappointing there is no temperature colour key, but I assume the variations are quite significant.)
For those interested in vintage steam and ICE engines, don’t forget the next Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally.
It’s about 2hrs drive from Melbournistan.
122nd Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally
November 4 & 5, 2023
Celebrate internal and external combustion engines!
Take an Imperial ruler with you, so you can calculate the Horsepower of a steam engine.
The formula is-
P L A N divided by E
P = Steam Pressure (PSI)
L = Length of Stroke (Feet)
A = Area of Piston Head (Square inches)
N = Number of Cylinders
E = Efficiency factor (550 x [say]2.5%)
Note- 550 ft/lbs = 1 Horsepower, (by definition), (assuming 1/40th efficiency).
[E as above = 22,000]
Do it in your head after a while.
As long as you don’t walk into things….
We just did at Bathurst. Vroom, vroom!
Never seen the race- is on my list.
Had a hot lap in 1977, I can still see the top of the hill coming into view….
1976 V8 Torana hatchback my only new car…
Wish I still had it.
This video is from 11 years ago when US NASCAR legend Darrell Waltrip was taken for a ride around the Mt Panorama circuit by Jason Bright.
One of the classic motor races of the world.
>Jason Bright’s car sponsored by BOC.
Does worry about the Global Warming Potential of your refrigerants keep you up at night?
It does,
Well worry no more because BOC has the ideal gas for you:
A natural alternative with an ultra-low GWP.
It just makes sense.
Another Green energy fail… This time it was not a lithium battery.
On , Friday 6th October, FRNSW were called to an incident at the MGA Thermal Demonstration Plant, sited in the Tomago industrial area, north of Newcastle. (Australia)
Ok what occurred?… During the commissioning phase, the Thermal Demonstration Plant overheated from 700 degrees to approx 1,200 degrees C.
Attending firefighters were prevented from using water to cool the machinery/plant due to the risk of an explosion.
A 400 m exclusion zone was established.
A bulk CO2 Tanker from Sydney was responded. Dry powder was also applied as an extinguishing medium. N2 was also used for suppression..
Operations were conducted for 10 hrs until the TDP was stabilised at 15:40 hrs. A Hazmat crew remained on scene for a further 24 hrs.
OK, So what is a MGA Thermal Plant?… Good question, here you go:
The MGA Thermal Demonstration Plant specs:
5 MWh
500 kW nameplate thermal power
10 hours of design dispatch
Approx. 3700 MGA Blocks
12m L x 3m W x 4m H….
Ok, this is the FRNSW media release… Understand it is written by the media team, they are not FRNSW operational firefighters, we do not “spray” CO2.
Liquid nitrogen is very cold, available in tankers and is cheap. Probably better than CO2.
“Probably better than CO2.”
But not for life-giving plants, which certain watermelons seem not to appreciate.
[Though for putting out MGA fires … ]
I notice that in the explanatory video flyer, a water fire hose is on a reel in the background……
But I also notice that the Turtle is intently occupied in the foreground….
Nothing to worry about here.
I saw that on the local news! Didn’t realise it was a gov funded green energy project. Doubt that was mentioned. It was one hot nasty situation I noticed that.
More inefficient storage of energy attempts? I saw Bowen on the pamphlet, red flag!
No mention of the fail safe system.
Wasn’t that a Cheech and Chong song, “when all my green goes up in smoke”.
Ever wonder how Hamas got all those missiles into Gaza and the paragliders, Gaza has 2 boarders, 1 controlled by Egypt the other controlled by Israel, the sea link has been under blockade by Israel?
The USA is sending their largest carrier fleet, I assume to fight off those paragliders. Maybe the target is Iran, Seven Countries in Five Years.
I hope Israel doesn’t bomb the ship this time.
Quite possible the cia let that stuff in, who knows? Saw an ex IDF intelligence saying she finds it hard to believe Mossad had no idea.
The Neocon come back? Plausible. But didnt Biden just give Iran billions?
The missiles are mostly home-made and the materials for them are mostly smuggled through the semi-open Egyptian border via tunnels.
Another riskier smuggling route is via sea as ships drop off capsules which are later recovered from the sea floor by the terrorists.
There are also Fajr-3, Fajr-5, and M302 rockets smuggled from Syria or Iran via Sudan or possibly made in Gaza.
The carrier is the Gerald R Ford the newest, most expensive ship eva. Never launched in anger yet.
Israel’s are claiming treachery. Jordan Peterson tweets “enough is enough give them hell’
I suspect Mossad created Hamas to run the prison system called Gaza Strip. When it’s leveled igniting global armies thus ww111.
Please excuse scattered thoughts.. or don’t..
Does anyone on here believe that if temps got let’s say 3 degrees warmer that it would be bad news, the end times? Personally, I have little fear of a significantly warming world, but perhaps I’m wrong.
As the bulk of warming seems to be night-time temperatures, much of the cool temperate lands – notably Canada and Russia – would benefit considerably from a 3 degree C rise [on average].
It might be 6 degrees less cool at night.
But my understanding is that parts of Canada would still have ~-25 C nights [not ~-35C] – so still chillier than we get inside the M25 in South London.
We did have -19C in a frost hollow near me a decade or so ago. For a couple of hours – not an entire season!
Canada will become a grain powerhouse and people can move northwards away from the US border.
Whoops. In reply to Philip #10
People mainly forget that Israel sunk a US Navy ship, just off Israel.
Over 50 years ago, they don’t accept interference.
Is their call, in their arena.
Even though nothing will ever satisfy conspiracy theorists, there have been numerous inquiries into the USS Liberty incident and it was a tragic act of friendly fire related to miscommunication, failed communications and misunderstandings by both sides.
We have sunk a US Navy ship also.
Yes. The USS Frank E. Evans with the loss of 74 US sailors. The ship was cut in two and one half sank.
Amateurs, we sunk the ‘entire’ French navy when they were on our side.
Hamas being bestial => Trouble in the Middle East => Threats [perceived or real] to the security of oil supply.
Does anyone know the magic word [‘Shazzam’ ??] to make the wind blow more reliably?
Just asking for a friend ….
I saw a link to this supposed cancer cure on Farcebook.
Yes, they allow adverts like this.
It seems to me to be an obvious and expensive scam targeted at desperate people.
Rides original machine-extinct- used light sound and frequency.
Condemned yet not discounted.
David, the history of Roy Rife is very interesting. The Rife Microscope (who was considered fraudulent and impossible) was reproduced in a variant of it in the mid 1990’s. The scientists who did it got th Nobel Prize (2018 Medicine, IIRC) for it, oblivious to Rife’s prior work. (This was the florescent microscope.)
Rife used serial filtration and mice to show that tiny, virus appearing, particles could be filtered from cancer tumors, and used to generate new cancer cases, through multiple host passages (Koch’s Law). That was written off, but now it is accepted in the last 20 years or so; they are known as extracellular vesicles, or exosomes. They seem to be involved in aging (Katcher’s research is based on exosomes.)
The Rife machine (which disrupted both cells and exosomes)? Who knows? If someone reproduces it, it certainly should be worth a try.
I did a “deep dive” research of Rife and his machine around 8 years ago. You can buy a modern equivalent of the Rife Microscope from here. (It’s J P Morgan time – if you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it.)
(Note: breaking glass with sound requires exactly the right resonance frequency (or frequencies), too high or too low and nothing happens no matter how much you crank it up. . . )
I will only go into detail if asked – too controversial.
“Policing minister wants to use UK passport data in facial recognition.”
“Israeli Flashpoint – Localized Skirmish? Or the Beginning of Major Global Black Swan?”
“Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran
October 8, 2023 | Sundance | 271 Comments”
“Dismantling the Royal Society Large-Scale Electricity Storage Report”
Another demonstration of the need to apply “Nullius in verba” even to Royal Societies
David, the history of Roy Rife is very interesting. The Rife Microscope (who was considered fraudulent and impossible) was reproduced in a variant of it in the mid 1990’s. The scientists who did it got th Nobel Prize (2018 Medicine, IIRC) for it, oblivious to Rife’s prior work. (This was the florescent microscope.)
Rife used serial filtration and mice to show that tiny, virus appearing, particles could be filtered from cancer tumors, and used to generate new cancer cases, through multiple host passages (Koch’s Law). That was written off, but now it is accepted in the last 20 years or so; they are known as extracellular vesicles, or exosomes. They seem to be involved in aging (Katcher’s research is based on exosomes.)
The Rife machine (which disrupted both cells and exosomes)? Who knows? If someone reproduces it, it certainly should be worth a try.