A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Has everyone gone off to watch the Rugby League grand final?
What is this “rugby” you speak of?
They are early model ICEV cars.
Crash gearbox no synchromesh.
Heads for thinking with: not ploughing paddocks!
Comedy, a culture mostly dominated by woke Leftists, has a sexual violence problem (supposedly).
I am not surprised in the least.
Although I don’t believe the claims against Russell Brand. He was a darling of the Left until he saw the light and became conservative. They only made allegations about him after he became conservative…about things that supposedly happened 20 years before…
Where does Zelensky’s “Piano by Plonker” rate?
He must stand pretty close to the piano. 😆😆
What Our Oceans Say About Global Warming
He talks about the UNIPCCC theory of re-radiating PWIR back to Earth from trapped photons?
K K >”He talks about the UNIPCCC theory of re-radiating PWIR back to Earth from trapped photons?”
Not IPCC theory – Optics (EM radiation-matter interaction).
IR absorbing molecules re-radiate in any random direction including dowm – and that can be measured. Only apparent power but it can and is detected i.e. is doesn’t do any useful work or it would be harnessed like solar power.
The CO2 component of Ldown is minor; only 6-7 W.m2 (Wang & Liang 2009) out of up to around 400 in the tropics.
And it’s only the negligible 0.2- 0.3 per decade change that has the climateers all fizzed up. Other components e.g. cloud radiation, change by orders of magnitude greater than that.
Hi Richard.
Not sure where optics comes into this because it’s purely a thermodynamic issue.
One of the giveaways of UNIPCCC “science” in this topic is evident in statements like ” IR absorbing molecules re-radiate in any random direction including dowm –”.
That concept has been swallowed hook line and sinker and it is wong.
In thermodynamics it’s a basic understanding that “heat” or energy or radiation will be drawn only to regions of lower potential.
Put another way, energy cannot move against the thermal gradient.
For our earth the thermal gradient runs from the habitable surface, say about 7°C locally at night, out to deep space which is only a degree or so above absolute zero. That is a difference/pull of say 266 C° and is one reason we have so much ice on our planet.
Locally, up in the clouds at 1000 metres, the temperature will be 6.5C° lower than the surface so any “trapped” energy wont be going back down against the thermal gradient, it will be “pulled” towards space.
K K >”Not sure where optics comes into this because it’s purely a thermodynamic issue”
Energy propagation.
That’s in air but how else do you think energy is transmitted from the sun to earth if not by electromagnetic waves in the optical spectrum?
Thermodynamic theory of highly multimoded nonlinear optical systems
Nature Photonics
Hi Richard, lasers?
Not sure of the relevance.
K K >”lasers? Not sure of the relevance”
Optics => Lasers => energy propagation
As in: High-energy laser
Think of what a “high energy” laser will do to steel say.
Solar energy is higher energy optical (EM) radiation relative to lower energy terrestrial radiation (see #
The sun is the earth’s radiative heating agent, mainly ocean.
Terrestrial radiation is not the earth’s radiative heating agent as per Mitchell’s essay.
Perhaps Zoe could help; she’s big on computers.
Zoe, yes, I’d quite forgotten her comet like trajectory across this site; briefly I resurrected a linux box to follow her posts which even at the time read like museum material. I wonder did the pandemic get her?
Actually, the topic on the link is a sensible effort by her.
Often she would get bogged down by putting values into equations for complex systems and not realising the complexities behind the issue.
She was a good poster because she brought a new perspective to things.
K K >”Put another way, energy cannot move against the thermal gradient”
It certainly can and does (see bottom line). The distinction is radiative energy and energy as heat – these are entirely different forms of energy.
Clausius statement:
Or, heat does not of itself move from a cold object [troposphere] to a hot object [surface].
That’s heat energy – radiation traveling through space [or air] only manifests as heat once it intercepts matter (thermalization).
There is radiative energy, both solar and terrestrial, “moving against the thermal gradient” of the earth.
The thermal gradient of earth is surface to space but the sun’s radiation acts in the opposite direction – space to surface.
>”The thermal gradient of earth is surface to space but the sun’s radiation acts in the opposite direction – space to surface.”
The sun-earth thermal gradient is opposite to the earth-space thermal gradient.
Hi Richard, I separated day from night because that is the only way we can analyze the system at work.
Very obviously the incoming super high energy solar radiation only hits the earth in daytime and is moving down the temperature gradient as I said.
At night the temperature of earth and immediate atmosphere and local space reduces to the point that PWIR can be drawn down the temperature gradient outwards.
>”Very obviously the incoming super high energy solar radiation only hits the earth in daytime and is moving down the temperature gradient as I said.”
Sun => Earth gradient (Solar radiation and energy transfer)
Simultaneously lower energy-per-photon Terrestrial radiation is both upwelling and downwelling but net is upwelling.
Lup + Ldown = Lup
Earth => Space gradient (Terrestrial radiation and energy transfer)
>”At night the temperature of earth and immediate atmosphere and local space reduces to the point that PWIR can be drawn down the temperature gradient outwards.”
Don’t you mean – up the temp gradient outwards?
Earth => Space gradient
K K,
No it is not wrong but it is extremely misleading.
Firstly, we need to be very clear about the categories of infrared:
IR-A 780 nm – 1,400 nm (0.78 μm – 1.4 μm)
IR-B 1,400 nm – 3,000 nm (1.4 μm – 3 μm)
IR-C 3,000 nm – 1 mm (3 μm – 1,000 μm)
Secondly, Terrestrial radiation (IR-C) is 3 orders of magnitude less energetic than solar radiation (IR-A/B):
Electromagnetic spectrum
See – Energy per photon table
Solar energy per photon units – eV
Terrestrial energy per photon – meV.
Radiation from the surface (Terrestrial IR-C) also radiates from components of the troposphere: Water Vapour, Clouds, GHGs:
Global atmospheric downward longwave radiation over land surface under all-sky conditions from 1973 to 2008
Wang & Liang (2009)
See sections [27] and [29]. CO2 is such a minor component that they didn’t bother to parameterize it.
Worse, it’s the per decade change that matters – that is fractions of a Watt/m2 for CO2 i.e. negligible.
Heat and radiation are two distinct forms of energy. The propagation of energy in the form of radiation is entirely different to the propagation of energy in the form of heat.
The Clausius statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (see # applies to heat transfer – not radiation.
>”The Clausius statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (see # applies to heat transfer – not radiation.”
This was in respect to heat transfer along the earth-space thermal gradient (not radiation). Obviously solar radiation is opposite to that, as is downwelling Terrestrial radiation.
But the law applies to radiation too (see # upthread).
The ‘internal energy’ and ‘optical power’ of Terrestrial radiation may re-radiate within the troposphere but ultimately conforms to the Law i.e. net Terrestrial radiation is earth-space.
Ground origin PWIR, Pretty Weak Infra Red energy is all absorbed by the first 30 metres above ground. Above that it’s being carried by the atmospheric gases and must adhere to the law; P.V = nR.T until well into the upper atmosphere.
Another point is that energy from ground can only get to deep space as radiation; at night.
Solids not allowed, although Neal Armstrong might contend that
KK >”energy from ground can only get to deep space as radiation; at night”
Night, day, anytime. Through the “atmospheric window”:
Meanwhile the troposphere is radiating at all times irrespective of whether day or night but the OLR diurnal cycle profile depends on surface type:
Observations of the diurnal cycle of outgoing longwave radiation from the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget instrument
See Figure 2:
Figure 2
Comparisons of mean diurnal cycles (solid lines) with contributions from the principal components for (a) Sahara (20°–30°N, 10°–20°E); (b) Southern Atlantic (10°–20°S, 0°–10°W); (c) Central Africa (5°S–10°N, 22°–35°E); and (d) Gulf of Guinea (2°–6°N, 2°–8°E).
One of the links mentioned “forcing four times in the first paragraph.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
K K >”A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” re word “forcing”.
Are you objecting to this?
Or this?
Forcing -> Response to forcing
Doesn’t seem dangerous knowledge to me. It’s simply a work to understand the physics of the system.
Hi Richard, one of my pet peeves is the use of new manufactured science definitions that are basically advertising gimics.
KK: I am not sure of your statement. My (admittedly ancient) memory of thermodynamics is that it can flow both ways but the nett effect is that it flows from the higher source to the lower source, so you are correct in saying that solar heating during the daytime gets sent out to the cooler space.
As for conduction I notice that someone said (in 1915) that energised atmospheric molecules could exchange heat (as Infrared was known then) because energised molecules e.g. CO2 would be involved in (about 1,000) collisions with other air molecules which could cause kinetic interchange of energy and warming of the atmosphere informatively, not meaning that sunbathers would suddenly get a sharp impact of a highly energised CO2 molecule every few minutes of time, while the non-greenhouse gasses would be cooler (on the skin). Somebloke called Einstein.
This is a very strong statement in your source:
” The primary heat transfer mechanism to cool the Earth’s surface is convection. ”
Has that been proven?
I’d thought that evaporation was more significant, given the size of the latent heat of vaporisation?? But at least would qualify for consideration in the argument.
Dave B.
Dave >”I’d thought that evaporation was more significant [than convection]”
Well spotted. Definition:
In the following paper evaporation is 88 W.m2, radiation 52, and sensible heat 24. “Movement of fluid”, air in this case, only applies to the lessor factor sensible heat:
An update on Earth’s energy balance in light of the latest global observations (2012)
Out of date paper but good enough.
Main part of Mitchell’s essay is valid though:
The IPCC’s speculation (yes, that’s all they’ve got) that the miniscule change in downwelling radiation from CO2 has heated the ocean enough to account for the observed ocean heat rise is scientific [legal f-word here].
Given ocean is around 93% of the observed planetary energy increase (Atm 1%), attribution of ocean heat rise is critical. The IPCC missattribute.
Welcome to this year’s daylight saving nonsense invented by a silly pollie a century ago to save power.
Now we get less sleep, more circadian rhythm disruptions, poorer school and work performance, more heart attacks and strokes (chronic in the 1st week of DS saving), more car and other accidents.
All for what?
Westerners are seriously overweight and unhealthy so that extra hour isn’t being used well now is it!
End DST! It serves no useful purpose.
🙂 🙂
3 downvotes so far! Woo hoo!😁
Can a downvoter explain why DST is good?
Go on, I dare you!
The closer you are to the equator … the less sense daylight savings make.
Conversely the further away you are … the more sense it makes.
Darwin has a longest day of 13.6 hours vs a shortest of 12.2 hours
Hobart has a longest day of 16.5 hours vs a shortest of 10.1 hours
The advantage that Daylight Savings offers places like Hobart is more outdoor activity over the summer period – to compensate for the minimal available outdoor activity during the bleak winter months.
On Monday night, as an example, I will be able to take my dog for a walk in daylight between 6-7pm … something that I could not do on Friday (because I don’t get home from work until 6pm).
Taking your dog for a beach walk (in darkness) is less fun than may you think.
In a couple of months I will be able to have a swim (to cool off after work) and do so in daylight whereas nigh-time open ocean swimming is not recommended.
If you cannot appreciate the lifestyle opportunities DST allows some of us – then you probably live too close to the equator…
I didnt downvote but I’ll offer a benefit of DS.
I’m off grid and rely on solar for electricity supply. Having more sunlight hours during the evening’s higher consumption period is good.
Its pretty good if you are near a nice beer garden or similar, and of course there is the extra Vitamin D.
I hate daylight saving! DS is for people who work 9 to 5.
One of the advantages of farming is if you live on the job. Walk out the kitchen door and you are at work. I had a good mate who spent three hours a day travelling to and from work. He died at 51. I know some people do worse.
Just one thing we used to do regularly. At 7:15 we sat down to a hot breakfast, and at 7:30 it was out the door. Everything else got done when we got to it. Lunch would be some time between midday and 4pm. Knockoff usually when too dark to see or when exhausted.
So we didn’t always wake with the sparrows. But when we did we could jump out of bed and get up to an hour and a half’s work in before breakfast, at the pleasantest time of day. This was a bonus. With daylight saving we lost that feelgood time, and I haven’t forgiven them.
That’s living with nature, such an old-fashioned thing compared with Now where people accept guidance from above-politicians, and mostly don’t know where they’re headed.
I like it. The day is just the same length. All that happens is a time shift that one accommodates to by the second day.
During my Uni years I did a year on a dairy farm. We changed the hour by 30 minutes a day for two days – no problem. If cows can do it I am sure we humans can.
During the war, in the UK, we had 2 hours of daylight saving from June to August, and I can tell you in Scotland that “extra” daylight was a godsend for productivity, especially on the land.
We had Daylight saving in Australia during WW11 also. most rational thinkers in Australia concluded that it was equivalent to cutting two inches off your blanket and then stitching it onto the other end. Anybody who opines about the benefit of DST, should first be required to spend a summer in a town west of the great dividing range and preferably in North Queensland.
Mt Isa is on the same longitude as Adelaide and in summer the sun doesn’t set until 8-9 Pm as it is . you try getting kids to bed when the sun is up and you would not come up with such nonscence as advocating for DST. If you enjoy the daylight so much get up early in the morning
Conversely anyone who opines against the life-style benefit of DST should spend a winter in Hobart…
I think this is the main point – that daylight saving benefits colder locations, while it’s the last thing you want in hotter locations.
I’m in centeral QLD we just step our start time forward and back 1/2hr month Mid summer start is 6AM, Mid winter 8AM. Mid summer lunch break 4 hrs, Mid winter 1 hr.
Sounds sensible, and no mucking about with the clock!
People who try to enforce DS on Queensland and Western Australia didn’t have Sr Emmanuel teaching them third and fourth class geography. They don’t know that the variation in hours of daylight is less at higher latitudes, and that Perth is two hours and forty minutes behind Sydney before you fiddle your clock.
That doesn’t read well. Perth is two hours and forty minutes behind Sydney, so by setting the clock at two hours gives Perth 40 minutes of daylight saving on Sydney before the clock is fiddled.
And why not get rid of time zones while your at it? Set Australian time on SA time and have one time zone.
And which other countries with long distances between their west and east coasts employ that method? Not USA or Canada. Not sure about Russia or China.
There are those in the west of SA (Eyre Peninsula) who don’t want daylight saving, due to their difference in timing.
Ah! But Canberra public serpents can get in nine holes if they flex off a little early.
Westerners are mostly overweight and unhealthy because of too many carbs and not enough meat and animal fats.
Go keto or preferably carnivore!
Fact or fiction? That obesity has got worse?
I think fact. And I suspect the cooking shows on TV are the root cause.
I always thought drinking grog was the cause of The Belly. But I don’t drink much grog and I got The Belly. The effect of the TV shows has been visible in what was already the best kitchen in town.
“That obesity has got worse?”
Very much so, as weight and age are the easiest things for medics to measure. The Army in the USA has dropped its standards to get more over-weight men in, I’m not sure if the regime can make them slim again, with their PX I doubt it.
Food Tech as a uni degree is the cause, I did it 50years ago, and everything we eat is the product of that profit-driven science. What I studied is the reason I grow my own food as much as possible. You probably won’t find food in a supermarket without sugar and/or fat added, and the so-called ‘healthy’ foods like yoghurt or meusli bars are anything but. A pre-prepared frozen meal is on par with a cheap takeaway, a complex soup of industrial chemicals to look great and taste nice.
Yeah. I call it daylight robbery. Swipe one hour from the beautiful, cool morning then slap it onto the hot, fag end of the day.
Anti-Grooming Protests Sweep Canada, Parents Speak Out Against Transgender Propaganda In Schools
A large anti-grooming protest is sweeping across Canada as demonstrators speak out against transgender propaganda and gender identity ideology being taught to children in schools.
“I am watching videos from across Canada. Amazing and inspiring,” prominent feminist Meghan Murphy wrote on X, along with the hashtag, “#1MillionMarch4Chidren.”
Murphy explained that tens of thousands of Canadians are saying “no” to gender ideology being taught in schools, telling trans activists to “leave the kids alone,” as they peacefully protest in Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, among other cities.
“The sheer number of people here is unreal. We will get police counts soon, but it’s gotta be close to 10,000 in Ottawa alone,” journalist Keean Bexte wrote on X.
“This is happening across the country, and may just be the death blow to the Trudeau Government,” Bexte added. “The election may be a ways away, but he’s done.”
Long overdue to drive a stake through the heart of those wishing to exploit kids for their own twisted ends and destroy their lives, an agenda being heavily pushed by the WEF pushing for a confused androgynous society.
Now let’s do some serious investigations into governments worldwide for their trafficking and exploitation.
“leave the kids alone”
How many of today’s groomers bought the record and listened to Pink Floyd?
Canada: –
So they’ll get their bank accounts frozen, I suppose, for having the wrong opinion.
Like the truckers did.
Once Big Government finds it can get away with one abuse of its population [or section of them], why – it can do it again.
And whoever is pulling the Drama Teacher’s strings presumably knows this very well.
And those observing – in Washington, in Whitehall, in Canberra etc., as well as Peking – will have noted this.
Like the UK’s nudge unit [‘Propaganda Central’] under the populist [and once popular] Boris Johnson.
That well-known Chinesian Curse – ‘May you live in interesting times’ – seems, sadly, appropriate.
Fishermen from the Faroe Islands ‘science the sh t out of water’, and take a big step in dealing with lithium battery fires! John Cadogan in full flight. Topic from 14.15
Thanks. Spread around our fire service
Insuring EV’s has shot up in the UK
This is presumably due to the risk of fire and the problems in dealing with a car whose battery is failing. Also, being heavier, I would imagine any crashes EV’s are involved in, would be more serious.
Interesting , but not many fire services will have the ability to chill brine/water to -19C at a rate of 250 L/m !
The only difference between the effects -19C and room temp water is the flow rate to tale away the heat energy.
The real key is ti be able to get the water/ brine into the pack to directly contact the hot cells.
Failing the “fire flod port” idea, maybe just a large perforated lance projectile ?
A 25mm “hypodermic” driven by a pneumatic drill ?
But then again, the most popular EV ..Tesla Mod 3… has its battery cells “encased” in a solid cast material. ?
“British Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine
September 30, 2023 | Sundance | 51 Comments”
We have certainly been training troops
We have certainly supplied weapons. UK Mercenaries are operating there, either for money or out of belief for the cause.
I can find no trace of any comment in context that suggests we have any intention of putting troops into the country. Advisers are another matter.
Mentions this
This is where this dumpster fire really gets going . WW2 wasn’t a good enough lesson . We have just about lost all the generation that went through that . Absolute madness .
Shapps slapped down by PM
“He also called on more British defence firms to set up factories in Ukraine.”
Why would you put expensive targets in there just for the Russians to practice on?? This is madness, they know Russia can hit anywhere in Ukraine with a missile and even repair facilities are being bombed right now, never mind military production factories.
German troops were pulled out of a burning Tiger tank last week, there are interviews with various NATO troops captured at the front, and the bombing of civilian hotels usually means there are NATO ‘advisors’ living there. You can pick which propaganda to believe..
Just declare war on Russia and get on with it! With Brussels you don’t need all those capital cities anyway.
Safe and healthy tobacco – history speaks
More doctors recommend
Camelthe C19 vaxx than any other shot.😁I have a huge archive of historical tobacco marketing ads, into the thousands, and one thing stood out while going through them was the marketing psychology, the exact same as is being used today with the C19 fear propaganda and vaxx pushing. Nothing ever changes.
I have my own self marketed add about tobacco.
Being a smoker, purity is important to me and only ‘organic tobacco’ will do.
And so, at the sales counter, it is in my view perfectly admissible to firstly point out that the purchase is for the very finest tobacco that is in stock and that it must be organic. Usually at this point of the transaction to buy tobacco, it does no harm to point out that most organic things are good because of the absence of additional chemicals, and that therefore organic tobacco must of course be a kind of ‘health tobacco’.
And of course no ethylene glycol i think it is called in the obligatory ingredients list…
There are many myths and legends about cigarette production
‘Putting all our eggs in a very, very expensive basket’: Matt Canavan slams Labor’s green agenda
A down-to-Earth look at EVs:
I see in UK they have had to appoint security to guard against brawls at EV chargers at Motorway Services in the UK, the cause of all the angst, the lack of enough bulk power supply to install more than a few chargers along the motorways, thus sparking fights over who got there first, who is hogging the chargers, queueing for hours to get a charge, etc.
How long until this crapfest arrives on our doorstep, it will when the numbers of EVs sold rises enough.
Fire! Fire! Fire! None of it makes sense. EV fires in Liverpool, Tesla Australia and Uzbekistan
‘There was nothing that could be done’: Tesla lithium battery fire emits hazardous fumes
Mid North Coast NSW, Sunday, lots of sunshine, some passing clouds, cooling sea breeze not blowing to hard, according to my 4WD the outside temperature reached 25 deg C, perfect weather conditions.
I added to my Vitamin D intake and related staining of exposed skin but that’s ok, I understand that because of global warming tans will be fashionable.
Ahhh…fishermen, bless their hearts
Instapundit comment –
“OH. A RUSHED THROUGH TREATMENT. I SEEM TO REMEMBER THOSE: Scientists developing implant to cure cancer in just 60 days — with goal to slash death rates by 50%. ”
Links to
The former Victorian dictator Dan Andrews walks away with a pension of $300,000 per year, funded by taxpayers and many other taxpayer funded benefits. He also gets $200,000 per year for travel and office costs. He also gets a private driver for the rest of his life. I have no doubt he’ll also get 24/7 security as well because he is so deeply hated.
So… he can live it up like all the other retired commies.
I wonder what role(s) the Chicomms, WEF and UN have for him next?
I strongly suspect a China involved role as a first step. Although they may realize how deeply his brand is tainted, so a UN/WEF role away from Oz (a la Ardern) may make more sense.
“Green Panic? Congress Strips Ukraine Aid From Interim Funding Bill”
Do you think Dan Andrews’ replacement will restrict Government spending?
Is there any amount of spending that’s too much for the Far Left faction of the Uniparty?
In the Lost in Space TV series the Robot’s popular phrase “Danger Will Robinson” was said only once. It was in the episode “The Deadliest of the Species”.
What you need to know about the Pandemic Treaty and the globalist war against Freedom.
The Voice is the same, an attempt to usurp democratic processes, and reserve public funds for their elite.
UNHCR, WEF, Davos, IPCC, etc, etc.
There are hundreds if not thousands of bodies all trying to do the same thing – capture decision making, and hence budget for themselves.
Follow the money.
US Congress Days of Our Lives
US Congressperson sets off fire alarm in Capitol building just before vote.
Many J6 protesters were charged with ‘interference in official proceedings’, or some such BS.
But it’s ok when they do it.
After all, it’s ‘their'(*) Democracy.
*(If you doubt there is a ‘they’, you may be one of them. The command structure of ‘they’ remains unclear, but disclosure may occur once the clown makeup fades and the carnival farce completely collapses .)
Like this …
you can observe a lot just by watching.
Professor William Happer IPA lecture – The Crusade Against Carbon Dioxide
FYI: Chains on Kitchen Knives, Now Regulating Sharpeners & Clippers! How Scared IS the CCP?
One Netizen commented, pencil sharpeners are now controlled.
Crowd control has become a big deal, there are 300,000 PAP black shirts in Beijing.
The jab
and turbo cancer.
Thanks so much for this link. Very powerful, very very worrying. Explains a lot about what’s been said already about these turbo cancers. This interview should be saturating the airwaves to BLOODY WAKE PEOPLE UP!!!!! But, as if. I will do my bit to spread the word. Much has been said about the dangers of the third shot and this confirms it. ToM
Binghamton freshman given feminist climate book meant to ‘rapidly, radically reshape society’
Binghamton provided new students with editions of ‘All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis,’ which promotes feminist, climate activism.
The book is recommended by the school’s Common Read Experience program, which was launched in 2020 for students to ‘dig deeply into issues of racial inequality.’
To acclimate new undergraduates to campus life, Binghamton University has provided first-year students with copies of a book that promotes the “feminine and more faithfully feminist“ emerging activism of the “climate movement.”
Over the summer, the school encouraged new students to join the Common Read Experience program in order to read and discuss, All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis. Filled with poems and essays by over 60 women, the book “offer[s] a spectrum of ideas and insights for how we can rapidly, radically reshape society.”…
“The Myth of “Settled” Climate Science: A Revelatory Study on Cloud Formation”
“John Lewis Stops Insuring Electric Cars Over Repair Cost Fears”
“House Democrats Abandon the ‘Pass the Bill to See What’s in It’ Gambit”
Shades of that gambit in the voting for “Their Voice” (IMO)
Remember that the ALP sends trainees to learn what the Democrats are up to – and got fined for illegal foreign contribution to a US election not so long ago IIRC
“Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he”.. pulled on the handle clearly marked “This will set off an alarm”
or on the lawyer’s blog I read-
“Fire emergency doors with big red signs about alarms going off are very confusing. Who could possibly know that it meant a fire alarm, and that by pushing the bar that said “alarm” would set off an alarm and not just open the door that said “emergency exit only”?…it would be fair to assume that Representative Bowman was familiar with the way from his office to the House chamber.. This wasn’t his first day on the job. The warnings on the door aside, he probably had a working knowledge of the way to go without regard to using fire emergency doors he never used during his travels before.”
The excuses the cretin gave were an insult to his voters intelligence. He thinks they are as thick as planks and he doesn’t care if they know how he thinks.
High pressure blamed for warm spike.
‘Germany’s DWD national weather service reports September, 2023, was the warmest ever recorded, the second sunniest. High pressure ruled the month.’ (Notrickszone)
“Some of the extra ‘The Voice’s we’ll have to put on.”
British Isles descendants better get cracking and register or all spaces will be taken
And the comments! Particularly “Up the Workers” list