A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A huge wave of bankruptcies and closures are coming everywhere.
Let it happen already and get the pain over with so we can begin again.
The WHOLE SYSTEM needs to be replaced.
Your kidding…
No surprise. It’s all just part of the plan. See Cloward and Piven and the ‘flood the zone’ strategy for bringing a system down.
Shut off the food supply, make it well-nigh impossible for consumers to find/use consumer goods, and eventually things just go ‘poof!’
Fortunately, on this side of the Big Pond, we have the Second Amendment to “cure’ what ails us. So sorry for all the Subjects of the Crown who have been systematically disarmed by your “benevolent” rulers.
May The Good Lord have mercy upon your souls, and none upon your politicians,
The Second Amendment was an accident of history.
Are you aware what is happening in China? Its another Cultural Revolution.
Subtract bravado and bluster.
Add government, FBI, ATF, military, restrictions, red tape and taxes, ending in handins and confiscation.
Welcome to Australia, oh other side of the pond dwellers, as has been warned for years.
“”The average US womenswear size is 16 – 18 (XL – XXL), which is up from a size 14 a decade earlier. ”
Explains the falling population anyway… Same page as Jojo’s link above.
Possibly explains the food shortages too😂
Or why more men are homosexual. The trans ferance to the larger size may make the increasingly 50/50 dating odds not worth pursuing.
Yes and the first ones to go broke will be all the ‘Guv’ments’. Unfortunately, the ‘Guv’ments’ will then go after our money.
We need to understand the looming disaster.
The electric grid needs good failure mode analysis
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “Failure mode analysis is a standard engineering practice. It means figuring out the basic ways a system can fail, each way being a mode of failure. Once you understand these failure modes, you can do things like watch for them, or prepare for them, or take steps to keep them from happening. Way back when I was a junior engineer, I did mathematical failure mode analysis for large dams. There were just 3 to 5 basic modes, depending on the design. Earth dams had more than concrete ones, but I digress.
We now have repeated, even urgent, warnings that the electric power grid is increasingly prone to failure. Some of these warnings have come from people who actually oversee the grid, including FERC, NERC, and the independent system operators (ISOs). My fellow skeptics have also been vocal about this growing threat of disaster. Everyone talks about blackouts, but I have not seen a detailed analysis of the various ways these might occur. I suspect there are several different basic ways, each calling for a different approach. So here are some starter thoughts.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
This is true globally.
On a personal level, I have called this concept “What could go wrong?”
A well-known example is setting a tool aside when not in use, say a rake. Search-up cartoons of that.
Electric-wise: Using a frayed extension cord because it is handy instead of repairing it or getting a serviceable one.
“… did mathematical failure mode analysis for large dams ”
So this is your fault:
Meanwhile, here in Queensland, ‘Dear Leader’ Annastacia Palaszczuk (don’t ya just luv that name, rhymes with Labuschagne) has mentioned in her ‘State of the State’ speech (why am I reminded of ‘bread and circuses’?) that Queensland has a great grid that will have no problems. That was then reinforced by Mick de Brenni, her Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen, and for Public Works and Procurement. (his full title, I kid you not) who said that while other States (umm, like NSW he actually mentioned) might have grid failures in the near future, Queensland will have no such problems whatsoever.
It was such a pity (umm, and that’s me being ‘facetial’ to quote Dorrie Evans) that he wouldn’t tell us why the Queensland Grid will have no problems at all.
That dirty little secret that no one will dare mention is that Queensland thankfully got in and constructed the newest coal fired power plants in Oz just prior to all this CO2 kerfuffle, and there is no way on Earth they will be shut down earlier than time expiry dates, umm, not that anyone will ever mention that, the only SuperCritical coal fired power plants in the Country, six Units at four power plants.
Hmm! Comrade Madame Premier ….. What is a Grid?
Why, you silly boy, it’s a four letter word!!
Sounds like you are indeed safe, but the cost is high because those units have to run around the clock, making no money when the sun shines or wind blows. Those huge boilers have to be kept boiling.
Tony, what about Callide?
Do not underestimate the power of evil.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Callide uses hydrogen as its cooling agent. I believe that it all went horribly wrong very quickly when the H2 leaked.
In David’s article, he mentions ‘uncontrolled’ blackouts, and I know I have linked to this here at Joanne’s site before, but, again, it’s so well worth it to look at it again.
This was the uncontrolled great Northeast Blackout of 2003 in the U.S. and sometimes you think of blackouts as being localised. This one however saw 55 million people lose power across many States, and the power was off between 2 hours and 4 says in some areas.
Here is the link to the sequence of events.
There was a slow build up (starting a little after Midday) to the actual major part of the event, but you can see how it was a cascading failure. That (seemingly) slow build up lasted a little less than four hours, and included 13 of those cascading events, the one leading to the next.
Then, from the 4.10.34PM mark, over the next minute and a half, it all happened, and after a further one minute, the event ended with ….. 256 power plants dropping off line.
Now, I understand that something like this is way huger than anything in Australia, but there was something similar in nature that did happen when Callide, umm, ‘failed’ on 24May2021, and I wrote all that up in my own Post at this link the morning after it happened. That was a loss of 2800MW in seconds also.
There’s so much we can learn from things like this.
Umm, but will we???
As an aside, note the second last paragraph where I wrote an almost direct quote from the Minister at the time, where he said on the evening news bulletin on the night it happened, that the plant we be back up and running soon, and my response was that I doubted that.
That Unit is still not operational ….. SEVENTEEN MONTHS later.
And note, as I also said, here we have a Labor Government so keen on renewables. Here was a chance to show their green credentials and say that, oh well it’s gone now, so there’s no need to replace one of those filthy dirty coal fired Units.
But no, they replaced it.
Talk green, protect the grid, tell no one why!
The “elephant in the room “ will prove to be inter-connectors. When power goes down in Southern States, a Labor government ( if it exists ) in Queensland will be obliged to support the southern Labor states with electricity.
If Queensland is running successfully but on the “edge “ and subsidises the south with energy the likelihood of blackouts will increase as will the price of energy. Supply & demand governs the elasticity of price. If we’re fortunate enough to dodge blackouts we won’t be dodging highly energy prices.
When I was working in Europe my colleagues had a derogatory term for needlessly complex systems and processes. The said something was an “Uzine a Gaz” , a gas factory, alluding to the myriad pipes/valves/vessels etc. A good analogy I thought.
The grid is becoming such a large Uzine a Gaz that I seriously doubt that all its failure modes will be identified (assuming anyone tries)
As I write, NEM watch shows coal is the dominant source for the electricity grid of these states: Qld 82%, NSW 81%, Vic 82% and WA 50%.
Not sure where the figure of 50% for WA comes from, certainly not from the AEMO’s WA site, which shows 28% for the last year. Used to be 40% until the govt decided to reduce the energy from coal power plants and rely more on gas, which is 37%. However, during the colder and cloudy windless days, coal had to be ramped up to around 50%. Home solar and wind make up the rest.
“As I write” means as it was meant to be at 4:02 AM Saturday as posted on the NEM-watch website (see below). Maybe that helps- and thanks for your comment.
Shutdown of Collie coal-fired power plant delayed in response to fears over electricity shortages
Region Black Coal Brown Coal Gas Liquid Fuel Other Hydro Wind Large Solar Small Solar Battery Storage Total
Queensland 4212 188 0 45 261 427 1 0 6 5139
New South Wales 4319 0 0 22 118 892 0 0 6 5358
Victoria 4409 0 0 260 692 0 0 6 5367
South Australia 203 0 0 1202 0 0 7 1412
Tasmania 0 0 648 37 0 685
Western Australia 885 276 0 7 612 0 1780
I keep an eye on the SWIS grid energy sources. All is fine and dandy on windy sunny days when the home solar and wind are working well, but during winter there was a prolonged period over almost a week when there was little sunlight and no wind. As a result, the coal energy had to be ramped up significantly as there was insufficient gas to meet the energy demand.
When you see things like this, and they are never mentioned, you know darn well that there is no way renewables plus storage will ever be able to compensate for these regular problem times.
The Green Energy Subsidy Lie
“For years Democrats have claimed technologies like solar energy are cheaper than coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear. This report makes clear that solar is largely dependent on heavy subsidies with taxpayer dollars,”
It is not just the subsidies. The cost includes the backup units waiting to run when solar does not or running inefficiently as passing clouds ramp solar up and down. Let’s say solar runs full power 8 hours a day. Some other unit runs the other 16 but sits idle, which is expensive, to make room for the solar juice. Thai idle unit could be running around the clock.
Seemsto me that –
(Total LCOE) = (LCOE Renewables) + (LCOE of Fossil Fuel Backop for when that “wind blowing elsewhere is blowing elsewhere elsewhere” and it is night etc)
The “Green Lobby” hides the actual cost of their contributions. Only Dispatchable generation has premium value, as it can be reliably “dispatched” as the need arises (seconds to minutes).
Intermittent generation has inherently lower value because it is not dispatchable. One never knows when, or if, it is available.
Green Lobbyists have obviously failed Accounting 101, as they do not accept that the costs of grid connection, frequency and voltage support, backup generation, and reactive power stabilization requirements are met “by others” at no apparent cost to their superfluous contributions. Should they accept Reality, their famous “cheap energy” would become the most expensive source of power ever conceived. There is no circumstance in which wind or solar energy is more reliable, cheaper, or stable, than thermal generation, unless one is powering a remote site with minimal energy requirements. Certainly not a national grid that entails manufacturing or reliable society requirements.
“Green Energy” is a political construct that has nothing to do with efficiency, stability, reliability, economics, or societal benefit. It is simply a grift, graft, and corruption of all things known economic, scientific, beneficial, or rational.
In a proper world, the Green Lobby would be sued for malfeasance and imprisoned, as nothing they propose is truthful.
When you plant a tree in a forest.
And cut it down to burn as biofuel … or let itvbe consumed by forest fires .. or infestation by pest or pathogen
Net Zero is confusing.
Or is that Carbon neutral?
Biden WH Quietly Released Study Showing Green Energy Gets Far More Subsidies Than Fossil Fuels
What day of the week is it?
I’m all days confused.
Anyway, a story for our times, electric car burns down house of a person of unclear gender with green hair.
This seems odd:
“The fire service said we were lucky the battery didn’t set fire . . .”
So what started the burning?
Also, the hook-up was at the front door.
That doesn’t seem like a good plan.
I wonder if their next van will be an EV. 🙂
I was wondering the same thing.
An issue I have mentioned a few times over the years is the standard of house wiring. Even if the wiring is sub-optimal it can prolly survive boiling the jug, making the toast while frying your egg because of the short time the poor connection is generating heat. What happens when you run a circuit at rated o/p all night might be something else.
“There’ll be fires for sure, me man,
There will, without a doubt;
We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
“Before the year is out.”
Said Hanrahan [poem by John O’Brien]
That reminds me of three house fires in the 70’s in the mining town of Zeehan, Tasmania. Most of the houses were built by the company for the mine employees. There were also many timber houses owned by “the locals”, often inter-related. A cousin came to stay with a local family and connected his caravan to the house wiring. Because the drain caused by radiant heaters, many other e-appliances etc, the house fuse kept blowing. So the bright-spark visitor replaced the fuse wire with a six-inch nail and the house burnt down. The visitor then moved his caravan to another relative’s timber house and the same misfortune occurred once more. After a third house went up due to the fuse adjustment, the local fire brigade realised the root cause. Please no jokes about Tasmanian sisters running faster than their brothers!
>I wonder if their next van will be an EV
VW marketing might like to note the comments “…after an electric car fire engulfed their home” and “It was engulfed in flames within ten minutes” or just suffer the wit, ironic observations and spelling mistakes of editors in silence.
Judging from the photo of the burned out chassis, there’s no way any battery would have come through that without burning. The entire front section was reduced to ash.
The chargers seem as dodgy as the batteries!
The product safety regulators will get around to looking at EVs any decade now.
From your link:
“The family say they may not have been aware of the blaze as it spread from the charging point outside to the front door had it not been for some strangers driving by their property and stopping to wake them ”
And later :
” ‘The fire service said we were lucky the battery didn’t set fire or it would have burned for hours and been very dangerous. ”
Sounds like the fire spread to the car, not from it.
Dave B
PS I’ve also posted this in response to Simon Thompson at #17.
International oil price surges due to Marxist energy policies. Bring back Capitalism, everybody benefits!
If oil prices are to come down there is only one solution to the problem. It’s been done once in the last 8 years. Simple really.
USA needs Trump back in power to restart the USA home grown economy & oil energy policies once more. Energy independence means lower demand on middle eastern, Russian, Venezuelan & other oils producers. Stop the hijacking of the USA economy by the New World Order mob!!
Supply & demand, free market forces will bring international oil prices tumbling down when USA stops importing oil. USA will once again have $2.00 / US gal fuel and international oil prices reduced to less than US$40.00/ barrel will see Australians paying less than AUS$1.50 / litre once again.
Automobile manufacturers will return to ICE vehicles once more! Get rid of the Socialists!!
Oil dropped abt 10% during the week. Brent, which I think Singapore refineries use, thus us, is US$84. Our pacific peso is down to $0.63 so that is why our pump prices remain so high.
Russia does not set the value of A$, our own policies do that. Thanks elbow.
There is only one policy:
“Spend and Spend, In Profligacy we Depend.”
Who needs gold when Quantitative Easing is so useful and available.
As seen in the USA where Chicago and New York are losing about 300 finance firms relocating to Florida and Texas, taking hundreds of billions of potential tax revenues with them.
It seems that staying where taxes are high (and going higher) and rent, insurance and the general lifestyle** isn’t that acceptable for their workers as well, so they move too.
**WOKE policies cost those who can pay; any so business relying on public access and getting regular losses to shoplifting and stealing, along with high rates might be less than enthusiastic about the future if they stay.
Gotta think long term
If social dysfunction and unchecked violence make people pack up and leave, then later, someone is going to buy up all cheap property.
Then society will magically be returned to pre BLM status with strong law and order.
Those “cheap” properties will then skyrocket in value and bring “someone” a fortune.
Um. No. See Detroit Michigan. You forgot the /sarc tag.
Once the economic and social stability have been destroyed, and the neighbourhoods collapsed with crime and poverty, the properties rarely, if ever, regain any value.
Must have missed your humour.
Hi Lance.
Time frame; 10 maybe 20 years.
Things can change for the worse, but given enough time they can also return to a better state.
You can’t go past the stats of barrels of oil per head of population in the world. That has been dropping for decades and will not get better, we have done all the easy oil fields. There will be plenty more in the expensive places under the sea,
Singapore might have to make up its mind between America and China somewhere along the path, oil will end up as being Western oil or BRICS oil. With us having all electric cars there will be no shortage of petrol for the Indians and Chinese.
You could buy cheap Russian diesel right now if you lived in a free market economy.
You’re going to be mighty disappointed when BRICS is shown to be all hype and NAFTA thrives.
Come on down red thumber and tell me where I’m wrong.
Russia may trample Ukraine in the dust but they will have lost everything, no American or European company will partner them again so their oil wells will fall into disrepair. They do not have the expertise to operate oil fields in the permafrost and Europe will remember Trump’s admonition re becoming dependent on Russian gas.
China. Nuf said, their currency is not freely traded and they are going DOWN.
Brazil has less economic clout than Australia.
India and China are mortal enemies.
Combined they are not a powerhouse, more like taking in each other’s washing.
NAFTA doesn’t need any of them.
You make out that oil field technology is unknowable unless its US operated. Its the same as saying the US doesnt know about space because they relied on the Russians for reliable launches to orbit for decades.
The world is going multi polar, relationships are changing, the US is not the centre of the earth, its not the 70s/80s
Dream on.
I thought that Ukraine had won, or was that last week. Long way from over, the money laundering operation has just got underway.
They still have mothers with prams to throw at the front line yet, plus there have not been enough other people’s children blown up to make you happy.
You don’t think Russia knows how to pump and refine oil, you think these multinational companies have one ounce of morals in their board rooms?
Mortal enemies, you have been reading too many comics. Didn’t Gillard make the Yuan a trade currency for Australia.
China’s going nowhere and Brazil has the 10th largest economy, Australia is 13th. Now you’re just making stuff up.
Not only rain avoids Townsville, facts blow right on by.
Chiefio on computer security
“The Three Corner Air Gap Privacy Fix For Client Scans”
As I have said before –
ESG stands for – Economic Suicide Guaranteed
QED (Quite Easily Done)
And as I have said before –
CCC (Carbon Carbon Carbon) = 666
It’s chemistry, Jim, but not as we know it.
September shatters heat record, shocking even climate scientists – The Sydney Morning Herald
If they weren’t shocked who would be?
They’re more shocked when it snows every winter.
Anti-War Protests of the 1960s-70s
Left-Wing College Kids Demand More War Funding Even As Polls Confirm ‘Ukraine Fatigue’
50 Years Ago Neil Young Wrote a Song That Changed a Generation of Protest Music
On a day in 1970, inspired by the horror of the Kent State shootings, the musician took his guitar into the woods and wrote ‘Ohio.’
Forget all that – war is good, now.
Fixed bayonets at Kent State University
Lynyrd Skynyrd (Sweet Home Alabama) did the best ever music connected with Young.
..Much as i like skynyrd, they were just southerners, envious of Youngs musical talents !
Talking of music, singer songwriter Li Ermeng is having a big impact with his lie flat, lie flat and bask in the sun.
Satire writ large.
“the antiwar left has all but disappeared, but instead we are left with pathetic scenes of college kids demanding more weapons to be sent to fuel yet another ‘forever war’ ”
Great!! Slap ’em in uniform, give ’em a gun and send ’em all over there! Show us the courage of your convictions!
So much for Country Joe..
>college kids demanding more weapons
AKs galore…plus ammo on the way
Soon to be deployed by the highest bidders I’m guessing.
Too late for these 17 out of ammo Uks but they don’t seem too perturbed – 149.200 “Volga”!
Funny that. Left-wing students supporting a right-wing country against the Commies. Who’d a thought.
Reading a story this morning about a Yes campaigner at an early polling centre assaulting a No campaigners. The Yes side seems to attract people who like to attack, spit on and slur anyone who doesn’t think like them.
The juvenile name calling from people you would think would no better gets me. Seriously you think that persuades anyone? It only parades an over weaning sense of superiority.
“Well said. This cartoon is atrocious.”
“Uniting Australia” as seen by “Yes” voters – via the Fin Review
Al Michaels [78] Claims to Have Never Knowingly Eaten a Vegetable
NFL’s Best Commentator.
In the X thread,
Theresa – Been married for 33 years. My husband hasn’t had a vegetable, a single piece of fruit, a single piece of fish or a condiment. Ever.
The marriage counsellor was shocked when the wife said her husband hadn’t spoke to her even once during the 33 years of their marriage.
“Is that true?” she asked of the husband. “In 33 years of marriage you’ve never spoken to your wife?” “Yes” said the husband sadly. “For Gods sake why?” asked the marriage counsellor.
Husband said, “I didn’t like to interrupt”.
Cows eat vegetables, use the middleman.
Its getting complicated-
“Turkey has launched sweeping drone and F-16 airstrikes against US-controlled oil production facilities in NE Syria. Turkey’s drones and fighter jets hit 52 targets in NE Syria leaving dozens of casualties and causing heavy damage. Earlier, Turkey warned it would not bow to threats after the US shot down the drone in Syria.
The proxy war between the Turkish-backed jihadist rebels and the US-backed Kurds in Syria is turning into a direct war between Turkey and the West, confirming Macron’s statement that “NATO in its current form is brain dead.”
“According to the British publication, the British Royal Navy is considering options for sending warships to the Black Sea, where they could escort Ukrainian merchant ships with grain, “driving away” Russian vessels.
Currently, any warships of countries not included in the Black Sea area cannot enter the Black Sea. Turkey closed the straits according to the Montreux Convention. However, the West is putting intense pressure on Ankara, demanding that the Straits be opened for US and NATO warships to enter the Black Sea.”
So, about a month ago the good ol’ ” Bureau” ( Australian Bureau of Meteorology) announced that one of those idiot mexican brothers was re-appearing. The brothers being El Nino and La Nina. Apparently, the former was to due to re-emerge for this coming Summer. In similar reaction to COVID, the media then exaggerated this forecast. So, now most media commentators think the coming Summer is going to be hellish. Even a lot of friends and family have the same idea. ” It’s going to be a really hot summer”, they say. I go to my favourite weather site, Elders Weather , to check the Climate indicators /models. Both the SOI and NINO3.4 are still indicating La Nina, not El Nino. I’m confused! Do the BOM have some super secret model they are not revealing or have they just got it wrong?
The gist of something seen somewhere else –
they need an el Nino badly to put a bit of polish on their punts and figures for the last few years
Perhaps there’s another mexican brother (or are they Chilean?). He’s hot and wet, being a combo of the other brothers and is called “Margarita”. So, the coming summer will be a tad warmer, but also maybe a tad wetter.
>Do the BOM have some super secret model they are not revealing or have they just got it wrong?
Hard to get a handle on (my PoV). Tropics air temperature is in wild territory and the primary factor behind what Zeke Hausfather describes as “absolutely gobsmackingly bananas” global temperature:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – Tropics
Except Tropics is the entire 23.5S-23.5N, 0-360 latitudinal band – not just NINO 3.4.
Scroll down to the anomaly map (Show T2 Anomaly Map) and the El Nino signature is missing. The warm air is mostly on the NH side of the equator which is elevating the NH metric (Arctic isn’t)
So now to SST,
Daily Sea Surface Temperature – World
Again, scroll down to the map and toggle between,
Show SST Map
Show SST Anomaly Map
As I pointed out yesterday (or was it Thursday) re Eastern Pacific,
The actual data is warmest ABOVE the equator
The anomaly data is warmest BELOW the equator
In other words, yes, the El Nino signature is strong in anomaly terms but is nothing unusual in actual terms. The entire Tropical band is warm.
Seems to me that the El Nino region is not the single factor driving the “absolutely gobsmackingly bananas” Tropics metric – it’s the entire latitudinal band i.e. El Nino is yet to make an impact above the rest of the band and may not even do so.
I’m still confused Richard C, but thanks for all that.
Richard whether ENSO is positive/negative or neutral, a very warm band of equatorial water to Australia’s north would seem to imply both warm and wet weather, no?
Adellad – sorry, don’t know. What you suggest makes sense but there’s a number of factors that are beyond me to untangle.
I too am querying whether El Niño will get up. Looking at the NOAA OSPO site, the warm water finger stretching out from South America seems to be reducing, not increasing. That hasn’t stopped some MSM commentators from predicting dire drought conditions for the east coast however.
What happens when you wire 100 car batteries in parallel, producing 80,000 amps, with an electric log splitter as a circuit breaker, operated by the craziest chemist on the internet?
Find out:
The safety risks would fill a small book, but that’s nothing new for Styro.
Welcome to Saturday ejukayshun (and it’s a doozy).
The World Hoax Organisation: ‘Meat Supply’ Will Cause ‘Next Pandemic’
The globalist World Health Organization (WHO) has started warning that the “meat supply” will trigger the “next pandemic” by causing deadly pathogens to jump from animals to humans.
This disturbing new narrative comes amid an already escalating war against agriculture and livestock farming over claims that producing meat and dairy products contributes to the so-called “climate crisis.”
Now the United Nations’ WHO is targeting the meat industry with the latest proven fear tactic – the alleged risk of another freedom-robbing pandemic.
This new fearmongering idea is now being pushed like never before under One Health.
One Health is a global agenda that gives sweeping powers to unelected bureaucrats at the WHO.
The plan will allow the WHO to centralize power and make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations, healthcare, and much more, for the entire world, overriding the rights of citizens and the laws of sovereign nations.
To that end, a report from the Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School and the Center for Environmental & Animal Protection at New York University now predicts that the next pandemic is likely to emerge from the U.S. meat supply.
Additionally, they warn that the fur trade, petting zoos, and pets all create similar risks.
It basically reviews all the different areas of life and commerce that involve animal and human contact, however brief or rare, and the subsequent hypothetical zoonotic transmission chains.
Wait ’til they start on the 10billion animals we associate with called ‘other humans’… Disease spreaders ! Zoonotic jumping! Dangerous and high risk! Its all there!
No-one is safe
How did the masses ever fall for it?
“Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
Hmm …
like 1347?
I only graduated 15th grade, but …
I’m pretty sure every ‘Pandemic’ in all of human history prior to the modern era was a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”.
But I’m not a ‘Scientist’?
But after watching that vid, I sit in my retched state, caused not by a ‘Pandemic’, but by the government created hysterical reaction to the alleged ‘Pandemic’ …
and I thank God that at least I’m not a ‘Scientist’.
“Pandemic’ a made up word, made up by the same morons that gleefully and condescendingly uttered “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”.
Don’t know if anyone is noticing, but we are “following Science” straight into Hell.
Battery car immolation…DIY Cremation
More of these episodes to come!
From your link:
“The family say they may not have been aware of the blaze as it spread from the charging point outside to the front door had it not been for some strangers driving by their property and stopping to wake them ”
And later :
” ‘The fire service said we were lucky the battery didn’t set fire or it would have burned for hours and been very dangerous. ”
Sounds like the fire spread to the car, not from it.
Dave B
The house is scorched not burnt, the car is burnt not scorched.
The car was being charged, if the EV was not being charged there would be no fire. The cause is the EV.
Charter boat, what charter boat?
G’day MP,
I don’t understand tour reference to “charter boat”?
On the question of cause, I only partially agree. Admittedly, if there was no EV, then the fire would not have occurred, but this particular fire (seems to have) started at the charging source at the wall of the house, and near the door.
Dave B
Try this
Cause and effect, you’re looking at the effect, the cause is the EV.
You are assuming the cord was a wick, no protection existed in the electrical circuit.
No EV no fire.
That add above is an Aussie classic, for not seeing the obvious.
Yes, strange some people want to nitpick the precise cause, when the overarching cause is a green haired weirdo probably persuaded it’s gullible parents that an EV would save the planet, instead it ended up burning down their entire world.
We elect them, they mostly join the uni party club and focus on United Nations and its octopus arms organisations stealing our assets and monies.
Now Minister Wong is rejoining us to the UN green fund that the Morrison Government cancelled.
US Cellphone Radiation Tests Are ‘Rigged,’ Ignoring Long-Term Health Effects
France’s recent ban on sales of the iPhone 12 due to radiation concerns has sparked apprehension throughout Europe about the health risks of cellphone radiation exposure. While U.S. tests focus narrowly on whether phones heat tissue, some experts argue they fail to show the whole picture.
“The way they’re tested is to see whether or not they heat you up, and not for the chronic long-term effects that have been demonstrated,” Devra Davis, a cancer epidemiologist who holds a doctorate in science studies and a master’s in public health in epidemiology, told The Epoch Times. “Particularly the effects on sperm and lower testosterone, among others.”
According to Ms. Davis, the biggest problem with U.S. testing is that it’s not conducted with the phone against the body. She compared it to the “Dieselgate” scandal involving Volkswagen, where the company rigged its tests to show lower exhaust emissions than the vehicle actually produced.
“The same thing is happening here,” she added, noting that the tests were initially set up with spacers, as if phones were in holsters or holders.
When the French government tests cellphones as they are actually used, “like in your hand [or] next to your body,” Ms. Davis said, the phones exceed European Union (EU) radiation limits. France has pulled or required software updates for 42 other cellphone models that emit excessive radiation since 2017, The Telegraph reported.
The vaxxed nomophobes will be the first to go, so that’s half the population. 😁
Well, isn’t that science..? Like measuring vax deaths within the first 7days and finding nothing excessive. or if you do find what you don’t like you exclude the first 7days and measure from 7-30days.
‘Scientific method’ is finding the method to get the answers you want.
Backflipping boofhead Biden to build border wall
What open border?
Flood in, unvaxxed, bleed the country dry, vote Demonrat, and then the money and freebies end.
Guess what happens next.
And as for those 700,000 migrants in Oz before the end of the year…build more houses and give them gubermint freebies?
So, once again, we ask “Is this incompetence or corruption?” Either way, those responsible should be sanctioned.
Let’s face it, none of the problems we now face are a surprise.
All the problems we face were created by our Government, not some, all.
How do they sanction themselves.
A heads up to any American petrolheads: Tomorrow is Australia’s biggest race, the Bathurst 1,000, on the baddest race track EVA.
V8 tin-tops have to power up the mountain before hitting nearly 300 kph coming back down.
Surely it will be on cable, worth a look.
War declared in Israel
Who’s got The US is blamed for the Gaza war on their bingo card?