A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“Four modern Enigmas” Ultra liberal westerners supporting cultures and groups such as Hamas that do not always follow their own values as regards women’s rights, human rights, democratic freedoms, acceptance of other religions, gay rights, anti semitism. These groups are likely to find their perceptions and values increasingly conflicting with the currently majority population in western countries who fail to realise their liberal values will be the first to be removed if those groups they endorse ever get into power.
The Liberal young activists supporting climate action whilst streaming HD TV on to their mobile phone screens, living online, streaming pointless pictures of their cute cat whilst seemingly unconcerned that their digital world uses twice as much energy as international civil aviation they decry, and oblivious to the reality that their digital haven will double its energy consumption in 3 years
The presumably well educated green liberals seemingly unconcerned that the EV’s they drive and the solar panels they install come as the result of great human misery in order to mine and manufacture using child labour, coerced workers and huge amounts of coal power to make, transport and install.
Vegans believing they are “saving the world” when their food- from soya to avocados, nuts to seeds, coffee to exotic fruit –often require the destruction of the rain forest, have attracted criminal gangs, use vast amounts of water and are imported via energy guzzling air or sea over vast distances and are often then incorporated in unhealthy ultra processed food. Do you really need bottled water with that anti planet meal?
On Fox News today:
Billionaire Leon Cooperman pulling Columbia funding amid student protests: These kids have ‘sh– for brains’
It just goes to prove, yet again, that everything the Left pretends they believe in is a lie.
The Left come in two categories:
1) Elites who are seeking world power, control and mega-wealth in a global dictatorship.
2) The slave army of (1) who are useful idiots who comprise the majority and as Leon Cooperman said “have sh-t for brains”.
If it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
Well said David.
The left love what they’ve got. In the West they just hate that everyone else has as much.
The left love cultures that hate them as westerners, that would take what they have, and would ensure they would never got it again.
Go figure! The academic leaders of the left detest the culture that allows them to force their bile on vacant, developing minds whose upbringing and early education leaves them devoid of values. We see in the USA, the left wish to abolish parental rights and replace them with teacher union enforced left extreme propaganda. This is the biggest copout of conservatives. They accept leftwing liberals as members and Ministers, so this stuff is continued under their governments. They are not up to the fight for anything of value. It might cost a vote. They don’t realise the fight could buy them heaps more.
Despite being the immense beneficiaries of it, those activists largely have a dislike for western culture. This unites them with Hamas.
Israel represents Western culture in the Middle East.
They are continually decrying western achievements, history and institutions so guess you are right. They don’t identify with us at all
Wot a busy b the human brain. Serfs think such the human brain is
such a control freak, registering, interpreting, commanding; nothing we ‘see’
gets in or out w/out its say so, yes-no-maybe.
The less open the culture we live in, the more the yes-no is determined by our
belief system and ‘ maybe’ doesn’t come into it. No allowance for laughter that
survival mechanism that reminds you to be alert to error. Jokes are o-u-t . The
Left is n the left foot when it comes to jokes. Contradictions must be overlooked
to protect the ideology…leading to mental illness in the ideological Lefts’ardent
Strop re This unites them with Hamas.
Israel represents Western culture in the Middle East.
As I said re Hamas on a post on Michael Smith News
OldOzzie said…
Further to the Video above of the Hamas savages beheading an wounded Thai civilian with a Garden Hoe whilst he is still alive – Not a J@w, Not an Israeli Citizen, just like any number of Thai People around the World, working overseas to earn money to send back to his Family in Thailand
His crime? Being alive in Israel.
This is the true face of Hamas‼️
As I said on Michael’s Post on Labor Tony Burke supports the terrorists and their flag.
I suggest you put your Mobile Phone to the QR Code referenced below and see the Horrors & Barbarity of Gazan Palestinian Hamas
the images on the QR Code of the 1 page on UN Ireland Desk are absolutely Horrendous –
– The Dumpster Bin full of Charred Bodies – God only knows what happened to the Women with the Gag in her mouth, looks like she was burnt alive and the look of horror on what remains of a face is terrifying – the body burnt to a crisp with their hands tied together -the charred, totally blackened skull with white teeth standing out – bodies side by side burnt to a crisp – the 4 min video of brave Hamas Palestinian Barbarians shooting unarmed young people enjoying themelves
Charred bodies everywhere, beheaded soldiers, charred babies
How could any Australian especially The Australian Labor Party, Greens, some TEALS etc, support the Palestinian Gazans who rejoice at Hamas, having seen those images & video?
Ozzie, I believe that all the MPs should be compelled to view these images. Me? It took a couple of days to overcome the emotion of even hearing about the decapitated babies & other atrocities. And then to have to process “friends” saying “well, that is war” or “they were fabricated photos”………
And then yesterday I heard about the awful fate of the Thai agricultural worker – which is conclusive that the atrocities of 7/10 were committed by crazed human beings who have lost (if they ever had) the unique qualities of compassion and respect for life that elevates our species.
Sadly, the contemplation of the pain and terror suffered by those victims – possibly even greater than the victims of IS – simply devastates my spirit.
It certainly isnt 2023 everywhere.
700 AD?
Tony Bourke has to side with Hamas. This is a democracy, and his constituents all think that way.
This is the future for Australia. A very divided nation. And now a potentially very violent one. Exactly the opposite of the early ideals.
Tony Bourke is the face of the ALP / Green coalition.
TV footage was released this am, of Albanese bad mouthing Israel some 2 years ago.
Leopards do not change their spots & neither do Socialists!
Not so innocent civilians
Would Guterres ever assert that the death of Gaza civilians past and future also does not “happen in a vacuum”? Hardly.
But just who are these “innocent civilians” of Gaza? These are the same people who elected Hamas in 2006, knowing that Hamas’ charter called for the extermination of all Jews. That charter preceded Hamas’ election by almost two decades.
These “civilians” knew for whom they voted and why they voted for them.
There are the same “civilians” whose homes conceal entrances to Hamas’ tunnels, whose hospitals shield Hamas’ leaders, whose clinics and schools are used as launching pads for Hamas’ rockets.
These are the “civilians” who rushed across the border fence on October 7 to maraud, r@pe and murder.
These are the “civilians” who are used as human shields. My sympathy for them is lacking.
Certainly, infants are innocent, but all children pay the price for the folly of adults.
More troubling are the adults – civilians all – who birthed and raised monsters, such as one evildoer who called his father from Kibbutz Mefalsim to boast in real time of his mass murder: “Father, look how many Jews I killed with my own hands! Your son, I killed ten Jews with my own hands!’ To which the proud father responded: “God is great. May God protect you.”
Consider this for a moment.
Is there one reader among you who would be “proud” of a child who boasted of mass murder?
If I while driving accidentally struck a pedestrian who fell to the ground and tore his pants, I would have been too embarrassed to tell my father.
And here, this savage not only murders, beheads, tortures, and dismembers, but he also has the presence of mind to call his father, knowing that his father would admire his cowardly and dastardly deeds.
Those are not “innocent civilians”; those are people steeped in a sick culture of hatred that is inconceivable to normal human beings.
Those are people who willingly aid and abet mass murder and then cry about the consequences when they and their homes are bombed.
Gaza’s imams this week issued a fatwa calling it a crime against Islam for any Gazan to travel south to avoid Israel’s offensive.
They are not “civilians” but passive combatants, tools in Hamas’ arsenal.
They deserve no protections – certainly not international law – and humanity will be better off without them.
The recourse to international law to protect these murderers and their accomplices is farcical.
For decades now, the West has struggled with a response to radical Islam and the proper method for conducting asymmetrical warfare.
Consequently, radical Islam, as typified by Iran, has grown stronger, and even stronger due to the appeasement of the Americans and the West.
But the primary fallacy has been the West’s choice to indulge the grisly notion that Israel has to be bound by the rules of war while their enemy does not, that somehow proxies of Iran are excused from the norms of war that bind all others.
The grossest ongoing violation of international law is the holding of Jewish hostages, which somehow the “world” condones as, well, just the way it is.
We are expected to provide water, electricity, food, medicine, and other needs to our enemy to demonstrate our commitment to international law, notwithstanding that the enemy can flout international law with impunity.
That, too, is senseless and immoral, and we should not tolerate that.
We should be unafraid to tell the world – including Biden, Blinken, Macron and whoever else visits Israel – that if Hamas still has enough fuel to launch rockets, then they have enough fuel, period.
Let the hospitals procure their fuel from the leaders they elected. Let the million and a half “innocent civilians” revolt against their cruel leaders if indeed they are so innocent and so troubled by the conditions in Gaza.
We should have no interest in making more Arab fathers proud of their sons’ talent for murdering Jews.
Only Israel has every military action assessed and approved by its lawyers.
That is no way to run a war and no way to win a war, which has resulted in decades of Israel not winning any wars and even thinking that wars are not winnable.
That is a defeatist strategy that has brought disaster upon us.
The United States and allies have fought wars in the last century that have killed millions of enemy civilians, with reassessments coming only after the wars’ successful conclusions.
That is a good template for us as well.
That’s good, deep perspective.
“More troubling are the adults – civilians all – who birthed and raised monsters,” More troubling still is that after the Israelis have sorted out Hamas where are all of these “monsters” going to escape to. You can bet your bank account on our loony left government taking in many tens of thousands of them to enhance their multicultural paradise. Just to witness the sight of 100 thousand of the charming blood thirsty folk marching through London recently screaming for the eradication of Jews is enough to make your hair stand on end (that is if you have any left after watching the left destroying democracy over the last few decades).
Maybe the Palestinians are upset about this:
The map reminds me of the conquest of the Wild West in the 19th century. The North American Indians (Palestinians) were just barbarians heathens who went around scalping people, raping, killing and pillaging (and beheading babies). To subdue the Indians (Palestinians) the Settlers had no compulsion about massacring women and children (bombing them, Settler violence) , shooting the buffalo to starve them out (cutting off food, water and electricity to Gaza), putting them on reservations (Gaza), and promising to feed them and then not keeping that promise, but taking more of the reservation lands from them (see map). And if they complained or returned the favour, well they weren’t really humans, they were animals who just went around scalping, raping, killing and pillaging (see videos).
So while we all decry what happened to the North American Indians, at the hands of “white males”, when the same thing happens in Palestine we forget the past and are told that “Israel has the right to defend itself”.
P.S. the QR code link is 404, but I am reminded of another great UN show put on by Colin Powell in 2003.
Here Piers Morgan interviews an Egyptian comedian about the situation:
In any real sense they are quite uneducated and dont know , and don’t care whose shoulders they stand on.
It’s also the anti white feelings of liberals in the west. The Arabs are browner so thus the underdog, and noble. It really is as simple and dumb as that.
Modern liberals I should say. I’d consider myself a liberal, in the Alfred Deakin form.
Arabs are called browner – but they are not. Most ‘whites’ can gain as good a suntan. In a poorly known fact early Europeans were brown skinned.. literally skin colour is related to – latitude – and leave it long enough the Northerners (or the indoor dwellers adjust whiter and the southern or outdoor dweller become darker..
Very unfortunately we only see those facts only “on the way from the market” as Ukrainians say.
They don’t care how their drugs are sourced or even what’s in them but the lettuce must be organic.
OK. That was thanks to PowerLine.
Great points.
Don’t stop Tony, I reckon that you are only scratching the tip of one giant iceberg!
Calling energy generators “wind farms” or “solar farms” sounds very friendly and rural. Can we think of alternatives phrases? “Weather dependent renewables?” “Goldilocks energy-the weather has to be JUST right.” “ Renewable subsidy generators?” Any better suggestions?
Wind plantations is the preferred term of Prof. William Happer for windmills as it is reminiscent of slave plantations and these are the modern day plantations also making slaves of us.
I call them “Wind and solar subsidy farms”.
I quite like wind And solar subsidy farms
Also, I was told that the rent from each wind plantation, when installed on a real farm, is sufficient for some farmers to give up food production and do nothing, thus impacting the food supply.
Depending on the location a rent of $90,000 per annum is payable. Sounds good but I have been told the land owner then may be liable for the demolition of the turbine when it is no longer viable. The method of dismantling is interesting too. There are very few cranes in Australia with the lift capacity and length to uninstall a wind turbine so the expense of pulling it down as it went up would be prohibitive. It will either be left to rot or brought down by other means i.e. explosives. Still , the problem of removal of 1000 tonnes of rubbish is immense and will remain as a silent shrine to idiocy.. I guarantee the owners of the turbine will be a million miles away sipping Cognac while the farmer is left with a pile of junk. Each pile should have a plaque dedicated to the politicians who thought wind was a great idea. The MSM should be invited to every blast as they were to the destruction of the South Australian coal plants.
Each pile should have a plaque dedicated to the politicians who thought wind was a lousy idea.
Saves a lot of $$ (not many plaques).
Why would any land owner agtee to that liability ?
That istotally oposite to any normal property rental contract., where the equipment owner/operator is resposible for the maintenance of the facility and restitution of the land when thecontract term ends.
Perhaps that small detail was in the fine print in a footnote on page 23?
That ^^^^^
Think somebody estimated that the cost of removing a wind farm and restoring the ground was around two thirds of its construction costs.
Ruinables works for me.
Wind Jammers is evocative.
“Wind Jammers is evocative.”
Certainly is Keith, my maternal grandmother was born on a “Wind Jammer” on the way to New Zealand in the late eighteen hundreds. Already superceded by the ever-increasing steam powered vessels simply because they were more efficient.
Well, as the saying goes “there is nothing new under the sun” and here we are back to the future with “new” and just as inefficient “wind jammers”
A sailing ship without a good captain will forever sail into the wind.
Have a read of Eric Newby’s “The Last Grain Race” where he crewed on the last one from Spencer’s Gulf to UK about 1938 – 39
It’d be interesting to see a wind powered aircraft carrier turning into the wind to launch its planes.
And the aftermath.
You can sail high enough into wind normally to get wind on the nose (ish)
I’d like to see the size of the keel 🙂
“Give me 40 acres and I’ll turn this thing around” would need inflation as its themesong
They are not renewable. They will consume all resources before they achieve NetZero because they are coal sinks not coal savers.
Weather Dependent Generator (WDG)
Aspargus field in Germany in earlier times.
Non disposable trash; the final solutionless great earth contaminants; precipitants of the starvation cataclysm.
I woke this morning (central Washington State, 2,200 feet) to a temperature of -8°C (18°F). Unprecedented!
Well, … not really, but too early as far as I’m concerned.
I started the wood stove on Thursday morning, so have begun my seasonal contribution to the Carbon Dioxide concentration of the atmosphere.
I have an all-electric house with a heat pump that switches to resistance heating at cold outside temperatures. The wood stove (my own wood) allows me to eliminate the higher cost even though there is some work and inconvenience.
As long as you come back from the “wood-shed” with sufficient cut firewood and all your fingers and thumbs and other bits intact, all is good.
All that CO2 is just food for the next generation of fuel.
Plough the wood-stove ash into the vegie patch, mixed with the usual compost; all is good.
Just don’t overdo it, as I discovered!
yes go easy on that potash.
Careful with that on sandy soil
At the opposite end of the planet, here in Victoria, in the low part of our high country, nearing the end of the second month of spring, snow forecast down to 1600 metres tomorrow. After a warm and dry September, with our BoM and the national broadcaster pushing how “hot and dry” and unprecedented this situation was, I also have been using next years fire wood. Yellow box is the primary fuel, hard as the hobs of hell, twisted grain and for some strange reason it seems to get heavier every year. I refuse to get a hydraulic splitter, still use hammer and wedges and a modern unbreakable handled Swedish axe, the old adage of being warmed three times holds good.
I bought one of these. Fantastic. Can cut a weeks worth of iron wood in 30 mins.
As you know, when its unseasonably warm its climate change and when its unusually cool its still climate change.
How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators
“According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.”
As I have repeatedly found, there are issues regarding reports/studies of things Covid. From the report cited, there is this:
“Assuming that age-adjusted death rates for the study subjects were similar to those of the general population, they estimated that 222 subjects should have died from July 27, 2020, to March 13, 2021. The reported number, 38, is just 18% of the expected number.
Michels explained this by the large number, 4.2% of “discontinued subjects.” The most concerning of these were subjects “lost to follow-up,” which means missing scheduled visits or other required activities.
Pfizer-BioNTech tried to reach these subjects via phone, certified mail or through their emergency contact but despite their efforts could not account for 395 subjects who had dropped out.
The authors wrote:
“These are not insignificant numbers and could easily account for the low number of deaths reported in this safety period of the trial. Given the importance of knowing the status of each trial subject, there should have been greater effort to locate these individuals.”
– – – –
One day, perhaps, a Covid report will enlighten us as to the questions that never end — that day has not yet appeared.
Maybe Pfizer should have checked the Death records. They knew who, they knew where they lived. Cross check against the deaths during the period. . .
It wasn’t rocket science. . .
It wasn’t even ‘science’.
That makes no sense at all … I mean dead people have very few items in their social calendar, and they can’t go to work … so there’s no excuse for missing a scheduled visit.
In many States they vote as well.
Australian new builds currently half the level of immigration. In next two years likely to be a third of the level of immigration
Presumably house prices and rents will soar. Where has this dramatic increase in immigration come from as you have illegal migration under control.
And on that … thought I would share this …
Konstantin Kisin ‘The Day the Delusions Died’
‘Cause it mentions my favorite quote from the the great Thomas Sowell …
“there are no solutions, only trade offs.”
And to take some of the load off David.
And across the ditch, here in the Shaky Isles, heard some govt stats bot on the radio yesterday explain immigration numbers to October this year –
105,000 – NZ total
47,000 – Auckland
4,000 – Queenstown
There were more deaths than births, the #1 surname is Singh, followed by Wang, and even though the Labour Govt was voted out over 2 weeks ago, they’re still ‘caretaking’ the levers of power while the other lot are sorting their ship out behind closed doors.
Don’t blame me – I didn’t vote for ANY of them.
So Albanese promotes high immigration,while he runs an economy in which building companies are failing on a regular basis.
He runs an energy policy which has and will ramp up costs and reduce reliability of supply.
He wanted to introduce legislation based on race.
He will soon be kowtowing to the sabre rattling and bullying Chinese.
Its all “nation building” you know.
“its all “nation building” you know.”
The question is which nation?
Saw a teenager asked to point out the national flag from the plethora flying outside every government building. He wasn’t sure but “thought” it might be the black red and yellow one
We could replace the Union Jack with the Aboriginal flag? Just thinking’……
‘The Union Jack at the canton suggests Australia is a British colony or dependency. New Zealand, Tuvalu and Fiji are the only other independent nations in the world to feature the Union Jack on their national flags.’
All our basic law is sourced from the Brits, centred on Magna Carta and our constitution, and our current flag should remind us of that. Leave it alone.
Dave B
A change in the flag won’t change our history, outpost of Empire, but now that the queen is dead and we have a wally at the top, it might be time for a slight change.
Australia is a migrant nation and eventually we’ll have to cut the apron strings.
Most of it via the idiot labor govt.
I find it repulsive that Aus politicians now stand in front of the aboriginie flag. It’s all on purpose too. That aboriginie flag is in the centre, the Australian to the side. Not a coincidence.
And that there is no national outcry to it, is even more objectionable.
two people per house, problem solved
gee this keyboard makes things simple……..
I have previously written how Australia, being amongst the wokest of countries, is feeding insects to children in 1000 schools, likely more now.
You’ve got to start the indoctrination into poverty food at a young age!
Well, Gulag “insects in food crickets mealworm” without quote marks and you’ll get a whole heap of references to the amount of regress the Elites have already made into incorporating insects into the food supply of non-Eites.
On their private jet flights to Davos to discuss the supposed “climate crisis” at WEF lovefests, do you think Leftist Elites will be eating the finest steaks or will the be eating crickets and mealworms?
The Australian Government also has a biosecurity web page on the topic for imported insects for human consumption.
Do you think all those Elite public serpents in Canberra who voted “YES” to Apartheid will be eating this garbage? I didn’t think so.
Kentucky fried crickets….Yum !
Nothing better than a can of witchetty grubs.
Really good for the Voice.
Jack in the Box burgers. Only the finest kangaroo meat
On my first ever trip to the US decades ago, i survived the last few days of the trip on Jack in the Box burgers and shakes. Think I boarded the plane with about 85 cents in my pocket.
A real “Dose of the Colonel” there
Well last night I had a T-bone of a Wagyu x Angus I knew that would convert a vegan.
The steak was the size of a dinosaur and the meat just pulled apart, the high marbling had it full of flavour. Hot seared then finished slow on the barbie to get that bone cooking the meat to well done and the fat edge kind of caramalised. You could get the bits of meat out of the fat and it was like slow smoked ribs.
I think the kids would be swayed by that more than their crickets.
P.S. The secret to good steaks is to have the thing growing and fat always, never let cattle go backwards or be dormant. Then you hang it for a week, very important apparently if you want really good stuff. This thing was absurdly fat, and of really good genetics, a rather expensive bull whose semen is of high marbling grade. Next level meat I tell you.
Stop it, you will make my cry
“Is Wikipedia reliable?
It’s December 2012, and someone’s just noticed something is wrong on the Internet.
Wikipedia editor ShelfSkewed (happily that’s a pseudonym) has been clicking links in an article about an obscure 17th-Century war that raged between the Portuguese rulers of Goa, western India, and the neighbouring Maratha Empire. It was called the Bicholim Conflict, after the North Goa district it mostly took place in.
Haven’t you heard of the Bicholim Conflict? ShelfSkewed certainly hadn’t. He wanted to know more – and started investigating the extensive sources listed at the bottom of the article.
But then he found many of the links led him straight to one article: the one he was editing. A perfect loop.
No it isnt. Its a propaganda machine. I guess you could say its reliably biased.
Like everything else that was good and decent, the Left have infiltrated Wikipedia as well and ruined it, especially in relation to political articles or any thing positive about the history of Westerm Civilisation.
It’s all part of Rudi Dutchke’s 1967 plan of “The long march through the institutions to infiltrate all institutions”.
Certain articles are locked for editing and can only be altered by an approved Leftist cabal.
Hang on. This can’t be right. Weren’t we told aboriginal Australians don’t have any voice.
They weren’t raising the dam wall just for fun but to stop serious future flooding of those people who chose to live on flood plains.
No cultural heritage sites on flood plains apparently.
My understanding is that aboriginal tribes were expert geologists and worshiped any minerals that can be sold for profit (even though they did not know about profit at the time). That is why they established heritage sites wherever there are large deposits of iron ore, copper, gold and uranium. It’s all ‘Truth’ – the exact locations passed down through 100 generations.
Interesting thing though, is that their memory of these sites only returns once a company actually finds these minerals. Hey, but that’s’Truth’ for you.
About a million people live on the floodplain downstream of Warragamba Dam and about 70,000 are affected by regular flooding. Urban development is not permitted on parts of the floodplain and urban density is restricted in other parts.
The NSW Government is under pressure from a number of quarters:
– to increase the dam wall height and further shift the purpose of the dam (from water supply security to flood mitigation) to allow higher urban densities and new development zones on the floodplain;
– to reduce the risks from worst case failure of the dam;
– to avoid certain consequences of higher maximum water levels in the Burragorang Catchment.
I expect the development lobby to prevail.
Voice shmoice. Plenty of organisations and individuals giving a voice to indigenous matters. The development industry alone spends millions every year consulting with them.
I’m surprised they were worried about the inundation of some cultural sites given they apparently have something sacred under water 100km off the northern coast of Australia, which has stopped Santos’ gas project.
During the last ice age, 18,000 years ago, there was no water where they camped and buried their dead.
They are under the misguided impression that if these burial sites are disturbed it will bring death and destruction to the Tiwi people.
Santos said they might walk away if the project is held up, but they are only bluffing. Its Plibersek’s call.
I notice the Koala is rather absent from Aboriginal lore. Why is that?
Because it is real.
Doesnt matter, it can just be made up as needed.
Its pretty simple when your culture and heritage is undocumented and is just what somebody says it is.
A koala with make up? It isn’t the time for the Gay Mardi Gras is it?
On that, I remember Piers Akerman’s demolition of the claims about spectators at one of the early parades (touted by the ABC as 250,000 and by the SMH as over 180,00. Even the police Public Relations Dept. claimed 100,000 -120,000).
Piers pointed out that the route was 1.6 km. long so 3,200 metres of space, and that if the average person used 1 metre and the crowd was 10 deep all the way, then that made a total crowd of 32,000. (and someone I knew went there -with girl friend- and said they were only 3 deep and most areas seemed to be less).
So the ABC can claim anything but I don’t beleave them.
Takes me back to the 1990s and the Hindmarsh Island Bridge fiasco, where we had stories about how the area was sacred to aboriginal women because from the air, the waterways were shaped like a woman’s reproductive organs – apparently indigenous women of the past were Australia’s first aviators. There were even secret documents in envelopes that no one involved in the decision making was allowed to read – but it was ‘truth’.
Fortunately other indigenous women came out and called BS on the whole concocted story.
How about as part of advancing the voice and listening to their concerns, let’s ask all 500 tribes to map their heritage sites, and the rationale for them having this status. A one page narrative on each should do it, where, why, evidence and how much cash will make it unsacred?
Thats kind of what Land Councils are. These land councils spend a lot of their money on lawyers trying to get money out of projects, proposed gas lines and such. So yes, how much cash to be unsacred, exactly. Puts them at odds with Greens and they don’t really get on.
G’day Harves,
They had no voice? No, that’s just another piece of their “Truth Telling” The real truth is that the 60% of Ozzies who said NO, loudly, were, and are, the ones with no voice, censored by the ABC etc and Voice proponents in general who refused to even acknowledge valid questions, let alone answer them.
Dave B
Will truth telling include indigenous elders explaining Wadeye, Alice Springs and similarly afflicted lace?
“lace” = places
“Anyway, yesterday Newsweek ran an op-ed authored by one of those brave independent doctors, Pierre Kory, headlined, “Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans? | Opinion.” Unlike our public health officials, Dr. Kory is shocked with the baffling jump in disabilities in working-age Americans as shown in federal data:”
Graph here in link
“According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of American adults considered ‘unable to work’ ballooned by more than +3.5 million since January 2020, with +1.5 million added just in the first nine months of this year. You can see in the chart above there was a baffling inflection point in 2021, when the number of cases, having been flat for a decade, started heading for the skies.”
I guess the graph views better if you haven’t been jabbed
Senator Rennick gets mentioned in today’s issue –
Many were jabbed unwillingly or being unaware of the lies being told. I have great sympathy for them and wish them well.
People, doctors and scientists who have knowingly coerced vaccination or called for the punishment of those who questioned “the science” have no sympathy from me when they are permanently injured or die from it. Mentioned below is Peter Hotez, a paediatrician, who should know better than to push for children to get vaccinated with an inadequately tested medication. For TV ratings and personal acclaim he has squandered the lives and health of many children.
A different tourist attraction –
Notice that the construction is enabled by metal brackets and bolts.
“Comments made in 1957”
EV Skeptic Toyota Chairman Says People Are ‘Finally’ Waking Up To Reality Of Electric Vehicles
Hydrogen and ammonia are the future.
Yeah, right.
Don’t know. But I respect Toyota’s skepticism on EVs. They certainly know their stuff.
Sitting here in my shorts, thousands of miles from anywhere, I understand their scepticism re EVs and have often wondered how convinced they are re hydrogen. I suspect that has been a cover for their non-green policy. Hydrogen is interesting in its own right but [again a suspicion] where they can share research costs with other interested parties who don’t own car companies.
By keeping their powder dry they can buy a distressed EV company if/when EVs become viable.
Ford is abandoning the Lightning before it bankrupts them.
I thought Ford was on a good thing with the Maverick, a smaller low spec picup/ute.
Sounds like another one of those “in 10 year’s time 10 years from now” things?
Cheap hydrogen available at Australian source could provide “cheapish” nitrogen fertilizer. which Australian imports quite a lot of every year. And wheat (and canola) farmers would appreciate.
Missed this one on Malcolm Robert’s grilling the Home affairs bureaucracy during senate estimates about Covid disinformation censorship via social media .
Our very own Senator Malcolm Roberts gets mentioned in the US by JP Sears.
And Senator Rennick gets favourable mention in today’s “Covid and Coffee” newsletter
The Aussie Wire: Joanne Nova: Unraveling the Science Behind Global Warming 😎️
Peter Hotez Notices Too Many Sudden Deaths Among His Friends, “Champions of Global Health”
Hotez unwittingly joins the trend of “died suddenly” reports.
Professor Hotez’s today’s tweet laments the sudden passing of his “close colleagues and friends.” Peter mentions that they were “still active when they passed,” so he means sudden deaths.
His suddenly deceased friends were “champions of global health”; tireless Covid vaccine advocates like himself. Professor Hotez is not sure what to blame for these tragedies. Overwork? Exhaustion? – he asks.
I am also not sure; perhaps it is climate change or the stress his friends experienced from seeing vaccine misinformation online. Any ideas?
Must be global boiling…
But wait!
Pascal Najadi, the son of WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, is calling for the arrests of Bill Gates, WHO leadership, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Big Tech and Pfizer.
He says he and his mother are now dying from the vaccine, which he calls “poison”.
What goes around, comes around. Reap what you sow, and they are.
BUT…aren’t they the “elite” and above the Fakevax ™?
What could be going on?😁😎
Prochronistic now, but soon.😉
For quite a while Covid and Coffee Newsletter has been tracking the SADS results of “big name people”
Lately Jeff has been tracking media mentions of “lesser name lights” – in special editions because of numbers
Giant Johnson & Johnson To File For Bankruptcy Before ‘Tsunami of Vaccine Lawsuits’
Johnson & Johnson is facing at least 18 jury trials over the next year tied to claims of tainted talc in its iconic baby powder, prompting the company to consider a third bankruptcy filing in hopes of fostering a global settlement.
Since 2016, J&J has been hit with at least $570 million in damage awards over cancer claims and paid out at least $2.5 billion in settlements, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Those numbers are set to skyrocket with millions of people around the world preparing vaccine lawsuits, according to reports.
“With all those trials staring them in the face, of course they want their unit to run back into bankruptcy,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond professor who teaches about mass torts and has followed the upcoming cases.
“They are playing for time and to avoid shelling out the hundreds of millions of dollars on lawyers to defend all those trials.”
Next Moderna and Pfizer.
But the damage is done.
I’ve been watching global diseases for years and as I said would happen, Dengue is off the charts.
However…it’s a cyclic event but it hasn’t stopped, which begs the question WHY?
You guessed it – vaxx damaged immune systems.
This will apply to all diseases going forward, for the multi-vaxxed anyway.
Who will be the next prominent pollie to jump ship before all hell breaks by this time next year?
Man the lifeboats!
Another factor is the one promoted by Geert van den Bossche who has always argued that vaccinating during a pandemic would increase the potency of the virus in the long term. If this is the case, maybe even the unvaccinated will be at risk of serious illness.
Geert has been pretty quiet of late and the dreaded super virulent Covid mutation hasn’t happened (yet) but the immune system dysfunction and igG4 factor will, IMHO, tie in with a whole new disease, because that is the stage they’ve set with their vaxx insanity.
There is research which suggests CBD is a way to reduce the risk of Covid.
Dr. Paul Mason – the corrupt history of the food pyramid
He puts out some good lectures!
Politics + Science in = Politics out.
How what you’ve been told for 60 years is WRONG, and how the Australian government knew but went ahead anyway.
Saturated fats, eggs, heart disease, Atherosclerosis.
Reality revealed.
Sound familiar? Oil/climate/nutrition/Covid/vaxxes
Ultimately it all burns them too.
It saddens me to see how many young people are siding with Hamas and the Palestinians over the recent attacks. I find myself – once again – disturbed by the degree of hate they seem to have toward anybody and any nation not perfectly in agreement with their own worldview. This crazy philosophy leads them to align with all the enemies of their enemy, no matter how barbaric they are.
That’s bad enough of course, but I truly struggle to understand how they can, in this case, profess this support in spite of the clear dissonance between the horrific treatment of homosexuals in the Middle east, where defenceless young men are brutally executed simply for being gay, with their brave fight against ‘homophobia’ in safe places such as the UK or Australia, where gay people can marry, kiss in public, get great jobs and have access to IVF. The young lefty also claims to champion women’s rights, yet has no problem with the total subjugation of women in Arab/Islamic states, where women can be killed for something as trivial as wearing makeup or refusing an arranged marriage.
Also nonsensical is their demand for safe spaces on university campuses, so that they can be protected from the ‘violence’ of unacceptable views, while fiercely supporting the right of Arabs in the West to occupy public spaces waving placards calling for the killing of Jews and chanting ‘Death to Israel’. Just how ‘unsafe’ would the average Jew feel when walking through our cities and being confronted by such hate and threats? But hey, that’s OK because our controllers and peers say we don’t like Jews, even baby Jews.
RIP David Attenborough – your credibility is dead
BBC Planet Earth III left viewers in tears on Sunday evening with scenes of soggy flamingo chicks struggling to survive storm surges and turtle hatchlings battling sea level rises.
“The planet has changed beyond recognition,” warned Sir David Attenborough gravely, “Transformed by a powerful force. Us.”
Yet despite the gloomy tone set by the programme, many of the animals featured in the episode are faring surprisingly well, thanks to global conservation efforts.
On Raine Island, at the northern tip of the Great Barrier Reef, programme-makers suggested that the world’s largest turtle rookery was facing annihilation through a double threat of warming sands and sea-level rise.
“If sea levels rise as predicted within the next 30 years, Raine Island will disappear beneath the waves,” said Sir David.
But research by James Cook University, in Australia, suggests that Raine Island has actually been growing in recent years.
Polar Bear Shock: ‘Vanishing’ Animals Not Killed by Climate Change But Have Just Migrated
Last December, the Guardian ran a story claiming that polar bears were “vanishing” from Churchill, the polar bear capital of the world, using copy supplied by the green activist operation Agence France-Presse. Similar headlines appeared across many mainstream media, with the BBC making up a headline that claimed Canada’s polar bear population had plummeted. The decline was said to be 27% over five years in Canada’s West Hudson Bay (WH) area, but inexplicably missing from the green propaganda was a note that bear numbers in the adjacent and larger South Hudson Bay (SH) climbed 30% in the same period.
There is now growing interest about the 27% headline figure. In December a full report on WH scientific findings was not available from the local Nunavut Government, but the biologist and investigative science writer Dr. Susan Crockford has now seen a copy. She suggests the media must have been given little more than a press release “with approved talking points“. It is obvious the press never saw the full WH report, not least because it referenced similar SH work disclosing the higher local polar bear numbers. Of course in the interest of promoting yet another climate scare, the blinkered media might have ignored the second report anyway.
Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception
Sir David Attenborough was one of the most trusted and admired men in the world – until early 2019, when he narrated a joint Netflix/WWF documentary called Our Planet that showed several walrus falling off a high cliff to their deaths on jagged rocks below. Hundreds were shown to have died, which Attenborough blamed on humanity’s wanton use of fossil fuels. Many viewers, including children, were traumatised by the brutal images. He used this horrifying imagery to jump-start a three year campaign against human-caused global warming that included ten documentaries laden with groundless climate emergency messaging, much of it aimed at the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. Attenborough’s relentless climate activism included a utopian vision of global changes for society eerily similar to the one proposed by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The story told in Fallen Icon is every bit as horrifying as the falling walrus tragedy porn Attenborough and the WWF manipulated to their advantage: it is an especially egregious example of science corrupted for political objectives.
Must get a copy!
Pity…I used to like Attenborough…
A terrible way to end his career.
We need an equivalent expression to “get woke, go broke“, that applies to such a career ending move.
I’ll get the ball rolling…
“Get woke, destroy your reputation.” (That sounds a bit lame, we need something catchy.)
” Go Green. Kill the world “ ?
When he generated a doco on the Galapagos, he apparently paid the authorities to make sure that the tour boats didn’t appear in the camera shots, so the islands all looked pristine and untouched.
Yes, I posted last Thursday.
Sadly to most people he’s still a national treasure. See how the Gogglebox cast lap it up without question.
I read earlier that (some) Republicans are calling on presidential candidates to drop out, so as to leave Trump with a clear run. On face value, given the poor quality of alternative candidates, I think that’s a good move. However, because I am cynical with regard to the modern republican party, I wonder if this is a devious ploy to ensure a Democrat party because, if they put forward Trump alone, what would happen if, late in the day, Trump found himself in jail or similarly hamstrung?
Advice from those familiar with the American voting system appreciated.
Keep an eye on
on where and how the RNC (Republican National Congress) side of the Uniparty goes about business
Mike Pence has just withdrawn. Apparently reporters were more interested in his opinion of Trump’s comments than his policies.
My American opinion, of the American voting system is that it easy to ‘fortify’.
It is explained here …
2016 was an error, because of elite over confidence and disconnection from the public.
And blame was immediately put on Russia, Russia, Russia.
Now Trump popularity is due to brainwashing.
(The man is magnificent, even with a court imposed gag order, he is controlling my Climate skeptical, r@ci$t, transphobic fingers as I type this comment.)
The underlying causality is the urban Northeast social contempt for the unwashed masses in the hinterlands, which was the true main fuel for the first US Civil War.
(There were at least four slave states in the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the “rebellious states”.)
Our system allows states to be tightly controlled by one party, and is heavily favored to urban areas.
It is a current common trope among TDS sufferers, that if Trump is the nominee, a Dem win is assured.
(Hmm … then why are they using the full power of the hyper politicized Justice Department and their FBI lackeys to put him in jail and stop him from even appearing on ballots?)
The DS will not allow Trump to regain POTUS.
How far will they go?
My guess is all the way to Tiananmen Square.
If he does manage to return to POTUS, it will be BLM/Antifa George Floyd Mostly Peaceful Blue City Incineration all over again.
With an FDA/WHO SomethingDemic cherry on top.
Followed by space alien invasion.
There are two party factions in the US, MAGA vs. Uni20yearsinAfgahanistanUkraineDeepState.
Biden even says this out loud, the true ‘Republicans’ are his ‘friends’ that he has worked with to F over the average American for 50 years.
It’s those MAGA people that are a “threat to Our Democracy”.
The likely outcome of the 2024 American voting system, is the clear realization is that we don’t have one.
Or just what this guy says.
Career and succession planning doesn’t seem to be a strong point in political parties anywhere. Maybe North Korea has a brutal but effective system.
Genetically Modified Organons
“In this exchange currently blowing up around social media from the Senate Estimates hearings on the 26th October… the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is asked a very simple 2-part question.
“Why weren’t the mRNA vaccines tested for genotoxicity and
Why didn’t the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator look at it in terms of a gene technology?”
What they previously said (wrote) was that it wasn’t tested for genotoxicity because it was a vaccine…
The problem is that for the purposes of drug safety it isn’t a vaccine, it’s a genetic therapy.
Bear in mind that Onpattro (Patirisan) is a siRNA genetic technology, which is a short non-coding double-stranded RNA of only 21 nucleotides length (what could go wrong eh?) which are so effective they can stop the production of a whole protein pathway.
By comparison the COVID mRNA vaccines comprise nearly 4000 nucleotides. Imagine the havoc that could potentially result if you only need 21 nucleotides to shut down production of a single protein – and you now have 4000.
So Onpattro had to have genotoxicity studies, but the COVID mRNA vaccines didn’t?
Makes sense eh?”
“The Road Not Taken, EV Edition
There are a wide variety of worthy environmental interventions that have been left behind in the electric car mania.”
Good example of the opportunity costs of the EV obsession.
The whole AGW thingy has sucked the life out of virtually all environmental research which SHOULD be done but isn’t.
One study I would like to be done is into the cane toad. When I was a boy they were thick on the ground. On a warm wet night there would be a dozen under every street light and next morning they were splattered on the road. I can’t remember when I last saw a dead one on the road and the occasional individual I see in the back yard is pretty pathetic.
This could be because the suburbs are no longer such a good habitat with smaller, neater yards without chook pens or maybe the native predators have adapted [I once read that snakes have developed smaller mouths and can’t swallow the larger, most poisonous ones, or the crows flip them on their back and eat the stomach]. maybe something else.
Twenty years ago there was concern that they would get into Kakadu Park. Was this averted or do we simply not care any more. It sounds a fascinating research topic though.
News Flash: Global Warming causes planetary freezing, we’re all going to die.