A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Large protest march through London
Our arab citizens are relatively small in numbers compared to other European countries.
Support Hamas and you support Hezbollah, Isis and the Iranian state busy subjugating women. You also support misogyny, racism, homophobia, anti semitism and numerous other ills which suddenly don’t seem to matter to our liberal elite who would be the first to be affected if such antiquated views portrayed by the marchers were to gain a hold.
Well said Tony.
Here is a video discussing the extraordinary hypocrisy of the Left such as bizarre groups like “Queers for Palestine”.
In “Palestine” (sic) the gays would be thrown off the tallest building or dragged behind a motor cycle until they are dead.
What explains this and the Left’s (including, sadly, several people on this blog but not necessarily the “usual suspects”) support for terrorism, murder, kidnapping, rape, antisemitism and numerous other gross violation of women’s and other human rights in Gaza?
Are they completely stupid and ignorant or truly evil and is it part of the overall strategy of the Left (“critical social justice”)? This excellent video explores and explains (12 mins).
It includes part of an interview with a former Hamassh-le, Mosab Hassan Yousef.
SEE video:
In answer to your question David, and it could have been rhetorical, they are completely stupid and worse, they get to vote. Since they support the left we must assume that the socialists are predominantly stupid with only a few schemers at the top giving the orders. Unfortunately it has been forever thus with the ignorant mob being led to disaster by the few. Recall those union meeting that were once televised to fill up the hour where a few delegates out front would call for a vote to close down the factory and the dummies in the stand would enthusiastically vote in the affirmative. The Newcastle State Dockyard was a shining example of human turkeys voting for Christmas. They got their wish when a Labor government shut it down.
I don’t recall the MSM ever alerting the queers and homosexuals among us that Muslim countries have no tolerance for their kind. A few photos of a homosexual taking a dive from a ten story building on the front page of a daily might enlighten the Queers for Palestine. Then again maybe they wouldn’t see the connection.
A picture, a thousand words. Geoff S wives club.jpg
Sorry, can’t get the link to copy. Type it to your browser maybe. wives club.jpg
Replacing space with %20 will solve the rendition failure:
Everyone who disagrees with your Main Stream Mind is a leftist, stupid, ignorant and truly evil, yet you’re the one demanding the extinction, murder of millions of people, turning Palestine into a carpark.
Nobody supports “terrorism, murder, kidnapping, rape, antisemitism and numerous other gross violation of women’s and other human rights in Gaza?” yet this is what you are demanding happens to the people of Palestine, people who have committed no crime, you are the judge, jury but not the executioner, you will have others do that for you so you can wash your hands of that blame.
Your Judeo-Christian values speak so much about you, I am a Christian, I want nothing to do with your Judeo BS, if that makes me one of your anti-Semites, I can live with that, what I can’t live with is the slaughter of innocent people to avenge the slaughter of innocent people.
The people who disagree with you are against more war, can see where this is leading and see that throwing other people’s children into another endless bankers war will not solve anything, more death is not the solution to past death.
This hate filled David Maddison show of a blog has about run its course, you are a vile being, your fascist views of anyone who disagrees with you are pathetic.
The whole Queers for Palestine was a psyop to get low IQ individuals like yourself confused, yet this is literally all you can think of, nobody else cares what those misfits are promoting this week, or last week, or next week, nobody cares!
You’re another war pig, demanding everyone else throw their children into a bankers war, do you even realise what side those bankers are from?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
There’s a lot of “stones” there in that rant.
Hamas were voted into power by a huge majority. Therefore we must assume that the people of Gaza thought they were the right people to govern them and agreed with their policies which were plain for all to see. i.e. kill the Jews. There were also Christians, Jews and those who did not like what Hamas was about and most left Gaza for somewhere else. Those who remained by extension must support Hamas, it’s policies and it’s actions. So who are the innocents? Some children who only know what their parents tell them and those women who would love to get away but are virtual prisoners of their male relatives. For them I feel a great deal of sympathy. For the rest not so much. I am not fond of the left’s mealy mouthed condemnation of Hamas’ atrocities and then the telling of the Israelis to be nice when retaliating a’ la Penny Wong. To cut out a cancer you sometimes also take good cells as well.
Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.[1]
The newly elected PLC met for the first time on 18 February 2006.[2] Incumbent Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei tendered his resignation on 26 January 2006, but remained interim Prime Minister at the request of President Mahmoud Abbas. On 20 February, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was nominated to form a new government. The new government with Haniyeh as Prime Minister was sworn in on 29 March. These were the last contested elections to be held before Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in 2007; no new elections have been held since.
44.5% is not a vast majority, the vast majority did not vote for Hamas. Labor got in here on 33% of the vote, your logic makes all Australians Lefties because they live here.
People have the right to protest, whether you agree with them or not.
Again the lefties label and the kill them all call.
The Palestine children have been indoctrinated to hate Israel, the Israeli children have been indoctrinated to hate Palestine, how is this the children’s fault, yet you want them all dead because they live there.
Why was the entire Israeli border and armed forces stood down, why did it take the armed forces 7 hours to respond, when it normally takes minutes.
A reminder to the IDF. TAKE NO PRISONERS!! Clean sweep!!
Do the job thoroughly means you only have to do it once!
I’m sure their listening to an Australian geriatric, they will be in touch for some more hot tips.
This will not be a one sided war.
You are correct MP. The Jews ( Israelites ) ask for compassion but give none in return. They have destroyed innocent peoples homes and subjected them to hunger, thirst and destroyed all medical aid.
They are an arrogant race who used guerilla tactic’s to push the Palestinian’s from their land following WW2.
I shudder to think how many homes of innocent Germans who didn’t vote for the nazis that the allies destroyed in the 1940s.
Arrogant bustards.
Run out of kids in your other war have you, you don’t seem to care who is doing the killing as long as their killing.
One more war for you to add to your long list of wars avoided.
If the cap fits……
Not a lot of people know that Hamas is actually an Israeli asset, used to divide the Palestinians:
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” the prime minister reportedly said at a 2019 meeting of his Likud party. “This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
I’ve been waiting for a sonic analysis of the Hamas rocket that hit beside a hospital, it came from Channel 4. Amazingly
Very convincing ?
Our society is infested with an intellectual anti-whitism, an objective illusion of guilt. It all stems from that. Thats why nothing makes sense
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Supporting Israel is our number one priority – over any other nonsense domestic policy. Of course, Albo has been disappointing in his response. We should be conscripting our sons and daughters to fight for Israel. This is getting serious and, as a red-blooded Aussie, I will not let anyone threaten Israel. The media is rife with anti-semitism and Nazism. Luckily, we have websites like this. We need to defend Israel otherwise Iran will take over the world and install Shariah law globally. Iran is vehemently patriarchial, anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-semitic and anti-woman. We need to fight for Israel and finish off Iran for good before we become an Iranian colony.
You’re trolling right?
There seems to be a chasm of indecision by people who read this comment.
One green tick ?
Now I’m not sure why there are 8 greens.
Was it sarc?
Or dud I misread it.
I’m not sure we should be sending our soldiers to fight for Israel because they may be sorely needed here to defend Australia. I do agree that conscription should be back on the table since it appears a great many spoiled brats will not defend Australia but since there would be few places to run to would expect the conservative boys to defend them. Very few, if any, leftists will don a uniform unless conscripted.
I’ll let The Genius’s rant through to the keeper but limit my comment to conscription: It’s time has passed.
The services are not an extension of Social Services and the days when a few month’s training can turn out a useful soldier are gone. So many jobs are for specialists, some need years of training.
We need to train more young drone operators.
We need to find someone who will give WE the PEOPLE most of OUR rights back which OUR politicians took away from us(for our safety you understand)
‘We need to find someone …’
Suncab, I read your comment as satire, much amusement.
Here is something you may have missed.
Of course Oz managed to solve this problem years ago. Our homeless would be delighted to be offered a place on this ship dubbed ‘the prison ship’ by those liberals not busy marching to support Palestine.
Tony. FYI.
This ‘prison ship’ holds a maximum of 500 people. There are more than a 1,000 people landing illegally in the UK each week. The ship costs around £24,500 a day in mooring fees. The UK is spending around £7 million per day on housing illegal immigrants. Each illegal immigrant gets access to medical care and benefits. Where this ship is moored is a relatively deprived area where it is extremely difficult for the locals to get access to medical services like GPs and Dental care.
The ship is a completely dishonest PR exercise by the Tory government to make it look like they are doing something about the nearly 300,000 illegals who rock up each year. The reality is the government is doing nothing and when an illegal steps off the boat they are almost certainly guaranteed that they will not be thrown out of the UK. We are f*cked over by our own government.
Yes, we can see Portland from our cliffs. The ship was featured regularly on our local news. Residing there would be a dream come true for our homeless. It Annoys me that it has been dubbed a prison ship as it is nothing of the sort.the number of legal and illegal migrants is completely out of control and costing us all a fortune
Seems you have the same problem in Oz as we do in the UK and Europe generally
Digital currencies, Digital passports and digital health documents all coming to a country near you, soon. No doubt to be followed by digital carbon allowances. Time to reread 1984 and Brave New world again.
Can’t see what could ever go wrong …
At the shops this morning, slight problem with the internet thingy. Only a few tills were working and they could only accept cash, doh !
It will only take the combination of weather and the continued underfunding of the power infrastructure and all the digital stuff will turn to useless sh*te.
We’ll have nothing and boy will we be happy !
Yes, our society could easily be destroyed by a govt or group who contcentrated on our banking and infrastructure. We are far too reliant already on the Internet and become ever more so as each day passes and the Internet of things becomes reality
I went to pay online with my debit card yesterday but it was declined. Plenty of credit and the card cannot be faulty. A possible explanation was that it is a joint account and my wife died a month ago. Tomorrow I go to see the bank.
I’ve given up using a debit card online, my usual spending pattern and their fraud algorithms seem to make it almost unusable, I find a credit card is much more reliable.
Use a credit card and run it as a debit card by making sure that the balance never goes negative.
But the merchant still has to pay a fee to the credit card company. Perhaps it is coincidence (but probably not) I’ve noticed of late that many more merchants are charging customers a credit card surcharge. Once our rulers take away our physical currency, we will have no choice but to use credit cards, and just to rub it in our faces, it looks like merchants are going to force us to pay their credit card fees. Without cash, what choice do we have? They’ll have us by the goodies.
Yes, have noted the same. But since I value my FF points at 3-5%, an extra charge of 1.5-2% is not a concern. In fact, I convinced a friend to build her house using her Amex card, and the value that she has obtained from flights and hotels has far exceeded the cost of the CC charges.
We haven’t paid a single cent in interest charges for the past 15 years. Use the CC all the time but always settle at least 3 / 4 days before interest can be legally charged.
Doesn’t get around the Cc fees though. The merchant gets to save money on a junior to run to the bank, and may even profit from a sale that otherwise may not have happened if the buyer needed cash. So the fees, which are an advantage to them, are an insult, quite frankly.
I have noted that my CC fees have been reduced to only one third by running a credit card as a debit card. And since I gain more dollar value from using the associated FF points than the cost of the annual fee, I’m still ahead.
The main point to note is that, as is the case with ALL policy issues that threaten our ever-diminishing ‘freedoms’, most ‘conservative’ politicians are sitting back and letting it happen.
The Australian Citizens Party with Robbie Barwick are involved in lobbying for the retention of cash. The problem is the four big banks are all controlled by BlackRock and Vanguard. One bank with four logos.
In my case, I prefer to pay cash for food purchased. I have gone from five pages on my monthly bank statement to about one bank.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if China were to use its growing economic clout to create a new global currency that would save us from the tyranny of our own governments?
Not so much ironic as miraculous. China has little real economic power and what it has is waning.
Half this board will be thoroughly hissed when this decade closes with the US of A still the top dog. Beat the crowd, get used to it early.
The Bank of International Settlements is attempting to do the same for international transactions.
Bypass the soundness of those currencies which are gold-backed.
I fear the only way they’re going to be able to sell us these utopian vapourware currencies as exclusive tender is by force.
THIS “Bank of International Settlements?
Dark then, dark now.
There is no gold backed currency and both fiat and blockchain are vapourware.
fiat /fē′ət, -ăt″, -ät″, fī′ăt″, -ət/
An arbitrary order or decree.
Authorization or sanction.
Some time ago the Commonwealth Bank sent me a “good news” email informing me that they were going to use my credit card purchases to keep me informed about my “carbon footprint” on a regular basis, so that I could “adjust my spending”. I wrote back to tell them that I would adjust my spending by switching to a different bank if I got one such email. I never have!
If that’s how they think, and we know they do, I still would have dumped their snooping, meddling ar$es.
🙂 🙂
This sort of stuff irritates me cause they don’t see everything that we do. They just infer from what they see on spending about what your footprint is. Then they use this to get greater power to lobby for other things (like extra charges of your carbon footprint goes over a threshold). But they don’t see the 30-50 other things that offset that. It’s all a scam for them to generate more fees ultimately.
15% discount this morning at my local hardware store for using cash! Then over to the ATM to replace my cash.
I’m seeing an increase in stores offering discounts for cash too. Avoiding fees or avoiding the taxman?
Well one shop I go to (coffee) likes cash with a plea to customers. When I asked the proprietor said that the banks took 1.6% and this added up in current times.
One suggestion I read recently is that, if you want to retain cash then try to ensure £5 ($10 AUD) worth of your daily purchases are in cash.
Retail stores have very little wriggle room to dodge tax, none it they issue a tax receipt.
My vending business on the other hand……. [now past the statute of limitations]
When people tell me we need mass migration in order to fill all the jobs I wonder if they realise the millions of jobs that will disappear through AI
It seems the elite will suffer as well as the jobs of lawyers and accountants can be readily carried out by AI.
I agree that AI will displace many and they will be the office workers and those who do repetitive jobs. Many agricultural jobs cannot be done by robots for example. The cow having difficulty calving requires a hands on not a machine to help her. I don’t think I would trust a robot to inseminate a cow either. Maybe the day will come when people go back to the land and leave the cities to the robots. Many coffee shops will have to close. Just think that all those latte sippers who dream up ways to make our lives unbearable might be replaced by AI or simply no longer required. There are so many make work jobs now that are simple the dole by another means.
“There are so many make work jobs now that are simple the dole by another means.”
In the 70s & 80s we were heading for a 3-day working week, when we could all rely on machines and spend our leisure expressing ourselves..
The reality is that it takes both people in a couple plus paid daycare to raise a family now, we are far worse off than our parents.
Both those things came true, machines or the Chinese do all our production, and people work longer hours than before, so what happened. Well, the giant growth has been in people paid by the Govt, direct welfare for doing nothing constructive and hundreds of thousands of ‘jobs’ that never used to be done. Every new law needs an army to promote it, make it work and check that it is working… The idea of ‘small Govt’ has been removed from our culture.
I offer the NDIS as a prime example.
Problem in Australia is that the government has spent 30 years convincing young people and their parents that a tertiary qualification in gender equity is more worthwhile than doing a trade course.
Good thing is that at least we don’t have to import baristas and delivery drivers.
All the delivery drivers I see are wearing turbans.
Once the Afghans and Sikhs did their deliveries by camel. They have simply upskilled and adjusted whilst our dark brethren remained unskilled and did not adapt.
You should be more worried about the disappearance of people from the eugenics Fakevax ™ than “A.I.” replacing jobs.
If humankind gets eradicated, what would the robots and “A.I.” do ???
If people got replaced, they’d have no income except UBI, and insufficient funds to buy things or go anywhere, so making robots useless.
Ir’s a self-destructing circle.😎
Here is something different. How to think about what we do.
Introduction to “issue storms” and “issue trees”
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “Like Galileo I have two new sciences, not that I am in his league. His were the statics (structure) and dynamics of physical stuff. Mine are the structure and dynamics of complex issues. This is explained briefly below.
The dynamics is about a highly nonlinear information flow that I call an issue storm, which I discovered about 40 years ago but never wrote about because I was making lots of money knowing about it. The science involves mapping and measuring issue storms over time. It also includes prediction to the extent feasible. Like physical storms, issue storms tend to be somewhat unpredictable.
To begin with, we need what I call looping. If A communicates to B and B replies to A, that is a single loop. When a major issue arises in an organization, or community, or country, or globally, there can be a tremendous amount of looping.
Most importantly, this evolving body of looping will have a specific pattern, which will vary from case to case. Imagine if you could just look down in the dark and see all the email traffic as an issue breaks, grows, and spreads, with each email as a streak of light. You could see the pattern, including how it changes over time.”
The end: “The deep problem is that while work (and life) has increasingly become issue-driven, we simply do not have the tools to manage the issue storms that buffet us. We do not even have the concepts and language to talk about these things, but I have made a small start. Different issue storms and issue trees have specific natures, consume specific resources, and evolve in specific ways. If we cannot even describe these features, then we certainly cannot manage them. This is a research project in waiting.
But at least we can understand that issue storms and issue trees are there, and we are in them. There is science here to be done and applied. Take time from engaging in an issue to study the critter itself. Above all, stay calm. Rise above the storm.”
Lots in between. We are heavily into issue storms, right?
Please share this article.
Really interesting discussion, David. I read it all – can’t say I fully understand the detail but I do the concept. I would suggest that our government employees would not even understand the concept, far less attempt to adopt it.
With all that’s going on in the world the west needs a strong America more than ever
It is worrying they had a collosal $1.7 trillion deficit last year making their total debt some 33 trillion. It can’t be sustained at that sort of level. Let’s hope they can get a grip before someone like China calls in their debts
“With all that’s going on in the world the west needs a strong America …like a hole in the head!
Seeing the American Empire is behind the problems we have, we certainly don’t need more it them! A world where those not in the West trade amongst themselves without being forced to use the petro-dollar or having their Presidents changed by the CIA, is getting closer by the day. One where the Yanks have to work for a living instead of printing dollars and making us pay for their extravagances.
$33Trillion.. well, they refused to pay their debts in the 1970s, they’ll just do it again. After all, they figure they are God’s chosen and can do what they like in the world.
(Sorry Honk, company on here excluded..)
Not offended in the least.
There may be some misunderstanding with Him on the chosen part.
I’ll ask.
I will correct one thing … POTUS Biden’s changing is done by the Secret Service.
Is that nappy/diaper changing???
Absolutely not. Not even. I would never imply such a thing. Wouldn’t do it. Zilch.
The biggest problem I see is that while it appears the the US are warmongers and have a heavy reliance on the Industrial Military Complex; countries like ours (Australia) still rely heavily on the US in the form of alliances.
In reality Australia is incapable of standing alone in the world, and while this continues Australia accepts the “hole in the head”. Australia no longer provides sufficient energy, petroleum, weapons and industrial manufacturing to maintain our sovereignty. While this continues we have no choice but to hang from the US coat tails or someone else’s.
Our international agreements in relation to carbon, in particular, must change if Australia expects to survive in the long term!
Re. “In reality Australia is incapable of standing alone in the world”, why ?
I would imagine if a large country with a small population like Australia wanted to be relatively self sufficient it could. When you talk about standing alone, I assume you are implying a political standpoint. Politics tends to be diametrically opposed to social needs – at least in the west.
Australia’s reliance on the USA, or even China, is a political decision, like austerity. If Australia wanted to stand alone/independently it could, but its leaders don’t want that. Do the people ?
‘ … before someone like China calls in their debts.’
Country Garden is defaulting, its only a matter of time.
On the ground there is a feeling of quiet desperation.
‘Rich Lister Hui Wing Mau, founder and majority owner of debt laden Chinese property developer Shimao Group Holdings, has put a WA cattle station portfolio almost as big as Belgium on the market with an asking price of about $250 million.’ (AFR)
China IS NOT the world’s banker.
The question, and I don’t know the answer, is who actually holds the notes. ALL nations are in debt except [possibly] the Saudis* and they would not collapse the economies of nations they depend on for their luxury life.
Any country with a Goldilocks debt level is safe, Greece and Argentina [not the only ones of course] would be easier to plunder.
News of America’s death is overstated.
* The Saudis tried to float Aramco. If they were the world bankers they would have simply called in some notes.
Saudi Aramco flotation values oil giant at $1.7tn – BBC News
Saudi Arabia has placed a preliminary valuation on state oil company Aramco of between $1.6tn (£1.22tn) and $1.7tn. The company has published an updated prospectus for its initial public offering…
The yuan is in trouble and they are selling US securities to stop the slide.
But it is still sliding:
The USD trade weighted index is doing OK and up 5% in the last few months.
Our Pacific Peso is down to USD 0.63. Only Au and Ag have outperformed the USD.
Hate to be the bearer of good news. lol
So, as they go down they will drag us all with them! The American dollar is worth a few cents in 1960 money, their debt is unpayable and only their military has kept them printing paper and passing it off as money. That economy is only sustainable on the backs of the rest of the world as slaves.
Our peso is worth even less then. Off-hand, only REAL money has outperformed the USD in the last 40 years. Even the Swiss franc hasn’t fared well.
Who do they owe the money to? I have asked before, time you answered.
The slang for our “old money” included “a dollar” for 5 bob, [now 50 cents]. That was what shop keepers and taxi drivers would give GIs for a greenback during the war. So our wonderful leaders have seen our money lose nearly 75% of its value V the greenback. And you put sheet on THEIR currency.
You are probably confusing de-dollarisation with financial problems.
“US Securities”, really ? The USA has over $33 Trillion in debt, would you put your own money there ?
The Reserve Currency is over $33 Trillion in debt, does it matter?
Strong America?
Do you mean the people or the government/military?
Presumably the (armed) people as the war mongering government is not worth saving.
You want to save America – put it in a time machine and send it back 60+ years.
Like Gerald Celente says – once upon a time the business of America was business. Now the business of America is war.
“Neil Oliver – It’s All Mad, It’s All Alarming and You Are Not Alone
October 21, 2023 | Sundance | 5 Comments”
A new book is available by Canadian truck driver Benjamin J. Dichter. He was well involved in the truckers’ convoy and knows what it’s like to be denigrated and treated wth contempt by the people who purport to ‘govern’ you. De-banking started with Trudeau and has caused tremendous and ongoing suffering for many. Dichter was interviewed on GB News today and made the point that he and many others had received the mrna injections, but to them, it was all about the restriction of freedom of choice and movement. The thin end of the wedge. The book is ‘Honking For Freedom’, highly recommended.
The electric vehicle market is dead too…the manufacturer’s just don’t know it yet.
A huge wave of investment revolt and bankruptcies has no choice but to hit this terrible technology that gives off vast amounts of radiation, is explosive and can catch fire in buildings and near other vehicles.
Soon, the manufacturer’s emails and complaints will be scrutinized by lawsuits.
The manufacturer had a choice in creating this mulfuncting product as government pressure and subsidies enticed them to invest in them.
Good luck getting insurance when this breaks.
Hamas leader grilled on Saudi TV!
“‘You didn’t consult even fellow Palestinians.’ ”
On reflection –
What are the chances of a woman with a face in full view doing an interview on Saudi TV?
It’s a miserable winter day in Melbournistan.
We need some of that supposed “global warming”.
Fairly cold in northeast Victoriastan too David , any colder and I may have to light the heater .
Robert, I do have the heaters going.
According to my weather station it is 13.5C outside. (A real temperature, not from BoM.)
David , clearly you don’t read the daily news. If you check they will advise you that “Millions of Aussies are being warned to prepare for the worst as hot, dry and windy weather creates dangerous conditions around the country.”
These hot, dangerous conditions will see temperatures in the high 30’s, you know, “summer”.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, here in the low part of the high country, forecast high is 14degrees C, heater going since 6.00am and drizzling rain. Trying to figure out how to get the tractor unbogged from the wet ground that I was assured would be drier than average by the BoM just a couple of weeks ago.
Send that unwanted rain North. Here on the Mid North Coast (Wingham) it is extremely dry. The last decent fall was in April with 112 mm following good summer rains. Since then we have had 56 mm spread evenly across the past 6 months. For here that is serious dry. Hot and windy today.
Wood stove on all day it’s been so chilly. Not much rain although we could see it around.
I urge any of you southerners who want to experience the horrors of climate change 100 years from now, to move to Brisbane.
‘Struggling’ to deal with 32 degrees today, drinking cocktails by the pool. Wish me luck.
OK, good luck with the humidity for the next 4 or 5 months
Fully understand Harves! It’s hell living in paradise, hope your freezer is producing lots of ice for the cool cocktails. I wouldn’t live anywhere else!!!😎😎😎
And the ‘coal fired’ air conditioner even got a run.😏
Big winds predicted, so big they ran the main race for Moto GP on Phillip Is. yesterday with the less important sprint today because it may be cancelled.
word is out, the race has been cancelled.
Yet all those bikies rode their bikes home all over the countryside in the high winds..
I’d bet they had more fun than any keyboard warrior.
19C outside, sunny, no wind.
Last night, hard rain and BIG thunderstorms.
Later today, more rain and storms apparently.
Wet and windy forecast for most of next week.
May as well be in Victoriastan, the place not to be.
23 degrees, sunny, light offshore breeze, high-tide swim, 3-day long weekend… yous fellas need to change yer climate – or yer gubmint – fourth cold wave in October? Brrrrr…
Did you get a long weekend for tossing the Labour Party?
Tricky… Do you follow the Govt that employs you or do you follow your concience when it comes to politics being pushed into the apolitical civil service??
“Civil servants refusing minister’s request to fly Israel flag must be sacked on spot..”
So, refusing a ‘request’ gets you sacked?? That sounds just like a ‘non-compulsory’ jab to get you sacked.
“ministers say “they are still trying” to get the flag up over the Department of Health.”
So flying the flag of a foreign country is important to getting healthy?? ..or is this just a ‘Fk you’ symbol to the Muslims living in the UK in a bid to incite enough violence to justify harsh retaliation? Its a complicated world these days..
Hmm, not sure that you can equate an administrative duty like flying a flag, with being forced to inject yourself with a largely untested substance. A bit of a long bow to draw.
An update on Arctic sea ice extent.
How adjustments help the narrative.
Even reputable governments are admitting it now.
“To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?”
Anyone starting an essay with such an inane statement is not worth reading.
Probably sounds better in Norwegian.. Maybe lost in translation.
Were the Chicomms testing their anti-satellite warfare capability?
Satellite orbits are carefully setup, monitored and controlled. It’s difficult for such “accidents” to happen.
I think it’s a fairly pathetic response from the Royal Australian Air force and the ABC who copied the story from the RAAF.
Reminds me of the movie, Gravity, which would have you believe that from any satellite in space you can see other satellites and space ships.
In reality, two military satellites coming within a hundred metres of each other by accident is totally unbelievable.
“from any satellite in space” is that what they portrayed?
It was “oh dear my space capsule is wrecked, but fortunately there’s another one just over there that I can make my way to.”
They probably didnt realise they were making a documentary. I was impressed that they didnt insert star wars style sounds in space during the damage sequence.
What sort of fighter or bomber did Air Vice-Marshall Cath Roberts get her wings on? Probably an equal opportunity promotion. She is a maintenance engineer who is a space buff so got the job as commander of our space force whatever that is. Our services dream big but produce little.
In respect of the Luton fire, I expect it was raised before, but there was a very similar sized car park fire in the UK at the end of 2017 when EVs were rare. The carpark construction was much heavier, but some of the floors were still holed. The spread was blamed on fuel/flames running along rain drainage pipes/channels.
Attack on Free Speech: Misinformation Bill explained
Article about AI generated stamp images that are supposed to represent tourists perceptions of various countries. The article talks about the image of beer and a giant spider in the AU image.
Nobody seems to notice the spider appears to have 9 legs
It looks like it might have lobster pretensions. 😁️
A similar thing with stereotypical tourists.
A lot seem to feature the US flag regardless of nationality.
AI still seems to struggle with eyes unless they are looking straight ahead, the lady on the left of the Austrian picture being an example. Weird extras all over the place too.
We’re full anyway! 😁
Given that a truck takes almost twice the distance to stop as a car in an emergency why are trucks allowed to travel at the same speed as cars?
It has been demonstrated many times that trucks are relatively poor in braking performance, especially when articulated and fully loaded.
The data indicates that the speed limit for trucks should be a maximum of 80kph even on highways and motorways.
You would not want to be in front of or alongside a semi or B-double doing an emergency stop at 110kph!
Not so bad, modern trucks & also the trailers have their own ABS systems & computers, so jack-knifing should be a thing of the past.
They won’t match a car, but having the largest vehicles doing 20kph less than the cars means endless frustration and poor overtaking, as it used to be a few decades ago. Already we have Govts that seem determined to eliminate every overtaking opportunity with double yellow lines and force you to use the ‘overtaking lanes’ where every good Aussie speeds up to make sure no-one can get past.
“Jack-knifing should be a thing of the past”.
Would you like to bet your life on that?
The result would be increased deaths on single carriageway highways as once a year highway drivers are too timid to overtake causing those behind to take risks.
I have, on many occasions, had to overtake a semi AND the Falcodore following it in my 4 cyl rice burner.
In Washington State on the Interstate highways the posted speed for autos is 70 mph, for trucks 60. The big trucks will travel at 70 most of the time when the road is more-or-less level. With normal road conditions many autos go 73 to 75 mph, and some faster.
The traffic police appear to be more interested in erratic behavior rather than speed unless that is above 73 mph (117.5 kph).
Probably not unprecedented, worth a closer look.
‘Storm Babet is an unusual weather system. Storms that hit the UK in the autumn and winter normally come from the west across the Atlantic, but Babet instead travelled from Portugal, picking up moisture from the Bay of Biscay before being trapped over the UK by a hard-to-budge high pressure system across Scandinavia. This resulted in a prolonged period of wet and windy weather and widespread flooding.’ (The Conversation)
A perfect match with 1987.
The video brought back memories, for sure. For us, violent wind from one side of the house, followed by a spooky quiet period, then violent wind from the opposite side. Then, in the morning, the realisation that trees were all over the railway lines around Fleet and my planned trip to London was a no go.
How to create a climate crisis, just one example.
Sandiacre is an area with a long history of flooding, and much of it is classed high risk. So what do you do?
Build more homes on a functional flood plain.
The flooded houses here have clearly been very recently built.
Storm Dennis Feb 2020 seems to have generated similar rainfall totals.
“Over 100mm of rain fell across many western parts of the UK through this period with 150 to 250mm or more across the high ground of Dartmoor, Wales, northern England, Southern Uplands, West Highlands and parts of Northern Ireland.”
Dennis emerged from the US and slammed into the UK from the west, whereas the other two developed in the Bay of Biscay during October.
On Farcebook Mick de Brenni and Anastacia Palaszczuk posted a picture of themselves at a wind plantation and said:
Apparently a lot of people believe this nonsense.
Do Electric Planes Really Work?! I tried one and here is what I think.
They work fine , just not doing much useful work and not for very long.
I guess they have a niche, just not sure what it is. Anything short range is often high frequency like sightseeing flights, or skydiving operations, or ag flying etc and often involves loads that will be impacted by battery weight.
Perhaps when the unicorn battery technology arrives.
Aero club work IS a niche they can fill but you would need to believe EVs never catch fire to fly in one.
A NZ pilot lost his life when his battery self-launching glider caught fire.
I remember the days when the West steadfastly supported Israel.
Expecting that at least Gaza will earn it’s freedom. Cannot see Israel wanting to have anything more to do with the place. Israel will beat a retreat in a show of strength.
Then the calls will start up for ‘How dare Israel leave 2.1 million people abandoned on a tiny patch of desert.’ Not a responsibility for the neighboring countries.
You can imagine the rest.
The prgressive left are going to be gutted.
Apparently when Jordan has taken in Palestinian refugees they have caused a lot of trouble hence why they won’t do so now. Similarly Egypt.
Apollo Bay (Victoria) has a magnitude five earthquake last night.
So that’s what woke me up!
good articles at Brownstone Institute:
‘Did Lockdowns Finish Off Public Schooling?’
‘I don’t think the public schools can be fixed. The bureaucracy is overcrowded. Union control is absolute. Awful ideas abound about everything. There is a tendency to rely on technology rather than time-tested fundamentals as the preferred solution to any problem. As a result, the amount of technology is overwhelming; The amount of basic reading, writing, and arithmetic – vastly underwhelming.’
‘A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools’
BY Rob Jenkins OCTOBER 4, 2023
This has led commentators like Matt Walsh and Dennis Prager—and more recently, Brownstone’s own Charles Krblich—to argue that the public schools are irreparably broken and the best thing parents can do is remove their children as soon as possible. I came to that conclusion myself a few years ago, after decades of defending public schools as our primary instrument for producing thoughtful, informed citizens. That is a role the schools appear to have abandoned, at least since the covid shutdowns if not much earlier. Parents are thus justified in abandoning them.
Unfortunately, for large numbers of parents, it’s not that easy. Many remain invested in their local schools, which in some cases their families have attended for generations, and they’re loath to just up and leave. And even for those who agree it’s time to go, where exactly will they go?’
We overlook one school in our suburb and drive past another most mornings. Based on our observations, it seems that schools today go to extraordinary lengths to keep students OUT of the classroom. If they’re not climbing aboard coaches for a trip to the mall or zoo, they’re attending sports events. Visit any airport today and you’re pretty much guaranteed to see hordes of students heading interstate for something or other.
Even when they’re actually on school grounds, they spend an awful lot of time doing sports outdoors. For a good week before the end of each term, they’re outside again, with music blaring. Then it’s time for the school fete …
Given that students missed a good chunk of their education due to Covid, I expected that the teachers would be trying to cram extra classroom time in, yet the opposite seems to be true. Between sports, day trips, interstate sports commitments, school fetes, ‘student-free days’, stay-at-home orders because it’s too hot, teachers’ strikes and of course many weeks of school holidays, I wonder how on earth kids are supposed to learn. Then again, literacy and numeracy rates are falling all the time, so the results are clear to see.
The main problem with schools is that they are so busy trying to ensure that everyone is included, every leftist agenda is promoted, and no child has their feelings hurt, that there is simply no time to teach kids how to read and write.
or think.
The jury is in.
A media jury ?
I find it impossible to believe anything in the media these days !
Leftist activist Thomas Mayo, breaks his silence to again play the victim. Apparently every time the YES campaign spoke they were called names like “greedy elites.” Wow, no wonder they need a week of crying.
Oh, and apparently his 12 year old kid “had gone to bed crying after the loss became official, and had been ‘barely consolable’.”
Poor kid, not even reached high school but already dragged into the victim game. Should be out playing with his friends not worrying about his dad’s politics.
Noooooo, they’re not doing that??!! JP Sears-
Case closed. It is ALL about the destruction of the West. All of it. Just stop nit picking. Climate change is just the destruction of industry, agriculture, and the transport system. Trans – the destruction of the family. White privilage ……………….. Useful idiots.
All of it. All of it!
Climate expert fired as he turned down flight and instead took 50 days to reach research destination
Gianluca Grimalda spent six months in Papua New Guinea studying the impact of climate change.
The institution arranged a flight to take the climate expert back but he refused to board it due to its damage to the environment.
Grimalda instead persuaded the IfW to let him travel by other means to reduce his carbon emissions.
He was given until October 14 to return to Germany but claimed it was not possible and the journey would take longer.
Grimalda’s route, which included travelling by cargo ship, ferry, bus and train, would take 50 days.
The single-day flight would have emitted 3.6 tonnes of CO2 but his much longer journey would emit just 400 kilos.
Virtue signalling climate lies need to be cost effective!
Field “research” in climate “science” (sic) has always been about taxpayer-funded adventure holidays to (and from) exotic locations.
Wonder if Grimy Grimalda realises there are glaciers on New Guinea’s highest peaks – it’s been snowing a bit there lately (quite a bit). Let him row a boat home to ease his conscience. Doofus.
More snow forecast for Vic high country next Wednesday, Oh Spring, where art thou?
Climate change has disrupted Australian weather.
Melbourne is down to only one or two seasons per day!!
LOL. Clearly an activist, not a scientist.
“flight would have emitted 3.6 tonnes of CO2 but his much longer journey would emit just 400 kilos”
He could have saved that 400 and stayed at home. Wonder if he considered that?
Italy Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To ‘Serious Health Concerns’
Italy has become the first country to issue a total ban on Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products after numerous studies found the lab-grown fake meat products cause turbo cancers in humans. Meanwhile, in the US the Biden administration has fast-tracked the controversial products for approval.
“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called ‘synthetic meat’. It does so with a formal and official act,” Health Minister Orazio Schillaci announced. “The resolution calls for a commitment to ban the production, marketing and import of synthetic foods within our territory.
The fake meat crapola never seems to sell at my local Woolies. How long before they give up on it?
Fast tracked approval. From the people who love red tape. Hmm…
Qld activists could be jailed over three minute protest
“A group of climate change activists who disrupted Queensland parliament could be jailed for years over a protest that lasted a few minutes.”
“In November 2022, 14 Extinction Rebellion protesters used a balcony that overlooks the chamber to unfurl banners demanding an end to fossil fuel use, with some gluing themselves to handrails.”
“Speaker Curtis Pitt called the protest “horrendous” as he ordered parliament’s sergeant-at-arms to close the public gallery and confiscate devices used to record the protest.”
Chances of prison approximate zero. Why do they even talk about it?
“Gotta tell you something …”
“More Firepower – Defense Secretary Austin Announces Additional Carrier Strike Group, THAAD and Patriot Battalions Along with Expanded Prepare to Deploy Orders
October 21, 2023 | Sundance | 66 Comments”
“Something is happening that is beyond just Israel going into Gaza.”
What if America was PREVENTING something even bigger happening?
The USS Carney shot down a number of missile and drones out of Yemen, saving Yemen from expanding the war.
On Wednesday, the USS Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, opened fire on four cruise missiles and 15 airborne drones for nine hours, far longer than the military first said. Initially, the Pentagon said that the engagement only featured three missiles and “several” drones. CNN first reported on the longer, more complex engagement on Friday.
Per CNN, citing an American official familiar with the matter, the path and trajectory of the missiles had them en route to Israel. The missiles were fired by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, according to the Department of Defense,
CNN eh!
“The First U.S. Military Engagement in an Expanded Israeli War Has Begun
October 21, 2023 | Sundance | 360 Comments”
If SDA doesn’t report it it didn’t happen, OK.
Well it’s as dry as I have seen it on the mid north coast NSW. The tea tree swamps are dry. I look at Phillip Island with its Antarctic rain with envy.
Was speaking to an agronomist the other day and he said, “i think this will be normal from now on, just the extremes”. Luckily his soil analysis is better than his climate analysis. This coming off a season that provided the highest production records.
It’s quite amazing how deep the agricultural sector is infected with climate hysteria. You would think they’d see through it, but not really.
The Blame Game
Sunday special report: The logical fallacies of a vegan diet
Ooohh.. vegetarians and vegans are going to get upset!
As will the WEF with their meat-free plans for humanity.
Buruli flesh-eating bacteria is exploding across Melbourne – check out the map in this article:
As per the article, the situation was initially confined to the Bellarine Peninsula 20 years ago. No government attempt was made to control the situation adequately, and the Buruli ulcer has since spread across Mornington, Geelong and now entering the inner suburbs.
Even at this critical stage, there is no talk about culling the possum population. The only solution proposal pertains to using a possum vaccine of uncertain efficacy (check out the O’Brien research paper in the link).
The current Buruli situation is not something which occurred at random overnight. It is entirely a result of negligence by the Victorian government – especially the Daniel Andrews’ era. Unfortunately, there is no sign that this trend of negligence will be reversed anytime soon.
‘vaccine of uncertain efficacy’…hmmmm…Wait, I’ve got an idea!
Hmmm ….
‘An unsigned statement from the Yes camp describes three Indigenous No campaign leaders as puppets of right-wing think tanks.’ (SMH)
They would say that, wouldn’t they.
The “Shaking My Head” at it again
Their little “feel good advisory group” vibe has been seen for what it is – an attempt to entrench racism in our constitution as a step towards reparations.
This letter shows exactly what the Activists think of Australians. Reconciliation my @rs3.
Dr Gad Saad is a conservative intellectual who speaks and writes in support of Western values but has just released a terribly sad and disturbing video although I believe he is 100% correct.
Shame on everyone who contributed and continues to contribute to the current civilisational collapse we are now witnessing.
Duration is only 1min 44sec.
Amazing how fast it went terminal.
I’m currently of the opinion that ‘Pandemic’ ripped away the facade of the government/academic Intelligentsia*.
Prompted by the phenomenon of the Orange Man.
Just because he talked back to them.
Of course, the rot first began to stink with AGW.
“Settled Science” … pretty much nose dived with that infamous construction.
Went to the inability to define ‘woman’ like an EV fire in a ship full of EVs.
* was a failed attempt to link photos of school kid musicians playing with nose and mouth holes cut in their masks.
These appear to be in the process of being scrubbed.
How’s that?
“Ribeye But Not National Security”
I kid you not –
“Mask Formation Psychosis”
“CTV- Masks mandated for Manitoba health-care staff, optional for visitors”
Crushing lithium ion batteries with a hydraulic press
How interesting. Raises questions…
Well, this is interesting.
Liz Gunn, NZ ? (My understanding of NZ politics is less than my understanding of Oz politics.)
I will say … Nuremberg II … forget the jab (save it for III.) … just on lockdown crimes alone.
Is Jacinda even in NZ?
Maybe not, with good reason.
Asylum in Trudeauceania with the pretty tyrant?
With all the bad news around, here’s a happy story for Sunday. Peace on you 😉