A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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There is a nice animated graphic the the NY Times this morning that demonstrates how both climate mean and standard deviation can change over time, in the case Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures.
You obviously got your daily dose of propaganda… this time in the form of a ‘nice animated graphic’. I’m sure that will make you very happy.
The fact that James Hansen is mentioned is a red flag, that the data only starts from 1950 should be another
I don’t need an animated graphic to know that climate always changed in will continue to change, in both hemispheres. An other nice animated craphic for you
And that it has never moved outside the historical highs and Lows these past 200 years.
>in the case Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures
Looks scary but where are the units?
Actual temperature or anomaly?
Here’s actual:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – NH
Easy to compare 1979 to 2022 – Hide All, then click 1979 and 2022
At Aug 1: 0.55 Diff.
Remember, that’s the average of every latitudinal band from 0 Tropics to 90 Arctic.
This year 2023, it is the NH Tropics (0 – 23.5N – see Climate reanalyzer) that are driving the entire NH metric and even World.
The World “hottest day” spikes were actually Antarctic spikes:
A bit out of date. Right now, Antarctic is heading below the 2 sigma mean:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – Antarctic
Don’t be deceived by averages – animated or not.
>This year 2023, it is the NH Tropics (0 – 23.5N – see Climate Reanalyzer) that are driving the entire NH metric and even World.
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – Tropics
Natural Variability.
>Karsten Haustein from the University of Leipzig
He’s recovered some data after the “catastrophic failure”
GFS 2m-T
The difference between NH and SH is stark.
SH below 0 anomaly early September.
But Tropics and NH have gone crazy i.e. all the action is NH.
Natural Variability – nothing else.
>Actual temperature or anomaly? [NYT animation]
Time series anomaly data from NASA GISS (GISTEMP) i.e. homogenized, adjusted (Maps in papers below shift to GHCN v4 and ERSST v5)
Simon’s NYT animation is an update of this paper (from source):
Perception of climate change
James Hansen, Makiko Sato, and Reto Ruedy August 6, 2012
And updates:
Public Perception of Climate Change and the New Climate Dice
This year’s analysis is for four 11-year periods 1980-1990, 1991-2001, 2002-2012, 2013,2023, with 1951-1980 base period as usual.
What if the same exercise were done with actual absolute data rather than GISTEMP anomalies?
Downthread at #1.7 I demonstrate that in the NH absolute data there is a distinct regime shift AFTER 2000 but negligible change 1979-2000. That is using the NCEP CFSV2/CFSR dataset.
>Looks scary but where are the units?
None of this is actual temperature, actually Normal Distribution (Bell Curve)
y axis is Probability Density labelled “More frequent”
x axis is Anomaly/σ
Same graph in absolute terms would have:
x axis – NH Daily 2-meter Air Temperature/σ
That’s every JJA datapoint/σ from data here
Bet we NEVER EVER see that.
Could you explain how a blanket not only warms you but makes your body temperature fluctuate more. No BS about supercharging the atmosphere. I stuck a blanket under the bottom of my car and it just overheated instead of dragging off the Ferrari.
As for stats, it’s paywalled so I’m guessing that it’s the result of new instruments only reading maximums higher than the old LIG because of better response to a het plane taking off nearby.
>both climate mean and standard deviation can change over time
So can the jet streams.
There’s been a change from zonal to wavy. That means blocked heat in one area next to a cooler area alternating around the planet.
So heat wave next to benign – guess which gets into the news?
Doesn’t necessarily average out around the latitudinal band either i.e. does long-term warming result, or cooling?
These scientists theorize that global warming is behind increased waviness in global wind currents:
The meandering waves that connect jet streams to global warming
Warming = Wavy jet stream.
But it could equally be the other way around – especially in 2023.
Wavy jet stream = Warming.
Hubert Lamb regularly mentioned that blocking dominated our journey into the LIA, so we’ll assume meandering jet streams were the cause.
Marine heatwaves are supposedly caused by blocking high pressure, but I remain unconvinced.
Richard – Antarctica “really warm” at 20 to 30 below zero – SCIENCE®.
Meanwhile Red RadioNZ announced Christchurch to be the 2025 venue for the Adaptation Futures Conference, part of the UN’s World Adaptation Science Programme, or WASP (fitting acronym indeed). So-called ‘adaptation scientists’ (?) will focus on ‘youth activism’ and CCCCCC effects on ‘indigenous peoples’. Surely we’re all indigenous if we’re born on planet Earth, are we not?
The con-ference is advertised as being ‘eco-friendly’ as it offers ‘online and in-person participation’. Does Christchurch Airport have enough parking space for all those private jets and limousines and security & food & entertainment details? Just Stop Oil This Nonsense!
“Surely we’re all indigenous if we’re born on planet Earth, are we not?”
As they say, some are more indigenous than others.
>in the case Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures
Right up to 2000 the profiles of every year generally conformed to the 1979-2000 mean:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – NH
It was only AFTER 2000 that the profiles of each year rose above the 1979-2000 mean.
Hide All, switch on 1979-2000 mean, and then 1979, 1980, 1981, up to 2000.
Hide All, switch on 1979-2000 mean, and then 2001, 2002, 2003, up to 2023.
Prior to 2000 there was no change worth considering.
After 2000 there was obviously a regime change in the NH.
That cannot have human cause.
>[NH] Right up to 2000 the profiles of every year generally conformed to the 1979-2000 mean
>[NH] It was only AFTER 2000 that the profiles of each year rose above the 1979-2000 mean.
Jul 1 2000 was identical (0.03 Diff) to Jul 1 1979.
Jul 1 2022 was 0.50 higher than Jul 1 2000.
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature – NH
Combined with with the previous exercise (#1.7 above), obviously a regime shift at 2000 that GISTEMP anomalies obscure.
NYT and Hansen’s Frequency Distribution (Bell Curve) shift is junk.
It’s not a progressive shift over time – it’s a step change at 2000.
Human cause attribution is therefore impossible.
Retired German meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls writes at the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) that the Arctic has stopped melting over the past years.
Solar forcing may have a 4 to 7 times greater effect on climate change than current climate models indicate, which may mean modern climate change is predominantly natural rather than anthropogenic.
Greenpeace cofounder admits there is no climate crisis.
Bill Gates abandons climate agenda, admits it’s a hoax.
Leading scientists around the world admit there is no crisis.
MSM receive billions from governments to push crisis agenda.
Increasing alcohol and drug use attributed to more sunny days.
Heart attacks due to climate change.
Some people just don’t want to wake up.
Kenneth Richards:
Always least-case solar and studiously ignore a contrary dataset (ACRIM).
6.3 W/m² solar change 1645-1715 to present (high case study)
6.0 W/m² RCP 6.0 GHG forcing 1750 to 2100 (IPCC GHG scenario – theoretical)
Clearly the CO2-centric crowd cannot allow this competition to stand.
I am very disappointed with Kamahl, a singer once widely respected by many Australians.
He seems to have developed an extremely severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as revealed in this interview with Avi Yemeni and Real Rukshan.
I bet he watches Their ABC (Australia).
Singers and actors are there to entertain us like the court jesters of yore. If they don’t want to lose their fans they should remain silent about their political opinions.
Ah well. Kamal suddenly reappears after 50 years and is all over the place. Makes you wonder why a fellow so opinionated can be so scattered.
because he’s not that bright.
I agree, but for entertainers and other celebrities, there is more upside than downside for them if they join the leftist mob. You see, conservatives by and large (though this is slowly changing) care little about a singer’s politics so long as they can make good music. They will tolerate an actor’s socialist sympathies or climate warrior pronouncements so long as they play a good part.
Lefties though really, really, REALLY care about other people’s politics and vehemently oppose any who don’t agree with them. They will boycott movies, songs or businesses should they proclaim to be conservatives. OTOH, an actor with good leftist credentials has got it made – just look at the various woke movies which, though rated as trash by unbiased critics, nevertheless do OK in the cinemas because lefties will make a point of supporting them.
So ‘coming out’ as a conservative can seriously damage a person’s career because lefties will make you pay, whereas being a vociferous lefty does little harm because conservatives don’t care so much about others’ political views.
Enjoyed seeing this new Five Times August number today, pointing an accurate finger at all those ‘rebel with a cause’ musicians and other celebs. Not a bad tune, even for an old biddy like me, and something worth a support.
Very enjoyable and I sent it on.
Me too.
Kamala dug himself such a deep hole that Avi and Rukshan stopped mocking him. He was comical all by himself.
This referendum is not all bad. It has put Jacinta Nampijinpa Price into the limelight.
A reminder and warning from two years ago that Australia could easily become a police state overnight, and politicians and their loyal paramilitary police forces are willing and able to do it.
Look at the pictures at the following link showing VicPol storm troopers wearing paramilitary gear and riding armoured personnel carriers (i.e. Lenco Bearcat military vehicles).
At the war memorial in Melbourne police and Government also demonstrated their willingness to lie about what happened in regard of peaceful protestors (their lies were later proven to be such).
Given that all Australian Governments, federal, state and local, are the world’s most fanatical followers of the UN, Herr Kommsndant Klaus Schwab of the WEF, WHO and Covid mismanagement it is scary indeed.
Australians are deluded if they think we now live in any thing but an illusion of a free or fair country. On top of all that, Australia may soon become an Apartheid State with people who identify as just one particular race receiving superior representation and treatment than all other Australians.
All the signs of Australia being well down the path to a police state are their but people choose to ignore them.
Well, there were roving gangs of maskless unvaccinated trying to exercise anti-government opinions on stolen aboriginal land making said government illegitimate in the first place, and causing Climate Change.
They were also threatening non-binary people with their binaryness.
No one safe until everyone is safe.
Do you expect thought to be controlled without the occasional display of overwhelming force?
Your is a minority opinion which will be duly noted in a Minority Report.
Our government is also keeping busy making us safe.
Since it is important for LE to prioritize.
Australians are completely apathetic. They don’t notice the left authoritarian political activism.
I have been saying that Aus is a nanny state for many years now but not many see it my way. They all seem to LIKE the GOV looking out for them. Particularly while driving I am annoyed by petty and inane rules and speed limits that simply make things harder, slower.
How dare you imply that – didn’t you see the Pies win the flag, didn’t you see Koylee’s new album, don’t you know Bathurst is on today? Geez, what ignorance of important stuff!
If you want to understand how to fix a problem in the world, you have to ask who is profiting from the problem, not who is suffering from it.
Viewed from the perspective of the UK I was genuinely shocked by the antics of some parts of the Australian police force.
I am also baffled by the referendum because surely it will create what you describe as an apartheid state that promotes one sall sector of the population over the other.
Unless more celebs weigh in, it seems likely the vote will be no. Whether that will be the end of the debate is another matter
“Whether that will be the end of the debate is another matter” isn’t a possibility. Once lost the the reaction by the WOKE will be bitter, abusive and never-ending. Much like the Brexit referendum in the UK.
Yes, that had run through my mind. They never give up because they think they are right and we voted in ignorance
The Yes camp is already slurring, spitting and assaulting. So who know how far it will go if the No vote gets up. Our intellectual and moral superiors aren’t used to not getting their own way, even if that “way” was never actually stated beyond individual fantasies about what “The Voice” really meant in material terms. Tantrums ahead.
Most engaged citizens struggling with the ‘little detail’ on the Voice referendum
Voice Polling gets worse: No demographic supports it
Fair Australia
clause iii) gives the parliament constitutional level power. It’s purely a power grab.
The Voice is divisive and destructive, it racialises society and is based on racism, it sets up an apartheid based society. It pigeon holes aboriginals as victims and traps them in victim culture via the Constitution. It is patronising and condescending. Its proponents have just not learnt the lessons of history. We are one Australia, all together, all equal.
Yes I am now Stupid, Racist, a Dinosaur and a Dickhead.
So much for uniting the country. Where the left have no argument/answer there is always ad hom and this is by far the majority of the time.
If ‘No’ wins there will be trouble. Aboriginal activists and their useful idiot, virtue-signalling friends among white people are now more organised and mobilised than before, and a LOT more angry. They have been told, by our government no less, that people who vote ‘No’ are evil racists.
On the other hand, if ‘Yes’ wins, we commence decades of apartheid, land grabs and even more outrageous spending on aboriginal programs. Plus the referendum process and accompanying propaganda has created a new level of animosity between black and white which will only get worse. Any white person who persists in calling for real equality (i.e. not positive discrimination or apartheid) will be subjected to a mob attack, with the usual cancellation etc – maybe even go to jail.
So Albanese has set Australia up for years of strife, whichever way the vote goes.
but , but, Albo reckons this is “nation building”
In the context of Mr. 32% is an idiot………
“Albo reckons this is “nation building””
Maybe Rob Sitch will put it on ‘Utopia Australia’ and we can have an ironic laugh at it all…
And,exactly “Whose” nation would that be???
…their useful idiot…
In line waiting for pre-poll doors to open with a woman in front of me. Woman turns and in her opening statements it is clear she is a Yes. She was immediately into the disadvantage, displacement and ongoing deprivation that will all be fixed thanks to the proposed change.
Asked if she was born in Australia and no turns out she is a Fijian Indian. Judging her age to be late 50s early 60s I asked if the 1987 Rabuka coup had impacted her or her family. She went sort of blank, rocked on her feet a couple of times and turned back toward the head of the queue.
While I believe that some people are stupid enough to be swayed by an endorsement from a celebrity, I think most people couldn’t give a toss about what the celebrities say. Even though they might think they are important people and should be listened to – the reality is just the opposite.
I wonder. There are LOTS of folk who know two thirds of SFA about just about everything. Many don’t know there is a referendum happening at all, or if they do, have no idea what it is about. I know this sounds awfully haughty and superior of me, but I suggest such people may well be influenced by idiots such as “Barnsey,” Farnham, footy clubs etc. Maybe I shall drown in my own cynicism?
After what has happened over the last few years, I think you have every right to be cynical.
Last nights Spotlight program on 7 went well (not) for the Yes camp, led by Ray Martin, he of the Dinosaurs and Dickheads, and Senator Malinderry Mc Carthy, debating Senators Price and Thorpe, for the No case, with it all monitored by polling firm Roy Morgan.
Online poll result at end of program was 72% No, 23%Yes and 5% unsure.
Sounds about right I reckon!
Oh yes please, let more celebs weigh in and lecture us about their virtue! That’s why the No campaign didn’t need as big a budget for marketing – the celebs did the work for us.
Now that convenience plastic plates, cups and cutlery has been banned in the Glorious Peoples Socialist Republik of Victoriastan (Australia), I’ve been to enough social functions where the new style politically approved paper convenience products were used to provide some feedback.
Note, I tend to only socialise with the thinking community not Leftists.
The bamboo knives, forks and spoons are horrible both texture wise and taste wise. They are vastly inferior to the plastic ones. Everybody agrees with that including fast food establishment I have spoken to.
Paper plates and cups and not as nice texture or taste wise either and nobody likes the paper straws.
No doubt Leftists probably hate the stuff as well but they wouldn’t dare tell their comrades because they would be beaten for having unapproved thoughts.
Why should Australians and other people in woke Western countries be punished just because people in China, India and SE Asia (and other Third World locales) throw their rubbish into the ocean (via rivers) and Australians and other Westerners dispose of their rubbish appropriately?
Plastic spoons and cups are no good for mixing polyester resin.
Paper cups and bamboo spoons work much better.
Yes, but plastic eating ware is not designed for that purpose.
It’s no reason to ban it.
If mixing resin, make sure you get the unwaxed paper cups, otherwise the resin will get contaminated by the wax.
I did not know that.
Its a well known fact that 97% of plastic pollution in the Southern Ocean flows out of the Yarra River. Something had to be done! just chaneling Simon and PF for a second.
In case you haven’t heard yet- A full blown war has broke out in the Middle East.
Yes, a tragic consequence of a weak West, especially a weak White House resident. The West has let it be known that terrorism and kidnapping of the Hamassh-les works. And Iran will have a working nuclear bomb any day now especially as the White House resident gave them more billions of dollars just weeks ago.
None of this would have happened under Trump.
Hamas attacked Israel, flew over the most secure boarder in the world in Paragliders to shoot civilians.
Seems reasonable.
Wouldn’t be the smartest move for even a strong power to attack Israel. This is insanity. I can only imagine a fair bit of asymmetrical carnage will follow. Sad for all involved.
That’ll be the end of Hamas.
I bet there will be a lot of residents of Gaza hoping that Israel takes over the Gaza Area and provide some semblance of organised government to the area.
I’ve seen the antisemitism of the dissident right on full display this morning. Im sure the left will add theirs too.
These stories have been on the tv news since I’ve been around and before. It’s like Groundhog Day. They come and they go. Does Hamas have a bigger plan this time? Maybe I dont know.
But why they continue doing this lacks logic. Israel hits them hard every time, their military is highly efficient.
I read a book on Israel’s wars once and the tales of their victories over the Arabs are just astonishing, always against the odds but just much smarter. Once they took the entire Egyptian Air Force out with one strike mission over the Sinai. And overall, the Arab states just could never coordinate battle against them.
So they know they will get a shellacking, and next the stories of children killed by the evil IDF will appear, the US Pres will call for cease fire and…..
Antisemitism, good to see you pull that bullet point out in the first sentance.
What we are witnessing is another Holocaust, we should commence a memorial building as soon as possable, get in front of that trend, and post a video on TikToc.
Yes, it’s a complete mystery why the Palestinians have an issue with Israel. Maybe I’ll have to read one of those books to get educated more !
I thought that the pacifists who say Ukraine should surrender to stop the bloodshed would be giving the same advice to Israel.
And here I am with America starts a war in the Gaza on my bingo card and it isn’t called. 🙁
Well, what do the other cards say?
“Russia starts war on Israel”
“Terrorists attack Israel, America invades Palestine to stop terrorism, Biden re-elected”
“Victors of WW2 steal whole country from Arabs to give to Jews for a homeland. Peace in our time”
“Israel vows to wipe out Hamas, creates next generation of freedom fighters”
Mine says-
“Ukraine losing war to Russia. Biden calls for new war to clear the media of Ukrainian defeat. Demands it must be one that can show a ‘victory’.”
It’s those damn reds again, you really should clean under your bed it’s a breeding ground.
What I have been able to follow is……Hamas has attacked Israel with Para gliders, the boarder with Lebanon on motor bikes, the southern port with motorised canoes against the Israeli navy.
They have captured military bases with AK’s, tanks with AK’s, dragged the occupants of the tanks out with no resistance, launched 3000 rockets and it took the IDF air force 2 hours to get airborne when they do it in minutes any other time. They are knocking down the boarder wall with equipment borrowed from the local council, no armor, which did not seem to be an issue as nobody was defending the boarder. Luckily it was all filmed from the Israeli side by someone who left their rifle at home.
Hamas built up troops, arms and ammo, thousands of rockets and launchers on the roof tops and the most efficient spy and surveillance network on the planet missed it, from next door.
All seems legit.
When people truly believe in their cause then no amount of superior technology and shock and awe can defeat them.
Points missed:
Weapons used were topped up by purchases from Ukraine. Hamas have no shortage of money, some from us via the UN.
Occupants of ‘tanks’ dragged out?
I have seen pics of occupants of homes, women, children, elderly, bodies mutilated and displayed, some survivors kept for hostages and human shields.
I have seen theater.
They attacked in Paragliders, undetected, have you seen the speed those things travel at, could have walked in faster, which they did, undetected.
Attacked the most secure border in the world on motor bike, undetected.
I do not have any social media other than Google, who feed me what they want me to see, and this blog, I do watch Bitchute, so I am limited. The photo’s I have seen are very questionable, a German tattooist body in the back of a ute, not a tattoo on her, there is another world first, all the tattoo artists I have seen and met including females, are covered in them, the only clean skin tattooist on the planet.
Israel bragged that a bird could not fly across the border undetected, yet a dozen paragliders moving at walking speed can?
The entire border was unprotected for the first time and the only people who knew it was unprotected days in advance, were Hamas, really, your buying that?
3500 missiles were on roof tops, how did they get up there undetected in that quantity, and launchers.
The Israeli MOSAD and military did not know it was happening, yet the media had a camera crew and reporter on a HI way that was blocked off by the police (so they knew) filming the incoming missiles at 02:31?
Another strange thing is the attack was detected, as the air-raid sirens were activated, yet it took two hours for their military to respond?
Look at the time stamp on the CNN footage Verses the time line, so did it take them two hours or six to respond?
The concert in the desert at 06:30 at the same time as the military base was attacked at 10:00, (5 hrs latter?) The concert was in the desert, some survivors hid in the forest? “Others who hid in the trees were murdered as militants went “tree by tree”, shooting.”
Nothing makes sense, time lines don’t align. Heard of Hollywood, watched any war movies, it can be done.
So you claim to have limited knowledge (why TH don’t you just look at other sources of info?) and then you write a very long paragraph to demonstrate to us all that, in fact, you don’t know a lot.
PS Google is not social media.
But YouTube is and it’s part of Google.
X, I can only view if someone links to a clip, same with most others, but I can only view that vid.
Most news requires a subscription to view.
I know privacy means nothing to a narcissist, it’s all about views and likes or dislikes.
Here’s from a person who knows, he is speaking along the same lines as MP. Some of the things are glaringly obvious if you keep your eyes open, not wide shut
So MP, you get your info from the people here who are drawing their info from where? They are certainly not reporting first hand.
PS Google is a search engine not a company and it is not social media. Alphabet owns it.
PPS There are many non-subscriptions news sources that have people reporting from Israel et.
Pretty much this site is it, I follow links that are not sub blocked, and the above has links from some of the stuff I can view.
Links in the comments on video’s, I get enough to read up from this site alone.
I have been hiding from the drought for the last three days, so I have a bit of time like yourself.
Last week’s drought I got 62mm, this week’s drought I am at 32mm so far, got time.
Seems to me that you’ve found the mushrooms.
Accelerated no doubt by the USA as the proxy war in Ukraine is losing badly and support dropping.
And they have the bonus of black market weapons from Ukraine courtesy of the west.
Bingo! See #6.7
Victor Davis Hanson has some excellent commentary.
From the VDH post:
Hey Dave, alternatively the USA could stop supporting Israel until it starts acting like a responsible member of the human race and shows some respect for its neighbours who after all lost their homeland to the Israelis.
Or maybe we don’t think the Palestinanians have any right to be upset after 70 odd years of oppression ?
Maybe Steve you could learn the facts, not propaganda. Who was there first? As for “oppression” of the “Palestinians”, learn the facts, not Leftist propaganda.
Hey dave, who was there first ?
I guess you’ll be on one of the first planes out of Oz with all the colonialists, convicts and ten pound poms after voting yes for the voice ?
And maybe usa dave will be vacating america to return it back to the native peoples ?
It’s a flawed , vacuous argument. Consider:
“The Israelites occupied and conquered Palestine, or Canaan, beginning in the late 2nd millennium BCE, or perhaps earlier; and the Bible justifies such occupation by identifying Canaan with the Promised Land, the land promised to the Israelites by God.”
And if you don’t understand the fact of Palestinian oppression you’re either disingenuous or hmmm !
Steve, the Israelis took back Palestine from the British after a couple of thousand years in the wilderness. Sovereignty of the areas has been a moveable feast.
Herodotus was writing about the sovereignty of this area in the 5th century BC, when the Greeks were the leading demographic in that part of the world. The Romans were there in the time of Christ, Mohammad was there in the 6th Century AD, aided by the Greek Orthodox Church (that is why the Greek Orthodox have a lot better place in the Holy Sepulchre than the Roman Catholics, or even we protesting Catholics for that matter).
Methinks the Jews will hang on to this piece of land forever, they do not want another 2000 years in the wilderness.
Yet another reason Trump is extremely popular with conservatives and intensely hated by the Left.
Trump calls for Hamas to be CRUSHED ‘for its ‘act of savagery’ on Israel – and blames ‘weak’ Biden …
Within the industry in which I work in Qld we regularly monitor crown land titles. Surprisingly more and more crown land across swaths of vegetated highlands being ‘protected’ under ‘Strategic Environmental Area’ (SEA) which then appear to be developed into wind ‘farms’.
What a paradox, under the guise of protect the environment, we’re destroying it!
Not a paradox at all.
If it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
This started with Lib/Nats
Yes, the Lib/Nats are of the Left these days. They haven’t been conservative for decades, especially the Libs.
Yes the Liberal Party is the real problem. The by stealth take over is hard to vote out.
They are sticking to th script in NSW by trying to get oft failed Andrew Constance into the Senate to replace that other Acting-Blank-File Marisse Payne. Libs do seem to want to be defeated by promoting the very people that were beaten by the Teals. David Sharma wants a run and what a magnificent waste of space he is.
Every loyal trooper deserves their own chance at the superannuation fund.
Well the term left is confusing then, name and shame.
Thats how it works nowadays.
This seems relevant well omniscient
I find it remarkable but not surprising that those who falsely profess to “care for environment” such as green types don’t have a word to say about the appalling visual pollution of wind subsidy farms. In some places like Europe it’s almost impossible to get beyond visual range of these civilisation-destroying monstrosities.
They like the look of them.
….well they don’t really, but their ideology tells them too.
The antiwar crowd now demand more war, the world has flipped.
It’s a bazar world.
MP. Listen to this. Some of those in authority want wara nd they don’t care how many suffer and die in the process.
A very interesting history lesson with our mate dementia Joe in the thick of it. Putin is not the bad guy in this scenario but Uncle Sam is.
I listened too it up thread, it was ordinary up there, and has not improved down here.
He is known in these parts as Hanrahan the war pig, now that’s a decent song.
And it wasn’t that long ago a feminist protesting Trump’s sexism and misogyny inspired the crowd with…
I wonder if the Swiss are restocking their home bomb sheltered with prepper supplies rather than wine racks.
I’d be happy with racks of wine !
mmmm me too. I think I would be just adding the prepper stuff and keeping the wine
Wouldn’t have thought you could put too many more holes in their cheese.
The ETs have it under control.
Putin will sue for peace when the Ukrainians reach the border in the middle of winter.
Which is all Ukraine want .
Exactly, we won’t talk of reparations yet.
And other things from Elsewhere want their turn
“There goes the sun, doo ‘n doo doo redux”
“Last month I did a piece on the fragility of the Texas electrical grid being possibly being tested by 13 minutes of solar eclipse.
More at
In the article –
“And I honestly don’t understand the logic behind this “transition” BS to begin with. You can’t “rely” on something that is inherently “UNreliable”…can you?”
In a sane world the “relying” would be on the “unreliability” wouldn’t it?
October 14 and Texas might have another blackout (from natural events). NZ might have another government and Australia might not support the referendum.
Video from the Climate Discussion Nexus on sea-level rise. A bit long, at 22.5 mins, but well worth it:
I’m just going past the Moorabool wind plantation near Ballarat, Victoriastan.
What a horrific, visually polluting sight it is.
104 for of the things.
Said to produce “up to” 312MW but we all know that’s a huge lie. Average output is about a third of that.
I borrowed the term “wind plantation” from Prof. Happer. He uses that term because of the connotation with slavery which is quite appropriate for a wind plantation.
Recently saw a youtube of Richard Tice addressing The Reform Party Conference in the UK.
This seems somehow a little altered but…
I wish we had someone here in politics capable of speaking light that.
I wish we had more people who would vote for that.
Turbine graveyards sprawled across Texas
Who cleans up when a wind farm retires?
Unlike wind plantations, most of real power stations materials are recyclable and plant is long lasting and typically has a design life of 50 years.
I discovered this interesting piece of propaganda from Australia:
I have never heard of a coal plant that has a life of only around 29 years as claimed.
They are clearly trying to reduce the claimed life of coal plant to make it more similar to the pathetic Sally short lives of windmills.
I’m sure there’s been a chat about Ray-boriginal Martin. I think it’s his Hillary “deplorables” moment.
But not enough has been made of his using the f word in public address. Disgusting lowering of standards.
But of course most interesting is he sees a seat available for him on the voice panel.
F word now acceptable for interviews of senators apparently – the potty-mouthed Thorpe donkey let rip the other day. Such are the standards of our representatives……..
This is Thorpe being Thorpe. She is not smart enough to communicate in any other way.
Have you not seen the charming video clip of her threatening people in the street…?
There certainly has been in The Australian. Comments around 1100, a lot for any article, and still increasing.
Secret Details in Vaccine Contracts
Does TheirBoM have a sense of yumour after all?
Friday the 13th of October, ‘Black Friday’, looks like it may be a ‘White Friday’ for your alpine regions, with BoM prognosticating snow and below-zero overnight temps for most ski areas. Is that cheeky little boy, El Niño, taking the proverbial…
The ABC is explaining that hot seas are warping the El Nino index, and that it is making one confused.
‘ … an “almost permanent El Nino state”, while reaching La Niña thresholds “may not be possible”.
This is a hypothetical, based on dodgy models.
That “new normal ” phrase can’t be far away
La Nina-like conditions dominated the MWP.
‘Corals in the tropical Pacific Ocean suggest that relatively cool and dry conditions may have persisted early in the millennium, which is consistent with a La Niña-like configuration of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation patterns.
‘In 2013, a study from three US universities was published in Science magazine and showed that the water temperature in the Pacific Ocean was 0.9 degrees warmer during the MWP than during the LIA and 0.65 degrees warmer than the decades before the study.’ (wiki)
2 vids from a north Queensland wild life photographer, graphically showing the devastation being inflicted on the Great Dividing Range. They have been out for more than a year and only have 2-300 views. There was an article from the abc in 2021 that was pretty illuminating, but now searches only find it being re blogged on another site. Search -‘The wind farms angering renewable energy fans. ABC’ 8 mins 5 mins
Vandalism on steroids. Very sad and totally unnecessary.
Production of the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA jabs
Autoimmune Diseases caused by Endotoxin in mRNA Jabs include Myocarditis,
Pericarditis Lupus
Pfizer Employees in Australia – Coerced Jabbees, Suffered like the rest
Wicked stuff! Basically Pfizer set out to make an RNA product to sell and gerrymandered the emergency approval system to make it cheaper for them. Its like they knew Covid would arise soon in the future..
Some of the batches that came into Australia were separately labelled for Pfizer staff, but maybe only the senior people were promised them.
Ray Martin appears not to understand what the concept of hypocrisy is, or to realise most people do not admire hypocrites. The program he presented often made fun of vulnerable young people, and others. His tactics were called into question when Paxton and John Safran, appeared outside Martin’s home, to try to interview Martin. The video which has been around for years, shows Martin is not always calm and urbane. Viewers can decide for themselves whether Martin is a bully. I hope that the Paxton family have sorted their lives out since then. Did Martin (as per Voice) require no detail before signing contracts, during his years in the media, or just trust “the vibe”?
Apparently he was on 7s debate trying to tell the nation why what good ol’ 1/16 Rayboriginal Martin thinks (vote yes) is right, and what aboriginal politicians Jacinta Price and Lydia Thorpe think (vote no) is wrong. How patronising of indigenous people can you get? A privileged white guy trying to put indigenous women in their place. But apparently those that will vote the same as these women are racists. You could not make this up.
A “Vitamin F” link
Dr Campbell “Cancer after vaccination”
Both via Chiefio
I’m amazed Dr John is still alive! He comprehensively destroys the Covid treatments time and time again, and Professor Dalgeish is so deep in cancer research you just cannot fault him. He calls it like it is-
Fauci is not very bright
Those on high have stopped any autopsies on people that may show the vaccine caused their cancer.
We soon realised we were dealing with a widespread Vit D deficiency and we got far better cancer treatment by rectifying that.
The Counter Disinformation Unit, I just cannot believe they are blocking the truth about this.
The mRNA technology was sitting there ready and waiting for an excuse to be used against something, anything.
The Simian SV40 virus is used to produce the vaccine with very bad effects.
People will get HIV-AIDS based on their genetics, one type will get slow/non-symptomatic and the other a rapid version.
If you have the booster you are three and half times more likely to get covid. Making it compulsory, as they have, is Nuremberg Court territory.
This new explosive colo-rectal cancer is already in the liver before the young people present.
We wouldn’t have any problem with the variants if the vaccines hadn’t been used on the first one.
The normal level of Vit D is NOT normal, it is “normal” for a population deficient in Vit D. Over 100nmole/L or 40ng/ml will make a massive difference to illness. Over 300 genes are involved in Vit D absorption & usage, many people have a problem in one of more genes. People using SPF 50 screen are suffering deficiency across the board.
All the early people who died had dark skin, but this was suppressed as racist. They have terribly low Vit D when living in Britain unless they take supplements.
I can only come to the conclusion that this is financially driven.
1/4million views since yesterday… He told the Govt about his mycobacterium cancer vaccine and they don’t want to know about it. They’d rather use a 100% death rate poison made by industrial pharma companies.
Mebendazole is showing promise for certain cancers in the literature.
Dewormer for animals seem to be good drugs against a lot of human illnes and deseases they are not designed for in animals, peculiar…
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
It will have no chance of making it to market.
The Left will protest and we’ll have another “horse dewormer” campaign.
Trans women taking hormones ‘up to 95 per cent more likely to suffer heart disease’
Researchers found that trans women – people born male who identify as women – taking gender-affirming hormones are almost twice as likely to suffer from any cardiovascular disease as men.
The new data is published in the European Journal of Endocrinology.
The study revealed that all transgender people regardless of the sex they were born or the gender they were transitioning to, were at “significantly increased risk” from deadly conditions like heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and high blood fat and cholesterol levels.
The experts looked at the health of 2,671 transgender people from Denmark over a five-year period with an average age of 22 and 26 for trans men and women respectively.
They compared the incidence of cardiovascular disease with a control group of 26,700 people and presented the results to the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
People who were “assigned male at birth” and taking oestrogen as a trans woman, were 93 per cent more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than men and 73 per cent more likely than women.
Drugs are bad, m’kay.
Men in skirts doing drugs is worse.
It’ll be blamed on climate change.
It’s not all bad news
Makes me laugh that sport has long been about no drugs anti-doping, and then they introduced a category where drugs are compulsory.
Women are the most awe inspiring creatures that God has created. And there are very few things more disgusting than men trying to emulate them
And one of the more disgusting things is seeing people happy that the drugs are causing disease and death.
Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among The COVID Vaccinated
Beginning in late 2020 with the COVID vaccine rollout, some doctors have seen an increase in unusual psychiatric illnesses.
Psychiatrist Dr. Amanda McDonald noticed a wave of psychiatric destabilization among her stable patients. They experienced flare-ups, often manifesting with worsened or new psychiatric symptoms.
“I couldn’t figure out why,” Dr. McDonald told The Epoch Times. “My patients typically stay stable.” But many stable patients were suddenly arriving at her office with insomnia, depression, and anxiety “without any sort of rhyme or reason.”
She increased some patients’ medication doses or added new drugs to their regimen, but it had little effect.
A recurring pattern Dr. McDonald sees is atypical panic attacks, which can feel like having a heart attack. Brought on with no apparent trigger, symptoms typically escalate as the evening progresses and climax at night. A typical panic attack can occur anytime throughout the day but often has triggers, and it is easy to treat if patients can avoid these triggers.
After spending over a year following her patients, Dr. McDonald realized that COVID-19 vaccines may be linked to their psychiatric illnesses.
“I already had an existing patient population when the pandemic hit that I knew very well. What I saw was manifestations in that patient population,” Dr. McDonald added.
More crazies. Yay.
Glacial dam burst in India highlights the increasing atmospheric water over oceans in September that drops out over land later in the year.
The early falls in India has arrived as rain rather than snow and has breached a dam causing damaging flooding in India:
Meanwhile, closer to home in Melbourne, the 2023 ElNino is still failing to fire. SSTA at 155W is now 1.3C, down from 1.5C a month ago. BoM predicted 2.4C by October.
The recent flooding in Eastern Victoria is not consistent with El Nino conditions.
Expect record snowfalls across the NH later in 2023. Increasing Glaciation is only evident in Greenland and Iceland at present but the NH has 10,000 years of ocean warming to come and that will guarantee a lot more atmospheric moisture over NH in September and a LOT more snowfall toward the end of each year. The next cycle of glaciation is just starting. And efforts to reduce CO2 will not alter this climate change. It is a repeat of numerous cycles over the past million years.
Still 50mm TPW at 40N over northern Pacific:,28.52,368/loc=-173.609,40.879
More Texas “power”
“ERCOT Readies ‘Retired’ Gas Generation for the 2023/24 Winter Peak”
You will eat insects AND plastic icecream
Well, there won’t be any dairy industries left.
“ABC Rejects Police Request for Climate Protest Crime Scene Video”
Oh mannie! Dipesh Chakrabarty – Wie lange ist unser – Planet noch bewohnbar? Die Menschen leben wie kleine Parasiten auf der Erde: Sie saugen die Natur aus, mit fatalen Folgen. Der indische Historiker Dipesh Chakrabarty ist für ein radikales Umdenken. How long will our planet be habitable? People live like little parasites on earth: they suck nature dry, with fatal consequences. The Indian historian Dipesh Chakrabarty is in favor of a radical rethink.
Anyone know what exactly this guy really knows? He says that fungi produce oxygen and the German speaking world is lapping it up. 1750 to 2010 Socio economic trends scale? Yes, the rot is getting deeper–wie-lange-ist-unser—planet-noch-bewohnbar-100.html They discuss in English.
“International Energy Agency Oil Demand Claims: Their Headlines May Please The Masters, But The Data Usually Says Something Else”
” For example, in 2008 the IEA said that one easy route to cutting fossil fuel consumption was to remove fossil fuel consumption subsidies.. But then Europe spent over $300 billion alone in 2022 on consumption subsidies, and the world spent about $1 trillion. In one year. ”
So, the Govt taxes the shit out of petrol and hands that money over to “the fossil fuel industry”?? Something is very strange in this idea, something a private company wouldn’t do..
“Rand Paul’s Expose Of Anthony Fauci Reads Like A Bioweapon Spy Thriller”
News here on Israel might be a bit different to ABC or Channel 7-
Yet somehow, people think Hamas can be reasoned with…?
Like Iran, they won’t settle for anything less than the destruction of Israel. Indeed, they are allegedly very well supported by Iran.
I expect that in a day or so, the shock will wear off, and the Australian news tide will turn back to the usual thinly veiled anti-israel rhetoric, with inevitable (and unverified) claims of hospitals and schools being blown up by Israel, and vast numbers of stories about the trials and tribulations of being a Palestinian woman or girl in a war zone.
I also imagine this may drown out the incessant begging for more by Zelensky, so to get that back on track, I would not be surprised to see unverified and un-investigated claims of a big attack on Ukraine civilians, or of Russian war crimes, because the “Russia Bad” trademark, Zelensky’s bank accounts, and arms manufacturers and their corrupt politicians need more capital.
It’s a tragedy for any civilians caught up in this, and I don’t care “who started it”, I’d like it all to stop.
““In recent years many men and women in the prime of life have dropped dead suddenly, often after attending a feast or a banquet. I am convinced that some eighty percent of these deaths are caused by the inoculation or vaccination they have undergone. They are well known to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart. The coroner always hushes it up as ‘natural causes.””
Sound familiar? Dr. Herbert Lumley Snow, MD, MRCS (1847-1930), a vaccine critic, cancer researcher and opponent of Pasteur’s germ theory. A ‘theory’ never proven, that germs cause disease. From an article on how germs are viewed as followers or scavengers of disease, the cause being internal conditions of the body.
This comes up fairly frequently, like the ‘Viruses don’t exist, they are produced by the cells of the body as a reaction to conditions’.
There is a similar discussion about the plague and tou tangles in Alzheimers sufferers – cause or effect.
Those thinking it is “effect” do not believe current research is on the right track. I have no opinion but I doubt ANY meaningful advance on cause or cure has been made in the 10 years that matter to me. Years ago I gave up reading on the topic as there didn’t seem to be anything substantial or original.
I covered the false belief that plaques were the cause, many months ago, along with current discoveries.
Next up – why taking fish oil doesn’t do anything.
Shock!! 😉
If you’ve got an hour watch the latest from John Campbell
I just watched testimony from US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm before the House Science Committee.
She seems particularly clueless and wasteful of taxpayer money and an obvious quota hire.
Is there a quota for straight whites, male or female?
USA offshore wind fantasy projects are looking very shaky and it seems they’ll need much higher returns for their TOXIC, UNRELIABLE BS and FRAUD or they will quit these expensive fantasies ASAP.
A Kmart store is in Melbourne is trialling putting the registers at the exit, not the centre of the store.
Fancy that. Putting the registers at the traditional and logical place near the exit.
About time!
They put them at the centre to force people to walk through the store and maybe buy something on the way.
Now all they need is:
1. Stock
2. Staff on the registers
What wonders will they think of next, must have got sick of all the walkoffs.
For those interested in vintage steam and ICE engines, don’t forget the next Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally.
It’s about 2hrs drive from Melbournistan.
122nd Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally
November 4 & 5, 2023
The Biden Admin does tell the truth sometimes about their so called cost of global warming nonsense.
Thanks to Dr Koonin for telling us the truth about the cost to USA GDP and it’s very similar to Lomborg’s teams recent estimate.
IOW forget about about their UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S and build RELIABLE, CHEAP Coal, Gas, or Nuclear for future energy use by 2100.
There’s “certified carbon neutral” meat at Coles. It looks horrible, grayish, not healthy red.
More proof that SLR is not dangerous and 253,000 hectares globally has been reclaimed over the last 23 years.
Note many Chinese ,Indian scientists names in this 2023 study.
IOW we should ditch the UNRELIABLE, TOXIC W & S lunacy and build only RELIABLE BASE-LOAD energy and starting TODAY.